void RefactoringAssistant::showContextMenu(KListView* ,QListViewItem *item, const QPoint &p)
    UMLObject *obj = findUMLObject( item );
    {// Menu for UMLObjects
        Uml::Object_Type t = obj->getBaseType();
        if (t == Uml::ot_Class)
            m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Base Class"),this,SLOT(addBaseClassifier()));
            m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Derived Class"),this,SLOT(addDerivedClassifier()));
            //          m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Interface Implementation"),this,SLOT(addInterfaceImplementation()));
            m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Operation"),this,SLOT(createOperation()));
            m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Attribute"),this,SLOT(createAttribute()));
        else if (t == Uml::ot_Interface)
            m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Base Interface"),this,SLOT(addSuperClassifier()));
            m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Derived Interface"),this,SLOT(addDerivedClassifier()));
            m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Operation"),this,SLOT(createOperation()));
        //              else
        //              {
        //              kDebug()<<"No context menu for objects of type "<<typeid(*obj).name()<<endl;
        //              return;
        //              }
    {//menu for other ViewItems
        if( item->text(1) == "operations" )
            m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Operation"),this,SLOT(createOperation()));
        else if( item->text(1) == "attributes" )
            m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add Attribute"),this,SLOT(createAttribute()));
            kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::showContextMenu() "
            <<"called for extraneous item"<<endl;
Beispiel #2
QString UMLAttribute::toString(Uml::Signature_Type sig) {
    QString s;

    if(sig == Uml::st_ShowSig || sig == Uml::st_NoSig) {
        s = m_Vis.toString(true) + ' ';

    if(sig == Uml::st_ShowSig || sig == Uml::st_SigNoVis) {
        // Determine whether the type name needs to be scoped.
        UMLObject *owningObject = static_cast<UMLObject*>(parent());
        if (owningObject->getBaseType() == Uml::ot_Operation) {
            // The immediate parent() is the UMLOperation but we want
            // the UMLClassifier:
            owningObject = static_cast<UMLObject*>(owningObject->parent());
        UMLClassifier *ownParent = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(owningObject);
        if (ownParent == NULL) {
            kError() << "UMLAttribute::toString: parent "
            << owningObject->getName()
            << " is not a UMLClassifier" << endl;
            return "";
        QString typeName;
        UMLClassifier *type = UMLClassifierListItem::getType();
        if (type) {
            UMLPackage *typeScope = type->getUMLPackage();
            if (typeScope != ownParent && typeScope != ownParent->getUMLPackage())
                typeName = type->getFullyQualifiedName();
                typeName = type->getName();
        // The default direction, "in", is not mentioned.
        // Perhaps we should include a pd_Unspecified in
        // Uml::Parameter_Direction to have better control over this.
        if (m_ParmKind == Uml::pd_InOut)
            s += "inout ";
        else if (m_ParmKind == Uml::pd_Out)
            s += "out ";
        // Construct the attribute text.
        QString string = s + getName() + " : " + typeName;
        if(m_InitialValue.length() > 0)
            string += " = " + m_InitialValue;
        return string;
    return s + getName();
void RefactoringAssistant::addDerivedClassifier()
    QListViewItem *item = selectedItem();
        kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::addDerivedClassifier() "
        <<"called with no item selected"<<endl;
    UMLObject *obj = findUMLObject( item );
    if( !dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(obj) )
        kWarning()<<"RefactoringAssistant::addDerivedClassifier() "
        <<"called for a non-classifier object"<<endl;

    //classes have classes and interfaces interfaces as super/derived classifiers
    Uml::Object_Type t = obj->getBaseType();
    UMLClassifier *derived = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(Object_Factory::createUMLObject(t));
    m_doc->createUMLAssociation( derived, obj, Uml::at_Generalization );

    //////////////////////   Manually add the classifier to the assitant - would be nicer to do it with
    /////////////////////    a signal, like operations and attributes
    QListViewItem *derivedFolder = item->firstChild();
    while( derivedFolder->text(0) != i18n("Derived Classifiers") )
        derivedFolder = derivedFolder->nextSibling();
        kWarning()<<"Cannot find Derived Folder"<<endl;
    item = new KListViewItem( derivedFolder, derived->getName() );
    item->setExpandable( true );
    m_umlObjectMap[item] = derived;
    addClassifier( derived, item, false, true, true);
Beispiel #4
QString UMLAttribute::getFullyQualifiedName( const QString& separator,
                                            bool includeRoot /* = false */) const {
    UMLOperation *op = NULL;
    UMLObject *owningObject = static_cast<UMLObject*>(parent());
    if (owningObject->getBaseType() == Uml::ot_Operation) {
        op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(owningObject);
        owningObject = static_cast<UMLObject*>(owningObject->parent());
    UMLClassifier *ownParent = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(owningObject);
    if (ownParent == NULL) {
        kError() << "UMLAttribute::getFullyQualifiedName(" << m_Name
        << "): parent " << owningObject->getName()
        << " is not a UMLClassifier" << endl;
        return "";
    QString tempSeparator = separator;
    if (tempSeparator.isEmpty())
        tempSeparator = UMLApp::app()->activeLanguageScopeSeparator();
    QString fqn = ownParent->getFullyQualifiedName(tempSeparator, includeRoot);
    if (op)
        fqn.append(tempSeparator + op->getName());
    fqn.append(tempSeparator + m_Name);
    return fqn;
Beispiel #5
/** If clipboard has mime type application/x-uml-clip5,
Pastes the data from the clipboard into the current Doc */
bool UMLClipboard::pasteClip5(QMimeSource* data) {
    UMLDoc *doc = UMLApp::app()->getDocument();
    UMLListView *listView = UMLApp::app()->getListView();
    UMLListViewItem* lvitem = dynamic_cast<UMLListViewItem *>( listView->currentItem() );
    if (!lvitem ||
            (lvitem->getType() != Uml::lvt_Class && lvitem->getType() != Uml::lvt_Interface)) {
        return false;
    UMLClassifier *parent = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier *>(lvitem->getUMLObject());
    if (parent == NULL) {
        kError() << "UMLClipboard::pasteClip5: parent is not a UMLClassifier"
        << endl;
        return false;

    UMLObjectList objects;
    IDChangeLog* idchanges = 0;
    bool result = UMLDrag::decodeClip5(data, objects, parent);

    if(!result) {
        return false;

    UMLObject   *obj = 0;
    idchanges = doc->getChangeLog();
    // Assume success if at least one child object could be pasted
    if (objects.count())
        result = false;

    for (UMLObjectListIt it(objects); (obj = it.current()) != NULL; ++it) {
        switch(obj->getBaseType()) {
        case Uml::ot_Attribute :
                UMLObject *exist = parent->findChildObject(obj->getName(), Uml::ot_Attribute);
                if (exist) {
                    QString newName = parent->uniqChildName(Uml::ot_Attribute, obj->getName());
                UMLAttribute *att = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(obj);
                if (parent->addAttribute(att, idchanges)) {
                    result = true;
                } else {
                    kError() << "UMLClipboard::pasteClip5: " << parent->getName()
                        << "->addAttribute(" << att->getName() << ") failed" << endl;
        case Uml::ot_Operation :
                UMLOperation *op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(obj);
                UMLOperation *exist = parent->checkOperationSignature(op->getName(), op->getParmList());
                if (exist) {
                    QString newName = parent->uniqChildName(Uml::ot_Operation, obj->getName());
                if (parent->addOperation(op, idchanges)) {
                    result = true;
                } else {
                    kError() << "UMLClipboard::pasteClip5: " << parent->getName()
                        << "->addOperation(" << op->getName() << ") failed" << endl;
        default :
            kWarning() << "pasting unknown children type in clip type 5" << endl;
            return false;

    return result;
void RefactoringAssistant::movableDropEvent (QListViewItem* parentItem, QListViewItem* afterme)
    //when dropping on a class, we have to put the item in the appropriate folder!
    UMLObject *movingObject;
    UMLClassifier *newClassifier;
    QListViewItem *movingItem;

    for( movingItem = firstChild(); movingItem != 0; movingItem = movingItem->itemBelow() )
        if( movingItem->isSelected() )
    if( !movingItem || (movingItem == afterme) || !(movingObject = findUMLObject(movingItem)) )
        kWarning()<<"Moving item not found or dropping after itself or item not found in uml obj map. aborting. (drop had already been accepted)"<<endl;
    Uml::Object_Type t = movingObject->getBaseType();
    newClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>( findUMLObject( parentItem ) );
        if ((parentItem->text(1) == "operations" && t == Uml::ot_Operation)
                || (parentItem->text(1) == "attributes" && t == Uml::ot_Attribute))
            newClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>( findUMLObject( parentItem->parent() ) );
            kWarning()<<"New parent of object is not a Classifier - Drop had already been accepted - check!"<<endl;
    if (t == Uml::ot_Operation)
    {kDebug()<<"moving operation"<<endl;
        UMLOperation *op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(movingObject);
        if(newClassifier->checkOperationSignature(op->getName(), op->getParmList()))
            QString msg = QString(i18n("An operation with that signature already exists in %1.\n")).arg(newClassifier->getName())
                          QString(i18n("Choose a different name or parameter list." ));
            KMessageBox::error(this, msg, i18n("Operation Name Invalid"), false);
        UMLClassifier *oldClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(op->parent());
            oldClassifier->removeOperation( op );
        newClassifier->addOperation( op );
    else if (t == Uml::ot_Attribute)
    {kDebug()<<"moving attribute - not implemented"<<endl;
        //              UMLAttribute *att = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(movingObject);
        //              if(!newClassifier->checkAttributeSignature(att))
        //              {
        //                      QString msg = QString(i18n("An attribute with that signature already exists in %1.\n")).arg(newClassifier->getName())
        //                              +
        //                            QString(i18n("Choose a different name or parameter list." ));
        //                      KMessageBox::error(this, msg, i18n("Operation Name Invalid"), false);
        //                      return;
        //              }
        //              oldClassifier->removeAttribute( att );
        //              newClassifier->addAttribute( att );
    //emit moved(moving, afterFirst, afterme);
    emit moved();
bool RefactoringAssistant::acceptDrag(QDropEvent *event) const
    //first check if we can accept drops at all, and if the operation
    // is a move within the list itself
    if( !acceptDrops() || !itemsMovable() || (event->source()!=viewport()))
        return false;

    RefactoringAssistant *me = const_cast<RefactoringAssistant*>(this);

    //ok, check if the move is valid
    QListViewItem *movingItem = 0, *afterme = 0, *parentItem = 0;
    me->findDrop(event->pos(), parentItem, afterme);
    for( movingItem = firstChild(); movingItem != 0; movingItem = movingItem->itemBelow() )
        if( movingItem->isSelected() )
    if(!movingItem || !parentItem)
    {   kDebug()<<"moving/parent items not found - can't accept drag!"<<endl;
        return false;

    UMLObject *movingObject;
    if( !(movingObject = me->findUMLObject(movingItem)) )
        kDebug()<<"Moving object not found in uml map!"<<movingItem->text(0)<<endl;
        return false;
    Uml::Object_Type t = movingObject->getBaseType();
    if (t != Uml::ot_Attribute && t != Uml::ot_Operation)
        kDebug()<<"only operations and attributes are movable! - return false"<<endl;
        return false;

    kDebug()<<"parent item is "<<parentItem->text(0)<<endl;
    UMLObject *parentObject = me->findUMLObject(parentItem);
    if( parentObject && dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(parentObject) )
        //droping to a classifier, ok
    {//parent is not a classifier, so maybe  it's a folder.. check types
        if( (parentItem->text(1) == "operations" && t == Uml::ot_Operation)
                || (parentItem->text(1) == "attributes" && t == Uml::ot_Attribute))
            parentObject = me->findUMLObject( parentItem->parent() );
            kDebug()<<"moving to item "<<parentItem->text(0)<<" -- "<<parentItem->text(1)<<" not valid"<<endl;
            return false;
    if (dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(parentObject) &&
            (t == Uml::ot_Attribute || t == Uml::ot_Operation))
        return true;

    kDebug()<<"how did I get here? return false!!"<<endl;
    return false;