void AnalyzeResponseUniformity::storeFits( string strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption ){
    //Variable Declaration
    TFile * ptr_fileOutput = new TFile(strOutputROOTFileName.c_str(), strOption.c_str(),"",1);
    //Check if File Failed to Open Correctly
    if ( !ptr_fileOutput->IsOpen() || ptr_fileOutput->IsZombie()  ) {
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeFits","Error: File I/O");
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeFits", "\tPlease cross check input file name, option, and the execution directory\n" );
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeFits", "\tExiting; No Fits have been stored!\n" );
    } //End Check if File Failed to Open Correctly
    //Loop Over Stored iEta Sectors
    for (auto iterEta = detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.begin(); iterEta != detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.end(); ++iterEta) { //Loop Over iEta Sectors
        //Get Directory
        //Check to see if the directory exists already
        TDirectory *dir_SectorEta = ptr_fileOutput->GetDirectory( ( "SectorEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory" );
        //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
        if (dir_SectorEta == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
            dir_SectorEta = ptr_fileOutput->mkdir( ( "SectorEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) ).c_str() );
        } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
        //cout<<"dir_SectorEta->GetName() = " << dir_SectorEta->GetName()<<endl;
        //Store Fits - SectorEta Level
        //Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors within this iEta Sector
        for (auto iterPhi = (*iterEta).second.map_sectorsPhi.begin(); iterPhi != (*iterEta).second.map_sectorsPhi.end(); ++iterPhi) { //Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors
            //Get Directory
            //Check to see if the directory exists already
            TDirectory *dir_SectorPhi = dir_SectorEta->GetDirectory( ( "SectorPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory"  );
            //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
            if (dir_SectorPhi == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                dir_SectorPhi = dir_SectorEta->mkdir( ( "SectorPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) ).c_str() );
            } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
            //cout<<"dir_SectorPhi->GetName() = " << dir_SectorPhi->GetName()<<endl;
            //Store Fits - SectorPhi Level
            //No Fits defined at this level - yet

            //Now that all clusters have been analyzed we extract the slices
            for (auto iterSlice = (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.begin(); iterSlice != (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.end(); ++iterSlice ) { //Loop Over Slices
                //int iSliceCount = std::distance( (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.begin(), iterSlice );
                //Get Directory
                //Check to see if the directory exists already
                TDirectory *dir_Slice = dir_SectorPhi->GetDirectory( ( "Slice" + getString( (*iterSlice).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory"  );
                //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
                if (dir_Slice == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                    dir_Slice = dir_SectorPhi->mkdir( ( "Slice" + getString( (*iterSlice).first ) ).c_str() );
                } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                //Store Fits - Slice Level
                //(*iterSlice).second.pmrkSlice_ClustADC->Write( getNameByIndex( (*iterEta).first, (*iterPhi).first, (*iterSlice).first, "PeakMrk", "clustADC" ).c_str() );
            } //End Loop Over Slices
        } //End Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors
    } //End Loop Over Stored iEta Sectors
    //Close the ROOT file
} //End storeHistos()
//Stores booked histograms (for those histograms that are non-null)
void AnalyzeResponseUniformity::storeHistos( string strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption ){
    //Variable Declaration
    //std::shared_ptr<TFile> ptr_fileOutput;
    TFile * ptr_fileOutput = new TFile(strOutputROOTFileName.c_str(), strOption.c_str(),"",1);
    //Assign the TFile to the ptr_fileOutput
    //ptr_fileOutput = make_shared<TFile>(TFile(strOutputROOTFileName.c_str(), strOption.c_str(),"",1) );
    //Check if File Failed to Open Correctly
    if ( !ptr_fileOutput->IsOpen() || ptr_fileOutput->IsZombie()  ) {
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeHistos","Error: File I/O");
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeHistos", "\tPlease cross check input file name, option, and the execution directory\n" );
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeHistos", "\tExiting; No Histograms have been stored!\n" );
    } //End Check if File Failed to Open Correctly
    //Loop over ieta's
        //Create/Load file structure
        //Store ieta level histograms
        //Loop over iphi's within ieta's
            //Create/Load file structure
            //Store iphi level histograms
                //Loop over slices
                    //Create/Load file structure
                    //store slice level histograms
    //Close File
    //Loop Over Stored iEta Sectors
    for (auto iterEta = detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.begin(); iterEta != detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.end(); ++iterEta) { //Loop Over iEta Sectors
        //Get Directory
        //Check to see if the directory exists already
        TDirectory *dir_SectorEta = ptr_fileOutput->GetDirectory( ( "SectorEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory" );
        //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
        if (dir_SectorEta == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
            dir_SectorEta = ptr_fileOutput->mkdir( ( "SectorEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) ).c_str() );
        } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
        cout<<"dir_SectorEta->GetName() = " << dir_SectorEta->GetName()<<endl;
        //Store Histograms - SectorEta Level
        //Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors within this iEta Sector
        for (auto iterPhi = (*iterEta).second.map_sectorsPhi.begin(); iterPhi != (*iterEta).second.map_sectorsPhi.end(); ++iterPhi) { //Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors
            //Get Directory
            //Check to see if the directory exists already
            TDirectory *dir_SectorPhi = dir_SectorEta->GetDirectory( ( "SectorPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory"  );
            //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
            if (dir_SectorPhi == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                dir_SectorPhi = dir_SectorEta->mkdir( ( "SectorPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) ).c_str() );
            } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
            cout<<"dir_SectorPhi->GetName() = " << dir_SectorPhi->GetName()<<endl;
            //Store Histograms - SectorPhi Level
            //Loop through Slices
                //To be implemented
            //Now that all clusters have been analyzed we extract the slices
            for (auto iterSlice = (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.begin(); iterSlice != (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.end(); ++iterSlice ) { //Loop Over Slices
                //int iSliceCount = std::distance( (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.begin(), iterSlice ) + 1;
                //Get Directory
                //Check to see if the directory exists already
                TDirectory *dir_Slice = dir_SectorPhi->GetDirectory( ( "Slice" + getString( (*iterSlice).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory"  );
                //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
                if (dir_Slice == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                    dir_Slice = dir_SectorPhi->mkdir( ( "Slice" + getString( (*iterSlice).first ) ).c_str() );
                } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                //Store Histograms - Slice Level
            } //End Loop Over Slices
        } //End Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors
    } //End Loop Over Stored iEta Sectors
    //Close the ROOT file
} //End storeHistos()