void RodSoundApp::loadDefaultRod(int numPoints) {
  if (r) delete r;
  Vec3e start = Vec3e(0.0, 1.9144, 0.0); // Vec3e(0.5, 1.0, 0.5);
  Vec3e end   = Vec3e(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // start + (Vec3e(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0).normalized() * 0.6069);
  // 1ft. = 0.3048m
  // 2ft. = 0.6069m
  // 3ft. = 0.9144m

  Vec3e u     = (end-start).cross(Vec3e(0.0, 0.1, 0.0)).normalized();
  if (u.hasNaN() || u.norm() < 0.95) {
    u << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
  VecXe rodPos(3*numPoints);
  for(int i=0; i < numPoints; i++) {
    real t = ((real) i) / (real) (numPoints -1);
    rodPos.segment<3>(3*i) = (1-t)*start + t*end;
  eyePos = Vec3c(5.0, 1.5, 0.0);
  targetPos = Vec3c(0.0, 1.5, 0.0);
  cam.lookAt(eyePos, targetPos, Vec3c(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
  // FIXME: assumes circular cylindrical rod of default radius
  real totalMass = constants::radius * constants::radius * constants::pi * (start - end).norm() * constants::rhoRod;
  real massPerPoint = totalMass / numPoints;
  VecXe mass = VecXe::Constant(numPoints, massPerPoint);
  r = new Rod(rodPos, u, &mass);
  real l = (start - end).norm();
  real kappa = sqrt(r->youngsModulus * r->getCS()[0].areaMoment()(0, 0) /
                    (constants::rhoRod * r->getCS()[0].area() * l * l * l * l));
  std::cout << "kappa: " << kappa << "\n";
  real h = l / (numPoints-1);
  real k = 1.0 / (44100*multiSample);
  real mu = kappa * k / (h * h);
  std::cout << "mu: " << mu << "\n";
  real fmax = asin(2.0 * mu) / (constants::pi * k);
  std::cout << "fmax: " << fmax << "\n";
  real cb = std::pow(constants::youngsModulus * r->getCS()[0].areaMoment()(0, 0) / constants::rhoRod / r->getCS()[0].area(), 0.25);
  real cbHigh = cb * 141.4;
  real cbLow = cb * 4.47;
  real dx = (start - end).norm() / (numPoints - 1.0);
  std::cout << "Min timestep: " << dx / cbHigh << "\n";
bool IMEXIntegrator::setRotations() const {
  const real newtonThreshold = 1.0e-5; //should be able to get this almost exact
  std::vector<Triplet> triplets;
  Eigen::SparseMatrix<real> hess(r.numEdges()-2, r.numEdges()-2);
  VecXe rot = r.next().rot;
  VecXe grad = VecXe::Zero(r.numEdges()-2); // Assumes edges are clamped
  bool newtonConverge = false;

  std::vector<Vec3e> curveBinorm;
  for (int i=1; i<r.numCPs()-1; i++) {
    Vec3e tPrev = r.next().edge(i-1).normalized();
    Vec3e tNext = r.next().edge(i).normalized();
    real chi = 1.0 + (tPrev.dot(tNext));
  int newtonIterations = 0;
  do {
    calcRotEqs(r, rot, curveBinorm, grad, triplets);
    real resid = grad.norm();
    if (resid < newtonThreshold || newtonIterations > 4) {
      if (resid > 1.0e-5 * r.numEdges()) { return false; }
      newtonConverge = true;
    hess.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end());
    hess += hessBase;
    Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<real>> sLDLT;
    VecXe sol = sLDLT.solve(grad);
    assert(sLDLT.info() == Eigen::Success);
    rot.block(1, 0, r.numEdges()-2, 1) += sol;
  } while (!newtonConverge);
  if (newtonConverge) {
    r.next().rot = rot;
  return newtonConverge;
void RodSoundApp::update()
  if (!running) return;
  if (curSample % 5000 == 0 && curSample != 0 && c.getTicks() % multiSample == 0) {
    std::cout << curSample << " / " << BufferSize << " (" << (curSample*100.0)/BufferSize << "%)\n";
    std::cout << "\n";
  if (curSample >= BufferSize || stopNow) { // We're done!
    sampleBuffer[0] = 0.0; // To prevent the click of forces suddenly being applied
    double max = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<BufferSize; i++) {
      max = std::max(max, std::fabs(sampleBuffer[i]));
    std::cout << "Max1: " << max << "\n";
    uint16_t buffer[BufferSize];
    for (int i=0; i<BufferSize; i++) {
      buffer[i] = toSample(sampleBuffer[i], max);
    writeWAVData((constants::ResultPath+"result.wav").data(), buffer,
                 curSample * sizeof(uint16_t), SampleRate, 1);
    sampleBuffer2[0] = 0.0;
    max = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<BufferSize; i++) {
      max = std::max(max, std::fabs(sampleBuffer2[i]));
    std::cout << "Max2: " << max << "\n";
    for (int i=0; i<BufferSize; i++) {
      buffer[i] = toSample(sampleBuffer2[i], max);
    writeWAVData((constants::ResultPath+"result2.wav").data(), buffer,
                 curSample * sizeof(uint16_t), SampleRate, 1);
    sampleBuffer3[0] = 0.0;
    max = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<BufferSize; i++) {
      max = std::max(max, std::fabs(sampleBuffer3[i]));
    std::cout << "Max3: " << max << "\n";
    for (int i=0; i<BufferSize; i++) {
      buffer[i] = toSample(sampleBuffer3[i], max);
    writeWAVData((constants::ResultPath+"result3.wav").data(), buffer,
                 curSample * sizeof(uint16_t), SampleRate, 1);
    std::cout << "Total simulation time: " << app::getElapsedSeconds() << "\n"; // FIXME: This is inaccurate
    running = false;
  c.suggestTimestep(1.0 / (real) SampleRate / multiSample);
  // FIXME: Normally the frame exporter would suggest a timestep, but this interferes with the audio
  // recording, as it assumes all timesteps are 1/SampleRate. However, any error the frame exporter
  // experiences is small since 1/60 >> 1/SampleRate.
  // fe.suggestTimestep(c);
  Vec3e mp;
  if (isMouseDown) mp << mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y, mousePosition.z;
  mouseSpring->setMouse(mp, isMouseDown);
  if (!integrator->integrate(c)) throw;
  /// Update Bishop frame
  // Sound Calculations
  if (c.getTicks() % multiSample == 0) {
    real sample = 0;
    real sample2 = 0;
    real avgX = 0;
    VecXe jerkVec = r->next().dVel - r->cur().dVel;
    for (int i=1; i<r->numCPs()-1; i++) {
      avgX += r->next().VEL(i).x();
      // Calculate jerk
      Vec3e jerk = jerkVec.segment<3>(3*i);
      // Project jerk to transverse plane
      Vec3e tPlaneNormal = (r->next().edge(i-1) + r->next().edge(i)).normalized();
      jerk = jerk - jerk.dot(tPlaneNormal) * tPlaneNormal; // Vector rejection of jerk from tPlaneNormal
      real m0 = r->restVoronoiLength(i)*constants::pi*r->radius()*r->radius()*constants::rhoAir;
      // Rotation to align system so that the cylinder is coaxial with the z-axis
      Eigen::Quaternion<real> q = Eigen::Quaternion<real>::FromTwoVectors(tPlaneNormal, Vec3e(0, 0, 1));
      Vec3e rotJerk = q * jerk;
      rotJerk = rotJerk.cwiseProduct(Vec3e(2.0*m0, 2.0*m0, m0));
      // Calculate sample contribution
      Vec3e earVec = CtoE(eyePos) - r->next().points[i].pos;
      sample +=  (q * earVec).dot(rotJerk) / (4.0 * constants::pi * constants::cAir * earVec.dot(earVec));
      earVec = ear2Pos - r->next().points[i].pos;
      sample2 +=  (q * earVec).dot(rotJerk) / (4.0 * constants::pi * constants::cAir * earVec.dot(earVec));
      Vec3e earVec = CtoE(eyePos) - r->next().POS(i);
      // Calculate sample contribution
      sample += r->getCS()[i].calcSample(earVec, jerk);
      earVec = ear2Pos - r->next().POS(i);
      sample2 += r->getCS()[i].calcSample(earVec, jerk);
    avgX = avgX/(r->numCPs()-2);
    sampleBuffer[curSample] = sample;
    sampleBuffer2[curSample] = sample2;
    sampleBuffer3[curSample] = r->next().VEL(r->numCPs()/2).x() - avgX;
  // Swap Rods
