Beispiel #1
void Canopy::growHexSegment(treeNode *rootOfTree, BranchBase *pCanopyBranch,aabb TreeBoundingBox, LevelDetail *grammar, V3 startHeading)
    theOverseer = observer::Instance();
    V3 root(rootOfTree->pbranch->segments[0].m_tipPointList[0]);
	V3 CanopySegmentRoot(pCanopyBranch->tipPoint);// canopySegmentRoot
	V3 CanopyTop(root);
    CanopyTop.y = root.y + TreeBoundingBox.yMax;
	V3 CanopyFulcrum(CanopyTop);
	CanopyFulcrum.y = CanopyFulcrum.y * 0.57f; // 4/7
    if(pCanopyBranch->tipPoint.y < CanopyFulcrum.y){
        CanopyFulcrum.y = pCanopyBranch->tipPoint.y * 0.714f;// 5/7
	V3 CanopyHeading = CanopySegmentRoot-CanopyFulcrum;
	V3 CanopyArbitrary(CanopySegmentRoot-root);
	V3 Left = CrossProduct(CanopyArbitrary,CanopyHeading);
	V3 Right = CrossProduct(CanopyHeading,CanopyArbitrary);
	V3 Down = CrossProduct(Left,CanopyHeading);
	V3 Up = CrossProduct(CanopyHeading,Left);
    V3 perturb = CanopyHeading;
    int shift = -((int)floor(m_width/2.0f));
    float nudge =0.0f;

    growPatchSegment(rootOfTree, pCanopyBranch,TreeBoundingBox, grammar,startHeading);
void FireBall::initParticle(ParticleEmitter::Particle& out)
	// Time particle is created relative to the global running
	// time of the particle system.
	out.initialTime = mTime;

	// Flare lives for 2-4 seconds.
	// original values //out.lifeTime   = GetRandomFloat(2.0f, 8.0f);
	out.lifeTime   = GetRandomFloat(mMinLifeTime, mMaxLifeTime);

	// Initial size in pixels.
	// original values //out.initialSize  = GetRandomFloat(10.0f, 15.0f);
	out.initialSize  = GetRandomFloat(mMinSize, mMaxSize);

	// Give a very small initial velocity to give the flares
	// some randomness.
    out.initialVelocity.x *= mAccelImpulse.x;
    out.initialVelocity.y *= mAccelImpulse.y;
    out.initialVelocity.z *= mAccelImpulse.z;
    out.initialVelocity.x += mAccelShift.x;
    out.initialVelocity.y += mAccelShift.y;
    out.initialVelocity.z += mAccelShift.z;

	// Scalar value used in vertex shader as an amplitude factor.
	out.mass = GetRandomFloat(1.0f, 2.0f);

	// Start color at 50-100% intensity when born for variation.
	out.initialColor = static_cast<DWORD>(GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 1.0f) *    1.0f);//white;

	V3 temp = mParticleRadius - mInitPos;
    float length = temp.Length();
    V3 tempNormal = temp.Normalize();
	//D3DXMATRIX outmtx;
	noMat3 outmtx;
	noAngles angle(RAD2DEG(GetRandomFloat(0.0f,2.0f)*noMath::PI), RAD2DEG(GetRandomFloat(0.0f,2.0f)*noMath::PI), 0.0f);
	outmtx = angle.ToMat3();
	temp = outmtx * temp;	
	out.initialPos = mInitPos + (temp * length);
Beispiel #3
// The patch segment is an array of points that will be used as a canopy patch at the end of a branch or where
// a canopy is defined.  To create the patch we need to know what the drop angle will be. This is calculated based on the established 
// grammar drop angle along with the fulcrum calculation for the tree.  The patch will not be flat but will be perturbed from the plane in
// a random way based on a given weight factor for perturbation.  
void Canopy::growPatchSegment(treeNode *rootOfTree, BranchBase *pCanopyBranch,aabb TreeBoundingBox, LevelDetail *grammar, V3 startHeading)
    theOverseer = observer::Instance();
	//int cwidth =9;
	//int cheight =9;
	//float m_widthStep =1;
	//float m_heightStep =1.25;
    V3 root(rootOfTree->pbranch->segments[0].m_tipPointList[0]);
	V3 CanopySegmentRoot(pCanopyBranch->tipPoint);// canopySegmentRoot
	V3 CanopyTop(root);
    CanopyTop.y = root.y + TreeBoundingBox.yMax;
	V3 CanopyFulcrum(CanopyTop);
	CanopyFulcrum.y = CanopyFulcrum.y * 0.57f; // 4/7
    if(pCanopyBranch->tipPoint.y < CanopyFulcrum.y){
        CanopyFulcrum.y = pCanopyBranch->tipPoint.y * 0.714f;// 5/7
	V3 CanopyHeading = CanopySegmentRoot-CanopyFulcrum;
	V3 CanopyArbitrary(CanopySegmentRoot-root);
	V3 Left = CrossProduct(CanopyArbitrary,CanopyHeading);
	V3 Right = CrossProduct(CanopyHeading,CanopyArbitrary);
	V3 Down = CrossProduct(Left,CanopyHeading);
	V3 Up = CrossProduct(CanopyHeading,Left);
    float perturbFactor = grammar->perturbFactor;
    V3 perturb = CanopyHeading;
    Basis.iAxis = Right * (((float)m_width)/2) * m_widthStep;
    Basis.jAxis = CanopyHeading;
    Basis.kAxis = Down * (((float)m_height)/2) * m_heightStep;
    int shift = -((int)floor(m_width/2.0f));
    float nudge =0.0f;
	for(int j=0;j<m_height;j++){
	    for(int i=0;i<m_width;i++){
            nudge = theOverseer->randf(-(perturbFactor),(perturbFactor));
            perturb = perturb * nudge;
            V3 tcb = pCanopyBranch->tipPoint + ((i+shift)*m_widthStep)* Left + (j*m_heightStep)*Down;
            V3 *cb;
                tcb = tcb + perturb;
 			    cb = new V3(tcb);
 			    cb = new V3(tcb);
            perturb = CanopyHeading;
    theOverseer = observer::Instance();
    m_startIndex = theOverseer->DXRS->CurrentIndex;
    m_startVertex = theOverseer->DXRS->CurrentVIndex;
    m_AABB = setAABB();
    theOverseer->DXRS->CurrentIndex = theOverseer->DXRS->CurrentIndex + ((m_height-1)*(m_width-1)*12); // 6 per quad per side = 12
    theOverseer->DXRS->CurrentVIndex = theOverseer->DXRS->CurrentVIndex + ( m_height*m_width*2); // two sides = 2
    m_burning = false;