Beispiel #1
TAO_Acceptor_Registry::is_collocated (const TAO_MProfile &mprofile)
  TAO_AcceptorSetIterator const end = this->end ();
  CORBA::ULong const count = mprofile.profile_count ();

  // If at least one endpoint in one of the profiles matches one of
  // the acceptors, we are collocated.
  for (TAO_AcceptorSetIterator i = this->begin (); i != end; ++i)
      for (TAO_PHandle j = 0; j != count; ++j)
          const TAO_Profile *profile = mprofile.get_profile (j);

          // @@ We need to invoke a nonconst <endpoint> method on
          //    <profile>.  The content of profile/endpoint will not
          //    be modified.
          TAO_Profile *pf = const_cast<TAO_Profile *> (profile);

          // Check all endpoints for address equality.
          if ((*i)->tag () == pf->tag ())
              // @note This can be a potentially expensive (O(n^2))
              //       operation if the below is_collocated() call
              //       also executes a loop.
              for (TAO_Endpoint *endp = pf->endpoint ();
                   endp != 0;
                   endp = endp->next ())
                  if ((*i)->is_collocated (endp))
                      return true;

  return false;
Beispiel #2
TAO::SSLIOP::Acceptor::create_shared_profile (const TAO::ObjectKey &object_key,
                                              TAO_MProfile &mprofile,
                                              CORBA::Short priority)
  size_t index = 0;
  TAO_Profile *pfile = 0;
  TAO_SSLIOP_Profile *ssliop_profile = 0;

  // First see if <mprofile> already contains a SSLIOP profile.
  for (TAO_PHandle i = 0; i != mprofile.profile_count (); ++i)
      pfile = mprofile.get_profile (i);
      if (pfile->tag () == IOP::TAG_INTERNET_IOP)
          ssliop_profile = dynamic_cast<TAO_SSLIOP_Profile *> (pfile);
          if (ssliop_profile == 0)
            return -1;

  // If <mprofile> doesn't contain SSLIOP_Profile, we need to create
  // one.
  if (ssliop_profile == 0)
      // @@ We need to create an SSLIOP::SSL component for the object
      //    we're creating an MProfile for.  This will allow us to
      //    properly embed secure invocation policies in the generated
      //    IOR, i.e. secure invocation policies on a per-object
      //    basis, rather than on a per-endpoint basis.  If no secure
      //    invocation policies have been set then we should use the
      //    below default SSLIOP::SSL component.
      ACE_NEW_RETURN (ssliop_profile,
                      TAO_SSLIOP_Profile (this->hosts_[0],
                                            this->addrs_[0].get_port_number (),

      TAO_SSLIOP_Endpoint * const ssliop_endp =
        dynamic_cast<TAO_SSLIOP_Endpoint *> (ssliop_profile->endpoint ());

      if (!ssliop_endp)
        return -1;

      ssliop_endp->priority (priority);
      ssliop_endp->iiop_endpoint ()->priority (priority);

      if (mprofile.give_profile (ssliop_profile) == -1)
          ssliop_profile->_decr_refcnt ();
          ssliop_profile = 0;
          return -1;

      if (this->orb_core_->orb_params ()->std_profile_components () != 0)
          ssliop_profile->tagged_components ().set_orb_type (TAO_ORB_TYPE);

          TAO_Codeset_Manager *csm = this->orb_core_->codeset_manager();
          if (csm)

          IOP::TaggedComponent component;
          component.tag = ::SSLIOP::TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS;
          // @@???? Check this code, only intended as guideline...
          TAO_OutputCDR cdr;
          cdr << TAO_OutputCDR::from_boolean (TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER);

          // @@ We need to create an SSLIOP::SSL component for the
          //    object we're creating an MProfile for.  This will
          //    allow us to properly embed secure invocation policies
          //    in the generated IOR, i.e. secure invocation policies
          //    on a per-object basis, rather than on a per-endpoint
          //    basis.  If no secure invocation policies have been set
          //    then we should use the below default SSLIOP::SSL
          //    component.
          cdr << this->ssl_component_;

          // TAO extension, replace the contents of the octet sequence with
          // the CDR stream
          CORBA::ULong length = cdr.total_length ();
          component.component_data.length (length);
          CORBA::Octet *buf = component.component_data.get_buffer ();
          for (const ACE_Message_Block *i = cdr.begin ();
               i != 0;
               i = i->cont ())
              ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, i->rd_ptr (), i->length ());
              buf += i->length ();

          ssliop_profile->tagged_components ().set_component (component);

      index = 1;

  // Add any remaining endpoints to the SSLIOP_Profile.
  for (;
       index < this->endpoint_count_;
      TAO_SSLIOP_Endpoint *ssl_endp = 0;
      TAO_IIOP_Endpoint *iiop_endp = 0;
      ACE_NEW_RETURN (iiop_endp,
                      TAO_IIOP_Endpoint (this->hosts_[index],
                                         this->addrs_[index].get_port_number (),
      iiop_endp->priority (priority);

      ACE_NEW_RETURN (ssl_endp,
                      TAO_SSLIOP_Endpoint (&(this->ssl_component_),

      ssl_endp->priority (priority);
      ssliop_profile->add_endpoint (ssl_endp);

  return 0;
TAO_RT_Invocation_Endpoint_Selector::select_endpoint_based_on_client_protocol_policy (
    TAO::Profile_Transport_Resolver &r,
    RTCORBA::ClientProtocolPolicy_ptr client_protocol_policy,
    RTCORBA::ProtocolList &client_protocols,
    ACE_Time_Value *val)
  CORBA::Boolean valid_profile_found = false;

  // Even though cycling through all the protocols is the correct
  // things to do to find a match, starting from the start of the
  // profile list is not.  In addition, this code is also ignoring the
  // forwarded reference (if it exists).  This behavior is caused by
  // problems with the profile management in TAO which are documented
  // in bugzilla bugs 1237, 1238, and 1239.  Once the above problems
  // are fixed, this behavior should be fixed to do the right thing.
  for (CORBA::ULong protocol_index = 0;
       protocol_index < client_protocols.length ();
      // Find the profiles that match the current protocol.
      TAO_Profile *profile = 0;
      TAO_MProfile &mprofile = (r.stub ()->forward_profiles() == 0) ?
        r.stub ()->base_profiles () : *r.stub ()->forward_profiles();

      for (TAO_PHandle i = 0;
           i < mprofile.profile_count ();
          profile = mprofile.get_profile (i);

          if (profile->tag () == client_protocols[protocol_index].protocol_type)
              valid_profile_found = true;

              r.profile (profile);

              if (this->endpoint_from_profile (r, val) == 1)
              // @@ Else we should check for potential forwarding here.

  // We have tried all the profiles specified in the client protocol
  // policy with no success.  Throw exception.
  if (!valid_profile_found)
      CORBA::PolicyList *p = r.inconsistent_policies ();
      if (p)

          p->length (1);
          (*p)[0u] = CORBA::Policy::_duplicate (client_protocol_policy);
      throw ::CORBA::INV_POLICY ();

  // If we get here, we completely failed to find an endpoint
  // that we know how to use. We used to throw an exception
  // but that would prevent any request interception points
  // being called. They may know how to fix the problem so
  // we wait to throw the exception in
  // Synch_Twoway_Invocation::remote_twoway and
  // Synch_Oneway_Invocation::remote_oneway instead.