 * Builds CombinatorialDSS and ArithmeticalDSS in the fourth quadrants and
 * compares them, if both are equals, the test is passed.
bool CompareToArithmetical()
  typedef string::const_iterator codeIterator;
  typedef CombinatorialDSS<codeIterator, int> TestedType;
  typedef ArithmeticalDSS<Contour::ConstIterator,int,4> ReferenceType;

  trace.beginBlock ( "Comparing to ArithmeticalDSS" );

  std::string filename = testPath + "samples/manche.fc";
  std::fstream fst;
  fst.open (filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
  Contour theContour(fst);
  Contour::ConstIterator it = theContour.begin();
  TestedType C;
  C.init( it );
  ArithmeticalDSS<FreemanChain<int>::ConstIterator, int, 4> A(it);
  bool res = true;
  while ( C.end() != theContour.chain.end() ) 
      bool a = A.extendForward();
      bool c = C.extendForward();
      if ( a ^ c )
          res = false;
          cout << "Extension test error\n";
      else if ( ! a )
      // Compare positions
      if ( ( C.getFirstPoint() != A.getFirstPoint() ) || ( C.getLastPoint() != A.getLastPoint() )  )
          res = false;
          cout << "Equality test error\n";
      // Compare arithmetic parameters
      if ( ( C.getA() != A.getA() ) || ( C.getB() != A.getB() ) ||
           ( C.getMu() != A.getMu() ) || ( C.getOmega() != A.getOmega() ) ||
           ( C.getUf() != A.getUf() ) || ( C.getUl() != A.getUl() ) ||
           ( C.getLf() != A.getLf() ) || ( C.getLl() != A.getLl() ) 
          cout << "Arithmetic parameters error\n";
          cout <<  C << endl;
          cout <<  A << endl;
          cout << "getA()    " <<  C.getA()     << " --- " <<  A.getA() << "\n";
          cout << "getB()    " <<  C.getB()     << " --- " <<  A.getB() << "\n";
          cout << "getMu()   " <<  C.getMu()    << " --- " <<  A.getMu() << "\n";
          cout << "getOmega()" <<  C.getOmega() << " --- " <<  A.getOmega() << "\n";
          cout << "getUf()   " <<  C.getUf()    << " --- " <<  A.getUf() << "\n";
          cout << "getUl()   " <<  C.getUl()    << " --- " <<  A.getUl() << "\n";
          cout << "getLf()   " <<  C.getLf()    << " --- " <<  A.getLf() << "\n";
          cout << "getLl()   " <<  C.getLl()    << " --- " <<  A.getLl() << endl;
          res = false;
  return res;
Beispiel #2
 * Builds OneBalancedWordComputer and ArithmeticalDSSComputer in the fourth quadrants and
 * compares them, if both are equals, the test is passed.
bool CompareToArithmetical()
  typedef string::const_iterator codeIterator;
  typedef OneBalancedWordComputer<codeIterator, int> TestedType;
  typedef ArithmeticalDSSComputer<Contour::ConstIterator,int,4> ReferenceType;

  trace.beginBlock ( "Comparing to ArithmeticalDSSComputer" );

  std::string filename = testPath + "samples/manche.fc";
  std::fstream fst;
  fst.open (filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
  Contour theContour(fst);
  Contour::ConstIterator it = theContour.begin();
  TestedType C;
  C.init( it );
  ReferenceType A(it);
  bool res = true;
  while ( C.end() != theContour.chain.end() ) 
      bool a = A.extendFront();
      bool c = C.extendFront();
      if ( a ^ c )
          res = false;
          cout << "Extension test error\n";
      else if ( ! a )
      // Compare positions
      if ( ( C.back() != A.back() ) || ( C.front() != A.front() )  )
          res = false;
          cout << "Equality test error\n";
      // Compare arithmetic parameters
      if ( ( C.getA() != A.a() ) || ( C.getB() != A.b() ) ||
           ( C.getMu() != A.mu() ) || ( C.getOmega() != A.omega() ) ||
           ( C.Uf() != A.Uf() ) || ( C.Ul() != A.Ul() ) ||
           ( C.Lf() != A.Lf() ) || ( C.Ll() != A.Ll() ) 
          cout << "Arithmetic parameters error\n";
          cout <<  C << endl;
          cout <<  A << endl;
          cout << "a()    " <<  C.getA()     << " --- " <<  A.a() << "\n";
          cout << "b()    " <<  C.getB()     << " --- " <<  A.b() << "\n";
          cout << "mu()   " <<  C.getMu()    << " --- " <<  A.mu() << "\n";
          cout << "omega()" <<  C.getOmega() << " --- " <<  A.omega() << "\n";
          cout << "Uf()   " <<  C.Uf()    << " --- " <<  A.Uf() << "\n";
          cout << "Ul()   " <<  C.Ul()    << " --- " <<  A.Ul() << "\n";
          cout << "Lf()   " <<  C.Lf()    << " --- " <<  A.Lf() << "\n";
          cout << "Ll()   " <<  C.Ll()    << " --- " <<  A.Ll() << endl;
          res = false;
  return res;