static UmlRelation * search_rel(Class * container, const WrapperStr & name, UmlClass * dest, const WrapperStr & st) { UmlItem * x = container->get_uml()->search_for_att_rel(name); if (x == 0) return 0; else if (x->kind() == anAttribute) { ((UmlAttribute *) x)->deleteIt(); return 0; } else { UmlRelation * r1 = ((UmlRelation *) x)->side(TRUE); UmlRelation * r2 = (r1 != x) ? ((UmlRelation *) x) : ((UmlRelation *) x)->side(FALSE); if ((((UmlRelation *) x)->roleType() == dest) && ((r2 == 0) || st.isEmpty() || (((UmlRelation *) x)->stereotype() == st) || (((x == r1) ? r2 : r1)->javaDecl().find("${stereotype}") == -1))) return (UmlRelation *) x; // rel target or new stereotype not compatible with other side if (x != r1) r1->set_unidir(); else if (r2 == 0) r1->deleteIt(); else r2->set_unidir(); return 0; } }
static UmlAttribute * search_attr(Class * container, const WrapperStr & name) { UmlItem * x = container->get_uml()->search_for_att_rel(name); if (x == 0) return 0; else if (x->kind() == anAttribute) return (UmlAttribute *) x; switch (((UmlRelation *) x)->relationKind()) { case aDirectionalAssociation: case aDirectionalAggregation: case aDirectionalAggregationByValue: x->deleteIt(); break; case anAssociation: case anAggregation: case anAggregationByValue: if (x == ((UmlRelation *) x)->side(TRUE)) ((UmlRelation *) x)->side(FALSE)->set_unidir(); else ((UmlRelation *) x)->set_unidir(); break; default: break; } return 0; }
void UmlRelation::search_class_assoc() { if (side(TRUE) != this) return; switch (relationKind()) { case aGeneralisation: case aRealization: case aDependency: break; default: { UmlTypeSpec a = association(); if (a.type != 0) { // not generated for actors UmlItem * p = parent(); if (p->stereotype() != "actor") { do { p = p->parent(); } while (p->kind() == aClass); if (p->kind() == aClassView) _assoc_class = a.type->set_assoc(this); } } } } }
void UmlOperation::generate_index() { unsigned n = opers.size(); if (n != 0) { sort(opers); start_file("public_operations", "Public Operations Index", TRUE); fw.write("<table>\n"); fw.write("<tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td align=\"center\"><b>Operation</b></td><td align=\"center\"><b>Class</b></td><td align=\"center\"><b>Description</b></td></tr>\n"); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) { UmlItem * op = opers.elementAt(i); fw.write("<tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td>"); op->write(); fw.write("</td><td>"); op->parent()->write(); fw.write("</td><td>"); writeq(op->description()); fw.write("</td></tr>\n"); } fw.write("</table>\n"); end_file(); } }
void UmlClass::import(QTextOStream & f, const QCString & indent) { QCString s; if (!isJavaExternal()) { UmlArtifact * cp = associatedArtifact(); UmlPackage * pack = (UmlPackage *) ((cp != 0) ? (UmlItem *) cp : (UmlItem *) this)->package(); if ((s = pack->javaPackage()).isEmpty()) return; QCString s2 = name(); UmlItem * p = this; while ((p = p->parent())->kind() == aClass) s2 = p->name() + dot + s2; s += dot + s2; } else if ((s = package()->javaPackage()).isEmpty()) return; else s += dot + name(); if (! UmlArtifact::generated_one()->is_imported(s)) { f << indent << "import " << s << ";\n"; UmlArtifact::generated_one()->imported(s); } }
void UmlClass::generalizeDependRealize(UmlItem * target, FileIn & in, int context, WrapperStr label, WrapperStr constraint) { static const struct { aRelationKind rk; const char * err; } r[] = { { aGeneralisation, "cannot create generalization from '" }, { aDependency, "cannot create dependency from '" }, { aRealization, "cannot create realization from '" }, { aDependency, "cannot create usage from '" }, { aDependency, "cannot create import from '" } }; UmlItem * rel; if (target->kind() == aClass) rel = UmlRelation::create(r[context].rk, this, (UmlClass *) target); else rel = UmlNcRelation::create(r[context].rk, this, target); if (rel == 0) in.warning(r[context].err + name() + "' to '" + target->name() + "'"); else { if (! label.isEmpty()) rel->set_Name(label); if (! constraint.isEmpty() && (target->kind() == aClass)) ((UmlRelation *) rel)->set_Constraint(constraint); } }
void UmlExtraClassMember::add_init(UmlClass * cl, WrapperStr def, bool roundtrip, QList<UmlItem *> & expected_order) { if (roundtrip) { const QVector<UmlItem*> & ch = cl->children(); UmlItem *const* v =; UmlItem *const* vsup = v + ch.size(); UmlItem * x; for (; v != vsup; v += 1) { if (((x = *v)->kind() == anExtraClassMember) && ((UmlExtraClassMember *) x)->is_useless() && (x->name() == "initialization")) { expected_order.append(x); if (neq(((UmlExtraClassMember *) x)->javaDecl(), def)) { ((UmlExtraClassMember *) x)->set_JavaDecl(def); cl->get_class()->set_updated(); } ((UmlExtraClassMember *) x)->set_usefull(); return; } } } UmlExtraClassMember * x = UmlExtraClassMember::create(cl, "initialization"); x->set_JavaDecl(def); expected_order.append(x); }
UmlClass * UmlClass::addMetaclass(WrapperStr mclname, const char * mclpath) { UmlPackage * pack = (UmlPackage *) parent()->parent(); // is a package const Q3PtrVector<UmlItem> ch = pack->children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); UmlClass * r = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) { UmlItem * x = ch[i]; if ((x->kind() == aClassView) && !strncmp(x->name(), "meta classes", 12) && ((r = UmlClass::create(x, mclname)) != 0)) break; } if (r == 0) { WrapperStr s = "meta classes"; UmlItem * v = 0; while ((v = UmlClassView::create(pack, s)) == 0) s += "_"; r = UmlClass::create(v, mclname); } r->set_Stereotype("metaclass"); if (mclpath != 0) r->set_PropertyValue("metaclassPath", mclpath); return r; }
void UmlItem::manage_alias(const char *& p, QTextStream & ts) { // p starts by '@' const char * pclosed; if ((p[1] == '{') && ((pclosed = strchr(p + 2, '}')) != 0)) { QByteArray key_(p + 2, pclosed - p - 1); WrapperStr key = key_; WrapperStr value; UmlItem * node = this; do { if (node->propertyValue(key, value)) break; node = node->parent(); } while (node != 0); if (node != 0) // find, insert the value ts << value; else // not find, insert the key ts << "@{" << key << '}'; // bypass the key p += strlen(key) + 3; } else // bypass '$' ts << toLocale(p); }
UmlItem * UmlClass::search_for_att_rel(const WrapperStr & name) { const QVector<UmlItem*> & ch = UmlItem::children(); QVectorIterator<UmlItem*> it(ch); while(it.hasNext()) { UmlItem* item =; switch (item->kind()) { case anAttribute: if (item->name() == name) return item; break; case aRelation: if (((UmlRelation *) item)->roleName() == name) return item; break; default: break; } } return 0; }
void UmlItem::manage_alias(const char *& p, QTextOStream & ts, Q3CString indent, BooL & indent_needed) { if (indent_needed) { indent_needed = FALSE; ts << indent; } // p starts by '@' const char * pclosed; if ((p[1] == '{') && ((pclosed = strchr(p + 2, '}')) != 0)) { Q3CString key(p + 2, pclosed - p - 1); Q3CString value; UmlItem * node = this; do { if (node->propertyValue(key, value)) break; node = node->parent(); } while (node != 0); if (node != 0) // find, insert the value ts << value; else // not find, insert the key ts << "@{" << key << '}'; // bypass the key p += strlen(key) + 3; } else // bypass '$' ts << *p++; }
UmlAttribute * UmlAttribute::search_attr(UmlClass * cl, const Q3CString & name) { UmlItem * x = cl->search_for_att_rel(name); if (x == 0) return 0; else if (x->kind() == anAttribute) return (UmlAttribute *) x; switch (((UmlRelation *) x)->relationKind()) { case aDirectionalAssociation: case aDirectionalAggregation: case aDirectionalAggregationByValue: x->deleteIt(); break; case anAssociation: case anAggregation: case anAggregationByValue: if (x == ((UmlRelation *) x)->side(TRUE)) ((UmlRelation *) x)->side(FALSE)->set_unidir(); else ((UmlRelation *) x)->set_unidir(); break; default: break; } return 0; }
UmlPackage * UmlArtifact::package() { UmlItem * parent = this->parent(); while (parent->kind() != aPackage) parent = parent->parent(); return (UmlPackage *) parent; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc != 2) return 0; if (UmlCom::connect(QCString(argv[1]).toUInt())) { try { //UmlCom::with_ack(FALSE); UmlCom::trace("<b>C++ reverse</b> release 2.15<br>"); UmlCom::traceAutoRaise(FALSE); UmlItem * item = UmlCom::targetItem(); if (item->kind() != aPackage) UmlCom::trace("<font face=helvetica><b>must be applied on a <i>package</i></b></font><br><hr><br>"); else { char * argv = 0; int argc = 0; QApplication * app = new QApplication(argc, &argv); Package::init((UmlPackage *) item, app); QCString f; if (UmlPackage::getProject()->propertyValue("#file", f)) Lex::defines(f); // add c++ catalog like java ? int n; Package::scan_dirs(n); if (n != 0) { CppSettings::set_UseDefaults(TRUE); Package::send_dirs(n, TRUE); Statistic::produce(); } } } catch (...) { } try { // socket may be already closed UmlCom::message(""); UmlCom::showTrace(); UmlCom::bye(0); // application must not be deleted } catch (...) { } } UmlCom::close(); return 0; }
void UmlItem::write_stereotyped(FileOut & out) { QMap<QString, Q3PtrList<UmlItem> >::Iterator it; for (it = _stereotypes.begin(); it != _stereotypes.end(); ++it) { const char * st = it.key(); UmlClass * cl = UmlClass::findStereotype(it.key(), TRUE); if (cl != 0) { Q3ValueList<WrapperStr> extended; cl->get_extended(extended); Q3PtrList<UmlItem> & l =; UmlItem * elt; for (elt = l.first(); elt != 0; elt = { out << "\t<" << st; out.id_prefix(elt, "STELT_"); const Q3Dict<WrapperStr> props = elt->properties(); Q3DictIterator<WrapperStr> itp(props); while (itp.current()) { QString k = itp.currentKey(); if (k.contains(':') == 2) { out << " "; out.quote((const char *)k.mid(k.findRev(':') + 1)); //[jasa] ambiguous call out << "=\""; out.quote((const char *)*itp.current()); out << '"'; } ++itp; } Q3ValueList<WrapperStr>::Iterator iter_extended; for (iter_extended = extended.begin(); iter_extended != extended.end(); ++iter_extended) { WrapperStr vr = "base_" + *iter_extended; out.ref(elt, vr); } out << "/>\n"; elt->unload(); } } } }
void UmlPackage::applyStereotype(FileIn & in, Token & token) { WrapperStr prof_st; Q3ValueList<WrapperStr> base_v; WrapperStr s; if (UmlClass::isAppliedStereotype(token, prof_st, base_v)) { WrapperStr s; Q3ValueList<WrapperStr>::Iterator it_ext; for (it_ext = base_v.begin(); it_ext != base_v.end(); ++it_ext) { WrapperStr s2; if (token.valueOf(*it_ext, s2)) { if (s.isEmpty()) s = s2; else if (s != s2) in.warning("doesn't refer to the same element ('" + s + "' != '" + s2 + "')"); } } if (s.isEmpty()) in.warning("value of 'base_...' is missing"); else { UmlItem * elt = All[s]; if (elt == 0) { if (!FileIn::isBypassedId(s)) in.warning("unknown reference '" + s + "'"); } else { elt->set_Stereotype(prof_st); elt->UmlItem::applyStereotype(); // set properties Q3Dict<WrapperStr> props = elt->properties(); Q3DictIterator<WrapperStr> it(props); while (it.current()) { WrapperStr k = it.currentKey().latin1(); if (token.valueOf(k.mid(k.findRev(':') + 1).lower(), s)) elt->set_PropertyValue(k, s); ++it; } } } if (! token.closed()) in.finish(token.what()); } else in.bypass(token); }
void UmlArtifact::write(FileOut & out) { const char * k = (_uml_20) ? "ownedMember" : "packagedElement"; out.indent(); out << "<" << k << " xmi:type=\"uml:Artifact\"";; out << " name=\""; out.quote((const char *)name()); //[jasa] ambiguous call out << "\">\n"; out.indent(+1); write_description_properties(out); const Q3PtrVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned i; unsigned n = ch.size(); unsigned rank = 0; for (i = 0; i != n; i += 1) { UmlItem * x = ch[i]; if ((x->kind() == aNcRelation) && (x->stereotype() == "manifest") && (((UmlNcRelation *) x)->relationKind() == aDependency)) write_manifest(out, ((UmlNcRelation *) x)->target(), "dependency", ++rank); else ch[i]->write(out); } if (stereotype() == "source") { const Q3PtrVector<UmlClass> & cls = associatedClasses(); n = cls.size(); for (i = 0; i != n; i += 1) write_manifest(out, cls[i], "source", ++rank); } else { const Q3PtrVector<UmlArtifact> & arts = associatedArtifacts(); n = arts.size(); for (i = 0; i != n; i += 1) write_manifest(out, arts[i], 0, ++rank); } out.indent(-1); out.indent(); out << "</" << k << ">\n"; unload(); }
void UmlClass::uml2java(bool rec) { if (isJavaExternal()) set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::externalClassDecl()); else { QCString st = JavaSettings::classStereotype(stereotype()); UmlItem * pack = parent()->parent(); while (pack->kind() != aPackage) pack = pack->parent(); if ((st == "stereotype") || (st == "metaclass") || (pack->stereotype() == "profile")) { set_CppDecl(""); return; } if (st == "enum_pattern") set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::enumPatternDecl()); else if (st == "enum") set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::enumDecl()); else if (st == "interface") set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::interfaceDecl()); else if (st == "@interface") { QCString s = JavaSettings::interfaceDecl(); int index = s.find("interface"); if (index != -1) s.insert(index, '@'); set_JavaDecl(s); } else if (st == "ignored") { set_JavaDecl(""); return; } else set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::classDecl()); if (rec) { const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) ch[i]->uml2java(rec); } if (parent()->kind() == aClassView) // not nested artifact()->set_JavaSource(JavaSettings::sourceContent()); } }
bool UmlClass::isAppliedStereotype(Token & tk, WrapperStr & prof_st, Q3ValueList<WrapperStr> & base_v) { static Q3Dict<WrapperStr> stereotypes; static Q3Dict<Q3ValueList<WrapperStr> > bases; WrapperStr s = tk.what(); WrapperStr * st = stereotypes[s]; if (st != 0) { prof_st = *st; base_v = *bases[s]; return TRUE; } base_v.clear(); if (tk.xmiType().isEmpty() && (getFct(tk) == 0)) { int index = s.find(':'); if ((index != -1) && ((index != 3) || ((s.left(3) != "uml") && (s.left(3) != "xmi")))) { UmlClass * cl = findStereotype(s, FALSE); if (cl != 0) { const Q3PtrVector<UmlItem> ch = cl->children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) { UmlItem * x = ch[i]; if ((x->kind() == aRelation) && (((UmlRelation *) x)->relationKind() == aDirectionalAssociation) && (((UmlRelation *) x)->roleType()->stereotype() == "metaclass")) base_v.append("base_" + ((UmlRelation *) x)->roleType()->name().lower()); } if (base_v.isEmpty()) base_v.append("base_element"); prof_st = cl->parent()->parent()->name() + ":" + cl->name(); stereotypes.insert(s, new WrapperStr(prof_st)); bases.insert(s, new Q3ValueList<WrapperStr>(base_v)); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
void UmlClass::uml2idl(bool rec) { if (isIdlExternal()) set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::externalClassDecl()); else { QCString st = IdlSettings::classStereotype(stereotype()); UmlItem * pack = parent()->parent(); while (pack->kind() != aPackage) pack = pack->parent(); if ((st == "stereotype") || (st == "metaclass") || (pack->stereotype() == "profile")) { set_CppDecl(""); return; } if (st == "struct") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::structDecl()); else if (st == "union") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::unionDecl()); else if (st == "enum") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::enumDecl()); else if (st == "exception") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::exceptionDecl()); else if (st == "typedef") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::typedefDecl()); else if (st == "interface") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::interfaceDecl()); else if (st == "ignored") { set_IdlDecl(""); return; } else set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::valuetypeDecl()); if (rec) { const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) ch[i]->uml2idl(rec); } if (parent()->kind() == aClassView) // not nested artifact()->set_IdlSource(IdlSettings::sourceContent()); } }
void UmlClass::uml2cpp(bool rec) { if (isCppExternal()) set_CppDecl(CppSettings::externalClassDecl()); else { QCString st = CppSettings::classStereotype(stereotype()); UmlItem * pack = parent()->parent(); while (pack->kind() != aPackage) pack = pack->parent(); if ((st == "stereotype") || (st == "metaclass") || (pack->stereotype() == "profile")) { set_CppDecl(""); return; } if (st == "enum") set_CppDecl(CppSettings::enumDecl()); else if (st == "union") set_CppDecl(CppSettings::unionDecl()); else if (st == "struct") set_CppDecl(CppSettings::structDecl()); else if (st == "typedef") set_CppDecl(CppSettings::typedefDecl()); else if (st == "ignored") { set_CppDecl(""); return; } else set_CppDecl(CppSettings::classDecl()); if (rec) { const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) ch[i]->uml2cpp(rec); } if (parent()->kind() == aClassView) { // not nested UmlArtifact * art = artifact(); art->set_CppSource(CppSettings::sourceContent()); art->set_CppHeader(CppSettings::headerContent()); } } }
void UmlRelation::write(FileOut & out, bool inside) { switch (relationKind()) { case aGeneralisation: if (inside) write_generalization(out); break; case aRealization: if (inside) parent()->memo_relation(this); else write_realization(out); break; case aDependency: if (inside) parent()->memo_relation(this); else write_dependency(out); break; default: // don't generate them for actors { UmlItem * p = parent(); if (p->stereotype() == "actor") return; do { p = p->parent(); } while (p->kind() == aClass); UmlItem * op = roleType(); if (op->stereotype() == "actor") return; do { op = op->parent(); } while (op->kind() == aClass); if ((p->kind() == aClassView) && (op->kind() == aClassView)) { if (inside) write_relation_as_attribute(out); else // note : it is the first side write_relation(out); } } break; } }
UmlExtraClassMember * UmlClass::search_for_extra(const WrapperStr & name, const WrapperStr & decl) { const QVector<UmlItem*> & ch = UmlItem::children(); QVectorIterator<UmlItem*> it(ch); while(it.hasNext()) { UmlItem* item =; if ((item->kind() == anExtraClassMember) && (item->name() == name) && !neq(((UmlExtraClassMember *) item)->cppDecl(), decl)) return (UmlExtraClassMember *) item; } return 0; }
void UmlClass::write(QTextOStream & f) { if (isJavaExternal()) { QCString s = javaDecl().stripWhiteSpace(); int index; if ((index = s.find("${name}")) != -1) s.replace(index, 7, name()); else if ((index = s.find("${Name}")) != -1) s.replace(index, 7, capitalize(name())); else if ((index = s.find("${NAME}")) != -1) s.replace(index, 7, name().upper()); else if ((index = s.find("${nAME}")) != -1) s.replace(index, 7, name().lower()); f << s; } else { UmlClass * toplevel = this; UmlItem * p; QCString s2; while ((p = toplevel->parent())->kind() == aClass) { toplevel = (UmlClass *) p; s2 = dot + p->name() + s2; } UmlArtifact * cp = toplevel->associatedArtifact(); UmlPackage * pack = (UmlPackage *) ((cp != 0) ? (UmlItem *) cp : (UmlItem *) toplevel)->package(); if (pack != UmlArtifact::generation_package()) { QCString s = pack->javaPackage(); if (! s.isEmpty() && (s != "java.lang") && (s.left(10) != "java.lang.")) { s += s2; if (JavaSettings::isForcePackagePrefixGeneration() || !UmlArtifact::generated_one()->is_imported(s, name())) f << s << '.'; } } else if (! s2.isEmpty()) f << s2.mid(1) << '.'; f << name(); } }
void UmlArtifact::solveManifestation(WrapperStr s, WrapperStr idref) { QMap<WrapperStr, UmlItem *>::Iterator it = All.find(idref); if (it == All.end()) { if (!FileIn::isBypassedId(idref)) UmlCom::trace("manifestation : unknown utilized element reference '" + idref + "'<br>"); return; } UmlItem * target = *it; if (!FromBouml || (s != "dependency")) { switch (target->kind()) { case aClass: if (s != "source") break; else if (stereotype().isEmpty()) set_Stereotype("source"); else if (stereotype() != "source") break; addAssociatedClass((UmlClass *) target); return; case anArtifact: if (!FromBouml) break; addAssociatedArtifact((UmlArtifact *) target); return; default: break; } } UmlNcRelation * rel = UmlNcRelation::create(aDependency, this, target); if (rel == 0) UmlCom::trace("cannot create manifestation from '" + name() + "' to '" + target->name() + "'"); else rel->set_Stereotype("manifest"); }
void UmlUseCase::solve(int context, Q3CString idref) { QMap<Q3CString, UmlItem *>::Iterator it = All.find(idref); if (it == All.end()) { if (!FileIn::isBypassedId(idref)) UmlCom::trace("extend/include : unknown use case reference '" + idref + "'<br>"); } else if ((*it)->kind() != anUseCase) UmlCom::trace("'" + idref + "' is not a use case<br>"); else { UmlItem * rel = UmlNcRelation::create(aDependency, this, *it); if (rel == 0) UmlCom::trace("cannot create dependency from '" + name() + "' to '" + (*it)->name() + "'"); else rel->set_Stereotype((context) ? "extend" : "include "); } }
void UmlClass::get_extended(QValueList<QCString> & r) { r.clear(); const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i != n; i += 1) { UmlItem * x = ch[i]; if ((x->kind() == aRelation) && (((UmlRelation *) x)->relationKind() == aDirectionalAssociation) && (((UmlRelation *) x)->roleType()->stereotype() == "metaclass")) r.append(((UmlRelation *) x)->roleType()->name()); } if (r.isEmpty()) r.append("Element"); }
void UmlPackage::subArtifacts(QList<UmlArtifact *> &l, QByteArray name, QByteArray deplview_name) { UmlDeploymentView * deplview; foreach (deplview, _deplviews){ if (deplview->baseName() == deplview_name) { const QVector<UmlItem*> ch = deplview->children(); int i; for (i = 0; i != ch.size(); i += 1) { UmlItem * it = ch[i]; if ((it->kind() == anArtifact) && (it->name() == name)) l.append((UmlArtifact *) it); } } } }
void UmlClass::set_under_construction(bool y, bool rec) { if (y) { if (rec) { UmlItem * it = this; do { UnderConstruction.append((UmlClass *) it); } while ((it = it->parent())->kind() == aClass); } else UnderConstruction.append(this); } else if (rec) UnderConstruction.clear(); else UnderConstruction.removeOne(this); }
void UmlClass::uml2php(bool rec) { if (isPhpExternal()) set_PhpDecl(PhpSettings::externalClassDecl()); else { QCString st = PhpSettings::classStereotype(stereotype()); UmlItem * pack = parent()->parent(); while (pack->kind() != aPackage) pack = pack->parent(); if ((st == "stereotype") || (st == "metaclass") || (pack->stereotype() == "profile")) { set_CppDecl(""); return; } if (st == "enum") set_PhpDecl(PhpSettings::enumDecl()); else if (st == "interface") set_PhpDecl(PhpSettings::interfaceDecl()); else if (st == "ignored") { set_PhpDecl(""); return; } else set_PhpDecl(PhpSettings::classDecl()); if (rec) { const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) ch[i]->uml2php(rec); } if (parent()->kind() == aClassView) // not nested artifact()->set_PhpSource(PhpSettings::sourceContent()); } }