Beispiel #1
ModResult ModuleSpanningTree::HandleSquit(const std::vector<std::string>& parameters, User* user)
	TreeServer* s = Utils->FindServerMask(parameters[0]);
	if (s)
		if (s == Utils->TreeRoot)
			user->WriteNotice("*** SQUIT: Foolish mortal, you cannot make a server SQUIT itself! (" + parameters[0] + " matches local server name)");
			return MOD_RES_DENY;

		TreeSocket* sock = s->GetSocket();

		if (sock)
			ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l',"SQUIT: Server \002%s\002 removed from network by %s",parameters[0].c_str(),user->nick.c_str());
			sock->Squit(s,"Server quit by " + user->GetFullRealHost());
			user->WriteNotice("*** SQUIT may not be used to remove remote servers. Please use RSQUIT instead.");
		 user->WriteNotice("*** SQUIT: The server \002" + parameters[0] + "\002 does not exist on the network.");
	return MOD_RES_DENY;
Beispiel #2
int ModuleSpanningTree::HandleSquit(const char** parameters, int pcnt, userrec* user)
	TreeServer* s = Utils->FindServerMask(parameters[0]);
	if (s)
		if (s == Utils->TreeRoot)
			user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :*** SQUIT: Foolish mortal, you cannot make a server SQUIT itself! (%s matches local server name)",user->nick,parameters[0]);
			return 1;
		TreeSocket* sock = s->GetSocket();
		if (sock)
			ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l',"SQUIT: Server \002%s\002 removed from network by %s",parameters[0],user->nick);
			sock->Squit(s,std::string("Server quit by ") + user->GetFullRealHost());
			if (IS_LOCAL(user))
				user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :*** WARNING: Using SQUIT to split remote servers is deprecated. Please use RSQUIT instead.",user->nick);
		 user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :*** SQUIT: The server \002%s\002 does not exist on the network.",user->nick,parameters[0]);
	return 1;
Beispiel #3
CmdResult CommandSQuit::HandleServer(TreeServer* server, std::vector<std::string>& params)
	TreeServer* quitting = Utils->FindServer(params[0]);
	if (!quitting)
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Squit from unknown server");
		return CMD_FAILURE;

	TreeSocket* sock = server->GetSocket();
	sock->Squit(quitting, params[1]);
	return CMD_SUCCESS;
CmdResult CommandSQuit::HandleServer(TreeServer* server, std::vector<std::string>& params)
	TreeServer* quitting = Utils->FindServer(params[0]);
	if (!quitting)
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Squit from unknown server");
		return CMD_FAILURE;

	TreeSocket* sock = server->GetSocket();
	sock->Squit(quitting, params[1]);

	// XXX: Return CMD_FAILURE when servers SQUIT themselves (i.e. :00S SQUIT 00S :Shutting down)
	// to avoid RouteCommand() being called. RouteCommand() requires a valid command source but we
	// do not have one because the server user is deleted when its TreeServer is destructed.
	// We generate a SQUIT in TreeSocket::Squit(), with our sid as the source and send it to the
	// remaining servers.
	return ((quitting == server) ? CMD_FAILURE : CMD_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #5
void ModuleSpanningTree::DoPingChecks(time_t curtime)
	for (unsigned int j = 0; j < Utils->TreeRoot->ChildCount(); j++)
		TreeServer* serv = Utils->TreeRoot->GetChild(j);
		TreeSocket* sock = serv->GetSocket();
		if (sock)
			if (curtime >= serv->NextPingTime())
				if (serv->AnsweredLastPing())
					sock->WriteLine(std::string(":")+ServerInstance->Config->ServerName+" PING "+serv->GetName());
					serv->SetNextPingTime(curtime + 60);
					serv->LastPing = curtime;
					serv->Warned = false;
					/* they didnt answer, boot them */
					sock->SendError("Ping timeout");
					sock->Squit(serv,"Ping timeout");
			else if ((Utils->PingWarnTime) && (!serv->Warned) && (curtime >= serv->NextPingTime() - (60 - Utils->PingWarnTime)) && (!serv->AnsweredLastPing()))
				/* The server hasnt responded, send a warning to opers */
				ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l',"Server \002%s\002 has not responded to PING for %d seconds, high latency.", serv->GetName().c_str(), Utils->PingWarnTime);
				serv->Warned = true;

	/* Cancel remote burst mode on any servers which still have it enabled due to latency/lack of data.
	 * This prevents lost REMOTECONNECT notices
	for (server_hash::iterator i = Utils->serverlist.begin(); i != Utils->serverlist.end(); i++)
		Utils->SetRemoteBursting(i->second, false);
Beispiel #6
void ModuleSpanningTree::DoPingChecks(time_t curtime)
	 * Cancel remote burst mode on any servers which still have it enabled due to latency/lack of data.
	 * This prevents lost REMOTECONNECT notices
	timeval t;
	gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
	long ts = (t.tv_sec * 1000) + (t.tv_usec / 1000);

	for (server_hash::iterator i = Utils->serverlist.begin(); i != Utils->serverlist.end(); i++)
		TreeServer *s = i->second;

		// Fix for bug #792, do not ping servers that are not connected yet!
		// Remote servers have Socket == NULL and local connected servers have
		// Socket->LinkState == CONNECTED
		if (s->GetSocket() && s->GetSocket()->GetLinkState() != CONNECTED)

		// Now do PING checks on all servers
		TreeServer *mts = Utils->BestRouteTo(s->GetID());

		if (mts)
			// Only ping if this server needs one
			if (curtime >= s->NextPingTime())
				// And if they answered the last
				if (s->AnsweredLastPing())
					// They did, send a ping to them
					s->SetNextPingTime(curtime + Utils->PingFreq);
					TreeSocket *tsock = mts->GetSocket();

					// ... if we can find a proper route to them
					if (tsock)
						tsock->WriteLine(std::string(":") + ServerInstance->Config->GetSID() + " PING " +
								ServerInstance->Config->GetSID() + " " + s->GetID());
						s->LastPingMsec = ts;
					// They didn't answer the last ping, if they are locally connected, get rid of them.
					TreeSocket *sock = s->GetSocket();
					if (sock)
						sock->SendError("Ping timeout");
						sock->Squit(s,"Ping timeout");

			// If warn on ping enabled and not warned and the difference is sufficient and they didn't answer the last ping...
			if ((Utils->PingWarnTime) && (!s->Warned) && (curtime >= s->NextPingTime() - (Utils->PingFreq - Utils->PingWarnTime)) && (!s->AnsweredLastPing()))
				/* The server hasnt responded, send a warning to opers */
				ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l',"Server \002%s\002 has not responded to PING for %d seconds, high latency.", s->GetName().c_str(), Utils->PingWarnTime);
				s->Warned = true;