Beispiel #1
Stmt Pipeline::make(std::string name, Stmt produce, Stmt update, Stmt consume) {
    internal_assert(produce.defined()) << "Pipeline of undefined\n";
    // update is allowed to be null
    internal_assert(consume.defined()) << "Pipeline of undefined\n";

    Pipeline *node = new Pipeline;
    node->name = name;
    node->produce = produce;
    node->update = update;
    node->consume = consume;
    return node;
Beispiel #2
Stmt IRRewriter::rewrite(Stmt s) {
  if (s.defined()) {
    Stmt spilledStmts = getSpilledStmts();
    if (spilledStmts.defined()) {
      stmt = Block::make(spilledStmts, stmt);
    s = stmt;
  else {
    s = Stmt();
  expr = Expr();
  stmt = Stmt();
  func = Func();
  return s;
Beispiel #3
 void visit(const IfThenElse *op) {
   Expr start = rewrite(op->condition);
   Stmt thenBody = rewrite(op->thenBody);
   Stmt elseBody = rewrite(op->elseBody);
   stmt = !elseBody.defined() ? IfThenElse::make(op->condition, thenBody) : 
          IfThenElse::make(op->condition, thenBody, elseBody);
Beispiel #4
Stmt Block::make(Stmt first, Stmt rest) {
    internal_assert(first.defined()) << "Block of undefined\n";
    // rest is allowed to be null

    Block *node = new Block;
    node->first = first;
    node->rest = rest;
    return node;
Beispiel #5
Stmt IRMutator::mutate(Stmt s) {
    if (s.defined()) {
    } else {
        stmt = Stmt();
    expr = Expr();
    return stmt;
Beispiel #6
Stmt IRMutator::mutate(const Stmt &s) {
    if (s.defined()) {
    } else {
        stmt = Stmt();
    expr = Expr();
    return std::move(stmt);
Beispiel #7
void IRRewriter::visit(const While *op) {
  Expr condition = rewrite(op->condition);
  Stmt spilledCond = getSpilledStmts();
  Stmt body = rewrite(op->body);
  if (condition == op->condition && body == op->body) {
    stmt = op;
  else {
    if (spilledCond.defined()) {
      body = Block::make(body, spilledCond);
    stmt = While::make(condition, body);
    if (spilledCond.defined()) {
      stmt = Block::make(spilledCond, stmt);
Beispiel #8
Stmt IfThenElse::make(Expr condition, Stmt then_case, Stmt else_case) {
    internal_assert(condition.defined() && then_case.defined()) << "IfThenElse of undefined\n";
    // else_case may be null.

    IfThenElse *node = new IfThenElse;
    node->condition = condition;
    node->then_case = then_case;
    node->else_case = else_case;
    return node;
Beispiel #9
Stmt LetStmt::make(std::string name, Expr value, Stmt body) {
    internal_assert(value.defined()) << "Let of undefined\n";
    internal_assert(body.defined()) << "Let of undefined\n";

    LetStmt *node = new LetStmt;
    node->name = name;
    node->value = value;
    node->body = body;
    return node;
Beispiel #10
void IRRewriter::visit(const IfThenElse *op) {
  Expr condition = rewrite(op->condition);
  Stmt spilledCond = getSpilledStmts();
  Stmt thenBody = rewrite(op->thenBody);
  Stmt elseBody = rewrite(op->elseBody);
  if (condition == op->condition && thenBody == op->thenBody &&
      elseBody == op->elseBody) {
    stmt = op;
  else {
    if (elseBody.defined()) {
      stmt = IfThenElse::make(condition, thenBody, elseBody);
    } else {
      stmt = IfThenElse::make(condition, thenBody);
    if (spilledCond.defined()) {
      stmt = Block::make(spilledCond, stmt);
Beispiel #11
void IRRewriter::visit(const Func *f) {
  Stmt body = rewrite(f->getBody());

  if (body == f->getBody()) {
    func = *f;
  else {
    if (!body.defined()) {
      body = Pass::make();
    func = Func(*f, body);
Beispiel #12
Func::Func(const std::string& name, const std::vector<Var>& arguments,
           const std::vector<Var>& results, const Stmt& body,
           const Environment& environment, Kind kind)
    : IntrusivePtr(new FuncContent) {
  ptr->kind = kind;
  ptr->name = name;
  ptr->arguments = arguments;
  ptr->results = results;
  ptr->env = environment;
  ptr->body = new Stmt();
  if (body.defined()) {
    *ptr->body = body;
Beispiel #13
Stmt For::make(std::string name, Expr min, Expr extent, ForType for_type, Stmt body) {
    internal_assert(min.defined()) << "For of undefined\n";
    internal_assert(extent.defined()) << "For of undefined\n";
    internal_assert(min.type().is_scalar()) << "For with vector min\n";
    internal_assert(extent.type().is_scalar()) << "For with vector extent\n";
    internal_assert(body.defined()) << "For of undefined\n";

    For *node = new For;
    node->name = name;
    node->min = min;
    node->extent = extent;
    node->for_type = for_type;
    node->body = body;
    return node;
Beispiel #14
Stmt lowerTranspose(Var target, const IndexExpr* iexpr,
                    Environment* env, Storage* storage) {

  Var source = to<VarExpr>(to<IndexedTensor>(iexpr->value)->tensor)->var;
  auto sourceIndex = storage->getStorage(source).getTensorIndex();
  auto targetIndex = storage->getStorage(target).getTensorIndex();

  auto sourceType = source.getType().toTensor();
  auto iRange   = sourceType->getOuterDimensions()[0];

  Var  i("i",  Int);
  Var ij("ij", Int);
  Var  j("j",  Int);

  Var locVar(INTERNAL_PREFIX("locVar"), Int);
  Stmt locStmt = CallStmt::make({locVar}, intrinsics::loc(),
                                {Load::make(sourceIndex.getColidxArray(),ij), i,
  Stmt body;
  auto blockType = *sourceType->getBlockType().toTensor();
  if (blockType.order() == 0) {  // Not blocked
    body = Store::make(target, locVar, Load::make(source, ij));
  else {  // Blocked
    simit_iassert(blockType.order() == 2);
    Var ii("ii", Int);
    Var jj("jj", Int);
    auto d1 = blockType.getOuterDimensions()[0];
    auto d2 = blockType.getOuterDimensions()[1];
    Expr l1 = Length::make(d1);
    Expr l2 = Length::make(d2);

    body = Store::make(target, locVar*l1*l2 + ii*l2 + jj,
                       Load::make(source, ij*l1*l2 + ii*l2 + jj));

    body = For::make(jj, ForDomain(d2), body);
    body = For::make(ii, ForDomain(d1), body);

  Expr start = Load::make(sourceIndex.getRowptrArray(), i);
  Expr stop  = Load::make(sourceIndex.getRowptrArray(), i+1);
  Stmt innerLoop  = ForRange::make(ij, start, stop, Block::make(locStmt, body));
  return For::make(i, iRange, innerLoop);
Beispiel #15
void IRRewriter::visit(const ForRange *op) {
  Expr start = rewrite(op->start);
  Expr end = rewrite(op->end);
  Stmt spilledBounds = getSpilledStmts();
  Stmt body = rewrite(op->body);
  if (body == op->body && start == op->start && end == op->end) {
    stmt = op;
  else {
    stmt = ForRange::make(op->var, start, end, body);
    if (spilledBounds.defined()) {
      stmt = Block::make(spilledBounds, stmt);
Beispiel #16
Stmt Allocate::make(std::string name, Type type, const std::vector<Expr> &extents,
                 Expr condition, Stmt body) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < extents.size(); i++) {
        internal_assert(extents[i].defined()) << "Allocate of undefined extent\n";
        internal_assert(extents[i].type().is_scalar() == 1) << "Allocate of vector extent\n";
    internal_assert(body.defined()) << "Allocate of undefined\n";

    Allocate *node = new Allocate;
    node->name = name;
    node->type = type;
    node->extents = extents;
    node->condition = condition;

    node->body = body;
    return node;
Beispiel #17
Stmt Realize::make(const std::string &name, const std::vector<Type> &types, const Region &bounds, Expr condition, Stmt body) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) {
        internal_assert(bounds[i].min.defined()) << "Realize of undefined\n";
        internal_assert(bounds[i].extent.defined()) << "Realize of undefined\n";
        internal_assert(bounds[i].min.type().is_scalar()) << "Realize of vector size\n";
        internal_assert(bounds[i].extent.type().is_scalar()) << "Realize of vector size\n";
    internal_assert(body.defined()) << "Realize of undefined\n";
    internal_assert(!types.empty()) << "Realize has empty type\n";

    Realize *node = new Realize;
    node->name = name;
    node->types = types;
    node->bounds = bounds;
    node->condition = condition;
    node->body = body;
    return node;
Beispiel #18
    void visit(const Block *op) {
        /* First we dig into the block traversing down the 'first'
         * stmt until we find one that is not a block. We push all of
         * the rest stmt's into the 'rest' stmt of the top-level
         * block, and then fix up the 'rest' stmt recursively at the
         * end. The result of this mutation is an equivalent Block
         * node that does not contain any Block nodes in a 'first' stmt.
        Stmt first = op->first;
        Stmt rest  = op->rest;
        while(const Block *first_block =<Block>()) {
            first = first_block->first;
            if (first_block->rest.defined()) {
                rest = rest.defined()? Block::make(first_block->rest, rest): first_block->rest;

        if (first.same_as(op->first)) {
            rest = mutate(rest);
            stmt = rest.same_as(op->rest)? op: Block::make(first, rest);
        } else {
            stmt = Block::make(first, mutate(rest));
Beispiel #19
void IRRewriter::visit(const Block *op) {
  Stmt first = rewrite(op->first);
  Stmt rest = rewrite(op->rest);
  if (first == op->first && rest == op->rest) {
    stmt = op;
  else {
    if (first.defined() && rest.defined()) {
      stmt = Block::make(first, rest);
    else if (first.defined() && !rest.defined()) {
      stmt = first;
    else if (!first.defined() && rest.defined()) {
      stmt = rest;
    else {
      stmt = Stmt();
Beispiel #20
Stmt IRMutator2::mutate(const Stmt &s) {
    return s.defined() ? ((const BaseStmtNode *)s.get())->mutate_stmt(this) : Stmt();