TessellateOperator::tessellateLinear( const osg::Vec3d& p0, const osg::Vec3d& p1, unsigned parts, Vec3dVector& out )
    osg::Vec3d vec = (p1-p0)/double(parts);
    out.push_back( p0 );
    for( unsigned i=1; i<parts; ++i )
        out.push_back( p0 + vec*double(i) );
TessellateOperator::tessellateGeo( const osg::Vec3d& p0, const osg::Vec3d& p1, unsigned parts, GeoInterpolation interp, Vec3dVector& out )
    double step = 1.0/double(parts);
    double zdelta = p1.z() - p0.z();

    out.push_back( p0 );

    for( unsigned i=1; i<parts; ++i )
        double t = step*double(i);
        osg::Vec3d p;

        if ( interp == GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE )
            double lat, lon;
                osg::DegreesToRadians(p0.y()), osg::DegreesToRadians(p0.x()),
                osg::DegreesToRadians(p1.y()), osg::DegreesToRadians(p1.x()),
                lat, lon );
            p.set( osg::RadiansToDegrees(lon), osg::RadiansToDegrees(lat), p0.z() + t*zdelta );
        else // GEOINTERP_RHUMB_LINE
            double lat1 = osg::DegreesToRadians(p0.y()), lon1 = osg::DegreesToRadians(p0.x());
            double lat2 = osg::DegreesToRadians(p1.y()), lon2 = osg::DegreesToRadians(p1.x());

            double totalDistance = GeoMath::rhumbDistance( lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 );
            double bearing  = GeoMath::rhumbBearing( lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 );

            double interpDistance = t * totalDistance;

            double lat3, lon3;
            GeoMath::rhumbDestination(lat1, lon1, bearing, interpDistance, lat3, lon3);

            p.set( osg::RadiansToDegrees(lon3), osg::RadiansToDegrees(lat3), p0.z() + t*zdelta );

TessellateOperator::operator()( Feature* feature, FilterContext& context ) const
    if (_numPartitions <= 1 ||
        !feature || 
        !feature->getGeometry() || 
        feature->getGeometry()->getComponentType() == Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET )

    bool isGeo = context.profile() ? context.profile()->getSRS()->isGeographic() : true;
    GeoInterpolation interp = feature->geoInterp().isSet() ? *feature->geoInterp() : _defaultInterp;

    GeometryIterator i( feature->getGeometry(), true );
    while( i.hasMore() )
        Geometry* g = i.next();
        bool isRing = dynamic_cast<Ring*>( g ) != 0L;

        Vec3dVector newVerts;
        newVerts.reserve( g->size() * _numPartitions );

        for( Geometry::const_iterator v = g->begin(); v != g->end(); ++v )
            const osg::Vec3d& p0 = *v;
            if ( v != g->end()-1 ) // not last vert
                if ( isGeo )
                    tessellateGeo( *v, *(v+1), _numPartitions, interp, newVerts );
                    tessellateLinear( *v, *(v+1), _numPartitions, newVerts );
            else if ( isRing )
                if ( isGeo )
                    tessellateGeo( *v, *g->begin(), _numPartitions, interp, newVerts );
                    tessellateLinear( *v, *g->begin(), _numPartitions, newVerts );
                // get the final vert.
                newVerts.push_back( *v );

        g->swap( newVerts );
TessellateOperator::operator()( Feature* feature, FilterContext& context ) const
    if (_numPartitions <= 1 ||
        !feature || 
        !feature->getGeometry() || 
        feature->getGeometry()->getComponentType() == Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET )

    Units featureUnits = feature->getSRS() ? feature->getSRS()->getUnits() : Units::METERS;
    bool isGeo = feature->getSRS() ? feature->getSRS()->isGeographic() : false;
    GeoInterpolation geoInterp = feature->geoInterp().isSet() ? *feature->geoInterp() : _defaultInterp;

    double sliceSize = 0.0;
    int    numPartitions = _numPartitions;

    if ( _maxDistance.isSet() )
        // copmpute the slice size in feature units.
        double latitude = feature->getGeometry()->getBounds().center().y();
        sliceSize = SpatialReference::transformUnits( _maxDistance.value(), feature->getSRS(), latitude );
        sliceSize = _maxDistance->as(Units::METERS);

    GeometryIterator i( feature->getGeometry(), true );
    while( i.hasMore() )
        Geometry* g = i.next();
        bool isRing = dynamic_cast<Ring*>( g ) != 0L;

        Vec3dVector newVerts;

        for( Geometry::const_iterator v = g->begin(); v != g->end(); ++v )
            unsigned slices = _numPartitions;

            const osg::Vec3d& p0 = *v;
            if ( v != g->end()-1 ) // not last vert
                // calculate slice count
                if ( sliceSize > 0.0 )
                    double dist = GeoMath::distance(*v, *(v + 1), feature->getSRS());
                    slices = std::max( 1u, (unsigned)(dist / sliceSize) );

                if ( isGeo )
                    tessellateGeo( *v, *(v+1), slices, geoInterp, newVerts );
                    tessellateLinear( *v, *(v+1), slices, newVerts );
            else if ( isRing )
                // calculate slice count
                if ( sliceSize > 0.0 )
                    double dist = GeoMath::distance(*v, *g->begin(), feature->getSRS());
                    slices = std::max( 1u, (unsigned)(dist / sliceSize) );

                if ( isGeo )
                    tessellateGeo( *v, *g->begin(), slices, geoInterp, newVerts );
                    tessellateLinear( *v, *g->begin(), slices, newVerts );
                // get the final vert.
                newVerts.push_back( *v );

        g->swap( newVerts );