Beispiel #1
int32 FMessageTracer::GetMessageTypes( TArray<FMessageTracerTypeInfoPtr>& OutTypes ) const

	return OutTypes.Num();
bool FAutomationTestFramework::RunSmokeTests()
    bool bAllSuccessful = true;

    //so extra log spam isn't generated
    bRunningSmokeTests = true;

    // Skip running on cooked platforms like mobile
    //@todo - better determination of whether to run than requires cooked data
    // Ensure there isn't another slow task in progress when trying to run unit tests
    const bool bRequiresCookedData = FPlatformProperties::RequiresCookedData();
    if ((!bRequiresCookedData && !GIsSlowTask && !GIsPlayInEditorWorld) || bForceSmokeTests)
        TArray<FAutomationTestInfo> TestInfo;

        GetValidTestNames( TestInfo );

        if ( TestInfo.Num() > 0 )
            double SmokeTestStartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();

            // Output the results of running the automation tests
            TMap<FString, FAutomationTestExecutionInfo> OutExecutionInfoMap;

            // Run each valid test
            FScopedSlowTask SlowTask(TestInfo.Num());

            for ( int TestIndex = 0; TestIndex < TestInfo.Num(); ++TestIndex )
                if (TestInfo[TestIndex].GetTestType() == EAutomationTestType::ATT_SmokeTest )
                    FString TestCommand = TestInfo[TestIndex].GetTestName();
                    FAutomationTestExecutionInfo& CurExecutionInfo = OutExecutionInfoMap.Add( TestCommand, FAutomationTestExecutionInfo() );

                    int32 RoleIndex = 0;  //always default to "local" role index.  Only used for multi-participant tests
                    StartTestByName( TestCommand, RoleIndex );
                    const bool CurTestSuccessful = StopTest(CurExecutionInfo);

                    bAllSuccessful = bAllSuccessful && CurTestSuccessful;

            double EndTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
            double TimeForTest = static_cast<float>(EndTime - SmokeTestStartTime);
            if (TimeForTest > 1.0f)
                //force a failure if a smoke test takes too long
                UE_LOG(LogAutomationTest, Warning, TEXT("Smoke tests took > 1s to run: %.2fs"), (float)TimeForTest);

            FAutomationTestFramework::DumpAutomationTestExecutionInfo( OutExecutionInfoMap );
    else if( bRequiresCookedData )
        UE_LOG( LogAutomationTest, Log, TEXT( "Skipping unit tests for the cooked build." ) );
        UE_LOG(LogAutomationTest, Error, TEXT("Skipping unit tests.") );
        bAllSuccessful = false;

    //revert to allowing all logs
    bRunningSmokeTests = false;

    return bAllSuccessful;
void FSpriteDetailsCustomization::BuildRenderingSection(IDetailCategoryBuilder& RenderingCategory, IDetailLayoutBuilder& DetailLayout)
	TAttribute<EVisibility> HideWhenInCollisionMode = TAttribute<EVisibility>::Create(TAttribute<EVisibility>::FGetter::CreateSP(this, &FSpriteDetailsCustomization::EditorModeIsNot, ESpriteEditorMode::EditCollisionMode));
	TAttribute<EVisibility> ShowWhenInCollisionMode = TAttribute<EVisibility>::Create(TAttribute<EVisibility>::FGetter::CreateSP(this, &FSpriteDetailsCustomization::EditorModeMatches, ESpriteEditorMode::EditCollisionMode));

	static const FText EditRenderingInRenderingMode = LOCTEXT("RenderingPropertiesHiddenInCollisionMode", "Switch to 'Edit RenderGeom' mode\nto edit Rendering settings");

	TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<UObject>> ObjectsBeingCustomized;
	DetailLayout.GetObjectsBeingCustomized(/*out*/ ObjectsBeingCustomized);

	if (ObjectsBeingCustomized.Num() > 0)
		if (UPaperSprite* SpriteBeingEdited = Cast<UPaperSprite>(ObjectsBeingCustomized[0].Get()))
			static const FText TypesOfMaterialsTooltip = LOCTEXT("TypesOfMaterialsTooltip", "Translucent materials can have smooth alpha edges, blending with the background\nMasked materials have on or off alpha, useful for cutouts\nOpaque materials have no transparency but render faster");

					.Padding(FMargin(5.0f, 0.0f))
						.Text(this, &FSpriteDetailsCustomization::GetRenderingHeaderContentText, TWeakObjectPtr<UPaperSprite>(SpriteBeingEdited))


	// Add the rendering geometry mode into the parent container (renamed)
	const FString RenderGeometryTypePropertyPath = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s.%s"), GET_MEMBER_NAME_STRING_CHECKED(UPaperSprite, RenderGeometry), GET_MEMBER_NAME_STRING_CHECKED(FSpriteGeometryCollection, GeometryType));
	TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> RenderGeometryTypeProperty = DetailLayout.GetProperty(*RenderGeometryTypePropertyPath);
		.DisplayName(LOCTEXT("RenderGeometryType", "Render Geometry Type"))

	// Show the alternate material, but only when the mode is Diced
	TAttribute<EVisibility> ShowWhenModeIsDiced = TAttribute<EVisibility>::Create(TAttribute<EVisibility>::FGetter::CreateSP(this, &FSpriteDetailsCustomization::PolygonModeMatches, RenderGeometryTypeProperty, ESpritePolygonMode::Diced));
	TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> AlternateMaterialProperty = DetailLayout.GetProperty(GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UPaperSprite, AlternateMaterial));

	// Show the rendering geometry settings
	TSharedRef<IPropertyHandle> RenderGeometry = DetailLayout.GetProperty(GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UPaperSprite, RenderGeometry));
	IDetailPropertyRow& RenderGeometryProperty = RenderingCategory.AddProperty(RenderGeometry)

	// Add the render polygons into advanced (renamed)
	const FString RenderGeometryPolygonsPropertyPath = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s.%s"), GET_MEMBER_NAME_STRING_CHECKED(UPaperSprite, RenderGeometry), GET_MEMBER_NAME_STRING_CHECKED(FSpriteGeometryCollection, Shapes));
	RenderingCategory.AddProperty(DetailLayout.GetProperty(*RenderGeometryPolygonsPropertyPath), EPropertyLocation::Advanced)
		.DisplayName(LOCTEXT("RenderShapes", "Render Shapes"))
void FAssetFixUpRedirectors::LoadReferencingPackages(TArray<FRedirectorRefs>& RedirectorsToFix, TArray<UPackage*>& OutReferencingPackagesToSave) const
	FScopedSlowTask SlowTask( RedirectorsToFix.Num(), LOCTEXT( "LoadingReferencingPackages", "Loading Referencing Packages..." ) );

	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

	// Load all packages that reference each redirector, if possible
	for ( auto RedirectorRefsIt = RedirectorsToFix.CreateIterator(); RedirectorRefsIt; ++RedirectorRefsIt )

		FRedirectorRefs& RedirectorRefs = *RedirectorRefsIt;
		if ( ISourceControlModule::Get().IsEnabled() )
			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(RedirectorRefs.Redirector->GetOutermost(), EStateCacheUsage::Use);
			const bool bValidSCCState = !SourceControlState.IsValid() || SourceControlState->IsAdded() || SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() || SourceControlState->CanCheckout() || !SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled() || SourceControlState->IsIgnored();

			if ( !bValidSCCState )
				RedirectorRefs.bRedirectorValidForFixup = false;
				RedirectorRefs.FailureReason = LOCTEXT("RedirectorFixupFailed_BadSCC", "Redirector could not be checked out or marked for delete");

		// Load all referencers
		for ( auto PackageNameIt = RedirectorRefs.ReferencingPackageNames.CreateConstIterator(); PackageNameIt; ++PackageNameIt )
			const FString PackageName = (*PackageNameIt).ToString();

			// Find the package in memory. If it is not in memory, try to load it
			UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, *PackageName);
			if ( !Package )
				// Check if the package is a map before loading it!
				if ( FEditorFileUtils::IsMapPackageAsset(PackageName) )
					// This reference was a map package, don't load it
					RedirectorRefs.bRedirectorValidForFixup = false;
					RedirectorRefs.FailureReason = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("RedirectorFixupFailed_MapReference", "Redirector is referenced by an unloaded map. Package: {0}"), FText::FromString(PackageName));

				Package = LoadPackage(NULL, *PackageName, LOAD_None);

			if ( Package )
				if ( Package->PackageFlags & PKG_CompiledIn )
					// This is a script reference
					RedirectorRefs.bRedirectorValidForFixup = false;
					RedirectorRefs.FailureReason = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("RedirectorFixupFailed_CodeReference", "Redirector is referenced by code. Package: {0}"), FText::FromString(PackageName));
					// If we found a valid package, mark it for save
TSharedPtr<FEnvQueryInstance> UEnvQueryManager::CreateQueryInstance(const UEnvQuery* Template, EEnvQueryRunMode::Type RunMode)
	if (Template == nullptr || Template->Options.Num() == 0)
		UE_CLOG(Template != nullptr && Template->Options.Num() == 0, LogEQS, Warning, TEXT("Query [%s] doesn't have any valid options!"), *Template->GetName());
		return nullptr;

	// try to find entry in cache
	FEnvQueryInstance* InstanceTemplate = NULL;
	for (int32 InstanceIndex = 0; InstanceIndex < InstanceCache.Num(); InstanceIndex++)
		if (InstanceCache[InstanceIndex].Template->GetFName() == Template->GetFName() &&
			InstanceCache[InstanceIndex].Instance.Mode == RunMode)
			InstanceTemplate = &InstanceCache[InstanceIndex].Instance;

	// and create one if can't be found
	if (InstanceTemplate == NULL)
		// duplicate template in manager's world for BP based nodes
		UEnvQuery* LocalTemplate = (UEnvQuery*)StaticDuplicateObject(Template, this, *Template->GetName());

			// memory stat tracking: temporary variable will exist only inside this section
			FEnvQueryInstanceCache NewCacheEntry;
			NewCacheEntry.Template = LocalTemplate;
			NewCacheEntry.Instance.QueryName = LocalTemplate->GetName();
			NewCacheEntry.Instance.Mode = RunMode;

			const int32 Idx = InstanceCache.Add(NewCacheEntry);
			InstanceTemplate = &InstanceCache[Idx].Instance;

		// NOTE: We must iterate over this from 0->Num because we are copying the options from the template into the
		// instance, and order matters!  Since we also may need to remove invalid or null options, we must decrement
		// the iteration pointer when doing so to avoid problems.
		for (int32 OptionIndex = 0; OptionIndex < LocalTemplate->Options.Num(); ++OptionIndex)
			UEnvQueryOption* MyOption = LocalTemplate->Options[OptionIndex];
			if (MyOption == nullptr ||
				MyOption->Generator == nullptr ||
				MyOption->Generator->ItemType == nullptr)
				UE_LOG(LogEQS, Error, TEXT("Trying to spawn a query with broken Template (generator:%s itemType:%s): %s, option %d"),
					MyOption ? (MyOption->Generator ? TEXT("ok") : TEXT("MISSING")) : TEXT("N/A"),
					(MyOption && MyOption->Generator) ? (MyOption->Generator->ItemType ? TEXT("ok") : TEXT("MISSING")) : TEXT("N/A"),
					*GetNameSafe(LocalTemplate), OptionIndex);

				LocalTemplate->Options.RemoveAt(OptionIndex, 1, false);
				--OptionIndex; // See note at top of for loop.  We cannot iterate backwards here.

			UEnvQueryOption* LocalOption = (UEnvQueryOption*)StaticDuplicateObject(MyOption, this, TEXT("None"));
			UEnvQueryGenerator* LocalGenerator = (UEnvQueryGenerator*)StaticDuplicateObject(MyOption->Generator, this, TEXT("None"));
			LocalTemplate->Options[OptionIndex] = LocalOption;
			LocalOption->Generator = LocalGenerator;

			EEnvTestCost::Type HighestCost(EEnvTestCost::Low);
			TArray<UEnvQueryTest*> SortedTests = MyOption->Tests;
			TSubclassOf<UEnvQueryItemType> GeneratedType = MyOption->Generator->ItemType;
			for (int32 TestIndex = SortedTests.Num() - 1; TestIndex >= 0; TestIndex--)
				UEnvQueryTest* TestOb = SortedTests[TestIndex];
				if (TestOb == NULL || !TestOb->IsSupportedItem(GeneratedType))
					UE_LOG(LogEQS, Warning, TEXT("Query [%s] can't use test [%s] in option %d [%s], removing it"),
						*GetNameSafe(LocalTemplate), *GetNameSafe(TestOb), OptionIndex, *MyOption->Generator->OptionName);

					SortedTests.RemoveAt(TestIndex, 1, false);
				else if (HighestCost < TestOb->Cost)
					HighestCost = TestOb->Cost;

			if (SortedTests.Num() == 0)
				UE_LOG(LogEQS, Warning, TEXT("Query [%s] doesn't have any tests in option %d [%s]"),
					*GetNameSafe(LocalTemplate), OptionIndex, *MyOption->Generator->OptionName);

				LocalTemplate->Options.RemoveAt(OptionIndex, 1, false);
				--OptionIndex; // See note at top of for loop.  We cannot iterate backwards here.

			for (int32 TestIdx = 0; TestIdx < SortedTests.Num(); TestIdx++)
				UEnvQueryTest* LocalTest = (UEnvQueryTest*)StaticDuplicateObject(SortedTests[TestIdx], this, TEXT("None"));

			// use locally referenced duplicates
			SortedTests = LocalOption->Tests;

			if (SortedTests.Num() && LocalGenerator->bAutoSortTests)
				switch (RunMode)
				case EEnvQueryRunMode::SingleResult:

				case EEnvQueryRunMode::RandomBest5Pct:
				case EEnvQueryRunMode::RandomBest25Pct:
				case EEnvQueryRunMode::AllMatching:

						UEnum* RunModeEnum = FindObject<UEnum>(ANY_PACKAGE, TEXT("EEnvQueryRunMode"));
						UE_LOG(LogEQS, Warning, TEXT("Query [%s] can't be sorted for RunMode: %d [%s]"),
							*GetNameSafe(LocalTemplate), (int32)RunMode, RunModeEnum ? *RunModeEnum->GetEnumName(RunMode) : TEXT("??"));

			CreateOptionInstance(LocalOption, SortedTests, *InstanceTemplate);

	if (InstanceTemplate->Options.Num() == 0)
		return nullptr;

	// create new instance
	TSharedPtr<FEnvQueryInstance> NewInstance(new FEnvQueryInstance(*InstanceTemplate));
	return NewInstance;
int32 UUpdateGameProjectCommandlet::Main( const FString& InParams )
	// Parse command line.
	TArray<FString> Tokens;
	TArray<FString> Switches;
	UCommandlet::ParseCommandLine(*InParams, Tokens, Switches);

	FString Category;
	FText ChangelistDescription = NSLOCTEXT("UpdateGameProjectCmdlet", "ChangelistDescription", "Updated game project");
	bool bAutoCheckout = false;
	bool bAutoSubmit = false;
	bool bSignSampleProject = false;

	const FString CategorySwitch = TEXT("Category=");
	const FString ChangelistDescriptionSwitch = TEXT("ChangelistDescription=");
	for ( int32 SwitchIdx = 0; SwitchIdx < Switches.Num(); ++SwitchIdx )
		const FString& Switch = Switches[SwitchIdx];
		if ( Switch == TEXT("AutoCheckout") )
			bAutoCheckout = true;
		else if ( Switch == TEXT("AutoSubmit") )
			bAutoSubmit = true;
		else if ( Switch == TEXT("SignSampleProject") )
			bSignSampleProject = true;
		else if ( Switch.StartsWith(CategorySwitch) )
			Category = Switch.Mid( CategorySwitch.Len() );
		else if ( Switch.StartsWith(ChangelistDescriptionSwitch) )
			ChangelistDescription = FText::FromString( Switch.Mid( ChangelistDescriptionSwitch.Len() ) );

	if ( !FPaths::IsProjectFilePathSet() )
		UE_LOG(LogUpdateGameProjectCommandlet, Error, TEXT("You must launch with a project file to be able to update it"));
		return 1;

	const FString ProjectFilePath = FPaths::GetProjectFilePath();

	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();
	if ( bAutoCheckout )

	FString EngineIdentifier = GEngineVersion.ToString(EVersionComponent::Minor);

	UE_LOG(LogUpdateGameProjectCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Updating project file %s to %s..."), *ProjectFilePath, *EngineIdentifier);

	FText FailReason;
	if ( !FGameProjectGenerationModule::Get().UpdateGameProject(ProjectFilePath, EngineIdentifier, FailReason) )
		UE_LOG(LogUpdateGameProjectCommandlet, Error, TEXT("Couldn't update game project: %s"), *FailReason.ToString());
		return 1;

	if ( bSignSampleProject )
		UE_LOG(LogUpdateGameProjectCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Attempting to sign project file %s..."), *ProjectFilePath);

		FText LocalFailReason;
		if ( IProjectManager::Get().SignSampleProject(ProjectFilePath, Category, LocalFailReason) )
			UE_LOG(LogUpdateGameProjectCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Signed project file %s saved."), *ProjectFilePath);
			UE_LOG(LogUpdateGameProjectCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *LocalFailReason.ToString());

	if ( bAutoSubmit )
		if ( !bAutoCheckout )
			// We didn't init SCC above so do it now

		if ( ISourceControlModule::Get().IsEnabled() )
			const FString AbsoluteFilename = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FPaths::GetProjectFilePath());
			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(AbsoluteFilename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);
			if ( SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() )
				TSharedRef<FCheckIn, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> CheckInOperation = ISourceControlOperation::Create<FCheckIn>();
				SourceControlProvider.Execute(CheckInOperation, AbsoluteFilename);

	return 0;
TSharedPtr<FPropertyNode> FDetailLayoutBuilderImpl::GetPropertyNodeInternal( const FName PropertyPath, const UClass* ClassOutermost, FName InstanceName ) const
	FName PropertyName;
	TArray<FString> PathList;
	PropertyPath.ToString().ParseIntoArray( &PathList, TEXT("."), true );

	if( PathList.Num() == 1 )
		PropertyName = FName( *PathList[0] );
	// The class to find properties in defaults to the class currently being customized
	FName ClassName = CurrentCustomizationClass ? CurrentCustomizationClass->GetFName() : NAME_None;
	if( ClassOutermost != NULL )
		// The requested a different class
		ClassName = ClassOutermost->GetFName();

	// Find the outer variable name.  This only matters if there are multiple instances of the same property
	FName OuterVariableName = CurrentCustomizationVariableName;
	if( InstanceName != NAME_None )
		OuterVariableName = InstanceName;

	// If this fails there are no properties associated with the class name provided
	FClassInstanceToPropertyMap* ClassInstanceToPropertyMapPtr = PropertyMap.Find( ClassName );

	if( ClassInstanceToPropertyMapPtr )
		FClassInstanceToPropertyMap& ClassInstanceToPropertyMap = *ClassInstanceToPropertyMapPtr;
		if( OuterVariableName == NAME_None && ClassInstanceToPropertyMap.Num() == 1 )
			// If the outer  variable name still wasnt specified and there is only one instance, just use that
			auto FirstKey = ClassInstanceToPropertyMap.CreateIterator();
			OuterVariableName = FirstKey.Key();

		FPropertyNodeMap* PropertyNodeMapPtr = ClassInstanceToPropertyMap.Find( OuterVariableName );

		if( PropertyNodeMapPtr )
			FPropertyNodeMap& PropertyNodeMap = *PropertyNodeMapPtr;
			// Check for property name fast path first
			if( PropertyName != NAME_None )
				// The property name was ambiguous or not found if this fails.  If ambiguous, it means there are multiple data same typed data structures(components or structs) in the class which
				// causes multiple properties by the same name to exist.  These properties must be found via the path method.
				return PropertyNodeMap.PropertyNameToNode.FindRef( PropertyName );
				// We need to search through the tree for a property with the given path
				TSharedPtr<FPropertyNode> PropertyNode;

				// Path should be in the format A[optional_index].B.C
				if( PathList.Num() )
					// Get the base property and index
					FString Property;
					int32 Index;
					GetPropertyAndIndex( PathList[0], Property, Index );

					// Get the parent most property node which is the one in the map.  Its children need to be searched
					PropertyNode = PropertyNodeMap.PropertyNameToNode.FindRef( FName( *Property ) );
					if( PropertyNode.IsValid() )
						if( Index != INDEX_NONE )
							// The parent is the actual array, its children are array elements
							PropertyNode = PropertyNode->GetChildNode( Index );

						// Search any additional paths for the child
						for( int32 PathIndex = 1; PathIndex < PathList.Num(); ++PathIndex )
							GetPropertyAndIndex( PathList[PathIndex], Property, Index );

							PropertyNode = FindChildPropertyNode( *PropertyNode, Property, Index );

				return PropertyNode;

	return NULL;
bool UWorld::ComponentOverlapTest(class UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp, const FVector& Pos, const FRotator& Rot, const struct FComponentQueryParams& Params) const
	if(GetPhysicsScene() == NULL)
		return false;

	if(PrimComp == NULL)
		UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("ComponentOverlapMulti : No PrimComp"));
		return false;

	// if target is skeletalmeshcomponent and do not support singlebody physics, we don't support this yet
	// talk to @JG, SP, LH
	if ( !PrimComp->ShouldTrackOverlaps() )
		UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("ComponentOverlapMulti : (%s) Does not support skeletalmesh with Physics Asset and destructibles."), *PrimComp->GetPathName());
		return false;
	ECollisionChannel TraceChannel = PrimComp->GetCollisionObjectType();

	PxRigidActor* PRigidActor = PrimComp->BodyInstance.GetPxRigidActor();
	if(PRigidActor == NULL)
		UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("ComponentOverlapMulti : (%s) No physics data"), *PrimComp->GetPathName());
		return false;

	// calculate the test global pose of the actor
	PxTransform PTestGlobalPose = U2PTransform(FTransform(Rot, Pos));

	// Get all the shapes from the actor
	TArray<PxShape*, TInlineAllocator<8>> PShapes;
	int32 NumShapes = PRigidActor->getShapes(PShapes.GetData(), PShapes.Num());

	// Iterate over each shape
	for(int32 ShapeIdx=0; ShapeIdx<PShapes.Num(); ShapeIdx++)
		PxShape* PShape = PShapes[ShapeIdx];
		// Calc shape global pose
		PxTransform PLocalPose = PShape->getLocalPose();
		PxTransform PShapeGlobalPose = PTestGlobalPose.transform(PLocalPose);


		if(PGeom != NULL)
			if( GeomOverlapTest(this, *PGeom, PShapeGlobalPose, TraceChannel, Params, FCollisionResponseParams(PrimComp->GetCollisionResponseToChannels())))
				// in this test, it only matters true or false. 
				// if we found first true, we don't care next test anymore. 
				return true;

#endif //WITH_PHYSX
	return false;
bool UWorld::ComponentSweepSingle(struct FHitResult& OutHit,class UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp, const FVector& Start, const FVector& End, const FRotator& Rot, const struct FComponentQueryParams& Params) const
	OutHit.TraceStart = Start;
	OutHit.TraceEnd = End;

	if(GetPhysicsScene() == NULL)
		return false;

	if(PrimComp == NULL)
		UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("ComponentSweepSingle : No PrimComp"));
		return false;

	// if target is skeletalmeshcomponent and do not support singlebody physics
	if ( !PrimComp->ShouldTrackOverlaps() )
		UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("ComponentSweepSingle : (%s) Does not support skeletalmesh with Physics Asset and destructibles."), *PrimComp->GetPathName());
		return false;

	ECollisionChannel TraceChannel = PrimComp->GetCollisionObjectType();
	// if extent is 0, do line trace
	if (PrimComp->IsZeroExtent())
		return RaycastSingle(this, OutHit, Start, End, TraceChannel, Params, FCollisionResponseParams(PrimComp->GetCollisionResponseToChannels()));

	PxRigidActor* PRigidActor = PrimComp->BodyInstance.GetPxRigidActor();
	if(PRigidActor == NULL)
		UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("ComponentSweepMulti : (%s) No physics data"), *PrimComp->GetPathName());
		return false;

	// Get all the shapes from the actor
	TArray<PxShape*, TInlineAllocator<8>> PShapes;
	int32 NumShapes = PRigidActor->getShapes(PShapes.GetData(), PShapes.Num());

	// calculate the test global pose of the actor
	PxTransform PGlobalStartPose = U2PTransform(FTransform(Start));
	PxTransform PGlobalEndPose = U2PTransform(FTransform(End));

	bool bHaveBlockingHit = false;
	PxQuat PGeomRot = U2PQuat(Rot.Quaternion());

	// Iterate over each shape
	for(int32 ShapeIdx=0; ShapeIdx<PShapes.Num(); ShapeIdx++)
		PxShape* PShape = PShapes[ShapeIdx];

		// Calc shape global pose
		PxTransform PLocalShape = PShape->getLocalPose();
		PxTransform PShapeGlobalStartPose = PGlobalStartPose.transform(PLocalShape);
		PxTransform PShapeGlobalEndPose = PGlobalEndPose.transform(PLocalShape);
		// consider localshape rotation for shape rotation
		PxQuat PShapeRot = PGeomRot * PLocalShape.q;


		if(PGeom != NULL)
			// @todo UE4, this might not be the best behavior. If we're looking for the most closest, this have to change to save the result, and find the closest one or 
			// any other options, right now if anything hits first, it will return
			if (GeomSweepSingle(this, *PGeom, PShapeRot, OutHit, P2UVector(PShapeGlobalStartPose.p), P2UVector(PShapeGlobalEndPose.p), TraceChannel, Params, FCollisionResponseParams(PrimComp->GetCollisionResponseToChannels())))
				bHaveBlockingHit = true;

	return bHaveBlockingHit;
#endif //WITH_PHYSX
	return false;
* Attempts to apply the material to the specified actor.
* @param	TargetActor		the actor to apply the material to
* @param	MaterialToApply	the material to apply to the actor
* @param    OptionalMaterialSlot the material slot to apply to.
* @return	true if the material was successfully applied to the actor
bool FActorFactoryAssetProxy::ApplyMaterialToActor( AActor* TargetActor, UMaterialInterface* MaterialToApply, int32 OptionalMaterialSlot )
	bool bResult = false;

	if ( TargetActor != NULL && MaterialToApply != NULL )
		ALandscapeProxy* Landscape = Cast<ALandscapeProxy>(TargetActor);
		if (Landscape != NULL)
			UProperty* MaterialProperty = FindField<UProperty>(ALandscapeProxy::StaticClass(), "LandscapeMaterial");
			Landscape->LandscapeMaterial = MaterialToApply;
			FPropertyChangedEvent PropertyChangedEvent(MaterialProperty);
			bResult = true;
			TArray<UActorComponent*> EditableComponents;
			FActorEditorUtils::GetEditableComponents( TargetActor, EditableComponents );

			// Some actors could potentially have multiple mesh components, so we need to store all of the potentially valid ones
			// (or else perform special cases with IsA checks on the target actor)
			TArray<USceneComponent*> FoundMeshComponents;

			// Find which mesh the user clicked on first.
			TInlineComponentArray<USceneComponent*> SceneComponents;

			for ( int32 ComponentIdx=0; ComponentIdx < SceneComponents.Num(); ComponentIdx++ )
				USceneComponent* SceneComp = SceneComponents[ComponentIdx];
				// Only apply the material to editable components.  Components which are not exposed are not intended to be changed.
				if( EditableComponents.Contains( SceneComp ) )
					UMeshComponent* MeshComponent = Cast<UMeshComponent>(SceneComp);

					if((MeshComponent && MeshComponent->IsRegistered()) ||
						// Intentionally do not break the loop here, as there could be potentially multiple mesh components
						FoundMeshComponents.AddUnique( SceneComp );

			if ( FoundMeshComponents.Num() > 0 )
				// Check each component that was found
				for ( TArray<USceneComponent*>::TConstIterator MeshCompIter( FoundMeshComponents ); MeshCompIter; ++MeshCompIter )
					USceneComponent* SceneComp = *MeshCompIter;
					bResult = FComponentEditorUtils::AttemptApplyMaterialToComponent(SceneComp, MaterialToApply, OptionalMaterialSlot);

	return bResult;
Beispiel #11
void ASimModeWorldMultiRotor::setupVehiclesAndCamera(std::vector<VehiclePtr>& vehicles)
    //get player controller
    APlayerController* player_controller = this->GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController();
    FTransform actor_transform = player_controller->GetActorTransform();
    //put camera little bit above vehicle
    FTransform camera_transform(actor_transform.GetLocation() + FVector(-300, 0, 200));

    //we will either find external camera if it already exist in evironment or create one
    APIPCamera* external_camera;

    //find all BP camera directors in the environment
        TArray<AActor*> camera_dirs;
        UAirBlueprintLib::FindAllActor<ACameraDirector>(this, camera_dirs);
        if (camera_dirs.Num() == 0) {
            //create director
            FActorSpawnParameters camera_spawn_params;
            camera_spawn_params.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AdjustIfPossibleButAlwaysSpawn;
            CameraDirector = this->GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ACameraDirector>(camera_director_class_, camera_transform, camera_spawn_params);

            //create external camera required for the director
            external_camera = this->GetWorld()->SpawnActor<APIPCamera>(external_camera_class_, camera_transform, camera_spawn_params);
        else {
            CameraDirector = static_cast<ACameraDirector*>(camera_dirs[0]);
            external_camera = CameraDirector->getExternalCamera();

    //find all vehicle pawns
        TArray<AActor*> pawns;
        UAirBlueprintLib::FindAllActor<TMultiRotorPawn>(this, pawns);

        //if no vehicle pawns exists in environment
        if (pawns.Num() == 0) {
            //create vehicle pawn
            FActorSpawnParameters pawn_spawn_params;
            pawn_spawn_params.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = 
            TMultiRotorPawn* spawned_pawn = this->GetWorld()->SpawnActor<TMultiRotorPawn>(
                vehicle_pawn_class_, actor_transform, pawn_spawn_params);


        //set up vehicle pawns
        for (AActor* pawn : pawns)
            //initialize each vehicle pawn we found
            TMultiRotorPawn* vehicle_pawn = static_cast<TMultiRotorPawn*>(pawn);

            //chose first pawn as FPV if none is designated as FPV
            VehiclePawnWrapper* wrapper = vehicle_pawn->getVehiclePawnWrapper();
            if (enable_collision_passthrough)
                wrapper->config.enable_passthrough_on_collisions = true;  
            if (wrapper->config.is_fpv_vehicle || fpv_vehicle_pawn_wrapper_ == nullptr)
                fpv_vehicle_pawn_wrapper_ = wrapper;

            //now create the connector for each pawn
            auto vehicle = createVehicle(wrapper);
            if (vehicle != nullptr) {

                if (fpv_vehicle_pawn_wrapper_ == wrapper)
                    fpv_vehicle_connector_ = vehicle;
            //else we don't have vehicle for this pawn

    CameraDirector->initializeForBeginPlay(getInitialViewMode(), fpv_vehicle_pawn_wrapper_, external_camera);
	FSelectedActorInfo BuildSelectedActorInfo( const TArray<AActor*>& SelectedActors)
		FSelectedActorInfo ActorInfo;
		if( SelectedActors.Num() > 0 )
			// Get the class type of the first actor.
			AActor* FirstActor = SelectedActors[0];

			if( FirstActor && !FirstActor->HasAnyFlags( RF_ClassDefaultObject ) )
				UClass* FirstClass = FirstActor->GetClass();
				UObject* FirstArchetype = FirstActor->GetArchetype();

				ActorInfo.bAllSelectedAreBrushes = Cast< ABrush >( FirstActor ) != NULL;
				ActorInfo.SelectionClass = FirstClass;

				// Compare all actor types with the baseline.
				for ( int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < SelectedActors.Num(); ++ActorIndex )
					AActor* CurrentActor = SelectedActors[ ActorIndex ];

					if( CurrentActor->HasAnyFlags( RF_ClassDefaultObject ) )

					ABrush* Brush = Cast< ABrush >( CurrentActor );
					if( !Brush)
						ActorInfo.bAllSelectedAreBrushes = false;
						if( !ActorInfo.bHaveBuilderBrush )
							ActorInfo.bHaveBuilderBrush = FActorEditorUtils::IsABuilderBrush(Brush);
						ActorInfo.bHaveBrush |= true;
						ActorInfo.bHaveBSPBrush |= (!Brush->IsVolumeBrush());
						ActorInfo.bHaveVolume |= Brush->IsVolumeBrush();

					UClass* CurrentClass = CurrentActor->GetClass();
					if( FirstClass != CurrentClass )
						ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsOfSameType = false;
						ActorInfo.SelectionClass = NULL;
						FirstClass = NULL;
						ActorInfo.SelectionClass = CurrentActor->GetClass();


					if( ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToCurrentLevel )
						if( !CurrentActor->GetOuter()->IsA(ULevel::StaticClass()) || !CurrentActor->GetLevel()->IsCurrentLevel() )
							ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToCurrentLevel = false;

					if( ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToSameWorld )
						if ( !ActorInfo.SharedWorld )
							ActorInfo.SharedWorld = CurrentActor->GetWorld();
							if( ActorInfo.SharedWorld != CurrentActor->GetWorld() )
								ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToCurrentLevel = false;
								ActorInfo.SharedWorld = NULL;

					// To prevent move to other level for Landscape if its components are distributed in streaming levels
					if (CurrentActor->IsA(ALandscape::StaticClass()))
						ALandscape* Landscape = CastChecked<ALandscape>(CurrentActor);
						if (!Landscape || !Landscape->HasAllComponent())
							if( !ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToCurrentLevel )
								ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToCurrentLevel = true;

					if ( ActorInfo.bSelectedActorsBelongToSameLevel )
						ULevel* ActorLevel = CurrentActor->GetOuter()->IsA(ULevel::StaticClass()) ? CurrentActor->GetLevel() : NULL;
						if ( !ActorInfo.SharedLevel )
							// This is the first selected actor we've encountered.
							ActorInfo.SharedLevel = ActorLevel;
							// Does this actor's level match the others?
							if ( ActorInfo.SharedLevel != ActorLevel )
								ActorInfo.bSelectedActorsBelongToSameLevel = false;
								ActorInfo.SharedLevel = NULL;

					AGroupActor* FoundGroup = Cast<AGroupActor>(CurrentActor);
						FoundGroup = AGroupActor::GetParentForActor(CurrentActor);
					if( FoundGroup )
						if( !ActorInfo.bHaveSelectedSubGroup )
							ActorInfo.bHaveSelectedSubGroup  = AGroupActor::GetParentForActor(FoundGroup) != NULL;
						if( !ActorInfo.bHaveSelectedLockedGroup )
							ActorInfo.bHaveSelectedLockedGroup = FoundGroup->IsLocked();
						if( !ActorInfo.bHaveSelectedUnlockedGroup )
							AGroupActor* FoundRoot = AGroupActor::GetRootForActor(CurrentActor);
							ActorInfo.bHaveSelectedUnlockedGroup = !FoundGroup->IsLocked() || ( FoundRoot && !FoundRoot->IsLocked() );

					USceneComponent* RootComp = CurrentActor->GetRootComponent();
					if(RootComp != NULL && RootComp->AttachParent != NULL)
						ActorInfo.bHaveAttachedActor = true;

					TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> ActorComponents;

					for( UActorComponent* Component : ActorComponents )
						if( UStaticMeshComponent* SMComp = Cast<UStaticMeshComponent>(Component) )
							if( SMComp->IsRegistered() )
								ActorInfo.bHaveStaticMeshComponent = true;

						// Check for experimental/early-access classes in the component hierarchy
						bool bIsExperimental, bIsEarlyAccess;
						FObjectEditorUtils::GetClassDevelopmentStatus(Component->GetClass(), bIsExperimental, bIsEarlyAccess);

						ActorInfo.bHaveExperimentalClass |= bIsExperimental;
						ActorInfo.bHaveEarlyAccessClass |= bIsEarlyAccess;

					// Check for experimental/early-access classes in the actor hierarchy
						bool bIsExperimental, bIsEarlyAccess;
						FObjectEditorUtils::GetClassDevelopmentStatus(CurrentClass, bIsExperimental, bIsEarlyAccess);

						ActorInfo.bHaveExperimentalClass |= bIsExperimental;
						ActorInfo.bHaveEarlyAccessClass |= bIsEarlyAccess;

					if( CurrentActor->IsA( ALight::StaticClass() ) )
						ActorInfo.bHaveLight = true;

					if( CurrentActor->IsA( AStaticMeshActor::StaticClass() ) ) 
						ActorInfo.bHaveStaticMesh = true;
						AStaticMeshActor* StaticMeshActor = CastChecked<AStaticMeshActor>( CurrentActor );
						if ( StaticMeshActor->GetStaticMeshComponent() )
							UStaticMesh* StaticMesh = StaticMeshActor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->StaticMesh;

							ActorInfo.bAllSelectedStaticMeshesHaveCollisionModels &= ( (StaticMesh && StaticMesh->BodySetup) ? true : false );

					if( CurrentActor->IsA( ASkeletalMeshActor::StaticClass() ) )
						ActorInfo.bHaveSkeletalMesh = true;

					if( CurrentActor->IsA( APawn::StaticClass() ) )
						ActorInfo.bHavePawn = true;

					if( CurrentActor->IsA( AEmitter::StaticClass() ) )
						ActorInfo.bHaveEmitter = true;

					if ( CurrentActor->IsA( AMatineeActor::StaticClass() ) )
						ActorInfo.bHaveMatinee = true;

					if ( CurrentActor->IsTemporarilyHiddenInEditor() )
						ActorInfo.bHaveHidden = true;

					if ( CurrentActor->IsA( ALandscapeProxy::StaticClass() ) )
						ActorInfo.bHaveLandscape = true;

					// Find our counterpart actor
					AActor* EditorWorldActor = EditorUtilities::GetEditorWorldCounterpartActor( CurrentActor );
					if( EditorWorldActor != NULL )
						// Just count the total number of actors with counterparts

				if( ActorInfo.SelectionClass != NULL )
					ActorInfo.SelectionStr = ActorInfo.SelectionClass->GetName();
					ActorInfo.SelectionStr = TEXT("Actor");


		// hack when only BSP is selected
		if( ActorInfo.SharedWorld == nullptr )
			ActorInfo.SharedWorld = GWorld;

		return ActorInfo;
void CompileShader_Metal(const FShaderCompilerInput& Input,FShaderCompilerOutput& Output,const FString& WorkingDirectory)
	FString PreprocessedShader;
	FShaderCompilerDefinitions AdditionalDefines;
	EHlslCompileTarget HlslCompilerTarget = HCT_FeatureLevelES3_1;
	AdditionalDefines.SetDefine(TEXT("IOS"), 1);
	AdditionalDefines.SetDefine(TEXT("row_major"), TEXT(""));


	if (Input.ShaderFormat == NAME_SF_METAL)
		AdditionalDefines.SetDefine(TEXT("METAL_PROFILE"), 1);
	else if (Input.ShaderFormat == NAME_SF_METAL_MRT)
		AdditionalDefines.SetDefine(TEXT("METAL_MRT_PROFILE"), 1);
		Output.bSucceeded = false;
		new(Output.Errors) FShaderCompilerError(*FString::Printf(TEXT("Invalid shader format '%s' passed to compiler."), *Input.ShaderFormat.ToString()));
	const bool bDumpDebugInfo = (Input.DumpDebugInfoPath != TEXT("") && IFileManager::Get().DirectoryExists(*Input.DumpDebugInfoPath));

	AdditionalDefines.SetDefine(TEXT("COMPILER_SUPPORTS_ATTRIBUTES"), (uint32)1);
	if (PreprocessShader(PreprocessedShader, Output, Input, AdditionalDefines))
		char* MetalShaderSource = NULL;
		char* ErrorLog = NULL;

		const EHlslShaderFrequency FrequencyTable[] =

		const EHlslShaderFrequency Frequency = FrequencyTable[Input.Target.Frequency];
		if (Frequency == HSF_InvalidFrequency)
			Output.bSucceeded = false;
			FShaderCompilerError* NewError = new(Output.Errors) FShaderCompilerError();
			NewError->StrippedErrorMessage = FString::Printf(
				TEXT("%s shaders not supported for use in Metal."),

		// This requires removing the HLSLCC_NoPreprocess flag later on!
		if (!RemoveUniformBuffersFromSource(PreprocessedShader))

		// Write out the preprocessed file and a batch file to compile it if requested (DumpDebugInfoPath is valid)
		if (bDumpDebugInfo)
			FArchive* FileWriter = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*(Input.DumpDebugInfoPath / Input.SourceFilename + TEXT(".usf")));
			if (FileWriter)
				auto AnsiSourceFile = StringCast<ANSICHAR>(*PreprocessedShader);
				FileWriter->Serialize((ANSICHAR*)AnsiSourceFile.Get(), AnsiSourceFile.Length());
				delete FileWriter;

		uint32 CCFlags = HLSLCC_NoPreprocess | HLSLCC_PackUniforms;
		//CCFlags |= HLSLCC_FlattenUniformBuffers | HLSLCC_FlattenUniformBufferStructures;

		if (bDumpDebugInfo)
			const FString MetalFile = (Input.DumpDebugInfoPath / TEXT("Output.metal"));
			const FString USFFile = (Input.DumpDebugInfoPath / Input.SourceFilename) + TEXT(".usf");
			const FString CCBatchFileContents = CreateCommandLineHLSLCC(USFFile, MetalFile, *Input.EntryPointName, Frequency, CCFlags);
			if (!CCBatchFileContents.IsEmpty())
				FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(CCBatchFileContents, *(Input.DumpDebugInfoPath / TEXT("CrossCompile.bat")));

		// Required as we added the RemoveUniformBuffersFromSource() function (the cross-compiler won't be able to interpret comments w/o a preprocessor)
		CCFlags &= ~HLSLCC_NoPreprocess;

		FMetalCodeBackend MetalBackEnd(CCFlags);
		FMetalLanguageSpec MetalLanguageSpec;
		int32 Result = HlslCrossCompile(

		int32 SourceLen = MetalShaderSource ? FCStringAnsi::Strlen(MetalShaderSource) : 0;
		if (bDumpDebugInfo)
			if (SourceLen > 0)
				FArchive* FileWriter = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*(Input.DumpDebugInfoPath / Input.SourceFilename + TEXT(".metal")));
				if (FileWriter)
					FileWriter->Serialize(MetalShaderSource, SourceLen + 1);
					delete FileWriter;

		if (Result != 0)
			Output.Target = Input.Target;
			BuildMetalShaderOutput(Output, Input, MetalShaderSource, SourceLen, Output.Errors);
			FString Tmp = ANSI_TO_TCHAR(ErrorLog);
			TArray<FString> ErrorLines;
			Tmp.ParseIntoArray(ErrorLines, TEXT("\n"), true);
			for (int32 LineIndex = 0; LineIndex < ErrorLines.Num(); ++LineIndex)
				const FString& Line = ErrorLines[LineIndex];
				ParseHlslccError(Output.Errors, Line);

		if (MetalShaderSource)
		if (ErrorLog)
 * Construct the final microcode from the compiled and verified shader source.
 * @param ShaderOutput - Where to store the microcode and parameter map.
 * @param InShaderSource - Metal source with input/output signature.
 * @param SourceLen - The length of the Metal source code.
static void BuildMetalShaderOutput(
	FShaderCompilerOutput& ShaderOutput,
	const FShaderCompilerInput& ShaderInput, 
	const ANSICHAR* InShaderSource,
	int32 SourceLen,
	TArray<FShaderCompilerError>& OutErrors
	FMetalCodeHeader Header = {0};
	const ANSICHAR* ShaderSource = InShaderSource;
	FShaderParameterMap& ParameterMap = ShaderOutput.ParameterMap;
	EShaderFrequency Frequency = (EShaderFrequency)ShaderOutput.Target.Frequency;

	TBitArray<> UsedUniformBufferSlots;

	// Write out the magic markers.
	Header.Frequency = Frequency;

	#define DEF_PREFIX_STR(Str) \
		const ANSICHAR* Str##Prefix = "// @" #Str ": "; \
		const int32 Str##PrefixLen = FCStringAnsi::Strlen(Str##Prefix)

	// Skip any comments that come before the signature.
	while (	FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, "//", 2) == 0 &&
			FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, "// @", 4) != 0 )
		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource++ != '\n') {}

	// HLSLCC first prints the list of inputs.
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, InputsPrefix, InputsPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += InputsPrefixLen;

		// Only inputs for vertex shaders must be tracked.
		if (Frequency == SF_Vertex)
			const ANSICHAR* AttributePrefix = "in_ATTRIBUTE";
			const int32 AttributePrefixLen = FCStringAnsi::Strlen(AttributePrefix);
			while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
				// Skip the type.
				while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource++ != ':') {}
				// Only process attributes.
				if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, AttributePrefix, AttributePrefixLen) == 0)
					ShaderSource += AttributePrefixLen;
					uint8 AttributeIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
					Header.Bindings.InOutMask |= (1 << AttributeIndex);

				// Skip to the next.
				while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != ',' && *ShaderSource != '\n')

				if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

				verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
			// Skip to the next line.
			while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource++ != '\n') {}

	// Then the list of outputs.
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, OutputsPrefix, OutputsPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += OutputsPrefixLen;

		// Only outputs for pixel shaders must be tracked.
		if (Frequency == SF_Pixel)
			const ANSICHAR* TargetPrefix = "out_Target";
			const int32 TargetPrefixLen = FCStringAnsi::Strlen(TargetPrefix);

			while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
				// Skip the type.
				while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource++ != ':') {}

				// Handle targets.
				if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, TargetPrefix, TargetPrefixLen) == 0)
					ShaderSource += TargetPrefixLen;
					uint8 TargetIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
					Header.Bindings.InOutMask |= (1 << TargetIndex);
				// Handle depth writes.
				else if (FCStringAnsi::Strcmp(ShaderSource, "gl_FragDepth") == 0)
					Header.Bindings.InOutMask |= 0x8000;

				// Skip to the next.
				while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != ',' && *ShaderSource != '\n')

				if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

				verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
			// Skip to the next line.
			while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource++ != '\n') {}

	bool bHasRegularUniformBuffers = false;

	// Then 'normal' uniform buffers.
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, UniformBlocksPrefix, UniformBlocksPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += UniformBlocksPrefixLen;

		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			FString BufferName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(BufferName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			uint16 UBIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			if (UBIndex >= Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers)
				Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers = UBIndex + 1;
			UsedUniformBufferSlots[UBIndex] = true;
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));
			ParameterMap.AddParameterAllocation(*BufferName, UBIndex, 0, 0);
			bHasRegularUniformBuffers = true;

			// Skip the comma.
			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

		Match(ShaderSource, '\n');

	// Then uniforms.
	const uint16 BytesPerComponent = 4;
	uint16 PackedUniformSize[OGL_NUM_PACKED_UNIFORM_ARRAYS] = {0};
	FMemory::Memzero(&PackedUniformSize, sizeof(PackedUniformSize));
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, UniformsPrefix, UniformsPrefixLen) == 0)
		// @todo-mobile: Will we ever need to support this code path?
		ShaderSource += UniformsPrefixLen;

		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			uint16 ArrayIndex = 0;
			uint16 Offset = 0;
			uint16 NumComponents = 0;

			FString ParameterName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(ParameterName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			ArrayIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
			Offset = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
			NumComponents = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));

				Offset * BytesPerComponent,
				NumComponents * BytesPerComponent

				PackedUniformSize[ArrayIndex] = FMath::Max<uint16>(
					BytesPerComponent * (Offset + NumComponents)

			// Skip the comma.
			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

		Match(ShaderSource, '\n');

	// Packed global uniforms
	TMap<ANSICHAR, uint16> PackedGlobalArraySize;
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, PackedGlobalsPrefix, PackedGlobalsPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += PackedGlobalsPrefixLen;
		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			ANSICHAR ArrayIndex = 0;
			uint16 Offset = 0;
			uint16 NumComponents = 0;

			FString ParameterName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(ParameterName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			ArrayIndex = *ShaderSource++;
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
			Offset = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
			NumComponents = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));

				Offset * BytesPerComponent,
				NumComponents * BytesPerComponent

			uint16& Size = PackedGlobalArraySize.FindOrAdd(ArrayIndex);
			Size = FMath::Max<uint16>(BytesPerComponent * (Offset + NumComponents), Size);

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			// Skip the comma.
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

		Match(ShaderSource, '\n');

	// Packed Uniform Buffers
	TMap<int, TMap<ANSICHAR, uint16> > PackedUniformBuffersSize;
	while (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, PackedUBPrefix, PackedUBPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += PackedUBPrefixLen;
		FString BufferName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
		verify(BufferName.Len() > 0);
		verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
		uint16 BufferIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
		check(BufferIndex == Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers);
		verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));
		ParameterMap.AddParameterAllocation(*BufferName, Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers++, 0, 0);

		verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
		Match(ShaderSource, ' ');
		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			FString ParameterName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(ParameterName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

	// Packed Uniform Buffers copy lists & setup sizes for each UB/Precision entry
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, PackedUBCopiesPrefix, PackedUBCopiesPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += PackedUBCopiesPrefixLen;
		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			FMetalUniformBufferCopyInfo CopyInfo;

			CopyInfo.SourceUBIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.SourceOffsetInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '-'));

			CopyInfo.DestUBIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName = *ShaderSource++;
			CopyInfo.DestUBTypeIndex = CrossCompiler::PackedTypeNameToTypeIndex(CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.DestOffsetInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.SizeInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);


			auto& UniformBufferSize = PackedUniformBuffersSize.FindOrAdd(CopyInfo.DestUBIndex);
			uint16& Size = UniformBufferSize.FindOrAdd(CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName);
			Size = FMath::Max<uint16>(BytesPerComponent * (CopyInfo.DestOffsetInFloats + CopyInfo.SizeInFloats), Size);

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, PackedUBGlobalCopiesPrefix, PackedUBGlobalCopiesPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += PackedUBGlobalCopiesPrefixLen;
		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			FMetalUniformBufferCopyInfo CopyInfo;

			CopyInfo.SourceUBIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.SourceOffsetInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '-'));

			CopyInfo.DestUBIndex = 0;

			CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName = *ShaderSource++;
			CopyInfo.DestUBTypeIndex = CrossCompiler::PackedTypeNameToTypeIndex(CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.DestOffsetInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.SizeInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);


			uint16& Size = PackedGlobalArraySize.FindOrAdd(CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName);
			Size = FMath::Max<uint16>(BytesPerComponent * (CopyInfo.DestOffsetInFloats + CopyInfo.SizeInFloats), Size);

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
	Header.Bindings.bHasRegularUniformBuffers = bHasRegularUniformBuffers;

	// Setup Packed Array info
	for (auto Iterator = PackedGlobalArraySize.CreateIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
		ANSICHAR TypeName = Iterator.Key();
		uint16 Size = Iterator.Value();
		Size = (Size + 0xf) & (~0xf);
		CrossCompiler::FPackedArrayInfo Info;
		Info.Size = Size;
		Info.TypeName = TypeName;
		Info.TypeIndex = CrossCompiler::PackedTypeNameToTypeIndex(TypeName);

	// Setup Packed Uniform Buffers info
	for (auto Iterator = PackedUniformBuffersSize.CreateIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
		int BufferIndex = Iterator.Key();
		auto& ArraySizes = Iterator.Value();
		TArray<CrossCompiler::FPackedArrayInfo> InfoArray;
		for (auto IterSizes = ArraySizes.CreateIterator(); IterSizes; ++IterSizes)
			ANSICHAR TypeName = IterSizes.Key();
			uint16 Size = IterSizes.Value();
			Size = (Size + 0xf) & (~0xf);
			CrossCompiler::FPackedArrayInfo Info;
			Info.Size = Size;
			Info.TypeName = TypeName;
			Info.TypeIndex = CrossCompiler::PackedTypeNameToTypeIndex(TypeName);


	// Then samplers.
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, SamplersPrefix, SamplersPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += SamplersPrefixLen;

		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			uint16 Offset = 0;
			uint16 NumSamplers = 0;

			FString ParameterName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(ParameterName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			Offset = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
			NumSamplers = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);

			Header.Bindings.NumSamplers = FMath::Max<uint8>(
				Offset + NumSamplers

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '['))
				// Sampler States
					FString SamplerState = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
					checkSlow(SamplerState.Len() != 0);
				while (Match(ShaderSource, ','));
				verify(Match(ShaderSource, ']'));

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			// Skip the comma.
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

	// Then UAVs (images in Metal)
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, UAVsPrefix, UAVsPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += UAVsPrefixLen;

		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			uint16 Offset = 0;
			uint16 NumUAVs = 0;

			FString ParameterName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(ParameterName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			Offset = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
			NumUAVs = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);


			Header.Bindings.NumUAVs = FMath::Max<uint8>(
				Offset + NumUAVs

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			// Skip the comma.
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, NumThreadsPrefix, NumThreadsPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += NumThreadsPrefixLen;
		Header.NumThreadsX = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
		verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
		Match(ShaderSource, ' ');
		Header.NumThreadsY = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
		verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
		Match(ShaderSource, ' ');
		Header.NumThreadsZ = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
		verify(Match(ShaderSource, '\n'));

	// Build the SRT for this shader.
		// Build the generic SRT for this shader.
		FShaderResourceTable GenericSRT;
		BuildResourceTableMapping(ShaderInput.Environment.ResourceTableMap, ShaderInput.Environment.ResourceTableLayoutHashes, UsedUniformBufferSlots, ShaderOutput.ParameterMap, GenericSRT);

		// Copy over the bits indicating which resource tables are active.
		Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.ResourceTableBits = GenericSRT.ResourceTableBits;

		Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.ResourceTableLayoutHashes = GenericSRT.ResourceTableLayoutHashes;

		// Now build our token streams.
		BuildResourceTableTokenStream(GenericSRT.TextureMap, GenericSRT.MaxBoundResourceTable, Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.TextureMap);
		BuildResourceTableTokenStream(GenericSRT.ShaderResourceViewMap, GenericSRT.MaxBoundResourceTable, Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.ShaderResourceViewMap);
		BuildResourceTableTokenStream(GenericSRT.SamplerMap, GenericSRT.MaxBoundResourceTable, Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.SamplerMap);
		BuildResourceTableTokenStream(GenericSRT.UnorderedAccessViewMap, GenericSRT.MaxBoundResourceTable, Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.UnorderedAccessViewMap);

		Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers = FMath::Max((uint8)GetNumUniformBuffersUsed(GenericSRT), Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers);

	const int32 MaxSamplers = GetFeatureLevelMaxTextureSamplers(ERHIFeatureLevel::ES3_1);

	if (Header.Bindings.NumSamplers > MaxSamplers)
		ShaderOutput.bSucceeded = false;
		FShaderCompilerError* NewError = new(ShaderOutput.Errors) FShaderCompilerError();
		NewError->StrippedErrorMessage =
			FString::Printf(TEXT("shader uses %d samplers exceeding the limit of %d"),
				Header.Bindings.NumSamplers, MaxSamplers);
		// at this point, the shader source is ready to be compiled
		FString InputFilename = FPaths::CreateTempFilename(*FPaths::EngineIntermediateDir(), TEXT("ShaderIn"), TEXT(""));
		FString ObjFilename = InputFilename + TEXT(".o");
		FString ArFilename = InputFilename + TEXT(".ar");
		FString OutputFilename = InputFilename + TEXT(".lib");
		InputFilename = InputFilename + TEXT(".metal");
		// write out shader source
		FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(FString(ShaderSource), *InputFilename);
		int32 ReturnCode = 0;
		FString Results;
		FString Errors;
		bool bHadError = true;

		// metal commandlines
		FString Params = FString::Printf(TEXT("-std=ios-metal1.0 %s -o %s"), *InputFilename, *ObjFilename);
		FPlatformProcess::ExecProcess( TEXT("/Applications/"), *Params, &ReturnCode, &Results, &Errors );

		// handle compile error
		if (ReturnCode != 0 || IFileManager::Get().FileSize(*ObjFilename) <= 0)
//			FShaderCompilerError* Error = new(OutErrors) FShaderCompilerError();
//			Error->ErrorFile = InputFilename;
//			Error->ErrorLineString = TEXT("0");
//			Error->StrippedErrorMessage = Results + Errors;
			Params = FString::Printf(TEXT("r %s %s"), *ArFilename, *ObjFilename);
			FPlatformProcess::ExecProcess( TEXT("/Applications/"), *Params, &ReturnCode, &Results, &Errors );

			// handle compile error
			if (ReturnCode != 0 || IFileManager::Get().FileSize(*ArFilename) <= 0)
//				FShaderCompilerError* Error = new(OutErrors) FShaderCompilerError();
//				Error->ErrorFile = InputFilename;
//				Error->ErrorLineString = TEXT("0");
//				Error->StrippedErrorMessage = Results + Errors;
				Params = FString::Printf(TEXT("-o %s %s"), *OutputFilename, *ArFilename);
				FPlatformProcess::ExecProcess( TEXT("/Applications/"), *Params, &ReturnCode, &Results, &Errors );
				// handle compile error
				if (ReturnCode != 0 || IFileManager::Get().FileSize(*OutputFilename) <= 0)
//					FShaderCompilerError* Error = new(OutErrors) FShaderCompilerError();
//					Error->ErrorFile = InputFilename;
//					Error->ErrorLineString = TEXT("0");
//					Error->StrippedErrorMessage = Results + Errors;
					bHadError = false;
					// Write out the header and compiled shader code
					FMemoryWriter Ar(ShaderOutput.Code, true);
					uint8 PrecompiledFlag = 1;
					Ar << PrecompiledFlag;
					Ar << Header;

					// load output
					TArray<uint8> CompiledShader;
					FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(CompiledShader, *OutputFilename);
					// jam it into the output bytes
					Ar.Serialize(CompiledShader.GetData(), CompiledShader.Num());
					ShaderOutput.NumInstructions = 0;
					ShaderOutput.NumTextureSamplers = Header.Bindings.NumSamplers;
					ShaderOutput.bSucceeded = true;
		if (bHadError)
			// Write out the header and shader source code.
			FMemoryWriter Ar(ShaderOutput.Code, true);
			uint8 PrecompiledFlag = 0;
			Ar << PrecompiledFlag;
			Ar << Header;
			Ar.Serialize((void*)ShaderSource, SourceLen + 1 - (ShaderSource - InShaderSource));
			ShaderOutput.NumInstructions = 0;
			ShaderOutput.NumTextureSamplers = Header.Bindings.NumSamplers;
			ShaderOutput.bSucceeded = true;
		// Write out the header and shader source code.
		FMemoryWriter Ar(ShaderOutput.Code, true);
		uint8 PrecompiledFlag = 0;
		Ar << PrecompiledFlag;
		Ar << Header;
		Ar.Serialize((void*)ShaderSource, SourceLen + 1 - (ShaderSource - InShaderSource));
		ShaderOutput.NumInstructions = 0;
		ShaderOutput.NumTextureSamplers = Header.Bindings.NumSamplers;
		ShaderOutput.bSucceeded = true;
 *	Create a search result from a server response
 * @param ServerDetails Steam server details
void FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamFindServerBase::ParseSearchResult(class gameserveritem_t* ServerDetails)
	TSharedRef<FInternetAddr> ServerAddr = ISocketSubsystem::Get(PLATFORM_SOCKETSUBSYSTEM)->CreateInternetAddr();

	int32 ServerQueryPort = ServerDetails->m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort();

	UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("Server response IP:%s"), *ServerAddr->ToString(false));
	if (ServerDetails->m_bHadSuccessfulResponse)
		FString GameTags(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(ServerDetails->m_szGameTags));

		// Check for build compatibility
		int32 ServerBuildId = 0;
		int32 BuildUniqueId = GetBuildUniqueId();

		TArray<FString> TagArray;
		GameTags.ParseIntoArray(TagArray, TEXT(","), true);
		if (TagArray.Num() > 0 && TagArray[0].StartsWith(STEAMKEY_BUILDUNIQUEID))
			ServerBuildId = FCString::Atoi(*TagArray[0].Mid(ARRAY_COUNT(STEAMKEY_BUILDUNIQUEID)));

		if (ServerBuildId != 0 && ServerBuildId == BuildUniqueId)
			// Create a new pending search result 
			FPendingSearchResultSteam* NewPendingSearch = new (PendingSearchResults) FPendingSearchResultSteam(this);
			NewPendingSearch->ServerId = FUniqueNetIdSteam(ServerDetails->m_steamID);
			NewPendingSearch->HostAddr = ServerAddr;

			// Fill search result members
			FOnlineSessionSearchResult* NewSearchResult = &NewPendingSearch->PendingSearchResult;
			NewSearchResult->PingInMs = FMath::Clamp(ServerDetails->m_nPing, 0, MAX_QUERY_PING);

			// Fill session members
			FOnlineSession* NewSession = &NewSearchResult->Session;

			//NewSession->OwningUserId = ;
			NewSession->OwningUserName = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(ServerDetails->GetName());

			NewSession->NumOpenPublicConnections = ServerDetails->m_nMaxPlayers - ServerDetails->m_nPlayers;
			NewSession->NumOpenPrivateConnections = 0;

			// Fill session settings members
			NewSession->SessionSettings.NumPublicConnections = ServerDetails->m_nMaxPlayers;
			NewSession->SessionSettings.NumPrivateConnections = 0;
			NewSession->SessionSettings.bAntiCheatProtected = ServerDetails->m_bSecure ? true : false;
			NewSession->SessionSettings.Set(SETTING_MAPNAME, FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(ServerDetails->m_szMap)), EOnlineDataAdvertisementType::ViaOnlineService);

			// Start a rules request for this new result
			NewPendingSearch->ServerQueryHandle = SteamMatchmakingServersPtr->ServerRules(ServerDetails->m_NetAdr.GetIP(), ServerQueryPort, NewPendingSearch);
			if (NewPendingSearch->ServerQueryHandle == HSERVERQUERY_INVALID)
				// Remove the failed element
				PendingSearchResults.RemoveAtSwap(PendingSearchResults.Num() - 1);
			UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("Removed incompatible build: ServerBuildUniqueId = 0x%08x, GetBuildUniqueId() = 0x%08x"),
				ServerBuildId, BuildUniqueId);
bool UWorld::ComponentSweepMulti(TArray<struct FHitResult>& OutHits, class UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp, const FVector& Start, const FVector& End, const FRotator& Rot, const struct FComponentQueryParams& Params) const
	if(GetPhysicsScene() == NULL)
		return false;

	if(PrimComp == NULL)
		UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("ComponentSweepMulti : No PrimComp"));
		return false;

	// if target is skeletalmeshcomponent and do not support singlebody physics
	if ( !PrimComp->ShouldTrackOverlaps() )
		UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("ComponentSweepMulti : (%s) Does not support skeletalmesh with Physics Asset and destructibles."), *PrimComp->GetPathName());
		return false;

	ECollisionChannel TraceChannel = PrimComp->GetCollisionObjectType();

	// if extent is 0, do line trace
	if (PrimComp->IsZeroExtent())
		return RaycastMulti(this, OutHits, Start, End, TraceChannel, Params, FCollisionResponseParams(PrimComp->GetCollisionResponseToChannels()));

	PxRigidActor* PRigidActor = PrimComp->BodyInstance.GetPxRigidActor();
	if(PRigidActor == NULL)
		UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("ComponentSweepMulti : (%s) No physics data"), *PrimComp->GetPathName());
		return false;
	PxScene * const PScene = PRigidActor->getScene();


	// Get all the shapes from the actor
	TArray<PxShape*, TInlineAllocator<8>> PShapes;
		PRigidActor->getShapes(PShapes.GetData(), PShapes.Num());

	// calculate the test global pose of the actor
	PxTransform PGlobalStartPose = U2PTransform(FTransform(Start));
	PxTransform PGlobalEndPose = U2PTransform(FTransform(End));

	bool bHaveBlockingHit = false;
	PxQuat PGeomRot = U2PQuat(Rot.Quaternion());

	// Iterate over each shape
	for(int32 ShapeIdx=0; ShapeIdx<PShapes.Num(); ShapeIdx++)
		PxShape* PShape = PShapes[ShapeIdx];

		TArray<struct FHitResult> Hits;

		// Calc shape global pose
		PxTransform PLocalShape = PShape->getLocalPose();
		PxTransform PShapeGlobalStartPose = PGlobalStartPose.transform(PLocalShape);
		PxTransform PShapeGlobalEndPose = PGlobalEndPose.transform(PLocalShape);
		// consider localshape rotation for shape rotation
		PxQuat PShapeRot = PGeomRot * PLocalShape.q;


		if(PGeom != NULL)
			if (GeomSweepMulti(this, *PGeom, PShapeRot, Hits, P2UVector(PShapeGlobalStartPose.p), P2UVector(PShapeGlobalEndPose.p), TraceChannel, Params, FCollisionResponseParams(PrimComp->GetCollisionResponseToChannels())))
				bHaveBlockingHit = true;


	return bHaveBlockingHit;
#endif //WITH_PHYSX
	return false;
FVector AvoidCones(TArray<FVelocityAvoidanceCone>& AllCones, const FVector& BasePosition, const FVector& DesiredPosition, const int NumConesToTest)
	FVector CurrentPosition = DesiredPosition;
	float DistanceInsidePlane_Current[2];
	float DistanceInsidePlane_Base[2];
	float Weighting[2];
	int ConePlaneIndex;

	//AllCones is non-const so that it can be reordered, but nothing should be added or removed from it.
	checkSlow(NumConesToTest <= AllCones.Num());
	TArray<FVelocityAvoidanceCone>::TIterator It = AllCones.CreateIterator();
	for (int i = 0; i < NumConesToTest; ++i, ++It)
		FVelocityAvoidanceCone& CurrentCone = *It;

		//See if CurrentPosition is outside this cone. If it is, then this cone doesn't obstruct us.
		DistanceInsidePlane_Current[0] = (CurrentPosition|CurrentCone.ConePlane[0]) - CurrentCone.ConePlane[0].W;
		DistanceInsidePlane_Current[1] = (CurrentPosition|CurrentCone.ConePlane[1]) - CurrentCone.ConePlane[1].W;
		if ((DistanceInsidePlane_Current[0] <= 0.0f) || (DistanceInsidePlane_Current[1] <= 0.0f))
			//We're not inside this cone, continue past it.
			//If we wanted to, we could check if CurrentPosition and BasePosition are on the same side of the cone, in which case the cone can be removed from this segment test entirely.

		//If we've gotten here, CurrentPosition is inside the cone. If BasePosition is also inside the cone, this entire segment is blocked.
		DistanceInsidePlane_Base[0] = (BasePosition|CurrentCone.ConePlane[0]) - CurrentCone.ConePlane[0].W;
		DistanceInsidePlane_Base[1] = (BasePosition|CurrentCone.ConePlane[1]) - CurrentCone.ConePlane[1].W;

		//We know that the BasePosition isn't in the cone, but CurrentPosition is. We should find the point where the line segment between CurrentPosition and BasePosition exits the cone.
#define CALCULATE_WEIGHTING(index) Weighting[index] = -DistanceInsidePlane_Base[index] / (DistanceInsidePlane_Current[index] - DistanceInsidePlane_Base[index]);
		if (DistanceInsidePlane_Base[0] <= 0.0f)
			if (DistanceInsidePlane_Base[1] <= 0.0f)
				ConePlaneIndex = (Weighting[1] > Weighting[0]) ? 1 : 0;
				ConePlaneIndex = 0;
		else if (DistanceInsidePlane_Base[1] <= 0.0f)
			ConePlaneIndex = 1;
			//BasePosition is also in the cone. This entire line segment of movement is invalidated. I'm considering a way to return false/NULL here.
			return BasePosition;
		//Weighted average of points based on planar distance gives us the answer we want without needing to make a direction vector.
		CurrentPosition = (CurrentPosition * Weighting[ConePlaneIndex]) + (BasePosition * (1.0f - Weighting[ConePlaneIndex]));

		//This cone doesn't need to be used again, so drop it from the list (by shuffling it to the end and decrementing the cone count).
		//This probably ruins our iterator, but it doesn't matter because we're done.
		AllCones.Swap(i, NumConesToTest - 1);		//Don't care if this is swapping an element with itself; the swap function checks this already.
		return AvoidCones(AllCones, BasePosition, CurrentPosition, NumConesToTest - 1);

	return CurrentPosition;
void UEnvQueryGenerator_Donut::GenerateItems(FEnvQueryInstance& QueryInstance) const
	TArray<FVector> CenterPoints;
	QueryInstance.PrepareContext(Center, CenterPoints);

	if (CenterPoints.Num() <= 0)

	UObject* BindOwner = QueryInstance.Owner.Get();
	InnerRadius.BindData(BindOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);
	OuterRadius.BindData(BindOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);
	NumberOfRings.BindData(BindOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);
	PointsPerRing.BindData(BindOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);
	ArcAngle.BindData(BindOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);

	float ArcAngleValue = ArcAngle.GetValue();
	float InnerRadiusValue = InnerRadius.GetValue();
	float OuterRadiusValue = OuterRadius.GetValue();
	int32 NumRings = NumberOfRings.GetValue();
	int32 NumPoints = PointsPerRing.GetValue();

	if ((InnerRadiusValue <= 0.f) || (OuterRadiusValue <= 0.f) ||
		(InnerRadiusValue > OuterRadiusValue) ||
		(NumRings < 1) || (NumPoints < 1))

	const float ArcBisectDeg = GetArcBisectorAngle(QueryInstance);
	const float ArcAngleDeg = FMath::Clamp(ArcAngleValue, 0.0f, 360.0f);

	const float RadiusDelta = (OuterRadiusValue - InnerRadiusValue) / (NumRings - 1);
	const float AngleDelta = 2.0 * PI / NumPoints;
	float SectionAngle = FMath::DegreesToRadians(ArcBisectDeg);

	TArray<FNavLocation> Points;
	Points.Reserve(NumPoints * NumRings);

	for (int32 SectionIdx = 0; SectionIdx < NumPoints; SectionIdx++, SectionAngle += AngleDelta)
		if (IsAngleAllowed(SectionAngle, ArcBisectDeg, ArcAngleDeg, bDefineArc))
			const float SinValue = FMath::Sin(SectionAngle);
			const float CosValue = FMath::Cos(SectionAngle);

			float RingRadius = InnerRadiusValue;
			for (int32 RingIdx = 0; RingIdx < NumRings; RingIdx++, RingRadius += RadiusDelta)
				const FVector RingPos(RingRadius * CosValue, RingRadius * SinValue, 0.0f);
				for (int32 ContextIdx = 0; ContextIdx < CenterPoints.Num(); ContextIdx++)
					const FNavLocation PointPos = FNavLocation(CenterPoints[ContextIdx] + RingPos);

	ProjectAndFilterNavPoints(Points, QueryInstance);
	StoreNavPoints(Points, QueryInstance);
// This static function handles all callbacks coming in and when context is services via libwebsocket_service
// return value of -1, closes the connection.
int FNetworkFileServerHttp::CallBack_HTTP(	
			struct libwebsocket_context *Context, 
			struct libwebsocket *Wsi, 
			enum libwebsocket_callback_reasons Reason, 
			void *User, 
			void *In, 
			size_t Len)
	PerSessionData* BufferInfo = (PerSessionData*)User;
	FNetworkFileServerHttp* Server = (FNetworkFileServerHttp*)libwebsocket_context_user(Context); 

	switch (Reason)


		// hang on to socket even if there's no data for atleast 60 secs. 
		libwebsocket_set_timeout(Wsi, NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT, 60);

		/* if it was not legal POST URL, let it continue and accept data */
		if (!lws_hdr_total_length(Wsi, WSI_TOKEN_POST_URI))
			char *requested_uri = (char *) In;

			// client request the base page. e.g  http://unrealfileserver:port/ 
			// just return a banner, probably add some more information, e,g Version, Config, Game. etc. 
			if ( FCString::Strcmp(ANSI_TO_TCHAR(requested_uri), TEXT("/")) == 0 )
				TCHAR Buffer[1024]; 
				TCHAR ServerBanner[] = TEXT("<HTML>This is Unreal File Server</HTML>");
				int x  = FCString::Sprintf(
					TEXT("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\x0d\x0a")
					TEXT("Server: Unreal File Server\x0d\x0a")
					TEXT("Connection: close\x0d\x0a") 
					TEXT("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\x0d\x0a")
					TEXT("Content-Length: %u\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a%s"), 

				// very small data being sent, its fine to just send.  
				libwebsocket_write(Wsi,(unsigned char*)TCHAR_TO_ANSI(Buffer),FCStringAnsi::Strlen(TCHAR_TO_ANSI(Buffer)), LWS_WRITE_HTTP);
				// client has asked for a file. ( only html/js files are served.) 
				// what type is being served. 
				FString FilePath = FPaths::GameDir() / TEXT("Binaries/HTML5") +  FString((ANSICHAR*)In); 
				TCHAR *Mime = NULL; 

				if ( FilePath.Contains(".js"))
					Mime = TEXT("application/javascript;charset=UTF-8");
						Mime = TEXT("text/html;charset=UTF-8");

				UE_LOG(LogFileServer, Warning, TEXT("HTTP Serving file %s with mime %s "), *FilePath, (Mime));

				FString AbsoluteFilePath = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FilePath);

				// we are going to read the complete file in memory and then serve it in batches. 
				// rather than reading and sending in batches because Unreal NFS servers are not running in memory 
				// constrained env and the added complexity is not worth it. 

				TArray<uint8> FileData; 
				FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(FileData, *AbsoluteFilePath, FILEREAD_Silent);
				if (FileData.Num() == 0)
					// umm. we didn't find file, we should tell the client that we couldn't find it. 
					// send 404.
					char Header[]= 	"HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\x0d\x0a"
									"Server: Unreal File Server\x0d\x0a"
									"Connection: close\x0d\x0a";

					libwebsocket_write(Wsi,(unsigned char*)Header,FCStringAnsi::Strlen(Header), LWS_WRITE_HTTP);
					// chug along, client will close the  connection. 

				// file up the header. 
				TCHAR Header[1024];
				int Length  = FCString::Sprintf(Header,
					TEXT("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\x0d\x0a")
					TEXT("Server: Unreal File Server\x0d\x0a")
					TEXT("Connection: close\x0d\x0a")
					TEXT("Content-Type: %s \x0d\x0a")
					TEXT("Content-Length: %u\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a"),

				// make space for the whole file in our out buffer. 
				// we need to write back to the client, queue up a write callback. 
				libwebsocket_callback_on_writable(Context, Wsi);
			// we got a post request!,  queue up a write callback. 
			libwebsocket_callback_on_writable(Context, Wsi);

			// post data is coming in, push it on to our incoming buffer.  
			UE_LOG(LogFileServer, Log, TEXT("Incoming HTTP Partial Body Size %d, total size  %d"),Len, Len+ BufferInfo->In.Num());
			// we received some data - update time out.
			libwebsocket_set_timeout(Wsi, NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT, 60);
			// we have all the post data from the client. 
			// create archives and process them. 
			UE_LOG(LogFileServer, Log, TEXT("Incoming HTTP total size  %d"), BufferInfo->In.Num());
			FMemoryReader Reader(BufferInfo->In);
			TArray<uint8> Writer;


			// even if we have 0 data to push, tell the client that we don't any data. 
			ANSICHAR Header[1024];
			int Length  = FCStringAnsi::Sprintf(
				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\x0d\x0a"
				"Server: Unreal File Server\x0d\x0a"
				"Connection: close\x0d\x0a"
				"Content-Type: application/octet-stream \x0d\x0a"
				"Content-Length: %u\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a", 

			// Add Http Header 
			// Add Binary Data.  

			// we have enqueued data increase timeout and push a writable callback. 
			libwebsocket_set_timeout(Wsi, NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT, 60);
			libwebsocket_callback_on_writable(Context, Wsi);

		// client went away or 
		//clean up. 


		// we are going away. 



		// get rid of superfluous write  callbacks.
		if ( BufferInfo == NULL )

		// we have data o send out.
		if (BufferInfo->Out.Num())
			int SentSize = libwebsocket_write(Wsi,(unsigned char*)BufferInfo->Out.GetData(),BufferInfo->Out.Num(), LWS_WRITE_HTTP);
			// get rid of the data that has been sent. 



	return 0; 
int32 FUniformMeshConverter::Convert(
	FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, 
	FSceneRenderer& Renderer,
	FViewInfo& View, 
	const FPrimitiveSceneInfo* PrimitiveSceneInfo, 
	int32 LODIndex,
	FUniformMeshBuffers*& OutUniformMeshBuffers,
	const FMaterialRenderProxy*& OutMaterialRenderProxy,
	FUniformBufferRHIParamRef& OutPrimitiveUniformBuffer)
	const FPrimitiveSceneProxy* PrimitiveSceneProxy = PrimitiveSceneInfo->Proxy;
	const auto FeatureLevel = View.GetFeatureLevel();

	TArray<FMeshBatch> MeshElements;
	PrimitiveSceneInfo->Proxy->GetMeshDescription(LODIndex, MeshElements);

	int32 NumTriangles = 0;

	for (int32 MeshIndex = 0; MeshIndex < MeshElements.Num(); MeshIndex++)
		if (ShouldConvertMesh(MeshElements[MeshIndex]))
			NumTriangles += MeshElements[MeshIndex].GetNumPrimitives();
	if (NumTriangles > 0)
		if (GUniformMeshTemporaryBuffers.MaxElements < NumTriangles * 3)
			GUniformMeshTemporaryBuffers.MaxElements = NumTriangles * 3;

		RHICmdList.SetRenderTargets(0, (const FRHIRenderTargetView*)NULL, NULL, 0, (const FUnorderedAccessViewRHIParamRef*)NULL);

		uint32 Offsets[1] = {0};
		const FVertexBufferRHIParamRef StreamOutTargets[1] = {GUniformMeshTemporaryBuffers.TriangleData.GetReference()};
		RHICmdList.SetStreamOutTargets(1, StreamOutTargets, Offsets);

		for (int32 MeshIndex = 0; MeshIndex < MeshElements.Num(); MeshIndex++)
			const FMeshBatch& Mesh = MeshElements[MeshIndex];

			if (ShouldConvertMesh(Mesh))
				FConvertToUniformMeshDrawingPolicy DrawingPolicy(

				//@todo - fix
				OutMaterialRenderProxy = Mesh.MaterialRenderProxy;

				DrawingPolicy.SetSharedState(RHICmdList, &View, FConvertToUniformMeshDrawingPolicy::ContextDataType());

				for (int32 BatchElementIndex = 0; BatchElementIndex < Mesh.Elements.Num(); BatchElementIndex++)
					//@todo - fix
					OutPrimitiveUniformBuffer = IsValidRef(Mesh.Elements[BatchElementIndex].PrimitiveUniformBuffer) 
						? Mesh.Elements[BatchElementIndex].PrimitiveUniformBuffer
						: *Mesh.Elements[BatchElementIndex].PrimitiveUniformBufferResource;

					DrawingPolicy.SetMeshRenderState(RHICmdList, View,PrimitiveSceneProxy,Mesh,BatchElementIndex,false,FMeshDrawingRenderState(),FConvertToUniformMeshDrawingPolicy::ElementDataType(), FConvertToUniformMeshDrawingPolicy::ContextDataType());
					DrawingPolicy.DrawMesh(RHICmdList, Mesh, BatchElementIndex);

		RHICmdList.SetStreamOutTargets(1, (const FVertexBufferRHIParamRef*)NULL, Offsets);

	OutUniformMeshBuffers = &GUniformMeshTemporaryBuffers;
	return NumTriangles;
void UTexture::PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent)


	// Determine whether any property that requires recompression of the texture, or notification to Materials has changed.
	bool RequiresNotifyMaterials = false;
	bool DeferCompressionWasEnabled = false;

	UProperty* PropertyThatChanged = PropertyChangedEvent.Property;
	if( PropertyThatChanged )
		static const FName CompressionSettingsName("CompressionSettings");
		static const FName LODGroupName("LODGroup");
		static const FName DeferCompressionName("DeferCompression");
		static const FName MaxTextureSizeName("MaxTextureSize");

		const FName PropertyName = PropertyThatChanged->GetFName();
		if (PropertyName == CompressionSettingsName || PropertyName == LODGroupName)
			RequiresNotifyMaterials = true;
		else if (PropertyName == DeferCompressionName)
			DeferCompressionWasEnabled = DeferCompression;
		else if (PropertyName == MaxTextureSizeName)
			if (MaxTextureSize <= 0)
				MaxTextureSize = 0;
				MaxTextureSize = FMath::Min<int32>(FMath::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(MaxTextureSize), GetMaximumDimension());

		bool bPreventSRGB = (CompressionSettings == TC_Alpha || CompressionSettings == TC_Normalmap || CompressionSettings == TC_Masks || CompressionSettings == TC_HDR || CompressionSettings == TC_HDR_Compressed);
		if(bPreventSRGB && SRGB == true)
			SRGB = false;
		FMaterialUpdateContext UpdateContext;
		// Update any material that uses this texture
		TSet<UMaterial*> BaseMaterialsThatUseThisTexture;
		for (TObjectIterator<UMaterialInterface> It; It; ++It)
			UMaterialInterface* MaterialInterface = *It;
			if (DoesMaterialUseTexture(MaterialInterface, this))
				UMaterial *Material = MaterialInterface->GetMaterial();
				bool MaterialAlreadyCompute = false;
				BaseMaterialsThatUseThisTexture.Add(Material, &MaterialAlreadyCompute);
				if (!MaterialAlreadyCompute)
					if (Material->IsTextureForceRecompileCacheRessource(this))
		//If the DDC key was different the material is already recompile here
		RequiresNotifyMaterials = false;

	NumCinematicMipLevels = FMath::Max<int32>( NumCinematicMipLevels, 0 );

	// Don't update the texture resource if we've turned "DeferCompression" on, as this 
	// would cause it to immediately update as an uncompressed texture
	if( !DeferCompressionWasEnabled && (PropertyChangedEvent.ChangeType & EPropertyChangeType::Interactive) == 0 )
		// Update the texture resource. This will recache derived data if necessary
		// which may involve recompressing the texture.

	// Notify any loaded material instances if changed our compression format
	if (RequiresNotifyMaterials)
		TArray<UMaterialInterface*> MaterialsThatUseThisTexture;

		// Create a material update context to safely update materials.
			FMaterialUpdateContext UpdateContext;

			// Notify any material that uses this texture
			TSet<UMaterial*> BaseMaterialsThatUseThisTexture;
			for (TObjectIterator<UMaterialInterface> It; It; ++It)
				UMaterialInterface* MaterialInterface = *It;
				if (DoesMaterialUseTexture(MaterialInterface,this))

					// This is a bit tricky. We want to make sure all materials using this texture are
					// updated. Materials are always updated. Material instances may also have to be
					// updated and if they have static permutations their children must be updated
					// whether they use the texture or not! The safe thing to do is to add the instance's
					// base material to the update context causing all materials in the tree to update.

			// Go ahead and update any base materials that need to be.
			for (TSet<UMaterial*>::TConstIterator It(BaseMaterialsThatUseThisTexture); It; ++It)

		// Now that all materials and instances have updated send necessary callbacks.
		for (int32 i = 0; i < MaterialsThatUseThisTexture.Num(); ++i)
	// any texture that is referencing this texture as AssociatedNormalMap needs to be informed
		TArray<UTexture*> TexturesThatUseThisTexture;

		for (TObjectIterator<UTexture> It; It; ++It)
			UTexture* Tex = *It;

			if(Tex != this && Tex->CompositeTexture == this && Tex->CompositeTextureMode != CTM_Disabled)
		for (int32 i = 0; i < TexturesThatUseThisTexture.Num(); ++i)
	/** Add an item to the output objects array */
	void AddItem(UStaticMeshComponent* InComponent, AActor* InActor, TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> >& OutObjects)
		int32 TextureLightMapMemoryUsage;
		int32 TextureShadowMapMemoryUsage;
		int32 VertexLightMapMemoryUsage;
		int32 VertexShadowMapMemoryUsage;
		int32 StaticLightingResolution;
		bool bTextureMapping;
		bool bHasLightmapTexCoords;

		if(InComponent != NULL && InComponent->GetEstimatedLightAndShadowMapMemoryUsage(
				bHasLightmapTexCoords) )
			UStaticMeshLightingInfo* Entry = ConstructObject<UStaticMeshLightingInfo>(UStaticMeshLightingInfo::StaticClass());

			Entry->StaticMeshActor = InActor;
			Entry->StaticMeshComponent = InComponent;
			Entry->StaticMesh = InComponent != NULL ? InComponent->StaticMesh : NULL;
			Entry->TextureLightMapMemoryUsage = (float)TextureLightMapMemoryUsage / 1024.0f;
			Entry->TextureShadowMapMemoryUsage = (float)TextureShadowMapMemoryUsage / 1024.0f;
			Entry->VertexLightMapMemoryUsage = (float)VertexLightMapMemoryUsage / 1024.0f;
			Entry->VertexShadowMapMemoryUsage = (float)VertexShadowMapMemoryUsage / 1024.0f;
			Entry->StaticLightingResolution = StaticLightingResolution;
			Entry->bTextureMapping = bTextureMapping;
			Entry->bHasLightmapTexCoords = bHasLightmapTexCoords;


			// Find the lights relevant to the primitive.
			TArray<ULightComponent*> LightMapRelevantLights;
			TArray<ULightComponent*> ShadowMapRelevantLights;
			for (int32 LightIndex = 0; LightIndex < AllLights.Num(); LightIndex++)
				ULightComponent* Light = AllLights[LightIndex];
				// Only add enabled lights
				if (Light->bVisible && Light->AffectsPrimitive(InComponent))
					// Check whether the light should use a light-map or shadow-map.
					const bool bHasStaticLighting = Light->HasStaticLighting();
					if (bHasStaticLighting)
					// only allow for shadow maps if shadow casting is enabled
					else if (Light->CastShadows && Light->CastStaticShadows)

			Entry->LightMapLightCount = LightMapRelevantLights.Num();
			Entry->ShadowMapLightCount = ShadowMapRelevantLights.Num();
void UEnvQueryManager::Tick(float DeltaTime)
	SET_DWORD_STAT(STAT_AI_EQS_NumInstances, RunningQueries.Num());
	// @TODO: threads?

	const double ExecutionTimeWarningSeconds = 0.25;
	const double MaxAllowedSeconds = 0.010;
	double TimeLeft = MaxAllowedSeconds;
	int32 FinishedQueriesCount = 0;
	TArray<TSharedPtr<FEnvQueryInstance> > RunningQueriesCopy = RunningQueries;

		while (TimeLeft > 0.0 && RunningQueriesCopy.Num() > 0)
			bool LoggedExecutionTimeWarning = false;

			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < RunningQueriesCopy.Num() && TimeLeft > 0.0; Index++)
				const double StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();

				TSharedPtr<FEnvQueryInstance>& QueryInstance = RunningQueriesCopy[Index];


				if (QueryInstance->IsFinished())
					// Always log that we executed total execution time at the end of the query.
					if (QueryInstance->GetTotalExecutionTime() > ExecutionTimeWarningSeconds)
						UE_LOG(LogEQS, Warning, TEXT("Finished query %s over execution time warning. %s"), *QueryInstance->QueryName, *QueryInstance->GetExecutionTimeDescription());

					RunningQueriesCopy.RemoveAt(Index, 1, /*bAllowShrinking=*/false);
					LoggedExecutionTimeWarning = false;

				if (!QueryInstance->HasLoggedTimeLimitWarning() && (QueryInstance->GetTotalExecutionTime() > ExecutionTimeWarningSeconds))
					UE_LOG(LogEQS, Warning, TEXT("Query %s over execution time warning. %s"), *QueryInstance->QueryName, *QueryInstance->GetExecutionTimeDescription());

				TimeLeft -= (FPlatformTime::Seconds() - StartTime);

		for (int32 Index = RunningQueries.Num() - 1; Index >= 0 && FinishedQueriesCount > 0; --Index)
			TSharedPtr<FEnvQueryInstance>& QueryInstance = RunningQueries[Index];

			if (QueryInstance->IsFinished())
				UE_VLOG_EQS(*QueryInstance.Get(), LogEQS, All);

				EQSDebugger.StoreQuery(GetWorld(), QueryInstance);

				RunningQueries.RemoveAtSwap(Index, 1, /*bAllowShrinking=*/false);

Beispiel #24
void UConsole::PostRender_InputLine(UCanvas* Canvas, FIntPoint UserInputLinePos)
	float xl, yl;

	// use the smallest font
	UFont* Font = GEngine->GetSmallFont();
	// determine the position for the cursor
	FString OutStr = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%s"), *ConsoleDefs::LeadingInputText, *TypedStr);
	Canvas->StrLen(Font, OutStr,xl,yl);

	float ClipX = Canvas->ClipX;
	float ClipY = Canvas->ClipY;

	if (GEngine->IsConsoleBuild())
		ClipX	-= 64;
		ClipY	-= 32;

	if (GEngine->IsStereoscopic3D())
		ClipX -= 150;
		ClipY = ClipY * 0.60;

	// Background
	FCanvasTileItem ConsoleTile( FVector2D( UserInputLinePos.X,UserInputLinePos.Y-6-yl ), DefaultTexture_Black->Resource, FVector2D( ClipX, yl+6 ), FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f), FVector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ), FLinearColor::White );
	Canvas->DrawItem( ConsoleTile );

	// Separator line
	ConsoleTile.SetColor( ConsoleDefs::BorderColor );
	ConsoleTile.Texture = DefaultTexture_White->Resource;
	ConsoleTile.Size = FVector2D( ClipX, 2.0f );
	Canvas->DrawItem( ConsoleTile );

	// Currently typed string
	FText Str = FText::FromString( OutStr );
	FCanvasTextItem ConsoleText( FVector2D( UserInputLinePos.X,UserInputLinePos.Y-3-yl ), Str , GEngine->GetSmallFont(), ConsoleDefs::InputTextColor );		
	Canvas->DrawItem( ConsoleText );

	// draw the remaining text for matching auto-complete
	if (AutoComplete.Num() > 0)
		int32 StartIdx = AutoCompleteIndex;
		if (StartIdx < 0)
			StartIdx = FMath::Max(0, AutoComplete.Num() + StartIdx);

		Canvas->StrLen(Font, *ConsoleDefs::LeadingInputText, xl, yl);
		float y = UserInputLinePos.Y - 6.0f - (yl * 2.0f);

		// Set the background color/texture of the auto-complete section
		ConsoleTile.SetColor( ConsoleDefs::AutocompleteBackgroundColor );
		ConsoleTile.Texture = DefaultTexture_White->Resource;

		// wasteful memory allocations but when typing in a console command this is fine
		TArray<FString> AutoCompleteElements;
		// to avoid memory many allocations
		AutoCompleteElements.Empty(MAX_AUTOCOMPLETION_LINES + 1);

		for (int32 MatchIdx = 0; MatchIdx < MAX_AUTOCOMPLETION_LINES && MatchIdx < AutoComplete.Num(); MatchIdx++)
			const FAutoCompleteCommand &Cmd = AutoComplete[StartIdx + MatchIdx];
			OutStr = Cmd.Desc;

				// no Description means we display the Command directly, without that the line would be empty (happens for ConsoleVariables and some ConsoleSettings->ManualAutoCompleteList)
				OutStr = Cmd.Command;


		// Display a message if there were more matches
		if (AutoComplete.Num() >= MAX_AUTOCOMPLETION_LINES)
			OutStr = FString::Printf(TEXT("[%i more matches]"), (AutoComplete.Num() - MAX_AUTOCOMPLETION_LINES + 1));

		// background rectangle behind auto completion
			float MaxWidth = 0;
			float MaxHeight = 0;

			for(int32 i = 0, Num = AutoCompleteElements.Num(); i < Num; ++i)
				const FString& AutoCompleteElement = AutoCompleteElements[i];

				float info_xl, info_yl;

				Canvas->StrLen(Font, AutoCompleteElement, info_xl, info_yl);

				MaxWidth = FMath::Max(MaxWidth, info_xl);
				MaxHeight += yl;

			int32 Border = 4;

			// white border
			ConsoleTile.Size = FVector2D( MaxWidth + 2 * Border, MaxHeight + 2 * Border );
			ConsoleTile.SetColor( ConsoleDefs::BorderColor );
			Canvas->DrawItem( ConsoleTile, UserInputLinePos.X + xl - Border, y + yl - MaxHeight - Border );


			// dark inner part
			ConsoleTile.Size = FVector2D( MaxWidth + 2 * Border, MaxHeight + 2 * Border );
			ConsoleTile.SetColor( ConsoleDefs::AutocompleteBackgroundColor );
			Canvas->DrawItem( ConsoleTile, UserInputLinePos.X + xl - Border, y + yl - MaxHeight - Border );

		// auto completion elements
		for(int32 i = 0, Num = AutoCompleteElements.Num(); i < Num; ++i)
			const FString& AutoCompleteElement = AutoCompleteElements[i];

			if (i == AutoCompleteCursor									// cursor line is highlighted
				|| (Num >= MAX_AUTOCOMPLETION_LINES && i == Num - 1))	// e.g. [%i more matches]
				ConsoleText.SetColor( ConsoleDefs::AutocompleteSuggestionColor );
				ConsoleText.SetColor( ConsoleDefs::AutocompletePartialSuggestionColor );
			ConsoleText.Text = FText::FromString(AutoCompleteElement);
			Canvas->DrawItem( ConsoleText, UserInputLinePos.X + xl, y );
			y -= yl;

	// determine the cursor position
	OutStr = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%s"), *ConsoleDefs::LeadingInputText, *TypedStr.Left(TypedStrPos));
	Canvas->StrLen(Font, OutStr,xl,yl);

	// draw the cursor
	ConsoleText.SetColor( ConsoleDefs::CursorColor );
	OutStr = FString::Printf( TEXT("_") );
	ConsoleText.Text = FText::FromString( OutStr );
	Canvas->DrawItem( ConsoleText, UserInputLinePos.X + xl, UserInputLinePos.Y-1.0f-yl );

	void CreateSpritesFromTextures(TArray<UTexture2D*>& Textures)
		const FString DefaultSuffix = TEXT("_Sprite");

		FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");
		FContentBrowserModule& ContentBrowserModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FContentBrowserModule>("ContentBrowser");

		TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToSync;

		for (auto TextureIt = Textures.CreateConstIterator(); TextureIt; ++TextureIt)
			UTexture2D* Texture = *TextureIt;

			// Create the factory used to generate the sprite
			UPaperSpriteFactory* SpriteFactory = ConstructObject<UPaperSpriteFactory>(UPaperSpriteFactory::StaticClass());
			SpriteFactory->InitialTexture = Texture;

			// Create the sprite
			FString Name;
			FString PackageName;

			if (!bExtractSprites)
				// Get a unique name for the sprite
				AssetToolsModule.Get().CreateUniqueAssetName(Texture->GetOutermost()->GetName(), DefaultSuffix, /*out*/ PackageName, /*out*/ Name);
				const FString PackagePath = FPackageName::GetLongPackagePath(PackageName);

				if (UObject* NewAsset = AssetToolsModule.Get().CreateAsset(Name, PackagePath, UPaperSprite::StaticClass(), SpriteFactory))
				FScopedSlowTask Feedback(1, NSLOCTEXT("Paper2D", "Paper2D_ExtractSpritesFromTexture", "Extracting Sprites From Texture"));

				// First extract the rects from the texture
				TArray<FIntRect> ExtractedRects;
				UPaperSprite::ExtractRectsFromTexture(Texture, /*out*/ ExtractedRects);

				// Sort the rectangles by approximate row
				struct FRectangleSortHelper
					FRectangleSortHelper(TArray<FIntRect>& InOutSprites)
						// Sort by Y, then by X (top left corner), descending order (so we can use it as a stack from the top row down)
						TArray<FIntRect> SpritesLeft = InOutSprites;
						SpritesLeft.Sort([](const FIntRect& A, const FIntRect& B) { return (A.Min.Y == B.Min.Y) ? (A.Min.X > B.Min.X) : (A.Min.Y > B.Min.Y); });

						// Start pulling sprites out, the first one in each row will dominate remaining ones and cause them to get labeled
						TArray<FIntRect> DominatedSprites;
 						while (SpritesLeft.Num())
							FIntRect DominatingSprite = SpritesLeft.Pop();

							// Find the sprites that are dominated (intersect the infinite horizontal band described by the dominating sprite)
							for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SpritesLeft.Num();)
								const FIntRect& CurElement = SpritesLeft[Index];
								if ((CurElement.Min.Y <= DominatingSprite.Max.Y) && (CurElement.Max.Y >= DominatingSprite.Min.Y))
									SpritesLeft.RemoveAt(Index, /*Count=*/ 1, /*bAllowShrinking=*/ false);

							// Sort the sprites in the band by X and add them to the result
							DominatedSprites.Sort([](const FIntRect& A, const FIntRect& B) { return (A.Min.X < B.Min.X); });
				FRectangleSortHelper RectSorter(ExtractedRects);

				Feedback.TotalAmountOfWork = ExtractedRects.Num();

				for (int ExtractedRectIndex = 0; ExtractedRectIndex < ExtractedRects.Num(); ++ExtractedRectIndex)
					Feedback.EnterProgressFrame(1, NSLOCTEXT("Paper2D", "Paper2D_ExtractSpritesFromTexture", "Extracting Sprites From Texture"));

					FIntRect& ExtractedRect = ExtractedRects[ExtractedRectIndex];
					SpriteFactory->bUseSourceRegion = true;
					SpriteFactory->InitialSourceUV = FVector2D(ExtractedRect.Min.X, ExtractedRect.Min.Y);
					SpriteFactory->InitialSourceDimension = FVector2D(ExtractedRect.Width(), ExtractedRect.Height());

					// Get a unique name for the sprite
					const FString Suffix = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s_%d"), *DefaultSuffix, ExtractedRectIndex);
					AssetToolsModule.Get().CreateUniqueAssetName(Texture->GetOutermost()->GetName(), Suffix, /*out*/ PackageName, /*out*/ Name);
					const FString PackagePath = FPackageName::GetLongPackagePath(PackageName);

					if (UObject* NewAsset = AssetToolsModule.Get().CreateAsset(Name, PackagePath, UPaperSprite::StaticClass(), SpriteFactory))

					if (GWarn->ReceivedUserCancel()) 

		if (ObjectsToSync.Num() > 0)
Beispiel #26
void UConsole::BuildRuntimeAutoCompleteList(bool bForce)
	if (!bForce)
		// unless forced delay updating until needed
		bIsRuntimeAutoCompleteUpToDate = false;

	// clear the existing tree
	//@todo - probably only need to rebuild the tree + partial command list on level load
	for (int32 Idx = 0; Idx < AutoCompleteTree.ChildNodes.Num(); Idx++)
		FAutoCompleteNode *Node = AutoCompleteTree.ChildNodes[Idx];
		delete Node;


	const UConsoleSettings* ConsoleSettings = GetDefault<UConsoleSettings>();

	// copy the manual list first
	for (int32 Idx = 0; Idx < ConsoleSettings->ManualAutoCompleteList.Num(); Idx++)
		AutoCompleteList[Idx] = ConsoleSettings->ManualAutoCompleteList[Idx];

	// console variables
			FConsoleObjectVisitor::CreateStatic< TArray<struct FAutoCompleteCommand>& >(
				AutoCompleteList ) );

	// iterate through script exec functions and append to the list
	int32 ScriptExecCnt = 0;
	for (TObjectIterator<UFunction> It; It; ++It)
		UFunction *Func = *It;

		// Determine whether or not this is a level script event that we can call (must be defined in the level script actor and not in parent, and has no return value)
		const UClass* FuncOuter = Cast<UClass>(Func->GetOuter());
		const bool bIsLevelScriptFunction = FuncOuter 
			&& (FuncOuter->IsChildOf(ALevelScriptActor::StaticClass()))
			&& (FuncOuter != ALevelScriptActor::StaticClass())
			&& (Func->ReturnValueOffset == MAX_uint16) 
			&& (Func->GetSuperFunction() == NULL);

		// exec functions that either have no parent, level script events, or are in the global state (filtering some unnecessary dupes)
		if ( (Func->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_Exec) && (Func->GetSuperFunction() == NULL || FuncOuter))
			|| bIsLevelScriptFunction)
			FString FuncName = Func->GetName();
				FuncName = FString::Printf(TEXT("\"%s\""), *FuncName);
			if( bIsLevelScriptFunction )
				FuncName = FString(TEXT("ce ")) + FuncName;

			int32 NewIdx = AutoCompleteList.AddZeroed(1);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Command = FuncName;
			// build a help string
			// append each property (and it's type) to the help string
			for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> PropIt(Func); PropIt && (PropIt->PropertyFlags & CPF_Parm); ++PropIt)
				UProperty *Prop = *PropIt;
				FuncName = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s %s[%s]"),*FuncName,*Prop->GetName(),*Prop->GetCPPType());
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Desc = FuncName;

	// enumerate maps
	TArray<FString> Packages;
	for (int32 PathIdx = 0; PathIdx < ConsoleSettings->AutoCompleteMapPaths.Num(); ++PathIdx)
		FPackageName::FindPackagesInDirectory(Packages, FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%s"), *FPaths::GameDir(), *ConsoleSettings->AutoCompleteMapPaths[PathIdx]));
	// also include maps in this user's developer dir
	FPackageName::FindPackagesInDirectory(Packages, FPaths::GameUserDeveloperDir());

	for (int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < Packages.Num(); PackageIndex++)
		FString Pkg = Packages[PackageIndex];
		int32 ExtIdx = Pkg.Find(*FPackageName::GetMapPackageExtension(),ESearchCase::IgnoreCase, ESearchDir::FromEnd);
		FString MapName;
		if (ExtIdx != INDEX_NONE && Pkg.Split(TEXT("/"),NULL,&MapName,ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd))
			// try to peel off the extension
			FString TrimmedMapName;
			if (!MapName.Split(TEXT("."),&TrimmedMapName,NULL,ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd))
				TrimmedMapName = MapName;
			int32 NewIdx;
			// put _P maps at the front so that they match early, since those are generally the maps we want to actually open
			if (TrimmedMapName.EndsWith(TEXT("_P")))
				NewIdx = 0;
				NewIdx = AutoCompleteList.AddZeroed(3);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Command = FString::Printf(TEXT("open %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT("open %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx+1].Command = FString::Printf(TEXT("travel %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx+1].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT("travel %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx+2].Command = FString::Printf(TEXT("servertravel %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
			AutoCompleteList[NewIdx+2].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT("servertravel %s"),*TrimmedMapName);
	// misc commands
		int32 NewIdx = AutoCompleteList.AddZeroed(1);
		AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Command = FString(TEXT("open"));
		AutoCompleteList[NewIdx].Desc = FString(TEXT("open (opens connection to localhost)"));
	// build the magic tree!
	for (int32 ListIdx = 0; ListIdx < AutoCompleteList.Num(); ListIdx++)
		FString Command = AutoCompleteList[ListIdx].Command.ToLower();
		FAutoCompleteNode *Node = &AutoCompleteTree;
		for (int32 Depth = 0; Depth < Command.Len(); Depth++)
			int32 Char = Command[Depth];
			int32 FoundNodeIdx = INDEX_NONE;
			TArray<FAutoCompleteNode*> &NodeList = Node->ChildNodes;
			for (int32 NodeIdx = 0; NodeIdx < NodeList.Num(); NodeIdx++)
				if (NodeList[NodeIdx]->IndexChar == Char)
					FoundNodeIdx = NodeIdx;
					Node = NodeList[FoundNodeIdx];
			if (FoundNodeIdx == INDEX_NONE)
				FAutoCompleteNode *NewNode = new FAutoCompleteNode(Char);
				Node = NewNode;
	bIsRuntimeAutoCompleteUpToDate = true;
	virtual bool Cook(FName Format, const TArray<uint8>& SrcBuffer, FSoundQualityInfo& QualityInfo, TArray<uint8>& CompressedDataStore) const override
		check(Format == NAME_OGG);

			short				ReadBuffer[SAMPLES_TO_READ * SAMPLE_SIZE * 2];

			ogg_stream_state	os;		// take physical pages, weld into a logical stream of packets 
			ogg_page			og;		// one ogg bitstream page.  Vorbis packets are inside
			ogg_packet			op;		// one raw packet of data for decode
			vorbis_info			vi;		// struct that stores all the static vorbis bitstream settings
			vorbis_comment		vc;		// struct that stores all the user comments
			vorbis_dsp_state	vd;		// central working state for the packet->PCM decoder
			vorbis_block		vb;		// local working space for packet->PCM decode
			uint32				i;
			bool				eos;

			// Create a buffer to store compressed data
			FMemoryWriter CompressedData( CompressedDataStore );
			uint32 BufferOffset = 0;

			float CompressionQuality = ( float )( QualityInfo.Quality * VORBIS_QUALITY_MODIFIER ) / 100.0f;
			CompressionQuality = FMath::Clamp( CompressionQuality, -0.1f, 1.0f );

			vorbis_info_init( &vi );

			if( vorbis_encode_init_vbr( &vi, QualityInfo.NumChannels, QualityInfo.SampleRate, CompressionQuality ) )
				return false;

			// add a comment
			vorbis_comment_init( &vc );
			vorbis_comment_add_tag( &vc, "ENCODER", "UnrealEngine4" );

			// set up the analysis state and auxiliary encoding storage
			vorbis_analysis_init( &vd, &vi );
			vorbis_block_init( &vd, &vb );

			// set up our packet->stream encoder
			ogg_stream_init( &os, 0 );

			ogg_packet header;
			ogg_packet header_comm;
			ogg_packet header_code;

			vorbis_analysis_headerout( &vd, &vc, &header, &header_comm, &header_code);
			ogg_stream_packetin( &os, &header );
			ogg_stream_packetin( &os, &header_comm );
			ogg_stream_packetin( &os, &header_code );

			// This ensures the actual audio data will start on a new page, as per spec
			while( true )
				int result = ogg_stream_flush( &os, &og );
				if( result == 0 )

				CompressedData.Serialize( og.header, og.header_len );
				CompressedData.Serialize( og.body, og.body_len );

			eos = false;
			while( !eos )
				// Read samples
				uint32 BytesToRead = FMath::Min( SAMPLES_TO_READ * QualityInfo.NumChannels * SAMPLE_SIZE, QualityInfo.SampleDataSize - BufferOffset );
				FMemory::Memcpy( ReadBuffer, SrcBuffer.GetData() + BufferOffset, BytesToRead );
				BufferOffset += BytesToRead;

				if( BytesToRead == 0)
					// end of file
					vorbis_analysis_wrote( &vd, 0 );
					// expose the buffer to submit data
					float **buffer = vorbis_analysis_buffer( &vd, SAMPLES_TO_READ );

					if( QualityInfo.NumChannels == 1 )
						for( i = 0; i < BytesToRead / SAMPLE_SIZE; i++ )
							buffer[0][i] = ( ReadBuffer[i] ) / 32768.0f;
						for( i = 0; i < BytesToRead / ( SAMPLE_SIZE * 2 ); i++ )
							buffer[0][i] = ( ReadBuffer[i * 2] ) / 32768.0f;
							buffer[1][i] = ( ReadBuffer[i * 2 + 1] ) / 32768.0f;

					// tell the library how many samples we actually submitted
					vorbis_analysis_wrote( &vd, i );

				// vorbis does some data preanalysis, then divvies up blocks for more involved (potentially parallel) processing.
				while( vorbis_analysis_blockout( &vd, &vb ) == 1 )
					// analysis, assume we want to use bitrate management
					vorbis_analysis( &vb, NULL );
					vorbis_bitrate_addblock( &vb );

					while( vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket( &vd, &op ) )
						// weld the packet into the bitstream
						ogg_stream_packetin( &os, &op );

						// write out pages (if any)
						while( !eos )
							int result = ogg_stream_pageout( &os, &og );
							if( result == 0 )
							CompressedData.Serialize( og.header, og.header_len );
							CompressedData.Serialize( og.body, og.body_len );

							// this could be set above, but for illustrative purposes, I do	it here (to show that vorbis does know where the stream ends)
							if( ogg_page_eos( &og ) )
								eos = true;

			// clean up and exit.  vorbis_info_clear() must be called last
			ogg_stream_clear( &os );
			vorbis_block_clear( &vb );
			vorbis_dsp_clear( &vd );
			vorbis_comment_clear( &vc );
			vorbis_info_clear( &vi );
			// ogg_page and ogg_packet structs always point to storage in libvorbis.  They're never freed or manipulated directly
		return CompressedDataStore.Num() > 0;
		return false;
 *  Create the proper query for the master server based on the given search settings
 * @param OutFilter Steam structure containing the proper filters
 * @param NumFilters number of filters contained in the array above
void FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamFindServerBase::CreateQuery(MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t** OutFilter, int32& NumFilters)
	// Copy the params so we can remove the values as we use them
	FOnlineSearchSettings TempSearchSettings = SearchSettings->QuerySettings;

    // Include enough space for all search parameters plus the required one "gamedir" below
	int32 MaxFilters = TempSearchSettings.SearchParams.Num() + 1;

	*OutFilter = new MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t[MaxFilters];
	MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t* Filters = *OutFilter; 

	int32 KeySize = sizeof(Filters[0].m_szKey);
	int32 ValueSize = sizeof(Filters[0].m_szValue);

    NumFilters = 0;
	// Filter must match at least our game
	FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szKey, "gamedir", KeySize);
	FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szValue, STEAMGAMEDIR, ValueSize);

	FString MapName;
	if (TempSearchSettings.Get(SETTING_MAPNAME, MapName) && !MapName.IsEmpty())
		// Server passes the filter if the server is playing the specified map.
		FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szKey, "map", KeySize);
		FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szValue, TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*MapName), ValueSize);

	FString HostIp;
	if (TempSearchSettings.Get(SEARCH_STEAM_HOSTIP, HostIp) && !HostIp.IsEmpty())
		// Server passes the filter if it passed a valid host ip.
		FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szKey, "gameaddr", KeySize);
		FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szValue, TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*HostIp), ValueSize);

	int32 DedicatedOnly = 0;
	if (TempSearchSettings.Get(SEARCH_DEDICATED_ONLY, DedicatedOnly) && DedicatedOnly != 0)
		// Server passes the filter if it passed true to SetDedicatedServer.
		FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szKey, "dedicated", KeySize);
		FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szValue, "true", ValueSize);

	int32 SecureOnly = 0;
	if (TempSearchSettings.Get(SEARCH_SECURE_SERVERS_ONLY, SecureOnly) && SecureOnly != 0)
		// Server passes the filter if the server is VAC-enabled.
		FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szKey, "secure", KeySize);
		FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szValue, "true", ValueSize);

	int32 EmptyOnly = 0;
	if (TempSearchSettings.Get(SEARCH_EMPTY_SERVERS_ONLY, EmptyOnly) && EmptyOnly != 0)
		// Server passes the filter if it doesn't have any players.
		FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szKey, "noplayers", KeySize);
		FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szValue, "true", ValueSize);

	// TEMP!!!!

	 * "full"		- not full
	 * "empty"		- not empty
	 * "proxy"		- a relay server
	if (NumFilters <= MaxFilters)
		/** Filter out key value pairs */
		TArray<FString> Clauses;
		FString CurrentClause;
		for (FSearchParams::TConstIterator It(TempSearchSettings.SearchParams); It; ++It)
			const FName Key = It.Key();
			const FOnlineSessionSearchParam& SearchParam = It.Value();

			FString KeyStr;
			if (SessionKeyToSteamKey(Key, SearchParam.Data, KeyStr))
				if (SearchParam.ComparisonOp == EOnlineComparisonOp::Equals)
					FString NewParam = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s:%s"), *KeyStr, *SearchParam.Data.ToString());
					if (NewParam.Len() <= ValueSize)
						if (NewParam.Len() + CurrentClause.Len() < ValueSize)
							if (CurrentClause.IsEmpty())
								CurrentClause = NewParam;
								// Continue to add to the clause
								CurrentClause = CurrentClause + "," + NewParam;
							// Create a new clause
							CurrentClause = NewParam;
						UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("Skipping search clause due to size: %s"), *NewParam);

		// Add the remainder clause
		if (!CurrentClause.IsEmpty())

		if (Clauses.Num() > 0)
			// Make sure there is room (Clauses + "and" clause if more than one)
			if (NumFilters + Clauses.Num() + (Clauses.Num() > 1 ? 1 : 0) <= MaxFilters)
				if (Clauses.Num() > 1)
					// "and" (x1 && x2 && ... && xn) where n is number of clauses
					FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szKey, "and", KeySize);
					FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szValue, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*FString::FromInt(Clauses.Num())), ValueSize);

					for (int32 ClauseIdx=0; ClauseIdx < Clauses.Num(); ClauseIdx++)
						// Server passes the filter if the server's game data (ISteamGameServer::SetGameData) contains all of the
						// specified strings. The value field is a comma-delimited list of strings to match.
						FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szKey, "gamedataand", KeySize);
						FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szValue, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Clauses[ClauseIdx]), ValueSize);
					// Server passes the filter if the server's game data (ISteamGameServer::SetGameData) contains all of the
					// specified strings. The value field is a comma-delimited list of strings to match.
					FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szKey, "gamedataand", KeySize);
					FCStringAnsi::Strncpy(Filters[NumFilters].m_szValue, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Clauses[0]), ValueSize);
void FSpriteDetailsCustomization::BuildCollisionSection(IDetailCategoryBuilder& CollisionCategory, IDetailLayoutBuilder& DetailLayout)
	TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> SpriteCollisionDomainProperty = DetailLayout.GetProperty(GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UPaperSprite, SpriteCollisionDomain));

			.Padding(FMargin(5.0f, 0.0f))
				.Text(this, &FSpriteDetailsCustomization::GetCollisionHeaderContentText, SpriteCollisionDomainProperty)

	TAttribute<EVisibility> ParticipatesInPhysics = TAttribute<EVisibility>::Create(TAttribute<EVisibility>::FGetter::CreateSP( this, &FSpriteDetailsCustomization::AnyPhysicsMode, SpriteCollisionDomainProperty));
	TAttribute<EVisibility> ParticipatesInPhysics3D = TAttribute<EVisibility>::Create(TAttribute<EVisibility>::FGetter::CreateSP(this, &FSpriteDetailsCustomization::PhysicsModeMatches, SpriteCollisionDomainProperty, ESpriteCollisionMode::Use3DPhysics));
	TAttribute<EVisibility> HideWhenInRenderingMode = TAttribute<EVisibility>::Create(TAttribute<EVisibility>::FGetter::CreateSP(this, &FSpriteDetailsCustomization::EditorModeIsNot, ESpriteEditorMode::EditRenderingGeomMode));
	TAttribute<EVisibility> ShowWhenInRenderingMode = TAttribute<EVisibility>::Create(TAttribute<EVisibility>::FGetter::CreateSP(this, &FSpriteDetailsCustomization::EditorModeMatches, ESpriteEditorMode::EditRenderingGeomMode));

	static const FText EditCollisionInCollisionMode = LOCTEXT("CollisionPropertiesHiddenInRenderingMode", "Switch to 'Edit Collsion' mode\nto edit Collision settings");


	// Add the collision geometry mode into the parent container (renamed)
		// Restrict the diced value
		TSharedPtr<FPropertyRestriction> PreventDicedRestriction = MakeShareable(new FPropertyRestriction(LOCTEXT("CollisionGeometryDoesNotSupportDiced", "Collision geometry can not be set to Diced")));
		const UEnum* const SpritePolygonModeEnum = FindObject<UEnum>(ANY_PACKAGE, TEXT("ESpritePolygonMode"));		

		// Find and add the property
		const FString CollisionGeometryTypePropertyPath = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s.%s"), GET_MEMBER_NAME_STRING_CHECKED(UPaperSprite, CollisionGeometry), GET_MEMBER_NAME_STRING_CHECKED(FSpriteGeometryCollection, GeometryType));
		TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> CollisionGeometryTypeProperty = DetailLayout.GetProperty(*CollisionGeometryTypePropertyPath);


			.DisplayName(LOCTEXT("CollisionGeometryType", "Collision Geometry Type"))

	// Show the collision thickness only in 3D mode
	CollisionCategory.AddProperty( DetailLayout.GetProperty(GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UPaperSprite, CollisionThickness)) )

	// Show the default body instance (and only it) from the body setup (if it exists)
	IDetailPropertyRow& BodySetupDefaultInstance = CollisionCategory.AddProperty("BodySetup.DefaultInstance");
	TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<UObject>> SpritesBeingEdited;
	DetailLayout.GetObjectsBeingCustomized(/*out*/ SpritesBeingEdited);

	TArray<UObject*> BodySetupList;
	for (auto WeakSpritePtr : SpritesBeingEdited)
		if (UPaperSprite* Sprite = Cast<UPaperSprite>(WeakSpritePtr.Get()))
			if (UBodySetup* BodySetup = Sprite->BodySetup)
	if (BodySetupList.Num() > 0)
		IDetailPropertyRow* DefaultInstanceRow = CollisionCategory.AddExternalObjectProperty(BodySetupList, GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UBodySetup, DefaultInstance));
		if (DefaultInstanceRow != nullptr)

	// Show the collision geometry when not None
	CollisionCategory.AddProperty(DetailLayout.GetProperty(GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UPaperSprite, CollisionGeometry)))

	// Add the collision polygons into advanced (renamed)
	const FString CollisionGeometryPolygonsPropertyPath = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s.%s"), GET_MEMBER_NAME_STRING_CHECKED(UPaperSprite, CollisionGeometry), GET_MEMBER_NAME_STRING_CHECKED(FSpriteGeometryCollection, Shapes));
	CollisionCategory.AddProperty(DetailLayout.GetProperty(*CollisionGeometryPolygonsPropertyPath), EPropertyLocation::Advanced)
		.DisplayName(LOCTEXT("CollisionShapes", "Collision Shapes"))
Beispiel #30
int32 FMessageTracer::GetEndpoints( TArray<FMessageTracerEndpointInfoPtr>& OutEndpoints ) const

	return OutEndpoints.Num();