     using TestFactory = factory::MultiFact<int(int), theID, factory::Build<long>::Wrapper>;
     TestFactory theFact;
     // Setup(1): each "production line" does a distinct calculation
     theFact.defineProduction (ONE, [](int par) { return par;     });
     theFact.defineProduction (TWO, [](int par) { return 2 * par; });
     theFact.defineProduction (THR, [](int par) { return par*par; });
     theFact.defineProduction (FOU, [](int par) { return 1 << par;});
     // Setup(2): and a common "wrapper functor" finishes
     //           the output of the chosen "production line"
     theFact.defineFinalWrapper([](int raw) { return raw + 1; });
     CHECK (long(1 + 1) == theFact(ONE, 1));
     CHECK (long(1 + 2) == theFact(ONE, 2));
     CHECK (long(1 + 3) == theFact(ONE, 3));
     CHECK (long(1 + 2) == theFact(TWO, 1));
     CHECK (long(1 + 4) == theFact(TWO, 2));
     CHECK (long(1 + 6) == theFact(TWO, 3));
     CHECK (long(1 + 1) == theFact(THR, 1));
     CHECK (long(1 + 4) == theFact(THR, 2));
     CHECK (long(1 + 9) == theFact(THR, 3));
     CHECK (long(1 + 2) == theFact(FOU, 1));
     CHECK (long(1 + 4) == theFact(FOU, 2));
     CHECK (long(1 + 8) == theFact(FOU, 3));
     using TestFactory = factory::MultiFact<string, theID>;
     TestFactory theFact;
     // the first "production line" is wired to a free function
     theFact.defineProduction (ONE, buildOne);
     // second "production line" uses a explicit partial closure
     theFact.defineProduction (TWO, bind (buildSome<theID>, TWO));
     // for the third "production line" we set up a function object
     auto memberFunction = bind (&MultiFact_test::callMe, this, "lalü");
     theFact.defineProduction (THR, memberFunction);
     // and the fourth "production line" uses a lambda, closed with a local reference
     string backdoor("backdoor");
     theFact.defineProduction (FOU, [&] {
                                       return backdoor;
     CHECK (!isnil (theFact));
     CHECK (theFact(ONE) == "1");
     CHECK (theFact(TWO) == "2");
     CHECK (theFact(THR) == "lalü");
     CHECK (invocations_ == 1);
     CHECK (theFact(FOU) == "backdoor");
     backdoor = "I am " + backdoor.substr(0,4);
     CHECK (theFact(FOU) == "I am back");
     TestFactory anotherFact;
     CHECK (isnil (anotherFact));
     VERIFY_ERROR (INVALID, anotherFact(ONE) );
     anotherFact.defineProduction (ONE, memberFunction);
     CHECK (anotherFact(ONE) == "lalü");
     CHECK (invocations_ == 2);
     CHECK (theFact(THR) == "lalü");
     CHECK (invocations_ == 3);
     CHECK ( theFact.contains (FOU));
     CHECK (!anotherFact.contains (FOU));
     anotherFact = theFact;
     CHECK (anotherFact.contains (FOU));
     CHECK (!isSameObject(theFact, anotherFact));
     CHECK (anotherFact(ONE) == "1");
     CHECK (anotherFact(TWO) == "2");
     CHECK (anotherFact(THR) == "lalü");
     CHECK (anotherFact(FOU) == "I am back");
     CHECK (invocations_ == 4);
		void Test()
			TestFactory factory;
			factory.Register("test1", &CreateType<Test1>);
			factory.Register("test2", &CreateType<Test2>);

			auto p_test1 = factory.Create("test1", MyParameters());
			auto p_test2 = factory.Create("test2", MyParameters());
Beispiel #4
TestFactoryRegistry::addTestToSuite( TestSuite *suite )
  for ( Factories::iterator it = m_factories.begin(); 
        it != m_factories.end(); 
        ++it )
    TestFactory *factory = *it;
    suite->addTest( factory->makeTest() );
Beispiel #5
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    KAboutData aboutData( "tests","Test","0.1" );
    KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );
    KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );

    KApplication app;

    KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
    Q_UNUSED( args );

    TestFactory t;
    return t.runTests();
Beispiel #6
 run (Arg)
     TestFactory theFact;
     theFact.defineProduction (ONE, bind (&fabricateNumberz, 1, _1 ));
     theFact.defineProduction (TWO, bind (&fabricateNumberz, 2, _1 ));
     cout << showSizeof (theFact) << endl;
     CHECK (sizeof(theFact) == sizeof(DispatcherMap));
     typedef TestFactory::Product PP;
     PP p1 = theFact(ONE, 2);
     PP p2 = theFact(TWO, 3);
     CHECK (1*2 == p1->n_);
     CHECK (2*3 == p2->n_);
     using TestFactory = factory::MultiFact<Interface*(string), theID>;
     TestFactory theFact;
     // set up the "production lines"
     theFact.defineProduction (ONE, [](string   ) { return new Implementation<ONE>;        });
     theFact.defineProduction (TWO, [](string   ) { return new Implementation<TWO>("X");   });
     theFact.defineProduction (THR, [](string id) { return new Implementation<THR>(id);    });
     theFact.defineProduction (FOU, [](string id) { return new Implementation<FOU>("Z"+id);});
     Interface *p1 = theFact(ONE, "irrelevant"),
               *p2 = theFact(TWO, "ignored"),
               *p3 = theFact(THR, "idiocy"),
               *p4 = theFact(FOU, "omg"),
               *p5 = theFact(FOU, "z");
     // does not compile...
     // theFact(ONE);
     // theFact(ONE, "foo", bar);
     CHECK ("Impl-1" == string(*p1));
     CHECK ("X2"     == string(*p2));
     CHECK ("idiocy3"== string(*p3));
     CHECK ("Zomg4"  == string(*p4));
     CHECK ("Zz4"    == string(*p5));
     CHECK (!isSameObject(*p4, *p5));
     CHECK (INSTANCEOF(Implementation<ONE>, p1));
     CHECK (INSTANCEOF(Implementation<TWO>, p2));
     CHECK (INSTANCEOF(Implementation<THR>, p3));
     CHECK (INSTANCEOF(Implementation<FOU>, p4));
     CHECK (INSTANCEOF(Implementation<FOU>, p5));
     delete p1;
     delete p2;
     delete p3;
     delete p4;
     delete p5;
     using TestFactory = factory::MultiFact<Interface, theID, factory::BuildRefcountPtr>;
     using PIfa = shared_ptr<Interface>;
     TestFactory theFact;
     // set up the "production lines" by lambda
     theFact.defineProduction (ONE, [] { return new Implementation<ONE>; });
     theFact.defineProduction (TWO, [] { return new Implementation<TWO>; });
     theFact.defineProduction (THR, [] { return new Implementation<THR>; });
     theFact.defineProduction (FOU, [] { return new Implementation<FOU>; });
     CHECK (!isnil (theFact));
     PIfa p1 = theFact(ONE);
     PIfa p2 = theFact(TWO);
     PIfa p3 = theFact(THR);
     PIfa p4 = theFact(FOU);
     PIfa p11 = theFact(ONE);
     CHECK ("Impl-1" == string(*p1));
     CHECK ("Impl-2" == string(*p2));
     CHECK ("Impl-3" == string(*p3));
     CHECK ("Impl-4" == string(*p4));
     CHECK ("Impl-1" == string(*p11));
     CHECK (!isSameObject(*p1, *p11));
     PIfa p12(p11);
     CHECK (isSameObject(*p11, *p12));
     CHECK ("Impl-1" == string(*p12));
     CHECK (1 == p1.use_count());
     CHECK (2 == p11.use_count());
     CHECK (2 == p12.use_count());