Beispiel #1
// Function will arrange the long-term pictures in the decreasing order of poc_lsb_lt,
// and among the pictures with the same lsb, it arranges them in increasing delta_poc_msb_cycle_lt value
void DPB::arrangeLongtermPicturesInRPS(TComSlice *slice)
    TComReferencePictureSet *rps = slice->getRPS();

    if (!rps->getNumberOfLongtermPictures())

    // Arrange long-term reference pictures in the correct order of LSB and MSB,
    // and assign values for pocLSBLT and MSB present flag
    int longtermPicsPoc[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS], longtermPicsLSB[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS], indices[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS];
    int longtermPicsMSB[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS];
    bool mSBPresentFlag[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS];
    ::memset(longtermPicsPoc, 0, sizeof(longtermPicsPoc));  // Store POC values of LTRP
    ::memset(longtermPicsLSB, 0, sizeof(longtermPicsLSB));  // Store POC LSB values of LTRP
    ::memset(longtermPicsMSB, 0, sizeof(longtermPicsMSB));  // Store POC LSB values of LTRP
    ::memset(indices, 0, sizeof(indices));                  // Indices to aid in tracking sorted LTRPs
    ::memset(mSBPresentFlag, 0, sizeof(mSBPresentFlag));    // Indicate if MSB needs to be present

    // Get the long-term reference pictures
    int offset = rps->getNumberOfNegativePictures() + rps->getNumberOfPositivePictures();
    int i, ctr = 0;
    int maxPicOrderCntLSB = 1 << slice->getSPS()->getBitsForPOC();
    for (i = rps->getNumberOfPictures() - 1; i >= offset; i--, ctr++)
        longtermPicsPoc[ctr] = rps->getPOC(i);                                  // LTRP POC
        longtermPicsLSB[ctr] = getLSB(longtermPicsPoc[ctr], maxPicOrderCntLSB); // LTRP POC LSB
        indices[ctr] = i;
        longtermPicsMSB[ctr] = longtermPicsPoc[ctr] - longtermPicsLSB[ctr];

    int numLongPics = rps->getNumberOfLongtermPictures();
    assert(ctr == numLongPics);

    // Arrange pictures in decreasing order of MSB;
    for (i = 0; i < numLongPics; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < numLongPics - 1; j++)
            if (longtermPicsMSB[j] < longtermPicsMSB[j + 1])
                std::swap(longtermPicsPoc[j], longtermPicsPoc[j + 1]);
                std::swap(longtermPicsLSB[j], longtermPicsLSB[j + 1]);
                std::swap(longtermPicsMSB[j], longtermPicsMSB[j + 1]);
                std::swap(indices[j], indices[j + 1]);

    for (i = 0; i < numLongPics; i++)
        // Check if MSB present flag should be enabled.
        // Check if the buffer contains any pictures that have the same LSB.
        TComPic* iterPic = m_picList.first();
        while (iterPic)
            if ((getLSB(iterPic->getPOC(), maxPicOrderCntLSB) == longtermPicsLSB[i])   && // Same LSB
                (iterPic->getSlice()->isReferenced()) &&                                  // Reference picture
                (iterPic->getPOC() != longtermPicsPoc[i]))                                // Not the LTRP itself
                mSBPresentFlag[i] = true;
            iterPic = iterPic->m_next;

    // tempArray for usedByCurr flag
    bool tempArray[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS];
    ::memset(tempArray, 0, sizeof(tempArray));
    for (i = 0; i < numLongPics; i++)
        tempArray[i] = rps->getUsed(indices[i]) ? true : false;

    // Now write the final values;
    ctr = 0;
    int currMSB = 0, currLSB = 0;
    // currPicPoc = currMSB + currLSB
    currLSB = getLSB(slice->getPOC(), maxPicOrderCntLSB);
    currMSB = slice->getPOC() - currLSB;

    for (i = rps->getNumberOfPictures() - 1; i >= offset; i--, ctr++)
        rps->setPOC(i, longtermPicsPoc[ctr]);
        rps->setDeltaPOC(i, -slice->getPOC() + longtermPicsPoc[ctr]);
        rps->setUsed(i, tempArray[ctr]);
        rps->setPocLSBLT(i, longtermPicsLSB[ctr]);
        rps->setDeltaPocMSBCycleLT(i, (currMSB - (longtermPicsPoc[ctr] - longtermPicsLSB[ctr])) / maxPicOrderCntLSB);
        rps->setDeltaPocMSBPresentFlag(i, mSBPresentFlag[ctr]);

        assert(rps->getDeltaPocMSBCycleLT(i) >= 0); // Non-negative value

    for (i = rps->getNumberOfPictures() - 1, ctr = 1; i >= offset; i--, ctr++)
        for (int j = rps->getNumberOfPictures() - 1 - ctr; j >= offset; j--)
            // Here at the encoder we know that we have set the full POC value for the LTRPs, hence we
            // don't have to check the MSB present flag values for this constraint.
            assert(rps->getPOC(i) != rps->getPOC(j)); // If assert fails, LTRP entry repeated in RPS!!!