Beispiel #1
/** Sets an existing descriptor setting to a new value or creates a new setting
with a descriptor value if it doesn't exist.
@param aKey Key of setting to be written to.
@param aValue Value to be written.
	KErrNone if successful,
	KErrArgument if aValue is longer than KMaxUnicodeStringLength or
	the setting exists but is not a descriptor,
	plus other system-wide error codes.
	Transactions fail on all error conditions.
	Outside transactions: on success the new value is persistent,
	on failure the repository is unmodified.
@capability Dependent Caller must satisfy the write access policy of that key in the repository.
EXPORT_C TInt CRepository::Set(TUint32 aKey, const TDesC16& aValue)
	if (aValue.Length()>KMaxUnicodeStringLength)
		return KErrArgument;	
	TPtrC8 pVal((const TUint8*)aValue.Ptr(), aValue.Length()*2);
	return Set(aKey,pVal);
Beispiel #2
void CTestVwAppUi::ActivateViewL(const TVwsViewId& aViewId,TUid aCustomMessageId,const TDesC16& aCustomMessage)
	HBufC8* narrowMessage=HBufC8::NewLC(aCustomMessage.Size());
	TPtr8 ptr=narrowMessage->Des();

	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // narrowMessage.
Beispiel #3
/** Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey
and aMask, but are either not string values or do not match the given string.
@param aPartialKey
	Contains a bit pattern that all the keys returned must at least partially
@param aMask
	Has bits set for all the bits in aPartialKey that must match the returned
@param aValue
	Settings for the keys found will be settings that either contain values
	that are not strings or strings with value other than aValue.
@param aFoundKeys All the keys found.
	For each key k in aFoundKeys, (k & aMask) == (aPartialKey & aMask) and
	the setting with key k is either not a string value or a string value not
	equal to aValue.
@see FindL()
	KErrNone if successful,
	KErrNotFound if capability check passed but no non-matching items are found,
	plus other system-wide error codes.
@post Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
@capability Dependent Caller must satisfy the read policies of all settings found in the source range.
EXPORT_C TInt CRepository::FindNeqL(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask,
	const TDesC16& aValue, RArray<TUint32>& aFoundKeys)
	TPtrC8 pVal((const TUint8*)aValue.Ptr(), aValue.Length()*2);	
	if (ret==KErrNoMemory)
	return ret;
Beispiel #4
void TDes8::Copy(const TDesC16 &aDes)
	TInt len=aDes.Length();
	const TUint16 *pS=aDes.Ptr();
	const TUint16 *pE=pS+len;
	TUint8 *pT=const_cast<TUint8 *>(Ptr());
	while (pS<pE)
		TUint c=(*pS++);
		if (c>=0x100)
EXPORT_C int Tlitc16ToChar(const TDesC16& aSrc, char* aDes, int& n_size)
    unsigned int ilen = 0;
    int retval = ESuccess;
    ilen = aSrc.Length();
    wchar_t* temp16String = NULL;
    int minusone = -1;
    if (0 == ilen )
    	return EDescriptorNoData;
    else if ( !aDes )
        return EInvalidPointer;
    else if (n_size < ilen*2 +1)
    	n_size = ilen*2 + 1;
    	return EInvalidSize;
  	temp16String = new wchar_t [ilen+1];
	if (!temp16String)
		return EInsufficientSystemMemory;
	wmemcpy(temp16String, (const wchar_t*)aSrc.Ptr(), ilen);
	temp16String[ilen] = L'\0'; 
    if(minusone != wcstombs(aDes, temp16String, ilen*2))
	     aDes[ilen*2] = '\0';    
		retval = EInvalidWCSSequence;
	delete []temp16String;
	return retval;
Beispiel #6
inline void CPppMsChap::NtPasswordHashL(const TDesC16& aPassword,
					TDes8& aPasswordHash)
   Computes the hash of the Microsoft Windows NT password using MD4.
   @param aPassword [in] The Microsoft Windows NT password (0 to 256
   Unicode char).
   @param aPasswordHash [out] The MD4 hash of the Microsoft Windows NT
   password (16 octets).
   @note This function implements the NtPasswordHash routine specified
   in RFC 2433.
	ASSERT(aPassword.Length() <= KPppMsChapMaxNTPasswordLength);
	ASSERT(aPasswordHash.Length() == KPppMsChapHashSize);

// The following code does not use the Symbian Security subsystem
// components, because they do not provide a MD4 implementation yet.
// This is a provisional solution until the Symbian Security subsystem
// components will provide a MD4 implementation.

	CMd4* md4 = CMd4::NewL();

// The following code assumes that the data in TDesC16 descriptors is
// stored in little endian byte order, which is currently a
// characteristic of Symbian OS, so the reinterpret_cast is assumed to
// be safe here.
	md4->Input(TPtrC8(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(


	ASSERT(aPasswordHash.Length() == KPppMsChapHashSize);
   * Converts a descriptor of type TLitc16 to Wstring
   * @param aSrc is the descriptor to be converted , aDes is the 
   * reference to the Wstring array where the result of conversion 
   * is stored  
   * @return Status code (0 is ESuccess, -1 is EInsufficientMemory, 
   * -5 is EDescriptorNoData)
EXPORT_C int Tlitc16ToWstring(TDesC16& aSrc, wstring& aDes)
    unsigned int ilen =  aSrc.Length();	
   	if (0 == ilen)
    	return EDescriptorNoData;
	wchar_t* wcharString = new wchar_t[ilen+1];
	if (!wcharString)
		return EInsufficientSystemMemory;
	wmemcpy((wchar_t*)wcharString, (const wchar_t*)aSrc.Ptr(), ilen);
	wcharString[ilen] = L'\0';
	delete []wcharString;
	return ESuccess;
Beispiel #8
Outputs a trace packet containing variable length data.

If the specified data is too big to fit into a single
trace record a multipart trace is generated.


@param aContext 	Attributes of the trace point.
@param aTraceId	    The trace point identifier as specified by @see TTraceId
@param aData		Additional data to add to trace packet.
					Must be word aligned, i.e. a multiple of 4.

@return 			The trace packet was/was not logged.

@See BTrace::TMultipart
EXPORT_C TBool OstTrace(const TTraceContext& aContext, const TTraceId aTraceId, const TDesC16& aData)
		return OST_SECONDARY_ANY(aContext.GroupId(), aContext.ComponentId(), aContext.HasThreadIdentification(), aContext.HasProgramCounter(), pc, aTraceId, aData.Ptr(), aData.Size());
	return EFalse;
Beispiel #9
Prints a string by outputting a trace packet with the Trace ID KFormatPrintfUnicode

If the specified string is too long to fit into a single trace packet
a multipart trace is generated.


@param aContext 	The trace packet context. @see TTraceContext
@param aDes			The string. This must not be longer than 256 characters.

@return 			The trace packet was/was not output.

@See BTrace::TMultipart
EXPORT_C TBool OstPrint(const TTraceContext& aContext, const TDesC16& aDes)
		return OST_SECONDARY_ANY(aContext.GroupId(), aContext.ComponentId(), aContext.HasThreadIdentification(), aContext.HasProgramCounter(), pc, KFormatPrintfUnicode, aDes.Ptr(), aDes.Size());
	return EFalse;
Beispiel #10
EXPORT_C void TDbColumn::SetL(const TDesC16& aValue)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// RUnicodeFile::Write
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt RUnicodeFile::Write( const TDesC16& aDes )
    return iFile.Write ( TPtrC8( (const TUint8*)aDes.Ptr(), aDes.Size() ) );