void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnSelectZoom( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( m_zoomSelectBox == NULL )
        return;                        // Should not happen!

    int id = m_zoomSelectBox->GetCurrentSelection();

    if( id < 0 || !( id < (int)m_zoomSelectBox->GetCount() ) )

    if( id == 0 )                      // Auto zoom (Fit in Page)
        Zoom_Automatique( true );
        double selectedZoom = GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[id];

        if( GetScreen()->GetZoom() == selectedZoom )

        GetScreen()->SetZoom( selectedZoom );
        RedrawScreen( GetScrollCenterPosition(), false );

    // Notify GAL
    TOOL_MANAGER* mgr = GetToolManager();

    if( mgr && IsGalCanvasActive() )
        mgr->RunAction( "common.Control.zoomPreset", true, id );
    OPT_TOOL_EVENT eventHandler( const wxMenuEvent& aEvent ) override
        BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS &bds = m_frame.GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings();
        int id = aEvent.GetId();

        // On Windows, this handler can be called with an event ID not existing in any
        // menuitem, so only set flags when we have an ID match.

            bds.UseCustomDiffPairDimensions( true );
            TOOL_MANAGER* toolManager = m_frame.GetToolManager();
            toolManager->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::routerActivateDpDimensionsDialog, true );
            bds.UseCustomDiffPairDimensions( false );
            bds.SetDiffPairIndex( 0 );
            bds.UseCustomDiffPairDimensions( false );
            // remember that the menu doesn't contain index 0 (which is the netclass values)
            bds.SetDiffPairIndex( id - ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_DIFFPAIR1 + 1 );

        return OPT_TOOL_EVENT( PCB_ACTIONS::trackViaSizeChanged.MakeEvent() );
void CONTEXT_MENU::updateHotKeys()
    TOOL_MANAGER* toolMgr = getToolManager();

    for( std::map<int, const TOOL_ACTION*>::const_iterator it = m_toolActions.begin();
            it != m_toolActions.end(); ++it )
        int id = it->first;
        const TOOL_ACTION& action = *it->second;
        int key = toolMgr->GetHotKey( action ) & ~MD_MODIFIER_MASK;

        if( key )
            int mod = toolMgr->GetHotKey( action ) & MD_MODIFIER_MASK;
            int flags = 0;
            wxMenuItem* item = FindChildItem( id );

            if( item )
                flags |= ( mod & MD_ALT ) ? wxACCEL_ALT : 0;
                flags |= ( mod & MD_CTRL ) ? wxACCEL_CTRL : 0;
                flags |= ( mod & MD_SHIFT ) ? wxACCEL_SHIFT : 0;

                if( !flags )
                    flags = wxACCEL_NORMAL;

                wxAcceleratorEntry accel( flags, key, id, item );
                item->SetAccel( &accel );
Beispiel #4
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::SyncLayerAlphaIndicators()
    int count = GetLayerRowCount();
    TOOL_MANAGER* mgr = myframe->GetToolManager();
    KIGFX::PCB_PAINTER* painter = static_cast<KIGFX::PCB_PAINTER*>( mgr->GetView()->GetPainter() );
    KIGFX::PCB_RENDER_SETTINGS* settings = painter->GetSettings();

    for( int row = 0; row < count; ++row )
        // this utilizes more implementation knowledge than ideal, eventually
        // add member ROW getRow() or similar to base LAYER_WIDGET.

        wxWindow* w = getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_ICON_ACTIVE );
        PCB_LAYER_ID layerId = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( w->GetId() ) );
        KIGFX::COLOR4D screenColor = settings->GetLayerColor( layerId );

        COLOR_SWATCH* swatch = static_cast<COLOR_SWATCH*>( getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_COLORBM ) );
        KIGFX::COLOR4D layerColor = swatch->GetSwatchColor();

        INDICATOR_ICON* indicator = static_cast<INDICATOR_ICON*>( getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_ALPHA_INDICATOR ) );

        if( std::abs( screenColor.a - layerColor.a ) > ALPHA_EPSILON )
            if( screenColor.a < layerColor.a )
                indicator->SetIndicatorState( ROW_ICON_PROVIDER::STATE::DOWN );
                indicator->SetIndicatorState( ROW_ICON_PROVIDER::STATE::UP );
            indicator->SetIndicatorState( ROW_ICON_PROVIDER::STATE::OFF );
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnSelectGrid( wxCommandEvent& event )
    int* clientData;
    int  eventId = ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_100;

    if( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_CHOICE )
        if( m_gridSelectBox == NULL )   // Should not happen

         * Don't use wxCommandEvent::GetClientData() here.  It always
         * returns NULL in GTK.  This solution is not as elegant but
         * it works.
        int index = m_gridSelectBox->GetSelection();
        wxASSERT( index != wxNOT_FOUND );

        // GerbView does not support custom grid
        if( m_Ident != FRAME_GERBER )
            if( index == int( m_gridSelectBox->GetCount() - 2 ) )
                // this is the separator
                wxUpdateUIEvent dummy;
                OnUpdateSelectGrid( dummy );
            else if( index == int( m_gridSelectBox->GetCount() - 1 ) )
                wxUpdateUIEvent dummy;
                OnUpdateSelectGrid( dummy );
                wxCommandEvent dummy2;
                OnGridSettings( dummy2 );

        clientData = (int*) m_gridSelectBox->wxItemContainer::GetClientData( index );

        if( clientData != NULL )
            eventId = *clientData;
        eventId = event.GetId();

    int idx = eventId - ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000;

    // Notify GAL
    TOOL_MANAGER* mgr = GetToolManager();

    if( mgr )
        mgr->RunAction( "common.Control.gridPreset", true, idx );

bool PCB_BASE_FRAME::InvokeDialogGrid()
    wxPoint grid_origin = GetGridOrigin();

    DIALOG_SET_GRID dlg( this, &m_UserGridUnit, g_UserUnit, &m_UserGridSize,
        &grid_origin, &m_FastGrid1, &m_FastGrid2,
        m_gridSelectBox->GetStrings() );

    int ret = dlg.ShowModal();

    if( ret == wxID_OK )
        if( GetGridOrigin() != grid_origin && IsType( FRAME_PCB ) )
            OnModify();     // because grid origin is saved in board, show as modified

        SetGridOrigin( grid_origin );

        BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

        screen->AddGrid( m_UserGridSize, m_UserGridUnit, ID_POPUP_GRID_USER );

        // If the user grid is the current option, recall SetGrid()
        // to force new values put in list as current grid value
        if( screen->GetGridCmdId() == ID_POPUP_GRID_USER )
            screen->SetGrid( ID_POPUP_GRID_USER );

        // Notify GAL
        TOOL_MANAGER* mgr = GetToolManager();

        if( mgr && IsGalCanvasActive() )
            mgr->RunAction( "common.Control.gridPreset", true,
                    screen->GetGridCmdId() - ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000 );

            TOOL_EVENT gridOriginUpdate = COMMON_ACTIONS::gridSetOrigin.MakeEvent();
            gridOriginUpdate.SetParameter( new VECTOR2D( grid_origin ) );
            mgr->ProcessEvent( gridOriginUpdate );


        return true;

    return false;
Beispiel #7
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnSelectGrid( wxCommandEvent& event )
    int* clientData;
    int  eventId = ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_100;

    if( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_CHOICE )
        if( m_gridSelectBox == NULL )   // Should not happen

         * Don't use wxCommandEvent::GetClientData() here.  It always
         * returns NULL in GTK.  This solution is not as elegant but
         * it works.
        int index = m_gridSelectBox->GetSelection();
        wxASSERT( index != wxNOT_FOUND );
        clientData = (int*) m_gridSelectBox->wxItemContainer::GetClientData( index );

        if( clientData != NULL )
            eventId = *clientData;
        eventId = event.GetId();

    int idx = eventId - ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000;

    // Notify GAL
    TOOL_MANAGER* mgr = GetToolManager();

    if( mgr && IsGalCanvasActive() )
        mgr->RunAction( "common.Control.gridPreset", true, idx );
        SetPresetGrid( idx );

void DIALOG_UPDATE_PCB::PerformUpdate( bool aDryRun )

    REPORTER& reporter = m_messagePanel->Reporter();
    TOOL_MANAGER* toolManager = m_frame->GetToolManager();
    BOARD* board = m_frame->GetBoard();

    // keep trace of the initial baord area, if we want to place new footprints
    // outside the existinag board
    EDA_RECT bbox = board->GetBoundingBox();

    if( !aDryRun )

        // Clear selection, just in case a selected item has to be removed
        toolManager->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear, true );

    m_netlist->SetDeleteExtraFootprints( true );
    m_netlist->SetFindByTimeStamp( m_matchByTimestamp->GetValue() );
    m_netlist->SetReplaceFootprints( true );

        m_frame->LoadFootprints( *m_netlist, &reporter );
    catch( IO_ERROR &error )
        wxString msg;

        reporter.Report( _( "Failed to load one or more footprints. Please add the missing libraries in PCBNew configuration. "
                            "The PCB will not update completely." ), REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );
        reporter.Report( error.What(), REPORTER::RPT_INFO );

    BOARD_NETLIST_UPDATER updater( m_frame, m_frame->GetBoard() );
    updater.SetReporter ( &reporter );
    updater.SetIsDryRun( aDryRun);
    updater.SetLookupByTimestamp( m_matchByTimestamp->GetValue() );
    updater.SetDeleteUnusedComponents ( true );
    updater.SetReplaceFootprints( true );
    updater.SetDeleteSinglePadNets( false );
    updater.UpdateNetlist( *m_netlist );


    if( aDryRun )

    m_frame->SetCurItem( NULL );
    m_frame->SetMsgPanel( board );

    std::vector<MODULE*> newFootprints = updater.GetAddedComponents();

    // Spread new footprints.
    wxPoint areaPosition = m_frame->GetCrossHairPosition();

    if( !m_frame->IsGalCanvasActive() )
        // In legacy mode place area to the left side of the board.
        // if the board is empty, the bbox position is (0,0)
        areaPosition.x = bbox.GetEnd().x + Millimeter2iu( 10 );
        areaPosition.y = bbox.GetOrigin().y;

    m_frame->SpreadFootprints( &newFootprints, false, false, areaPosition, false );

    if( m_frame->IsGalCanvasActive() )
        // Start move and place the new modules command
        if( !newFootprints.empty() )
            for( MODULE* footprint : newFootprints )
                toolManager->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectItem, true, footprint );

            toolManager->InvokeTool( "pcbnew.InteractiveEdit" );
    else    // Legacy canvas

    m_btnPerformUpdate->Enable( false );
    m_btnPerformUpdate->SetLabel( _( "Update complete" ) );
    m_btnCancel->SetLabel( _( "Close" ) );