// TestFunction_Speed
void TestProjectGeneration::TestFunction_Speed() const
	VSProjectGenerator pg;
	AStackString<> baseDir( "C:\\Windows\\System32" );
	Array< AString > baseDirs;
	baseDirs.Append( baseDir );

	// project name
	pg.SetProjectName( AStackString<>( "Big" ) );
	pg.SetBasePaths( baseDirs );

	// platforms
	Array< VSProjectConfig > configs;
	VSProjectConfig cfg;
	cfg.m_Platform = "Win32";
	cfg.m_Config = "Debug";
	configs.Append( cfg );

	// files (about 5,000)
	Array< AString > files;
	FileIO::GetFiles( baseDir, AStackString<>( "*.mui" ), true, &files );
	FileIO::GetFiles( baseDir, AStackString<>( "*.exe" ), true, &files );
	FileIO::GetFiles( baseDir, AStackString<>( "*.dll" ), true, &files );
	pg.AddFiles( files );

	Array< VSProjectFileType > fileTypes;
		VSProjectFileType ft;
		ft.m_FileType = "CppForm";
		ft.m_Pattern = "Code\\Forms\\*.h";
		fileTypes.Append( ft );
		ft.m_FileType = "CppControl";
		ft.m_Pattern = "Controls\\*.h";
		fileTypes.Append( ft );

	AStackString<> projectFileName( "C:\\Windows\\System\\dummy.vcxproj" );

		Timer t;
		pg.GenerateVCXProj( projectFileName, configs, fileTypes );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		OUTPUT( "Gen vcxproj        : %2.3fs\n", time );
		Timer t;
		pg.GenerateVCXProjFilters( projectFileName );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		OUTPUT( "Gen vcxproj.filters: %2.3fs\n", time );

// TestMSVCPreprocessedOutput
void TestIncludeParser::TestMSVCPreprocessedOutput() const
    FileStream f;
    TEST_ASSERT( f.Open( "Data/TestIncludeParser/fbuildcore.msvc.ii", FileStream::READ_ONLY) )
    const size_t fileSize = (size_t)f.GetFileSize();
    AutoPtr< char > mem( (char *)ALLOC( fileSize + 1 ) );
    TEST_ASSERT( f.Read( mem.Get(), fileSize ) == fileSize );
    mem.Get()[ fileSize ] = 0;

    Timer t;

    const size_t repeatCount( 100 );
    for ( size_t i=0; i<repeatCount; ++i )
        CIncludeParser parser;
        TEST_ASSERT( parser.ParseMSCL_Preprocessed( mem.Get(), fileSize ) );

        // check number of includes found to prevent future regressions
        const Array< AString > & includes = parser.GetIncludes();
        TEST_ASSERT( includes.GetSize() == 284 );
#ifdef DEBUG
        TEST_ASSERT( parser.GetNonUniqueCount() == 381 );

    float time = t.GetElapsed();
    OUTPUT( "MSVC                 : %2.3fs (%2.1f MiB/sec)\n", time, ( (float)( fileSize * repeatCount / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ) / time ) );
// TestClangMSExtensionsPreprocessedOutput
void TestIncludeParser::TestClangMSExtensionsPreprocessedOutput() const
    FBuild fBuild; // needed fer CleanPath for relative dirs

    FileStream f;
    TEST_ASSERT( f.Open( "Data/TestIncludeParser/fbuildcore.clang.ms-extensions.ii", FileStream::READ_ONLY) )
    const size_t fileSize = (size_t)f.GetFileSize();
    AutoPtr< char > mem( (char *)ALLOC( fileSize + 1 ) );
    TEST_ASSERT( f.Read( mem.Get(), fileSize ) == fileSize );
    mem.Get()[ fileSize ] = 0;

    Timer t;

    const size_t repeatCount( 100 );
    for ( size_t i=0; i<repeatCount; ++i )
        CIncludeParser parser;
        TEST_ASSERT( parser.ParseGCC_Preprocessed( mem.Get(), fileSize ) );

        // check number of includes found to prevent future regressions
        const Array< AString > & includes = parser.GetIncludes();
        TEST_ASSERT( includes.GetSize() == 285 );
#ifdef DEBUG
        TEST_ASSERT( parser.GetNonUniqueCount() == 4758 );

    float time = t.GetElapsed();
    OUTPUT( "Clang (ms-extensions): %2.3fs (%2.1f MiB/sec)\n", time, ( (float)( fileSize * repeatCount / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ) / time ) );
Beispiel #4
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR pScmdline, int iCmdshow)
	if (!init_log(NULL))
		return -1;
	if(!Init(NULL, hInstance, hPrevInstance, pScmdline, iCmdshow))
		return 1;

	MSG msg = {0};

	while(WM_QUIT != msg.message)
		if(PeekMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
			//no messages waiting, step the simulation forward a frame

    // return this part of the WM_QUIT message to Windows
    return msg.wParam;
Beispiel #5
    /*static*/ void FileIO::WorkAroundForWindowsFilePermissionProblem( const AString & fileName )
        // Sometimes after closing a file, subsequent operations on that file will
        // fail.  For example, trying to set the file time, or even another process
        // opening the file.
        // This seems to be a known issue in windows, with multiple potential causes
        // like Virus scanners and possibly the behaviour of the kernel itself.
        // A work-around for this problem is to attempt to open a file we just closed.
        // This will sometimes fail, but if we retry until it succeeds, we avoid the
        // problem on the subsequent operation.
        FileStream f;
        Timer timer;
        while ( f.Open( fileName.Get() ) == false )
            Thread::Sleep( 1 );

            // timeout so we don't get stuck in here forever
            if ( timer.GetElapsed() > 1.0f )
                ASSERT( false && "WorkAroundForWindowsFilePermissionProblem Failed!" );
// AllocateFromSystemAllocator
/*static*/ float TestSmallBlockAllocator::AllocateFromSystemAllocator( const Array< uint32_t > & allocSizes, const uint32_t repeatCount )
    const size_t numAllocs = allocSizes.GetSize();

    Array< void * > allocs( numAllocs, false );
    Timer timer;

    for ( size_t r=0; r<repeatCount; ++r )
        // use malloc
        for ( uint32_t i=0; i<numAllocs; ++i )
            uint32_t * mem = (uint32_t *)malloc( allocSizes[i] );
            allocs.Append( mem );

        // use free
        for ( uint32_t i=0; i<numAllocs; ++i )
            void * mem = allocs[ i ];
            free( mem );


    return timer.GetElapsed();
Beispiel #7
	int LaunchSubProcess( const AString & args )
		// try to make a copy of our exe
		AStackString<> exeName;
		Env::GetExePath( exeName );
		AStackString<> exeNameCopy( exeName );
		exeNameCopy += ".copy";
		Timer t;
		while ( FileIO::FileCopy( exeName.Get(), exeNameCopy.Get() ) == false )
			if ( t.GetElapsed() > 5.0f )
				AStackString<> msg;
				msg.Format( "Failed to make sub-process copy - error: %u (0x%x)\n\nSrc: %s\nDst: %s\n", Env::GetLastErr(), Env::GetLastErr(), exeName.Get(), exeNameCopy.Get() );
				ShowMsgBox( msg.Get() );
				return -2;
			Thread::Sleep( 100 );
		AStackString<> argsCopy( args );
		argsCopy += " -subprocess";
		// allow subprocess to access the mutex
		Process p;
	    #if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
	        p.DisableHandleRedirection(); // TODO:MAC TODO:LINUX is this needed?
		p.Spawn( exeNameCopy.Get(), argsCopy.Get(), nullptr, nullptr );
		return 0;
Beispiel #8

// Validate
void TestTimer::Validate() const
    Timer t;
    const uint64_t before = t.GetNow();
    Thread::Sleep( 100 ); // sleep for 100ms
    const float elapsed = t.GetElapsed();
    const float elapsedMS = t.GetElapsedMS();
    const uint64_t after = t.GetNow();

    // some time must have elapsed
    TEST_ASSERT( after > before );

    // sanity check
    TEST_ASSERT( elapsed >= 0.001f ); // at least 1ms
    TEST_ASSERT( elapsed <  1.000f ); // some sensible value

    // sanity check
    TEST_ASSERT( elapsedMS >=    1.0f ); // at least 1ms
    TEST_ASSERT( elapsedMS <  1000.0f ); // some sensible value
Beispiel #9
void Solver::Advance (float timeStep)
    Timer t;

    integrate(HIGH, timeStep/2.0f);

    integrate(HIGH, timeStep/2.0f);

    integrate(LOW, timeStep);


    std::cout << "#LOW " << mFluidParticles[LOW]->ActiveIDs.size() << " #HIGH "
              <<  mFluidParticles[HIGH]->ActiveIDs.size() << " #TOTAL: "
              << mFluidParticles[LOW]->ActiveIDs.size() +
              mFluidParticles[HIGH]->ActiveIDs.size() << "TIME: "
              << t.GetElapsed() << std::endl;

Beispiel #10
// Generate
void Report::Generate( const FBuildStats & stats )
	Timer t;

	// pre-allocate a large string for output
	m_Output.SetReserved( MEGABYTE );
	m_Output.SetLength( 0 );

	// generate some common data used in reporting
	GetLibraryStats( stats );

	// build the report


	CreateOverview( stats );

	DoCPUTimeByType( stats );
	DoCacheStats( stats );
	DoCPUTimeByItem( stats );



	// patch in time take
	const float time = t.GetElapsed();
	AStackString<> timeTakenBuffer;
	stats.FormatTime( time, timeTakenBuffer );
	char * placeholder = m_Output.Find( "^^^^    " );
	memcpy( placeholder, timeTakenBuffer.Get(), timeTakenBuffer.GetLength() );
Beispiel #11
bool Timer::Period(Timer& T, double* t, double period) {
    if (T.GetElapsed() - *t > 0) {
        *t += period;
        return true;

    return false;
// WaitTimeout
void TestSemaphore::WaitTimeout() const
    Timer t;
    Semaphore s;
    s.Wait( 50 ); // wait 50ms
    // ensure some sensible time has elapsed
    ASSERT( t.GetElapsed() > 0.025f ); // 25ms (allow wide margin of error)
// AllocateFromSmallBlockAllocator
/*static*/ float TestSmallBlockAllocator::AllocateFromSmallBlockAllocator( const Array< uint32_t > & allocSizes, const uint32_t repeatCount, const bool threadSafe  )
    const size_t numAllocs = allocSizes.GetSize();

    Array< void * > allocs( numAllocs, false );
    Timer timer;

    if ( threadSafe == false )
        SmallBlockAllocator::SetSingleThreadedMode( true );

    for ( size_t r=0; r<repeatCount; ++r )
        // Use ALLOC
        for ( uint32_t i=0; i<numAllocs; ++i )
            uint32_t * mem = (uint32_t *)ALLOC( allocSizes[i] );
            allocs.Append( mem );

        // Use FREE
        for ( uint32_t i=0; i<numAllocs; ++i )
            void * mem = allocs[ i ];
            FREE( mem );


    if ( threadSafe == false )
        SmallBlockAllocator::SetSingleThreadedMode( false );

    return timer.GetElapsed();
Beispiel #14
/// The main function.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // initialize settings to defaults
    TootleSettings settings;
    settings.pMeshName             = NULL;
    settings.pViewpointName        = NULL;
    settings.nClustering           = 0;
    settings.nCacheSize            = TOOTLE_DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE;
    settings.eWinding              = TOOTLE_CW;
    settings.algorithmChoice       = TOOTLE_OPTIMIZE;
    settings.eVCacheOptimizer      = TOOTLE_VCACHE_AUTO;             // the auto selection as the default to optimize vertex cache
    settings.bOptimizeVertexMemory = true;                           // default value is to optimize the vertex memory
    settings.bMeasureOverdraw      = true;                           // default is to measure overdraw

    // parse the command line
    ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, &settings);

    // ***************************************************
    //   Load the mesh
    // ***************************************************

    // read the mesh from the OBJ file
    std::vector<ObjVertexFinal> objVertices;
    std::vector<ObjFace>        objFaces;

    ObjLoader loader;

    if (!loader.LoadGeometry(settings.pMeshName, objVertices, objFaces))
        std::cerr << "Error loading mesh file: " << settings.pMeshName << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // build buffers containing only the vertex positions and indices, since this is what Tootle requires
    std::vector<ObjVertex3D> vertices;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
        vertices[i] = objVertices[i].pos;

    std::vector<unsigned int> indices;
    indices.resize(objFaces.size() * 3);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++)
        indices[i] = objFaces[ i / 3 ].finalVertexIndices[ i % 3 ];

    // ******************************************
    //    Load viewpoints if necessary
    // ******************************************

    // read viewpoints if needed
    std::vector<ObjVertex3D> viewpoints;

    if (settings.pViewpointName != NULL)
        if (!LoadViewpoints(settings.pViewpointName, viewpoints))
            std::cerr << "Unable to load viewpoints from file: " << settings.pViewpointName;
            return 1;

    // if we didn't get any viewpoints, then use a NULL array
    const float* pViewpoints = NULL;
    unsigned int nViewpoints = (unsigned int) viewpoints.size();

    if (viewpoints.size() > 0)
        pViewpoints = (const float*) &viewpoints[0];

    // *****************************************************************
    //   Prepare the mesh and initialize stats variables
    // *****************************************************************

    unsigned int  nFaces    = (unsigned int)  indices.size() / 3;
    unsigned int  nVertices = (unsigned int)  vertices.size();
    float*        pfVB      = (float*)        &vertices[0];
    unsigned int* pnIB      = (unsigned int*) &indices[0];
    unsigned int  nStride   = 3 * sizeof(float);

    TootleStats stats;

    // initialize the timing variables
    stats.fOptimizeVCacheTime               = INVALID_TIME;
    stats.fClusterMeshTime                  = INVALID_TIME;
    stats.fVCacheClustersTime               = INVALID_TIME;
    stats.fOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMeshTime = INVALID_TIME;
    stats.fOptimizeOverdrawTime             = INVALID_TIME;
    stats.fTootleOptimizeTime               = INVALID_TIME;
    stats.fTootleFastOptimizeTime           = INVALID_TIME;
    stats.fMeasureOverdrawTime              = INVALID_TIME;
    stats.fOptimizeVertexMemoryTime         = INVALID_TIME;

    TootleResult result;

    // initialize Tootle
    result = TootleInit();

    if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
        return 1;

    // measure input VCache efficiency
    result = TootleMeasureCacheEfficiency(pnIB, nFaces, settings.nCacheSize, &stats.fVCacheIn);

    if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
        return 1;

    if (settings.bMeasureOverdraw)
        // measure input overdraw.  Note that we assume counter-clockwise vertex winding.
        result = TootleMeasureOverdraw(pfVB, pnIB, nVertices, nFaces, nStride, pViewpoints, nViewpoints, settings.eWinding,
                                       &stats.fOverdrawIn, &stats.fMaxOverdrawIn);

        if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
            return 1;

    // allocate an array to hold the cluster ID for each face
    std::vector<unsigned int> faceClusters;
    faceClusters.resize(nFaces + 1);
    unsigned int nNumClusters;

    Timer timer;

    // **********************************************************************************************************************
    //   Optimize the mesh:
    // The following cases show five examples for developers on how to use the library functions in Tootle.
    // 1. If you are interested in optimizing vertex cache only, see the TOOTLE_VCACHE_ONLY case.
    // 2. If you are interested to optimize vertex cache and overdraw, see either TOOTLE_CLUSTER_VCACHE_OVERDRAW
    //     or TOOTLE_OPTIMIZE cases.  The former uses three separate function calls while the latter uses a single
    //     utility function.
    // 3. To use the algorithm from SIGGRAPH 2007 (v2.0), see TOOTLE_FAST_VCACHECLUSTER_OVERDRAW or TOOTLE_FAST_OPTIMIZE
    //     cases.  The former uses two separate function calls while the latter uses a single utility function.
    // Note the algorithm from SIGGRAPH 2007 (v2.0) is very fast but produces less quality results especially for the
    //  overdraw optimization.  During our experiments with some medium size models, we saw an improvement of 1000x in
    //  running time (from 20+ minutes to less than 1 second) for using v2.0 calls vs v1.2 calls.  The resulting vertex
    //  cache optimization is very similar while the overdraw optimization drops from 3.8x better to 2.5x improvement over
    //  the input mesh.
    //  Developers should always run the overdraw optimization using the fast algorithm from SIGGRAPH initially.
    //  If they require a better result, then re-run the overdraw optimization using the old v1.2 path (TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_AUTO).
    //  Passing TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_AUTO to the algorithm will let the algorithm choose between Direct3D or raytracing path
    //  depending on the total number of clusters (less than 200 clusters, it will use Direct3D path otherwise it will
    //  use raytracing path since the raytracing path will be faster than the Direct3D path at that point).
    // Tips: use v2.0 for fast optimization, and v1.2 to further improve the result by mix-matching the calls.
    // **********************************************************************************************************************

    switch (settings.algorithmChoice)
        case TOOTLE_VCACHE_ONLY:
            // *******************************************************************************************************************
            // Perform Vertex Cache Optimization ONLY
            // *******************************************************************************************************************

            stats.nClusters = 1;

            // Optimize vertex cache
            result = TootleOptimizeVCache(pnIB, nFaces, nVertices, settings.nCacheSize,
                                          pnIB, NULL, settings.eVCacheOptimizer);

            if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
                return 1;

            stats.fOptimizeVCacheTime = timer.GetElapsed();

            // *******************************************************************************************************************
            // An example of calling clustermesh, vcacheclusters and optimize overdraw individually.
            // This case demonstrate mix-matching v1.2 clustering with v2.0 overdraw optimization.
            // *******************************************************************************************************************

            // Cluster the mesh, and sort faces by cluster.
            result = TootleClusterMesh(pfVB, pnIB, nVertices, nFaces, nStride, settings.nClustering, pnIB, &faceClusters[0], NULL);

            if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
                return 1;

            stats.fClusterMeshTime = timer.GetElapsed();

            // The last entry of of faceClusters store the total number of clusters.
            stats.nClusters = faceClusters[ nFaces ];

            // Perform vertex cache optimization on the clustered mesh.
            result = TootleVCacheClusters(pnIB, nFaces, nVertices, settings.nCacheSize, &faceClusters[0],
                                          pnIB, NULL, settings.eVCacheOptimizer);

            if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
                return 1;

            stats.fVCacheClustersTime = timer.GetElapsed();

            // Optimize the draw order (using v1.2 path: TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_AUTO, the default path is from v2.0--SIGGRAPH version).
            result = TootleOptimizeOverdraw(pfVB, pnIB, nVertices, nFaces, nStride, pViewpoints, nViewpoints, settings.eWinding,
                                            &faceClusters[0], pnIB, NULL, TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_AUTO);

            if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
                return 1;

            stats.fOptimizeOverdrawTime = timer.GetElapsed();

            // *******************************************************************************************************************
            // An example of calling v2.0 optimize vertex cache and clustering mesh with v1.2 overdraw optimization.
            // *******************************************************************************************************************

            // Optimize vertex cache and create cluster
            // The algorithm from SIGGRAPH combine the vertex cache optimization and clustering mesh into a single step
            result = TootleFastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh(pnIB, nFaces, nVertices, settings.nCacheSize, pnIB,
                                                            &faceClusters[0], &nNumClusters, TOOTLE_DEFAULT_ALPHA);

            if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
                // an error detected
                return 1;

            stats.fOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMeshTime = timer.GetElapsed();

            stats.nClusters = nNumClusters;

            // In this example, we use TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_AUTO to show that we can mix-match the clustering and
            //  vcache computation from the new library with the overdraw optimization from the old library.
            //  TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_AUTO will choose between using Direct3D or CPU raytracing path.  This path is
            //  much slower than TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_FAST but usually produce 2x better results.
            result = TootleOptimizeOverdraw(pfVB, pnIB, nVertices, nFaces, nStride, NULL, 0,
                                            settings.eWinding, &faceClusters[0], pnIB, NULL, TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_AUTO);

            if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
                // an error detected
                return 1;

            stats.fOptimizeOverdrawTime = timer.GetElapsed();


        case TOOTLE_OPTIMIZE:
            // *******************************************************************************************************************
            // An example of using a single utility function to perform v1.2 optimizations.
            // *******************************************************************************************************************

            // This function will compute the entire optimization (cluster mesh, vcache per cluster, and optimize overdraw).
            // It will use TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_FAST as the default overdraw optimization
            result = TootleOptimize(pfVB, pnIB, nVertices, nFaces, nStride, settings.nCacheSize,
                                    pViewpoints, nViewpoints, settings.eWinding, pnIB, &nNumClusters, settings.eVCacheOptimizer);

            if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
                return 1;

            stats.fTootleOptimizeTime = timer.GetElapsed();

            stats.nClusters = nNumClusters;

            // *******************************************************************************************************************
            // An example of using a single utility function to perform v2.0 optimizations.
            // *******************************************************************************************************************

            // This function will compute the entire optimization (optimize vertex cache, cluster mesh, and optimize overdraw).
            // It will use TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_FAST as the default overdraw optimization
            result = TootleFastOptimize(pfVB, pnIB, nVertices, nFaces, nStride, settings.nCacheSize,
                                        settings.eWinding, pnIB, &nNumClusters, TOOTLE_DEFAULT_ALPHA);

            if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
                return 1;

            stats.fTootleFastOptimizeTime = timer.GetElapsed();

            stats.nClusters = nNumClusters;


            // wrong algorithm choice

    // measure output VCache efficiency
    result = TootleMeasureCacheEfficiency(pnIB, nFaces, settings.nCacheSize, &stats.fVCacheOut);

    if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
        return 1;

    if (settings.bMeasureOverdraw)
        // measure output overdraw
        result = TootleMeasureOverdraw(pfVB, pnIB, nVertices, nFaces, nStride, pViewpoints, nViewpoints, settings.eWinding,
                                       &stats.fOverdrawOut, &stats.fMaxOverdrawOut);
        stats.fMeasureOverdrawTime = timer.GetElapsed();

        if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
            return 1;

    // PERFORM VERTEX MEMORY OPTIMIZATION (rearrange memory layout for vertices based on the final indices
    //  to exploit vertex cache prefetch).
    //  We want to optimize the vertex memory locations based on the final optimized index buffer that will
    //  be in the output file.
    //  Thus, in this sample code, we recompute a copy of the indices that point to the original vertices
    //  (pnIBTmp) to be passed into the function TootleOptimizeVertexMemory.  If we use the array pnIB, we
    //  will optimize for the wrong result since the array pnIB is based on the rehashed vertex location created
    //  by the function ObjLoader.

    std::vector<unsigned int> pnVertexRemapping;
    unsigned int nReferencedVertices = 0;          // The actual total number of vertices referenced by the indices

    if (settings.bOptimizeVertexMemory)
        std::vector<unsigned int> pnIBTmp;
        pnIBTmp.resize(nFaces * 3);

        // compute the indices to be optimized for (the original pointed by the obj file).
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i += 3)
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                const ObjVertexFinal& rVertex = objVertices[ pnIB[ i + j ] ];
                pnIBTmp[ i + j ] = rVertex.nVertexIndex - 1; // index is off by 1

                // compute the max vertices
                if (rVertex.nVertexIndex > nReferencedVertices)
                    nReferencedVertices = rVertex.nVertexIndex;


        // For this sample code, we are just going to use vertexRemapping array result.  This is to support general obj
        //  file input and output.
        //  In fact, we are sending the wrong vertex buffer here (it should be based on the original file instead of the
        //  rehashed vertices).  But, it is ok because we do not request the reordered vertex buffer as an output.
        result = TootleOptimizeVertexMemory(pfVB, &pnIBTmp[0], nReferencedVertices, nFaces, nStride, NULL, NULL,

        if (result != TOOTLE_OK)
            return 1;

        stats.fOptimizeVertexMemoryTime = timer.GetElapsed();

    // clean up tootle

    // print tootle statistics to stdout and stderr
    // display the current test case
    PrintAlgorithm(stderr, settings.eVCacheOptimizer, settings.algorithmChoice, settings.nCacheSize, stats.nClusters);
    PrintAlgorithm(stdout, settings.eVCacheOptimizer, settings.algorithmChoice, settings.nCacheSize, stats.nClusters);

    PrintStats(stdout, &stats);
    PrintStats(stderr, &stats);

    // emit a modified .OBJ file
    std::ifstream inputStream(settings.pMeshName);

    bool bResult;

    if (settings.bOptimizeVertexMemory)
        bResult = EmitModifiedObj(inputStream, std::cout, objVertices, indices, &pnVertexRemapping[0], nReferencedVertices);
        bResult = EmitModifiedObj(inputStream, std::cout, objVertices, indices, NULL, 0);

    if (bResult)
        return 1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #15
// CompareHashTimes_Small
void TestHash::CompareHashTimes_Small() const
	// some different strings to hash
	Array< AString > strings( 32, true );
	strings.Append( AString( " " ) );
	strings.Append( AString( "short" ) );
	strings.Append( AString( "mediumstringmediumstring123456789" ) );
	strings.Append( AString( "longstring_98274ncoif834jodhiorhmwe8r8wy48on87h8mhwejrijrdierwurd9j,8chm8hiuorciwriowjri" ) );
	strings.Append( AString( "c:\\files\\subdir\\project\\thing\\stuff.cpp" ) );
	const size_t numStrings = strings.GetSize();
	const size_t numIterations = 102400;

	// calc datasize
	size_t dataSize( 0 );
	for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
		dataSize += strings[ i ].GetLength();
	dataSize *= numIterations;

	// xxHash - 32
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += xxHash::Calc32( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "xxHash-32       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// xxHash - 64
		Timer t;
		uint64_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += xxHash::Calc64( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "xxHash-64       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: %016llx)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 32
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += Murmur3::Calc32( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-32      : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 128
		Timer t;
		uint64_t hashB( 0 );
		uint64_t hashA( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				hashA += Murmur3::Calc128( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength(), hashB );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-128     : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (%016llx, %016llx)\n", time, speed, hashA, hashB );

	// CRC32 - 8x8 slicing
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += CRC32::Calc( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32 8x8       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// CRC32 - "standard" algorithm
		Timer t;
	    uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += CRC32::Start();
				crc += CRC32::Update( crc, strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
				crc += CRC32::Stop( crc );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32           : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// CRC32Lower
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				crc += CRC32::CalcLower( strings[ i ].Get(), strings[ i ].GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32Lower      : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 32 Lower
		Timer t;

		// lower-case and hash it
		uint32_t crc( 0 );
		for ( size_t j=0; j<numIterations; ++j )
			for ( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; ++i )
				const AString & str( strings[ i ] );
				AStackString<> tmp;
				const size_t strLen( str.GetLength() );
				tmp.SetLength( (uint32_t)strLen );
				for ( size_t k=0; k<strLen; ++k )
					char c = str[ (uint32_t)k ];
					tmp[ (uint32_t)k ] = ( ( c >= 'A' ) && ( c <= 'Z' ) ) ? 'a' + ( c - 'A' ) : c;
				crc += Murmur3::Calc32( tmp.Get(), tmp.GetLength() );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-32-Lower: %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );
Beispiel #16
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	#ifdef _CELL


	if(parseArgs(argc, argv) != 0) return 1;

	/* Init framebuffer and Scene */
	printf("lzrt %ix%i (" ARCH_STR ")\n", args.width, args.height);

	ImageBuffer *imgbuf = new FrameBuffer(args.width, args.height, args.fullscreen, "lzrt %ix%i (" ARCH_STR ")", args.width, args.height);

	Scene scene(imgbuf, args.animate, args.renderer);
	// Execute Lua script which sets up the scene
	lua_State *L = 0;
	L = InitLua();
	if(lua_dofile(L, args.luascript) != 0)
		printf("Error: Couldn't execute Lua script '%s'\n", args.luascript);
		return 1;
	threadpool = new ThreadPool(args.nthreads);

	// Setup Scene
	scene.imgbuf->SetClearColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.3f);	
	//scene.imgbuf->SetClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	Timer timer;




		// Call Lua loop function
		if(L != 0 && scene.animate) call_function<void>(L, "lzrtloop");
		scene.camera->Move(firstframe, camerapos.x, camerapos.y, camerapos.z);

		scene.Render(threadpool, args.njobs);
		args.njobs = scene.njobs;

		rendertime = timer.GetElapsed();

		PrintStats(imgbuf, &scene);
		if(scene.animate || firstframe) frame++;


		firstframe = false;
    // client
    TCPConnectionPool client;
    const ConnectionInfo * ci = client.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort );
    TEST_ASSERT( ci );

    size_t sendSize = 31;
    while ( sendSize <= maxSendSize )
        server.m_ReceivedBytes = 0;
        server.m_DataSize = sendSize;

        Timer timer;

        size_t totalSent = 0;
        while ( timer.GetElapsed() < 0.1f )
            // client sends some know data to the server
            TEST_ASSERT( client.Send( ci, data.Get(), sendSize ) );
            totalSent += sendSize;

        while( server.m_ReceivedBytes < totalSent )
            Thread::Sleep( 1 );

        const float speedMBs = ( float( totalSent ) / timer.GetElapsed() ) / float( 1024 * 1024 );
        OUTPUT( "Speed: %2.1f MiB/s, SendSize: %u\n", speedMBs, (uint32_t)sendSize );

        sendSize = ( sendSize * 2 ) + 33; // +33 to avoid powers of 2
Beispiel #18
// MainCommon
int MainCommon( const AString & args, void * hInstance )
	// don't buffer output
	VERIFY( setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0) == 0 );
	VERIFY( setvbuf(stderr, nullptr, _IONBF, 0) == 0 );

	// process cmd line args
	FBuildWorkerOptions options;
	if ( options.ProcessCommandLine( args ) == false )
		return -3;

	// only allow 1 worker per system
	Timer t;
	while ( g_OneProcessMutex.TryLock() == false )
		// retry for upto 2 seconds, to allow some time for old worker to close
		if ( t.GetElapsed() > 5.0f )
			ShowMsgBox( "An FBuildWorker is already running!" );
			return -1;

	#if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
		if ( options.m_UseSubprocess && !options.m_IsSubprocess )
			return LaunchSubProcess( args );

	// prevent popups when launching tools with missing dlls
	#if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
		// TODO:MAC SetErrorMode equivalent
		// TODO:LINUX SetErrorMode equivalent

	#if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
		VERIFY( SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ) );
		// TODO:MAC SetPriorityClass equivalent
		// TODO:LINUX SetPriorityClass equivalent

	// start the worker and wait for it to be closed
	int ret;
		Worker worker( hInstance, args );
		if ( options.m_OverrideCPUAllocation )
			WorkerSettings::Get().SetNumCPUsToUse( options.m_CPUAllocation );
		if ( options.m_OverrideWorkMode )
			WorkerSettings::Get().SetMode( options.m_WorkMode );
		ret = worker.Work();


	return ret;
Beispiel #19

// CompareHashTimes
void TestHash::CompareHashTimes_Large() const
	// use pseudo-random (but deterministic) data
	const uint32_t seed = 0xB1234567;
	Random r( seed );

	// fill a buffer to use for tests
	const size_t dataSize( 64 * 1024 * 1024 );
	AutoPtr< uint32_t > data( (uint32_t *)ALLOC( dataSize ) );
	for ( size_t i=0; i<dataSize / sizeof( uint32_t ); ++i )
		data.Get()[ i ] = r.GetRand();

	// baseline - sum 64 bits
		Timer t;
		uint64_t sum( 0 );
		uint64_t * it = (uint64_t *)data.Get();
		uint64_t * end = it + ( dataSize / sizeof( uint64_t ) );
		while ( it != end )
			sum += *it;
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Sum64           : %2.3fs @ %2.3f GiB/s (sum: %016llx)\n", time, speed, sum );

	// baseline - sum 32 bits
		Timer t;
		uint32_t sum( 0 );
		uint32_t * it = data.Get();
		uint32_t * end = it + ( dataSize / sizeof( uint32_t ) );
		while ( it != end )
			sum += *it;
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Sum32           : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (sum: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, sum );

    // xxHash32
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc = xxHash::Calc32( data.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "xxHash-32       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

    // xxHash64
		Timer t;
		uint64_t crc = xxHash::Calc64( data.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "xxHash-64       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: %016llx)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 32
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc = Murmur3::Calc32( data.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-32      : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 128
		Timer t;
		uint64_t hashB( 0 );
		uint64_t hashA = Murmur3::Calc128( data.Get(), dataSize, hashB );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-128     : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (%016llx, %016llx)\n", time, speed, hashA, hashB );

	// CRC32 - 8x8 slicing
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc = CRC32::Calc( data.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32 8x8       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// CRC32 - "standard" algorithm
		Timer t;
	    uint32_t crc = CRC32::Start();
		crc = CRC32::Update( crc, data.Get(), dataSize );
		crc = CRC32::Stop( crc );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32           : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// CRC32Lower
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc = CRC32::CalcLower( data.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32Lower      : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 32 Lower
		Timer t;

		// lower-case the data into a copy
		AutoPtr< uint32_t > dataCopy( (uint32_t *)ALLOC( dataSize ) );
		const char * src = (const char * )data.Get();
		const char * end( src + ( dataSize / sizeof( uint32_t ) ) );
		char * dst = (char *)dataCopy.Get();
		while ( src < end )
			char c = *src;
			*dst = ( ( c >= 'A' ) && ( c <= 'Z' ) ) ? 'a' + c - 'A' : c ;

		// hash it
		uint32_t crc = Murmur3::Calc32( dataCopy.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-32-Lower: %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

Beispiel #20
// CompressHelper
void TestCompressor::CompressHelper( const char * fileName ) const
	// read some test data into a file
	AutoPtr< void > data;
	size_t dataSize;
		FileStream fs;
		TEST_ASSERT( fs.Open( fileName ) );
		dataSize = (size_t)fs.GetFileSize();
		data = (char *)ALLOC( dataSize );
		TEST_ASSERT( (uint32_t)fs.Read( data.Get(), dataSize ) == dataSize );

	OUTPUT( "File           : %s\n", fileName );
	OUTPUT( "Size           : %u\n", (uint32_t)dataSize );

	// compress the data to obtain size
	Compressor comp;
	comp.Compress( data.Get(), dataSize );
	size_t compressedSize = comp.GetResultSize();
	AutoPtr< char > compressedData( (char *)ALLOC( compressedSize ) );
	memcpy( compressedData.Get(), comp.GetResult(), compressedSize );
	float compressedPerc = ( (float)compressedSize / (float)dataSize ) * 100.0f;
	OUTPUT( "Compressed Size: %u (%2.1f%% of original)\n", (uint32_t)compressedSize, compressedPerc );

	// decompress to check we get original data back
	Compressor decomp;
	decomp.Decompress( compressedData.Get() );
	size_t uncompressedSize = decomp.GetResultSize();
	TEST_ASSERT( uncompressedSize == dataSize );
	for ( size_t i=0; i<uncompressedSize; ++i )
		TEST_ASSERT( ( (char *)data.Get() )[ i ] == ( (char *)decomp.GetResult() )[ i ] );

	// speed checks
	const size_t NUM_REPEATS( 100 );

	// compress the data several times to get more stable throughput value
	Timer t;
	for ( size_t i=0; i<NUM_REPEATS; ++i )
		Compressor c;
		c.Compress( data.Get(), dataSize );
		TEST_ASSERT( c.GetResultSize() == compressedSize );
	float compressTimeTaken = t.GetElapsed();
	double compressThroughputMBs = ( ( (double)dataSize / 1024.0 * (double)NUM_REPEATS ) / compressTimeTaken ) / 1024.0;
	OUTPUT( "     Comp Speed: %2.1f MB/s - %2.3fs (%u repeats)\n", (float)compressThroughputMBs, compressTimeTaken, NUM_REPEATS );
	// decompress the data
	Timer t2;
	for ( size_t i=0; i<NUM_REPEATS; ++i )
		Compressor d;
		d.Decompress( compressedData.Get() );
		TEST_ASSERT( d.GetResultSize() == dataSize );
	float decompressTimeTaken = t2.GetElapsed();
	double decompressThroughputMBs = ( ( (double)dataSize / 1024.0 * (double)NUM_REPEATS ) / decompressTimeTaken ) / 1024.0;
	OUTPUT( "   Decomp Speed: %2.1f MB/s - %2.3fs (%u repeats)\n", (float)decompressThroughputMBs, decompressTimeTaken, NUM_REPEATS );

	// time memcpy to compare with
	Timer t0;
	for ( size_t i=0; i<NUM_REPEATS; ++i )
		char * mem = (char *)ALLOC( dataSize );
		memcpy( mem, data.Get(), dataSize );
		FREE( mem );
	float memcpyTimeTaken = t0.GetElapsed();
	double memcpyThroughputMBs = ( ( (double)dataSize / 1024.0 * (double)NUM_REPEATS ) / memcpyTimeTaken ) / 1024.0;
	OUTPUT( "   MemCpy Speed: %2.1f MB/s - %2.3fs (%u repeats)\n", (float)memcpyThroughputMBs, memcpyTimeTaken, NUM_REPEATS );