Beispiel #1
	char buf[1024];
	int readbytes;
	StringBuffer retval;
		readbytes = this->read(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, true); // throws on error
		buf[readbytes] = 0; // null-terminate the buffer
		retval += buf;
	} while (readbytes > 0); // keep going until we don't fill up the buffer.
	return retval.releaseString();
Beispiel #2
URL::toString() const
	StringBuffer retval;
	if (!scheme.empty())
		retval += scheme;
		retval += "://";
	if (!principal.empty() || !credential.empty())
		retval += principal;
		if (!credential.empty())
			retval += ':';
			retval += credential;
		retval += '@';
	retval += host;
	if (!port.empty())
		retval += ":";
		retval += port;
	if (!namespaceName.empty())
		retval += '/';
		retval += namespaceName;
		// can only have a modelPath if we have namespaceName
		if (!modelPath.empty())
			retval += "/:";
			retval += modelPath;
	return retval.releaseString();
CIMQualifierType::toMOF() const
	size_t i;
	StringBuffer rv;
	rv = "Qualifier ";
	rv += m_pdata->m_name.toString();
	rv += " : ";
	rv += m_pdata->m_dataType.toMOF();
	if (m_pdata->m_dataType.isArrayType())
		rv += '[';
		if (m_pdata->m_dataType.getSize() != -1) // -1 means unlimited
			rv += m_pdata->m_dataType.getSize();
		rv += ']';
	if (m_pdata->m_defaultValue)
		rv += " = ";
		rv += m_pdata->m_defaultValue.toMOF();
	if (m_pdata->m_scope.size() > 0)
		rv += ", Scope(";
		CIMScopeArray scopes(m_pdata->m_scope);
		std::sort(scopes.begin(), scopes.end());
		for (i = 0; i < scopes.size(); i++)
			if (i > 0)
				rv += ',';
			rv += scopes[i].toMOF();
		rv += ')';
	if (m_pdata->m_flavor.size() > 0)
		CIMFlavorArray toPrint;
		// first filter out the default flavors.
		for (i = 0; i < m_pdata->m_flavor.size(); i++)
			if (m_pdata->m_flavor[i].getFlavor() != CIMFlavor::ENABLEOVERRIDE
				&& m_pdata->m_flavor[i].getFlavor() != CIMFlavor::TOSUBCLASS)
		if (toPrint.size() > 0)
			rv += ", Flavor(";
			for (i = 0; i < toPrint.size(); i++)
				if (i > 0)
					rv += ',';
				rv += toPrint[i].toMOF();
			rv += ')';
	rv += ";\n";
	return rv.releaseString();