mitk::ScalarType mitk::Cuboid::GetVolume() { TimeGeometry* geometry = GetTimeGeometry(); return geometry->GetExtentInWorld(0) * geometry->GetExtentInWorld(1) * geometry->GetExtentInWorld(2); }
void mitk::SlicedData::SetOrigin(const mitk::Point3D& origin) { TimeGeometry* timeGeometry = GetTimeGeometry(); assert(timeGeometry!=NULL); mitk::SlicedGeometry3D* slicedGeometry; unsigned int steps = timeGeometry->CountTimeSteps(); for(unsigned int timestep = 0; timestep < steps; ++timestep) { slicedGeometry = GetSlicedGeometry(timestep); if(slicedGeometry != NULL) { slicedGeometry->SetOrigin(origin); if(slicedGeometry->GetEvenlySpaced()) { mitk::PlaneGeometry* geometry2D = slicedGeometry->GetPlaneGeometry(0); geometry2D->SetOrigin(origin); slicedGeometry->InitializeEvenlySpaced(geometry2D, slicedGeometry->GetSlices()); } } //ProportionalTimeGeometry* timeGeometry = dynamic_cast<ProportionalTimeGeometry *>(GetTimeGeometry()); //if(timeGeometry != NULL) //{ // timeGeometry->Initialize(slicedGeometry, steps); // break; //} } }
void mitk::Surface::CalculateBoundingBox() { TimeGeometry *timeGeometry = this->GetTimeGeometry(); if (timeGeometry->CountTimeSteps() != m_PolyDatas.size()) mitkThrow() << "Number of geometry time steps is inconsistent with number of poly data pointers."; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_PolyDatas.size(); ++i) { vtkPolyData *polyData = m_PolyDatas[i].GetPointer(); double bounds[6] = {0}; if (polyData != nullptr && polyData->GetNumberOfPoints() > 0) { // polyData->Update(); //VTK6_TODO vtk pipeline polyData->ComputeBounds(); polyData->GetBounds(bounds); } BaseGeometry::Pointer geometry = timeGeometry->GetGeometryForTimeStep(i); if (geometry.IsNull()) mitkThrow() << "Time-sliced geometry is invalid (equals nullptr)."; geometry->SetFloatBounds(bounds); } timeGeometry->Update(); m_CalculateBoundingBox = false; }
mitk::ScalarType mitk::Cylinder::GetVolume() { TimeGeometry* geometry = GetTimeGeometry(); return geometry->GetExtentInWorld(0) * 0.5 * geometry->GetExtentInWorld(2) * 0.5 * vnl_math::pi * geometry->GetExtentInWorld(1); }
void mitk::UnstructuredGrid::CalculateBoundingBox() { // // first make sure, that the associated time sliced geometry has // the same number of geometry 3d's as vtkUnstructuredGrids are present // TimeGeometry* timeGeometry = GetTimeGeometry(); if ( timeGeometry->CountTimeSteps() != m_GridSeries.size() ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"timeGeometry->CountTimeSteps() != m_GridSeries.size() -- use Initialize(timeSteps) with correct number of timeSteps!"); }
void mitk::PointSet::UpdateOutputInformation() { if ( this->GetSource( ) ) { this->GetSource( )->UpdateOutputInformation( ); } // // first make sure, that the associated time sliced geometry has // the same number of geometry 3d's as PointSets are present // TimeGeometry* timeGeometry = GetTimeGeometry(); if ( timeGeometry->CountTimeSteps() != m_PointSetSeries.size() ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"timeGeometry->CountTimeSteps() != m_PointSetSeries.size() -- use Initialize(timeSteps) with correct number of timeSteps!"); }
void mitk::SlicedData::SetSpacing(mitk::Vector3D aSpacing) { TimeGeometry *timeGeometry = GetTimeGeometry(); assert(timeGeometry != nullptr); unsigned int steps = timeGeometry->CountTimeSteps(); for (unsigned int timestep = 0; timestep < steps; ++timestep) { mitk::SlicedGeometry3D *slicedGeometry = GetSlicedGeometry(timestep); if (slicedGeometry != nullptr) { slicedGeometry->SetSpacing(aSpacing); } } timeGeometry->Update(); }
void SliceNavigationController::SetGeometryTime(const itk::EventObject &geometryTimeEvent) { if (m_CreatedWorldGeometry.IsNull()) { return; } const SliceNavigationController::GeometryTimeEvent *timeEvent = dynamic_cast< const SliceNavigationController::GeometryTimeEvent * >(&geometryTimeEvent); assert( timeEvent != nullptr ); TimeGeometry *timeGeometry = timeEvent->GetTimeGeometry(); assert( timeGeometry != nullptr ); int timeStep = (int)timeEvent->GetPos(); ScalarType timeInMS; timeInMS = timeGeometry->TimeStepToTimePoint(timeStep); timeStep = m_CreatedWorldGeometry->TimePointToTimeStep(timeInMS); this->GetTime()->SetPos(timeStep); }
void SlicesRotator::RotateToPoint( SliceNavigationController *rotationPlaneSNC, SliceNavigationController *rotatedPlaneSNC, const Point3D &point, bool linked ) { MITK_WARN << "Deprecated function! Use SliceNavigationController::ReorientSlices() instead"; SliceNavigationController *thirdSNC = NULL; SNCVector::iterator iter; for ( iter = m_RotatableSNCs.begin(); iter != m_RotatableSNCs.end(); ++iter ) { if ( ((*iter) != rotationPlaneSNC) && ((*iter) != rotatedPlaneSNC) ) { thirdSNC = *iter; break; } } if ( thirdSNC == NULL ) { return; } const PlaneGeometry *rotationPlane = rotationPlaneSNC->GetCurrentPlaneGeometry(); const PlaneGeometry *rotatedPlane = rotatedPlaneSNC->GetCurrentPlaneGeometry(); const PlaneGeometry *thirdPlane = thirdSNC->GetCurrentPlaneGeometry(); if ( (rotationPlane == NULL) || (rotatedPlane == NULL) || (thirdPlane == NULL) ) { return; } if ( rotatedPlane->DistanceFromPlane( point ) < 0.001 ) { // Skip irrelevant rotations return; } Point3D projectedPoint; Line3D intersection; Point3D rotationCenter; if ( !rotationPlane->Project( point, projectedPoint ) || !rotationPlane->IntersectionLine( rotatedPlane, intersection ) || !thirdPlane->IntersectionPoint( intersection, rotationCenter ) ) { return; } // All pre-requirements are met; execute the rotation Point3D referencePoint = intersection.Project( projectedPoint ); Vector3D toProjected = referencePoint - rotationCenter; Vector3D toCursor = projectedPoint - rotationCenter; // cross product: | A x B | = |A| * |B| * sin(angle) Vector3D axisOfRotation; vnl_vector_fixed< ScalarType, 3 > vnlDirection = vnl_cross_3d( toCursor.GetVnlVector(), toProjected.GetVnlVector() ); axisOfRotation.SetVnlVector( vnlDirection ); // scalar product: A * B = |A| * |B| * cos(angle) // tan = sin / cos ScalarType angle = - atan2( (double)(axisOfRotation.GetNorm()), (double)(toCursor * toProjected) ); angle *= 180.0 / vnl_math::pi; // create RotationOperation and apply to all SNCs that should be rotated RotationOperation op(OpROTATE, rotationCenter, axisOfRotation, angle); if ( !linked ) { BaseRenderer *renderer = rotatedPlaneSNC->GetRenderer(); if ( renderer == NULL ) { return; } DisplayGeometry *displayGeometry = renderer->GetDisplayGeometry(); Point2D point2DWorld, point2DDisplayPre, point2DDisplayPost; displayGeometry->Map( rotationCenter, point2DWorld ); displayGeometry->WorldToDisplay( point2DWorld, point2DDisplayPre ); TimeGeometry *timeGeometry= rotatedPlaneSNC->GetCreatedWorldGeometry(); if ( !timeGeometry ) { return; } timeGeometry->ExecuteOperation( &op ); displayGeometry->Map( rotationCenter, point2DWorld ); displayGeometry->WorldToDisplay( point2DWorld, point2DDisplayPost ); Vector2D vector2DDisplayDiff = point2DDisplayPost - point2DDisplayPre; //Vector2D origin = displayGeometry->GetOriginInMM(); displayGeometry->MoveBy( vector2DDisplayDiff ); rotatedPlaneSNC->SendCreatedWorldGeometryUpdate(); } else { SNCVector::iterator iter; for ( iter = m_RotatableSNCs.begin(); iter != m_RotatableSNCs.end(); ++iter ) { BaseRenderer *renderer = (*iter)->GetRenderer(); if ( renderer == NULL ) { continue; } DisplayGeometry *displayGeometry = renderer->GetDisplayGeometry(); Point2D point2DWorld, point2DDisplayPre, point2DDisplayPost; displayGeometry->Map( rotationCenter, point2DWorld ); displayGeometry->WorldToDisplay( point2DWorld, point2DDisplayPre ); TimeGeometry* timeGeometry = (*iter)->GetCreatedWorldGeometry(); if ( !timeGeometry ) { continue; } timeGeometry->ExecuteOperation( &op ); displayGeometry->Map( rotationCenter, point2DWorld ); displayGeometry->WorldToDisplay( point2DWorld, point2DDisplayPost ); Vector2D vector2DDisplayDiff = point2DDisplayPost - point2DDisplayPre; //Vector2D origin = displayGeometry->GetOriginInMM(); displayGeometry->MoveBy( vector2DDisplayDiff ); (*iter)->SendCreatedWorldGeometryUpdate(); } } } // end RotateToPoint
bool SlicesRotator::DoRotationStep(Action*, const StateEvent* e) { const DisplayPositionEvent* posEvent = dynamic_cast<const DisplayPositionEvent*>(e->GetEvent()); if (!posEvent) return false; Point3D cursor = posEvent->GetWorldPosition(); Vector3D toProjected = m_LastCursorPosition - m_CenterOfRotation; Vector3D toCursor = cursor - m_CenterOfRotation; // cross product: | A x B | = |A| * |B| * sin(angle) Vector3D axisOfRotation; vnl_vector_fixed< ScalarType, 3 > vnlDirection = vnl_cross_3d( toCursor.GetVnlVector(), toProjected.GetVnlVector() ); axisOfRotation.SetVnlVector(vnlDirection); // scalar product: A * B = |A| * |B| * cos(angle) // tan = sin / cos ScalarType angle = - atan2( (double)(axisOfRotation.GetNorm()), (double)(toCursor * toProjected) ); angle *= 180.0 / vnl_math::pi; m_LastCursorPosition = cursor; // create RotationOperation and apply to all SNCs that should be rotated RotationOperation rotationOperation(OpROTATE, m_CenterOfRotation, axisOfRotation, angle); // iterate the OTHER slice navigation controllers: these are filled in DoDecideBetweenRotationAndSliceSelection for (SNCVector::iterator iter = m_SNCsToBeRotated.begin(); iter != m_SNCsToBeRotated.end(); ++iter) { // - remember the center of rotation on the 2D display BEFORE rotation // - execute rotation // - calculate new center of rotation on 2D display // - move display IF the center of rotation has moved slightly before and after rotation // DM 2012-10: this must probably be due to rounding errors only, right? // We don't have documentation on if/why this code is needed BaseRenderer *renderer = (*iter)->GetRenderer(); if ( !renderer ) continue; DisplayGeometry *displayGeometry = renderer->GetDisplayGeometry(); Point2D rotationCenter2DWorld, point2DDisplayPreRotation, point2DDisplayPostRotation; displayGeometry->Map( m_CenterOfRotation, rotationCenter2DWorld ); displayGeometry->WorldToDisplay( rotationCenter2DWorld, point2DDisplayPreRotation ); TimeGeometry* timeGeometry = (*iter)->GetCreatedWorldGeometry(); if (!timeGeometry) continue; timeGeometry->ExecuteOperation(&rotationOperation); displayGeometry->Map( m_CenterOfRotation, rotationCenter2DWorld ); displayGeometry->WorldToDisplay( rotationCenter2DWorld, point2DDisplayPostRotation ); Vector2D vector2DDisplayDiff = point2DDisplayPostRotation - point2DDisplayPreRotation; displayGeometry->MoveBy( vector2DDisplayDiff ); (*iter)->SendCreatedWorldGeometryUpdate(); } RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); this->InvokeEvent( SliceRotationEvent() ); // notify listeners return true; }
void mitk::Geometry2DDataToSurfaceFilter::GenerateOutputInformation() { mitk::Geometry2DData::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput(); mitk::Surface::Pointer output = this->GetOutput(); if ( input.IsNull() || (input->GetGeometry2D() == NULL) || (input->GetGeometry2D()->IsValid() == false) || (m_UseBoundingBox && (m_BoundingBox.IsNull() || (m_BoundingBox->GetDiagonalLength2() < mitk::eps))) ) { return; } Point3D origin; Point3D right, bottom; vtkPolyData *planeSurface = NULL; // Does the Geometry2DData contain a PlaneGeometry? if ( dynamic_cast< PlaneGeometry * >( input->GetGeometry2D() ) != NULL ) { mitk::PlaneGeometry *planeGeometry = dynamic_cast< PlaneGeometry * >( input->GetGeometry2D() ); if ( m_PlaceByGeometry ) { // Let the output use the input geometry to appropriately transform the // coordinate system. mitk::Geometry3D::TransformType *affineTransform = planeGeometry->GetIndexToWorldTransform(); TimeGeometry *timeGeometry = output->GetTimeGeometry(); Geometry3D *geometrie3d = timeGeometry->GetGeometryForTimeStep( 0 ); geometrie3d->SetIndexToWorldTransform( affineTransform ); } if ( !m_UseBoundingBox) { // We do not have a bounding box, so no clipping is required. if ( m_PlaceByGeometry ) { // Derive coordinate axes and origin from input geometry extent origin.Fill( 0.0 ); FillVector3D( right, planeGeometry->GetExtent(0), 0.0, 0.0 ); FillVector3D( bottom, 0.0, planeGeometry->GetExtent(1), 0.0 ); } else { // Take the coordinate axes and origin directly from the input geometry. origin = planeGeometry->GetOrigin(); right = planeGeometry->GetCornerPoint( false, true ); bottom = planeGeometry->GetCornerPoint( true, false ); } // Since the plane is planar, there is no need to subdivide the grid // (cf. AbstractTransformGeometry case) m_PlaneSource->SetXResolution( 1 ); m_PlaneSource->SetYResolution( 1 ); m_PlaneSource->SetOrigin( origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] ); m_PlaneSource->SetPoint1( right[0], right[1], right[2] ); m_PlaneSource->SetPoint2( bottom[0], bottom[1], bottom[2] ); m_PlaneSource->Update(); planeSurface = m_PlaneSource->GetOutput(); } else { // Set up a cube with the extent and origin of the bounding box. This // cube will be clipped by a plane later on. The intersection of the // cube and the plane will be the surface we are interested in. Note // that the bounding box needs to be explicitly specified by the user // of this class, since it is not necessarily clear from the data // available herein which bounding box to use. In most cases, this // would be the bounding box of the input geometry's reference // geometry, but this is not an inevitable requirement. mitk::BoundingBox::PointType boundingBoxMin = m_BoundingBox->GetMinimum(); mitk::BoundingBox::PointType boundingBoxMax = m_BoundingBox->GetMaximum(); mitk::BoundingBox::PointType boundingBoxCenter = m_BoundingBox->GetCenter(); m_CubeSource->SetXLength( boundingBoxMax[0] - boundingBoxMin[0] ); m_CubeSource->SetYLength( boundingBoxMax[1] - boundingBoxMin[1] ); m_CubeSource->SetZLength( boundingBoxMax[2] - boundingBoxMin[2] ); m_CubeSource->SetCenter( boundingBoxCenter[0], boundingBoxCenter[1], boundingBoxCenter[2] ); // Now we have to transform the cube, so that it will cut our plane // appropriately. (As can be seen below, the plane corresponds to the // z-plane in the coordinate system and is *not* transformed.) Therefore, // we get the inverse of the plane geometry's transform and concatenate // it with the transform of the reference geometry, if available. m_Transform->Identity(); m_Transform->Concatenate( planeGeometry->GetVtkTransform()->GetLinearInverse() ); Geometry3D *referenceGeometry = planeGeometry->GetReferenceGeometry(); if ( referenceGeometry ) { m_Transform->Concatenate( referenceGeometry->GetVtkTransform() ); } // Transform the cube accordingly (s.a.) m_PolyDataTransformer->SetInputConnection( m_CubeSource->GetOutputPort() ); m_PolyDataTransformer->SetTransform( m_Transform ); // Initialize the plane to clip the cube with, as lying on the z-plane m_Plane->SetOrigin( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); m_Plane->SetNormal( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // Cut the plane with the cube. m_PlaneCutter->SetInputConnection( m_PolyDataTransformer->GetOutputPort() ); m_PlaneCutter->SetCutFunction( m_Plane ); // The output of the cutter must be converted into appropriate poly data. m_PlaneStripper->SetInputConnection( m_PlaneCutter->GetOutputPort() ); m_PlaneStripper->Update(); if ( m_PlaneStripper->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPoints() < 3 ) { return; } m_PlanePolyData->SetPoints( m_PlaneStripper->GetOutput()->GetPoints() ); m_PlanePolyData->SetPolys( m_PlaneStripper->GetOutput()->GetLines() ); m_PlaneTriangler->SetInputData( m_PlanePolyData ); // Get bounds of the resulting surface and use it to generate the texture // mapping information m_PlaneTriangler->Update(); m_PlaneTriangler->GetOutput()->ComputeBounds(); double *surfaceBounds = m_PlaneTriangler->GetOutput()->GetBounds(); origin[0] = surfaceBounds[0]; origin[1] = surfaceBounds[2]; origin[2] = surfaceBounds[4]; right[0] = surfaceBounds[1]; right[1] = surfaceBounds[2]; right[2] = surfaceBounds[4]; bottom[0] = surfaceBounds[0]; bottom[1] = surfaceBounds[3]; bottom[2] = surfaceBounds[4]; // Now we tell the data how it shall be textured afterwards; // description see above. m_TextureMapToPlane->SetInputConnection( m_PlaneTriangler->GetOutputPort() ); m_TextureMapToPlane->AutomaticPlaneGenerationOn(); m_TextureMapToPlane->SetOrigin( origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] ); m_TextureMapToPlane->SetPoint1( right[0], right[1], right[2] ); m_TextureMapToPlane->SetPoint2( bottom[0], bottom[1], bottom[2] ); // Need to call update so that output data and bounds are immediately // available m_TextureMapToPlane->Update(); // Return the output of this generation process planeSurface = dynamic_cast< vtkPolyData * >( m_TextureMapToPlane->GetOutput() ); } } // Does the Geometry2DData contain an AbstractTransformGeometry? else if ( mitk::AbstractTransformGeometry *abstractGeometry = dynamic_cast< AbstractTransformGeometry * >( input->GetGeometry2D() ) ) { // In the case of an AbstractTransformGeometry (which holds a possibly // non-rigid transform), we proceed slightly differently: since the // plane can be arbitrarily deformed, we need to transform it by the // abstract transform before clipping it. The setup for this is partially // done in the constructor. origin = abstractGeometry->GetPlane()->GetOrigin(); right = origin + abstractGeometry->GetPlane()->GetAxisVector( 0 ); bottom = origin + abstractGeometry->GetPlane()->GetAxisVector( 1 ); // Define the plane m_PlaneSource->SetOrigin( origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] ); m_PlaneSource->SetPoint1( right[0], right[1], right[2] ); m_PlaneSource->SetPoint2( bottom[0], bottom[1], bottom[2] ); // Set the plane's resolution (unlike for non-deformable planes, the plane // grid needs to have a certain resolution so that the deformation has the // desired effect). if ( m_UseGeometryParametricBounds ) { m_PlaneSource->SetXResolution( (int)abstractGeometry->GetParametricExtent(0) ); m_PlaneSource->SetYResolution( (int)abstractGeometry->GetParametricExtent(1) ); } else { m_PlaneSource->SetXResolution( m_XResolution ); m_PlaneSource->SetYResolution( m_YResolution ); } if ( m_PlaceByGeometry ) { // Let the output use the input geometry to appropriately transform the // coordinate system. mitk::Geometry3D::TransformType *affineTransform = abstractGeometry->GetIndexToWorldTransform(); TimeGeometry *timeGeometry = output->GetTimeGeometry(); Geometry3D *g3d = timeGeometry->GetGeometryForTimeStep( 0 ); g3d->SetIndexToWorldTransform( affineTransform ); vtkGeneralTransform *composedResliceTransform = vtkGeneralTransform::New(); composedResliceTransform->Identity(); composedResliceTransform->Concatenate( abstractGeometry->GetVtkTransform()->GetLinearInverse() ); composedResliceTransform->Concatenate( abstractGeometry->GetVtkAbstractTransform() ); // Use the non-rigid transform for transforming the plane. m_VtkTransformPlaneFilter->SetTransform( composedResliceTransform ); } else { // Use the non-rigid transform for transforming the plane. m_VtkTransformPlaneFilter->SetTransform( abstractGeometry->GetVtkAbstractTransform() ); } if ( m_UseBoundingBox ) { mitk::BoundingBox::PointType boundingBoxMin = m_BoundingBox->GetMinimum(); mitk::BoundingBox::PointType boundingBoxMax = m_BoundingBox->GetMaximum(); //mitk::BoundingBox::PointType boundingBoxCenter = m_BoundingBox->GetCenter(); m_Box->SetXMin( boundingBoxMin[0], boundingBoxMin[1], boundingBoxMin[2] ); m_Box->SetXMax( boundingBoxMax[0], boundingBoxMax[1], boundingBoxMax[2] ); } else { // Plane will not be clipped m_Box->SetXMin( -10000.0, -10000.0, -10000.0 ); m_Box->SetXMax( 10000.0, 10000.0, 10000.0 ); } m_Transform->Identity(); m_Transform->Concatenate( input->GetGeometry2D()->GetVtkTransform() ); m_Transform->PreMultiply(); m_Box->SetTransform( m_Transform ); m_PlaneClipper->SetInputConnection(m_VtkTransformPlaneFilter->GetOutputPort() ); m_PlaneClipper->SetClipFunction( m_Box ); m_PlaneClipper->GenerateClippedOutputOff(); // important to NOT generate normals data for clipped part m_PlaneClipper->InsideOutOn(); m_PlaneClipper->SetValue( 0.0 ); m_PlaneClipper->Update(); planeSurface = m_PlaneClipper->GetOutput(); } m_NormalsUpdater->SetInputData( planeSurface ); m_NormalsUpdater->AutoOrientNormalsOn(); // that's the trick! Brings consistency between // normals direction and front/back faces direction (see bug 1440) m_NormalsUpdater->ComputePointNormalsOn(); m_NormalsUpdater->Update(); output->SetVtkPolyData( m_NormalsUpdater->GetOutput() ); output->CalculateBoundingBox(); }