Beispiel #1
void GenerateMergeConfigs(){
        // Generate configurations for merging 
        // (MergeViaJDL and Terminate)

        // Write config for MergeViaJDL
        std::ofstream outMerge("configMerge.txt");
        outMerge << "aliroot " << g_aliroot_version.Data() << std::endl;
        outMerge << "root " << g_root_version.Data() << std::endl;
        outMerge << "sample " << g_sample.Data() << std::endl;
        outMerge << "mode MergeViaJDL\n";
        outMerge << "traindir " << g_train_dir.Data() << std::endl; 
        outMerge << "runlist ";
        for(int irun = 0; irun < g_runlist.GetSize()-1; irun++) outMerge << g_runlist[irun] << ",";
        outMerge << g_runlist[g_runlist.GetSize()-1] << std::endl;
        // Write config for Terminate
        std::ofstream outTerminate("configTerminate.txt");
        outTerminate << "aliroot " << g_aliroot_version.Data() << std::endl;
        outTerminate << "root " << g_root_version.Data() << std::endl;
        outTerminate << "sample " << g_sample.Data() << std::endl;
        outTerminate << "mode Terminate\n";
        outTerminate << "traindir " << g_train_dir.Data() << std::endl; 
        outTerminate << "runlist ";
        for(int irun = 0; irun < g_runlist.GetSize()-1; irun++) outTerminate << g_runlist[irun] << ",";
        outTerminate << g_runlist[g_runlist.GetSize()-1] << std::endl;

        printf("Configurations for MergeViaJDL and terminate generated\n");
Beispiel #2
bool testReading(TArrayI &arr, TString &json) 
   TArrayI *arr2 = nullptr;

   TBufferJSON::FromJSON(arr2, json);
   if (!arr2) { 
      cout << "Fail to read array from JSON" << endl; 
      return false; 
   if (arr2->GetSize() != arr.GetSize()) {
      cout << "Array sizes mismatch " << arr.GetSize() << " != " << arr2->GetSize() << endl;
      delete arr2;
      return false;

   for (int n=0;n<arr.GetSize();++n) 
     if (arr.At(n) != arr2->At(n)) {
      cout << "Array content mismatch indx=" << n << "  " <<  arr.At(n) << " != " << arr2->At(n) << endl;
      delete arr2;
      return false;

   delete arr2;
   return true;
Beispiel #3
/// \brief Cache  MC production trees, store summary information in formated text files -> root trees
/// \param dataType  -
/// \param fileList
void CacheTestMCProductions(TString dataType, const char *fileList=NULL){
  AliExternalInfo info;
  TObjArray* periodList = NULL;
  TArrayI nRuns;
  if (fileList!=NULL) {
    periodList=(gSystem->GetFromPipe(TString::Format("cat %s", fileList).Data())).Tokenize("\n");

    TTree * tree = info.GetTree("MonALISA.ProductionMC","","");
    Int_t nProd=tree->GetEntries();
    periodList = new TObjArray(nProd);
    TLeaf *leaf = tree->GetLeaf("Tag");
    TLeaf *leafRuns = tree->GetLeaf("Number_of_runs");
    for (Int_t iProd=0; iProd<nProd; iProd++){
      TString prodName=((char*)leaf->GetValuePointer());
      if (prodName.Contains("LHC")==0) continue;
      periodList->AddAt(new TObjString(((char*)leaf->GetValuePointer())),iProd);
    delete tree;
  for (Int_t iPeriod=0; iPeriod<periodList->GetEntriesFast(); iPeriod++){
    TObjString * pName= (TObjString*)periodList->At(iPeriod);
    if (pName==NULL) continue;
    TTree* tree = info.GetTree(dataType.Data(),periodList->At(iPeriod)->GetName(),"passMC");
    if (tree){
      Int_t entries=tree->Draw("run","1","goff");
      TString sInfo=periodList->At(iPeriod)->GetName();
      for (Int_t j=0; j<entries; j++) {
        ::Info("CacheTestMCProductionsRun:","%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%2.0f",periodList->At(iPeriod)->GetName(),dataType.Data(),entries,nRuns[iPeriod],j, tree->GetV1()[j]);
      delete tree;
      ::Error("CacheTestMCProductionsPeriod:","%s\t%s\t-1\t%d\t0",periodList->At(iPeriod)->GetName(), dataType.Data(),nRuns[iPeriod]);
TArrayI* KVIntegerList::CreateTArrayI()
//Cree un objet TArrayI de dimension fMult ( KVIntegerList::GetNbre() ) et rempli par ordre decroissant toutes les valeurs de la partition
//L'objet cree doit etre effacé après utilisation par l'utilisateur

   TArrayI* tab = new TArrayI(GetNbre());
   Int_t mm = 0;
   for (Int_t ii = fLimiteRegle; ii >= 0; ii -= 1) {
      Int_t contenu = fRegle->At(ii);
      for (Int_t cc = 0; cc < contenu; cc += 1)
         tab->AddAt(ii, mm++);
   return tab;

Beispiel #5
void DecodeDataString(const TString &datastring, TString &sample, TArrayI &listofruns){
  TObjArray *toks = datastring.Tokenize(":");
  sample = (dynamic_cast<TObjString *>(toks->At(0)))->String();
  TString &listrunstring = (dynamic_cast<TObjString *>(toks->At(1)))->String();
  TObjArray *runstrings = listrunstring.Tokenize(",");
  TIter runiter(runstrings);
  TObjString *myrunstring = NULL;
  Int_t counter = 0;
  while((myrunstring = dynamic_cast<TObjString *>(runiter()))) listofruns[counter++] = myrunstring->String().Atoi();  
  // Print summary:
  printf("Selected sample: %s\n", sample.Data());
  for(Int_t irun = 0; irun < listofruns.GetSize(); irun++){
    printf("\trun %d\n", listofruns[irun]);
  delete toks; delete runstrings;
Beispiel #6
void GetFinalDecayProducts(Int_t ind, IlcStack & stack , TArrayI & ar){

  // Recursive algorithm to get the final decay products of a particle
  // ind is the index of the particle in the IlcStack
  // stack is the particle stack from the generator
  // ar contains the indexes of the final decay products
  // ar[0] is the number of final decay products

  if (ind<0 || ind>stack.GetNtrack()) {
    cerr << "Invalid index of the particle " << ind << endl;
  if (ar.GetSize()==0) {
    ar[0] = 0;

  TParticle * part = stack.Particle(ind);

  Int_t iFirstDaughter = part->GetFirstDaughter();
  if( iFirstDaughter<0) {
    // This particle is a final decay product, add its index to the array
    if (ar.GetSize() <= ar[0]) ar.Set(ar.GetSize()+10); // resize if needed
    ar[ar[0]] = ind;

  Int_t iLastDaughter = part->GetLastDaughter();

  for (Int_t id=iFirstDaughter; id<=iLastDaughter;id++) {
    // Now search for final decay products of the daughters
Beispiel #7
void DecodeRunlist(const TString &val){
        // Tokenize run list
        TObjArray *runstrings = val.Tokenize(",");
        TObjString *os;
        TString runstr;
        TIter runIter(runstrings);
        int nruns(0);
        while((os = dynamic_cast<TObjString *>(runIter()))){
                runstr = os->String();
                g_runlist[nruns++] = runstr.Atoi();
        delete runstrings;
Beispiel #8
Bool_t TZigZag::NearestPoints(Double_t x, TArrayI &I, TArrayD &W) const {
// One-dimensional case. Gives the 2 nearest points from point x in zigzag numbering.
//W are weights for the points, calculated according to the inverse of their distances
//from x
  const Double_t un  = 1.0;
  const Double_t eps = 1.0e-12;
  Int_t k;
  Double_t xl,xr,x1,x2,dx,dxs2,w0,w1,wt;
  dx   = (fXmax-fXmin)/fNx;
  dxs2 = dx/2;
  xl   = dxs2;
  xr   = dxs2 + (fNx-1)*dx;
  if (x<xl) {
    I[0] = 0;
    I[1] = 1;
    x1   = dxs2;
    x2   = dxs2 + dx;
  else {
    if (x>xr) {
      I[0] = fNx - 1;
      I[1] = fNx - 2;
      x1   = dxs2 + (fNx-1)*dx;
      x2   = x1 - dx;
    else {
      k    = Int_t((x-dxs2)/dx);
      I[0] = k;
      I[1] = k+1;
      x1   = dxs2 + k*dx;
      x2   = x1 + dx;
  w0   = TMath::Abs(x1-x);
  if (w0<eps) w0 = eps;
  w0   = un/w0;
  w1   = TMath::Abs(x2-x);
  if (w1<eps) w1 = eps;
  w1   = un/w1;
  wt   = w0 + w1;
  W[0] = w0/wt;
  W[1] = w1/wt;
  return kTRUE;
Beispiel #9
void AddInput(AliAnalysisAlien *alienhandler, TString sample, TArrayI &listofruns, Bool_t MC){
  Int_t year = GetYear(sample);
  TString specialpattern, datapattern;
    // handle Data
    datapattern = "ESDs/pass2/*ESDs.root";
    specialpattern = Form("data/%d", year);
  } else {
    // handle MC
    datapattern = "*ESDs.root";
    specialpattern = "sim";
  alienhandler->SetGridDataDir(Form("/alice/%s/%s", specialpattern.Data(), sample.Data()));
  for(Int_t ien = 0; ien < listofruns.GetSize(); ien++){
    if(!MC) alienhandler->AddRunNumber(Form("%09d", listofruns[ien]));
    else alienhandler->AddRunNumber(listofruns[ien]);
Beispiel #10
bool MakeSample(AliAnalysisAlien *plugin, TMap &lookup){
        // Fill Sample information (Data dir, pattern, run list) to the Alien plugin
        TObjArray infos;
        bool found = FindDataSample(lookup, infos);
                printf("sample %s not found\n", g_sample.Data());
                return false;
        TString datadir, pattern, type;
        GetData(infos, datadir, 0);
        GetData(infos, pattern, 1);
        GetData(infos, type, 2);
        if(!IsMC(type)) plugin->SetRunPrefix("000");
        // Add runs to the sample
        for(int irun = 0; irun < g_runlist.GetSize(); irun++){
        return true;
Beispiel #11
Bool_t TZigZag::NearestPoints(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, TArrayI &I, TArrayD &W) const {
// 3-dimensional case. Gives the 8 nearest points from point x in zigzag numbering.
//W are weights for the points, calculated according to the inverse of their distances
//from x. If point (x,y) not inside [fXmin,fXmax],[fYmin,fYmax],[fZmin,fZmax], make a
//projection towards center and stops at point just after entry and gives the 8 points
//for it.
  const Double_t un   = 1.0;
  const Double_t aeps = 1.0e-6;
  Bool_t ok;
  Int_t i;
  Int_t kx=0;
  Int_t ky=0;
  Int_t kz=0;
  Double_t mx,my,mz,eps;
  Double_t xc,xl,xr,dx,dxs2;
  Double_t yc,yl,yr,dy,dys2;
  Double_t zc,zl,zr,dz,dzs2;
  Double_t xi,yi,zi,ti,xp,yp,zp;
  Double_t xle,xre,yle,yre,zle,zre;
  Double_t w0,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,wt;
  for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
    I[i] = -1;
    W[i] = -un;
  dx   = (fXmax-fXmin)/fNx;
  dxs2 = dx/2;
  dy   = (fYmax-fYmin)/fNy;
  dys2 = dy/2;
  dz   = (fZmax-fZmin)/fNy;
  dzs2 = dz/2;
  xl   = dxs2;
  xr   = dxs2 + (fNx-1)*dx;
  yl   = dys2;
  yr   = dys2 + (fNy-1)*dy;
  zl   = dzs2;
  zr   = dzs2 + (fNz-1)*dz;
  w0   = xr - xl;
  w1   = yr - yl;
  w2   = zr - zl;
  w0   = TMath::Max(w0,w1);
  w0   = TMath::Max(w0,w2);
  eps  = aeps*w0;
  if ((x>=xl) && (x<=xr) && (y>=yl) && (y<=yr) && (z>=zl) && (z<=zr)) {
    xi = x;
    yi = y;
    zi = z;
    kx = Int_t((xi-dxs2)/dx) + 1;
    ky = Int_t((yi-dys2)/dy) + 1;
    kz = Int_t((zi-dzs2)/dz) + 1;
    ok = kTRUE;
  }//end if ((x>xl) && (x<xr) && (y>yl) && (y<yr) && (z>zl) && (z<zr))
  else {
    xc = (fXmax-fXmin)/2;
    yc = (fYmax-fYmin)/2;
    zc = (fZmax-fZmin)/2;
    xle = xl + eps;
    xre = xr - eps;
    yle = yl + eps;
    yre = yr - eps;
    zle = zl + eps;
    zre = zr - eps;
    mx  = x - xc;
    my  = y - yc;
    mz  = z - zc;
//intercept with xle
    xi = xle;
    ti = (xi-xc)/mx;
    yi = yc + my*ti;
    zi = zc + mz*ti;
    ok = IsInside(xi,yi,zi,x,y,z,xc,yc,zc,xl,xr,yl,yr,zl,zr);
    if (!ok) {
//intercept with xre
      xi = xre;
      ti = (xi-xc)/mx;
      yi = yc + my*ti;
      zi = zc + mz*ti;
      ok = IsInside(xi,yi,zi,x,y,z,xc,yc,zc,xl,xr,yl,yr,zl,zr);
      if (!ok) {
//intercept with yle
        yi = yle;
        ti = (yi-yc)/my;
        xi = xc + mx*ti;
        zi = zc + mz*ti;
        ok = IsInside(xi,yi,zi,x,y,z,xc,yc,zc,xl,xr,yl,yr,zl,zr);
        if (!ok) {
//intercept with yre
          yi = yre;
          ti = (yi-yc)/my;
          xi = xc + mx*ti;
          zi = zc + mz*ti;
          ok = IsInside(xi,yi,zi,x,y,z,xc,yc,zc,xl,xr,yl,yr,zl,zr);
          if (!ok) {
//intercept with zle
            zi = zle;
            ti = (zi-zc)/mz;
            xi = xc + mx*ti;
            yi = yc + my*ti;
            ok = IsInside(xi,yi,zi,x,y,z,xc,yc,zc,xl,xr,yl,yr,zl,zr);
            if (!ok) {
//intercept with zre
              zi = zre;
              ti = (zi-zc)/mz;
              xi = xc + mx*ti;
              yi = yc + my*ti;
              ok = IsInside(xi,yi,zi,x,y,z,xc,yc,zc,xl,xr,yl,yr,zl,zr);
            }//end if (!ok) intercept with zre
          }//end if (!ok) intercept with zle
        }//end if (!ok) intercept with yre
      }//end if (!ok) intercept with yle
    }//end if (!ok) intercept with xre
    if (ok) {
      kx = Int_t((xi-dxs2)/dx) + 1;
      ky = Int_t((yi-dys2)/dy) + 1;
      kz = Int_t((zi-dzs2)/dz) + 1;
    else {
      cout << "TZigZag::NearestPoints : ERROR point inside not found" << endl;
  }//end else if ((x>xl) && (x<xr) && (y>yl) && (y<yr) && (z>zl) && (z<zr))
  if (ok) {
    Double_t fx,fy,fz;
//Point kx,ky,kz
    xp   = dxs2 + (kx-1)*dx;
    yp   = dys2 + (ky-1)*dy;
    zp   = dzs2 + (kz-1)*dz;
    fx   = x - xp;
    fy   = y - yp;
    fz   = z - zp;
    i    = NToZZ(kx,ky,kz);
    I[0] = i;
    w0   = TMath::Sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz) + eps;
    w0   = un/w0;
//Point kx+1,ky,kz
    xp   = dxs2 + kx*dx;
    yp   = dys2 + (ky-1)*dy;
    zp   = dzs2 + (kz-1)*dz;
    fx   = x - xp;
    fy   = y - yp;
    fz   = z - zp;
    i    = NToZZ(kx+1,ky,kz);
    I[1] = i;
    w1   = TMath::Sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz) + eps;
    w1   = un/w1;
//Point kx,ky+1,kz
    xp   = dxs2 + (kx-1)*dx;
    yp   = dys2 + ky*dy;
    zp   = dzs2 + (kz-1)*dz;
    fx   = x - xp;
    fy   = y - yp;
    fz   = z - zp;
    i    = NToZZ(kx,ky+1,kz);
    I[2] = i;
    w2   = TMath::Sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz) + eps;
    w2   = un/w2;
//Point kx+1,ky+1,kz
    xp   = dxs2 + kx*dx;
    yp   = dys2 + ky*dy;
    zp   = dzs2 + (kz-1)*dz;
    fx   = x - xp;
    fy   = y - yp;
    fz   = z - zp;
    i    = NToZZ(kx+1,ky+1,kz);
    I[3] = i;
    w3   = TMath::Sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz) + eps;
    w3   = un/w3;
//Point kx,ky,kz+1
    xp   = dxs2 + (kx-1)*dx;
    yp   = dys2 + (ky-1)*dy;
    zp   = dzs2 + kz*dz;
    fx   = x - xp;
    fy   = y - yp;
    fz   = z - zp;
    i    = NToZZ(kx,ky,kz+1);
    I[4] = i;
    w4   = TMath::Sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz) + eps;
    w4   = un/w4;
//Point kx+1,ky,kz+1
    xp   = dxs2 + kx*dx;
    yp   = dys2 + (ky-1)*dy;
    zp   = dzs2 + kz*dz;
    fx   = x - xp;
    fy   = y - yp;
    fz   = z - zp;
    i    = NToZZ(kx+1,ky,kz+1);
    I[5] = i;
    w5   = TMath::Sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz) + eps;
    w5   = un/w5;
//Point kx,ky+1,kz+1
    xp   = dxs2 + (kx-1)*dx;
    yp   = dys2 + ky*dy;
    zp   = dzs2 + kz*dz;
    fx   = x - xp;
    fy   = y - yp;
    fz   = z - zp;
    i    = NToZZ(kx,ky+1,kz+1);
    I[6] = i;
    w6   = TMath::Sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz) + eps;
    w6   = un/w6;
//Point kx+1,ky+1,kz+1
    xp   = dxs2 + kx*dx;
    yp   = dys2 + ky*dy;
    zp   = dzs2 + kz*dz;
    fx   = x - xp;
    fy   = y - yp;
    fz   = z - zp;
    i    = NToZZ(kx+1,ky+1,kz+1);
    I[7] = i;
    w7   = TMath::Sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz) + eps;
    w7   = un/w7;
    wt   = w0 + w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 + w5 + w6 + w7;
    W[0] = w0/wt;
    W[1] = w1/wt;
    W[2] = w2/wt;
    W[3] = w3/wt;
    W[4] = w4/wt;
    W[5] = w5/wt;
    W[6] = w6/wt;
    W[7] = w7/wt;
  return ok;