UINodeBar* UI::setBarMax (const std::string& window, const std::string& nodeId, uint16_t max) { UINodeBar* node = getNode<UINodeBar>(window, nodeId); if (!node) { error(LOG_CLIENT, "could not get the node with the id " + nodeId + " from window " + window); return nullptr; } node->setMax(max); return node; }
IntroBarDescription::IntroBarDescription(IFrontend* frontend, const Color& barColor, const std::string& text) : UINode(frontend) { setLayout(new UIHBoxLayout(0.01f, false, NODE_ALIGN_MIDDLE)); const float barHeight = 12.0f / _frontend->getHeight(); const float barWidth = 102.0f / _frontend->getWidth(); UINodeBar* timeBar = new UINodeBar(_frontend); timeBar->setMax(100); timeBar->setCurrent(100); timeBar->setBarColor(barColor); timeBar->setBorder(true); timeBar->setBorderColor(colorWhite); timeBar->setSize(barWidth, barHeight); add(timeBar); UINodeLabel* label = new UINodeLabel(frontend, text, getFont(HUGE_FONT)); label->setColor(colorBlack); add(label); }