void UWorldComposition::OnLevelPostLoad(ULevel* InLevel)
	UPackage* LevelPackage = Cast<UPackage>(InLevel->GetOutermost());	
	if (LevelPackage && InLevel->OwningWorld)
		FWorldTileInfo Info;
		UWorld* World = InLevel->OwningWorld;
		if (World->WorldComposition)
			// Assign WorldLevelInfo previously loaded by world composition
			FWorldCompositionTile* Tile = World->WorldComposition->FindTileByName(LevelPackage->GetFName());
			if (Tile)
				Info = Tile->Info;
			// Preserve FWorldTileInfo in case sub-level was loaded in the editor outside of world composition
			FString PackageFilename = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(LevelPackage->GetName(), FPackageName::GetMapPackageExtension());
			FWorldTileInfo::Read(PackageFilename, Info);
#endif //WITH_EDITOR
		const bool bIsDefault = (Info == FWorldTileInfo());
		if (!bIsDefault)
			LevelPackage->WorldTileInfo = new FWorldTileInfo(Info);
		* Deletes the asset
		void DeleteAsset()
			if (CreatedAsset)
				bool bSuccessful = false;

				bSuccessful = ObjectTools::DeleteSingleObject(CreatedAsset, false);

				//If we failed to delete this object manually clear any references and try again
				if (!bSuccessful)
					//Clear references to the object so we can delete it

					bSuccessful = ObjectTools::DeleteSingleObject(CreatedAsset, false);

				//Delete the package
				if (bSuccessful)
					FString PackageFilename;
					if (FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(AssetPackage->GetName(), NULL, &PackageFilename))
						TArray<UPackage*> PackagesToDelete;
						// Let the package auto-saver know that it needs to ignore the deleted packages


						// Unload the packages and collect garbage.


						UE_LOG(LogEditorAssetAutomationTests, Display, TEXT("Deleted asset %s (%s)"), *AssetName, *Class->GetName());
					UE_LOG(LogEditorAssetAutomationTests, Error, TEXT("Unable to delete asset: %s (%s)"), *AssetName, *Class->GetName());
void FAssetFixUpRedirectors::DetectReadOnlyPackages(TArray<FRedirectorRefs>& RedirectorsToFix, TArray<UPackage*>& InOutReferencingPackagesToSave) const
	// For each valid package...
	for ( int32 PackageIdx = InOutReferencingPackagesToSave.Num() - 1; PackageIdx >= 0; --PackageIdx )
		UPackage* Package = InOutReferencingPackagesToSave[PackageIdx];

		if ( Package )
			// Find the package filename
			FString Filename;
			if ( FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(Package->GetName(), NULL, &Filename) )
				// If the file is read only
				if ( IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly(*Filename) )
					FName PackageName = Package->GetFName();

					// Find all assets that were referenced by this package to create a redirector when named
					for ( auto RedirectorIt = RedirectorsToFix.CreateIterator(); RedirectorIt; ++RedirectorIt )
						FRedirectorRefs& RedirectorRefs = *RedirectorIt;
						if ( RedirectorRefs.ReferencingPackageNames.Contains(PackageName) )
							RedirectorRefs.FailureReason = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("RedirectorFixupFailed_ReadOnly", "Referencing package {0} was read-only"), FText::FromName(PackageName));
							RedirectorRefs.bRedirectorValidForFixup = false;

					// Remove the package from the save list
int32 UGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet::Main( const FString& InParams )
	// Parse command line.
	TArray<FString> Tokens;
	TArray<FString> Switches;
	UCommandlet::ParseCommandLine(*InParams, Tokens, Switches);

	TArray<FString> MapList;
	for ( int32 MapIdx = 0; MapIdx < Tokens.Num(); ++MapIdx )
		const FString& Map = Tokens[MapIdx];
		if ( FPackageName::IsShortPackageName(Map) )
			FString LongPackageName;
			if ( FPackageName::SearchForPackageOnDisk(Map, &LongPackageName) )
				UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("Unable to find package for map %s."), *Map);
				return 1;

	if ( MapList.Num() <= 0 )
		// No map tokens were supplied on the command line, so assume all maps
		TArray<FString> AllPackageFilenames;
		for (int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < AllPackageFilenames.Num(); PackageIndex++)
			const FString& Filename = AllPackageFilenames[PackageIndex];
			if (FPaths::GetExtension(Filename, true) == FPackageName::GetMapPackageExtension() )
				FString LongPackageName;
				if ( FPackageName::TryConvertFilenameToLongPackageName(Filename, LongPackageName) )
					// Warn about maps in "NoShip" or "TestMaps" folders.  Those should have been filtered out during the Distill process!
					if( !Filename.Contains( "/NoShip/") && !Filename.Contains( "/TestMaps/"))
						// @todo plugins add support for plugins?
						if ( LongPackageName.StartsWith(TEXT("/Game")) )
							UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT( "Discovered map package %s..." ), *LongPackageName );
						UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Skipping map package %s in TestMaps or NoShip folder"), *Filename);
					UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Failed to determine package name for map file %s."), *Filename);
	const FString TemplateFileSwitch = TEXT("Template=");
	const FString OutputFileSwitch = TEXT("Output=");
	const FString TemplateFolderSwitch = TEXT("TemplateFolder=");
	const FString OutputFolderSwitch = TEXT("OutputFolder=");
	FString TemplateFilename;
	FString OutputFilename;
	FString TemplateFolder;
	FString OutputFolder;

	for (int32 SwitchIdx = 0; SwitchIdx < Switches.Num(); ++SwitchIdx)
		const FString& Switch = Switches[SwitchIdx];
		if ( Switch.StartsWith(TemplateFileSwitch) )
			Switch.Split(TEXT("="), NULL, &TemplateFilename);
			TemplateFilename = TemplateFilename.TrimQuotes();
		else if ( Switch.StartsWith(OutputFileSwitch) )
			Switch.Split(TEXT("="), NULL, &OutputFilename);
			OutputFilename = OutputFilename.TrimQuotes();
		else if ( Switch.StartsWith(TemplateFolderSwitch) )
			Switch.Split(TEXT("="), NULL, &TemplateFolder);
			TemplateFolder = TemplateFolder.TrimQuotes();
			if ( !TemplateFolder.EndsWith(TEXT("/")) )
				TemplateFolder += TEXT("/");
			UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Using template folder: "), *TemplateFolder);
		else if ( Switch.StartsWith(OutputFolderSwitch) )
			Switch.Split(TEXT("="), NULL, &OutputFolder);
			OutputFolder = OutputFolder.TrimQuotes();
			if ( !OutputFolder.EndsWith(TEXT("/")) )
				OutputFolder += TEXT("/");
			UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Using output folder: "), *OutputFolder);

	if ( OutputFilename.IsEmpty() )
		UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("You must supply -Output=OutputFilename. These files are relative to the Game/Build directory."));
		return 1;
	if (OutputFolder.IsEmpty())
		OutputFolder = FPaths::GameDir() + TEXT("Build/");
	OutputFilename = OutputFolder + OutputFilename;

	bool bSimpleTxtOutput = false;
	// Load the template file
	FString TemplateFileContents;

	if (TemplateFilename.IsEmpty())
		UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("No template specified, assuming a simple txt output."));
		bSimpleTxtOutput = true;
	// If no folder was specified, filenames are relative to the build dir.
		if (TemplateFolder.IsEmpty())
			TemplateFolder = FPaths::GameDir() + TEXT("Build/");
		TemplateFilename = TemplateFolder + TemplateFilename;

		if (!FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(TemplateFileContents, *TemplateFilename))
			UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("Failed to load template file '%s'"), *TemplateFilename);
			return 1;

	// Form a full unique package list
	TSet<FString> AllPackageNames;

	//@todo SLATE: This is a hack to ensure all slate referenced assets get cooked.
	// Slate needs to be refactored to properly identify required assets at cook time.
	// Simply jamming everything in a given directory into the cook list is error-prone
	// on many levels - assets not required getting cooked/shipped; assets not put under 
	// the correct folder; etc.
		TArray<FString> UIContentPaths;
		if (GConfig->GetArray(TEXT("UI"), TEXT("ContentDirectories"), UIContentPaths, GEditorIni) > 0)
			for (int32 DirIdx = 0; DirIdx < UIContentPaths.Num(); DirIdx++)
				FString ContentPath = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(UIContentPaths[DirIdx]);

				TArray<FString> Files;
				IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive(Files, *ContentPath, *(FString(TEXT("*")) + FPackageName::GetAssetPackageExtension()), true, false);
				for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Files.Num(); Index++)
					FString StdFile = Files[Index];
					StdFile = FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(StdFile);


	// Load all maps
		for ( auto MapIt = MapList.CreateConstIterator(); MapIt; ++MapIt )
			const FString& MapPackage = *MapIt;
			UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT( "Loading %s..." ), *MapPackage );
			UPackage* Package = LoadPackage( NULL, *MapPackage, LOAD_None );
			if( Package != NULL )

				UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT( "Finding content referenced by %s..." ), *MapPackage );
				TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter;
				GetObjectsWithOuter(NULL, ObjectsInOuter, false);
				for (int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++)
					FString OtherName = ObjectsInOuter[Index]->GetOutermost()->GetName();
					if (!AllPackageNames.Contains(OtherName))
						UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("Package: %s"), *OtherName);
				UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT( "Collecting garbage..." ) );

	// Sort the results to make it easier to diff files. No necessary but useful sometimes.
	TArray<FString> SortedPackageNames = AllPackageNames.Array();

	// For the list of FileSets to include in the distill
	FString AllFileSets;
	const FString FileSetPathRoot = TEXT("Content");
	for (auto PackageIt = SortedPackageNames.CreateConstIterator(); PackageIt; ++PackageIt)
		const FString& PackageName = *PackageIt;
		// @todo plugins add support for plugins?
		if ( PackageName.StartsWith(TEXT("/Game")) )
			const FString PathWithoutRoot( PackageName.Mid( 5 ) );
			const FString FileSetPath = FileSetPathRoot + PathWithoutRoot;
			if (bSimpleTxtOutput)
				FString ActualFile;
				if (FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(PackageName, NULL, &ActualFile))
					ActualFile = IFileManager::Get().ConvertToAbsolutePathForExternalAppForRead(*ActualFile);
					AllFileSets += FString::Printf(TEXT("%s") LINE_TERMINATOR, *ActualFile);
					UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("File: %s"), *ActualFile);
				AllFileSets += FString::Printf(TEXT("<FileSet Path=\"%s.*\" bIsRecursive=\"false\"/>") LINE_TERMINATOR, *FileSetPath);

	// Write the output file
	FString OutputFileContents;
	if (bSimpleTxtOutput)
		OutputFileContents = AllFileSets;
		OutputFileContents = TemplateFileContents.Replace(TEXT("%INSTALLEDCONTENTFILESETS%"), *AllFileSets, ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
		if (FApp::HasGameName())
			UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Replacing %%GAMENAME%% with (%s)..."), FApp::GetGameName());
			OutputFileContents = OutputFileContents.Replace(TEXT("%GAMENAME%"), FApp::GetGameName(), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
			UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Failed to replace %%GAMENAME%% since we are running without a game name."));

	if ( !FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(OutputFileContents, *OutputFilename) )
		UE_LOG(LogGenerateDistillFileSetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("Failed to save output file '%s'"), *OutputFilename);
		return 1;

	return 0;
Beispiel #5
void UUnrealEdEngine::OnPackageDirtyStateUpdated( UPackage* Pkg)
	// The passed in object should never be NULL

	UPackage* Package = Pkg->GetOutermost();
	const FString PackageName = Package->GetName();

	// Alert the user if they have modified a package that won't be able to be saved because
	// it's already been saved with an engine version that is newer than the current one.
	if (!FUObjectThreadContext::Get().IsRoutingPostLoad && Package->IsDirty() && !PackagesCheckedForEngineVersion.Contains(PackageName))
		EWriteDisallowedWarningState WarningStateToSet = WDWS_WarningUnnecessary;
		FString PackageFileName;
		if ( FPackageName::DoesPackageExist( Package->GetName(), NULL, &PackageFileName ) )
			// If a package has never been loaded, a file reader is necessary to find the package file summary for its saved engine version.
			FArchive* PackageReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *PackageFileName );
			if ( PackageReader )
				FPackageFileSummary Summary;
				*PackageReader << Summary;

				if ( Summary.GetFileVersionUE4() > GPackageFileUE4Version || !GEngineVersion.IsCompatibleWith(Summary.CompatibleWithEngineVersion) )
					WarningStateToSet = WDWS_PendingWarn;
					bNeedWarningForPkgEngineVer = true;
			delete PackageReader;
		PackagesCheckedForEngineVersion.Add( PackageName, WarningStateToSet );

	// Alert the user if they have modified a package that they do not have sufficient permission to write to disk.
	// This can be due to the content being in the "Program Files" folder and the user does not have admin privileges.
	if (!FUObjectThreadContext::Get().IsRoutingPostLoad && Package->IsDirty() && !PackagesCheckedForWritePermission.Contains(PackageName))
		EWriteDisallowedWarningState WarningStateToSet = GetWarningStateForWritePermission(PackageName);

		if ( WarningStateToSet == WDWS_PendingWarn )
			bNeedWarningForWritePermission = true;
		PackagesCheckedForWritePermission.Add( PackageName, WarningStateToSet );

	if( Package->IsDirty() )
		// Find out if we have already asked the user to modify this package
		const uint8* PromptState = PackageToNotifyState.Find( Package );
		const bool bAlreadyAsked = PromptState != NULL;

		// During an autosave, packages are saved in the autosave directory which switches off their dirty flags.
		// To preserve the pre-autosave state, any saved package is then remarked as dirty because it wasn't saved in the normal location where it would be picked up by source control.
		// Any callback that happens during an autosave is bogus since a package wasn't marked dirty due to a user modification.
		const bool bIsAutoSaving = PackageAutoSaver.Get() && PackageAutoSaver->IsAutoSaving();

		const UEditorLoadingSavingSettings* Settings = GetDefault<UEditorLoadingSavingSettings>();

		if( !bIsAutoSaving && 
			!GIsEditorLoadingPackage && // Don't ask if the package was modified as a result of a load
			!bAlreadyAsked && // Don't ask if we already asked once!
			(Settings->bPromptForCheckoutOnAssetModification || Settings->bAutomaticallyCheckoutOnAssetModification) )
			// Force source control state to be updated
			ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

			TArray<FString> Files;
			SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FUpdateStatus>(), SourceControlHelpers::AbsoluteFilenames(Files), EConcurrency::Asynchronous, FSourceControlOperationComplete::CreateUObject(this, &UUnrealEdEngine::OnSourceControlStateUpdated, TWeakObjectPtr<UPackage>(Package)));
		// This package was saved, the user should be prompted again if they checked in the package
		PackageToNotifyState.Remove( Package );
void FLevelCollectionModel::SCCDiffAgainstDepot(const FLevelModelList& InList, UEditorEngine* InEditor)
	// Load the asset registry module
	FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");

	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

	// Iterate over each selected asset
	for (auto It = InList.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
		ULevel* Level = (*It)->GetLevelObject();
		if (Level == NULL)
		UPackage* OriginalPackage = Level->GetOutermost();
		FString PackageName = OriginalPackage->GetName();

		// Make sure our history is up to date
		auto UpdateStatusOperation = ISourceControlOperation::Create<FUpdateStatus>();
		SourceControlProvider.Execute(UpdateStatusOperation, OriginalPackage);

		// Get the SCC state
		FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(
			OriginalPackage, EStateCacheUsage::Use

		// If the level is in SCC.
		if (SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled())
			// Get the file name of package
			FString RelativeFileName;
			if(FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(PackageName, NULL, &RelativeFileName))
				if (SourceControlState->GetHistorySize() > 0)
					auto Revision = SourceControlState->GetHistoryItem(0);

					// Get the head revision of this package from source control
					FString AbsoluteFileName = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(RelativeFileName);
					FString TempFileName;
					if (Revision->Get(TempFileName))
						// Forcibly disable compile on load in case we are loading old blueprints that might try to update/compile
						TGuardValue<bool> DisableCompileOnLoad(GForceDisableBlueprintCompileOnLoad, true);

						// Try and load that package
						FText NotMapReason;
						UPackage* OldPackage = LoadPackage(NULL, *TempFileName, LOAD_None);
						if(OldPackage != NULL && InEditor->PackageIsAMapFile(*TempFileName, NotMapReason))
							/* Set the revision information*/
							UPackage* Package = OriginalPackage;

							FRevisionInfo OldRevision;
							OldRevision.Changelist = Revision->GetCheckInIdentifier();
							OldRevision.Date = Revision->GetDate();
							OldRevision.Revision = Revision->GetRevision();

							FRevisionInfo NewRevision; 
							NewRevision.Revision = TEXT("");

							// Dump assets to temp text files
							FString OldTextFilename = AssetToolsModule.Get().DumpAssetToTempFile(OldPackage);
							FString NewTextFilename = AssetToolsModule.Get().DumpAssetToTempFile(OriginalPackage);
							FString DiffCommand = GetDefault<UEditorLoadingSavingSettings>()->TextDiffToolPath.FilePath;

							AssetToolsModule.Get().CreateDiffProcess(DiffCommand, OldTextFilename, NewTextFilename);
							AssetToolsModule.Get().DiffAssets(OldPackage, OriginalPackage, OldRevision, NewRevision);
Beispiel #7
 * Helper function designed to determine if the provided package should be backed up or not.
 * The function checks for many conditions, such as if the package is too large to backup,
 * if the package has a particular attribute that should prevent it from being backed up (such
 * as being marked for PIE-use), if cooking is in progress, etc.
 * @param	InPackage		Package which should be checked to see if its valid for backing-up
 * @param	OutFileName		File name of the package on disk if the function determines the package
 *							already existed
 * @return	true if the package is valid for backing-up; false otherwise
bool FAutoPackageBackup::ShouldBackupPackage( const UPackage& InPackage, FString& OutFilename )
	// Check various conditions to see if the package is a valid candidate for backing up
	bool bShouldBackup =
		GIsEditor																			// Backing up packages only makes sense in the editor
		&& !IsRunningCommandlet()															// Don't backup saves resulting from commandlets
		&& IsPackageBackupEnabled()															// Ensure that the package backup is enabled in the first place
		&& (InPackage.HasAnyPackageFlags(PKG_PlayInEditor) == false)						// Don't back up PIE packages
		&& (InPackage.HasAnyPackageFlags(PKG_ContainsScript) == false);						// Don't back up script packages

	if( bShouldBackup )
		GWarn->StatusUpdate( -1, -1, NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "PackageBackup_ValidityWarning", "Determining asset backup validity...") );

		bShouldBackup =	FPackageName::DoesPackageExist( InPackage.GetName(), NULL, &OutFilename );	// Make sure the file already exists (no sense in backing up a new package)
	// If the package passed the initial backup checks, proceed to check more specific conditions
	// that might disqualify the package from being backed up
	const int32 FileSizeOfBackup = IFileManager::Get().FileSize( *OutFilename );
	if ( bShouldBackup )
		// Ensure that the size the backup would require is less than that of the maximum allowed
		// space for backups
		bShouldBackup = FileSizeOfBackup <= GetMaxAllowedBackupSpace();

	// If all of the prior checks have passed, now see if the package has been backed up
	// too recently to be considered for an additional backup
	if ( bShouldBackup )
		// Ensure that the autosave/backup directory exists
		const FString& BackupSaveDir = GetBackupDirectory();
		IFileManager::Get().MakeDirectory( *BackupSaveDir, 1 );

		// Find all of the files in the backup directory
		TArray<FString> FilesInBackupDir;
		IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive(FilesInBackupDir, *BackupSaveDir, TEXT("*.*"), true, false);

		// Extract the base file name and extension from the passed-in package file name
		FString ExistingBaseFileName = FPaths::GetBaseFilename(OutFilename);
		FString ExistingFileNameExtension = FPaths::GetExtension(OutFilename);

		bool bFoundExistingBackup = false;
		int32 DirectorySize = 0;
		FDateTime LastBackupTimeStamp = FDateTime::MinValue();

		TArray<FBackupFileInfo> BackupFileInfoArray;
		// Check every file in the backup directory for matches against the passed-in package
		// (Additionally keep statistics on all backup files for potential maintenance)
		for ( TArray<FString>::TConstIterator FileIter( FilesInBackupDir ); FileIter; ++FileIter )
			const FString CurBackupFileName = FString( *FileIter );
			// Create a new backup file info struct for keeping information about each backup file
			const int32 FileInfoIndex = BackupFileInfoArray.AddZeroed();
			FBackupFileInfo& CurBackupFileInfo = BackupFileInfoArray[ FileInfoIndex ];
			// Record the backup file's name, size, and timestamp
			CurBackupFileInfo.FileName = CurBackupFileName;
			CurBackupFileInfo.FileSize = IFileManager::Get().FileSize( *CurBackupFileName );
			// If we failed to get a timestamp or a valid size, something has happened to the file and it shouldn't be considered
			CurBackupFileInfo.FileTimeStamp = IFileManager::Get().GetTimeStamp(*CurBackupFileName);
			if (CurBackupFileInfo.FileTimeStamp == FDateTime::MinValue() || CurBackupFileInfo.FileSize == -1)
				BackupFileInfoArray.RemoveAt( BackupFileInfoArray.Num() - 1 );

			// Calculate total directory size by adding the size of this backup file
			DirectorySize += CurBackupFileInfo.FileSize;

			FString CurBackupBaseFileName =  FPaths::GetBaseFilename(CurBackupFileName);
			FString CurBackupFileNameExtension = FPaths::GetExtension(CurBackupFileName);

			// The base file name of the backup file is going to include an underscore followed by a timestamp, so they must be removed for comparison's sake
			CurBackupBaseFileName = CurBackupBaseFileName.Left( CurBackupBaseFileName.Find( TEXT("_"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd ) );
			// If the base file names and extensions match, we've found a backup
			if ( CurBackupBaseFileName == ExistingBaseFileName &&  CurBackupFileNameExtension == ExistingFileNameExtension )
				bFoundExistingBackup = true;

				// Keep track of the most recent matching time stamp so we can check if the passed-in package
				// has been backed up too recently
				if ( CurBackupFileInfo.FileTimeStamp > LastBackupTimeStamp )
					LastBackupTimeStamp = CurBackupFileInfo.FileTimeStamp;

		// If there was an existing backup, check to see if it was created too recently to allow another backup
		if ( bFoundExistingBackup )
			// Check the difference in timestamp seconds against the backup interval; if not enough time has elapsed since
			// the last backup, we don't want to make another one
			if ((FDateTime::UtcNow() - LastBackupTimeStamp).GetTotalSeconds() < GetBackupInterval())
				bShouldBackup = false;

		// If every other check against the package has succeeded for backup purposes, ensure there is enough directory space
		// available in the backup directory, as adding the new backup might use more space than the user allowed for backups.
		// If the backup file size + the current directory size exceeds the max allowed space, deleted old backups until there
		// is sufficient space. If enough space can't be freed for whatever reason, then no back-up will be created.
		if ( bShouldBackup && ( FileSizeOfBackup + DirectorySize > GetMaxAllowedBackupSpace() ) )
			bShouldBackup = PerformBackupSpaceMaintenance( BackupFileInfoArray, DirectorySize, FileSizeOfBackup );
	return bShouldBackup;
int32 UDerivedDataCacheCommandlet::Main( const FString& Params )
	TArray<FString> Tokens, Switches;
	ParseCommandLine(*Params, Tokens, Switches);

	bool bFillCache = Switches.Contains("FILL");   // do the equivalent of a "loadpackage -all" to fill the DDC
	bool bStartupOnly = Switches.Contains("STARTUPONLY");   // regardless of any other flags, do not iterate packages

	// Subsets for parallel processing
	uint32 SubsetMod = 0;
	uint32 SubsetTarget = MAX_uint32;
	FParse::Value(*Params, TEXT("SubsetMod="), SubsetMod);
	FParse::Value(*Params, TEXT("SubsetTarget="), SubsetTarget);
	bool bDoSubset = SubsetMod > 0 && SubsetTarget < SubsetMod;
	double FindProcessedPackagesTime = 0.0;
	double GCTime = 0.0;

	if (!bStartupOnly && bFillCache)
		FCoreDelegates::PackageCreatedForLoad.AddUObject(this, &UDerivedDataCacheCommandlet::MaybeMarkPackageAsAlreadyLoaded);

		TArray<FString> FilesInPath;

		Tokens.Add(FString("*") + FPackageName::GetAssetPackageExtension());
		Tokens.Add(FString("*") + FPackageName::GetMapPackageExtension());
		uint8 PackageFilter = NORMALIZE_DefaultFlags;
		if ( Switches.Contains(TEXT("MAPSONLY")) )
			PackageFilter |= NORMALIZE_ExcludeContentPackages;

		if ( !Switches.Contains(TEXT("DEV")) )
			PackageFilter |= NORMALIZE_ExcludeDeveloperPackages;

		// assume the first token is the map wildcard/pathname
		TArray<FString> Unused;
		for ( int32 TokenIndex = 0; TokenIndex < Tokens.Num(); TokenIndex++ )
			TArray<FString> TokenFiles;
			if ( !NormalizePackageNames( Unused, TokenFiles, Tokens[TokenIndex], PackageFilter) )
				UE_LOG(LogDerivedDataCacheCommandlet, Display, TEXT("No packages found for parameter %i: '%s'"), TokenIndex, *Tokens[TokenIndex]);

			FilesInPath += TokenFiles;

		if ( FilesInPath.Num() == 0 )
			UE_LOG(LogDerivedDataCacheCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("No files found."));

		ITargetPlatformManagerModule* TPM = GetTargetPlatformManager();
		const TArray<ITargetPlatform*>& Platforms = TPM->GetActiveTargetPlatforms();

		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Platforms.Num(); Index++)
			TArray<FName> DesiredShaderFormats;

			for (int32 FormatIndex = 0; FormatIndex < DesiredShaderFormats.Num(); FormatIndex++)
				const EShaderPlatform TargetPlatform = ShaderFormatToLegacyShaderPlatform(DesiredShaderFormats[FormatIndex]);
				// Kick off global shader compiles for each target platform

		const int32 GCInterval = 100;
		int32 NumProcessedSinceLastGC = GCInterval;
		bool bLastPackageWasMap = true; // 'true' is to prime the ProcessedPackages list
		TSet<FString> ProcessedPackages;

		UE_LOG(LogDerivedDataCacheCommandlet, Display, TEXT("%d packages to load..."), FilesInPath.Num());

		for( int32 FileIndex = FilesInPath.Num() - 1; ; FileIndex-- )
			// Keep track of which packages have already been processed along with the map.
			if (NumProcessedSinceLastGC >= GCInterval || bLastPackageWasMap || FileIndex == FilesInPath.Num() - 1)
				const double FindProcessedPackagesStartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
				TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter;
				GetObjectsWithOuter(NULL, ObjectsInOuter, false);
				for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++ )
					UPackage* Pkg = Cast<UPackage>(ObjectsInOuter[Index]);
					if (!Pkg)
					FString Filename;
					if (FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(Pkg->GetName(), NULL, &Filename))
						if (!ProcessedPackages.Contains(Filename))

							Pkg->PackageFlags |= PKG_ReloadingForCooker;
								TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInPackage;
								GetObjectsWithOuter(Pkg, ObjectsInPackage, true);
								for( int32 IndexPackage = 0; IndexPackage < ObjectsInPackage.Num(); IndexPackage++ )
				FindProcessedPackagesTime += FPlatformTime::Seconds() - FindProcessedPackagesStartTime;

			if (NumProcessedSinceLastGC >= GCInterval || FileIndex < 0 || bLastPackageWasMap)
				const double StartGCTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
				if (NumProcessedSinceLastGC >= GCInterval || FileIndex < 0)
					UE_LOG(LogDerivedDataCacheCommandlet, Display, TEXT("GC (Full)..."));
					CollectGarbage( RF_Native );
					NumProcessedSinceLastGC = 0;
					UE_LOG(LogDerivedDataCacheCommandlet, Display, TEXT("GC..."));
					CollectGarbage( RF_Native | RF_Standalone );
				GCTime += FPlatformTime::Seconds() - StartGCTime;

				bLastPackageWasMap = false;
			if (FileIndex < 0)
			const FString& Filename = FilesInPath[FileIndex];
			if (ProcessedPackages.Contains(Filename))
			if (bDoSubset)
				const FString& PackageName = FPackageName::PackageFromPath(*Filename);
				if (FCrc::StrCrc_DEPRECATED(*PackageName.ToUpper()) % SubsetMod != SubsetTarget)

			UE_LOG(LogDerivedDataCacheCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Loading (%d) %s"), FilesInPath.Num() - FileIndex, *Filename );

			UPackage* Package = LoadPackage( NULL, *Filename, LOAD_None );
			if( Package == NULL )
				UE_LOG(LogDerivedDataCacheCommandlet, Error, TEXT("Error loading %s!"), *Filename );
				bLastPackageWasMap = Package->ContainsMap();

	IConsoleManager::Get().ProcessUserConsoleInput(TEXT("Tex.DerivedDataTimings"), *GWarn, NULL);
	UE_LOG(LogDerivedDataCacheCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Waiting for shaders to finish."));
	UE_LOG(LogDerivedDataCacheCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Done waiting for shaders to finish."));

	UE_LOG(LogDerivedDataCacheCommandlet, Display, TEXT("%.2lfs spent looking for processed packages, %.2lfs spent on GC."), FindProcessedPackagesTime, GCTime);

	return 0;
Beispiel #9
bool FEditorBuildUtils::EditorAutomatedBuildAndSubmit( const FEditorAutomatedBuildSettings& BuildSettings, FText& OutErrorMessages )
	// Assume the build is successful to start
	bool bBuildSuccessful = true;
	// Keep a set of packages that should be submitted to source control at the end of a successful build. The build preparation and processing
	// will add and remove from the set depending on build settings, errors, etc.
	TSet<UPackage*> PackagesToSubmit;

	// Perform required preparations for the automated build process
	bBuildSuccessful = PrepForAutomatedBuild( BuildSettings, PackagesToSubmit, OutErrorMessages );

	// If the preparation went smoothly, attempt the actual map building process
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		bBuildSuccessful = EditorBuild( GWorld, EBuildOptions::BuildAllSubmit );

		// If the map build failed, log the error
		if ( !bBuildSuccessful )
			LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_BuildFailed", "The map build failed or was canceled."), OutErrorMessages );

	// If any map errors resulted from the build, process them according to the behavior specified in the build settings
	if ( bBuildSuccessful && FMessageLog("MapCheck").NumMessages( EMessageSeverity::Warning ) > 0 )
		bBuildSuccessful = ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( BuildSettings.BuildErrorBehavior, NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_MapErrors", "Map errors occurred while building.\n\nAttempt to continue the build?"), OutErrorMessages );

	// If it's still safe to proceed, attempt to save all of the level packages that have been marked for submission
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		UPackage* CurOutermostPkg = GWorld->PersistentLevel->GetOutermost();
		FString PackagesThatFailedToSave;

		// Try to save the p-level if it should be submitted
		if ( PackagesToSubmit.Contains( CurOutermostPkg ) && !FEditorFileUtils::SaveLevel( GWorld->PersistentLevel ) )
			// If the p-level failed to save, remove it from the set of packages to submit
			PackagesThatFailedToSave += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurOutermostPkg->GetName() );
			PackagesToSubmit.Remove( CurOutermostPkg );
		// Try to save each streaming level (if they should be submitted)
		for ( TArray<ULevelStreaming*>::TIterator LevelIter( GWorld->StreamingLevels ); LevelIter; ++LevelIter )
			ULevelStreaming* CurStreamingLevel = *LevelIter;
			if ( CurStreamingLevel != NULL )
				ULevel* Level = CurStreamingLevel->GetLoadedLevel();
				if ( Level != NULL )
					CurOutermostPkg = Level->GetOutermost();
					if ( PackagesToSubmit.Contains( CurOutermostPkg ) && !FEditorFileUtils::SaveLevel( Level ) )
						// If a save failed, remove the streaming level from the set of packages to submit
						PackagesThatFailedToSave += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurOutermostPkg->GetName() );
						PackagesToSubmit.Remove( CurOutermostPkg );

		// If any packages failed to save, process the behavior specified by the build settings to see how the process should proceed
		if ( PackagesThatFailedToSave.Len() > 0 )
			bBuildSuccessful = ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( BuildSettings.FailedToSaveBehavior,
				FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_FilesFailedSave", "The following assets failed to save and cannot be submitted:\n\n{0}\n\nAttempt to continue the build?"), FText::FromString(PackagesThatFailedToSave) ),
				OutErrorMessages );

	// If still safe to proceed, make sure there are actually packages remaining to submit
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		bBuildSuccessful = PackagesToSubmit.Num() > 0;
		if ( !bBuildSuccessful )
			LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_NoValidLevels", "None of the current levels are valid for submission; automated build aborted."), OutErrorMessages );

	// Finally, if everything has gone smoothly, submit the requested packages to source control
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		SubmitPackagesForAutomatedBuild( PackagesToSubmit, BuildSettings );

	// Check if the user requested the editor shutdown at the conclusion of the automated build
	if ( BuildSettings.bShutdownEditorOnCompletion )
		FPlatformMisc::RequestExit( false );

	return bBuildSuccessful;
Beispiel #10
 * Helper method designed to perform the necessary preparations required to complete an automated editor build
 * @param	BuildSettings		Build settings that will be used for the editor build
 * @param	OutPkgsToSubmit		Set of packages that need to be saved and submitted after a successful build
 * @param	OutErrorMessages	Errors that resulted from the preparation (may or may not force the build to stop, depending on build settings)
 * @return	true if the preparation was successful and the build should continue; false if the preparation failed and the build should be aborted
bool FEditorBuildUtils::PrepForAutomatedBuild( const FEditorAutomatedBuildSettings& BuildSettings, TSet<UPackage*>& OutPkgsToSubmit, FText& OutErrorMessages )
	// Assume the preparation is successful to start
	bool bBuildSuccessful = true;


	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

	// Source control is required for the automated build, so ensure that SCC support is compiled in and
	// that the server is enabled and available for use
	if ( !ISourceControlModule::Get().IsEnabled() || !SourceControlProvider.IsAvailable() )
		bBuildSuccessful = false;
		LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_SCCError", "Cannot connect to source control; automated build aborted."), OutErrorMessages );

	// Empty changelists aren't allowed; abort the build if one wasn't provided
	if ( bBuildSuccessful && BuildSettings.ChangeDescription.Len() == 0 )
		bBuildSuccessful = false;
		LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_NoCLDesc", "A changelist description must be provided; automated build aborted."), OutErrorMessages );

	TArray<UPackage*> PreviouslySavedWorldPackages;
	TArray<UPackage*> PackagesToCheckout;
	TArray<ULevel*> LevelsToSave;

	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		TArray<UWorld*> AllWorlds;
		FString UnsavedWorlds;
		EditorLevelUtils::GetWorlds( GWorld, AllWorlds, true );

		// Check all of the worlds that will be built to ensure they have been saved before and have a filename
		// associated with them. If they don't, they won't be able to be submitted to source control.
		FString CurWorldPkgFileName;
		for ( TArray<UWorld*>::TConstIterator WorldIter( AllWorlds ); WorldIter; ++WorldIter )
			const UWorld* CurWorld = *WorldIter;
			check( CurWorld );

			UPackage* CurWorldPackage = CurWorld->GetOutermost();
			check( CurWorldPackage );

			if ( FPackageName::DoesPackageExist( CurWorldPackage->GetName(), NULL, &CurWorldPkgFileName ) )
				PreviouslySavedWorldPackages.AddUnique( CurWorldPackage );

				// Add all packages which have a corresponding file to the set of packages to submit for now. As preparation continues
				// any packages that can't be submitted due to some error will be removed.
				OutPkgsToSubmit.Add( CurWorldPackage );
				UnsavedWorlds += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurWorldPackage->GetName() );

		// If any of the worlds haven't been saved before, process the build setting's behavior to see if the build
		// should proceed or not
		if ( UnsavedWorlds.Len() > 0 )
			bBuildSuccessful = ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( BuildSettings.NewMapBehavior, 
				FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_UnsavedMap", "The following levels have never been saved before and cannot be submitted:\n\n{0}\n\nAttempt to continue the build?"), FText::FromString(UnsavedWorlds) ),
				OutErrorMessages );

	// Load the asset tools module
	FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");

	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		// Update the source control status of any relevant world packages in order to determine which need to be
		// checked out, added to the depot, etc.
		SourceControlProvider.Execute( ISourceControlOperation::Create<FUpdateStatus>(), SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilenames(PreviouslySavedWorldPackages) );

		FString PkgsThatCantBeCheckedOut;
		for ( TArray<UPackage*>::TConstIterator PkgIter( PreviouslySavedWorldPackages ); PkgIter; ++PkgIter )
			UPackage* CurPackage = *PkgIter;
			const FString CurPkgName = CurPackage->GetName();
			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(CurPackage, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);

			if( !SourceControlState.IsValid() ||
				(!SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled() &&
				 !SourceControlState->IsUnknown() &&
				FString CurFilename;
				if ( FPackageName::DoesPackageExist( CurPkgName, NULL, &CurFilename ) )
					if ( IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly( *CurFilename ) )
						PkgsThatCantBeCheckedOut += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurPkgName );
						OutPkgsToSubmit.Remove( CurPackage );
			else if(SourceControlState->CanCheckout())
				PackagesToCheckout.Add( CurPackage );
				PkgsThatCantBeCheckedOut += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurPkgName );
				OutPkgsToSubmit.Remove( CurPackage );

		// If any of the packages can't be checked out or are read-only, process the build setting's behavior to see if the build
		// should proceed or not
		if ( PkgsThatCantBeCheckedOut.Len() > 0 )
			bBuildSuccessful = ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( BuildSettings.UnableToCheckoutFilesBehavior,
				FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_UnsaveableFiles", "The following assets cannot be checked out of source control (or are read-only) and cannot be submitted:\n\n{0}\n\nAttempt to continue the build?"), FText::FromString(PkgsThatCantBeCheckedOut) ),
				OutErrorMessages );

	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		// Check out all of the packages from source control that need to be checked out
		if ( PackagesToCheckout.Num() > 0 )
			TArray<FString> PackageFilenames = SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilenames(PackagesToCheckout);
			SourceControlProvider.Execute( ISourceControlOperation::Create<FCheckOut>(), PackageFilenames );

			// Update the package status of the packages that were just checked out to confirm that they
			// were actually checked out correctly
			SourceControlProvider.Execute(  ISourceControlOperation::Create<FUpdateStatus>(), PackageFilenames );

			FString FilesThatFailedCheckout;
			for ( TArray<UPackage*>::TConstIterator CheckedOutIter( PackagesToCheckout ); CheckedOutIter; ++CheckedOutIter )
				UPackage* CurPkg = *CheckedOutIter;
				FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(CurPkg, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);

				// If any of the packages failed to check out, remove them from the set of packages to submit
				if ( !SourceControlState.IsValid() || (!SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() && !SourceControlState->IsAdded() && SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled()) )
					FilesThatFailedCheckout += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurPkg->GetName() );
					OutPkgsToSubmit.Remove( CurPkg );

			// If any of the packages failed to check out correctly, process the build setting's behavior to see if the build
			// should proceed or not
			if ( FilesThatFailedCheckout.Len() > 0 )
				bBuildSuccessful = ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( BuildSettings.UnableToCheckoutFilesBehavior,
					FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_FilesFailedCheckout", "The following assets failed to checkout of source control and cannot be submitted:\n{0}\n\nAttempt to continue the build?"), FText::FromString(FilesThatFailedCheckout)),
					OutErrorMessages );

	// Verify there are still actually any packages left to submit. If there aren't, abort the build and warn the user of the situation.
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		bBuildSuccessful = OutPkgsToSubmit.Num() > 0;
		if ( !bBuildSuccessful )
			LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_NoValidLevels", "None of the current levels are valid for submission; automated build aborted."), OutErrorMessages );

	// If the build is safe to commence, force all of the levels visible to make sure the build operates correctly
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		bool bVisibilityToggled = false;
		if ( !FLevelUtils::IsLevelVisible( GWorld->PersistentLevel ) )
			EditorLevelUtils::SetLevelVisibility( GWorld->PersistentLevel, true, false );
			bVisibilityToggled = true;
		for ( TArray<ULevelStreaming*>::TConstIterator LevelIter( GWorld->StreamingLevels ); LevelIter; ++LevelIter )
			ULevelStreaming* CurStreamingLevel = *LevelIter;
			if ( CurStreamingLevel && !FLevelUtils::IsLevelVisible( CurStreamingLevel ) )
				CurStreamingLevel->bShouldBeVisibleInEditor = true;
				bVisibilityToggled = true;
		if ( bVisibilityToggled )

	return bBuildSuccessful;
Beispiel #11
void FLODCluster::BuildActor(ULevel* InLevel, const int32 LODIdx, const bool bCreateMeshes)
	FColor Colours[8] = { FColor::Cyan, FColor::Red, FColor::Green, FColor::Blue, FColor::Yellow, FColor::Magenta, FColor::White, FColor::Black };
	// do big size
	if (InLevel && InLevel->GetWorld())
		// create asset using Actors
		const FHierarchicalSimplification& LODSetup = InLevel->GetWorld()->GetWorldSettings()->HierarchicalLODSetup[LODIdx];

		// Retrieve draw distance for current and next LOD level
		const float DrawDistance = LODSetup.DrawDistance;		
		const int32 LODCount = InLevel->GetWorld()->GetWorldSettings()->HierarchicalLODSetup.Num();
		const float NextDrawDistance = (LODIdx < (LODCount - 1)) ? InLevel->GetWorld()->GetWorldSettings()->HierarchicalLODSetup[LODIdx + 1].DrawDistance : 0.0f;

		// Where generated assets will be stored
		UPackage* AssetsOuter = InLevel->GetOutermost(); // this asset is going to save with map, this means, I'll have to delete with it
		if (AssetsOuter)
			TArray<UStaticMeshComponent*> AllComponents;

			for (auto& Actor: Actors)
				TArray<UStaticMeshComponent*> Components;
				if (Actor->IsA<ALODActor>())
					HierarchicalLODUtils::ExtractStaticMeshComponentsFromLODActor(Actor, Components);

				// TODO: support instanced static meshes
				Components.RemoveAll([](UStaticMeshComponent* Val){ return Val->IsA(UInstancedStaticMeshComponent::StaticClass()); });


			// it shouldn't even have come here if it didn't have any staticmesh
			if (ensure(AllComponents.Num() > 0))
				// In case we don't have outer generated assets should have same path as LOD level

				const FString AssetsPath = AssetsOuter->GetName() + TEXT("/");
				AActor* FirstActor = Actors[0];

				TArray<UObject*> OutAssets;
				FVector OutProxyLocation = FVector::ZeroVector;
				UStaticMesh* MainMesh = nullptr;
				if (bCreateMeshes)
					// Generate proxy mesh and proxy material assets
					IMeshUtilities& MeshUtilities = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<IMeshUtilities>("MeshUtilities");
					// should give unique name, so use level + actor name
					const FString PackageName = FString::Printf(TEXT("LOD_%s"), *FirstActor->GetName());
					if (MeshUtilities.GetMeshMergingInterface() && LODSetup.bSimplifyMesh)
						MeshUtilities.CreateProxyMesh(Actors, LODSetup.ProxySetting, AssetsOuter, PackageName, OutAssets, OutProxyLocation);
						MeshUtilities.MergeStaticMeshComponents(AllComponents, FirstActor->GetWorld(), LODSetup.MergeSetting, AssetsOuter, PackageName, LODIdx, OutAssets, OutProxyLocation, LODSetup.DrawDistance, true);

					// we make it private, so it can't be used by outside of map since it's useless, and then remove standalone
					for (auto& AssetIter : OutAssets)
						AssetIter->ClearFlags(RF_Public | RF_Standalone);

					// set staticmesh
					for (auto& Asset : OutAssets)
						UStaticMesh* StaticMesh = Cast<UStaticMesh>(Asset);

						if (StaticMesh)
							MainMesh = StaticMesh;

				if (MainMesh || !bCreateMeshes)
					UWorld* LevelWorld = Cast<UWorld>(InLevel->GetOuter());

					check (LevelWorld);

					FTransform Transform;
					// create LODActors using the current Actors
					ALODActor* NewActor = nullptr;
					NewActor = LevelWorld->SpawnActor<ALODActor>(ALODActor::StaticClass(), Transform);				
					NewActor->SubObjects = OutAssets;
					NewActor->LODLevel = LODIdx+1;
					NewActor->LODDrawDistance = DrawDistance;
					NewActor->SetStaticMesh( MainMesh );
					// now set as parent
					for(auto& Actor : Actors)

					// Mark dirty according to whether or not this is a preview build