void UEdGraphSchema::BreakPinLinks(UEdGraphPin& TargetPin, bool bSendsNodeNotifcation) const
	// Copy the old pin links
	TArray<class UEdGraphPin*> OldLinkedTo(TargetPin.LinkedTo);


	TSet<UEdGraphNode*> NodeList;
	// Notify this node

	// As well as all other nodes that were connected
	for (TArray<UEdGraphPin*>::TIterator PinIt(OldLinkedTo); PinIt; ++PinIt)
		UEdGraphPin* OtherPin = *PinIt;
		UEdGraphNode* OtherNode = OtherPin->GetOwningNode();

	if (bSendsNodeNotifcation)
		// Send all nodes that received a new pin connection a notification
		for (auto It = NodeList.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
			UEdGraphNode* Node = (*It);
#endif	//#if WITH_EDITOR
Beispiel #2
FReply SGraphPin::OnDrop( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FDragDropEvent& DragDropEvent )
	TSharedPtr<SGraphNode> NodeWidget = OwnerNodePtr.Pin();
	bool bReadOnly = NodeWidget.IsValid() ? !NodeWidget->IsNodeEditable() : false;

	TSharedPtr<FDragDropOperation> Operation = DragDropEvent.GetOperation();
	if (!Operation.IsValid() || bReadOnly)
		return FReply::Unhandled();

	// Is someone dropping a connection onto this pin?
	if (Operation->IsOfType<FGraphEditorDragDropAction>())
		TSharedPtr<FGraphEditorDragDropAction> DragConnectionOp = StaticCastSharedPtr<FGraphEditorDragDropAction>(Operation);

		FVector2D NodeAddPosition = FVector2D::ZeroVector;
		TSharedPtr<SGraphNode> OwnerNode = OwnerNodePtr.Pin();
		if (OwnerNode.IsValid())
			NodeAddPosition	= OwnerNode->GetPosition() + MyGeometry.Position;

			//Don't have access to bounding information for node, using fixed offet that should work for most cases.
			const float FixedOffset = 200.0f;

			//Line it up vertically with pin
			NodeAddPosition.Y += MyGeometry.Size.Y;

			if(GetDirection() == EEdGraphPinDirection::EGPD_Input)
				//left side just offset by fixed amount
				//@TODO: knowing the width of the node we are about to create would allow us to line this up more precisely,
				//       but this information is not available currently
				NodeAddPosition.X -= FixedOffset;
				//right side we need the width of the pin + fixed amount because our reference position is the upper left corner of pin(which is variable length)
				NodeAddPosition.X += MyGeometry.Size.X + FixedOffset;

		return DragConnectionOp->DroppedOnPin(DragDropEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition(), NodeAddPosition);
	// handle dropping an asset on the pin
	else if (Operation->IsOfType<FAssetDragDropOp>() && NodeWidget.IsValid())
		UEdGraphNode* Node = NodeWidget->GetNodeObj();
		if(Node != NULL && Node->GetSchema() != NULL)
			TSharedPtr<FAssetDragDropOp> AssetOp = StaticCastSharedPtr<FAssetDragDropOp>(Operation);

			Node->GetSchema()->DroppedAssetsOnPin(AssetOp->AssetData, DragDropEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition(), GraphPinObj);
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
void UEdGraphPin::MakeLinkTo(UEdGraphPin* ToPin)

	if (ToPin != NULL)

		// Make sure we don't already link to it
		if (!LinkedTo.Contains(ToPin))
			UEdGraphNode* MyNode = GetOwningNode();

			// Check that the other pin does not link to us
			ensureMsgf(!ToPin->LinkedTo.Contains(this), *GetLinkInfoString( LOCTEXT("MakeLinkTo", "MakeLinkTo").ToString(), LOCTEXT("IsLinked", "is linked with pin").ToString(), ToPin));			    
			ensureMsgf(MyNode->GetOuter() == ToPin->GetOwningNode()->GetOuter(), *GetLinkInfoString( LOCTEXT("MakeLinkTo", "MakeLinkTo").ToString(), LOCTEXT("OuterMismatch", "has a different outer than pin").ToString(), ToPin)); // Ensure both pins belong to the same graph

			// Add to both lists

KISMETCOMPILER_API FString FNetNameMapping::MakeBaseName<UEdGraphPin>(const UEdGraphPin* Net)
	UEdGraphNode* Owner = Net->GetOwningNode();
	FString Part1 = Owner->GetDescriptiveCompiledName();

	return FString::Printf(TEXT("%s_%s"), *Part1, *Net->PinName);
UEdGraphPin* UK2Node_Tunnel::CreatePinFromUserDefinition(const TSharedPtr<FUserPinInfo> NewPinInfo)
	// Create the new pin
	EEdGraphPinDirection Direction = bCanHaveInputs ? EGPD_Input : EGPD_Output;

	// Let the user pick the pin direction if legal
	if ( (bCanHaveInputs && NewPinInfo->DesiredPinDirection == EGPD_Input) || (bCanHaveOutputs && NewPinInfo->DesiredPinDirection == EGPD_Output) )
		Direction = NewPinInfo->DesiredPinDirection;

	UEdGraphPin* Result = CreatePin(Direction, NewPinInfo->PinType, NewPinInfo->PinName);
	Result->DefaultValue = Result->AutogeneratedDefaultValue = NewPinInfo->PinDefaultValue;

	// Make sure it mirrors onto the associated node
	UEdGraphNode* TargetNode = ((InputSinkNode != NULL) ? InputSinkNode : OutputSourceNode);
	if (Cast<UK2Node_Composite>(TargetNode) != NULL || Cast<UK2Node_MacroInstance>(TargetNode) != NULL)
		UEdGraphPin* HasPinAlready = TargetNode->FindPin(Result->PinName);
		if (HasPinAlready == NULL)
			TargetNode->CreatePin(UEdGraphPin::GetComplementaryDirection(Direction), NewPinInfo->PinType, NewPinInfo->PinName);
	else if (UK2Node_Tunnel* TunnelNode = Cast<UK2Node_Tunnel>(TargetNode))
		TunnelNode->CreateUserDefinedPin(NewPinInfo->PinName, NewPinInfo->PinType, (Direction == EGPD_Input)? EGPD_Output : EGPD_Input);

	//@TODO: Automatically update loaded macro instances when this node is changed too

	return Result;
/** Prunes any nodes that weren't visited from the graph, printing out a warning */
void FGraphCompilerContext::PruneIsolatedNodes(const TArray<UEdGraphNode*>& RootSet, TArray<UEdGraphNode*>& GraphNodes)
	FEdGraphUtilities::FNodeVisitor Visitor;

	for (TArray<UEdGraphNode*>::TConstIterator It(RootSet); It; ++It)
		UEdGraphNode* RootNode = *It;

	for (int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < GraphNodes.Num(); ++NodeIndex)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = GraphNodes[NodeIndex];
		if (!Visitor.VisitedNodes.Contains(Node))
			if (!CanIgnoreNode(Node))
				// Disabled this warning, because having orphaned chains is standard workflow for LDs
				//MessageLog.Warning(TEXT("Node @@ will never be executed and is being pruned"), Node);

			if (!ShouldForceKeepNode(Node))
UEdGraphNode* FGraphCompilerContext::FindNodeByClass(const UEdGraph* Graph, TSubclassOf<UEdGraphNode>  NodeClass, bool bExpectedUnique) const
	UEdGraphNode* FirstResultNode = NULL;

	for (int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < Graph->Nodes.Num(); ++NodeIndex)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = Graph->Nodes[NodeIndex];
		if (Node->IsA(NodeClass))
			if (bExpectedUnique)
				if (FirstResultNode == NULL)
					FirstResultNode = Node;
					MessageLog.Error(*FString::Printf(TEXT("Expected only one %s node in graph @@, but found both @@ and @@"), *(NodeClass->GetName())), Graph, FirstResultNode, Node);
				return Node;

	return FirstResultNode;
void FNiagaraEditor::DeleteSelectedDuplicatableNodes()
	TSharedPtr<SGraphEditor> CurrentGraphEditor = NodeGraphEditorPtr.Pin();
	if (!CurrentGraphEditor.IsValid())

	const FGraphPanelSelectionSet OldSelectedNodes = CurrentGraphEditor->GetSelectedNodes();

	for (FGraphPanelSelectionSet::TConstIterator SelectedIter(OldSelectedNodes); SelectedIter; ++SelectedIter)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = Cast<UEdGraphNode>(*SelectedIter);
		if (Node && Node->CanDuplicateNode())
			CurrentGraphEditor->SetNodeSelection(Node, true);

	// Delete the duplicatable nodes


	for (FGraphPanelSelectionSet::TConstIterator SelectedIter(OldSelectedNodes); SelectedIter; ++SelectedIter)
		if (UEdGraphNode* Node = Cast<UEdGraphNode>(*SelectedIter))
			CurrentGraphEditor->SetNodeSelection(Node, true);
void UEdGraphSchema::TrySetDefaultText(UEdGraphPin& InPin, const FText& InNewDefaultText) const
		InPin.DefaultTextValue = InNewDefaultText;
			InPin.DefaultTextValue = InNewDefaultText;
			InPin.DefaultTextValue = FText::ChangeKey(TEXT(""), InPin.GetOwningNode()->NodeGuid.ToString() + TEXT("_") + InPin.PinName, InNewDefaultText);

	UEdGraphNode* Node = InPin.GetOwningNode();
#endif	//#if WITH_EDITOR
static UEdGraphNode* FBlueprintMenuActionItemImpl::InvokeAction(const UBlueprintNodeSpawner* Action, UEdGraph* ParentGraph, FVector2D const Location, IBlueprintNodeBinder::FBindingSet const& Bindings, bool& bOutNewNode)
	int32 const PreSpawnNodeCount = ParentGraph->Nodes.Num();
	// this could return an existing node
	UEdGraphNode* SpawnedNode = Action->Invoke(ParentGraph, Bindings, Location);

	// if a returned node wasn't one that previously existed in the graph
	const bool bNewNode = PreSpawnNodeCount < ParentGraph->Nodes.Num();
	bOutNewNode = bNewNode;
	if (bNewNode)
		check(SpawnedNode != nullptr);

	// if this node already existed, then we just want to focus on that node...
	// some node types are only allowed one instance per blueprint (like events)
	else if (SpawnedNode != nullptr)

	return SpawnedNode;
void UEdGraphPin::CopyPersistentDataFromOldPin(const UEdGraphPin& SourcePin)
	// The name matches already, doesn't get copied here
	// The PinType, Direction, and bNotConnectable are properties generated from the schema

	// Only move the default value if it was modified; inherit the new default value otherwise
	if (SourcePin.DefaultValue != SourcePin.AutogeneratedDefaultValue || SourcePin.DefaultObject != NULL || SourcePin.DefaultTextValue.ToString() != SourcePin.AutogeneratedDefaultValue)
		DefaultObject = SourcePin.DefaultObject;
		DefaultValue = SourcePin.DefaultValue;
		DefaultTextValue = SourcePin.DefaultTextValue;

	// Copy the links
	for (int32 LinkIndex = 0; LinkIndex < SourcePin.LinkedTo.Num(); ++LinkIndex)
		UEdGraphPin* OtherPin = SourcePin.LinkedTo[LinkIndex];
		check(NULL != OtherPin);



		// Unlike MakeLinkTo(), we attempt to ensure that the new pin (this) is inserted at the same position as the old pin (source)
		// in the OtherPin's LinkedTo array. This is necessary to ensure that the node's position in the execution order will remain
		// unchanged after nodes are reconstructed, because OtherPin may be connected to more than just this node.
		int32 Index = OtherPin->LinkedTo.Find(const_cast<UEdGraphPin*>(&SourcePin));
		if(Index != INDEX_NONE)
			OtherPin->LinkedTo.Insert(this, Index);
			// Fallback to "normal" add, just in case the old pin doesn't exist in the other pin's LinkedTo array for some reason.

	// If the source pin is split, then split the new one, but don't split multiple times, typically splitting is done
	// by UK2Node::ReallocatePinsDuringReconstruction or FBlueprintEditor::OnSplitStructPin, but there are several code
	// paths into this, and split state should be persistent:
	if (SourcePin.SubPins.Num() > 0 && SubPins.Num() == 0)

	// Copy advanced visibility property, if it can be changed by user.
	// Otherwise we don't want to copy this, or we'd be ignoring new metadata that tries to hide old pins.
	UEdGraphNode* OuterNode = Cast<UEdGraphNode>(GetOuter());
	if (OuterNode != nullptr && OuterNode->CanUserEditPinAdvancedViewFlag())
		bAdvancedView = SourcePin.bAdvancedView;
Beispiel #12
void UEdGraphSchema::TrySetDefaultObject(UEdGraphPin& Pin, UObject* NewDefaultObject) const
	Pin.DefaultObject = NewDefaultObject;

	UEdGraphNode* Node = Pin.GetOwningNode();
#endif	//#if WITH_EDITOR
void UEdGraphSchema::TrySetDefaultText(UEdGraphPin& InPin, const FText& InNewDefaultText) const
	InPin.DefaultTextValue = InNewDefaultText;

	UEdGraphNode* Node = InPin.GetOwningNode();
#endif	//#if WITH_EDITOR
Beispiel #14
void UEdGraphSchema::TrySetDefaultValue(UEdGraphPin& Pin, const FString& NewDefaultValue) const
	Pin.DefaultValue = NewDefaultValue;

	UEdGraphNode* Node = Pin.GetOwningNode();
#endif	//#if WITH_EDITOR
UEdGraphNode* FEdGraphSchemaAction_K2AddCallOnActor::PerformAction(class UEdGraph* ParentGraph, UEdGraphPin* FromPin, const FVector2D Location, bool bSelectNewNode/* = true*/)
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();

	// Snap the node placement location to the grid, ensures calculations later match up better
	FVector2D LocalLocation;
	LocalLocation.X = FMath::GridSnap( Location.X, SNAP_GRID );
	LocalLocation.Y = FMath::GridSnap( Location.Y, SNAP_GRID );

	// First use the base functionality to spawn the 'call function' node
	UEdGraphNode* CallNode = FEdGraphSchemaAction_K2NewNode::PerformAction(ParentGraph, FromPin, LocalLocation);
	const float FunctionNodeHeightUnsnapped = UEdGraphSchema_K2::EstimateNodeHeight( CallNode );

	// this is the guesstimate of the function node's height, snapped to grid units
	const float FunctionNodeHeight = FMath::GridSnap( FunctionNodeHeightUnsnapped, SNAP_GRID );
	// this is roughly the middle of the function node height
	const float FunctionNodeMidY = LocalLocation.Y + FunctionNodeHeight * 0.5f;
	// this is the offset up from the mid point at which we start placing nodes 
	const float StartYOffset = (float((LevelActors.Num() > 0) ? LevelActors.Num()-1 : 0) * -NodeLiteralHeight) * 0.5f;
	// The Y location we start placing nodes from
	const float ReferencedNodesPlacementYLocation = FunctionNodeMidY + StartYOffset;

	// Now we need to create the actor literal to wire up
	for ( int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < LevelActors.Num(); ActorIndex++ )
		AActor* LevelActor = LevelActors[ActorIndex];

		if(LevelActor != NULL)
			UK2Node_Literal* LiteralNode =  NewObject<UK2Node_Literal>(ParentGraph);
			ParentGraph->AddNode(LiteralNode, false, bSelectNewNode);

			LiteralNode->NodePosX = LocalLocation.X - FunctionNodeLiteralReferencesXOffset;

			// this is the current offset down from the Y start location to place the next node at
			float CurrentNodeOffset = NodeLiteralHeight * float(ActorIndex);
			LiteralNode->NodePosY = ReferencedNodesPlacementYLocation + CurrentNodeOffset;


			// Connect the literal out to the self of the call
			UEdGraphPin* LiteralOutput = LiteralNode->GetValuePin();
			UEdGraphPin* CallSelfInput = CallNode->FindPin(K2Schema->PN_Self);
			if(LiteralOutput != NULL && CallSelfInput != NULL)

	return CallNode;
void SFindInBT::MatchTokens(const TArray<FString>& Tokens)

	TWeakPtr<SGraphEditor> FocusedGraphEditor = BehaviorTreeEditorPtr.Pin()->GetFocusedGraphPtr();
	UEdGraph* Graph = NULL;
	if (FocusedGraphEditor.IsValid())
		Graph = FocusedGraphEditor.Pin()->GetCurrentGraph();

	if (Graph == NULL)

	RootSearchResult = FSearchResult(new FFindInBTResult(FString("BehaviorTreeRoot")));

	for (auto It(Graph->Nodes.CreateConstIterator()); It; ++It)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = *It;
		const FString NodeName = Node->GetNodeTitle(ENodeTitleType::ListView).ToString();
		FSearchResult NodeResult(new FFindInBTResult(NodeName, RootSearchResult, Node));

		FString NodeSearchString = NodeName + Node->GetClass()->GetName() + Node->NodeComment;
		NodeSearchString = NodeSearchString.Replace(TEXT(" "), TEXT(""));

		bool bNodeMatchesSearch = StringMatchesSearchTokens(Tokens, NodeSearchString);

		UBehaviorTreeGraphNode* BTNode = Cast<UBehaviorTreeGraphNode>(Node);
		if (BTNode)
			// searching through nodes' decorators
			for (auto DecoratorIt(BTNode->Decorators.CreateConstIterator()); DecoratorIt; ++DecoratorIt)
				UBehaviorTreeGraphNode* Decorator = *DecoratorIt;
				MatchTokensInChild(Tokens, Decorator, NodeResult);

			// searching through nodes' services
			for (auto ServiceIt(BTNode->Services.CreateConstIterator()); ServiceIt; ++ServiceIt)
				UBehaviorTreeGraphNode* Service = *ServiceIt;
				MatchTokensInChild(Tokens, Service, NodeResult);

		if ((NodeResult->Children.Num() > 0) || bNodeMatchesSearch)
void SGraphEditorImpl::SelectAllNodes()
	FGraphPanelSelectionSet NewSet;
	for (int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < EdGraphObj->Nodes.Num(); ++NodeIndex)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = EdGraphObj->Nodes[NodeIndex];
		ensureMsg(Node->IsValidLowLevel(), TEXT("Node is invalid"));
void FGraphCompilerContext::FindNodesByClass(const UEdGraph* Graph, TSubclassOf<UEdGraphNode>  NodeClass, TArray<UEdGraphNode*>& FoundNodes) const
	for (int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < Graph->Nodes.Num(); ++NodeIndex)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = Graph->Nodes[NodeIndex];
		if (Node && Node->IsA(NodeClass))
Beispiel #19
UEdGraphNode* UEdGraph::CreateNode( TSubclassOf<UEdGraphNode> NewNodeClass, bool bSelectNewNode/* = true*/ )
	UEdGraphNode* NewNode = NewObject<UEdGraphNode>(this, NewNodeClass, NAME_None, RF_Transactional);

	if (HasAnyFlags(RF_Transient))

	AddNode(NewNode, false, bSelectNewNode );
	return NewNode;
void UBehaviorTreeGraphNode_CompositeDecorator::PrepareForCopying()
	if (BoundGraph)
		for (int32 i = 0; i < BoundGraph->Nodes.Num(); i++)
			UEdGraphNode* Node = BoundGraph->Nodes[i];
bool FSoundCueEditor::CanCopyNodes() const
	// If any of the nodes can be duplicated then we should allow copying
	const FGraphPanelSelectionSet SelectedNodes = GetSelectedNodes();
	for (FGraphPanelSelectionSet::TConstIterator SelectedIter(SelectedNodes); SelectedIter; ++SelectedIter)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = Cast<UEdGraphNode>(*SelectedIter);
		if ((Node != NULL) && Node->CanDuplicateNode())
			return true;
	return false;
bool FNiagaraEditor::CanCopyNodes() const
	// If any of the nodes can be duplicated then we should allow copying
	TSharedPtr<SGraphEditor> CurrentGraphEditor = NodeGraphEditorPtr.Pin();
	const FGraphPanelSelectionSet SelectedNodes = CurrentGraphEditor->GetSelectedNodes();
	for (FGraphPanelSelectionSet::TConstIterator SelectedIter(SelectedNodes); SelectedIter; ++SelectedIter)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = Cast<UEdGraphNode>(*SelectedIter);
		if (Node && Node->CanDuplicateNode())
			return true;

	return false;
UEdGraphNode* FEdGraphSchemaAction_K2AddCallOnVariable::PerformAction(class UEdGraph* ParentGraph, UEdGraphPin* FromPin, const FVector2D Location, bool bSelectNewNode/* = true*/)
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();

	// Snap the node placement location to the grid, ensures calculations later match up better
	FVector2D LocalLocation;
	LocalLocation.X = FMath::GridSnap( Location.X, SNAP_GRID );
	LocalLocation.Y = FMath::GridSnap( Location.Y, SNAP_GRID );

	// First use the base functionality to spawn the 'call function' node
	FVector2D TempLocation = LocalLocation;
	UEdGraphNode* CallNode = FEdGraphSchemaAction_K2NewNode::PerformAction(ParentGraph, FromPin, TempLocation, bSelectNewNode);

	// this is the guesstimate of the function node's height, snapped to grid units
	const float FunctionNodeHeight = FMath::GridSnap( TempLocation.Y - LocalLocation.Y, SNAP_GRID );
	// this is roughly the middle of the function node height
	const float FunctionNodeMidY = LocalLocation.Y + FunctionNodeHeight * 0.5f;
	// this is the offset up from the mid point at which we start placing nodes 
	const float StartYOffset = -NodeLiteralHeight * 0.5f;
	// The Y location we start placing nodes from
	const float ReferencedNodesPlacementYLocation = FunctionNodeMidY + StartYOffset;

	// Now we need to create the variable literal to wire up
	if(VariableName != NAME_None)
		UK2Node_VariableGet* GetVarNode =  NewObject<UK2Node_VariableGet>(ParentGraph);
		ParentGraph->AddNode(GetVarNode, false, bSelectNewNode);

		GetVarNode->NodePosX = LocalLocation.X - FunctionNodeLiteralReferencesXOffset;
		GetVarNode->NodePosY = ReferencedNodesPlacementYLocation;


		// Connect the literal out to the self of the call
		UEdGraphPin* LiteralOutput = GetVarNode->GetValuePin();
		UEdGraphPin* CallSelfInput = CallNode->FindPin(K2Schema->PN_Self);
		if(LiteralOutput != NULL && CallSelfInput != NULL)

	return CallNode;
FReply FDragConnection::DroppedOnNode(FVector2D ScreenPosition, FVector2D GraphPosition)
	bool bHandledPinDropOnNode = false;
	UEdGraphNode* HoveredNode = GetHoveredNode();

	if (HoveredNode)
		// Gather any source drag pins
		TArray<UEdGraphPin*> ValidSourcePins;
		ValidateGraphPinList(/*out*/ ValidSourcePins);

		if (ValidSourcePins.Num())
			for (UEdGraphPin* SourcePin : ValidSourcePins)
				// Check for pin drop support
				FText ResponseText;
				if (SourcePin->GetOwningNode() != HoveredNode && SourcePin->GetSchema()->SupportsDropPinOnNode(HoveredNode, SourcePin->PinType, SourcePin->Direction, ResponseText))
					bHandledPinDropOnNode = true;

					// Find which pin name to use and drop the pin on the node
					FString PinName = SourcePin->PinFriendlyName.IsEmpty()? SourcePin->PinName : SourcePin->PinFriendlyName.ToString();

					const FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AddInParam", "Add In Parameter" ) );

					UEdGraphPin* EdGraphPin = HoveredNode->GetSchema()->DropPinOnNode(GetHoveredNode(), PinName, SourcePin->PinType, SourcePin->Direction);

						SourcePin->GetSchema()->TryCreateConnection(SourcePin, EdGraphPin);

				// If we have not handled the pin drop on node and there is an error message, do not let other actions occur.
				if(!bHandledPinDropOnNode && !ResponseText.IsEmpty())
					bHandledPinDropOnNode = true;
	return bHandledPinDropOnNode? FReply::Handled() : FReply::Unhandled();
Beispiel #25
void UEdGraphNode::AddReferencedObjects(UObject* InThis, FReferenceCollector& Collector)
	UEdGraphNode* This = CastChecked<UEdGraphNode>(InThis);	

	// Only register the pool once per GC pass
	if (This->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
		if (This->GetClass() == UEdGraphNode::StaticClass())
			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < PooledPins.Num(); ++Index)
				Collector.AddReferencedObject(PooledPins[Index], This);
	Super::AddReferencedObjects(This, Collector);
Beispiel #26
TSharedPtr<SGraphPin> SGraphPanel::FGraphPinHandle::FindInGraphPanel(const SGraphPanel& InPanel) const
	// First off, find the node
	TSharedPtr<SGraphNode> GraphNode = InPanel.GetNodeWidgetFromGuid(NodeGuid);
	if (GraphNode.IsValid())
		UEdGraphNode* Node = GraphNode->GetNodeObj();
		UEdGraphPin* Pin = Node->FindPin(PinName);

		if (Pin)
			return GraphNode->FindWidgetForPin(Pin);

	return TSharedPtr<SGraphPin>();
Beispiel #27
FText SGraphPin::GetTooltipText() const
	FText HoverText = FText::GetEmpty();

	UEdGraphNode* GraphNode = GraphPinObj ? GraphPinObj->GetOwningNodeUnchecked() : nullptr;
	if (GraphNode != nullptr)
		FString HoverStr;
		GraphNode->GetPinHoverText(*GraphPinObj, /*out*/HoverStr);
		if (!HoverStr.IsEmpty())
			HoverText = FText::FromString(HoverStr);

	return HoverText;
UEdGraphNode* FBlueprintActionMenuItem::PerformAction(UEdGraph* ParentGraph, TArray<UEdGraphPin*>& FromPins, FVector2D const Location, bool bSelectNewNode/* = true*/)
	UEdGraphPin* FromPin = nullptr;
	if (FromPins.Num() > 0)
		FromPin = FromPins[0];
	UEdGraphNode* SpawnedNode = PerformAction(ParentGraph, FromPin, Location, bSelectNewNode);
	// try auto-wiring the rest of the pins (if there are any)
	for (int32 PinIndex = 1; PinIndex < FromPins.Num(); ++PinIndex)
	return SpawnedNode;
FReply FDragConnection::DroppedOnPin(FVector2D ScreenPosition, FVector2D GraphPosition)
	TArray<UEdGraphPin*> ValidSourcePins;
	ValidateGraphPinList(/*out*/ ValidSourcePins);

	const FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "GraphEd_CreateConnection", "Create Pin Link") );

	UEdGraphPin* PinB = GetHoveredPin();
	bool bError = false;
	TSet<UEdGraphNode*> NodeList;

	for (UEdGraphPin* PinA : ValidSourcePins)
		if ((PinA != NULL) && (PinB != NULL))
			UEdGraph* MyGraphObj = PinA->GetOwningNode()->GetGraph();

			if (MyGraphObj->GetSchema()->TryCreateConnection(PinA, PinB))
			bError = true;

	// Send all nodes that received a new pin connection a notification
	for (auto It = NodeList.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = (*It);

	if (bError)
		return FReply::Unhandled();

	return FReply::Handled();
Beispiel #30
void UEdGraphSchema::BreakNodeLinks(UEdGraphNode& TargetNode) const
	for (TArray<UEdGraphPin*>::TIterator PinIt(TargetNode.Pins); PinIt; ++PinIt)
		BreakPinLinks(*(*PinIt), false);
#endif	//#if WITH_EDITOR