Beispiel #1
  bool OnTouchEvent( Actor actor, const TouchEvent& event )
    if( 1u == event.GetPointCount() )
      const TouchPoint::State state = event.GetPoint(0u).state;

      // Clamp to integer values; this is to reduce flicking due to pixel misalignment
      const float localPoint = static_cast<float>( static_cast<int>( event.GetPoint( 0 ).local.y ) );

      if( TouchPoint::Down == state )
        mLastPoint = localPoint;
        mAnimation = Animation::New( 0.25f );
      else if( TouchPoint::Motion == state )
        if( mAnimation )
          mAnimation.AnimateBy( Property(mTableView, Actor::Property::POSITION), Vector3( 0.f, localPoint - mLastPoint, 0.f ), AlphaFunction::LINEAR );
          mLastPoint = localPoint;

    return true;
bool ScrollViewSlideEffect::OnScrollTouched(Actor actor, const TouchEvent& event)
  // Ignore events with multiple-touch points
  if (event.GetPointCount() != 1)
    return false;

  if (event.GetPoint(0).state == TouchPoint::Down)
    const TouchPoint& point = event.GetPoint(0);
    Vector3 touchPosition(point.local - Stage::GetCurrent().GetSize() * 0.5f);

    Vector3 scrollPosition = GetScrollView().GetCurrentScrollPosition();
    GetScrollView().SetProperty(mPropertyReference, scrollPosition + touchPosition + mDelayReferenceOffset);

  return false;