Beispiel #1
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.destroy.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinDestroy(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                       SILLocation loc,
                                       SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                       ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                       CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                       SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() == 2 && "destroy should have two arguments");
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1 &&
         "destroy should have a single substitution");
  // The substitution determines the type of the thing we're destroying.
  auto &ti = gen.getTypeLowering(substitutions[0].getReplacement());
  // Destroy is a no-op for trivial types.
  if (ti.isTrivial())
    return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));
  SILType destroyType = ti.getLoweredType();

  // Convert the pointer argument to a SIL address.
  SILValue addr =
    gen.B.createPointerToAddress(loc, args[1].getUnmanagedValue(),
                                 /*isStrict*/ true);
  // Destroy the value indirectly. Canonicalization will promote to loads
  // and releases if appropriate.
  gen.B.createDestroyAddr(loc, addr);
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));
Beispiel #2
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinAssign(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                      SILLocation loc,
                                      SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                      ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                      CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                      SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() >= 2 && "assign should have two arguments");
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1 &&
         "assign should have a single substitution");

  // The substitution determines the type of the thing we're destroying.
  CanType assignFormalType = substitutions[0].getReplacement()->getCanonicalType();
  SILType assignType = gen.getLoweredType(assignFormalType);
  // Convert the destination pointer argument to a SIL address.
  SILValue addr = gen.B.createPointerToAddress(loc,
                                               /*isStrict*/ true);
  // Build the value to be assigned, reconstructing tuples if needed.
  auto src = RValue::withPreExplodedElements(args.slice(0, args.size() - 1),
  std::move(src).assignInto(gen, loc, addr);

  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));
Beispiel #3
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.castReference.
static ManagedValue
emitBuiltinCastReference(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                         SILLocation loc,
                         SubstitutionList substitutions,
                         ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                         SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "castReference should be given one argument");
  assert(substitutions.size() == 2 && "castReference should have two subs");

  auto fromTy = substitutions[0].getReplacement();
  auto toTy = substitutions[1].getReplacement();
  auto &fromTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(fromTy);
  auto &toTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(toTy);
  assert(!fromTL.isTrivial() && !toTL.isTrivial() && "expected ref type");

  if (!fromTL.isAddress() || !toTL.isAddress()) { 
    if (auto refCast = SGF.B.tryCreateUncheckedRefCast(loc, args[0].getValue(),
                                                       toTL.getLoweredType())) {
      // Create a reference cast, forwarding the cleanup.
      // The cast takes the source reference.
      return ManagedValue(refCast, args[0].getCleanup());
  // We are either casting between address-only types, or cannot promote to a
  // cast of reference values.
  // If the from/to types are invalid, then use a cast that will fail at
  // runtime. We cannot catch these errors with SIL verification because they
  // may legitimately occur during code specialization on dynamically
  // unreachable paths.
  // TODO: For now, we leave invalid casts in address form so that the runtime
  // will trap. We could emit a noreturn call here instead which would provide
  // more information to the optimizer.
  SILValue srcVal = args[0].forward(SGF);
  SILValue fromAddr;
  if (!fromTL.isAddress()) {
    // Move the loadable value into a "source temp".  Since the source and
    // dest are RC identical, store the reference into the source temp without
    // a retain. The cast will load the reference from the source temp and
    // store it into a dest temp effectively forwarding the cleanup.
    fromAddr = SGF.emitTemporaryAllocation(loc, srcVal->getType());
    fromTL.emitStore(SGF.B, loc, srcVal, fromAddr,
  } else {
    // The cast loads directly from the source address.
    fromAddr = srcVal;
  // Create a "dest temp" to hold the reference after casting it.
  SILValue toAddr = SGF.emitTemporaryAllocation(loc, toTL.getLoweredType());
  SGF.B.createUncheckedRefCastAddr(loc, fromAddr, fromTy->getCanonicalType(),
                                   toAddr, toTy->getCanonicalType());
  // Forward it along and register a cleanup.
  if (toTL.isAddress())
    return SGF.emitManagedBufferWithCleanup(toAddr);

  // Load the destination value.
  auto result = toTL.emitLoad(SGF.B, loc, toAddr, LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take);
  return SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(result);
Beispiel #4
static ManagedValue emitCastToReferenceType(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                            SILLocation loc,
                                            SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                            ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                            SGFContext C,
                                            SILType objPointerType) {
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "cast should have a single argument");
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1 && "cast should have a type substitution");
  // Bail if the source type is not a class reference of some kind.
  if (!substitutions[0].getReplacement()->mayHaveSuperclass() &&
      !substitutions[0].getReplacement()->isClassExistentialType()) {
    SGF.SGM.diagnose(loc, diag::invalid_sil_builtin,
                     "castToNativeObject source must be a class");
    SILValue undef = SILUndef::get(objPointerType, SGF.SGM.M);
    return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(undef);

  // Grab the argument.
  ManagedValue arg = args[0];

  // If the argument is existential, open it.
  if (substitutions[0].getReplacement()->isClassExistentialType()) {
    auto openedTy
      = ArchetypeType::getOpened(substitutions[0].getReplacement());
    SILType loweredOpenedTy = SGF.getLoweredLoadableType(openedTy);
    arg = SGF.B.createOpenExistentialRef(loc, arg, loweredOpenedTy);

  // Return the cast result.
  return SGF.B.createUncheckedRefCast(loc, arg, objPointerType);
Beispiel #5
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.castReferenceFromBridgeObject.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinCastReferenceFromBridgeObject(
                                                  SILGenFunction &gen,
                                                  SILLocation loc,
                                                  SubstitutionList subs,
                                                  ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                                  CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                                  SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "cast should have one argument");
  assert(subs.size() == 1 && "cast should have a type substitution");

  // The substitution determines the destination type.
  SILType destType = gen.getLoweredType(subs[0].getReplacement());
  // Bail if the source type is not a class reference of some kind.
  if (!subs[0].getReplacement()->isBridgeableObjectType()
      || !destType.isObject()) {
    gen.SGM.diagnose(loc, diag::invalid_sil_builtin,
                 "castReferenceFromBridgeObject dest must be an object type");
    // Recover by propagating an undef result.
    SILValue result = SILUndef::get(destType, gen.SGM.M);
    return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(result);
  SILValue result = gen.B.createBridgeObjectToRef(loc, args[0].forward(gen),
  return gen.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(result);
Beispiel #6
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinAllocWithTailElems(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                              SILLocation loc,
                                              SubstitutionList subs,
                                              ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                              CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                              SGFContext C) {
  unsigned NumTailTypes = subs.size() - 1;
  assert(args.size() == NumTailTypes * 2 + 1 &&
         "wrong number of substitutions for allocWithTailElems");

  // The substitution determines the element type for bound memory.
  SILType RefType = gen.getLoweredType(subs[0].getReplacement()->

  SmallVector<ManagedValue, 4> Counts;
  SmallVector<SILType, 4> ElemTypes;
  for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < NumTailTypes; ++Idx) {
    Counts.push_back(args[Idx * 2 + 1]);
  ManagedValue Metatype = args[0];
  if (isa<MetatypeInst>(Metatype)) {
    assert(Metatype.getType().getMetatypeInstanceType(gen.SGM.M) == RefType &&
           "substituted type does not match operand metatype");
    return gen.B.createAllocRef(loc, RefType, false, false,
                                ElemTypes, Counts);
  } else {
    return gen.B.createAllocRefDynamic(loc, Metatype, RefType, false,
                                       ElemTypes, Counts);
Beispiel #7
static ManagedValue emitCastFromReferenceType(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                         SILLocation loc,
                                         SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                         ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                         SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "cast should have a single argument");
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1 &&
         "cast should have a single substitution");

  // The substitution determines the destination type.
  SILType destType = gen.getLoweredType(substitutions[0].getReplacement());
  // Bail if the source type is not a class reference of some kind.
  if (!substitutions[0].getReplacement()->isBridgeableObjectType()
      || !destType.isObject()) {
    gen.SGM.diagnose(loc, diag::invalid_sil_builtin,
                     "castFromNativeObject dest must be an object type");
    // Recover by propagating an undef result.
    SILValue result = SILUndef::get(destType, gen.SGM.M);
    return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(result);
  // Save the cleanup on the argument so we can forward it onto the cast
  // result.
  auto cleanup = args[0].getCleanup();

  // Take the reference type argument and cast it.
  SILValue result = gen.B.createUncheckedRefCast(loc, args[0].getValue(),
  // Return the cast result with the original cleanup.
  return ManagedValue(result, cleanup);
Beispiel #8
static void emitTypeTraitBuiltin(IRGenFunction &IGF,
                                 Explosion &out,
                                 Explosion &args,
                                 SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                 TypeTraitResult (TypeBase::*trait)()) {
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1
         && "type trait should have gotten single type parameter");
  // Lower away the trait to a tristate 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = maybe.
  unsigned result;
  switch ((substitutions[0].getReplacement().getPointer()->*trait)()) {
  case TypeTraitResult::IsNot:
    result = 0;
  case TypeTraitResult::Is:
    result = 1;
  case TypeTraitResult::CanBe:
    result = 2;

  out.add(llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.Int8Ty, result));
Beispiel #9
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.reinterpretCast.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinReinterpretCast(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                         SILLocation loc,
                                         SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                         ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                         CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                         SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "reinterpretCast should be given one argument");
  assert(substitutions.size() == 2 && "reinterpretCast should have two subs");
  auto &fromTL = gen.getTypeLowering(substitutions[0].getReplacement());
  auto &toTL = gen.getTypeLowering(substitutions[1].getReplacement());
  // If casting between address-only types, cast the address.
  if (!fromTL.isLoadable() || !toTL.isLoadable()) {
    SILValue fromAddr;

    // If the from value is loadable, move it to a buffer.
    if (fromTL.isLoadable()) {
      fromAddr = gen.emitTemporaryAllocation(loc, args[0].getValue()->getType());
      fromTL.emitStore(gen.B, loc, args[0].getValue(), fromAddr,
    } else {
      fromAddr = args[0].getValue();
    auto toAddr = gen.B.createUncheckedAddrCast(loc, fromAddr,
    // Load and retain the destination value if it's loadable. Leave the cleanup
    // on the original value since we don't know anything about it's type.
    if (toTL.isLoadable()) {
      return gen.emitManagedLoadCopy(loc, toAddr, toTL);
    // Leave the cleanup on the original value.
    if (toTL.isTrivial())
      return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(toAddr);

    // Initialize the +1 result buffer without taking the incoming value. The
    // source and destination cleanups will be independent.
    return gen.B.bufferForExpr(
        loc, toTL.getLoweredType(), toTL, C,
        [&](SILValue bufferAddr) {
          gen.B.createCopyAddr(loc, toAddr, bufferAddr, IsNotTake,
  // Create the appropriate bitcast based on the source and dest types.
  auto &in = args[0];
  SILValue out = gen.B.createUncheckedBitCast(loc, in.getValue(),

  // If the cast reduces to unchecked_ref_cast, then the source and dest
  // have identical cleanup, so just forward the cleanup as an optimization.
  if (isa<UncheckedRefCastInst>(out))
    return ManagedValue(out, in.getCleanup());

  // Otherwise leave the original cleanup and retain the cast value.
  return gen.emitManagedRetain(loc, out, toTL);
Beispiel #10
static ManagedValue
emitBuiltinIsUniqueOrPinned(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                               SILLocation loc,
                               SubstitutionList subs,
                               ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                               SGFContext C) {
  assert(subs.size() == 1 && "isUnique should have a single substitution");
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "isUnique should have a single argument");
  assert((args[0].getType().isAddress() && !args[0].hasCleanup()) &&
         "Builtin.isUnique takes an address.");

  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(
    SGF.B.createIsUniqueOrPinned(loc, args[0].getValue()));
Beispiel #11
static ManagedValue
emitBuiltinIsUniqueOrPinned_native(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                   SILLocation loc,
                                   SubstitutionList subs,
                                   ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                   SGFContext C) {

  assert(subs.size() == 1 && "isUniqueOrPinned_native should have one sub.");
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "isUniqueOrPinned_native should have one arg.");

  auto ToType =
  auto toAddr = SGF.B.createUncheckedAddrCast(loc, args[0].getValue(), ToType);
  SILValue result = SGF.B.createIsUniqueOrPinned(loc, toAddr);
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(result);
Beispiel #12
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinBindMemory(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                          SILLocation loc,
                                          SubstitutionList subs,
                                          ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                          SGFContext C) {
  assert(subs.size() == 1 && "bindMemory should have a single substitution");
  assert(args.size() == 3 && "bindMemory should have three argument");

  // The substitution determines the element type for bound memory.
  CanType boundFormalType = subs[0].getReplacement()->getCanonicalType();
  SILType boundType = SGF.getLoweredType(boundFormalType);

  SGF.B.createBindMemory(loc, args[0].getValue(),
                         args[1].getValue(), boundType);

  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(SGF.emitEmptyTuple(loc));
Beispiel #13
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.gep.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinGep(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                   SILLocation loc,
                                   SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                   ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                   CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                   SGFContext C) {
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1 && "gep should have two substitutions");
  assert(args.size() == 3 && "gep should be given three arguments");

  SILType ElemTy = gen.getLoweredType(substitutions[0].getReplacement());
  SILType RawPtrType = args[0].getUnmanagedValue()->getType();
  SILValue addr = gen.B.createPointerToAddress(loc, args[0].getUnmanagedValue(),
                                               ElemTy.getAddressType(), true);
  addr = gen.B.createIndexAddr(loc, addr, args[1].getUnmanagedValue());
  addr = gen.B.createAddressToPointer(loc, addr, RawPtrType);

  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(addr);
Beispiel #14
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinTypeTrait(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                        SILLocation loc,
                                        SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                        ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                        CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                        SGFContext C) {
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1
         && "type trait should take a single type parameter");
  assert(args.size() == 1
         && "type trait should take a single argument");
  unsigned result;
  auto traitTy = substitutions[0].getReplacement()->getCanonicalType();
  switch ((traitTy.getPointer()->*Trait)()) {
  // If the type obviously has or lacks the trait, emit a constant result.
  case TypeTraitResult::IsNot:
    result = 0;
  case TypeTraitResult::Is:
    result = 1;
  // If not, emit the builtin call normally. Specialization may be able to
  // eliminate it later, or we'll lower it away at IRGen time.
  case TypeTraitResult::CanBe: {
    auto &C = gen.getASTContext();
    auto int8Ty = BuiltinIntegerType::get(8, C)->getCanonicalType();
    auto apply = gen.B.createBuiltin(loc,
                                     substitutions, args[0].getValue());
    return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(apply);
  // Produce the result as an integer literal constant.
  auto val = gen.B.createIntegerLiteral(
      loc, SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(8, gen.getASTContext()),
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(val);
Beispiel #15
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinProjectTailElems(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                                SILLocation loc,
                                                SubstitutionList subs,
                                                ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                                SGFContext C) {
  assert(subs.size() == 2 &&
         "allocWithTailElems should have two substitutions");
  assert(args.size() == 2 &&
         "allocWithTailElems should have three arguments");

  // The substitution determines the element type for bound memory.
  SILType ElemType = SGF.getLoweredType(subs[1].getReplacement()->

  SILValue result = SGF.B.createRefTailAddr(loc, args[0].getValue(),
  SILType rawPointerType = SILType::getRawPointerType(SGF.F.getASTContext());
  result = SGF.B.createAddressToPointer(loc, result, rawPointerType);
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(result);
Beispiel #16
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.bridgeFromRawPointer.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinBridgeFromRawPointer(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                        SILLocation loc,
                                        SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                        ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                        SGFContext C) {
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1 &&
         "bridge should have a single substitution");
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "bridge should have a single argument");
  // The substitution determines the destination type.
  // FIXME: Archetype destination type?
  auto &destLowering = SGF.getTypeLowering(substitutions[0].getReplacement());
  SILType destType = destLowering.getLoweredType();

  // Take the raw pointer argument and cast it to the destination type.
  SILValue result = SGF.B.createRawPointerToRef(loc, args[0].getUnmanagedValue(),
  // The result has ownership semantics, so retain it with a cleanup.
  return SGF.emitManagedRetain(loc, result, destLowering);
Beispiel #17
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.getTailAddr.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinGetTailAddr(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                           SILLocation loc,
                                           SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                           ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                           SGFContext C) {
  assert(substitutions.size() == 2 && "getTailAddr should have two substitutions");
  assert(args.size() == 4 && "gep should be given four arguments");

  SILType ElemTy = SGF.getLoweredType(substitutions[0].getReplacement());
  SILType TailTy = SGF.getLoweredType(substitutions[1].getReplacement());
  SILType RawPtrType = args[0].getUnmanagedValue()->getType();
  SILValue addr = SGF.B.createPointerToAddress(loc, args[0].getUnmanagedValue(),
                                               /*strict*/ true,
                                               /*invariant*/ false);
  addr = SGF.B.createTailAddr(loc, addr, args[1].getUnmanagedValue(),
  addr = SGF.B.createAddressToPointer(loc, addr, RawPtrType);

  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(addr);
Beispiel #18
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.castToBridgeObject.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinCastToBridgeObject(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                                  SILLocation loc,
                                                  SubstitutionList subs,
                                                  ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                                  CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                                  SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() == 2 && "cast should have two arguments");
  assert(subs.size() == 1 && "cast should have a type substitution");
  // Take the reference type argument and cast it to BridgeObject.
  SILType objPointerType = SILType::getBridgeObjectType(gen.F.getASTContext());

  // Bail if the source type is not a class reference of some kind.
  if (!subs[0].getReplacement()->mayHaveSuperclass() &&
      !subs[0].getReplacement()->isClassExistentialType()) {
    gen.SGM.diagnose(loc, diag::invalid_sil_builtin,
                     "castToBridgeObject source must be a class");
    SILValue undef = SILUndef::get(objPointerType, gen.SGM.M);
    return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(undef);
  // Save the cleanup on the argument so we can forward it onto the cast
  // result.
  auto refCleanup = args[0].getCleanup();
  SILValue ref = args[0].getValue();
  SILValue bits = args[1].getUnmanagedValue();
  // If the argument is existential, open it.
  if (subs[0].getReplacement()->isClassExistentialType()) {
    auto openedTy
      = ArchetypeType::getOpened(subs[0].getReplacement());
    SILType loweredOpenedTy = gen.getLoweredLoadableType(openedTy);
    ref = gen.B.createOpenExistentialRef(loc, ref, loweredOpenedTy);
    gen.setArchetypeOpeningSite(openedTy, ref);
  SILValue result = gen.B.createRefToBridgeObject(loc, ref, bits);
  return ManagedValue(result, refCleanup);
int Specialization::substituteVariablesWithConst(SgNode* node, ConstReporter* constReporter) {
   typedef pair<SgExpression*,int> SubstitutionPair;
   typedef list<SubstitutionPair > SubstitutionList;
   SubstitutionList substitutionList;
   RoseAst ast(node);
   for(RoseAst::iterator i=ast.begin();i!=ast.end();++i) {
     if(constReporter->isConst(*i)) {
       int varIntValue=constReporter->getConstInt();
       SgVarRefExp* varRefExp=constReporter->getVarRefExp();
       SubstitutionPair p=make_pair(varRefExp,varIntValue);
   for(SubstitutionList::iterator i=substitutionList.begin(); i!=substitutionList.end(); ++i) {
     // buildSignedIntType()
     // buildFloatType()
     // buildDoubleType()
     // SgIntVal* buildIntVal(int)
   return (int)substitutionList.size();
Beispiel #20
static ManagedValue emitCastToReferenceType(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                            SILLocation loc,
                                            SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                            ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                            SGFContext C,
                                            SILType objPointerType) {
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "cast should have a single argument");
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1 && "cast should have a type substitution");
  // Bail if the source type is not a class reference of some kind.
  if (!substitutions[0].getReplacement()->mayHaveSuperclass() &&
      !substitutions[0].getReplacement()->isClassExistentialType()) {
    gen.SGM.diagnose(loc, diag::invalid_sil_builtin,
                     "castToNativeObject source must be a class");
    SILValue undef = SILUndef::get(objPointerType, gen.SGM.M);
    return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(undef);
  // Save the cleanup on the argument so we can forward it onto the cast
  // result.
  auto cleanup = args[0].getCleanup();
  SILValue arg = args[0].getValue();

  // If the argument is existential, open it.
  if (substitutions[0].getReplacement()->isClassExistentialType()) {
    auto openedTy
      = ArchetypeType::getOpened(substitutions[0].getReplacement());
    SILType loweredOpenedTy = gen.getLoweredLoadableType(openedTy);
    arg = gen.B.createOpenExistentialRef(loc, arg, loweredOpenedTy);
    gen.setArchetypeOpeningSite(openedTy, arg);

  SILValue result = gen.B.createUncheckedRefCast(loc, arg, objPointerType);
  // Return the cast result with the original cleanup.
  return ManagedValue(result, cleanup);
Beispiel #21
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.load and Builtin.take.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinLoadOrTake(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                          SILLocation loc,
                                          SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                          ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                          CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                          SGFContext C,
                                          IsTake_t isTake,
                                          bool isStrict) {
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1 && "load should have single substitution");
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "load should have a single argument");
  // The substitution gives the type of the load.  This is always a
  // first-class type; there is no way to e.g. produce a @weak load
  // with this builtin.
  auto &rvalueTL = gen.getTypeLowering(substitutions[0].getReplacement());
  SILType loadedType = rvalueTL.getLoweredType();

  // Convert the pointer argument to a SIL address.
  SILValue addr = gen.B.createPointerToAddress(loc, args[0].getUnmanagedValue(),
  // Perform the load.
  return gen.emitLoad(loc, addr, rvalueTL, C, isTake);