Beispiel #1
     \brief Read an array of bytes from the serial device (with timeout)
     \param Buffer : array of bytes read from the serial device
     \param MaxNbBytes : maximum allowed number of bytes read
     \param TimeOut_ms : delay of timeout before giving up the reading
     \return >=0 return the number of bytes read before timeout or
                requested data is completed
     \return -1 error while setting the Timeout
     \return -2 error while reading the byte
int rOc_serial::readBytes (void *Buffer,unsigned int MaxNbBytes,unsigned int TimeOut_ms, unsigned int SleepDuration_us)
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
    timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant=(DWORD)TimeOut_ms;                // Set the TimeOut
    if(!SetCommTimeouts(hSerial, &timeouts))                            // Write the parameters
        return -1;                                                      // Error while writting the parameters
    if(!ReadFile(hSerial,Buffer,(DWORD)MaxNbBytes,&dwBytesRead, NULL))  // Read the bytes from the serial device
        return -2;                                                      // Error while reading the byte
    return dwBytesRead;
#ifdef __linux__
    TimeOut          Timer;                                             // Timer used for timeout
    Timer.InitTimer();                                                  // Initialise the timer
    unsigned int     NbByteRead=0;
    while (Timer.ElapsedTime_ms()<TimeOut_ms || TimeOut_ms==0)          // While Timeout is not reached
        unsigned char* Ptr=(unsigned char*)Buffer+NbByteRead;           // Compute the position of the current byte
        int Ret=read(fd,(void*)Ptr,MaxNbBytes-NbByteRead);              // Try to read a byte on the device
        if (Ret==-1) return -2;                                         // Error while reading

        // One or several byte(s) has been read on the device
        if (Ret>0)
            NbByteRead+=Ret;                                            // Increase the number of read bytes
            if (NbByteRead>=MaxNbBytes)                                 // Success : bytes has been read
                return NbByteRead;
        // Suspend the loop to avoid charging the CPU
        usleep (SleepDuration_us);
    return NbByteRead;                                                  // Timeout reached, return the number of bytes read
Beispiel #2
     \brief Wait for a byte from the serial device and return the data read
     \param pByte : data read on the serial device
     \param TimeOut_ms : delay of timeout before giving up the reading
            If set to zero, timeout is disable (Optional)
     \return 1 success
     \return 0 Timeout reached
     \return -1 error while setting the Timeout
     \return -2 error while reading the byte
char rOc_serial::readChar(char *pByte,unsigned int TimeOut_ms)
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)

    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
    timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant=TimeOut_ms;                       // Set the TimeOut
    if(!SetCommTimeouts(hSerial, &timeouts))                            // Write the parameters
        return -1;                                                      // Error while writting the parameters
    if(!ReadFile(hSerial,pByte, 1, &dwBytesRead, NULL))                 // Read the byte
        return -2;                                                      // Error while reading the byte
    if (dwBytesRead==0) return 0;                                       // Return 1 if the timeout is reached
    return 1;                                                           // Success
#ifdef __linux__
    TimeOut         Timer;                                              // Timer used for timeout
    Timer.InitTimer();                                                  // Initialise the timer
    while (Timer.ElapsedTime_ms()<TimeOut_ms || TimeOut_ms==0)          // While Timeout is not reached
        switch (read(fd,pByte,1)) {                                     // Try to read a byte on the device
        case 1  : return 1;                                             // Read successfull
        case -1 : return -2;                                            // Error while reading
    return 0;
Beispiel #3
     \brief Wait for a byte from the serial device and return the data read
     \param pByte : data read on the serial device
     \param TimeOut_ms : delay of timeout before giving up the reading
            If set to zero, timeout is disable (Optional)
     \return 1 success
     \return 0 Timeout reached
     \return -1 error while setting the Timeout
     \return -2 error while reading the byte
char Serial::ReadChar(char *pByte,int TimeOut_ms)
    TimeOut         Timer;                                              // Timer used for timeout
    Timer.InitTimer();                                                  // Initialise the timer
    while (Timer.ElapsedTime_ms()<TimeOut_ms || TimeOut_ms==0)          // While Timeout is not reached
        switch (read(fd,pByte,1)) {                                     // Try to read a byte on the device
        case 1  : return 1;                                             // Read successfull
        case -1 : return -2;                                            // Error while reading
    return 0;
Beispiel #4
     \brief Read an array of bytes from the serial device (with timeout)
     \param Buffer : array of bytes read from the serial device
     \param MaxNbBytes : maximum allowed number of bytes read
     \param TimeOut_ms : delay of timeout before giving up the reading
     \return 1 success, return the number of bytes read
     \return 0 Timeout reached
     \return -1 error while setting the Timeout
     \return -2 error while reading the byte
int Serial::Read (void *Buffer,unsigned int MaxNbBytes,unsigned int TimeOut_ms)
    TimeOut          Timer;                                             // Timer used for timeout
    Timer.InitTimer();                                                  // Initialise the timer
    unsigned int     NbByteRead=0;
    while (Timer.ElapsedTime_ms()<TimeOut_ms || TimeOut_ms==0)          // While Timeout is not reached
        unsigned char* Ptr=(unsigned char*)Buffer+NbByteRead;           // Compute the position of the current byte
        int Ret=read(fd,(void*)Ptr,MaxNbBytes-NbByteRead);              // Try to read a byte on the device
        if (Ret==-1) return -2;                                         // Error while reading
        if (Ret>0) {                                                    // One or several byte(s) has been read on the device
            NbByteRead+=Ret;                                            // Increase the number of read bytes
            if (NbByteRead>=MaxNbBytes)                                 // Success : bytes has been read
                return 1;
    return 0;                                                           // Timeout reached, return 0
 void perform_test_trivial() {
   TimeOut s;
   typedef ParserResultElement<TimeOut> Parser;
   Parser p(s);
     typedef std::vector<std::string> Vector;
     Vector test_vector;
     for (Vector::const_iterator i = test_vector.begin(); i != test_vector.end(); ++i) {
       const std::string test = *i;
       typedef typename TimeOut::natural_number_type natural_number_type;
       const natural_number_type time_out = boost::lexical_cast<natural_number_type>(test);
       OKLIB_TESTTRIVIAL_RETHROW(::OKlib::Parser::Test_ParsingString<Parser>(p, test, ::OKlib::Parser::match_full));
       if(s.time_out() != time_out)
         OKLIB_THROW("Time_Out is " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(s.time_out()) + ", and not " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(time_out));
Beispiel #6
     \brief Read a string from the serial device (with timeout)
     \param String : string read on the serial device
     \param FinalChar : final char of the string
     \param MaxNbBytes : maximum allowed number of bytes read
     \param TimeOut_ms : delay of timeout before giving up the reading (optional)
     \return  >0 success, return the number of bytes read
     \return  0 timeout is reached
     \return -1 error while setting the Timeout
     \return -2 error while reading the byte
     \return -3 MaxNbBytes is reached
int rOc_serial::readString(char *String,char FinalChar,unsigned int MaxNbBytes,unsigned int TimeOut_ms)
    if (TimeOut_ms==0)
        return readStringNoTimeOut(String,FinalChar,MaxNbBytes);

    unsigned int    NbBytes=0;                                          // Number of bytes read
    char            ret;                                                // Returned value from Read
    TimeOut         Timer;                                              // Timer used for timeout
    long int        TimeOutParam;
    Timer.InitTimer();                                                  // Initialize the timer

    while (NbBytes<MaxNbBytes)                                          // While the buffer is not full
    {                                                                   // Read a byte with the restant time
        TimeOutParam=TimeOut_ms-Timer.ElapsedTime_ms();                 // Compute the TimeOut for the call of ReadChar
        if (TimeOutParam>0)                                             // If the parameter is higher than zero
            ret=readChar(&String[NbBytes],TimeOutParam);                // Wait for a byte on the serial link
            if (ret==1)                                                 // If a byte has been read

                if (String[NbBytes]==FinalChar)                         // Check if it is the final char
                    String  [++NbBytes]=0;                              // Yes : add the end character 0
                    return NbBytes;                                     // Return the number of bytes read
                NbBytes++;                                              // If not, just increase the number of bytes read
            if (ret<0) return ret;                                      // Error while reading : return the error number
        if (Timer.ElapsedTime_ms()>TimeOut_ms) {                        // Timeout is reached
            String[NbBytes]=0;                                          // Add the end caracter
            return 0;                                                   // Return 0
    return -3;                                                          // Buffer is full : return -3