|   Randomly chooses a node to serve as node Z (the bottom of the three nodes involved in a Larget-Simon move). The
|   supplied node `middle' is the node serving as Y. In the figure below, the nodes labeled Z are all possible
|   candidates for the return value of this function. The node selected as Z should be the owner of the lowermost edge
|   involved in the move (X owns the uppermost edge and Y owns the middle edge).
|	     X  X  X
|	      \ | /
|          \|/
|	  Z  Z  Y
|	   \ | /
|	    \|/
|	     Z
|	     |
TreeNode * LargetSimonMove::chooseZ(
  TreeNode * middle)    /**< is the middle node (Y) */
    TreeNode * nd = NULL;
	TreeNode * U = middle->GetParent();
	unsigned uchildren = U->CountChildren();
	unsigned which_child = rng->SampleUInt(uchildren);
	if (which_child == 0)
		// Selected "child" is actually U's parent
		nd = U;
		// Selected child is one of U's actual children (but cannot be equal to middle)
		unsigned k = 1;
		for (nd = U->GetLeftChild(); nd != NULL; nd = nd->GetRightSib())
			if (nd == middle)
				if (k == which_child)
    return nd;
Beispiel #2
inline effective_postorder_edge_iterator::effective_postorder_edge_iterator(
  TreeNode * effRoot, 		/**< "focal" node of the iteration (order of nodes will be postorder if this node were the root) */
  NodeValidityChecker f)	/**< functor that takes two Node pointers and returns true if the iteration in this subtree should be stopped) */
  : isValidChecker(f), effectiveRoot(effRoot)
	PHYCAS_ASSERT(effectiveRoot != NULL);

	// Build that part of edge_stack based on nodes above effectiveRoot
	BuildStackFromNodeAndSiblings(effectiveRoot->GetLeftChild(), NULL);

	// Now finish the job by considering nodes below effectiveRoot
	TreeNode * currAvoidNode = effectiveRoot;
	for (TreeNode * currAnc = effectiveRoot->GetParent(); currAnc != NULL; currAnc = currAnc->GetParent())
#if 0
		if (!isValidChecker.empty() && isValidChecker(currAnc, currAvoidNode))
		if (!isValidChecker.empty())
            bool ok = isValidChecker(currAnc, currAvoidNode);
            if (ok)

		edgeStack.push(EdgeEndpoints(currAnc, currAvoidNode));
		BuildStackFromNodeAndSiblings(currAnc->GetLeftChild(), currAvoidNode);
		currAvoidNode = currAnc;

	// Make sure we look like a default-constructed object if there are no edges in edgeStack
	// This allows the iterator to determine when it has reached the end
	if (edgeStack.empty())
		effectiveRoot = NULL;
|   Selects an internal node at random from a discrete uniform distribution with the constraint that the returned node
|   is not equal to the subroot (the sole child of the tip node serving as the root).
TreeNode * LargetSimonMove::randomInternalAboveSubroot()
	// Avoiding the "subroot" node (only child of the tip serving as the root), so the number of
	// acceptable nodes is one fewer than the number of internal nodes
	unsigned numAcceptableNodes = tree->GetNInternals() - 1;

	unsigned ypos = rng->SampleUInt(numAcceptableNodes);
	unsigned i = 0;
    TreeNode * nd = tree->GetFirstPreorder();
	for (; nd != NULL; nd = nd->GetNextPreorder())
		if (nd->IsInternal() && !nd->GetParentConst()->IsTipRoot())
			if (i == ypos)
	PHYCAS_ASSERT(nd->GetLeftChild() != NULL);
	PHYCAS_ASSERT(nd->GetParentConst() != NULL);
    return nd;