static IConstWorkUnit *getWorkunit(ICodeContext * ctx) { StringAttr wuid; wuid.setown(ctx->getWuid()); // One assumes we have read access to our own wu return getWorkunit(ctx, wuid); }
virtual int run() { int access = 0; int total = 0, mint = -1, maxt = 0; for(int i = 0; i < m_rounds; i++) { time_t start, stop; time(&start); { //synchronized block(m_mutex); Owned<ISecUser> usr = m_secmgr->createUser(m_user.get()); usr->credentials().setPassword(m_passwd.get()); //access = m_secmgr->authorizeFileScope(*usr, m_resource.get()); access = m_secmgr->authorizeEx(m_rtype, *usr, m_resource.get()); } time(&stop); int span = (int)(stop - start); total += span; if(mint == -1 || mint > span) mint = span; if(maxt < span) maxt = span; if((i+1)%100 == 0) DBGLOG("Finished %d times\n", i+1); } DBGLOG("Permission: %d, min: %d, max: %d, average:%f", access, mint, maxt, total*1.0/m_rounds); return 0; }
static IConstWorkUnit * getWorkunit(ICodeContext * ctx) { Owned<IWorkUnitFactory> factory = getWorkUnitFactory(); StringAttr wuid; wuid.setown(ctx->getWuid()); return factory->openWorkUnit(wuid, false); }
void splitXmlTagNamesFromXPath(const char *xpath, StringAttr &inner, StringAttr *outer=NULL) { if (!xpath || !xpath) return; StringBuffer s1; StringBuffer s2; appendNextXpathName(s1, xpath); if (outer && xpath) appendNextXpathName(s2, ++xpath); if (xpath) //xpath too deep return; if (!s2.length()) inner.set(s1.str()); else { inner.set(s2.str()); outer->set(s1.str()); } if (!inner.get()) inner.set(""); if (outer && !outer->get()) outer->set(""); }
bool finalizeOptions(IProperties *globals) { if (optInput.length()) { const char *in = optInput.get(); while (*in && isspace(*in)) in++; if (*in!='<') { StringBuffer content; content.loadFile(in); optInput.set(content.str()); } } if (optESDLDefID.isEmpty()) throw MakeStringException( 0, "ESDL definition ID must be provided!" ); if (optESDLService.isEmpty()) throw MakeStringException( 0, "ESDL service definition name must be provided!" ); if(optTargetESPProcName.isEmpty()) throw MakeStringException( 0, "Name of Target ESP process must be provided!" ); if (optPortOrName.isEmpty()) throw MakeStringException( 0, "Either the target ESP service port of name must be provided!" ); else { const char * portorname = optPortOrName.get(); isdigit(*portorname) ? optTargetPort.set(portorname) : optService.set(portorname); } return EsdlPublishCmdCommon::finalizeOptions(globals); }
static void splitGitFileName(const char *fullName, StringAttr &gitDir, StringAttr &revision, StringAttr &relPath) { assertex(fullName); const char *git = strstr(fullName, ".git" PATHSEPSTR "{" ); assertex(git); const char *tail = git+5; gitDir.set(fullName, tail-fullName); assertex (*tail=='{'); tail++; const char *end = strchr(tail, '}'); if (!end) throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid git repository filename - no matching } found"); revision.set(tail, end - tail); tail = end+1; if (*tail==PATHSEPCHAR) tail++; else if (*tail != 0) throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid git repository filename - " PATHSEPSTR " expected after }"); if (tail && *tail) { StringBuffer s(tail); s.replace(PATHSEPCHAR, '/'); relPath.set(s); } else relPath.clear(); // Check it's a valid git repository StringBuffer configName(gitDir); configName.append("config"); if (!checkFileExists(configName.str())) throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid git repository - config file %s not found", configName.str()); }
static void splitArchivedFileName(const char *fullName, StringAttr &container, StringAttr &option, StringAttr &relPath) { const char *tail = splitName(fullName); assertex(tail); size_t containerLen = tail-fullName; if (fullName[containerLen-1]==PATHSEPCHAR) containerLen--; container.set(fullName, containerLen); if (*tail=='{') { tail++; const char *end = strchr(tail, '}'); if (!end) throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid archive-embedded filename - no matching } found"); option.set(tail, end - tail); tail = end+1; if (*tail==PATHSEPCHAR) tail++; else if (*tail != 0) throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid archive-embedded filename - " PATHSEPSTR " expected after }"); } else option.clear(); if (tail && *tail) { StringBuffer s(tail); s.replace(PATHSEPCHAR, '/'); relPath.set(s); } else relPath.clear(); }
eclCmdOptionMatchIndicator EclCmdCommon::matchCommandLineOption(ArgvIterator &iter, bool finalAttempt) { bool boolValue; if (iter.matchFlag(boolValue, ECLOPT_VERSION)) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", BUILD_TAG); return EclCmdOptionCompletion; } if (iter.matchOption(optServer, ECLOPT_SERVER)||iter.matchOption(optServer, ECLOPT_SERVER_S)) return EclCmdOptionMatch; if (iter.matchOption(optPort, ECLOPT_PORT)) return EclCmdOptionMatch; if (iter.matchOption(optUsername, ECLOPT_USERNAME)||iter.matchOption(optUsername, ECLOPT_USERNAME_S)) return EclCmdOptionMatch; if (iter.matchOption(optPassword, ECLOPT_PASSWORD)||iter.matchOption(optPassword, ECLOPT_PASSWORD_S)) return EclCmdOptionMatch; if (iter.matchFlag(optVerbose, ECLOPT_VERBOSE) || iter.matchFlag(optVerbose, ECLOPT_VERBOSE_S)) return EclCmdOptionMatch; StringAttr tempArg; if (iter.matchOption(tempArg, "-brk")) { #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) unsigned id = atoi(tempArg.sget()); if (id == 0) DebugBreak(); else _CrtSetBreakAlloc(id); #endif return EclCmdOptionMatch; } if (finalAttempt) fprintf(stderr, "\n%s option not recognized\n", iter.query()); return EclCmdOptionNoMatch; }
bool connectionRemoteMachine(const StringBuffer& sPath, IConstEnvironment* pConstEnv) { bool rc = true; if (sPath.length() > 2 && sPath[0] == '\\' && sPath[1] == '\\') { const char* spath = sPath.str(); const char* cpos = strchr(spath + 2, '\\'); int pos = cpos? cpos - spath : -1; if (pos != -1) { char szComp[128]; strncpy(szComp, spath + 2, pos); StringBuffer computer(szComp); StringAttr userid; StringAttr pswd; try { //if computer is defined in hardware section then use its associated //login information, if any getAccountInfo(computer, userid, pswd, pConstEnv); } catch (...) { userid.clear(); pswd.clear(); } } } return rc; }
void getHeader(StringBuffer & header) const { header.append(senderHeader).append(sender.get()).append("\r\n"); header.append(toHeader).append(to.str()).append("\r\n"); header.append(subjectHeader).append(subject.get()).append("\r\n"); header.append("MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"); }
bool parseCommandLineOptions(ArgvIterator &iter) { if (iter.done()) { usage(); return false; } //First 5 parameter order is fixed. for (int cur = 0; cur < 5 && !iter.done(); cur++) { const char *arg = iter.query(); if (*arg != '-') { switch (cur) { case 0: optTargetESPProcName.set(arg); break; case 1: optBindingName.set(arg); break; case 2: optService.set(arg); break; case 3: optVersionStr.set(arg); break; case 4: optMethod.set(arg); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "\nUnrecognized positional argument detected : %s\n", arg); usage(); return false; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "\noption detected before required arguments: %s\n", arg); usage(); return false; }; } for (; !iter.done(); { if (parseCommandLineOption(iter)) continue; if (matchCommandLineOption(iter, true)!=EsdlCmdOptionMatch) return false; } return true; }
CPermissionCheckThread(ISecManager* secmgr, const char* user, const char* passwd, const char* r, SecResourceType rtype, int rounds) { m_secmgr = secmgr; m_user.set(user); m_passwd.set(passwd); m_resource.set(r); m_rtype = rtype; m_rounds = rounds; }
virtual bool finalizeOptions(IProperties *globals) { if (optWSProcAddress.isEmpty()) throw MakeStringException( 0, "Server address of WsESDLConfig process server must be provided" ); if (optWSProcPort.isEmpty()) throw MakeStringException( 0, "Port on which WsESDLConfig is listening must be provided" ); return true; }
void SplitIpPort(StringAttr & ip, unsigned & port, const char * address) { const char * colon = strchr(address, ':'); if (colon) { ip.set(address,colon-address); port = atoi(colon+1); } else ip.set(address); }
IHqlRemoteScope * XmlEclRepository::resolveScope(IProperties *props, const char * modname, bool deleteIfExists, bool createIfMissing) { Owned<IHqlRemoteScope> parentScope = LINK(rootScope); const char * item = modname; const char * dot; do { dot = strchr(item, '.'); _ATOM moduleName; StringAttr fullName; if (dot) { moduleName = createIdentifierAtom(item, dot-item); fullName.set(modname, dot - modname); item = dot + 1; } else { moduleName = createIdentifierAtom(item); fullName.set(modname); } //nested module already exist in parent scope? Owned<IHqlRemoteScope> rScope = parentScope->lookupRemoteModule(moduleName); if (!rScope && !createIfMissing) return NULL; if (rScope && deleteIfExists && !dot) { rScope->noteTextModified(); if (rScope->isEmpty()) parentScope->removeNestedScope(moduleName); return NULL; } if (!rScope) { rScope.setown(createRemoteScope(moduleName, fullName, this, dot ? NULL : props, NULL, true)); int flags = props->getPropInt("@flags", 0); parentScope->addNestedScope(rScope->queryScope(), flags); } else rScope->invalidateParsed(); parentScope.set(rScope); } while (dot); if (parentScope) parentScope->noteTextModified(); return parentScope.getLink(); }
void SplitIpPort(StringAttr & ip, unsigned & port, const char * address) { const char * colon = strchr(address, ':'); if (colon) { ip.set(address,colon-address); if (strcmp(ip, ".")==0) ip.set(GetCachedHostName()); port = atoi(colon+1); } else ip.set(address); }
CMethodInfo(const char * label, const char * req, const char * resp) //, const char *sectag, const char *optag,const char* minver=NULL, const char* maxver=NULL) { m_label.set(label); m_requestLabel.set(req); m_responseLabel.set(resp); /* if (sectag) m_securityTag.append(sectag); if (optag) m_optionalTag.append(optag); m_minVer = (minver)?atof(minver):-1; m_maxVer = (maxver)?atof(maxver):-1; */ };
bool doSwap(const char *oldip, const char *newip) { Owned<INode> newNode = createINode(newip); Owned<INode> oldNode = createINode(oldip); if (!group->isMember(oldNode)) { ERRLOG("Node %s is not part of group %s", oldip, groupName.get()); return false; } if (group->isMember(newNode)) { ERRLOG("Node %s is already part of group %s", newip, groupName.get()); return false; } queryNamedGroupStore().swapNode(oldNode->endpoint(),newNode->endpoint()); return true; }
void setPMID(const char *_target, const char *name, bool globalScope) { if (!name || !*name) throw MakeStringExceptionDirect(PKG_MISSING_PARAM, "PackageMap name parameter required"); if (!globalScope) { target.set(_target); if (target.isEmpty()) throw MakeStringExceptionDirect(PKG_MISSING_PARAM, "Target cluster parameter required"); ensureClusterInfo(); pmid.append(target).append("::"); } pmid.append(name); pmid.toLowerCase(); }
int processCMD() { Owned<IClientWsESDLConfig> esdlConfigClient = EsdlCmdHelper::getWsESDLConfigSoapService(optWSProcAddress, optWSProcPort, optUser, optPass); Owned<IClientPublishESDLBindingRequest> request = esdlConfigClient->createPublishESDLBindingRequest(); fprintf(stdout,"\nAttempting to configure ESDL Service: '%s'\n", optESDLService.get()); request->setEspProcName(optTargetESPProcName); request->setEspPort(optTargetPort); request->setEspServiceName(optService); request->setEsdlServiceName(optESDLService); request->setEsdlDefinitionID(optESDLDefID); request->setConfig(optInput); request->setOverwrite(optOverWrite); if (optVerbose) fprintf(stdout,"\nMethod config: %s\n", optInput.get()); Owned<IClientPublishESDLBindingResponse> resp = esdlConfigClient->PublishESDLBinding(request); if (resp->getExceptions().ordinality()>0) { EsdlCmdHelper::outputMultiExceptions(resp->getExceptions()); return 1; } fprintf(stdout, "\n %s.\n", resp->getStatus().getDescription()); return 0; }
bool testPath(const char *path) const { if (!dir) // if no dir in filter, match any return true; else return startsWith(path, dir.get()); }
bool parseCommandLineOption(ArgvIterator &iter) { StringAttr oneOption; if (iter.matchOption(oneOption, ESDLOPT_INCLUDE_PATH) || iter.matchOption(oneOption, ESDLOPT_INCLUDE_PATH_S)) { if(optIncludePath.length() > 0) optIncludePath.append(ENVSEPSTR); optIncludePath.append(oneOption.get()); return true; } if (EsdlPublishCmdCommon::parseCommandLineOption(iter)) return true; return false; }
void RemoteDataSourceServer::doCmdCreateWorkunit(MemoryBuffer & in, MemoryBuffer & out) { SessionId session; StringAttr wuid, username, password; unsigned sequence; StringAttr name;;;;;; DBGLOG("RemoteFileView:CreateWorkunit('%s',%d,'%s') by[%s:%" I64F "d", wuid.get(), sequence, name ? name.get() : "", username.get(), session); Owned<IConstWUResult> wuResult = resolveResult(wuid, sequence, name); Owned<IFvDataSource> ds = createDataSource(wuResult, wuid, username, password); unique_id_t id = addDataSource(session, ds); out.append((unsigned short)CurRemoteVersion); out.append(id); out.append(ds->numRows(false)); ds->queryMetaData()->serialize(out); out.append(ds->isIndex()); DBGLOG("RemoteFileView:CreateWorkunit returns %" I64F "d", id); }
void doCreate(const char *partname, const char *xml, unsigned updateFlags, StringArray &filesNotFound) { createPart(partname, xml); if (pmExisting) { if (!checkFlag(PKGADD_MAP_REPLACE)) throw MakeStringException(PKG_NAME_EXISTS, "PackageMap %s already exists, either delete it or specify overwrite", pmid.str()); } cloneDfsInfo(updateFlags, filesNotFound); if (pmExisting) packageMaps->removeTree(pmExisting); Owned<IPropertyTree> pmTree = createPTree("PackageMap", ipt_ordered); pmTree->setProp("@id", pmid); pmTree->setPropBool("@multipart", true); pmTree->addPropTree("Part", pmPart.getClear()); packageMaps->addPropTree("PackageMap", pmTree.getClear()); VStringBuffer xpath("PackageMap[@id='%s'][@querySet='%s']", pmid.str(), target.get()); Owned<IPropertyTree> pkgSet = getPkgSetRegistry(process, false); IPropertyTree *psEntry = pkgSet->queryPropTree(xpath); if (!psEntry) { psEntry = pkgSet->addPropTree("PackageMap", createPTree("PackageMap")); psEntry->setProp("@id", pmid); psEntry->setProp("@querySet", target); } makePackageActive(pkgSet, psEntry, target, checkFlag(PKGADD_MAP_ACTIVATE)); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getAccountInfo //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void getAccountInfo(const char* computer, StringAttr& user, StringAttr& pwd, IConstEnvironment* pConstEnv) { if (!pConstEnv) throw MakeStringException(-1, "No environment is available!"); Owned<IConstMachineInfo> machine = pConstEnv->getMachine(computer); if (!machine) { StringBuffer sComputer(computer); StringBuffer sExtra; if (sExtra.length() == 0) machine.setown( pConstEnv->getMachineByAddress(computer) ); if (!machine) throw MakeStringException(-1, "The computer '%s' is undefined!", computer); } Owned<IConstDomainInfo> domain = machine->getDomain(); if (!domain) throw MakeStringException(-1, "The computer '%s' does not have any domain information!", computer); StringBuffer x; domain->getName(StringBufferAdaptor(x)); if (x.length()) x.append(PATHSEPCHAR); domain->getAccountInfo(StringBufferAdaptor(x), StringAttrAdaptor(pwd)); user.set(x.str()); }
void read() { try { socket->read(inbuff,1,sizeof(inbuff),inlen); //MORE: the following is somewhat primitive and not RFC compliant (see bug 25951) - but it is a lot better than nothing if((*inbuff == '4') || (*inbuff == '5')) { StringBuffer b; b.append("Negative reply from mail server at ").append(mailServer.get()).append(":").append(port).append(" after writing ").append(lastAction.str()).append(" in SendEmail*: ").append(inlen, inbuff).clip(); WARNLOG("%s", b.str()); if (warnings) warnings->append(b.str()); } #ifdef SMTP_TRACE else { StringBuffer b(inlen, inbuff); b.clip(); DBGLOG("SMTP read: [%s]", b.str()); } #endif } catch(IException * e) { int code = e->errorCode(); StringBuffer buff; e->errorMessage(buff); e->Release(); throw MakeStringException(MSGAUD_operator, 0, "Exception %d (%s) in SendEmail* while reading from mail server %s:%u following %s", code, buff.str(), mailServer.get(), port, lastAction.str()); } }
void processOption(const char *option, const char *value, StringBuffer &eclccCmd, StringBuffer &eclccProgName, IPipeProcess &pipe, bool isLocal) { if (memicmp(option, "eclcc-", 6) == 0 || *option=='-') { //Allow eclcc-xx-<n> so that multiple values can be passed through for the same named debug symbol const char * start = option + (*option=='-' ? 1 : 6); const char * dash = strchr(start, '-'); // position of second dash, if present StringAttr optName; if (dash) optName.set(start, dash-start); else optName.set(start); if (stricmp(optName, "hook") == 0) { if (isLocal) throw MakeStringException(0, "eclcc-hook option can not be set per-workunit"); // for security reasons eclccProgName.set(value); } else if (stricmp(optName, "compileOption") == 0) eclccCmd.appendf(" -Wc,%s", value); else if (stricmp(optName, "includeLibraryPath") == 0) eclccCmd.appendf(" -I%s", value); else if (stricmp(optName, "libraryPath") == 0) eclccCmd.appendf(" -L%s", value); else if (stricmp(start, "-allow")==0) { if (isLocal) throw MakeStringException(0, "eclcc-allow option can not be set per-workunit"); // for security reasons eclccCmd.appendf(" -%s=%s", start, value); } else eclccCmd.appendf(" -%s=%s", start, value); } else if (strchr(option, '-')) { StringBuffer envVar; if (isLocal) envVar.append("WU_"); envVar.append(option); envVar.toUpperCase(); envVar.replace('-','_'); pipe.setenv(envVar, value); } else eclccCmd.appendf(" -f%s=%s", option, value); }
bool parseCommandLineOptions(ArgvIterator &iter) { if (iter.done()) { usage(); return false; } //First 4 parameter's order is fixed. //TargetESPProcessName //TargetESPBindingPort | TargetESPServiceName //ESDLDefinitionId //ESDLServiceName for (int cur = 0; cur < 4 && !iter.done(); cur++) { const char *arg = iter.query(); if (*arg != '-') { switch (cur) { case 0: optTargetESPProcName.set(arg); break; case 1: optPortOrName.set(arg); break; case 2: optESDLDefID.set(arg); break; case 3: optESDLService.set(arg); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "\nUnrecognized positional argument detected : %s\n", arg); usage(); return false; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "\nOption detected before required arguments: %s\n", arg); usage(); return false; }; } for (; !iter.done(); { if (parseCommandLineOption(iter)) continue; if (matchCommandLineOption(iter, true)!=EsdlCmdOptionMatch) return false; } return true; }
CMailInfo(char const * _to, char const * _subject, char const * _mailServer, unsigned _port, char const * _sender, StringArray *_warnings) : subject(_subject), mailServer(_mailServer), port(_port), sender(_sender), lastAction("process initialization"), inlen(0) { warnings = _warnings; CSMTPValidator validator; if(strlen(senderHeader) + sender.length() > 998) throw MakeStringException(0, "email sender address too long: %" I64F "u characters", static_cast<__uint64>(sender.length())); validator.validateAddress(sender.get(), "email sender address"); getRecipients(validator, _to); if(strlen(toHeader) + to.length() > 998) throw MakeStringException(0, "Email recipient address list too long: %u characters", to.length()); if(strlen(subjectHeader) + subject.length() > 998) throw MakeStringException(0, "Email subject too long: %" I64F "u characters", static_cast<__uint64>(subject.length())); validator.validateValue(subject.get(), "email subject"); }
virtual void init() { CMasterActivity::init(); helper = (IHThorKeyPatchArg *)queryHelper(); OwnedRoxieString originalHelperName(helper->getOriginalName()); OwnedRoxieString patchHelperName(helper->getPatchName()); OwnedRoxieString outputHelperName(helper->getOutputName()); StringBuffer expandedFileName; queryThorFileManager().addScope(container.queryJob(), originalHelperName, expandedFileName, false); originalName.set(expandedFileName); queryThorFileManager().addScope(container.queryJob(), patchHelperName, expandedFileName.clear(), false); patchName.set(expandedFileName); queryThorFileManager().addScope(container.queryJob(), outputHelperName, expandedFileName.clear(), false); outputName.set(expandedFileName); originalIndexFile.setown(queryThorFileManager().lookup(container.queryJob(), originalHelperName)); patchFile.setown(queryThorFileManager().lookup(container.queryJob(), patchHelperName)); if (originalIndexFile->numParts() != patchFile->numParts()) throw MakeActivityException(this, TE_KeyPatchIndexSizeMismatch, "Index %s and patch %s differ in width", originalName.get(), patchName.get()); if (originalIndexFile->querySuperFile() || patchFile->querySuperFile()) throw MakeActivityException(this, 0, "Patching super files not supported"); addReadFile(originalIndexFile); addReadFile(patchFile); width = originalIndexFile->numParts(); originalDesc.setown(originalIndexFile->getFileDescriptor()); patchDesc.setown(patchFile->getFileDescriptor()); Owned<IPartDescriptor> tlkDesc = originalDesc->getPart(originalDesc->numParts()-1); const char *kind = tlkDesc->queryProperties().queryProp("@kind"); local = NULL == kind || 0 != stricmp("topLevelKey", kind); if (!local && width > 1) width--; // 1 part == No n distributed / Monolithic key if (width > container.queryJob().querySlaves()) throw MakeActivityException(this, 0, "Unsupported: keypatch(%s, %s) - Cannot patch a key that's wider(%d) than the target cluster size(%d)", originalIndexFile->queryLogicalName(), patchFile->queryLogicalName(), width, container.queryJob().querySlaves()); IArrayOf<IGroup> groups; fillClusterArray(container.queryJob(), outputName, clusters, groups); newIndexDesc.setown(queryThorFileManager().create(container.queryJob(), outputName, clusters, groups, 0 != (KDPoverwrite & helper->getFlags()), 0, !local, width)); if (!local) newIndexDesc->queryPart(newIndexDesc->numParts()-1)->queryProperties().setProp("@kind", "topLevelKey"); }