FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle UAbilitySystemBlueprintLibrary::FilterTargetData(FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle TargetDataHandle, FGameplayTargetDataFilterHandle FilterHandle)
	FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle ReturnDataHandle;
	for (int32 i = 0; TargetDataHandle.IsValid(i); ++i)
		FGameplayAbilityTargetData* UnfilteredData = TargetDataHandle.Get(i);
		if (UnfilteredData->GetActors().Num() > 0)
			TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<AActor>> FilteredActors = UnfilteredData->GetActors().FilterByPredicate(FilterHandle);
			if (FilteredActors.Num() > 0)
				//Copy the data first, since we don't understand the internals of it
				UScriptStruct* ScriptStruct = UnfilteredData->GetScriptStruct();
				FGameplayAbilityTargetData* NewData = (FGameplayAbilityTargetData*)FMemory::Malloc(ScriptStruct->GetCppStructOps()->GetSize());
				ScriptStruct->CopyScriptStruct(NewData, UnfilteredData);
				if (FilteredActors.Num() < UnfilteredData->GetActors().Num())
					//We have lost some, but not all, of our actors, so replace the array. This should only be possible with targeting types that permit actor-array setting.
					if (!NewData->SetActors(FilteredActors))
						//This is an error, though we could ignore it. We somehow filtered out part of a list, but the class doesn't support changing the list, so now it's all or nothing.

	return ReturnDataHandle;
void UDataTable::LoadStructData(FArchive& Ar)
    UScriptStruct* LoadUsingStruct = RowStruct;
    if (LoadUsingStruct == NULL)
        UE_LOG(LogDataTable, Error, TEXT("Missing RowStruct while loading DataTable '%s'!"), *GetPathName());
        LoadUsingStruct = FTableRowBase::StaticStruct();

    int32 NumRows;
    Ar << NumRows;

    for (int32 RowIdx = 0; RowIdx < NumRows; RowIdx++)
        // Load row name
        FName RowName;
        Ar << RowName;

        // Load row data
        uint8* RowData = (uint8*)FMemory::Malloc(LoadUsingStruct->PropertiesSize);
        // And be sure to call DestroyScriptStruct later
        LoadUsingStruct->SerializeTaggedProperties(Ar, RowData, LoadUsingStruct, NULL);

        // Add to map
        RowMap.Add(RowName, RowData);
bool FGameplayEffectContextHandle::NetSerialize(FArchive& Ar, class UPackageMap* Map, bool& bOutSuccess)
	UScriptStruct* ScriptStruct = Data.IsValid() ? Data->GetScriptStruct() : NULL;
	Ar << ScriptStruct;

	if (ScriptStruct)
		if (Ar.IsLoading())
			// For now, just always reset/reallocate the data when loading.
			// Longer term if we want to generalize this and use it for property replication, we should support
			// only reallocating when necessary

			FGameplayEffectContext * NewData = (FGameplayEffectContext*)FMemory::Malloc(ScriptStruct->GetCppStructOps()->GetSize());

			Data = TSharedPtr<FGameplayEffectContext>(NewData);

		void* ContainerPtr = Data.Get();

		if (ScriptStruct->StructFlags & STRUCT_NetSerializeNative)
			ScriptStruct->GetCppStructOps()->NetSerialize(Ar, Map, bOutSuccess, Data.Get());
			// This won't work since UStructProperty::NetSerializeItem is deprecrated.
			//	1) we have to manually crawl through the topmost struct's fields since we don't have a UStructProperty for it (just the UScriptProperty)
			//	2) if there are any UStructProperties in the topmost struct's fields, we will assert in UStructProperty::NetSerializeItem.

			ABILITY_LOG(Fatal, TEXT("FGameplayEffectContextHandle::NetSerialize called on data struct %s without a native NetSerialize"), *ScriptStruct->GetName());

			for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(ScriptStruct); It; ++It)
				if (It->PropertyFlags & CPF_RepSkip)

				void * PropertyData = It->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void*>(ContainerPtr);

				It->NetSerializeItem(Ar, Map, PropertyData);

	bOutSuccess = true;
	return true;
void UDataTable::EmptyTable()
    UScriptStruct* LoadUsingStruct = RowStruct;
    if (LoadUsingStruct == NULL)
        UE_LOG(LogDataTable, Error, TEXT("Missing RowStruct while emptying DataTable '%s'!"), *GetPathName());
        LoadUsingStruct = FTableRowBase::StaticStruct();

    // Iterate over all rows in table and free mem
    for (auto RowIt = RowMap.CreateIterator(); RowIt; ++RowIt)
        uint8* RowData = RowIt.Value();

    // Finally empty the map
bool UDataTableFunctionLibrary::Generic_GetDataTableRowFromName(UDataTable* Table, FName RowName, void* OutRowPtr)
	bool bFoundRow = false;

	if (OutRowPtr && Table)
		void* RowPtr = Table->FindRowUnchecked(RowName);

		if (RowPtr != NULL)
			UScriptStruct* StructType = Table->RowStruct;

			if (StructType != NULL)
				StructType->CopyScriptStruct(OutRowPtr, RowPtr);
				bFoundRow = true;

	return bFoundRow;
TArray<UScriptStruct*> FDataTableEditorUtils::GetPossibleStructs()
	TArray< UScriptStruct* > RowStructs;
	UScriptStruct* TableRowStruct = FindObjectChecked<UScriptStruct>(ANY_PACKAGE, TEXT("TableRowBase"));
	if (TableRowStruct != NULL)
		// Make combo of table rowstruct options
		for (TObjectIterator<UScriptStruct> It; It; ++It)
			UScriptStruct* Struct = *It;
			// If a child of the table row struct base, but not itself
			const bool bBasedOnTableRowBase = Struct->IsChildOf(TableRowStruct) && (Struct != TableRowStruct);
			const bool bUDStruct = Struct->IsA<UUserDefinedStruct>();
			const bool bValidStruct = (Struct->GetOutermost() != GetTransientPackage());
			if ((bBasedOnTableRowBase || bUDStruct) && bValidStruct)
	return RowStructs;
bool FGameplayEffectContextHandle::NetSerialize(FArchive& Ar, class UPackageMap* Map, bool& bOutSuccess)
	bool ValidData = Data.IsValid();

	if (ValidData)
		if (Ar.IsLoading())
			// For now, just always reset/reallocate the data when loading.
			// Longer term if we want to generalize this and use it for property replication, we should support
			// only reallocating when necessary
			if (Data.IsValid() == false)
				Data = TSharedPtr<FGameplayEffectContext>(UAbilitySystemGlobals::Get().AllocGameplayEffectContext());

		void* ContainerPtr = Data.Get();
		UScriptStruct* ScriptStruct = Data->GetScriptStruct();

		if (ScriptStruct->StructFlags & STRUCT_NetSerializeNative)
			ScriptStruct->GetCppStructOps()->NetSerialize(Ar, Map, bOutSuccess, Data.Get());
			// This won't work since UStructProperty::NetSerializeItem is deprecrated.
			//	1) we have to manually crawl through the topmost struct's fields since we don't have a UStructProperty for it (just the UScriptProperty)
			//	2) if there are any UStructProperties in the topmost struct's fields, we will assert in UStructProperty::NetSerializeItem.

			ABILITY_LOG(Fatal, TEXT("FGameplayEffectContextHandle::NetSerialize called on data struct %s without a native NetSerialize"), *ScriptStruct->GetName());

	bOutSuccess = true;
	return true;
bool FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle::NetSerialize(FArchive& Ar, class UPackageMap* Map, bool& bOutSuccess)
	uint8 DataNum;
	if (Ar.IsSaving())
		UE_CLOG(Data.Num() > MAX_uint8, LogAbilitySystem, Warning, TEXT("Too many TargetData sources (%d!) to net serialize. Clamping to %d"), Data.Num(), MAX_uint8);
		DataNum = FMath::Min<int32>( Data.Num(), MAX_uint8 );
	Ar << DataNum;
	if (Ar.IsLoading())

	for (int32 i = 0; i < DataNum && !Ar.IsError(); ++i)
		UScriptStruct* ScriptStruct = Data[i].IsValid() ? Data[i]->GetScriptStruct() : NULL;
		Ar << ScriptStruct;

		if (ScriptStruct)
			if (Ar.IsLoading())
				// For now, just always reset/reallocate the data when loading.
				// Longer term if we want to generalize this and use it for property replication, we should support
				// only reallocating when necessary

				FGameplayAbilityTargetData * NewData = (FGameplayAbilityTargetData*)FMemory::Malloc(ScriptStruct->GetCppStructOps()->GetSize());

				Data[i] = TSharedPtr<FGameplayAbilityTargetData>(NewData);

			void* ContainerPtr = Data[i].Get();

			if (ScriptStruct->StructFlags & STRUCT_NetSerializeNative)
				ScriptStruct->GetCppStructOps()->NetSerialize(Ar, Map, bOutSuccess, Data[i].Get());
				// This won't work since UStructProperty::NetSerializeItem is deprecrated.
				//	1) we have to manually crawl through the topmost struct's fields since we don't have a UStructProperty for it (just the UScriptProperty)
				//	2) if there are any UStructProperties in the topmost struct's fields, we will assert in UStructProperty::NetSerializeItem.

				ABILITY_LOG(Fatal, TEXT("FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle::NetSerialize called on data struct %s without a native NetSerialize"), *ScriptStruct->GetName());

				for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(ScriptStruct); It; ++It)
					if (It->PropertyFlags & CPF_RepSkip)

					void* PropertyData = It->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void*>(ContainerPtr);

					It->NetSerializeItem(Ar, Map, PropertyData);

	//ABILITY_LOG(Warning, TEXT("FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle Serialized: %s"), ScriptStruct ? *ScriptStruct->GetName() : TEXT("NULL") );

	bOutSuccess = true;
	return true;
void FEmitDefaultValueHelper::OuterGenerate(FEmitterLocalContext& Context
	, const UProperty* Property
	, const FString& OuterPath
	, const uint8* DataContainer
	, const uint8* OptionalDefaultDataContainer
	, EPropertyAccessOperator AccessOperator
	, bool bAllowProtected)
	// Determine if the given property contains an instanced default subobject reference. We only get here if the values are not identical.
	auto IsInstancedSubobjectLambda = [&](int32 ArrayIndex) -> bool
		if (auto ObjectProperty = Cast<UObjectProperty>(Property))

			auto ObjectPropertyValue = ObjectProperty->GetObjectPropertyValue_InContainer(DataContainer, ArrayIndex);
			auto DefaultObjectPropertyValue = ObjectProperty->GetObjectPropertyValue_InContainer(OptionalDefaultDataContainer, ArrayIndex);
			if (ObjectPropertyValue && ObjectPropertyValue->IsDefaultSubobject() && DefaultObjectPropertyValue && DefaultObjectPropertyValue->IsDefaultSubobject() && ObjectPropertyValue->GetFName() == DefaultObjectPropertyValue->GetFName())
				return true;

		return false;

	if (Property->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_EditorOnly | CPF_Transient))
		UE_LOG(LogK2Compiler, Verbose, TEXT("FEmitDefaultValueHelper Skip EditorOnly or Transient property: %s"), *Property->GetPathName());

	for (int32 ArrayIndex = 0; ArrayIndex < Property->ArrayDim; ++ArrayIndex)
		if (!OptionalDefaultDataContainer
			|| (!Property->Identical_InContainer(DataContainer, OptionalDefaultDataContainer, ArrayIndex) && !IsInstancedSubobjectLambda(ArrayIndex)))
			FString PathToMember;
			UBlueprintGeneratedClass* PropertyOwnerAsBPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(Property->GetOwnerClass());
			UScriptStruct* PropertyOwnerAsScriptStruct = Cast<UScriptStruct>(Property->GetOwnerStruct());
			const bool bNoexportProperty = PropertyOwnerAsScriptStruct
				&& PropertyOwnerAsScriptStruct->IsNative()
				&& (PropertyOwnerAsScriptStruct->StructFlags & STRUCT_NoExport)
				// && !PropertyOwnerAsScriptStruct->GetBoolMetaData(TEXT("BlueprintType"))
				&& ensure(EPropertyAccessOperator::Dot == AccessOperator);
			if (PropertyOwnerAsBPGC && !Context.Dependencies.WillClassBeConverted(PropertyOwnerAsBPGC))
				ensure(EPropertyAccessOperator::None != AccessOperator);
				const FString OperatorStr = (EPropertyAccessOperator::Dot == AccessOperator) ? TEXT("&") : TEXT("");
				const FString ContainerStr = (EPropertyAccessOperator::None == AccessOperator) ? TEXT("this") : FString::Printf(TEXT("%s(%s)"), *OperatorStr, *OuterPath);

				PathToMember = FString::Printf(TEXT("FUnconvertedWrapper__%s(%s).GetRef__%s()"), *FEmitHelper::GetCppName(PropertyOwnerAsBPGC), *ContainerStr
					, *UnicodeToCPPIdentifier(Property->GetName(), false, nullptr));
			else if (bNoexportProperty || Property->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_NativeAccessSpecifierPrivate) || (!bAllowProtected && Property->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_NativeAccessSpecifierProtected)))
				ensure(EPropertyAccessOperator::None != AccessOperator);
				const FString OperatorStr = (EPropertyAccessOperator::Dot == AccessOperator) ? TEXT("&") : TEXT("");
				const FString ContainerStr = (EPropertyAccessOperator::None == AccessOperator) ? TEXT("this") : OuterPath;
				const FString GetPtrStr = bNoexportProperty
					? FEmitHelper::AccessInaccessiblePropertyUsingOffset(Context, Property, ContainerStr, OperatorStr, ArrayIndex)
					: FEmitHelper::AccessInaccessibleProperty(Context, Property, ContainerStr, OperatorStr, ArrayIndex, false);
				PathToMember = Context.GenerateUniqueLocalName();
				Context.AddLine(FString::Printf(TEXT("auto& %s = %s;"), *PathToMember, *GetPtrStr));
				const FString AccessOperatorStr = (EPropertyAccessOperator::None == AccessOperator) ? TEXT("")
					: ((EPropertyAccessOperator::Pointer == AccessOperator) ? TEXT("->") : TEXT("."));
				const bool bStaticArray = (Property->ArrayDim > 1);
				const FString ArrayPost = bStaticArray ? FString::Printf(TEXT("[%d]"), ArrayIndex) : TEXT("");
				PathToMember = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%s%s%s"), *OuterPath, *AccessOperatorStr, *FEmitHelper::GetCppName(Property), *ArrayPost);
			const uint8* ValuePtr = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(DataContainer, ArrayIndex);
			const uint8* DefaultValuePtr = OptionalDefaultDataContainer ? Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(OptionalDefaultDataContainer, ArrayIndex) : nullptr;
			InnerGenerate(Context, Property, PathToMember, ValuePtr, DefaultValuePtr);
bool FObjectReplicator::ReceivedBunch( FInBunch &Bunch, const FReplicationFlags & RepFlags )
	UObject *		Object		= GetObject();
	UPackageMap *	PackageMap	= OwningChannel->Connection->PackageMap;

	if ( Object == NULL )
		UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Object == NULL" ) );
		return false;

	const bool bIsServer = ( OwningChannel->Connection->Driver->ServerConnection == NULL );

	FClassNetCache * ClassCache = PackageMap->GetClassNetCache( ObjectClass );

	if ( ClassCache == NULL )
		UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: ClassCache == NULL: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
		return false;

	bool bThisBunchReplicatedProperties = false;

	// First RepIndex.
	int32 RepIndex = Bunch.ReadInt( ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() + 1 );

	if ( Bunch.IsError() )
		UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Error reading bunch 1: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
		return false;

	if ( RepIndex == ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() )
		// There are no actual replicated properties or functions in this bunch. That is ok - we may have gotten this
		// actor/subobject because we want the client to spawn one (but we arent actually replicating properties on it)
		return true;

	if ( RepIndex > ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() )
		// We shouldn't be receiving this bunch of this object has no properties or RPC functions to process
		UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: RepIndex too large: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
		return false;

	FFieldNetCache * FieldCache = ClassCache->GetFromIndex( RepIndex );

	if ( FieldCache == NULL )
		UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: FieldCache == NULL: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
		return false;

	while ( FieldCache )
		// Receive properties from the net.
		UProperty * ReplicatedProp	= NULL;
		int32		LastIndex		= 0;

		while ( FieldCache && ( ReplicatedProp = Cast< UProperty >( FieldCache->Field ) ) != NULL )
			NET_CHECKSUM( Bunch );

			// Server shouldn't receive properties.
			if ( bIsServer )
				UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "Server received unwanted property value %s in %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetFullName() );
				return false;
			bThisBunchReplicatedProperties = true;

			if ( !bHasReplicatedProperties )
				bHasReplicatedProperties = true;		// Persistent, not reset until PostNetReceive is called

			bool DebugProperty = false;
				static IConsoleVariable* CVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("net.Replication.DebugProperty"));
				if (CVar && !CVar->GetString().IsEmpty() && ReplicatedProp->GetName().Contains(CVar->GetString()) )
					UE_LOG(LogNet, Log, TEXT("Replicating Property[%d] %s on %s"), RepIndex, *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetName());
					DebugProperty = true;

			if ( !Retirement[ ReplicatedProp->RepIndex ].CustomDelta )
				// We hijack a non custom delta property to signify we are using FRepLayout to read the entire property block
				FPropertyRetirement & Retire = Retirement[ ReplicatedProp->RepIndex ];

				bool bDiscardLayout = false;

				if ( Bunch.PacketId >= Retire.InPacketId ) //!! problem with reliable pkts containing dynamic references, being retransmitted, and overriding newer versions. Want "OriginalPacketId" for retransmissions?
					// Receive this new property.
					Retire.InPacketId = Bunch.PacketId;
					bDiscardLayout = true;
				if ( !RepLayout->ReceiveProperties( ObjectClass, RepState, (void*)Object, Bunch, bDiscardLayout ) )
					UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceiveProperties FAILED %s in %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetFullName() );
					return false;
				// Receive array index.
				int32 Element = 0;
				if ( ReplicatedProp->ArrayDim != 1 )
					// Serialize index as delta from previous index to increase chance we'll only use 1 byte
					uint32 idx;
					Bunch.SerializeIntPacked( idx );
					Element = static_cast< int32 >( idx ) + LastIndex;
					LastIndex = Element;

					if ( Element >= ReplicatedProp->ArrayDim )
						UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "Element index too large %s in %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetFullName() );
						return false;

				// Pointer to destination.
				uint8 * DestObj		= (uint8*)Object;
				uint8 * DestRecent	= RepState->StaticBuffer.Num() ? RepState->StaticBuffer.GetTypedData() : NULL;

				// Check property ordering.
				FPropertyRetirement & Retire = Retirement[ ReplicatedProp->RepIndex + Element ];

				if ( Bunch.PacketId >= Retire.InPacketId ) //!! problem with reliable pkts containing dynamic references, being retransmitted, and overriding newer versions. Want "OriginalPacketId" for retransmissions?
					// Receive this new property.
					Retire.InPacketId = Bunch.PacketId;
					// Skip this property, because it's out-of-date.
					UE_LOG( LogNetTraffic, Log, TEXT( "Received out-of-date %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName() );

					DestObj		= NULL;
					DestRecent	= NULL;

				FMemMark Mark(FMemStack::Get());
				uint8 * Data = DestObj ? ReplicatedProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(DestObj, Element) : NewZeroed<uint8>(FMemStack::Get(),ReplicatedProp->ElementSize);
				TArray<uint8>	MetaData;
				PTRINT Offset = 0;

				// Copy current value over to Recent for comparison
				if ( DestRecent )
					Offset = ReplicatedProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(DestRecent, Element) - DestRecent;
					check( Offset >= 0 && Offset < RepState->StaticBuffer.Num() ); //@todo if we move properties outside of the memory block, then this will not work anyway
					ReplicatedProp->CopySingleValue( DestRecent + Offset, Data );

				// Receive custom delta property.
				UStructProperty * StructProperty = Cast< UStructProperty >( ReplicatedProp );

				if ( StructProperty == NULL )
					// This property isn't custom delta
					UE_LOG( LogNetTraffic, Error, TEXT( "Property isn't custom delta %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName() );
					return false;

				UScriptStruct * InnerStruct = StructProperty->Struct;

				if ( !( InnerStruct->StructFlags & STRUCT_NetDeltaSerializeNative ) )
					// This property isn't custom delta
					UE_LOG( LogNetTraffic, Error, TEXT( "Property isn't custom delta %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName() );
					return false;

				UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps * CppStructOps = InnerStruct->GetCppStructOps();

				check( CppStructOps );
				check( !InnerStruct->InheritedCppStructOps() );

				FNetDeltaSerializeInfo Parms;

				FNetSerializeCB NetSerializeCB( OwningChannel->Connection->Driver );

				Parms.DebugName			= StructProperty->GetName();
				Parms.Struct			= InnerStruct;
				Parms.Map				= PackageMap;
				Parms.InArchive			= &Bunch;
				Parms.NetSerializeCB	= &NetSerializeCB;

				// Call the custom delta serialize function to handle it
				CppStructOps->NetDeltaSerialize( Parms, Data );

				if ( Bunch.IsError() )
					UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: NetDeltaSerialize - Bunch.IsError() == true: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
					return false;

				// See if it changed from our local value
				bool PropertyChanged = true;

				if ( DestRecent )
					// POD types can do a memcmp with a call to Identical
					if ( ReplicatedProp->Identical( DestRecent + Offset, Data ) )
						PropertyChanged = false;


				// Successfully received it.
				UE_LOG( LogNetTraffic, Log, TEXT( " %s - %s - Change: %d" ), *Object->GetName(), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), PropertyChanged );

				// Notify the Object if this var is RepNotify
				if ( PropertyChanged )
					QueuePropertyRepNotify( Object, ReplicatedProp, Element, MetaData );
			// Next.
			RepIndex = Bunch.ReadInt( ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() + 1 );

			if ( Bunch.IsError() )
				UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Error reading bunch 2: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
				return false;

			if ( RepIndex > ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() )
				UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: RepIndex too large: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
				return false;
			if ( RepIndex == ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() )
				// We're done
				FieldCache = NULL;
				FieldCache = ClassCache->GetFromIndex( RepIndex );

				if ( FieldCache == NULL )
					UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: FieldCache == NULL: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
					return false;

		// Handle function calls.
		if ( FieldCache && Cast< UFunction >( FieldCache->Field ) )
			FName Message = FieldCache->Field->GetFName();
			UFunction * Function = Object->FindFunction( Message );

			if ( Function == NULL )
				UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Function == NULL: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
				return false;

			if ( ( Function->FunctionFlags & FUNC_Net ) == 0 )
				UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "Rejected non RPC function %s in %s" ), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName() );
				return false;

			if ( ( Function->FunctionFlags & ( bIsServer ? FUNC_NetServer : ( FUNC_NetClient | FUNC_NetMulticast ) ) ) == 0 )
				UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "Rejected RPC function due to access rights %s in %s" ), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName() );
				return false;

			UE_LOG( LogNetTraffic, Log, TEXT( "      Received RPC: %s" ), *Message.ToString() );

			// Get the parameters.
			FMemMark Mark(FMemStack::Get());
			uint8* Parms = new(FMemStack::Get(),MEM_Zeroed,Function->ParmsSize)uint8;

			// Use the replication layout to receive the rpc parameter values
			TSharedPtr<FRepLayout> FuncRepLayout = OwningChannel->Connection->Driver->GetFunctionRepLayout( Function );

			FuncRepLayout->ReceivePropertiesForRPC( Object, Function, OwningChannel, Bunch, Parms );

			if ( Bunch.IsError() )
				UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: ReceivePropertiesForRPC - Bunch.IsError() == true: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
				return false;

			// validate that the function is callable here
			const bool bCanExecute = ( ( !bIsServer || RepFlags.bNetOwner ) );		// we are client or net owner

			if ( bCanExecute )
				// Call the function.

				Object->ProcessEvent( Function, Parms );

				if ( RPC_GetLastFailedReason() != NULL )
					UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: RPC_GetLastFailedReason: %s" ), RPC_GetLastFailedReason() );
					return false;
				UE_LOG( LogNet, Warning, TEXT( "Rejected unwanted function %s in %s" ), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName() );

				if ( !OwningChannel->Connection->TrackLogsPerSecond() )	// This will disconnect the client if we get her too often
					return false;

			// Destroy the parameters.
			//warning: highly dependent on UObject::ProcessEvent freeing of parms!
			for ( UProperty * Destruct=Function->DestructorLink; Destruct; Destruct=Destruct->DestructorLinkNext )
				if( Destruct->IsInContainer(Function->ParmsSize) )


			if ( Object == NULL || Object->IsPendingKill() )
				// replicated function destroyed Object
				return true;		// FIXME: Should this return false to kick connection?  Seems we'll cause a read misalignment here if we don't

			// Next.
			RepIndex = Bunch.ReadInt( ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() + 1 );

			if ( Bunch.IsError() )
				UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Error reading bunch 2: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
				return false;

			if ( RepIndex > ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() )
				UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: RepIndex too large: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
				return false;

			if ( RepIndex == ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() )
				// We're done
				FieldCache = NULL;
				FieldCache = ClassCache->GetFromIndex( RepIndex );

				if ( FieldCache == NULL )
					UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: FieldCache == NULL: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() );
					return false;
		else if ( FieldCache )
			UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Invalid replicated field %i in %s" ), RepIndex, *Object->GetFullName() );
			return false;

	return true;
Beispiel #11
 * Finds the metadata for the property specified
 * @param	Prop	the property to search for
 * @return	pointer to the metadata for the property specified, or NULL
 *			if the property doesn't exist in the list (for example, if it
 *			is declared in a package that is already compiled and has had its
 *			source stripped)
FTokenData* FClassMetaData::FindTokenData( UProperty* Prop )

	FTokenData* Result = nullptr;
	UObject* Outer = Prop->GetOuter();
	UClass* OuterClass = nullptr;
	if (Outer->IsA<UStruct>())
		Result = GlobalPropertyData.Find(Prop);

		if (Result == nullptr)
			OuterClass = Cast<UClass>(Outer);

			if (Result == nullptr && OuterClass != nullptr && OuterClass->GetSuperClass() != OuterClass)
				OuterClass = OuterClass->GetSuperClass();
		UFunction* OuterFunction = Cast<UFunction>(Outer);
		if ( OuterFunction != NULL )
			// function parameter, return, or local property
			FFunctionData* FuncData = nullptr;
			if (FFunctionData::TryFindForFunction(OuterFunction, FuncData))
				FPropertyData& FunctionParameters = FuncData->GetParameterData();
				Result = FunctionParameters.Find(Prop);
				if ( Result == NULL )
					Result = FuncData->GetReturnTokenData();
				OuterClass = OuterFunction->GetOwnerClass();
			// struct property
			UScriptStruct* OuterStruct = Cast<UScriptStruct>(Outer);
			check(OuterStruct != NULL);

			TScopedPointer<FStructData>* pStructInfo = StructData.Find(OuterStruct);
			if ( pStructInfo != NULL )
				FStructData* StructInfo = pStructInfo->GetOwnedPointer();

				FPropertyData& StructProperties = StructInfo->GetStructPropertyData();
				Result = StructProperties.Find(Prop);
				OuterClass = OuterStruct->GetOwnerClass();

	if (Result == nullptr && OuterClass != nullptr)
		FClassMetaData* SuperClassData = GScriptHelper.FindClassData(OuterClass);
		if (SuperClassData && SuperClassData != this)
			Result = SuperClassData->FindTokenData(Prop);

	return Result;
bool FObjectReplicator::ReceivedBunch( FInBunch& Bunch, const FReplicationFlags& RepFlags, bool& bOutHasUnmapped )
	UObject* Object = GetObject();

	if ( Object == NULL )
		UE_LOG(LogNet, Verbose, TEXT("ReceivedBunch: Object == NULL"));
		return false;

	UPackageMap * PackageMap = OwningChannel->Connection->PackageMap;

	const bool bIsServer = ( OwningChannel->Connection->Driver->ServerConnection == NULL );

	const FClassNetCache * ClassCache = OwningChannel->Connection->Driver->NetCache->GetClassNetCache( ObjectClass );

	if ( ClassCache == NULL )
		UE_LOG(LogNet, Error, TEXT("ReceivedBunch: ClassCache == NULL: %s"), *Object->GetFullName());
		return false;

	bool bThisBunchReplicatedProperties = false;

	// Read first field
	const FFieldNetCache * FieldCache = ReadField( ClassCache, Bunch );

	if ( Bunch.IsError() )
		UE_LOG(LogNet, Error, TEXT("ReceivedBunch: Error reading field 1: %s"), *Object->GetFullName());
		return false;

	if ( FieldCache == NULL )
		// There are no actual replicated properties or functions in this bunch. That is ok - we may have gotten this
		// actor/sub-object because we want the client to spawn one (but we aren't actually replicating properties on it)
		return true;

	while ( FieldCache )
		// Receive properties from the net.
		UProperty* ReplicatedProp = NULL;

		while ( FieldCache && ( ReplicatedProp = Cast< UProperty >( FieldCache->Field ) ) != NULL )
			NET_CHECKSUM( Bunch );

			// Server shouldn't receive properties.
			if ( bIsServer )
				UE_LOG(LogNet, Error, TEXT("Server received unwanted property value %s in %s"), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetFullName());
				return false;
			bThisBunchReplicatedProperties = true;

			if ( !bHasReplicatedProperties )
				bHasReplicatedProperties = true;		// Persistent, not reset until PostNetReceive is called

			bool DebugProperty = false;
				static IConsoleVariable* CVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("net.Replication.DebugProperty"));
				if (CVar && !CVar->GetString().IsEmpty() && ReplicatedProp->GetName().Contains(CVar->GetString()) )
					UE_LOG(LogRep, Log, TEXT("Replicating Property[%d] %s on %s"), ReplicatedProp->RepIndex, *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetName());
					DebugProperty = true;
			if ( !Retirement[ ReplicatedProp->RepIndex ].CustomDelta )
				bool bLocalHasUnmapped = false;
				// We hijack a non custom delta property to signify we are using FRepLayout to read the entire property block
				if ( !RepLayout->ReceiveProperties( ObjectClass, RepState, (void*)Object, Bunch, bLocalHasUnmapped ) )
					UE_LOG(LogRep, Error, TEXT("ReceiveProperties FAILED %s in %s"), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetFullName());
					return false;

				if ( bLocalHasUnmapped )
					bOutHasUnmapped = true;
				// Receive array index.
				uint32 Element = 0;
				if ( ReplicatedProp->ArrayDim != 1 )
					check( ReplicatedProp->ArrayDim >= 2 );

					Bunch.SerializeIntPacked( Element );

					if ( Element >= (uint32)ReplicatedProp->ArrayDim )
						UE_LOG(LogRep, Error, TEXT("Element index too large %s in %s"), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetFullName());
						return false;

				// Pointer to destination.
				uint8* Data = ReplicatedProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>((uint8*)Object, Element);
				TArray<uint8>	MetaData;
				const PTRINT DataOffset = Data - (uint8*)Object;

				// Receive custom delta property.
				UStructProperty * StructProperty = Cast< UStructProperty >( ReplicatedProp );

				if ( StructProperty == NULL )
					// This property isn't custom delta
					UE_LOG(LogRepTraffic, Error, TEXT("Property isn't custom delta %s"), *ReplicatedProp->GetName());
					return false;

				UScriptStruct * InnerStruct = StructProperty->Struct;

				if ( !( InnerStruct->StructFlags & STRUCT_NetDeltaSerializeNative ) )
					// This property isn't custom delta
					UE_LOG(LogRepTraffic, Error, TEXT("Property isn't custom delta %s"), *ReplicatedProp->GetName());
					return false;

				UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps * CppStructOps = InnerStruct->GetCppStructOps();

				check( CppStructOps );
				check( !InnerStruct->InheritedCppStructOps() );

				FNetDeltaSerializeInfo Parms;

				FNetSerializeCB NetSerializeCB( OwningChannel->Connection->Driver );

				Parms.DebugName			= StructProperty->GetName();
				Parms.Struct			= InnerStruct;
				Parms.Map				= PackageMap;
				Parms.Reader			= &Bunch;
				Parms.NetSerializeCB	= &NetSerializeCB;

				// Call the custom delta serialize function to handle it
				CppStructOps->NetDeltaSerialize( Parms, Data );

				if ( Bunch.IsError() )
					UE_LOG(LogNet, Error, TEXT("ReceivedBunch: NetDeltaSerialize - Bunch.IsError() == true: %s"), *Object->GetFullName());
					return false;

				if ( Parms.bOutHasMoreUnmapped )
					UnmappedCustomProperties.Add( DataOffset, StructProperty );
					bOutHasUnmapped = true;

				// Successfully received it.
				UE_LOG(LogRepTraffic, Log, TEXT(" %s - %s"), *Object->GetName(), *ReplicatedProp->GetName());

				// Notify the Object if this var is RepNotify
				QueuePropertyRepNotify( Object, ReplicatedProp, Element, MetaData );
			// Read next field
			FieldCache = ReadField( ClassCache, Bunch );

			if ( Bunch.IsError() )
				UE_LOG(LogNet, Error, TEXT("ReceivedBunch: Error reading field 2: %s"), *Object->GetFullName());
				return false;

		// Handle function calls.
		if ( FieldCache && Cast< UFunction >( FieldCache->Field ) )
			FName Message = FieldCache->Field->GetFName();
			UFunction * Function = Object->FindFunction( Message );

			if ( Function == NULL )
				UE_LOG(LogNet, Error, TEXT("ReceivedBunch: Function == NULL: %s"), *Object->GetFullName());
				return false;

			if ( ( Function->FunctionFlags & FUNC_Net ) == 0 )
				UE_LOG(LogRep, Error, TEXT("Rejected non RPC function %s in %s"), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName());
				return false;

			if ( ( Function->FunctionFlags & ( bIsServer ? FUNC_NetServer : ( FUNC_NetClient | FUNC_NetMulticast ) ) ) == 0 )
				UE_LOG(LogRep, Error, TEXT("Rejected RPC function due to access rights %s in %s"), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName());
				return false;

			UE_LOG(LogRepTraffic, Log, TEXT("      Received RPC: %s"), *Message.ToString());

			// Get the parameters.
			FMemMark Mark(FMemStack::Get());
			uint8* Parms = new(FMemStack::Get(),MEM_Zeroed,Function->ParmsSize)uint8;

			// Use the replication layout to receive the rpc parameter values
			TSharedPtr<FRepLayout> FuncRepLayout = OwningChannel->Connection->Driver->GetFunctionRepLayout( Function );

			FuncRepLayout->ReceivePropertiesForRPC( Object, Function, OwningChannel, Bunch, Parms );

			if ( Bunch.IsError() )
				UE_LOG(LogRep, Error, TEXT("ReceivedBunch: ReceivePropertiesForRPC - Bunch.IsError() == true: Function: %s, Object: %s"), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName());
				return false;

			// validate that the function is callable here
			const bool bCanExecute = ( !bIsServer || RepFlags.bNetOwner );		// we are client or net owner

			if ( bCanExecute )
				// Call the function.

				Object->ProcessEvent( Function, Parms );

				if ( RPC_GetLastFailedReason() != NULL )
					UE_LOG(LogRep, Error, TEXT("ReceivedBunch: RPC_GetLastFailedReason: %s"), RPC_GetLastFailedReason());
					return false;
				UE_LOG(LogRep, Verbose, TEXT("Rejected unwanted function %s in %s"), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName());

				if ( !OwningChannel->Connection->TrackLogsPerSecond() )	// This will disconnect the client if we get here too often
					UE_LOG(LogRep, Error, TEXT("Rejected too many unwanted functions %s in %s"), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName());
					return false;

			// Destroy the parameters.
			//warning: highly dependent on UObject::ProcessEvent freeing of parms!
			for ( UProperty * Destruct=Function->DestructorLink; Destruct; Destruct=Destruct->DestructorLinkNext )
				if( Destruct->IsInContainer(Function->ParmsSize) )


			if ( Object == NULL || Object->IsPendingKill() )
				// replicated function destroyed Object
				return true;		// FIXME: Should this return false to kick connection?  Seems we'll cause a read misalignment here if we don't

			// Next.
			FieldCache = ReadField( ClassCache, Bunch );

			if ( Bunch.IsError() )
				UE_LOG(LogNet, Error, TEXT("ReceivedBunch: Error reading field 3: %s"), *Object->GetFullName());
				return false;
		else if ( FieldCache )
			UE_LOG(LogRep, Error, TEXT("ReceivedBunch: Invalid replicated field %i in %s"), FieldCache->FieldNetIndex, *Object->GetFullName());
			return false;

	return true;
void FObjectReplicator::UpdateUnmappedObjects( bool & bOutHasMoreUnmapped )
	UObject* Object = GetObject();

	if ( Object == NULL || Object->IsPendingKill() )
		bOutHasMoreUnmapped = false;

	if ( Connection->State == USOCK_Closed )
		UE_LOG(LogNet, Warning, TEXT("FObjectReplicator::UpdateUnmappedObjects: Connection->State == USOCK_Closed"));

	checkf( RepState->RepNotifies.Num() == 0, TEXT("Failed RepState RepNotifies check. Num=%d. Object=%s"), RepState->RepNotifies.Num(), *Object->GetFullName() );
	checkf( RepNotifies.Num() == 0, TEXT("Failed replicator RepNotifies check. Num=%d. Object=%s."), RepNotifies.Num(), *Object->GetFullName() );

	bool bSomeObjectsWereMapped = false;

	// Let the rep layout update any unmapped properties
	RepLayout->UpdateUnmappedObjects( RepState, Connection->PackageMap, Object, bSomeObjectsWereMapped, bOutHasMoreUnmapped );

	// Update unmapped objects for custom properties (currently just fast tarray)
	for ( auto It = UnmappedCustomProperties.CreateIterator(); It; ++It )
		const int32			Offset			= It.Key();
		UStructProperty*	StructProperty	= It.Value();
		UScriptStruct*		InnerStruct		= StructProperty->Struct;

		check( InnerStruct->StructFlags & STRUCT_NetDeltaSerializeNative );

		UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps* CppStructOps = InnerStruct->GetCppStructOps();

		check( CppStructOps );
		check( !InnerStruct->InheritedCppStructOps() );

		FNetDeltaSerializeInfo Parms;

		FNetSerializeCB NetSerializeCB( OwningChannel->Connection->Driver );

		Parms.DebugName			= StructProperty->GetName();
		Parms.Struct			= InnerStruct;
		Parms.Map				= Connection->PackageMap;
		Parms.NetSerializeCB	= &NetSerializeCB;

		Parms.bUpdateUnmappedObjects	= true;
		Parms.bCalledPreNetReceive		= bSomeObjectsWereMapped;	// RepLayout used this to flag whether PreNetReceive was called
		Parms.Object					= Object;

		// Call the custom delta serialize function to handle it
		CppStructOps->NetDeltaSerialize( Parms, (uint8*)Object + Offset );

		// Merge in results
		bSomeObjectsWereMapped	|= Parms.bOutSomeObjectsWereMapped;
		bOutHasMoreUnmapped		|= Parms.bOutHasMoreUnmapped;

		if ( Parms.bOutSomeObjectsWereMapped )
			// If we mapped a property, call the rep notify
			TArray<uint8> MetaData;
			QueuePropertyRepNotify( Object, StructProperty, 0, MetaData );

		// If this property no longer has unmapped objects, we can stop checking it
		if ( !Parms.bOutHasMoreUnmapped )

	// Call any rep notifies that need to happen when object pointers change
	// Pass in false to override the check for queued bunches. Otherwise, if the owning channel has queued bunches,
	// the RepNotifies will remain in the list and the check for 0 RepNotifies above will fail next time.

	if ( bSomeObjectsWereMapped )
		// If we mapped some objects, make sure to call PostNetReceive (some game code will need to think this was actually replicated to work)
void FKismetBytecodeDisassembler::ProcessCommon(int32& ScriptIndex, EExprToken Opcode)
	switch (Opcode)
	case EX_PrimitiveCast:
			// A type conversion.
			uint8 ConversionType = ReadBYTE(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: PrimitiveCast of type %d"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConversionType);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Argument:"), *Indents);
			ProcessCastByte(ConversionType, ScriptIndex);

			//Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			//SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_ObjToInterfaceCast:
			// A conversion from an object variable to a native interface variable.
			// We use a different bytecode to avoid the branching each time we process a cast token

			// the interface class to convert to
			UClass* InterfaceClass = ReadPointer<UClass>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: ObjToInterfaceCast to %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *InterfaceClass->GetName());

			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_CrossInterfaceCast:
			// A conversion from one interface variable to a different interface variable.
			// We use a different bytecode to avoid the branching each time we process a cast token

			// the interface class to convert to
			UClass* InterfaceClass = ReadPointer<UClass>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: InterfaceToInterfaceCast to %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *InterfaceClass->GetName());

			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_InterfaceToObjCast:
			// A conversion from an interface variable to a object variable.
			// We use a different bytecode to avoid the branching each time we process a cast token

			// the interface class to convert to
			UClass* ObjectClass = ReadPointer<UClass>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: InterfaceToObjCast to %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *ObjectClass->GetName());

			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_Let:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Let (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			// Variable expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Variable:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

			// Assignment expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_LetObj:
	case EX_LetWeakObjPtr:
			if( Opcode == EX_LetObj )
				Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Let Obj (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Let WeakObjPtr (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			// Variable expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Variable:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

			// Assignment expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_LetBool:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: LetBool (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			// Variable expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Variable:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

			// Assignment expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case Ex_LetValueOnPersistentFrame:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: LetValueOnPersistentFrame"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			auto Prop = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Destination variable: %s, offset: %d"), *Indents, *GetNameSafe(Prop), 
				Prop ? Prop->GetOffset_ForDebug() : 0);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);


	case EX_StructMemberContext:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Struct member context "), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			UProperty* Prop = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression within struct %s, offset %d"), *Indents, *(Prop->GetName()), 
				Prop->GetOffset_ForDebug()); // although that isn't a UFunction, we are not going to indirect the props of a struct, so this should be fine

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression to struct:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );


	case EX_LetDelegate:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: LetDelegate (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			// Variable expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Variable:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
			// Assignment expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_LetMulticastDelegate:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: LetMulticastDelegate (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			// Variable expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Variable:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
			// Assignment expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );


	case EX_ComputedJump:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Computed Jump, offset specified by expression:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );


	case EX_Jump:
			CodeSkipSizeType SkipCount = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Jump to offset 0x%X"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, SkipCount);
	case EX_LocalVariable:
			UProperty* PropertyPtr = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Local variable named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, PropertyPtr ? *PropertyPtr->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));
	case EX_InstanceVariable:
			UProperty* PropertyPtr = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Instance variable named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, PropertyPtr ? *PropertyPtr->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));
	case EX_LocalOutVariable:
			UProperty* PropertyPtr = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Local out variable named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, PropertyPtr ? *PropertyPtr->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));
	case EX_InterfaceContext:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_InterfaceContext:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_DeprecatedOp4A:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: This opcode has been removed and does nothing."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_Nothing:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_Nothing"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndOfScript:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndOfScript"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndFunctionParms:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndFunctionParms"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndStructConst:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndStructConst"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndArray:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndArray"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_IntZero:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_IntZero"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_IntOne:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_IntOne"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_True:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_True"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_False:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_False"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_NoObject:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_NoObject"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_NoInterface:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_NoObject"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_Self:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_Self"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndParmValue:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndParmValue"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_Return:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Return expression"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex ); // Return expression.
	case EX_FinalFunction:
			UStruct* StackNode = ReadPointer<UStruct>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Final Function (stack node %s::%s)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, StackNode ? *StackNode->GetOuter()->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"), StackNode ? *StackNode->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));

			while (SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex ) != EX_EndFunctionParms)
				// Params
	case EX_CallMulticastDelegate:
			UStruct* StackNode = ReadPointer<UStruct>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: CallMulticastDelegate (signature %s::%s) delegate:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, StackNode ? *StackNode->GetOuter()->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"), StackNode ? *StackNode->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
			while (SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex ) != EX_EndFunctionParms)
				// Params
	case EX_VirtualFunction:
			FString FunctionName = ReadName(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Virtual Function named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *FunctionName);

			while (SerializeExpr(ScriptIndex) != EX_EndFunctionParms)
	case EX_Context:
	case EX_Context_FailSilent:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, TEXT("Context"));

			// Object expression.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s ObjectExpression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

			if (Opcode == EX_Context_FailSilent)
				Ar.Logf(TEXT(" Can fail silently on access none "));

			// Code offset for NULL expressions.
			CodeSkipSizeType SkipCount = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Skip Bytes: 0x%X"), *Indents, SkipCount);

			// Property corresponding to the r-value data, in case the l-value needs to be mem-zero'd
			UField* Field = ReadPointer<UField>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s R-Value Property: %s"), *Indents, Field ? *Field->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));

			// Property type, in case the r-value is a non-property such as dynamic array length
			uint8 PropType = ReadBYTE(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s PropertyTypeIfNeeded: %d"), *Indents, PropType);

			// Context expression.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s ContextExpression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_IntConst:
			int32 ConstValue = ReadINT(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal int32 %d"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConstValue);
	case EX_SkipOffsetConst:
			CodeSkipSizeType ConstValue = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal CodeSkipSizeType 0x%X"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConstValue);
	case EX_FloatConst:
			float ConstValue = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal float %f"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConstValue);
	case EX_StringConst:
			FString ConstValue = ReadString8(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal ansi string \"%s\""), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *ConstValue);
	case EX_UnicodeStringConst:
			FString ConstValue = ReadString16(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal unicode string \"%s\""), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *ConstValue);
	case EX_TextConst:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal text"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_ObjectConst:
			UObject* Pointer = ReadPointer<UObject>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_ObjectConst (%p:%s)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, Pointer, *Pointer->GetFullName());
	case EX_NameConst:
			FString ConstValue = ReadName(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal name %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *ConstValue);
	case EX_RotationConst:
			float Pitch = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float Yaw = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float Roll = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal rotation (%f,%f,%f)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, Pitch, Yaw, Roll);
	case EX_VectorConst:
			float X = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float Y = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float Z = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal vector (%f,%f,%f)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, X, Y, Z);
	case EX_TransformConst:

			float RotX = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float RotY = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float RotZ = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float RotW = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);

			float TransX = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float TransY = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float TransZ = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);

			float ScaleX = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float ScaleY = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float ScaleZ = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal transform R(%f,%f,%f,%f) T(%f,%f,%f) S(%f,%f,%f)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, TransX, TransY, TransZ, RotX, RotY, RotZ, RotW, ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ);
	case EX_StructConst:
			UScriptStruct* Struct = ReadPointer<UScriptStruct>(ScriptIndex);
			int32 SerializedSize = ReadINT(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal struct %s (serialized size: %d)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *Struct->GetName(), SerializedSize);
			while( SerializeExpr(ScriptIndex) != EX_EndStructConst )
				// struct contents
	case EX_SetArray:
 			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: set array"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
 			while( SerializeExpr(ScriptIndex) != EX_EndArray)
 				// Array contents
	case EX_ByteConst:
			uint8 ConstValue = ReadBYTE(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal byte %d"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConstValue);
	case EX_IntConstByte:
			int32 ConstValue = ReadBYTE(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal int %d"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConstValue);
	case EX_MetaCast:
			UClass* Class = ReadPointer<UClass>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: MetaCast to %s of expr:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *Class->GetName());
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_DynamicCast:
			UClass* Class = ReadPointer<UClass>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: DynamicCast to %s of expr:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *Class->GetName());
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_JumpIfNot:
			// Code offset.
			CodeSkipSizeType SkipCount = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Jump to offset 0x%X if not expr:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, SkipCount);

			// Boolean expr.
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_Assert:
			uint16 LineNumber = ReadWORD(ScriptIndex);
			uint8 InDebugMode = ReadBYTE(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: assert at line %d, in debug mode = %d with expr:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, LineNumber, InDebugMode);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex ); // Assert expr.
	case EX_Skip:
			CodeSkipSizeType W = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: possibly skip 0x%X bytes of expr:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, W);

			// Expression to possibly skip.
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_InstanceDelegate:
			// the name of the function assigned to the delegate.
			FString FuncName = ReadName(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: instance delegate function named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *FuncName);
	case EX_AddMulticastDelegate:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Add MC delegate"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_RemoveMulticastDelegate:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Remove MC delegate"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_ClearMulticastDelegate:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Clear MC delegate"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_BindDelegate:
			// the name of the function assigned to the delegate.
			FString FuncName = ReadName(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: BindDelegate '%s' "), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *FuncName);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Delegate:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Object:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_PushExecutionFlow:
			CodeSkipSizeType SkipCount = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: FlowStack.Push(0x%X);"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, SkipCount);
	case EX_PopExecutionFlow:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: if (FlowStack.Num()) { jump to statement at FlowStack.Pop(); } else { ERROR!!! }"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_PopExecutionFlowIfNot:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: if (!condition) { if (FlowStack.Num()) { jump to statement at FlowStack.Pop(); } else { ERROR!!! } }"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
			// Boolean expr.
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_Breakpoint:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: <<< BREAKPOINT >>>"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_WireTracepoint:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. wire debug site .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_Tracepoint:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. debug site .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
			// This should never occur.
			UE_LOG(LogScriptDisassembler, Warning, TEXT("Unknown bytecode 0x%02X; ignoring it"), (uint8)Opcode );
/** Creates a property named PropertyName of type PropertyType in the Scope or returns NULL if the type is unknown, but does *not* link that property in */
UProperty* FKismetCompilerUtilities::CreatePropertyOnScope(UStruct* Scope, const FName& PropertyName, const FEdGraphPinType& Type, UClass* SelfClass, uint64 PropertyFlags, const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema, FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog)
	//@TODO: Check for name conflicts!

	// Properties are non-transactional as they're regenerated on every compile
	const EObjectFlags ObjectFlags = RF_Public;

	UProperty* NewProperty = NULL;
	UObject* PropertyScope = NULL;

	FName ValidatedPropertyName = PropertyName;

	// Check to see if there's already a property on this scope, and throw an internal compiler error if so
	// If this happens, it breaks the property link, which causes stack corruption and hard-to-track errors, so better to fail at this point
		UProperty* ExistingProperty = FindObject<UProperty>(Scope, *PropertyName.ToString(), false);
		if( ExistingProperty )
			MessageLog.Error(*FString::Printf(TEXT("Internal Compiler Error:  Duplicate property %s on scope %s"), *PropertyName.ToString(), (Scope ? *Scope->GetName() : TEXT("None"))));

			// Find a free name, so we can still create the property to make it easier to spot the duplicates, and avoid crashing
			uint32 Counter = 0;
			FString TestNameString;
				TestNameString = PropertyName.ToString() + FString::Printf(TEXT("_ERROR_DUPLICATE_%d"), Counter++);
			} while (FindObject<UProperty>(Scope, *TestNameString, false) != NULL);

			ValidatedPropertyName = FName(*TestNameString);

	// Handle creating an array property, if necessary
	const bool bIsArrayProperty = Type.bIsArray;
	UArrayProperty* NewArrayProperty = NULL;
	if( bIsArrayProperty )
		NewArrayProperty = NewNamedObject<UArrayProperty>(Scope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
		PropertyScope = NewArrayProperty;
		PropertyScope = Scope;

	//@TODO: Nasty string if-else tree
	if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Object)
		UClass* SubType = (Type.PinSubCategory == Schema->PSC_Self) ? SelfClass : Cast<UClass>(Type.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());

		if( SubType == NULL )
			// If this is from a degenerate pin, because the object type has been removed, default this to a UObject subtype so we can make a dummy term for it to allow the compiler to continue
			SubType = UObject::StaticClass();

		if (SubType != NULL)
			if (SubType->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Interface))
				UInterfaceProperty* NewPropertyObj = NewNamedObject<UInterfaceProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
				NewPropertyObj->InterfaceClass = SubType;
				NewProperty = NewPropertyObj;
				UObjectPropertyBase* NewPropertyObj = NULL;

				if( Type.bIsWeakPointer )
					NewPropertyObj = NewNamedObject<UWeakObjectProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
					NewPropertyObj = NewNamedObject<UObjectProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
				NewPropertyObj->PropertyClass = SubType;
				NewProperty = NewPropertyObj;
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Struct)
		UScriptStruct* SubType = Cast<UScriptStruct>(Type.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());
		if (SubType != NULL)
			FString StructureError;
			if (FStructureEditorUtils::EStructureError::Ok == FStructureEditorUtils::IsStructureValid(SubType, NULL, &StructureError))
				UStructProperty* NewPropertyStruct = NewNamedObject<UStructProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
				NewPropertyStruct->Struct = SubType;
				NewProperty = NewPropertyStruct;
						*LOCTEXT("InvalidStructForField_Error", "Invalid property '%s' structure '%s' error: %s").ToString(),
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Class)
		UClass* SubType = Cast<UClass>(Type.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());
		if (SubType != NULL)
			UClassProperty* NewPropertyClass = NewNamedObject<UClassProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
			NewPropertyClass->MetaClass = SubType;
			NewPropertyClass->PropertyClass = UClass::StaticClass();
			NewProperty = NewPropertyClass;
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Delegate)
		if (UFunction* SignatureFunction = Cast<UFunction>(Type.PinSubCategoryObject.Get()))
			UDelegateProperty* NewPropertyDelegate = NewNamedObject<UDelegateProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
			NewPropertyDelegate->SignatureFunction = SignatureFunction;
			NewProperty = NewPropertyDelegate;
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_MCDelegate)
		UFunction* const SignatureFunction = Cast<UFunction>(Type.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());
		UMulticastDelegateProperty* NewPropertyDelegate = NewNamedObject<UMulticastDelegateProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
		NewPropertyDelegate->SignatureFunction = SignatureFunction;
		NewProperty = NewPropertyDelegate;
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Int)
		NewProperty = NewNamedObject<UIntProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Float)
		NewProperty = NewNamedObject<UFloatProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Boolean)
		UBoolProperty* BoolProperty = NewNamedObject<UBoolProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
		BoolProperty->SetBoolSize(sizeof(bool), true);
		NewProperty = BoolProperty;
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_String)
		NewProperty = NewNamedObject<UStrProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Text)
		NewProperty = NewNamedObject<UTextProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Byte)
		UByteProperty* ByteProp = NewNamedObject<UByteProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
		ByteProp->Enum = Cast<UEnum>(Type.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());

		NewProperty = ByteProp;
	else if (Type.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Name)
		NewProperty = NewNamedObject<UNameProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);
		// Failed to resolve the type-subtype, create a generic property to survive VM bytecode emission
		NewProperty = NewNamedObject<UIntProperty>(PropertyScope, ValidatedPropertyName, ObjectFlags);

	if( bIsArrayProperty )
		// Fix up the array property to have the new type-specific property as its inner, and return the new UArrayProperty
		NewArrayProperty->Inner = NewProperty;
		NewProperty = NewArrayProperty;

	return NewProperty;
void FKismetBytecodeDisassembler::ProcessCommon(int32& ScriptIndex, EExprToken Opcode)
	switch (Opcode)
	case EX_PrimitiveCast:
			// A type conversion.
			uint8 ConversionType = ReadBYTE(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: PrimitiveCast of type %d"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConversionType);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Argument:"), *Indents);
			ProcessCastByte(ConversionType, ScriptIndex);

			//Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			//SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_ObjToInterfaceCast:
			// A conversion from an object variable to a native interface variable.
			// We use a different bytecode to avoid the branching each time we process a cast token

			// the interface class to convert to
			UClass* InterfaceClass = ReadPointer<UClass>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: ObjToInterfaceCast to %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *InterfaceClass->GetName());

			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_CrossInterfaceCast:
			// A conversion from one interface variable to a different interface variable.
			// We use a different bytecode to avoid the branching each time we process a cast token

			// the interface class to convert to
			UClass* InterfaceClass = ReadPointer<UClass>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: InterfaceToInterfaceCast to %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *InterfaceClass->GetName());

			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_InterfaceToObjCast:
			// A conversion from an interface variable to a object variable.
			// We use a different bytecode to avoid the branching each time we process a cast token

			// the interface class to convert to
			UClass* ObjectClass = ReadPointer<UClass>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: InterfaceToObjCast to %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *ObjectClass->GetName());

			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_Let:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Let (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);


			// Variable expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Variable:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

			// Assignment expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_LetObj:
	case EX_LetWeakObjPtr:
			if( Opcode == EX_LetObj )
				Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Let Obj (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Let WeakObjPtr (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			// Variable expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Variable:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

			// Assignment expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_LetBool:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: LetBool (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			// Variable expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Variable:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

			// Assignment expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_LetValueOnPersistentFrame:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: LetValueOnPersistentFrame"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			auto Prop = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Destination variable: %s, offset: %d"), *Indents, *GetNameSafe(Prop), 
				Prop ? Prop->GetOffset_ForDebug() : 0);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);


	case EX_StructMemberContext:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Struct member context "), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			UProperty* Prop = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression within struct %s, offset %d"), *Indents, *(Prop->GetName()), 
				Prop->GetOffset_ForDebug()); // although that isn't a UFunction, we are not going to indirect the props of a struct, so this should be fine

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression to struct:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );


	case EX_LetDelegate:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: LetDelegate (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			// Variable expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Variable:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
			// Assignment expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_LetMulticastDelegate:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: LetMulticastDelegate (Variable = Expression)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			// Variable expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Variable:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
			// Assignment expr.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Expression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );


	case EX_ComputedJump:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Computed Jump, offset specified by expression:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );


	case EX_Jump:
			CodeSkipSizeType SkipCount = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Jump to offset 0x%X"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, SkipCount);
	case EX_LocalVariable:
			UProperty* PropertyPtr = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Local variable named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, PropertyPtr ? *PropertyPtr->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));
	case EX_DefaultVariable:
			UProperty* PropertyPtr = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Default variable named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, PropertyPtr ? *PropertyPtr->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));
	case EX_InstanceVariable:
			UProperty* PropertyPtr = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Instance variable named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, PropertyPtr ? *PropertyPtr->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));
	case EX_LocalOutVariable:
			UProperty* PropertyPtr = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Local out variable named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, PropertyPtr ? *PropertyPtr->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));
	case EX_InterfaceContext:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_InterfaceContext:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_DeprecatedOp4A:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: This opcode has been removed and does nothing."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_Nothing:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_Nothing"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndOfScript:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndOfScript"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndFunctionParms:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndFunctionParms"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndStructConst:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndStructConst"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndArray:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndArray"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndArrayConst:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndArrayConst"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_IntZero:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_IntZero"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_IntOne:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_IntOne"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_True:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_True"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_False:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_False"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_NoObject:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_NoObject"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_NoInterface:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_NoObject"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_Self:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_Self"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_EndParmValue:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_EndParmValue"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_Return:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Return expression"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex ); // Return expression.
	case EX_CallMath:
			UStruct* StackNode = ReadPointer<UStruct>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Call Math (stack node %s::%s)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *GetNameSafe(StackNode ? StackNode->GetOuter() : nullptr), *GetNameSafe(StackNode));

			while (SerializeExpr(ScriptIndex) != EX_EndFunctionParms)
				// Params
	case EX_FinalFunction:
			UStruct* StackNode = ReadPointer<UStruct>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Final Function (stack node %s::%s)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, StackNode ? *StackNode->GetOuter()->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"), StackNode ? *StackNode->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));

			while (SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex ) != EX_EndFunctionParms)
				// Params
	case EX_CallMulticastDelegate:
			UStruct* StackNode = ReadPointer<UStruct>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: CallMulticastDelegate (signature %s::%s) delegate:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, StackNode ? *StackNode->GetOuter()->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"), StackNode ? *StackNode->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
			while (SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex ) != EX_EndFunctionParms)
				// Params
	case EX_VirtualFunction:
			FString FunctionName = ReadName(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Virtual Function named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *FunctionName);

			while (SerializeExpr(ScriptIndex) != EX_EndFunctionParms)
	case EX_ClassContext:
	case EX_Context:
	case EX_Context_FailSilent:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, Opcode == EX_ClassContext ? TEXT("Class Context") : TEXT("Context"));

			// Object expression.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s ObjectExpression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

			if (Opcode == EX_Context_FailSilent)
				Ar.Logf(TEXT(" Can fail silently on access none "));

			// Code offset for NULL expressions.
			CodeSkipSizeType SkipCount = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Skip Bytes: 0x%X"), *Indents, SkipCount);

			// Property corresponding to the r-value data, in case the l-value needs to be mem-zero'd
			UField* Field = ReadPointer<UField>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s R-Value Property: %s"), *Indents, Field ? *Field->GetName() : TEXT("(null)"));

			// Context expression.
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s ContextExpression:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_IntConst:
			int32 ConstValue = ReadINT(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal int32 %d"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConstValue);
	case EX_SkipOffsetConst:
			CodeSkipSizeType ConstValue = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal CodeSkipSizeType 0x%X"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConstValue);
	case EX_FloatConst:
			float ConstValue = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal float %f"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConstValue);
	case EX_StringConst:
			FString ConstValue = ReadString8(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal ansi string \"%s\""), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *ConstValue);
	case EX_UnicodeStringConst:
			FString ConstValue = ReadString16(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal unicode string \"%s\""), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *ConstValue);
	case EX_TextConst:
			// What kind of text are we dealing with?
			const EBlueprintTextLiteralType TextLiteralType = (EBlueprintTextLiteralType)Script[ScriptIndex++];

			switch (TextLiteralType)
			case EBlueprintTextLiteralType::Empty:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal text - empty"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);

			case EBlueprintTextLiteralType::LocalizedText:
					const FString SourceString = ReadString(ScriptIndex);
					const FString KeyString = ReadString(ScriptIndex);
					const FString Namespace = ReadString(ScriptIndex);
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal text - localized text { namespace: \"%s\", key: \"%s\", source: \"%s\" }"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *Namespace, *KeyString, *SourceString);

			case EBlueprintTextLiteralType::InvariantText:
					const FString SourceString = ReadString(ScriptIndex);
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal text - invariant text: \"%s\""), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *SourceString);

			case EBlueprintTextLiteralType::LiteralString:
					const FString SourceString = ReadString(ScriptIndex);
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal text - literal string: \"%s\""), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *SourceString);

				checkf(false, TEXT("Unknown EBlueprintTextLiteralType! Please update FKismetBytecodeDisassembler::ProcessCommon to handle this type of text."));
	case EX_ObjectConst:
			UObject* Pointer = ReadPointer<UObject>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_ObjectConst (%p:%s)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, Pointer, *Pointer->GetFullName());
	case EX_AssetConst:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: EX_AssetConst"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_NameConst:
			FString ConstValue = ReadName(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal name %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *ConstValue);
	case EX_RotationConst:
			float Pitch = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float Yaw = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float Roll = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal rotation (%f,%f,%f)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, Pitch, Yaw, Roll);
	case EX_VectorConst:
			float X = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float Y = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float Z = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal vector (%f,%f,%f)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, X, Y, Z);
	case EX_TransformConst:

			float RotX = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float RotY = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float RotZ = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float RotW = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);

			float TransX = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float TransY = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float TransZ = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);

			float ScaleX = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float ScaleY = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);
			float ScaleZ = ReadFLOAT(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal transform R(%f,%f,%f,%f) T(%f,%f,%f) S(%f,%f,%f)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, TransX, TransY, TransZ, RotX, RotY, RotZ, RotW, ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ);
	case EX_StructConst:
			UScriptStruct* Struct = ReadPointer<UScriptStruct>(ScriptIndex);
			int32 SerializedSize = ReadINT(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal struct %s (serialized size: %d)"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *Struct->GetName(), SerializedSize);
			while( SerializeExpr(ScriptIndex) != EX_EndStructConst )
				// struct contents
	case EX_SetArray:
 			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: set array"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
 			while( SerializeExpr(ScriptIndex) != EX_EndArray)
 				// Array contents
	case EX_ArrayConst:
			UProperty* InnerProp = ReadPointer<UProperty>(ScriptIndex);
			int32 Num = ReadINT(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: set array const - elements number: %d, inner property: %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, Num, *GetNameSafe(InnerProp));
			while (SerializeExpr(ScriptIndex) != EX_EndArrayConst)
				// Array contents
	case EX_ByteConst:
			uint8 ConstValue = ReadBYTE(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal byte %d"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConstValue);
	case EX_IntConstByte:
			int32 ConstValue = ReadBYTE(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: literal int %d"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, ConstValue);
	case EX_MetaCast:
			UClass* Class = ReadPointer<UClass>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: MetaCast to %s of expr:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *Class->GetName());
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_DynamicCast:
			UClass* Class = ReadPointer<UClass>(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: DynamicCast to %s of expr:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *Class->GetName());
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_JumpIfNot:
			// Code offset.
			CodeSkipSizeType SkipCount = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Jump to offset 0x%X if not expr:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, SkipCount);

			// Boolean expr.
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_Assert:
			uint16 LineNumber = ReadWORD(ScriptIndex);
			uint8 InDebugMode = ReadBYTE(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: assert at line %d, in debug mode = %d with expr:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, LineNumber, InDebugMode);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex ); // Assert expr.
	case EX_Skip:
			CodeSkipSizeType W = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: possibly skip 0x%X bytes of expr:"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, W);

			// Expression to possibly skip.
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_InstanceDelegate:
			// the name of the function assigned to the delegate.
			FString FuncName = ReadName(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: instance delegate function named %s"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *FuncName);
	case EX_AddMulticastDelegate:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Add MC delegate"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_RemoveMulticastDelegate:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Remove MC delegate"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_ClearMulticastDelegate:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Clear MC delegate"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_BindDelegate:
			// the name of the function assigned to the delegate.
			FString FuncName = ReadName(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: BindDelegate '%s' "), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, *FuncName);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Delegate:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Object:"), *Indents);
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );

	case EX_PushExecutionFlow:
			CodeSkipSizeType SkipCount = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: FlowStack.Push(0x%X);"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, SkipCount);
	case EX_PopExecutionFlow:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: if (FlowStack.Num()) { jump to statement at FlowStack.Pop(); } else { ERROR!!! }"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_PopExecutionFlowIfNot:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: if (!condition) { if (FlowStack.Num()) { jump to statement at FlowStack.Pop(); } else { ERROR!!! } }"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
			// Boolean expr.
			SerializeExpr( ScriptIndex );
	case EX_Breakpoint:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: <<< BREAKPOINT >>>"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_WireTracepoint:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. wire debug site .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_InstrumentationEvent:
			const uint8 EventType = ReadBYTE(ScriptIndex);
			switch (EventType)
				case EScriptInstrumentation::InlineEvent:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. instrumented inline event .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::Stop:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. instrumented event stop .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::PureNodeEntry:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. instrumented pure node entry site .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::NodeDebugSite:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. instrumented debug site .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::NodeEntry:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. instrumented wire entry site .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::NodeExit:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. instrumented wire exit site .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::PushState:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. push execution state .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::RestoreState:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. restore execution state .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::ResetState:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. reset execution state .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::SuspendState:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. suspend execution state .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::PopState:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. pop execution state .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
				case EScriptInstrumentation::TunnelEndOfThread:
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. tunnel end of thread .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_Tracepoint:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: .. debug site .."), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
	case EX_SwitchValue:
			const auto NumCases = ReadWORD(ScriptIndex);
			const auto AfterSkip = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Switch Value %d cases, end in 0x%X"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode, NumCases, AfterSkip);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Index:"), *Indents);

			for (uint16 CaseIndex = 0; CaseIndex < NumCases; ++CaseIndex)
				Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s [%d] Case Index (label: 0x%X):"), *Indents, CaseIndex, ScriptIndex);
				SerializeExpr(ScriptIndex);	// case index value term
				const auto OffsetToNextCase = ReadSkipCount(ScriptIndex);
				Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s [%d] Offset to the next case: 0x%X"), *Indents, CaseIndex, OffsetToNextCase);
				Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s [%d] Case Result:"), *Indents, CaseIndex);
				SerializeExpr(ScriptIndex);	// case term

			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s Default result (label: 0x%X):"), *Indents, ScriptIndex);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s (label: 0x%X)"), *Indents, ScriptIndex);
	case EX_ArrayGetByRef:
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("%s $%X: Array Get-by-Ref Index"), *Indents, (int32)Opcode);
			// This should never occur.
			UE_LOG(LogScriptDisassembler, Warning, TEXT("Unknown bytecode 0x%02X; ignoring it"), (uint8)Opcode );