Beispiel #1
    // Execute the ToString algorithm as described in ECMA-262 Section 9.8.
    // This is ToString(ToPrimitive(input argument, hint String))
    // ToPrimitive(input argument, hint String) calls [[DefaultValue]]
    // described in ECMA-262  The [[DefaultValue]] algorithm
    // with hint String is inlined here.
    Stringp ScriptObject::toString()
        AvmCore *core = this->core();
        Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();

        Atom atomv_out[1];

        // call this.toString()
        // NOTE use callers versioned public to get correct toString
        Multiname tempname(core->findPublicNamespace(), core->ktoString);
        atomv_out[0] = atom();
        Atom result = toplevel->callproperty(atom(), &tempname, 0, atomv_out, vtable);

        // if result is primitive, return its ToString
        if (atomKind(result) != kObjectType)
            return core->string(result);

        // otherwise call this.valueOf()
        atomv_out[0] = atom();
        result = toplevel->callproperty(atom(), &tempname, 0, atomv_out, vtable);

        // if result is primitive, return it
        if (atomKind(result) != kObjectType)
            return core->string(result);

        // could not convert to primitive.
        toplevel->throwTypeError(kConvertToPrimitiveError, core->toErrorString(traits()));
        return NULL; // unreachable
	void ObjectClass::initPrototype()
		// patch global.__proto__ = Object.prototype
		Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();
		toplevel->setDelegate( prototype );						// global.__proto__ = Object.prototype
		this->setDelegate( toplevel->classClass->prototype );	// Object.__proto__ = Class.prototype
Beispiel #3
    /*static*/ int CSysStatClass::fstat(ScriptObject* self, int fildes, CStatusObject* buf)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if (!buf) {
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "buf");

        struct stat statbuf;
        int result = VMPI_fstat( fildes, &statbuf );

        if( result != -1 )
            buf->set_st_dev( statbuf.st_dev );
            buf->set_st_ino( statbuf.st_ino );
            buf->set_st_mode( statbuf.st_mode );
            buf->set_st_nlink( statbuf.st_nlink );
            buf->set_st_uid( statbuf.st_uid );
            buf->set_st_gid( statbuf.st_gid );
            buf->set_st_rdev( statbuf.st_rdev );
            buf->set_st_size( (double) statbuf.st_size );
            buf->set_st_atime( (double) statbuf.st_atime );
            buf->set_st_mtime( (double) statbuf.st_mtime );
            buf->set_st_ctime( (double) statbuf.st_ctime );

        return result;
Beispiel #4
    /*static*/ CprotoentObject* CNetdbClass::getprotoent(ScriptObject* self)
        struct protoent *pp;

        pp = VMPI_getprotoent();

        if( pp )
            ShellToplevel* shelltop = (ShellToplevel*)self->toplevel();
            CprotoentClass *pc = shelltop->getShellClasses()->get_protoentClass();
            CprotoentObject *po = pc->constructObject();

            po->set_p_name( self->core()->newStringUTF8( pp->p_name ) );
            po->set_p_proto( pp->p_proto );

            Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();
            ArrayObject *aliases = toplevel->arrayClass()->newArray();
            int count = 0;
            int i;
            for( i=0; pp->p_aliases[i] != NULL; ++i )
                aliases->setUintProperty( count++, self->core()->newStringUTF8( pp->p_aliases[i] )->atom());
            po->set_p_aliases( aliases );

            return po;

        return NULL;
Beispiel #5
Atom Stubs::do_abc_getpropnsx(MethodFrame* f, const Multiname* name, Atom ns,
                              Atom index, Atom object) {
  Multiname tempname;
  initnamensx(env(f), name, ns, index, &tempname);
  Toplevel* t = toplevel(f);
  return t->getproperty(object, &tempname, toVTable(t, object));
Beispiel #6
    /*static*/ int CStdlibClass::setenv(ScriptObject* self, Stringp name, Stringp value, bool overwrite)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !name )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "name");
        if( !value )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "value");

        int writeover = 0;
        if( overwrite ) { writeover = 1; }
        #if AVMSYSTEM_WIN32
            StUTF16String nameUTF16(name);
            StUTF16String valueUTF16(value);
            return VMPI_setenv16( nameUTF16.c_str(), valueUTF16.c_str(), writeover );
            StUTF8String nameUTF8(name);
            StUTF8String valueUTF8(value);
            return VMPI_setenv( nameUTF8.c_str(), valueUTF8.c_str(), writeover );
Beispiel #7
    ArrayObject * ProgramClass::_getEnviron()
        Toplevel *toplevel = this->toplevel();
        AvmCore *core = this->core();

        ArrayObject *array = toplevel->arrayClass()->newArray();

        #if AVMSYSTEM_WIN32
            wchar **cur = VMPI_GetEnviron16();
            int i = 0;
            while( cur[i] )
                Stringp value = core->newStringUTF16(cur[i]);
                StUTF8String valueUTF8(value);

                array->setUintProperty( i, core->newStringUTF8( valueUTF8.c_str() )->atom() );
            char **cur = VMPI_GetEnviron();
            int i = 0;
            while( cur[i] )
                array->setUintProperty( i, core->newStringUTF8( cur[i] )->atom() );
        return array;
Beispiel #8
    bool SamplerScript::set_stack(ScriptObject* self, ClassFactoryClass* cf, const Sample& sample, SampleObject* sam)
        if (sample.stack.depth > 0)
            Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();
            AvmCore* core = toplevel->core();
            Sampler* s = core->get_sampler();

            StackFrameClass* sfcc = (StackFrameClass*)cf->get_StackFrameClass();
            ArrayObject* stack = toplevel->arrayClass()->newArray(sample.stack.depth);
            StackTrace::Element* e = (StackTrace::Element*)sample.stack.trace;
            for(uint32_t i=0; i < sample.stack.depth; i++, e++)
                StackFrameObject* sf = sfcc->constructObject();

                // at every allocation the sample buffer could overflow and the samples could be deleted
                // the StackTrace::Element pointer is a raw pointer into that buffer so we need to check
                // that its still around before dereferencing e
                uint32_t num;
                if (s->getSamples(num) == NULL)
                    return false;

                sf->setconst_name(e->name()); // NOT e->info()->name() because e->name() can be a fake name

                stack->setUintProperty(i, sf->atom());
        return true;
Beispiel #9
    /*static*/ int CStdlibClass::putenv(ScriptObject* self, Stringp name)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !name )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "name");
        #if AVMSYSTEM_WIN32
            StUTF16String nameUTF16(name);
            wchar * str = VMPI_strdup16( nameUTF16.c_str() );
            int result  = VMPI_putenv16( str );
            StUTF8String nameUTF8(name);
            char * str = VMPI_strdup( nameUTF8.c_str() );
            int result = VMPI_putenv( str );

        /* note:
           do not free() after strdup() or the string ref will be lost
           so yeah it create a small memory leak
           need to investigate if AVM2 intern string can solve this
           or maybe create a special string pool to save such ref
           that we could clean before the VM exit
        return result;
Beispiel #10
void Stubs::do_abc_setpropnsx(MethodFrame* f, const Multiname* name, Atom ns,
                              Atom index, Atom object, Atom value) {
  Multiname tempname;
  initnamensx(env(f), name, ns, index, &tempname);
  Toplevel* t = toplevel(f);
  t->setproperty(object, &tempname, value, toVTable(t, object));
Beispiel #11
    /*static*/ CdirentObject* CDirentClass::readdir(ScriptObject* self, CDIRObject* dirp)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !dirp )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "dirp");

        dirent *entry = VMPI_readdir( dirp->read() );

        if( entry )
            ShellToplevel* shelltop = (ShellToplevel*)self->toplevel();
            CdirentClass *direc = shelltop->getShellClasses()->get_direntClass();
            CdirentObject *direo = direc->constructObject();

            direo->write( entry );

            AvmCore *core = self->core();

            direo->set_d_ino( entry->d_ino );
            direo->set_d_name( core->newStringUTF8( entry->d_name ) );

            return direo;

        return NULL;
Beispiel #12
Atom Stubs::do_abc_callpropx(MethodFrame* f, const Multiname* name, Atom index,
                             int argc, Atom* args) {
  Multiname tempname;
  initnamex(core(f), name, index, &tempname);
  Toplevel* t = toplevel(f);
  return t->callproperty(args[0], &tempname, argc - 1, args,
                         toVTable(t, args[0]));
Beispiel #13
 uint32_t ScriptObject::getLengthProperty()
     Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();
     AvmCore* core = toplevel->core();
     Multiname mname(core->getAnyPublicNamespace(), core->klength);
     Atom lenAtm = toplevel->getproperty(this->atom(), &mname, this->vtable);
     return AvmCore::toUInt32(lenAtm);
Beispiel #14
 void ScriptObject::setLengthProperty(uint32_t newLen)
     Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();
     AvmCore* core = toplevel->core();
     Multiname mname(core->getAnyPublicNamespace(), core->klength);
     Atom lenAtm = core->uintToAtom(newLen);
     toplevel->setproperty(this->atom(), &mname, lenAtm, this->vtable);
Beispiel #15
    ScriptObject* SamplerScript::makeSample(ScriptObject* self, ClassFactoryClass* cf, const Sample& sample)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();
        AvmCore* core = toplevel->core();
        Sampler* s = core->get_sampler();
        if (!s)
            return NULL;

        switch (sample.sampleType)
            case Sampler::RAW_SAMPLE:
                SampleClass* cls = (SampleClass*)cf->get_SampleClass();
                SampleObject* sam = cls->constructObject();
                if (!set_stack(self, cf, sample, sam))
                    return NULL;
                return sam;
            case Sampler::DELETED_OBJECT_SAMPLE:
                DeleteObjectSampleClass* cls = (DeleteObjectSampleClass*)cf->get_DeleteObjectSampleClass();
                DeleteObjectSampleObject* dsam = cls->constructObject();
                return dsam;
            case Sampler::NEW_OBJECT_SAMPLE:
                NewObjectSampleClass* cls = (NewObjectSampleClass*)cf->get_NewObjectSampleClass();
                NewObjectSampleObject* nsam = cls->constructObject();
                if (!set_stack(self, cf, sample, nsam))
                    return NULL;
                if (sample.ptr != NULL )
                nsam->setconst_type(getType(toplevel, sample.sot, sample.ptr));
                return nsam;
            case Sampler::NEW_AUX_SAMPLE:
                NewObjectSampleClass* cls = (NewObjectSampleClass*)cf->get_NewObjectSampleClass();
                NewObjectSampleObject* nsam = cls->constructObject();
                if (!set_stack(self, cf, sample, nsam))
                    return NULL;
                return nsam;

        return NULL;
Beispiel #16
 // this = argv[0] (ignored)
 // arg1 = argv[1]
 // argN = argv[argc]
 Atom ScriptObject::callProperty(const Multiname* multiname, int argc, Atom* argv)
     Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();
     Atom method = getMultinameProperty(multiname);
     if (!AvmCore::isObject(method))
         toplevel->throwTypeError(kCallOfNonFunctionError, core()->toErrorString(multiname));
     argv[0] = atom(); // replace receiver
     return toplevel->op_call(method, argc, argv);
Beispiel #17
    /*static*/ ChostentObject* CNetdbClass::gethostbyname(ScriptObject* self, Stringp name)
        AvmCore *core = self->core();
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !name )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "name");

        struct hostent *he;
        StUTF8String nameUTF8(name);

        he = VMPI_gethostbyname( nameUTF8.c_str() );

        if( he )
            ShellToplevel* shelltop = (ShellToplevel*)self->toplevel();
            ChostentClass *hc = shelltop->getShellClasses()->get_hostentClass();
            ChostentObject *ho = hc->constructObject();

            ho->set_h_name( core->newStringUTF8( he->h_name ) );
            ArrayObject *aliases = toplevel->arrayClass()->newArray();
            int count = 0;
            int i;
            for( i=0; he->h_aliases[i] != NULL; ++i )
                aliases->setUintProperty( count++, core->newStringUTF8( he->h_aliases[i] )->atom() );
            ho->set_h_aliases( aliases );

            ho->set_h_addrtype( he->h_addrtype );
            ho->set_h_length( he->h_length );

            ArrayObject *addrlist = toplevel->arrayClass()->newArray();
            count = 0;
            for( i=0; he->h_addr_list[i] != NULL; ++i )
                struct in_addr in;
                memcpy(&in.s_addr, he->h_addr_list[i], sizeof (in.s_addr));

                CIn_AddrClass *ac = shelltop->getShellClasses()->get_in_addrClass();
                CIn_AddrObject *ao = ac->constructObject();

                ao->set_s_addr( in.s_addr );
                addrlist->setUintProperty( count++, ao->toAtom() );                

                //addrlist->setUintProperty( count++, core->newStringUTF8( inet_ntoa(in) )->atom() );
            ho->set_h_addr_list( addrlist );

            return ho;

        return NULL;
Beispiel #18
	Stringp FileClass::read(Stringp filename)
		Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();
		AvmCore* core = this->core();

		if (!filename) {
			toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "filename");
		StUTF8String filenameUTF8(filename);
		File* fp = Platform::GetInstance()->createFile();
		if(!fp || !fp->open(filenameUTF8.c_str(), File::OPEN_READ))

			toplevel->throwError(kFileOpenError, filename);

		int64_t fileSize = fp->size();
		if(fileSize >= (int64_t)INT32_T_MAX) //File APIs cannot handle files > 2GB
			toplevel->throwRangeError(kOutOfRangeError, filename);

		int len = (int)fileSize;

		MMgc::GC::AllocaAutoPtr _c;
		union {
			uint8_t* c;
			wchar* c_w;
		c = (uint8_t*)VMPI_alloca(core, _c, len+1);

		len = (int)fp->read(c, len); //need to force since the string creation functions expect an int
		c[len] = 0;

		if (len >= 3)
			// UTF8 BOM
			if ((c[0] == 0xef) && (c[1] == 0xbb) && (c[2] == 0xbf))
				return core->newStringUTF8((const char*)c + 3, len - 3);
			else if ((c[0] == 0xfe) && (c[1] == 0xff))
				//UTF-16 big endian
				c += 2;
				len = (len - 2) >> 1;
				return core->newStringEndianUTF16(/*littleEndian*/false, c_w, len);
			else if ((c[0] == 0xff) && (c[1] == 0xfe))
Beispiel #19
 // this = argv[0]
 // arg1 = argv[1]
 // argN = argv[argc]
 Atom ClassClosure::call(int argc, Atom* argv)
     Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();
     // explicit coercion of a class object.
     if (argc != 1)
         toplevel->throwArgumentError(kCoerceArgumentCountError, toplevel->core()->toErrorString(argc));
     return toplevel->coerce(argv[1], (Traits*)ivtable()->traits);
Beispiel #20
    /*static*/ int CSysSelectClass::select(ScriptObject* self, int nfds, Cfd_setObject* readfds, Cfd_setObject* writefds, Cfd_setObject* errorfds, CtimevalObject* timeout)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !timeout )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "timeout");

		struct timeval tv;
    	tv = timeout->toStruct();

        int result = -1;
        if( !readfds && !writefds && !errorfds )
        	result = VMPI_select( nfds, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv );
        else if( !writefds && !errorfds )
        	result = VMPI_select( nfds, &readfds->fds, NULL, NULL, &tv );
        else if( !errorfds )
        	result = VMPI_select( nfds, &readfds->fds, &writefds->fds, NULL, &tv );
        else if( !writefds )
        	result = VMPI_select( nfds, &readfds->fds, NULL, &errorfds->fds, &tv );
        else if( !readfds )
        	result = VMPI_select( nfds, NULL, &writefds->fds, &errorfds->fds, &tv );
        else if( !readfds && !writefds )
        	result = VMPI_select( nfds, NULL, NULL, &errorfds->fds, &tv );
        else if( !readfds && !errorfds )
        	result = VMPI_select( nfds, NULL, &writefds->fds, NULL, &tv );
            result = VMPI_select( nfds, &readfds->fds, &writefds->fds, &errorfds->fds, &tv );

        if( result != -1 )
            timeout->fromStruct( tv );

        return result;
Beispiel #21
    Stringp FileClass::read(Stringp filename)
        Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();
        AvmCore* core = this->core();

        if (!filename) {
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "filename");
        StUTF8String filenameUTF8(filename);
        File* fp = Platform::GetInstance()->createFile();
        if(!fp || !fp->open(filenameUTF8.c_str(), File::OPEN_READ))

            toplevel->throwError(kFileOpenError, filename);

        int64_t fileSize = fp->size();
        if(fileSize >= (int64_t)INT32_T_MAX) //File APIs cannot handle files > 2GB
            toplevel->throwRangeError(kOutOfRangeError, filename);

        int len = (int)fileSize;

        // Avoid VMPI_alloca - the buffer can be large and the memory is non-pointer-containing,
        // but the GC will scan it conservatively.
        uint8_t* c = (uint8_t*)core->gc->Alloc(len+1);
        len = (int)fp->read(c, len); //need to force since the string creation functions expect an int
        c[len] = 0;


        Stringp ret = NULL;

        if (len >= 3)
            // UTF8 BOM
            if ((c[0] == 0xef) && (c[1] == 0xbb) && (c[2] == 0xbf))
                ret = core->newStringUTF8((const char*)c + 3, len - 3);
            else if ((c[0] == 0xfe) && (c[1] == 0xff))
                //UTF-16 big endian
                c += 2;
                len = (len - 2) >> 1;
                ret = core->newStringEndianUTF16(/*littleEndian*/false, (wchar*)(void*)c, len);
            else if ((c[0] == 0xff) && (c[1] == 0xfe))
Beispiel #22
    /*static*/ int CDirentClass::dirfd(ScriptObject* self, CDIRObject* dirp)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !dirp )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "dirp");

        return VMPI_dirfd( dirp->read() );
Beispiel #23
    /*static*/ void CDirentClass::seekdir(ScriptObject* self, CDIRObject* dirp, double loc)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !dirp )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "dirp");

        VMPI_seekdir( dirp->read(), (off_t) loc );
Beispiel #24
    /*static*/ double CDirentClass::telldir(ScriptObject* self, CDIRObject* dirp)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !dirp )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "dirp");

        return (double)VMPI_telldir( dirp->read() );
Beispiel #25
    /*static*/ void CDirentClass::rewinddir(ScriptObject* self, CDIRObject* dirp)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !dirp )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "dirp");

        VMPI_rewinddir( dirp->read() );
Beispiel #26
    /*static*/ void CSysSelectClass::_avm_FD_ZERO(ScriptObject* self, Cfd_setObject* fdsetp)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !fdsetp )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "fdsetp");

        VMPI_FD_ZERO( &fdsetp->fds );
Beispiel #27
void Stubs::do_abc_setpropx(MethodFrame* f, const Multiname* name, Atom index,
                            Atom object, Atom value) {
  if (!AvmCore::isDictionaryLookup(index, object)) {
    Multiname tempname;
    initnamex(core(f), name, index, &tempname);
    Toplevel* t = toplevel(f);
    t->setproperty(object, &tempname, value, toVTable(t, object));
  } else {
    // dictionary[index] = value
    AvmCore::atomToScriptObject(object)->setAtomProperty(index, value);
Beispiel #28
    /*static*/ int CStdlibClass::mblen(ScriptObject* self, Stringp s, int i)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !s )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "s");

        StUTF8String sUTF8(s);
        return VMPI_mblen( sUTF8.c_str(), i );
Beispiel #29
    /*static*/ int CStdlibClass::mkstemp(ScriptObject* self, Stringp templ)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if( !templ )
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "template");

        StUTF8String templateUTF8(templ);
        return VMPI_mkstemp( (char*)templateUTF8.c_str() );
Beispiel #30
    /*static*/ double CStdlibClass::atol(ScriptObject* self, Stringp str)
        Toplevel* toplevel = self->toplevel();

        if (!str) {
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "str");

        StUTF8String strUTF8(str);

        return VMPI_atol( strUTF8.c_str() );