Beispiel #1
float UGameEngine::GetMaxTickRate(float DeltaTime, bool bAllowFrameRateSmoothing) const
	float MaxTickRate = 0.f;

	if (FPlatformProperties::SupportsWindowedMode() == false && !IsRunningDedicatedServer())
		static const auto CVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindTConsoleVariableDataInt(TEXT("r.VSync"));
		// Limit framerate on console if VSYNC is enabled to avoid jumps from 30 to 60 and back.
		if( CVar->GetValueOnGameThread() != 0 )
			if (SmoothedFrameRateRange.HasUpperBound())
				MaxTickRate = SmoothedFrameRateRange.GetUpperBoundValue();
		UWorld* World = NULL;

		for (int32 WorldIndex = 0; WorldIndex < WorldList.Num(); ++WorldIndex)
			if (WorldList[WorldIndex].WorldType == EWorldType::Game)
				World = WorldList[WorldIndex].World();

		if( World )
			UNetDriver* NetDriver = World->GetNetDriver();
			// In network games, limit framerate to not saturate bandwidth.
			if( NetDriver && (NetDriver->GetNetMode() == NM_DedicatedServer || (NetDriver->GetNetMode() == NM_ListenServer && NetDriver->bClampListenServerTickRate)))
				// We're a dedicated server, use the LAN or Net tick rate.
				MaxTickRate = FMath::Clamp( NetDriver->NetServerMaxTickRate, 10, 120 );
			/*else if( NetDriver && NetDriver->ServerConnection )
				if( NetDriver->ServerConnection->CurrentNetSpeed <= 10000 )
					MaxTickRate = FMath::Clamp( MaxTickRate, 10.f, 90.f );

	// See if the code in the base class wants to replace this
	float SuperTickRate = Super::GetMaxTickRate(DeltaTime, bAllowFrameRateSmoothing);
	if(SuperTickRate != 0.0)
		MaxTickRate = SuperTickRate;

	return MaxTickRate;
void UGameplayCueManager::CheckForTooManyRPCs(FName FuncName, const FGameplayCuePendingExecute& PendingCue, const FString& CueID, const FGameplayEffectContext* EffectContext)
	if (GameplayCueCheckForTooManyRPCs)
		static IConsoleVariable* MaxRPCPerNetUpdateCVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("net.MaxRPCPerNetUpdate"));
		if (MaxRPCPerNetUpdateCVar)
			AActor* Owner = PendingCue.OwningComponent ? PendingCue.OwningComponent->GetOwner() : nullptr;
			UWorld* World = Owner ? Owner->GetWorld() : nullptr;
			UNetDriver* NetDriver = World ? World->GetNetDriver() : nullptr;
			if (NetDriver)
				const int32 MaxRPCs = MaxRPCPerNetUpdateCVar->GetInt();
				for (UNetConnection* ClientConnection : NetDriver->ClientConnections)
					if (ClientConnection)
						UActorChannel** OwningActorChannelPtr = ClientConnection->ActorChannels.Find(Owner);
						TSharedRef<FObjectReplicator>* ComponentReplicatorPtr = (OwningActorChannelPtr && *OwningActorChannelPtr) ? (*OwningActorChannelPtr)->ReplicationMap.Find(PendingCue.OwningComponent) : nullptr;
						if (ComponentReplicatorPtr)
							const TArray<FObjectReplicator::FRPCCallInfo>& RemoteFuncInfo = (*ComponentReplicatorPtr)->RemoteFuncInfo;
							for (const FObjectReplicator::FRPCCallInfo& CallInfo : RemoteFuncInfo)
								if (CallInfo.FuncName == FuncName)
									if (CallInfo.Calls > MaxRPCs)
										const FString Instigator = EffectContext ? EffectContext->ToString() : TEXT("None");
										ABILITY_LOG(Warning, TEXT("Attempted to fire %s when no more RPCs are allowed this net update. Max:%d Cue:%s Instigator:%s Component:%s"), *FuncName.ToString(), MaxRPCs, *CueID, *Instigator, *GetPathNameSafe(PendingCue.OwningComponent));
										// Returning here to only log once per offending RPC.

void UOnlineSessionClient::OnDestroyForMainMenuComplete(FName SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Verbose, TEXT("OnDestroyForMainMenuComplete %s bSuccess: %d"), *SessionName.ToString(), bWasSuccessful);

	IOnlineSessionPtr SessionInt = GetSessionInt();

	if (SessionInt.IsValid())

	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	UNetDriver* NetDriver = World ? World->GetNetDriver() : nullptr;
	// Call disconnect to force us back to the menu level
	GEngine->HandleDisconnect(World, NetDriver);

	bHandlingDisconnect = false;