/* Extract the D356 record from the vias */
static void build_via_testpoints( BOARD *aPcb,
    std::vector <D356_RECORD>& aRecords )
    wxPoint origin = aPcb->GetAuxOrigin();

    // Enumerate all the track segments and keep the vias
    for( TRACK *track = aPcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
            VIA *via = (VIA*) track;
            NETINFO_ITEM *net = track->GetNet();

            D356_RECORD rk;
            rk.smd = false;
            rk.hole = true;
            if( net )
                rk.netname = net->GetNetname();
                rk.netname = wxEmptyString;
            rk.refdes = wxT("VIA");
            rk.pin = wxT("");
            rk.midpoint = true; // Vias are always midpoints
            rk.drill = via->GetDrillValue();
            rk.mechanical = false;

            LAYER_ID top_layer, bottom_layer;

            via->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );

            rk.access = via_access_code( aPcb, top_layer, bottom_layer );
            rk.x_location = via->GetPosition().x - origin.x;
            rk.y_location = origin.y - via->GetPosition().y;
            rk.x_size = via->GetWidth();
            rk.y_size = 0; // Round so height = 0
            rk.rotation = 0;
            rk.soldermask = 3; // XXX always tented?

            aRecords.push_back( rk );
void BOARD::DrawHighLight( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* am_canvas, wxDC* DC, int aNetCode )
    GR_DRAWMODE draw_mode;

    if( IsHighLightNetON() )
        draw_mode = GR_HIGHLIGHT | GR_OR;
        draw_mode = GR_AND | GR_HIGHLIGHT;

    BOARD::ZONE_CONTAINERS& zones = m_ZoneDescriptorList;

    for( BOARD::ZONE_CONTAINERS::iterator zc = zones.begin(); zc!=zones.end(); ++zc )
        if( (*zc)->GetNet() == aNetCode )
            (*zc)->Draw( am_canvas, DC, draw_mode );

    // Redraw any pads that have aNetCode
    for( MODULE* module = m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
            if( pad->GetNet() == aNetCode )
                pad->Draw( am_canvas, DC, draw_mode );

    // Redraw track and vias that have aNetCode
    for( TRACK* seg = m_Track; seg; seg = seg->Next() )
        if( seg->GetNet() == aNetCode )
            seg->Draw( am_canvas, DC, draw_mode );
Beispiel #3
 * Function PlaceCells
 * Initialize the matrix routing by setting obstacles for each occupied cell
 * a cell set to HOLE is an obstacle for tracks and vias
 * a cell set to VIA_IMPOSSIBLE is an obstacle for vias only.
 * a cell set to CELL_is_EDGE is a frontier.
 * Tracks and vias having the same net code as net_code are skipped
 * (htey do not are obstacles)
 * For single-sided Routing 1:
 * BOTTOM side is used, and Route_Layer_BOTTOM = Route_Layer_TOP
 * If flag == FORCE_PADS: all pads will be put in matrix as obstacles.
void PlaceCells( BOARD* aPcb, int net_code, int flag )
    int       ux0 = 0, uy0 = 0, ux1, uy1, dx, dy;
    int       marge, via_marge;
    LAYER_MSK layerMask;

    // use the default NETCLASS?
    NETCLASS* nc = aPcb->m_NetClasses.GetDefault();

    int       trackWidth = nc->GetTrackWidth();
    int       clearance  = nc->GetClearance();
    int       viaSize    = nc->GetViaDiameter();

    marge     = clearance + (trackWidth / 2);
    via_marge = clearance + (viaSize / 2);

    // Place PADS on matrix routing:
    for( unsigned i = 0; i < aPcb->GetPadCount(); ++i )
        D_PAD* pad = aPcb->GetPad( i );

        if( net_code != pad->GetNet() || (flag & FORCE_PADS) )
            ::PlacePad( pad, HOLE, marge, WRITE_CELL );

        ::PlacePad( pad, VIA_IMPOSSIBLE, via_marge, WRITE_OR_CELL );

    // Place outlines of modules on matrix routing, if they are on a copper layer
    // or on the edge layer
    TRACK tmpSegm( NULL );  // A dummy track used to create segments.

    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item = module->GraphicalItems(); item; item = item->Next() )
            switch( item->Type() )
            case PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T:
                EDGE_MODULE* edge = (EDGE_MODULE*) item;

                tmpSegm.SetLayer( edge->GetLayer() );

                if( tmpSegm.GetLayer() == EDGE_N )
                    tmpSegm.SetLayer( UNDEFINED_LAYER );

                tmpSegm.SetStart( edge->GetStart() );
                tmpSegm.SetEnd(   edge->GetEnd() );
                tmpSegm.SetShape( edge->GetShape() );
                tmpSegm.SetWidth( edge->GetWidth() );
                tmpSegm.m_Param = edge->GetAngle();
                tmpSegm.SetNet( -1 );

                TraceSegmentPcb( &tmpSegm, HOLE, marge, WRITE_CELL );
                TraceSegmentPcb( &tmpSegm, VIA_IMPOSSIBLE, via_marge, WRITE_OR_CELL );


    // Place board outlines and texts on copper layers:
    for( BOARD_ITEM* item = aPcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            DRAWSEGMENT* DrawSegm;

            int          type_cell = HOLE;
            DrawSegm = (DRAWSEGMENT*) item;
            tmpSegm.SetLayer( DrawSegm->GetLayer() );

            if( DrawSegm->GetLayer() == EDGE_N )
                tmpSegm.SetLayer( UNDEFINED_LAYER );
                type_cell |= CELL_is_EDGE;

            tmpSegm.SetStart( DrawSegm->GetStart() );
            tmpSegm.SetEnd(   DrawSegm->GetEnd() );
            tmpSegm.SetShape( DrawSegm->GetShape() );
            tmpSegm.SetWidth( DrawSegm->GetWidth() );
            tmpSegm.m_Param = DrawSegm->GetAngle();
            tmpSegm.SetNet( -1 );

            TraceSegmentPcb( &tmpSegm, type_cell, marge, WRITE_CELL );

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            TEXTE_PCB* PtText;
            PtText = (TEXTE_PCB*) item;

            if( PtText->GetText().Length() == 0 )

            EDA_RECT textbox = PtText->GetTextBox( -1 );
            ux0 = textbox.GetX();
            uy0 = textbox.GetY();
            dx  = textbox.GetWidth();
            dy  = textbox.GetHeight();

            /* Put bounding box (rectangle) on matrix */
            dx /= 2;
            dy /= 2;

            ux1 = ux0 + dx;
            uy1 = uy0 + dy;

            ux0 -= dx;
            uy0 -= dy;

            layerMask = GetLayerMask( PtText->GetLayer() );

            TraceFilledRectangle( ux0 - marge, uy0 - marge, ux1 + marge,
                                  uy1 + marge, PtText->GetOrientation(),
                                  layerMask, HOLE, WRITE_CELL );

            TraceFilledRectangle( ux0 - via_marge, uy0 - via_marge,
                                  ux1 + via_marge, uy1 + via_marge,
                                  layerMask, VIA_IMPOSSIBLE, WRITE_OR_CELL );


    /* Put tracks and vias on matrix */
    for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( net_code == track->GetNet() )

        TraceSegmentPcb( track, HOLE, marge, WRITE_CELL );
        TraceSegmentPcb( track, VIA_IMPOSSIBLE, via_marge, WRITE_OR_CELL );
void ZONE_CONTAINER::TestForCopperIslandAndRemoveInsulatedIslands( BOARD* aPcb )
    if( m_FilledPolysList.GetCornersCount() == 0 )

    // Build a list of points connected to the net:
    // list of coordinates of pads and vias on this layer and on this net.
    std::vector <wxPoint> listPointsCandidates;

    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNet() != GetNet() )

            listPointsCandidates.push_back( pad->GetPosition() );

    for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( !track->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

        if( track->GetNet() != GetNet() )

        listPointsCandidates.push_back( track->GetStart() );

        if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )
            listPointsCandidates.push_back( track->GetEnd() );

    // test if a point is inside
    unsigned indexstart = 0, indexend;
    bool     connected  = false;

    for( indexend = 0; indexend < m_FilledPolysList.GetCornersCount(); indexend++ )
        if( m_FilledPolysList[indexend].end_contour )    // end of a filled sub-area found
            EDA_RECT bbox = CalculateSubAreaBoundaryBox( indexstart, indexend );

            for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < listPointsCandidates.size(); ic++ )
                // test if this area is connected to a board item:
                wxPoint pos = listPointsCandidates[ic];

                if( !bbox.Contains( pos ) )

                if( TestPointInsidePolygon( m_FilledPolysList, indexstart, indexend,
                                            pos.x, pos.y ) )
                    connected = true;

            if( connected )                 // this polygon is connected: analyse next polygon
                indexstart = indexend + 1;  // indexstart points the first point of the next polygon
                connected  = false;
            else                             // Not connected: remove this polygon
                m_FilledPolysList.DeleteCorners( indexstart, indexend );
                indexend = indexstart;   /* indexstart points the first point of the next polygon
                                          * because the current poly is removed */
Beispiel #5
 * This function starts a new track segment.
 * If a new track segment is in progress, ends this current new segment,
 * and created a new one.
TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
    TRACK*      TrackOnStartPoint = NULL;
    int         layerMask = GetLayerMask( GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer );
    wxPoint     pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();

    if( aTrack == NULL )  // Starting a new track segment
        m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor, Abort_Create_Track );

        // Prepare the undo command info
        s_ItemsListPicker.ClearListAndDeleteItems();  // Should not be necessary, but...


        // erase old highlight
        if( GetBoard()->IsHighLightNetON() )
            HighLight( aDC );

        g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( new TRACK( GetBoard() ) );
        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetFlags( IS_NEW );

        GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( 0 );

        // Search for a starting point of the new track, a track or pad
        LockPoint = GetBoard()->GetLockPoint( pos, layerMask );

        D_PAD* pad = NULL;
        if( LockPoint ) // An item (pad or track) is found
            if( LockPoint->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
                pad = (D_PAD*) LockPoint;

                // A pad is found: put the starting point on pad center
                pos = pad->GetPosition();
                GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( pad->GetNet() );
            else // A track segment is found
                TrackOnStartPoint    = (TRACK*) LockPoint;
                GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( TrackOnStartPoint->GetNet() );
                GetBoard()->CreateLockPoint( pos, TrackOnStartPoint, &s_ItemsListPicker );
            // Not a starting point, but a filled zone area can exist. This is also a
            // good starting point.
            ZONE_CONTAINER* zone;
            zone = GetBoard()->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( pos, GetScreen()-> m_Active_Layer );

            if( zone )
                GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( zone->GetNet() );

        D( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity() );

        BuildAirWiresTargetsList( LockPoint, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), true );

        D( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity() );

        GetBoard()->DrawHighLight( m_canvas, aDC, GetBoard()->GetHighLightNetCode() );

        // Display info about track Net class, and init track and vias sizes:
        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetNet( GetBoard()->GetHighLightNetCode() );
        GetBoard()->SetCurrentNetClass( g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetNetClassName() );

        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetLayer( GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer );
        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetWidth( GetBoard()->GetCurrentTrackWidth() );

        if( GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings().m_UseConnectedTrackWidth )
            if( TrackOnStartPoint && TrackOnStartPoint->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T )
                g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetWidth( TrackOnStartPoint->GetWidth());

        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetStart( pos );
        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetEnd( pos );

        if( pad )
            g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_PadsConnected.push_back( pad );
            // Useful to display track length, if the pad has a die length:
            g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD, ON );
            g_CurrentTrackSegment->start = pad;

        if( g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild )
            // Create 2nd segment
            g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( (TRACK*)g_CurrentTrackSegment->Clone() );

            D( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );

            g_CurrentTrackSegment->start = g_FirstTrackSegment;
            g_FirstTrackSegment->end     = g_CurrentTrackSegment;

            g_FirstTrackSegment->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD | END_ONPAD, OFF );
Beispiel #6
/* Function BuildAirWiresTargetsList
 * Build a list of candidates that can be a coonection point
 * when a track is started.
 * This functions prepares data to show airwires to nearest connecting points (pads)
 * from the current new track to candidates during track creation
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::BuildAirWiresTargetsList( BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aItemRef,
                                               const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aInit )
    if( ( ( m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_RATSNEST_ITEM_OK ) == 0 )
       || ( ( m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_PAD_OK ) == 0 )
       || ( ( m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & NET_CODES_OK ) == 0 ) )

    s_CursorPos = aPosition;    // needed for sort_by_distance

    if( aInit )

        if( aItemRef == NULL )

        int net_code = aItemRef->GetNet();
        int subnet = aItemRef->GetSubNet();

        if( net_code <= 0 )

        NETINFO_ITEM* net = m_Pcb->FindNet( net_code );

        if( net == NULL )        // Should not occur
            wxMessageBox( wxT( "BuildAirWiresTargetsList() error: net not found" ) );

        // Create a list of pads candidates ( pads not already connected to the
        // current track ):
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < net->m_PadInNetList.size(); ii++ )
            D_PAD* pad = net->m_PadInNetList[ii];

            if( pad == aItemRef )

            if( !pad->GetSubNet() || (pad->GetSubNet() != subnet) )
                s_TargetsLocations.push_back( pad->GetPosition() );

        // Create a list of tracks ends candidates, not already connected to the
        // current track:
        for( TRACK* track = m_Pcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
            if( track->GetNet() < net_code )
            if( track->GetNet() > net_code )

            if( !track->GetSubNet() || (track->GetSubNet() != subnet) )
                if( aPosition != track->GetStart() )
                    s_TargetsLocations.push_back( track->GetStart() );
                if( aPosition != track->GetEnd() && track->GetStart() != track->GetEnd() )
                    s_TargetsLocations.push_back( track->GetEnd() );

        // Remove duplicate targets, using the C++ unique algorithm
        sort( s_TargetsLocations.begin(), s_TargetsLocations.end(), sort_by_point );
        std::vector< wxPoint >::iterator it = unique( s_TargetsLocations.begin(), s_TargetsLocations.end() );

        // Using the C++ unique algorithm only moves the duplicate entries to the end of
        // of the array.  This removes the duplicate entries from the array.
        s_TargetsLocations.resize( it - s_TargetsLocations.begin() );
    }   // end if Init

    // in all cases, sort by distances:
    sort( s_TargetsLocations.begin(), s_TargetsLocations.end(), sort_by_distance );
Beispiel #7
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::RemoveMisConnectedTracks()
     /* finds all track segments which are mis-connected (to more than one net).
     * When such a bad segment is found, it is flagged to be removed.
     * All tracks having at least one flagged segment are removed.
    TRACK*          segment;
    TRACK*          other;
    TRACK*          next;
    int             net_code_s, net_code_e;
    bool            isModified = false;

    for( segment = GetBoard()->m_Track;  segment;  segment = (TRACK*) segment->Next() )
        segment->SetState( FLAG0, false );

        // find the netcode for segment using anything connected to the "start" of "segment"
        net_code_s = -1;

        if( segment->start && segment->start->Type()==PCB_PAD_T )
            // get the netcode of the pad to propagate.
            net_code_s = ((D_PAD*)(segment->start))->GetNet();
            other = segment->GetTrace( GetBoard()->m_Track, NULL, FLG_START );

            if( other )
                net_code_s = other->GetNet();

        if( net_code_s < 0 )
            continue;           // the "start" of segment is not connected

        // find the netcode for segment using anything connected to the "end" of "segment"
        net_code_e = -1;

        if( segment->end && segment->end->Type()==PCB_PAD_T )
            net_code_e = ((D_PAD*)(segment->end))->GetNet();
            other = segment->GetTrace( GetBoard()->m_Track, NULL, FLG_END );

            if( other )
                net_code_e = other->GetNet();

        if( net_code_e < 0 )
            continue;           // the "end" of segment is not connected

        // Netcodes do not agree, so mark the segment as "to be removed"
        if( net_code_s != net_code_e )
            segment->SetState( FLAG0, true );

    // Remove tracks having a flagged segment
    for( segment = GetBoard()->m_Track; segment; segment = next )
        next = (TRACK*) segment->Next();

        if( segment->GetState( FLAG0 ) )    // Segment is flagged to be removed
            segment->SetState( FLAG0, false );
            isModified = true;
            GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
            Remove_One_Track( NULL, segment );

            // the current segment is deleted,
            // we do not know the next "not yet tested" segment,
            // so restart to the beginning
            next = GetBoard()->m_Track;

    return isModified;
Beispiel #8
// Delete null length segments, and intermediate points ..
bool TRACKS_CLEANER::clean_segments()
    bool modified = false;
    TRACK*          segment, * nextsegment;
    TRACK*          other;
    int             flag, no_inc;

    // Delete null segments
    for( segment = m_Brd->m_Track; segment; segment = nextsegment )
        nextsegment = segment->Next();

        if( segment->IsNull() )     // Length segment = 0; delete it

    // Delete redundant segments, i.e. segments having the same end points
    // and layers
    for( segment  = m_Brd->m_Track; segment; segment = segment->Next() )
        for( other = segment->Next(); other; other = nextsegment )
            nextsegment = other->Next();
            bool erase = false;

            if( segment->Type() != other->Type() )

            if( segment->GetLayer() != other->GetLayer() )

            if( segment->GetNet() != other->GetNet() )

            if( ( segment->GetStart() == other->GetStart() ) &&
                ( segment->GetEnd() == other->GetEnd() ) )
                erase = true;

            if( ( segment->GetStart() == other->GetEnd() ) &&
                ( segment->GetEnd() == other->GetStart() ) )
                erase = true;

            // Delete redundant point
            if( erase )
                modified = true;

    // merge collinear segments:
    for( segment = m_Brd->m_Track; segment; segment = nextsegment )
        TRACK*  segStart;
        TRACK*  segEnd;
        TRACK*  segDelete;

        nextsegment = segment->Next();

        if( segment->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T )

        flag = no_inc = 0;

        // search for a possible point connected to the START point of the current segment
        for( segStart = segment->Next(); ; )
            segStart = segment->GetTrace( segStart, NULL, FLG_START );

            if( segStart )
                // the two segments must have the same width
                if( segment->GetWidth() != segStart->GetWidth() )

                // it cannot be a via
                if( segStart->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T )

                // We must have only one segment connected
                segStart->SetState( BUSY, true );
                other = segment->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_START );
                segStart->SetState( BUSY, false );

                if( other == NULL )
                    flag = 1;           // OK


        if( flag )   // We have the starting point of the segment is connected to an other segment
            segDelete = mergeCollinearSegmentIfPossible( segment, segStart, FLG_START );

            if( segDelete )
                no_inc = 1;
                modified = true;

        // search for a possible point connected to the END point of the current segment:
        for( segEnd = segment->Next(); ; )
            segEnd = segment->GetTrace( segEnd, NULL, FLG_END );

            if( segEnd )
                if( segment->GetWidth() != segEnd->GetWidth() )

                if( segEnd->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T )

                // We must have only one segment connected
                segEnd->SetState( BUSY, true );
                other = segment->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_END );
                segEnd->SetState( BUSY, false );

                if( other == NULL )
                    flag |= 2;          // Ok


        if( flag & 2 )  // We have the ending point of the segment is connected to an other segment
            segDelete = mergeCollinearSegmentIfPossible( segment, segEnd, FLG_END );

            if( segDelete )
                no_inc = 1;
                modified = true;

        if( no_inc ) // The current segment was modified, retry to merge it
            nextsegment = segment->Next();

    return modified;
Beispiel #9
 *  Delete dangling tracks
 *  Vias:
 *  If a via is only connected to a dangling track, it also will be removed
bool TRACKS_CLEANER::deleteUnconnectedTracks()
    if( m_Brd->m_Track == NULL )
        return false;

    bool modified = false;
    bool item_erased = true;
    while( item_erased )    // Iterate when at least one track is deleted
        item_erased = false;
        TRACK* next_track;
        for( TRACK * track = m_Brd->m_Track; track ; track = next_track )
            next_track = track->Next();

            int flag_erase = 0; //Not connected indicator
            int type_end = 0;

            if( track->GetState( START_ON_PAD ) )
                type_end |= START_ON_PAD;

            if( track->GetState( END_ON_PAD ) )
                type_end |= END_ON_PAD;

            // if the track start point is not connected to a pad,
            // test if this track start point is connected to another track
            // For via test, an enhancement could be to test if connected
            // to 2 items on different layers.
            // Currently a via must be connected to 2 items, that can be on the same layer
            LAYER_NUM top_layer, bottom_layer;
            ZONE_CONTAINER* zone;

            if( (type_end & START_ON_PAD ) == 0 )
                TRACK* other = track->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_START );

                if( other == NULL )     // Test a connection to zones
                    if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetStart(),
                                                               track->GetNet() );
                        ((SEGVIA*)track)->ReturnLayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetStart(),
                                                               top_layer, bottom_layer,
                                                               track->GetNet() );

                if( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                    flag_erase |= 1;
                else    // segment, via or zone connected to this end
                    track->start = other;
                    // If a via is connected to this end,
                    // test if this via has a second item connected.
                    // If no, remove it with the current segment

                    if( other && other->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                        // search for another segment following the via
                        track->SetState( BUSY, true );

                        SEGVIA* via = (SEGVIA*) other;
                        other = via->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_START );

                        if( other == NULL )
                            via->ReturnLayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                            zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( via->GetStart(),
                                                                   via->GetNet() );

                        if( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                            flag_erase |= 2;

                        track->SetState( BUSY, false );

            // if track end point is not connected to a pad,
            // test if this track end point is connected to an other track
            if( (type_end & END_ON_PAD ) == 0 )
                TRACK* other = track->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_END );

                if( other == NULL )     // Test a connection to zones
                    if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetEnd(),
                                                               track->GetNet() );
                        ((SEGVIA*)track)->ReturnLayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                        zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( track->GetEnd(),
                                                               top_layer, bottom_layer,
                                                               track->GetNet() );

                if ( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                    flag_erase |= 0x10;
                else     // segment, via or zone connected to this end
                    track->end = other;

                    // If a via is connected to this end, test if this via has a second item connected
                    // if no, remove it with the current segment

                    if( other && other->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                        // search for another segment following the via

                        track->SetState( BUSY, true );

                        SEGVIA* via = (SEGVIA*) other;
                        other = via->GetTrace( m_Brd->m_Track, NULL, FLG_END );

                        if( other == NULL )
                            via->ReturnLayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
                            zone = m_Brd->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( via->GetEnd(),
                                                                   bottom_layer, top_layer,
                                                                   via->GetNet() );

                        if( (other == NULL) && (zone == NULL) )
                            flag_erase |= 0x20;

                        track->SetState( BUSY, false );

            if( flag_erase )
                // remove segment from board
                // iterate, because a track connected to the deleted track
                // is now perhaps now not connected and should be deleted
                item_erased = true;
                modified = true;

    return modified;
bool DRC::doTrackDrc( TRACK* aRefSeg, TRACK* aStart, bool testPads )
    TRACK*    track;
    wxPoint   delta;           // lenght on X and Y axis of segments
    LAYER_MSK layerMask;
    int       net_code_ref;
    wxPoint   shape_pos;

    NETCLASS* netclass = aRefSeg->GetNetClass();

    /* In order to make some calculations more easier or faster,
     * pads and tracks coordinates will be made relative to the reference segment origin
    wxPoint origin = aRefSeg->GetStart();  // origin will be the origin of other coordinates

    m_segmEnd   = delta = aRefSeg->GetEnd() - origin;
    m_segmAngle = 0;

    layerMask    = aRefSeg->GetLayerMask();
    net_code_ref = aRefSeg->GetNet();

    // Phase 0 : Test vias
    if( aRefSeg->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
        // test if the via size is smaller than minimum
        if( aRefSeg->GetShape() == VIA_MICROVIA )
            if( aRefSeg->GetWidth() < netclass->GetuViaMinDiameter() )
                m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, NULL,
                                              DRCE_TOO_SMALL_MICROVIA, m_currentMarker );
                return false;
            if( aRefSeg->GetWidth() < netclass->GetViaMinDiameter() )
                m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, NULL,
                                              DRCE_TOO_SMALL_VIA, m_currentMarker );
                return false;

        // test if via's hole is bigger than its diameter
        // This test is necessary since the via hole size and width can be modified
        // and a default via hole can be bigger than some vias sizes
        if( aRefSeg->GetDrillValue() > aRefSeg->GetWidth() )
            m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, NULL,
                                          DRCE_VIA_HOLE_BIGGER, m_currentMarker );
            return false;

        // For microvias: test if they are blind vias and only between 2 layers
        // because they are used for very small drill size and are drill by laser
        // and **only one layer** can be drilled
        if( aRefSeg->GetShape() == VIA_MICROVIA )
            LAYER_NUM layer1, layer2;
            bool err = true;

            ( (SEGVIA*) aRefSeg )->ReturnLayerPair( &layer1, &layer2 );

            if( layer1 > layer2 )
                EXCHG( layer1, layer2 );

            // test:
            if( layer1 == LAYER_N_BACK && layer2 == LAYER_N_2 )
                err = false;

            if( layer1 == (m_pcb->GetDesignSettings().GetCopperLayerCount() - 2 )
                && layer2 == LAYER_N_FRONT )
                err = false;

            if( err )
                m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, NULL,
                                              DRCE_MICRO_VIA_INCORRECT_LAYER_PAIR, m_currentMarker );
                return false;
    else    // This is a track segment
        if( aRefSeg->GetWidth() < netclass->GetTrackMinWidth() )
            m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, NULL,
                                          DRCE_TOO_SMALL_TRACK_WIDTH, m_currentMarker );
            return false;

    // for a non horizontal or vertical segment Compute the segment angle
    // in tenths of degrees and its length
    if( delta.x || delta.y )
        // Compute the segment angle in 0,1 degrees
        m_segmAngle = ArcTangente( delta.y, delta.x );

        // Compute the segment length: we build an equivalent rotated segment,
        // this segment is horizontal, therefore dx = length
        RotatePoint( &delta, m_segmAngle );    // delta.x = length, delta.y = 0

    m_segmLength = delta.x;

    /* Phase 1 : test DRC track to pads :     */

    /* Use a dummy pad to test DRC tracks versus holes, for pads not on all copper layers
     * but having a hole
     * This dummy pad has the size and shape of the hole
     * to test tracks to pad hole DRC, using checkClearanceSegmToPad test function.
     * Therefore, this dummy pad is a circle or an oval.
     * A pad must have a parent because some functions expect a non null parent
     * to find the parent board, and some other data
    MODULE dummymodule( m_pcb );    // Creates a dummy parent
    D_PAD dummypad( &dummymodule );

    dummypad.SetLayerMask( ALL_CU_LAYERS );     // Ensure the hole is on all layers

    // Compute the min distance to pads
    if( testPads )
        for( unsigned ii = 0;  ii<m_pcb->GetPadCount();  ++ii )
            D_PAD* pad = m_pcb->GetPad( ii );

            /* No problem if pads are on an other layer,
             * But if a drill hole exists	(a pad on a single layer can have a hole!)
             * we must test the hole
            if( (pad->GetLayerMask() & layerMask ) == 0 )
                /* We must test the pad hole. In order to use the function
                 * checkClearanceSegmToPad(),a pseudo pad is used, with a shape and a
                 * size like the hole
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 )

                dummypad.SetSize( pad->GetDrillSize() );
                dummypad.SetPosition( pad->GetPosition() );
                dummypad.SetShape( pad->GetDrillShape() );
                dummypad.SetOrientation( pad->GetOrientation() );

                m_padToTestPos = dummypad.GetPosition() - origin;

                if( !checkClearanceSegmToPad( &dummypad, aRefSeg->GetWidth(),
                                              netclass->GetClearance() ) )
                    m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, pad,
                                                  DRCE_TRACK_NEAR_THROUGH_HOLE, m_currentMarker );
                    return false;


            // The pad must be in a net (i.e pt_pad->GetNet() != 0 )
            // but no problem if the pad netcode is the current netcode (same net)
            if( pad->GetNet()                       // the pad must be connected
               && net_code_ref == pad->GetNet() )   // the pad net is the same as current net -> Ok

            // DRC for the pad
            shape_pos = pad->ReturnShapePos();
            m_padToTestPos = shape_pos - origin;

            if( !checkClearanceSegmToPad( pad, aRefSeg->GetWidth(), aRefSeg->GetClearance( pad ) ) )
                m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, pad,
                                              DRCE_TRACK_NEAR_PAD, m_currentMarker );
                return false;

    /* Phase 2: test DRC with other track segments */

    // At this point the reference segment is the X axis

    // Test the reference segment with other track segments
    wxPoint segStartPoint;
    wxPoint segEndPoint;
    for( track = aStart; track; track = track->Next() )
        // No problem if segments have the same net code:
        if( net_code_ref == track->GetNet() )

        // No problem if segment are on different layers :
        if( ( layerMask & track->GetLayerMask() ) == 0 )

        // the minimum distance = clearance plus half the reference track
        // width plus half the other track's width
        int w_dist = aRefSeg->GetClearance( track );
        w_dist += (aRefSeg->GetWidth() + track->GetWidth()) / 2;

        // If the reference segment is a via, we test it here
        if( aRefSeg->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
            delta = track->GetEnd() - track->GetStart();
            segStartPoint = aRefSeg->GetStart() - track->GetStart();

            if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                // Test distance between two vias, i.e. two circles, trivial case
                if( EuclideanNorm( segStartPoint ) < w_dist )
                    m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                                  DRCE_VIA_NEAR_VIA, m_currentMarker );
                    return false;
            else    // test via to segment
                // Compute l'angle du segment a tester;
                double angle = ArcTangente( delta.y, delta.x );

                // Compute new coordinates ( the segment become horizontal)
                RotatePoint( &delta, angle );
                RotatePoint( &segStartPoint, angle );

                if( !checkMarginToCircle( segStartPoint, w_dist, delta.x ) )
                    m_currentMarker = fillMarker( track, aRefSeg,
                                                  DRCE_VIA_NEAR_TRACK, m_currentMarker );
                    return false;


        /* We compute segStartPoint, segEndPoint = starting and ending point coordinates for
         * the segment to test in the new axis : the new X axis is the
         * reference segment.  We must translate and rotate the segment to test
        segStartPoint = track->GetStart() - origin;
        segEndPoint   = track->GetEnd() - origin;
        RotatePoint( &segStartPoint, m_segmAngle );
        RotatePoint( &segEndPoint, m_segmAngle );
        if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
            if( checkMarginToCircle( segStartPoint, w_dist, m_segmLength ) )

            m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                          DRCE_TRACK_NEAR_VIA, m_currentMarker );
            return false;

        /*	We have changed axis:
         *  the reference segment is Horizontal.
         *  3 cases : the segment to test can be parallel, perpendicular or have an other direction
        if( segStartPoint.y == segEndPoint.y ) // parallel segments
            if( abs( segStartPoint.y ) >= w_dist )

            // Ensure segStartPoint.x <= segEndPoint.x
            if( segStartPoint.x > segEndPoint.x )
                EXCHG( segStartPoint.x, segEndPoint.x );

            if( segStartPoint.x > (-w_dist) && segStartPoint.x < (m_segmLength + w_dist) )    /* possible error drc */
                // the start point is inside the reference range
                //      X........
                //    O--REF--+

                // Fine test : we consider the rounded shape of each end of the track segment:
                if( segStartPoint.x >= 0 && segStartPoint.x <= m_segmLength )
                    m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                                  DRCE_TRACK_ENDS1, m_currentMarker );
                    return false;

                if( !checkMarginToCircle( segStartPoint, w_dist, m_segmLength ) )
                    m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                                  DRCE_TRACK_ENDS2, m_currentMarker );
                    return false;

            if( segEndPoint.x > (-w_dist) && segEndPoint.x < (m_segmLength + w_dist) )
                // the end point is inside the reference range
                //  .....X
                //    O--REF--+
                // Fine test : we consider the rounded shape of the ends
                if( segEndPoint.x >= 0 && segEndPoint.x <= m_segmLength )
                    m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                                  DRCE_TRACK_ENDS3, m_currentMarker );
                    return false;

                if( !checkMarginToCircle( segEndPoint, w_dist, m_segmLength ) )
                    m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                                  DRCE_TRACK_ENDS4, m_currentMarker );
                    return false;

            if( segStartPoint.x <=0 && segEndPoint.x >= 0 )
            // the segment straddles the reference range (this actually only
            // checks if it straddles the origin, because the other cases where already
            // handled)
            //  X.............X
            //    O--REF--+
                m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                              DRCE_TRACK_SEGMENTS_TOO_CLOSE, m_currentMarker );
                return false;
        else if( segStartPoint.x == segEndPoint.x ) // perpendicular segments
            if( ( segStartPoint.x <= (-w_dist) ) || ( segStartPoint.x >= (m_segmLength + w_dist) ) )

            // Test if segments are crossing
            if( segStartPoint.y > segEndPoint.y )
                EXCHG( segStartPoint.y, segEndPoint.y );

            if( (segStartPoint.y < 0) && (segEndPoint.y > 0) )
                m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                              DRCE_TRACKS_CROSSING, m_currentMarker );
                return false;

            // At this point the drc error is due to an end near a reference segm end
            if( !checkMarginToCircle( segStartPoint, w_dist, m_segmLength ) )
                m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                              DRCE_ENDS_PROBLEM1, m_currentMarker );
                return false;
            if( !checkMarginToCircle( segEndPoint, w_dist, m_segmLength ) )
                m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                              DRCE_ENDS_PROBLEM2, m_currentMarker );
                return false;
        else    // segments quelconques entre eux
            // calcul de la "surface de securite du segment de reference
            // First rought 'and fast) test : the track segment is like a rectangle

            m_xcliplo = m_ycliplo = -w_dist;
            m_xcliphi = m_segmLength + w_dist;
            m_ycliphi = w_dist;

            // A fine test is needed because a serment is not exactly a
            // rectangle, it has rounded ends
            if( !checkLine( segStartPoint, segEndPoint ) )
                /* 2eme passe : the track has rounded ends.
                 * we must a fine test for each rounded end and the
                 * rectangular zone

                m_xcliplo = 0;
                m_xcliphi = m_segmLength;

                if( !checkLine( segStartPoint, segEndPoint ) )
                    m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                                  DRCE_ENDS_PROBLEM3, m_currentMarker );
                    return false;
                else    // The drc error is due to the starting or the ending point of the reference segment
                    // Test the starting and the ending point
                    segStartPoint = track->GetStart();
                    segEndPoint   = track->GetEnd();
                    delta = segEndPoint - segStartPoint;

                    // Compute the segment orientation (angle) en 0,1 degre
                    double angle = ArcTangente( delta.y, delta.x );

                    // Compute the segment lenght: delta.x = lenght after rotation
                    RotatePoint( &delta, angle );

                    /* Comute the reference segment coordinates relatives to a
                     *  X axis = current tested segment
                    wxPoint relStartPos = aRefSeg->GetStart() - segStartPoint;
                    wxPoint relEndPos   = aRefSeg->GetEnd() - segStartPoint;

                    RotatePoint( &relStartPos, angle );
                    RotatePoint( &relEndPos, angle );

                    if( !checkMarginToCircle( relStartPos, w_dist, delta.x ) )
                        m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                                      DRCE_ENDS_PROBLEM4, m_currentMarker );
                        return false;

                    if( !checkMarginToCircle( relEndPos, w_dist, delta.x ) )
                        m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aRefSeg, track,
                                                      DRCE_ENDS_PROBLEM5, m_currentMarker );
                        return false;

    return true;