Beispiel #1
void KBuildSycoca::processGnomeVfs()
   TQString file = locate("app-reg", "gnome-vfs.applications");
   if (file.isEmpty())
//      kdDebug(7021) << "gnome-vfs.applications not found." << endl;

   TQString app;

   char line[1024*64];

   FILE *f = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(file), "r");
   while (!feof(f))
      if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, f))

      if (line[0] != '\t')
          app = TQString::fromLatin1(line);
      else if (strncmp(line+1, "mime_types=", 11) == 0)
          TQString mimetypes = TQString::fromLatin1(line+12);
          mimetypes.replace(TQRegExp("\\*"), "all");
          KService *s = g_bsf->findServiceByName(app);
          if (!s)

          TQStringList &serviceTypes = s->accessServiceTypes();
          if (serviceTypes.count() <= 1)
             serviceTypes += TQStringList::split(',', mimetypes);
//             kdDebug(7021) << "Adding gnome mimetypes for '" << app << "'.\n";
//             kdDebug(7021) << "ServiceTypes=" << s->serviceTypes().join(":") << endl;
   fclose( f );
Beispiel #2
 * Test if a directory exists, create otherwise
 * @param _name full path of the directory
 * @return errorcode, or 0 if the dir was created or existed already
 * Warning, don't use return value like a bool
int TrashImpl::testDir( const TQString &_name ) const
  DIR *dp = opendir( TQFile::encodeName(_name) );
  if ( dp == NULL )
    TQString name = _name;
    if ( name.endsWith( "/" ) )
      name.truncate( name.length() - 1 );
    TQCString path = TQFile::encodeName(name);

    bool ok = ::mkdir( path, S_IRWXU ) == 0;
    if ( !ok && errno == EEXIST ) {
#if 0 // this would require to use SlaveBase's method to ask the question
        //int ret = KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0, i18n("%1 is a file, but TDE needs it to be a directory. Move it to %2.orig and create directory?").arg(name).arg(name) );
        //if ( ret == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
            if ( ::rename( path, path + ".orig" ) == 0 ) {
                ok = ::mkdir( path, S_IRWXU ) == 0;
            } else { // foo.orig existed already. How likely is that?
                ok = false;
            if ( !ok ) {
                return TDEIO::ERR_DIR_ALREADY_EXIST;
#if 0
        //} else {
        //    return 0;
    if ( !ok )
        //KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "Couldn't create directory %1. Check for permissions." ).arg( name ) );
        kdWarning() << "could not create " << name << endl;
        return TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_MKDIR;
    } else {
        kdDebug() << name << " created." << endl;
  else // exists already
    closedir( dp );
  return 0; // success
Beispiel #3
// Cut off if more digits in fractional part than 'precision'
static void _round(TQString &str, int precision)
  int decimalSymbolPos = str.find('.');

  if (decimalSymbolPos == -1)
    if (precision == 0)  return;
    else if (precision > 0) // add dot if missing (and needed)
	decimalSymbolPos = str.length() - 1;

  // fill up with more than enough zeroes (in case fractional part too short)
  str.append(TQString().fill('0', precision));

  // Now decide whether to round up or down
  char last_char = str[decimalSymbolPos + precision + 1].latin1();
  switch (last_char)
    case '0':
    case '1':
    case '2':
    case '3':
    case '4':
      // nothing to do, rounding down
    case '5':
    case '6':
    case '7':
    case '8':
    case '9':
      // rounding up
      _inc_by_one(str, decimalSymbolPos + precision);

  decimalSymbolPos = str.find('.');
  str.truncate(decimalSymbolPos + precision + 1);

  // if precision == 0 delete also '.'
  if (precision == 0) str = str.section('.', 0, 0);
Beispiel #4
TrashImpl::TrashedFileInfoList TrashImpl::list()
    // Here we scan for trash directories unconditionally. This allows
    // noticing plugged-in [e.g. removeable] devices, or new mounts etc.

    TrashedFileInfoList lst;
    // For each known trash directory...
    TrashDirMap::const_iterator it = m_trashDirectories.begin();
    for ( ; it != m_trashDirectories.end() ; ++it ) {
        const int trashId = it.key();
        TQString infoPath =;
        infoPath += "/info";
        // Code taken from tdeio_file
        TQStrList entryNames = listDir( infoPath );
        //char path_buffer[PATH_MAX];
        //getcwd(path_buffer, PATH_MAX - 1);
        //if ( chdir( infoPathEnc ) )
        //    continue;
        TQStrListIterator entryIt( entryNames );
        for (; entryIt.current(); ++entryIt) {
            TQString fileName = TQFile::decodeName( *entryIt );
            if ( fileName == "." || fileName == ".." )
            if ( !fileName.endsWith( ".trashinfo" ) ) {
                kdWarning() << "Invalid info file found in " << infoPath << " : " << fileName << endl;
            fileName.truncate( fileName.length() - 10 );

            TrashedFileInfo info;
            if ( infoForFile( trashId, fileName, info ) )
                lst << info;
    return lst;
Beispiel #5
TQStringList readAreaList()
  TQStringList lst;
  lst.append( "0 (generic)" );

  TQString confAreasFile = locate( "config", "kdebug.areas" );
  TQFile file( confAreasFile );
  if (! {
    kdWarning() << "Couldn't open " << confAreasFile << endl;
    TQString data;

    TQTextStream *ts = new TQTextStream(&file);
    ts->setEncoding( TQTextStream::Latin1 );
    while (!ts->eof()) {
      data = ts->readLine().simplifyWhiteSpace();

      int pos = data.find("#");
      if ( pos != -1 )
        data.truncate( pos );

      if (data.isEmpty())

      lst.append( data );

    delete ts;

  return lst;
Beispiel #6
bool tdeio_isoProtocol::checkNewFile( TQString fullPath, TQString & path, int startsec )
    kdDebug()   << "tdeio_isoProtocol::checkNewFile " << fullPath << " startsec: " <<
        startsec << endl;

    // Are we already looking at that file ?
    if ( m_isoFile && startsec == m_isoFile->startSec() &&
        m_isoFile->fileName() == fullPath.left(m_isoFile->fileName().length()) )
        // Has it changed ?
        struct stat statbuf;
        if ( ::stat( TQFile::encodeName( m_isoFile->fileName() ), &statbuf ) == 0 )
            if ( m_mtime == statbuf.st_mtime )
                path = fullPath.mid( m_isoFile->fileName().length() );
                kdDebug()   << "tdeio_isoProtocol::checkNewFile returning " << path << endl;
                return true;
    kdDebug() << "Need to open a new file" << endl;

    // Close previous file
    if ( m_isoFile )
        delete m_isoFile;
        m_isoFile = 0L;

    // Find where the iso file is in the full path
    int pos = 0;
    TQString isoFile;
    path = TQString::null;

    int len = fullPath.length();
    if ( len != 0 && fullPath[ len - 1 ] != '/' )
        fullPath += '/';

    kdDebug()   << "the full path is " << fullPath << endl;
    while ( (pos=fullPath.find( '/', pos+1 )) != -1 )
        TQString tryPath = fullPath.left( pos );
        kdDebug()   << fullPath << "  trying " << tryPath << endl;

        KDE_struct_stat statbuf;
        if ( KDE_lstat( TQFile::encodeName(tryPath), &statbuf ) == 0 && !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) )
            isoFile = tryPath;
            m_mtime = statbuf.st_mtime;
            m_mode = statbuf.st_mode;
            path = fullPath.mid( pos + 1 );
            kdDebug()   << "fullPath=" << fullPath << " path=" << path << endl;
            len = path.length();
            if ( len > 1 )
                if ( path[ len - 1 ] == '/' )
                    path.truncate( len - 1 );
                path = TQString::fromLatin1("/");
            kdDebug()   << "Found. isoFile=" << isoFile << " path=" << path << endl;
    if ( isoFile.isEmpty() )
        kdDebug()   << "tdeio_isoProtocol::checkNewFile: not found" << endl;
        return false;

    // Open new file
    kdDebug() << "Opening KIso on " << isoFile << endl;
    m_isoFile = new KIso( isoFile );
    if ( !m_isoFile->open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
        kdDebug()   << "Opening " << isoFile << " failed." << endl;
        delete m_isoFile;
        m_isoFile = 0L;
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #7
   we just simplify the process. if we use KParts::BrowserExtension, we have to do
   lots extra work, adding so much classes. so just hack like following.

   grab useful code from TDEHTMLPopupGUIClient(tdehtml_ext.cpp),
   and change a little bit to fit our needs

void EvaChatView::slotPopupMenu( const TQString & _url, const TQPoint & point )

    bool isImage = false;
    bool hasSelection = TDEHTMLPart::hasSelection();
    KURL url = KURL(_url);

    if(d) delete d;
    d = new MenuPrivateData;
    d->m_url = url;

    DOM::Element e = nodeUnderMouse();
    if ( !e.isNull() && (e.elementId() == ID_IMG) ) {
        DOM::HTMLImageElement ie = static_cast<DOM::HTMLImageElement>(e);
        TQString src = ie.src().string();
        d->m_imageURL = KURL(src);
        d->m_suggestedFilename = src.right(src.length() - src.findRev("/") -1);

    TDEAction *action = 0L;

    if(hasSelection) {
        //action =  new TDEAction( i18n( "&Copy Text" ), TDEShortcut("Ctrl+C"), this, SLOT( copy() ),
        //			actionCollection(), "copy" );
        //action = KStdAction::copy( browserExtension(), SLOT(copy()), actionCollection(), "copy");
        //action->setText(i18n("&Copy Text"));

        // search text
        TQString selectedText = TDEHTMLPart::selectedText();
        if ( selectedText.length()>18 ) {
        // Fill search provider entries
        TDEConfig config("kuriikwsfilterrc");
        const TQString defaultEngine = config.readEntry("DefaultSearchEngine", "google");
        const char keywordDelimiter = config.readNumEntry("KeywordDelimiter", ':');

        // default search provider
        KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(TQString("searchproviders/%1.desktop").arg(defaultEngine));

        // search provider icon
        TQPixmap icon;
        KURIFilterData data;
        TQStringList list;
        const TQString defaultSearchProviderPrefix = *(service->property("Keys").toStringList().begin()) + keywordDelimiter;
        data.setData( defaultSearchProviderPrefix + TQString("some keyword") );
        list << "kurisearchfilter" << "kuriikwsfilter";

        TQString name;
        if ( KURIFilter::self()->filterURI(data, list) ) {
            TQString iconPath = locate("cache", KMimeType::favIconForURL(data.uri()) + ".png");
            if ( iconPath.isEmpty() )
                icon = SmallIcon("edit-find");
                icon = TQPixmap( iconPath );

            name = service->name();
        } else {
            icon = SmallIcon("google");
            name = "Google";

        action = new TDEAction( i18n( "Search '%1' at %2" ).arg( selectedText ).arg( name ), icon, 0, this,
                                SLOT( searchProvider() ), actionCollection(), "searchProvider" );

        // favorite search providers
        TQStringList favoriteEngines;
        favoriteEngines = config.readListEntry("FavoriteSearchEngines"); // for KDE 3.2 API compatibility
            favoriteEngines << "google" << "google_groups" << "google_news" << "webster" << "dmoz" << "wikipedia";

        if ( !favoriteEngines.isEmpty()) {
            TDEActionMenu* providerList = new TDEActionMenu( i18n( "Search '%1' At" ).arg( selectedText ), actionCollection(), "searchProviderList" );
            bool hasSubMenus = false;
            TQStringList::ConstIterator it = favoriteEngines.begin();
            for ( ; it != favoriteEngines.end(); ++it ) {
                if (*it==defaultEngine)
                service = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(TQString("searchproviders/%1.desktop").arg(*it));
                if (!service)
                const TQString searchProviderPrefix = *(service->property("Keys").toStringList().begin()) + keywordDelimiter;
                data.setData( searchProviderPrefix + "some keyword" );

                if ( KURIFilter::self()->filterURI(data, list) ) {
                    TQString iconPath = locate("cache", KMimeType::favIconForURL(data.uri()) + ".png");
                    if ( iconPath.isEmpty() )
                        icon = SmallIcon("edit-find");
                        icon = TQPixmap( iconPath );
                    name = service->name();

                    providerList->insert( new TDEAction( name, icon, 0, this,
                                                         SLOT( searchProvider() ), actionCollection(), TQString( "searchProvider" + searchProviderPrefix ).latin1() ) );
                    hasSubMenus = true;
            if(hasSubMenus) providerList->plug(menu);
        if ( selectedText.contains("://") && KURL(selectedText).isValid() ) {
            action = new TDEAction( i18n( "Open '%1'" ).arg( selectedText ), "window_new", 0,
                                    this, SLOT( openSelection() ), actionCollection(), "openSelection" );
    if ( !url.isEmpty() ) {
        if (url.protocol() == "mailto")	{
            action = new TDEAction( i18n( "Copy Email Address" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotCopyLinkLocation() ),
                                    actionCollection(), "copylinklocation" );
        } else {
            action = new TDEAction( i18n( "Copy &Link Address" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotCopyLinkLocation() ),
                                    actionCollection(), "copylinklocation" );

    if (isImage)	{
        action = (new TDEAction( i18n( "Copy Image" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotCopyImage() ),
                                 actionCollection(), "copyimage" ));
        action = new TDEAction( i18n( "Save Image As..." ), 0, this, SLOT( slotSaveImageAs() ),
                                actionCollection(), "saveimageas" );

        action = new TDEAction( i18n( "Save As Custom Smiley"), 0, this, SLOT( slotSaveAsCustomSmiley() ),
                                actionCollection(), "saveascustomsmiley" );

    if(menu->count()) menu->popup(point);
Beispiel #8
bool TrashImpl::createInfo( const TQString& origPath, int& trashId, TQString& fileId )
    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << origPath << endl;
    // Check source
    const TQCString origPath_c( TQFile::encodeName( origPath ) );
    KDE_struct_stat buff_src;
    if ( KDE_lstat(, &buff_src ) == -1 ) {
        if ( errno == EACCES )
           error( TDEIO::ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, origPath );
           error( TDEIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, origPath );
        return false;

    // Choose destination trash
    trashId = findTrashDirectory( origPath );
    if ( trashId < 0 ) {
        kdWarning() << "OUCH - internal error, TrashImpl::findTrashDirectory returned " << trashId << endl;
        return false; // ### error() needed?
    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "trashing to " << trashId << endl;

    // Grab original filename
    KURL url;
    url.setPath( origPath );
    const TQString origFileName = url.fileName();

    // Make destination file in info/
    url.setPath( infoPath( trashId, origFileName ) ); // we first try with origFileName
    KURL baseDirectory;
    baseDirectory.setPath( );
    // Here we need to use O_EXCL to avoid race conditions with other tdeioslave processes
    int fd = 0;
    do {
        kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "trying to create " << url.path()  << endl;
        fd = ::open( TQFile::encodeName( url.path() ), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600 );
        if ( fd < 0 ) {
            if ( errno == EEXIST ) {
                url.setFileName( TDEIO::RenameDlg::suggestName( baseDirectory, url.fileName() ) );
                // and try again on the next iteration
            } else {
                error( TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, url.path() );
                return false;
    } while ( fd < 0 );
    const TQString infoPath = url.path();
    fileId = url.fileName();
    Q_ASSERT( fileId.endsWith( ".trashinfo" ) );
    fileId.truncate( fileId.length() - 10 ); // remove .trashinfo from fileId

    FILE* file = ::fdopen( fd, "w" );
    if ( !file ) { // can't see how this would happen
        error( TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, infoPath );
        return false;

    // Contents of the info file. We could use KSimpleConfig, but that would
    // mean closing and reopening fd, i.e. opening a race condition...
    TQCString info = "[Trash Info]\n";
    info += "Path=";
    // Escape filenames according to the way they are encoded on the filesystem
    // All this to basically get back to the raw 8-bit representation of the filename...
    if ( trashId == 0 ) // home trash: absolute path
        info += KURL::encode_string( origPath, m_mibEnum ).latin1();
        info += KURL::encode_string( makeRelativePath( topDirectoryPath( trashId ), origPath ), m_mibEnum ).latin1();
    info += "\n";
    info += "DeletionDate=";
    info += TQDateTime::currentDateTime().toString( Qt::ISODate ).latin1();
    info += "\n";
    size_t sz = info.size() - 1; // avoid trailing 0 from QCString

    size_t written = ::fwrite(, 1, sz, file);
    if ( written != sz ) {
        ::fclose( file );
        TQFile::remove( infoPath );
        error( TDEIO::ERR_DISK_FULL, infoPath );
        return false;

    ::fclose( file );

    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "info file created in trashId=" << trashId << " : " << fileId << endl;
    return true;
Beispiel #9
bool SevenZipArch::processLine( const TQCString& _line )
  TQString line;
  TQString columns[ 11 ];
  unsigned int pos = 0;
  int strpos, len;

  TQTextCodec *codec = TQTextCodec::codecForLocale();
  line = codec->toUnicode( _line );

  columns[ 0 ] = line.right( line.length() - m_nameColumnPos);
  line.truncate( m_nameColumnPos );

  // Go through our columns, try to pick out data, return silently on failure
  for ( TQPtrListIterator <ArchColumns>col( m_archCols ); col.current(); ++col )
    ArchColumns *curCol = *col;

    strpos = curCol-> line, pos );
    len = curCol->pattern.matchedLength();

    if ( ( strpos == -1 ) || ( len > curCol->maxLength ) )
      if ( curCol->optional )
        continue; // More?
        kdDebug(1601) << "processLine failed to match critical column" << endl;
        return false;

    pos = strpos + len;

    columns[ curCol->colRef ] = line.mid( strpos, len );

  // Separated directories pass
  if(columns[4].length() && columns[4][0] == 'D') return true;

  if ( m_dateCol >= 0 )
    TQString year = ( m_repairYear >= 0 ) ?
                   ArkUtils::fixYear( columns[ m_repairYear ].ascii())
                   : columns[ m_fixYear ];
    TQString month = ( m_repairMonth >= 0 ) ?
                   TQString( "%1" )
                   .arg( ArkUtils::getMonth( columns[ m_repairMonth ].ascii() ) )
                   : columns[ m_fixMonth ];
    TQString timestamp = TQString::fromLatin1( "%1-%2-%3 %4" )
                        .arg( year )
                        .arg( month )
                        .arg( columns[ m_fixDay ] )
                        .arg( columns[ m_fixTime ] );

    columns[ m_dateCol ] = timestamp;

  TQStringList list;

  for ( int i = 0; i < m_numCols; ++i )
    list.append( columns[ i ] );

  m_gui->fileList()->addItem( list ); // send the entry to the GUI

  return true;