void ChangeEmpireOptions::_exec(Game& game, unsigned int)
  VariantMap emOpts = _vars.get( literals::empire ).toMap();
  VariantMap advOptions = _vars.get( literals::adviser ).toMap();

  if( !emOpts.empty() )
    world::EmpirePtr empire = game.empire();

    unsigned int lastWorkerSalary = empire->workerSalary();

    empire->load( emOpts );

    if( empire->workerSalary() != lastWorkerSalary )
      bool raiseSalary = empire->workerSalary() - lastWorkerSalary;

      GameEventPtr e = ShowInfobox::create( "##rome##", raiseSalary ? "##rome_raises_wages##" : "##rome_lowers_wages##");

  Variant adv_enabled = advOptions.get( literals::enabled );
  if( adv_enabled.isValid() )
    game.city()->setOption( PlayerCity::adviserEnabled, adv_enabled );
Beispiel #2
  void set( Senate::Status status, const VariantMap& stream )
    if( stream.empty() )

    Picture pic( stream.get( "rc"), stream.get( "index") );
    Point offset = stream.get( "offset" );
    set( status, pic, offset );
Beispiel #3
void Pathway::load(const Tilemap& tmap, const VariantMap& stream )
    if( stream.empty() )

    VARIANT_LOAD_ANY_D( _d, startPos, stream )
    VARIANT_LOAD_ANY_D( _d, endPos,   stream )
    VariantList vmTiles = stream.get( literals::tiles ).toList();
    foreach( it, vmTiles )
        _d->tiles.push_back( const_cast<Tile*>( &tmap.at( it->toTilePos() )) );
Beispiel #4
void PictureBank::addAtlas( const std::string& filename )
  VariantMap options = SaveAdapter::load( filename );
  if( !options.empty() )
    Logger::warning( "PictureBank: load atlas " + filename );

    AtlasPreview atlas;
    atlas.filename = filename;

    VariantMap items = options.get( framesSection ).toMap();
    foreach( i, items )
      unsigned int hash = StringHelper::hash( i->first );
      atlas.images.insert( hash );
Beispiel #5
void HouseSpecHelper::loadHouseModel( const std::string& filename )
  VariantMap houses = SaveAdapter::load( filename );

  if( houses.empty() )
    StringHelper::debug( 0xff, "Can't load house model from %s", filename.c_str() );

  for( VariantMap::iterator it = houses.begin(); it != houses.end(); it++ )
    // this is not a comment (comments start by #)
    // std::cout << "Line #" << linenum << ":" << line << std::endl;
    VariantMap hSpec = (*it).second.toMap();

    HouseLevelSpec spec;
    spec._houseLevel = hSpec.get( "level" ).toInt();
    spec._levelName = hSpec.get( "title" ).toString();
    spec._maxHabitantsByTile = hSpec.get( "habitants" ).toInt();
    spec._midDesirability = hSpec.get( "minDesirability" ).toInt();  // min desirability
    spec._maxDesirability = hSpec.get( "maxDesirability" ).toInt();  // desirability levelUp
    spec._minEntertainmentLevel = hSpec.get( "entertainment" ).toInt();
    spec._minWaterLevel = hSpec.get( "water" ).toInt();
    spec._minReligionLevel = hSpec.get( "religion" ).toInt();
    spec._minEducationLevel = hSpec.get( "education" ).toInt();
    spec._minHealthLevel = hSpec.get( "health" ).toInt();
    spec._minFoodLevel = hSpec.get( "food" ).toInt();
    spec._requiredGoods[G_WHEAT] = 1;  // hard coded ... to be changed!
    spec._requiredGoods[G_POTTERY] = hSpec.get( "pottery" ).toInt();  // pottery
    spec._requiredGoods[G_OIL] = hSpec.get( "oil" ).toInt();  // oil
    spec._requiredGoods[G_FURNITURE] = hSpec.get( "furniture").toInt();// furniture
    spec._requiredGoods[G_WINE] = hSpec.get( "wine" ).toInt();  // wine
    spec._crime = hSpec.get( "crime" ).toInt();;  // crime
    spec._prosperity = hSpec.get( "prosperity" ).toInt();  // prosperity
    spec._taxRate = hSpec.get( "tax" ).toInt();// tax_rate

    HouseSpecHelper::getInstance().setHouseLevelSpec( spec );    

Beispiel #6
void Storage::load( const VariantMap& stream )
  if( stream.empty() )
    Logger::warning( "!!! Storage::load from empty stream" );

  good::Store::load( stream );
  _gsd->capacity = (int)stream.get( "max" );

  VariantList stockSave = stream.get( "stock" ).toList();
  for( auto& sotckInfo : stockSave )
    SmStock::Ptr stock = SmStock::create( good::none );
    stock->load( sotckInfo.toList() );
    _gsd->stocks[ stock->type() ] = stock;
void PictureBank::addAtlas( const std::string& filename )
  VariantMap options = config::load( filename );
  if( !options.empty() )
    Logger::warning( "PictureBank: load atlas " + filename );

    AtlasPreview atlas;
    atlas.filename = filename;

    VariantMap items = options.get( framesSection ).toMap();
    for( auto& i : items )
      unsigned int hash = Hash( i.first );
      atlas.images.insert( hash );

    _d->atlases.push_back( atlas );
void PictureBank::Impl::loadAtlas(const vfs::Path& filePath)
  if( !filePath.exist() )
    Logger::warning( "PictureBank: cant find atlas " + filePath.toString() );

  VariantMap info = config::load( filePath );

  vfs::Path texturePath = info.get( "texture" ).toString();

  vfs::NFile file = vfs::NFile::open( texturePath );

  Picture mainTexture;
  if( file.isOpen() )
    mainTexture = PictureLoader::instance().load( file );
    Logger::warning( "PictureBank: load atlas failed for texture" + texturePath.toString() );
    mainTexture = Picture::getInvalid();

  //SizeF mainRectSize = mainTexture.size().toSizeF();
  if( !info.empty() )
    VariantMap items = info.get( framesSection ).toMap();
    for( auto& i : items )
      VariantList rInfo = i.second.toList();
      Picture pic = mainTexture;
      Point start( rInfo.get( 0 ).toInt(), rInfo.get( 1 ).toInt() );
      Size size( rInfo.get( 2 ).toInt(), rInfo.get( 3 ).toInt() );

      pic.setOriginRect( Rect( start, size ) );
      setPicture( i.first, pic );
Beispiel #9
std::string Json::serialize(const Variant &data, bool &success, const std::string& tab)
  std::string str;
  success = true;

  if( data.isNull() ) // invalid or null?
    return "null";

  switch( data.type() )
    case Variant::List:
    case Variant::NStringArray: // variant is a list?
      StringArray values;
      const VariantList rlist = data.toList();
      std::string serializedValue;
      serializedValue.reserve( 512 );
      for( auto item : rlist )
        serializedValue = serialize( item, "" );
        if( serializedValue.empty() )
            success = false;

        values.push_back( serializedValue );

      str = "[ " + join( values, ", " ) + " ]";

    case Variant::Map: // variant is a map?
      VariantMap vmap = data.toMap();
      if( vmap.empty() )
        str = "{}";
        str = "{ \n";
        StringArray pairs;
        std::string serializedValue;
        serializedValue.reserve( 512 );
        for( auto item : vmap )
          serializedValue = serialize( item.second, tab + "  ");
          if( serializedValue.empty())
                  //success = false;
            pairs.push_back( tab + sanitizeString( item.first ) + std::string( " : \"nonSerializableValue\"" ) );
          pairs.push_back( tab + sanitizeString( item.first ) + " : " + serializedValue );
        str += join(pairs, ",\n");
        std::string rtab( tab );
        rtab.resize( std::max<int>( 0, tab.size() - 2 ) );
        str += std::string( "\n" ) + rtab + "}";

    case Variant::String:
    case Variant::NByteArray: // a string or a byte array?
      str = sanitizeString( data.toString() );

    case Variant::Double:
    case Variant::Float: // double?
      // TODO: cheap hack - almost locale independent double formatting
      str = utils::format( 0xff, "\"%f\"", data.toDouble() );
      str = utils::replace(str, ",", ".");
      if( str.find(".") == std::string::npos && str.find("e") == std::string::npos )
         str += ".0";

    case Variant::NTilePos:
      const TilePos& pos = data.toTilePos();
      str = utils::format( 0xff, "[ %d, %d ]", pos.i(), pos.j() );

    case Variant::NSize:
      const Size& size = data.toSize();
      str = utils::format( 0xff, "[ %d, %d ]", size.width(), size.height() );

    case Variant::NPoint:
      const Point& pos = data.toPoint();
      str = utils::format( 0xff, "[ %d, %d ]", pos.x(), pos.y() );

    case Variant::NPointF:
      PointF pos = data.toPointF();
      // TODO: cheap hack - almost locale independent double formatting
      std::string posX = utils::replace(utils::format( 0xff, "%f", pos.x()), ",", ".");
      std::string posY = utils::replace(utils::format( 0xff, "%f", pos.y()), ",", ".");
      str = utils::format( 0xff, "[ \"%s\", \"%s\" ]", posX.c_str(), posY.c_str() );

    case Variant::Bool: // boolean value?
      str = data.toBool() ? "true" : "false";

    case Variant::ULongLong: // large unsigned number?
      str = utils::format( 0xff, "%u", data.toULongLong() );

    case Variant::Int: // simple int?
      str = utils::format( 0xff, "%d", data.toInt() );

    case Variant::UInt:
      str = utils::format( 0xff, "%d", data.toInt() );

      if ( data.canConvert( Variant::LongLong ) ) // any signed number?
        str = utils::format( 0xff, "%d", data.toLongLong() );
      else if (data.canConvert( Variant::Long ))
        str = utils::format( 0xff, "%d", data.toLongLong() );
      else if (data.canConvert( Variant::String ) ) // can value be converted to string?
        // this will catch Date, DateTime, Url, ...
        str = sanitizeString( data.toString() );
        success = false;

  return success ? str : std::string();
	bool empty() const
		return _vm.empty();