Beispiel #1
static void measure_unit_changed(GtkAction* /*act*/, GObject* tbl)
    UnitTracker* tracker = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>(g_object_get_data(tbl, "tracker"));
    Glib::ustring const unit = tracker->getActiveUnit()->abbr;
    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
    prefs->setString("/tools/measure/unit", unit);
Beispiel #2
static void measure_unit_changed(GtkAction* /*act*/, GObject* tbl)
    UnitTracker* tracker = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>(g_object_get_data(tbl, "tracker"));
    SPUnit const *unit = tracker->getActiveUnit();
    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
    prefs->setInt("/tools/measure/unitid", unit->unit_id);
void UnitTracker::_adjustmentFinalizedCB( gpointer data, GObject *where_the_object_was )
    if ( data && where_the_object_was ) {
        UnitTracker* self = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>(data);
        self->_adjustmentFinalized( where_the_object_was );
Beispiel #4
static void sp_node_path_value_changed(GtkAdjustment *adj, GObject *tbl, Geom::Dim2 d)
    SPDesktop *desktop = static_cast<SPDesktop *>(g_object_get_data( tbl, "desktop" ));
    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();

    UnitTracker* tracker = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>(g_object_get_data( tbl, "tracker" ));
    if (!tracker) {
    Unit const *unit = tracker->getActiveUnit();

    if (DocumentUndo::getUndoSensitive(sp_desktop_document(desktop))) {
        prefs->setDouble(Glib::ustring("/tools/nodes/") + (d == Geom::X ? "x" : "y"),
            Quantity::convert(gtk_adjustment_get_value(adj), unit, "px"));

    // quit if run by the attr_changed listener
    if (g_object_get_data( tbl, "freeze" )) {

    // in turn, prevent listener from responding
    g_object_set_data( tbl, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE));

    NodeTool *nt = get_node_tool();
    if (nt && !nt->_selected_nodes->empty()) {
        double val = Quantity::convert(gtk_adjustment_get_value(adj), unit, "px");
        double oldval = nt->_selected_nodes->pointwiseBounds()->midpoint()[d];
        Geom::Point delta(0,0);
        delta[d] = val - oldval;

    g_object_set_data( tbl, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE) );
void UnitTracker::_unitChangedCB( GtkAction* action, gpointer data )
    if ( action && data ) {
        EgeSelectOneAction* act = EGE_SELECT_ONE_ACTION(action);
        gint active = ege_select_one_action_get_active( act );
        UnitTracker* self = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>(data);
Beispiel #6
static void paintbucket_offset_changed(GtkAdjustment *adj, GObject *tbl)
    UnitTracker* tracker = static_cast<UnitTracker*>(g_object_get_data( tbl, "tracker" ));
    Unit const *unit = tracker->getActiveUnit();
    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();

    // Don't adjust the offset value because we're saving the
    // unit and it'll be correctly handled on load.
    prefs->setDouble("/tools/paintbucket/offset", (gdouble)gtk_adjustment_get_value(adj));
    prefs->setString("/tools/paintbucket/offsetunits", unit->abbr);
Beispiel #7
static void rect_tb_event_attr_changed(Inkscape::XML::Node * /*repr*/, gchar const * /*name*/,
                                       gchar const * /*old_value*/, gchar const * /*new_value*/,
                                       bool /*is_interactive*/, gpointer data)
    GObject *tbl = G_OBJECT(data);

    // quit if run by the _changed callbacks
    if (g_object_get_data( tbl, "freeze" )) {

    // in turn, prevent callbacks from responding
    g_object_set_data( tbl, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE) );

    UnitTracker* tracker = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>( g_object_get_data( tbl, "tracker" ) );
    Unit const *unit = tracker->getActiveUnit();
    g_return_if_fail(unit != NULL);

    gpointer item = g_object_get_data( tbl, "item" );
    if (item && SP_IS_RECT(item)) {
            GtkAdjustment *adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( tbl, "rx" ) );

            gdouble rx = SP_RECT(item)->getVisibleRx();
            gtk_adjustment_set_value(adj, Quantity::convert(rx, "px", unit));

            GtkAdjustment *adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( tbl, "ry" ) );

            gdouble ry = SP_RECT(item)->getVisibleRy();
            gtk_adjustment_set_value(adj, Quantity::convert(ry, "px", unit));

            GtkAdjustment *adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( tbl, "width" ) );

            gdouble width = SP_RECT(item)->getVisibleWidth();
            gtk_adjustment_set_value(adj, Quantity::convert(width, "px", unit));

            GtkAdjustment *adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( tbl, "height" ) );

            gdouble height = SP_RECT(item)->getVisibleHeight();
            gtk_adjustment_set_value(adj, Quantity::convert(height, "px", unit));

    sp_rtb_sensitivize( tbl );

    g_object_set_data( tbl, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE) );
static void
sp_selection_layout_widget_update(SPWidget *spw, Inkscape::Selection *sel)
    if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update")) {

    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE));

    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
    using Geom::X;
    using Geom::Y;
    if ( sel && !sel->isEmpty() ) {
        int prefs_bbox = prefs->getInt("/tools/bounding_box", 0);
        SPItem::BBoxType bbox_type = (prefs_bbox ==0)?
        Geom::OptRect const bbox(sel->bounds(bbox_type));
        if ( bbox ) {
            UnitTracker *tracker = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "tracker"));
            Unit const *unit = tracker->getActiveUnit();
            g_return_if_fail(unit != NULL);

            struct { char const *key; double val; } const keyval[] = {
                { "X", bbox->min()[X] },
                { "Y", bbox->min()[Y] },
                { "width", bbox->dimensions()[X] },
                { "height", bbox->dimensions()[Y] }

            if (unit->type == Inkscape::Util::UNIT_TYPE_DIMENSIONLESS) {
                double const val = unit->factor * 100;
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(keyval); ++i) {
                    GtkAdjustment *a = GTK_ADJUSTMENT(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(spw), keyval[i].key));
                    gtk_adjustment_set_value(a, val);
                    tracker->setFullVal( a, keyval[i].val );
            } else {
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(keyval); ++i) {
                    GtkAdjustment *a = GTK_ADJUSTMENT(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(spw), keyval[i].key));
                    gtk_adjustment_set_value(a, Quantity::convert(keyval[i].val, "px", unit));

    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE));
Beispiel #9
static void sp_rtb_value_changed(GtkAdjustment *adj, GObject *tbl, gchar const *value_name,
                                 void (SPRect::*setter)(gdouble))
    SPDesktop *desktop = static_cast<SPDesktop *>(g_object_get_data( tbl, "desktop" ));

    UnitTracker* tracker = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>(g_object_get_data( tbl, "tracker" ));
    Unit const *unit = tracker->getActiveUnit();
    g_return_if_fail(unit != NULL);

    if (DocumentUndo::getUndoSensitive(desktop->getDocument())) {
        Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
        prefs->setDouble(Glib::ustring("/tools/shapes/rect/") + value_name,
            Quantity::convert(gtk_adjustment_get_value(adj), unit, "px"));

    // quit if run by the attr_changed listener
    if (g_object_get_data( tbl, "freeze" ) || tracker->isUpdating()) {

    // in turn, prevent listener from responding
    g_object_set_data( tbl, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE));

    bool modmade = false;
    Inkscape::Selection *selection = desktop->getSelection();
    std::vector<SPItem*> itemlist=selection->itemList();
    for(std::vector<SPItem*>::const_iterator i=itemlist.begin();i!=itemlist.end();++i){
        if (SP_IS_RECT(*i)) {
            if (gtk_adjustment_get_value(adj) != 0) {
                (SP_RECT(*i)->*setter)(Quantity::convert(gtk_adjustment_get_value(adj), unit, "px"));
            } else {
                (*i)->getRepr()->setAttribute(value_name, NULL);
            modmade = true;

    sp_rtb_sensitivize( tbl );

    if (modmade) {
        DocumentUndo::done(desktop->getDocument(), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_RECT,
                           _("Change rectangle"));

    g_object_set_data( tbl, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE) );
Beispiel #10
/* is called when the node selection is modified */
static void sp_node_toolbox_coord_changed(gpointer /*shape_editor*/, GObject *tbl)
    GtkAction* xact = GTK_ACTION( g_object_get_data( tbl, "nodes_x_action" ) );
    GtkAction* yact = GTK_ACTION( g_object_get_data( tbl, "nodes_y_action" ) );
    GtkAdjustment *xadj = ege_adjustment_action_get_adjustment(EGE_ADJUSTMENT_ACTION(xact));
    GtkAdjustment *yadj = ege_adjustment_action_get_adjustment(EGE_ADJUSTMENT_ACTION(yact));

    // quit if run by the attr_changed listener
    if (g_object_get_data( tbl, "freeze" )) {

    // in turn, prevent listener from responding
    g_object_set_data( tbl, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE));

    UnitTracker* tracker = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>( g_object_get_data( tbl, "tracker" ) );
    if (!tracker) {
    Unit const *unit = tracker->getActiveUnit();

    NodeTool *nt = get_node_tool();
    if (!nt || nt->_selected_nodes->empty()) {
        // no path selected
        gtk_action_set_sensitive(xact, FALSE);
        gtk_action_set_sensitive(yact, FALSE);
    } else {
        gtk_action_set_sensitive(xact, TRUE);
        gtk_action_set_sensitive(yact, TRUE);
        Geom::Coord oldx = Quantity::convert(gtk_adjustment_get_value(xadj), unit, "px");
        Geom::Coord oldy = Quantity::convert(gtk_adjustment_get_value(yadj), unit, "px");
        Geom::Point mid = nt->_selected_nodes->pointwiseBounds()->midpoint();

        if (oldx != mid[Geom::X]) {
            gtk_adjustment_set_value(xadj, Quantity::convert(mid[Geom::X], "px", unit));
        if (oldy != mid[Geom::Y]) {
            gtk_adjustment_set_value(yadj, Quantity::convert(mid[Geom::Y], "px", unit));

    g_object_set_data( tbl, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE) );
Beispiel #11
void sp_measure_toolbox_prep(SPDesktop * desktop, GtkActionGroup* mainActions, GObject* holder)
    UnitTracker* tracker = new UnitTracker(Inkscape::Util::UNIT_TYPE_LINEAR);
    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();

    g_object_set_data( holder, "tracker", tracker );

    EgeAdjustmentAction *eact = 0;

    /* Font Size */
        eact = create_adjustment_action( "MeasureFontSizeAction",
                                         _("Font Size"), _("Font Size:"),
                                         _("The font size to be used in the measurement labels"),
                                         "/tools/measure/fontsize", 0.0,
                                         GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, FALSE, NULL,
                                         10, 36, 1.0, 4.0,
                                         0, 0, 0,
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    // units label
        EgeOutputAction* act = ege_output_action_new( "measure_units_label", _("Units:"), _("The units to be used for the measurements"), 0 );
        ege_output_action_set_use_markup( act, TRUE );
        g_object_set( act, "visible-overflown", FALSE, NULL );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION( act ) );

    // units menu
        GtkAction* act = tracker->createAction( "MeasureUnitsAction", _("Units:"), _("The units to be used for the measurements") );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(act), "changed", G_CALLBACK(measure_unit_changed), holder );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, act );
} // end of sp_measure_toolbox_prep()
Beispiel #12
void sp_measure_toolbox_prep(SPDesktop * desktop, GtkActionGroup* mainActions, GObject* holder)
    UnitTracker* tracker = new UnitTracker( SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE | SP_UNIT_DEVICE );
    tracker->setActiveUnit( sp_desktop_namedview(desktop)->doc_units );
    g_object_set_data( holder, "tracker", tracker );

    EgeAdjustmentAction *eact = 0;

    /* Font Size */
        eact = create_adjustment_action( "MeasureFontSizeAction",
                                         _("Font Size"), _("Font Size:"),
                                         _("The font size to be used in the measurement labels"),
                                         "/tools/measure/fontsize", 0.0,
                                         GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), NULL, holder, FALSE, NULL,
                                         10, 36, 1.0, 4.0,
                                         0, 0, 0,
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    // units label
        EgeOutputAction* act = ege_output_action_new( "measure_units_label", _("Units:"), _("The units to be used for the measurements"), 0 );
        ege_output_action_set_use_markup( act, TRUE );
        g_object_set( act, "visible-overflown", FALSE, NULL );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION( act ) );

    // units menu
        GtkAction* act = tracker->createAction( "MeasureUnitsAction", _("Units:"), _("The units to be used for the measurements") );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(act), "changed", G_CALLBACK(measure_unit_changed), (GObject*)holder );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, act );
} // end of sp_measure_toolbox_prep()
Beispiel #13
void sp_paintbucket_toolbox_prep(SPDesktop *desktop, GtkActionGroup* mainActions, GObject* holder)
    EgeAdjustmentAction* eact = 0;
    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();

        GtkListStore* model = gtk_list_store_new( 2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT );

        GList* items = 0;
        gint count = 0;
        for ( items = Inkscape::UI::Tools::flood_channels_dropdown_items_list(); items ; items = g_list_next(items) )
            GtkTreeIter iter;
            gtk_list_store_append( model, &iter );
            gtk_list_store_set( model, &iter, 0, reinterpret_cast<gchar*>(items->data), 1, count, -1 );
        g_list_free( items );
        items = 0;
        EgeSelectOneAction* act1 = ege_select_one_action_new( "ChannelsAction", _("Fill by"), (""), NULL, GTK_TREE_MODEL(model) );
        g_object_set( act1, "short_label", _("Fill by:"), NULL );
        ege_select_one_action_set_appearance( act1, "compact" );
        ege_select_one_action_set_active( act1, prefs->getInt("/tools/paintbucket/channels", 0) );
        g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(act1), "changed", G_CALLBACK(paintbucket_channels_changed), holder );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(act1) );
        g_object_set_data( holder, "channels_action", act1 );

    // Spacing spinbox
        eact = create_adjustment_action(
            _("Fill Threshold"), _("Threshold:"),
            _("The maximum allowed difference between the clicked pixel and the neighboring pixels to be counted in the fill"),
            "/tools/paintbucket/threshold", 5, GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, TRUE,
            "inkscape:paintbucket-threshold", 0, 100.0, 1.0, 10.0,
            0, 0, 0,
            paintbucket_threshold_changed, NULL /*unit tracker*/, 1, 0 );

        ege_adjustment_action_set_appearance( eact, TOOLBAR_SLIDER_HINT );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    // Create the units menu.
    UnitTracker* tracker = new UnitTracker(Inkscape::Util::UNIT_TYPE_LINEAR);
    Glib::ustring stored_unit = prefs->getString("/tools/paintbucket/offsetunits");
    if (!stored_unit.empty()) {
        Unit const *u = unit_table.getUnit(stored_unit);
    g_object_set_data( holder, "tracker", tracker );
        GtkAction* act = tracker->createAction( "PaintbucketUnitsAction", _("Units"), ("") );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, act );

    // Offset spinbox
        eact = create_adjustment_action(
            _("Grow/shrink by"), _("Grow/shrink by:"),
            _("The amount to grow (positive) or shrink (negative) the created fill path"),
            "/tools/paintbucket/offset", 0, GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, TRUE,
            "inkscape:paintbucket-offset", -1e4, 1e4, 0.1, 0.5,
            0, 0, 0,
            paintbucket_offset_changed, tracker, 1, 2);
        tracker->addAdjustment( ege_adjustment_action_get_adjustment(eact) );

        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    /* Auto Gap */
        GtkListStore* model = gtk_list_store_new( 2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT );

        GList* items = 0;
        gint count = 0;
        for ( items = Inkscape::UI::Tools::flood_autogap_dropdown_items_list(); items ; items = g_list_next(items) )
            GtkTreeIter iter;
            gtk_list_store_append( model, &iter );
            gtk_list_store_set( model, &iter, 0, reinterpret_cast<gchar*>(items->data), 1, count, -1 );
        g_list_free( items );
        items = 0;
        EgeSelectOneAction* act2 = ege_select_one_action_new( "AutoGapAction", _("Close gaps"), (""), NULL, GTK_TREE_MODEL(model) );
        g_object_set( act2, "short_label", _("Close gaps:"), NULL );
        ege_select_one_action_set_appearance( act2, "compact" );
        ege_select_one_action_set_active( act2, prefs->getBool("/tools/paintbucket/autogap") );
        g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(act2), "changed", G_CALLBACK(paintbucket_autogap_changed), holder );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(act2) );
        g_object_set_data( holder, "autogap_action", act2 );

    /* Reset */
        GtkAction* act = gtk_action_new( "PaintbucketResetAction",
                                          _("Reset paint bucket parameters to defaults (use Inkscape Preferences > Tools to change defaults)"),
                                          GTK_STOCK_CLEAR );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(act), "activate", G_CALLBACK(paintbucket_defaults), holder );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, act );
        gtk_action_set_sensitive( act, TRUE );

Beispiel #14
void sp_rect_toolbox_prep(SPDesktop *desktop, GtkActionGroup* mainActions, GObject* holder)
    EgeAdjustmentAction* eact = 0;
    Inkscape::IconSize secondarySize = ToolboxFactory::prefToSize("/toolbox/secondary", 1);

        EgeOutputAction* act = ege_output_action_new( "RectStateAction", _("<b>New:</b>"), "", 0 );
        ege_output_action_set_use_markup( act, TRUE );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION( act ) );
        g_object_set_data( holder, "mode_action", act );

    // rx/ry units menu: create
    UnitTracker* tracker = new UnitTracker(Inkscape::Util::UNIT_TYPE_LINEAR);
    //tracker->addUnit( SP_UNIT_PERCENT, 0 );
    // fixme: add % meaning per cent of the width/height
    g_object_set_data( holder, "tracker", tracker );

    /* W */
        gchar const* labels[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        gdouble values[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500};
        eact = create_adjustment_action( "RectWidthAction",
                                         _("Width"), _("W:"), _("Width of rectangle"),
                                         "/tools/shapes/rect/width", 0,
                                         GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, TRUE, "altx-rect",
                                         0, 1e6, SPIN_STEP, SPIN_PAGE_STEP,
                                         labels, values, G_N_ELEMENTS(labels),
                                         sp_rtb_width_value_changed, tracker);
        tracker->addAdjustment( ege_adjustment_action_get_adjustment(eact) );
        g_object_set_data( holder, "width_action", eact );
        gtk_action_set_sensitive( GTK_ACTION(eact), FALSE );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    /* H */
        gchar const* labels[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        gdouble values[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500};
        eact = create_adjustment_action( "RectHeightAction",
                                         _("Height"), _("H:"), _("Height of rectangle"),
                                         "/tools/shapes/rect/height", 0,
                                         GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, FALSE, NULL,
                                         0, 1e6, SPIN_STEP, SPIN_PAGE_STEP,
                                         labels, values, G_N_ELEMENTS(labels),
                                         sp_rtb_height_value_changed, tracker);
        tracker->addAdjustment( ege_adjustment_action_get_adjustment(eact) );
        g_object_set_data( holder, "height_action", eact );
        gtk_action_set_sensitive( GTK_ACTION(eact), FALSE );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    /* rx */
        gchar const* labels[] = {_("not rounded"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        gdouble values[] = {0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100};
        eact = create_adjustment_action( "RadiusXAction",
                                         _("Horizontal radius"), _("Rx:"), _("Horizontal radius of rounded corners"),
                                         "/tools/shapes/rect/rx", 0,
                                         GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, FALSE, NULL,
                                         0, 1e6, SPIN_STEP, SPIN_PAGE_STEP,
                                         labels, values, G_N_ELEMENTS(labels),
                                         sp_rtb_rx_value_changed, tracker);
        tracker->addAdjustment( ege_adjustment_action_get_adjustment(eact) );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    /* ry */
        gchar const* labels[] = {_("not rounded"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        gdouble values[] = {0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100};
        eact = create_adjustment_action( "RadiusYAction",
                                         _("Vertical radius"), _("Ry:"), _("Vertical radius of rounded corners"),
                                         "/tools/shapes/rect/ry", 0,
                                         GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, FALSE, NULL,
                                         0, 1e6, SPIN_STEP, SPIN_PAGE_STEP,
                                         labels, values, G_N_ELEMENTS(labels),
                                         sp_rtb_ry_value_changed, tracker);
        tracker->addAdjustment( ege_adjustment_action_get_adjustment(eact) );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    // add the units menu
        GtkAction* act = tracker->createAction( "RectUnitsAction", _("Units"), ("") );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, act );

    /* Reset */
        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "RectResetAction",
                                          _("Not rounded"),
                                          _("Make corners sharp"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_rtb_defaults), holder );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );
        gtk_action_set_sensitive( GTK_ACTION(inky), TRUE );
        g_object_set_data( holder, "not_rounded", inky );

    g_object_set_data( holder, "single", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE) );
    sp_rtb_sensitivize( holder );

    desktop->connectEventContextChanged(sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(rect_toolbox_watch_ec), holder));
    g_signal_connect( holder, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(purge_repr_listener), holder );
Beispiel #15
static void
sp_object_layout_any_value_changed(GtkAdjustment *adj, SPWidget *spw)
    if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update")) {

    UnitTracker *tracker = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "tracker"));
    if ( !tracker || tracker->isUpdating() ) {
         * When only units are being changed, don't treat changes
         * to adjuster values as object changes.
    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE));

    SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
    Inkscape::Selection *selection = sp_desktop_selection(desktop);
    SPDocument *document = sp_desktop_document(desktop);

    document->ensureUpToDate ();
    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();

    Geom::OptRect bbox_vis = selection->visualBounds();
    Geom::OptRect bbox_geom = selection->geometricBounds();

    int prefs_bbox = prefs->getInt("/tools/bounding_box");
    SPItem::BBoxType bbox_type = (prefs_bbox == 0)?
    Geom::OptRect bbox_user = selection->bounds(bbox_type);

    if ( !bbox_user ) {
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE));

    gdouble x0 = 0;
    gdouble y0 = 0;
    gdouble x1 = 0;
    gdouble y1 = 0;
    gdouble xrel = 0;
    gdouble yrel = 0;
    SPUnit const &unit = *tracker->getActiveUnit();

    GtkAdjustment* a_x = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "X" ) );
    GtkAdjustment* a_y = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "Y" ) );
    GtkAdjustment* a_w = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "width" ) );
    GtkAdjustment* a_h = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "height" ) );

    if (unit.base == SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE || unit.base == SP_UNIT_DEVICE) {
        x0 = sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_x), unit);
        y0 = sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_y), unit);
        x1 = x0 + sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_w), unit);
        xrel = sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_w), unit) / bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::X];
        y1 = y0 + sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_h), unit);
        yrel = sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_h), unit) / bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::Y];
    } else {
        double const x0_propn = gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_x) * unit.unittobase;
        x0 = bbox_user->min()[Geom::X] * x0_propn;
        double const y0_propn = gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_y) * unit.unittobase;
        y0 = y0_propn * bbox_user->min()[Geom::Y];
        xrel = gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_w) * unit.unittobase;
        x1 = x0 + xrel * bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::X];
        yrel = gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_h) * unit.unittobase;
        y1 = y0 + yrel * bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::Y];

    // Keep proportions if lock is on
    GtkToggleAction *lock = GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION( g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "lock") );
    if ( gtk_toggle_action_get_active(lock) ) {
        if (adj == a_h) {
            x1 = x0 + yrel * bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::X];
        } else if (adj == a_w) {
            y1 = y0 + xrel * bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::Y];

    // scales and moves, in px
    double mh = fabs(x0 - bbox_user->min()[Geom::X]);
    double sh = fabs(x1 - bbox_user->max()[Geom::X]);
    double mv = fabs(y0 - bbox_user->min()[Geom::Y]);
    double sv = fabs(y1 - bbox_user->max()[Geom::Y]);

    // unless the unit is %, convert the scales and moves to the unit
    if (unit.base == SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE || unit.base == SP_UNIT_DEVICE) {
        mh = sp_pixels_get_units (mh, unit);
        sh = sp_pixels_get_units (sh, unit);
        mv = sp_pixels_get_units (mv, unit);
        sv = sp_pixels_get_units (sv, unit);

    // do the action only if one of the scales/moves is greater than half the last significant
    // digit in the spinbox (currently spinboxes have 3 fractional digits, so that makes 0.0005). If
    // the value was changed by the user, the difference will be at least that much; otherwise it's
    // just rounding difference between the spinbox value and actual value, so no action is
    // performed
    char const * const actionkey = ( mh > 5e-4 ? "selector:toolbar:move:horizontal" :
                                     sh > 5e-4 ? "selector:toolbar:scale:horizontal" :
                                     mv > 5e-4 ? "selector:toolbar:move:vertical" :
                                     sv > 5e-4 ? "selector:toolbar:scale:vertical" : NULL );

    if (actionkey != NULL) {

        // FIXME: fix for GTK breakage, see comment in SelectedStyle::on_opacity_changed

        int transform_stroke = prefs->getBool("/options/transform/stroke", true) ? 1 : 0;

        Geom::Affine scaler;
        if (bbox_type == SPItem::VISUAL_BBOX) {
            scaler = get_scale_transform_for_variable_stroke (*bbox_vis, *bbox_geom, transform_stroke, x0, y0, x1, y1);
        } else {
            // 1) We could have use the newer get_scale_transform_for_variable_stroke() here, but to avoid regressions
            // we'll just use the old get_scale_transform_for_uniform_stroke() for now.
            // 2) get_scale_transform_for_uniform_stroke() is intended for visual bounding boxes, not geometrical ones!
            // we'll trick it into using a geometric bounding box though, by setting the stroke width to zero
            scaler = get_scale_transform_for_uniform_stroke (*bbox_geom, 0, false, x0, y0, x1, y1);

        sp_selection_apply_affine(selection, scaler);
        DocumentUndo::maybeDone(document, actionkey, SP_VERB_CONTEXT_SELECT,
                                _("Transform by toolbar"));

        // resume interruptibility

    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE));
Beispiel #16
void sp_node_toolbox_prep(SPDesktop *desktop, GtkActionGroup* mainActions, GObject* holder)
    UnitTracker* tracker = new UnitTracker(Inkscape::Util::UNIT_TYPE_LINEAR);
    Unit doc_units = *sp_desktop_namedview(desktop)->doc_units;
    g_object_set_data( holder, "tracker", tracker );

    Inkscape::IconSize secondarySize = ToolboxFactory::prefToSize("/toolbox/secondary", 1);

        InkToolMenuAction* inky = ink_tool_menu_action_new( "NodeInsertAction",
                                                            _("Insert node"),
                                                            _("Insert new nodes into selected segments"),
                                                            secondarySize );
        g_object_set( INK_ACTION(inky), "short_label", _("Insert"), NULL );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_add), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );
        GtkToolItem *menu_tool_button = gtk_menu_tool_button_new (NULL, NULL);
        gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (menu_tool_button), GTK_ACTION(inky));
        // also create dummy menu action:
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, gtk_action_new("NodeInsertActionMenu", NULL, NULL, NULL) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeInsertActionMinX",
                                          _("Insert node at min X"),
                                          _("Insert new nodes at min X into selected segments"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_object_set( inky, "short_label", _("Insert min X"), NULL );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_add_min_x), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );
        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeInsertActionMaxX",
                                          _("Insert node at max X"),
                                          _("Insert new nodes at max X into selected segments"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_object_set( inky, "short_label", _("Insert max X"), NULL );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_add_max_x), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );
        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeInsertActionMinY",
                                          _("Insert node at min Y"),
                                          _("Insert new nodes at min Y into selected segments"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_object_set( inky, "short_label", _("Insert min Y"), NULL );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_add_min_y), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );
        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeInsertActionMaxY",
                                          _("Insert node at max Y"),
                                          _("Insert new nodes at max Y into selected segments"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_object_set( inky, "short_label", _("Insert max Y"), NULL );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_add_max_y), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeDeleteAction",
                                          _("Delete node"),
                                          _("Delete selected nodes"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_object_set( inky, "short_label", _("Delete"), NULL );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_delete), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeJoinAction",
                                          _("Join nodes"),
                                          _("Join selected nodes"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_object_set( inky, "short_label", _("Join"), NULL );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_join), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeBreakAction",
                                          _("Break nodes"),
                                          _("Break path at selected nodes"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_break), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeJoinSegmentAction",
                                          _("Join with segment"),
                                          _("Join selected endnodes with a new segment"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_join_segment), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeDeleteSegmentAction",
                                          _("Delete segment"),
                                          _("Delete segment between two non-endpoint nodes"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_delete_segment), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeCuspAction",
                                          _("Node Cusp"),
                                          _("Make selected nodes corner"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_cusp), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeSmoothAction",
                                          _("Node Smooth"),
                                          _("Make selected nodes smooth"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_smooth), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeSymmetricAction",
                                          _("Node Symmetric"),
                                          _("Make selected nodes symmetric"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_symmetrical), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeAutoAction",
                                          _("Node Auto"),
                                          _("Make selected nodes auto-smooth"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_auto), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeLineAction",
                                          _("Node Line"),
                                          _("Make selected segments lines"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_toline), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( "NodeCurveAction",
                                          _("Node Curve"),
                                          _("Make selected segments curves"),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_tocurve), 0 );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );

        InkToggleAction* act = ink_toggle_action_new( "NodesShowTransformHandlesAction",
                                                      _("Show Transform Handles"),
                                                      _("Show transformation handles for selected nodes"),
                                                      secondarySize );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION( act ) );
        PrefPusher *pusher = new PrefPusher(GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(act), "/tools/nodes/show_transform_handles");
        g_signal_connect( holder, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(delete_prefspusher), pusher);

        InkToggleAction* act = ink_toggle_action_new( "NodesShowHandlesAction",
                                                      _("Show Handles"),
                                                      _("Show Bezier handles of selected nodes"),
                                                      secondarySize );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION( act ) );
        PrefPusher *pusher = new PrefPusher(GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(act), "/tools/nodes/show_handles");
        g_signal_connect( holder, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(delete_prefspusher), pusher);

        InkToggleAction* act = ink_toggle_action_new( "NodesShowHelperpath",
                                                      _("Show Outline"),
                                                      _("Show path outline (without path effects)"),
                                                      secondarySize );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION( act ) );
        PrefPusher *pusher = new PrefPusher(GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(act), "/tools/nodes/show_outline");
        g_signal_connect( holder, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(delete_prefspusher), pusher);

        Inkscape::Verb* verb = Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_EDIT_NEXT_PATHEFFECT_PARAMETER);
        InkAction* inky = ink_action_new( verb->get_id(),
                                          secondarySize );
        g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(inky), "activate", G_CALLBACK(sp_node_path_edit_nextLPEparam), desktop );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );
        g_object_set_data( holder, "nodes_lpeedit", inky);

        InkToggleAction* inky = ink_toggle_action_new( "ObjectEditClipPathAction",
                                          _("Edit clipping paths"),
                                          _("Show clipping path(s) of selected object(s)"),
                                          secondarySize );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );
        PrefPusher *pusher = new PrefPusher(GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(inky), "/tools/nodes/edit_clipping_paths");
        g_signal_connect( holder, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(delete_prefspusher), pusher);

        InkToggleAction* inky = ink_toggle_action_new( "ObjectEditMaskPathAction",
                                          _("Edit masks"),
                                          _("Show mask(s) of selected object(s)"),
                                          secondarySize );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(inky) );
        PrefPusher *pusher = new PrefPusher(GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(inky), "/tools/nodes/edit_masks");
        g_signal_connect( holder, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(delete_prefspusher), pusher);

    /* X coord of selected node(s) */
        EgeAdjustmentAction* eact = 0;
        gchar const* labels[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        gdouble values[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500};
        eact = create_adjustment_action( "NodeXAction",
                                         _("X coordinate:"), _("X:"), _("X coordinate of selected node(s)"),
                                         "/tools/nodes/Xcoord", 0,
                                         GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, TRUE, "altx-nodes",
                                         -1e6, 1e6, SPIN_STEP, SPIN_PAGE_STEP,
                                         labels, values, G_N_ELEMENTS(labels),
                                         sp_node_path_x_value_changed, tracker );
        tracker->addAdjustment( ege_adjustment_action_get_adjustment(eact) );
        g_object_set_data( holder, "nodes_x_action", eact );
        gtk_action_set_sensitive( GTK_ACTION(eact), FALSE );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    /* Y coord of selected node(s) */
        EgeAdjustmentAction* eact = 0;
        gchar const* labels[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        gdouble values[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500};
        eact = create_adjustment_action( "NodeYAction",
                                         _("Y coordinate:"), _("Y:"), _("Y coordinate of selected node(s)"),
                                         "/tools/nodes/Ycoord", 0,
                                         GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), holder, FALSE, NULL,
                                         -1e6, 1e6, SPIN_STEP, SPIN_PAGE_STEP,
                                         labels, values, G_N_ELEMENTS(labels),
                                         sp_node_path_y_value_changed, tracker );
        tracker->addAdjustment( ege_adjustment_action_get_adjustment(eact) );
        g_object_set_data( holder, "nodes_y_action", eact );
        gtk_action_set_sensitive( GTK_ACTION(eact), FALSE );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    // add the units menu
        GtkAction* act = tracker->createAction( "NodeUnitsAction", _("Units"), ("") );
        gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, act );

    sp_node_toolbox_sel_changed(sp_desktop_selection(desktop), holder);

    //watch selection
    Inkscape::ConnectionPool* pool = Inkscape::ConnectionPool::new_connection_pool ("ISNodeToolbox");

    sigc::connection *c_selection_changed =
        new sigc::connection (sp_desktop_selection (desktop)->connectChanged
                              (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (sp_node_toolbox_sel_changed), holder)));
    pool->add_connection ("selection-changed", c_selection_changed);

    sigc::connection *c_selection_modified =
        new sigc::connection (sp_desktop_selection (desktop)->connectModified
                              (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (sp_node_toolbox_sel_modified), holder)));
    pool->add_connection ("selection-modified", c_selection_modified);

    sigc::connection *c_subselection_changed =
        new sigc::connection (desktop->connectToolSubselectionChanged
                              (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (sp_node_toolbox_coord_changed), holder)));
    pool->add_connection ("tool-subselection-changed", c_subselection_changed);

    Inkscape::ConnectionPool::connect_destroy (G_OBJECT (holder), pool);

    g_signal_connect( holder, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(purge_repr_listener), holder );
} // end of sp_node_toolbox_prep()
Beispiel #17
void sp_select_toolbox_prep(SPDesktop *desktop, GtkActionGroup* mainActions, GObject* holder)
    Inkscape::UI::View::View *view = desktop;
    Inkscape::IconSize secondarySize = Inkscape::UI::ToolboxFactory::prefToSize("/toolbox/secondary", 1);
    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();

    GtkAction* act = 0;

    GtkActionGroup* selectionActions = mainActions; // temporary
    std::vector<GtkAction*>* contextActions = new std::vector<GtkAction*>();

    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_EDIT_SELECT_ALL), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_EDIT_SELECT_ALL_IN_ALL_LAYERS), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_EDIT_DESELECT), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    contextActions->push_back( act );

    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_OBJECT_ROTATE_90_CCW), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    contextActions->push_back( act );
    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_OBJECT_ROTATE_90_CW), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    contextActions->push_back( act );
    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_OBJECT_FLIP_HORIZONTAL), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    contextActions->push_back( act );
    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_OBJECT_FLIP_VERTICAL), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    contextActions->push_back( act );

    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_SELECTION_TO_BACK), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    contextActions->push_back( act );
    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_SELECTION_LOWER), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    contextActions->push_back( act );
    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_SELECTION_RAISE), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    contextActions->push_back( act );
    act = create_action_for_verb( Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_SELECTION_TO_FRONT), view, secondarySize );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );
    contextActions->push_back( act );

    // Create the parent widget for x y w h tracker.
    GtkWidget *spw = sp_widget_new_global(INKSCAPE);

    // Remember the desktop's canvas widget, to be used for defocusing.
    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "dtw", sp_desktop_canvas(desktop));

    // The vb frame holds all other widgets and is used to set sensitivity depending on selection state.
    GtkWidget *vb = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0);
    gtk_box_set_homogeneous(GTK_BOX(vb), FALSE);
    GtkWidget *vb = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
    gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(spw), vb);

    // Create the units menu.
    UnitTracker* tracker = new UnitTracker( SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE | SP_UNIT_DEVICE );
    tracker->addUnit( SP_UNIT_PERCENT, 0 );
    tracker->setActiveUnit( sp_desktop_namedview(desktop)->doc_units );

    g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "tracker", tracker );
    g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(spw), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(destroy_tracker), spw );

    EgeAdjustmentAction* eact = 0;

    // four spinbuttons

    eact = create_adjustment_action( "XAction", C_("Select toolbar", "X position"), C_("Select toolbar", "X:"), "X",
                                    -1e6, GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), tracker, spw,
                                     _("Horizontal coordinate of selection"), TRUE );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );
    contextActions->push_back( GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    eact = create_adjustment_action( "YAction", C_("Select toolbar", "Y position"), C_("Select toolbar", "Y:"), "Y",
                                     -1e6, GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), tracker, spw,
                                     _("Vertical coordinate of selection"), FALSE );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );
    contextActions->push_back( GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    eact = create_adjustment_action( "WidthAction", C_("Select toolbar", "Width"), C_("Select toolbar", "W:"), "width",
                                     0.0, GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), tracker, spw,
                                     _("Width of selection"), FALSE );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );
    contextActions->push_back( GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    // lock toggle
    InkToggleAction* itact = ink_toggle_action_new( "LockAction",
                                                    _("Lock width and height"),
                                                    _("When locked, change both width and height by the same proportion"),
                                                    Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_DECORATION );
    g_object_set( itact, "short_label", "Lock", NULL );
    g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "lock", itact );
    g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(itact), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(toggle_lock), desktop) ;
    gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(itact) );

    eact = create_adjustment_action( "HeightAction", C_("Select toolbar", "Height"), C_("Select toolbar", "H:"), "height",
                                     0.0, GTK_WIDGET(desktop->canvas), tracker, spw,
                                     _("Height of selection"), FALSE );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, GTK_ACTION(eact) );
    contextActions->push_back( GTK_ACTION(eact) );

    // Add the units menu.
    act = tracker->createAction( "UnitsAction", _("Units"), ("") );
    gtk_action_group_add_action( selectionActions, act );

    g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "selectionActions", selectionActions );
    g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "contextActions", contextActions );

    // Force update when selection changes.
    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(spw), "modify_selection", G_CALLBACK(sp_selection_layout_widget_modify_selection), desktop);
    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(spw), "change_selection", G_CALLBACK(sp_selection_layout_widget_change_selection), desktop);

    // Update now.
    sp_selection_layout_widget_update(SP_WIDGET(spw), SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP ? sp_desktop_selection(SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP) : NULL);

    for ( std::vector<GtkAction*>::iterator iter = contextActions->begin();
          iter != contextActions->end(); ++iter) {
        if ( gtk_action_is_sensitive(*iter) ) {
            gtk_action_set_sensitive( *iter, FALSE );

    // Insert spw into the toolbar.
    if ( GTK_IS_BOX(holder) ) {
        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(holder), spw, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
    } else if ( GTK_IS_TOOLBAR(holder) ) {
	GtkToolItem *spw_toolitem = gtk_tool_item_new();
	gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(spw_toolitem), spw);
	gtk_toolbar_insert(GTK_TOOLBAR(holder), spw_toolitem, -1);
    } else {
        g_warning("Unexpected holder type");

    // "Transform with object" buttons
    InkToggleAction* itact = ink_toggle_action_new( "transform_stroke",
                                                    _("Scale stroke width"),
                                                    _("When scaling objects, scale the stroke width by the same proportion"),
                                                    Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_DECORATION );
    gtk_toggle_action_set_active( GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(itact), prefs->getBool("/options/transform/stroke", true) );
    g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(itact), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(toggle_stroke), desktop) ;
    gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(itact) );

    InkToggleAction* itact = ink_toggle_action_new( "transform_corners",
                                                    _("Scale rounded corners"),
                                                    _("When scaling rectangles, scale the radii of rounded corners"),
                                                  Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_DECORATION );
    gtk_toggle_action_set_active( GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(itact), prefs->getBool("/options/transform/rectcorners", true) );
    g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(itact), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(toggle_corners), desktop) ;
    gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(itact) );

    InkToggleAction* itact = ink_toggle_action_new( "transform_gradient",
                                                    _("Move gradients"),
                                                    _("Move gradients (in fill or stroke) along with the objects"),
                                                  Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_DECORATION );
    gtk_toggle_action_set_active( GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(itact), prefs->getBool("/options/transform/gradient", true) );
    g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(itact), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(toggle_gradient), desktop) ;
    gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(itact) );

    InkToggleAction* itact = ink_toggle_action_new( "transform_pattern",
                                                    _("Move patterns"),
                                                    _("Move patterns (in fill or stroke) along with the objects"),
                                                  Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_DECORATION );
    gtk_toggle_action_set_active( GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION(itact), prefs->getBool("/options/transform/pattern", true) );
    g_signal_connect_after( G_OBJECT(itact), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(toggle_pattern), desktop) ;
    gtk_action_group_add_action( mainActions, GTK_ACTION(itact) );