int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { signal(SIGINT, signalFun); if (argc == 2 && (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "/?") == 0)) { cout << "please input like example:" << endl; cout << "tcpTest remoteIP remotePort startType" << endl; cout << "./tcpTest 8081 0" << endl; cout << "startType: 0 server, 1 client" << endl; return 0; } if (argc > 1) g_remoteIP = argv[1]; if (argc > 2) g_remotePort = atoi(argv[2]); if (argc > 3) g_startType = atoi(argv[3]); if (g_startType == 0) ILog4zManager::getPtr()->config("server.cfg"); else ILog4zManager::getPtr()->config("client.cfg"); ILog4zManager::getPtr()->start(); LOGI("g_remoteIP=" << g_remoteIP << ", g_remotePort=" << g_remotePort << ", g_startType=" << g_startType ); summer = std::shared_ptr<EventLoop>(new EventLoop); summer->initialize(); if (g_startType == 0) { accepter = std::shared_ptr<TcpAccept>(new TcpAccept()); accepter->initialize(summer); ts = std::shared_ptr<TcpSocket>(new TcpSocket); if (!accepter->openAccept(g_remoteIP.c_str(), g_remotePort)) return 0; accepter->doAccept(ts, std::bind(OnAcceptSocket, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); } else { usedSocket = std::shared_ptr<TcpSocket>(new TcpSocket); usedSocket->initialize(summer); usedSocket->doConnect(g_remoteIP.c_str(), g_remotePort, std::bind(onConnect, std::placeholders::_1)); } std::function<void()> moniter = [&moniter]() { cout << "echo=" << sendCount / 5 << endl; sendCount = 0; summer->createTimer(5000, std::bind(moniter)); }; summer->createTimer(5000, std::bind(moniter)); while (g_runing) summer->runOnce(); ts.reset(); accepter.reset(); usedSocket.reset(); return 0; }
bool SessionManager::openAccepter(AccepterID aID) { auto founder = _mapAccepterOptions.find(aID); if (founder == _mapAccepterOptions.end()) { LCE("openAccepter error. not found the Accepter ID extend info. aID=" << aID); return false; } if (founder->second._accepter) { LCE("openAccepter error. already opened. extend info=" << founder->second); return false; } if (founder->second._listenIP.empty()) { LCE("openAccepter error. no listen IP. extend info=" << founder->second); return false; } TcpAcceptPtr accepter = std::make_shared<TcpAccept>(); if (!accepter->initialize(_summer)) { LCE("openAccept error. extend info=" << founder->second); return false; } if (!accepter->openAccept(founder->second._listenIP, founder->second._listenPort)) { LCE("openAccept error. extend info=" << founder->second); return false; } if (!accepter->doAccept(std::make_shared<TcpSocket>(), std::bind(&SessionManager::onAcceptNewClient, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, accepter, founder->second._aID))) { LCE("openAccept error. extend info=" << founder->second); return false; } founder->second._accepter = accepter; return true; }
void OnAcceptSocket(NetErrorCode ec, TcpSocketPtr s) { if (ec != NEC_SUCCESS) { g_runing = false; return; } usedSocket = s; usedSocket->initialize(summer); usedSocket->doRecv(recvBuffer, recvBufferLen, std::bind(OnServerSocketRecv, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); ts = std::shared_ptr<TcpSocket>(new TcpSocket); accepter->doAccept(ts, std::bind(OnAcceptSocket, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); };
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { signal(SIGINT, signalFun); if (argc == 2 && (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "/?") == 0)) { cout << "please input like example:" << endl; cout << "tcpTest remoteIP remotePort startType" << endl; cout << "./tcpTest 8081 0" << endl; cout << "startType: 0 server, 1 client" << endl; return 0; } if (argc > 1) { g_remoteIP = argv[1]; } if (argc > 2) { g_remotePort = atoi(argv[2]); } if (argc > 3) { g_startType = atoi(argv[3]); } if (g_startType == 0) { ILog4zManager::getPtr()->config("server.cfg"); ILog4zManager::getPtr()->start(); } else { ILog4zManager::getPtr()->config("client.cfg"); ILog4zManager::getPtr()->start(); } LOGI("g_remoteIP=" << g_remoteIP << ", g_remotePort=" << g_remotePort << ", g_startType=" << g_startType ); summer = std::shared_ptr<EventLoop>(new EventLoop); summer->initialize(); if (g_startType == 0) { accepter = std::shared_ptr<TcpAccept>(new TcpAccept()); accepter->initialize(summer); ts = std::shared_ptr<TcpSocket>(new TcpSocket); if (!accepter->openAccept(g_remoteIP.c_str(), g_remotePort)) { return 0; } accepter->doAccept(ts, std::bind(OnAcceptSocket, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); } else { usedSocket = std::shared_ptr<TcpSocket>(new TcpSocket); usedSocket->initialize(summer); usedSocket->doConnect(g_remoteIP.c_str(), g_remotePort, std::bind(onConnect, std::placeholders::_1)); } while (g_runing) { summer->runOnce(); } ts.reset(); accepter.reset(); usedSocket.reset(); //warning: be safe close need: 1.close all established socket. 2. wait all socket recv callback. 3 stop runonce and safe exit. return 0; }
void SessionManager::onAcceptNewClient(zsummer::network::NetErrorCode ec, const TcpSocketPtr& s, const TcpAcceptPtr &accepter, AccepterID aID) { if (!_running || _stopAccept) { LCI("shutdown accepter. aID=" << aID); return; } auto founder = _mapAccepterOptions.find(aID); if (founder == _mapAccepterOptions.end()) { LCE("Unknown AccepterID aID=" << aID); return; } if (ec) { LCE("doAccept Result Error. ec=" << ec << ", extend=" << founder->second); auto &&handler = std::bind(&SessionManager::onAcceptNewClient, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, accepter, aID); auto timer = [accepter, handler]() { accepter->doAccept(std::make_shared<TcpSocket>(), std::move(handler)); }; createTimer(5000, std::move(timer)); return; } std::string remoteIP; unsigned short remotePort = 0; s->getPeerInfo(remoteIP, remotePort); //! check white list //! --------------------- if (!founder->second._whitelistIP.empty()) { bool checkSucess = false; for (auto white : founder->second._whitelistIP) { if (remoteIP.size() >= white.size()) { if (,white.size(), white) == 0) { checkSucess = true; break; } } } if (!checkSucess) { LCW("Accept New Client Check Whitelist Failed remoteAdress=" << remoteIP << ":" << remotePort << ", extend=" << founder->second); accepter->doAccept(std::make_shared<TcpSocket>(), std::bind(&SessionManager::onAcceptNewClient, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, accepter, aID)); return; } else { LCI("Accept New Client Check Whitelist Success remoteAdress=" << remoteIP << ":" << remotePort << ", extend=" << founder->second); } } //! check Max Sessions if (founder->second._currentLinked >= founder->second._maxSessions) { LCW("Accept New Client. Too Many Sessions And The new socket will closed. extend=" << founder->second ); } else { LCD("Accept New Client. Accept new Sessions. The new socket remoteAddress=" << remoteIP << ":" << remotePort << ", Aready linked sessions = " << founder->second._currentLinked << ", extend=" << founder->second); founder->second._currentLinked++; founder->second._totalAcceptCount++; _lastSessionID = nextSessionID(_lastSessionID); s->initialize(_summer); TcpSessionPtr session = std::make_shared<TcpSession>(); session->getOptions() = founder->second._sessionOptions; session->setEventLoop(_summer); if (session->attatch(s, aID, _lastSessionID)) { _mapTcpSessionPtr[_lastSessionID] = session; } } //! accept next socket. accepter->doAccept(std::make_shared<TcpSocket>(), std::bind(&SessionManager::onAcceptNewClient, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, accepter, aID)); }
void SessionManager::onAcceptNewClient(zsummer::network::NetErrorCode ec, const TcpSocketPtr& s, const TcpAcceptPtr &accepter, AccepterID aID) { if (!_running || ! _openAccept) { LCI("shutdown accepter. aID=" << aID); return; } auto iter = _mapAccepterConfig.find(aID); if (iter == _mapAccepterConfig.end()) { LCE("Unknown AccepterID aID=" << aID); return; } if (ec) { LCE("doAccept Result Error. ec=" << ec << ", traits=" << iter->second.first); TcpSocketPtr newclient(new zsummer::network::TcpSocket); newclient->initialize(_summer); auto &&handler = std::bind(&SessionManager::onAcceptNewClient, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, accepter, aID); auto timer = [accepter, newclient, handler]() { accepter->doAccept(newclient, std::move(handler)); }; createTimer(5000, std::move(timer)); return; } std::string remoteIP; unsigned short remotePort = 0; s->getPeerInfo(remoteIP, remotePort); //! check white list //! --------------------- if (!iter->second.first._whitelistIP.empty()) { bool checkSucess = false; for (auto white : iter->second.first._whitelistIP) { if (remoteIP.size() >= white.size()) { if (,white.size(), white) == 0) { checkSucess = true; break; } } } if (!checkSucess) { LCW("Accept New Client Check Whitelist Failed remoteAdress=" << remoteIP << ":" << remotePort << ", trais=" << iter->second.first); TcpSocketPtr newclient(new zsummer::network::TcpSocket); newclient->initialize(_summer); accepter->doAccept(newclient, std::bind(&SessionManager::onAcceptNewClient, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, accepter, aID)); return; } else { LCI("Accept New Client Check Whitelist Success remoteAdress=" << remoteIP << ":" << remotePort << ", trais=" << iter->second.first); } } //! check Max Sessions if (iter->second.second._currentLinked >= iter->second.first._maxSessions) { LCW("Accept New Client. Too Many Sessions And The new socket will closed. remoteAddress=" << remoteIP << ":" << remotePort << ", Aready linked sessions = " << iter->second.second._currentLinked << ", trais=" << iter->second.first); } else { LCD("Accept New Client. Accept new Sessions. The new socket remoteAddress=" << remoteIP << ":" << remotePort << ", Aready linked sessions = " << iter->second.second._currentLinked << ", trais=" << iter->second.first); iter->second.second._currentLinked++; iter->second.second._totalAcceptCount++; _lastSessionID = nextSessionID(_lastSessionID); TcpSessionPtr session(new TcpSession()); s->initialize(_summer); if (session->bindTcpSocketPrt(s, aID, _lastSessionID, iter->second.first)) { _mapTcpSessionPtr[_lastSessionID] = session; _totalAcceptCount++; MessageDispatcher::getRef().dispatchOnSessionEstablished(session); } } //! accept next socket. TcpSocketPtr newclient(new zsummer::network::TcpSocket); newclient->initialize(_summer); accepter->doAccept(newclient, std::bind(&SessionManager::onAcceptNewClient, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, accepter,aID)); }