Beispiel #1
TileNode::createChildren(EngineContext* context)
    // NOTE: Ensure that _mutex is locked before calling this fucntion!

    // Create the four child nodes.
    for(unsigned quadrant=0; quadrant<4; ++quadrant)
        TileNode* node = new TileNode();
        if (context->getOptions().minExpiryFrames().isSet())
            node->setMinimumExpiryFrames( *context->getOptions().minExpiryFrames() );
        if (context->getOptions().minExpiryTime().isSet())
            node->setMinimumExpiryTime( *context->getOptions().minExpiryTime() );

        // Build the surface geometry:
        node->create( getTileKey().createChildKey(quadrant), context );

        // Add to the scene graph.
        addChild( node );

        // Inherit the samplers with new scale/bias information.
        node->inheritState( context );
Beispiel #2
TileNode::createChildren(EngineContext* context)
    // Create the four child nodes.
    for(unsigned quadrant=0; quadrant<4; ++quadrant)
        TileNode* node = new TileNode();

        // Build the surface geometry:
        node->create( getTileKey().createChildKey(quadrant), context );

        // Add to the scene graph.
        addChild( node );

        // Inherit the samplers with new scale/bias information.
        node->inheritState( context );
    OE_DEBUG << LC << "Creating children of: " << getTileKey().str() << "; count = " << (++_count) << "\n";