OSG_BASE_DLLMAPPING bool MatrixLookAt(OSG::Matrix &result,
                                      OSG::Real32  fromx,
                                      OSG::Real32  fromy,
                                      OSG::Real32  fromz,
                                      OSG::Real32  atx,
                                      OSG::Real32  aty,
                                      OSG::Real32  atz,
                                      OSG::Real32  upx,
                                      OSG::Real32  upy,
                                      OSG::Real32  upz)
    Vec3f view;
    Vec3f right;
    Vec3f newup;
    Vec3f up;

    view.setValues(fromx - atx , fromy - aty, fromz - atz);

    up.setValues(upx, upy, upz);

    right = up.cross(view);

    if(right.dot(right) < TypeTraits<Real32>::getDefaultEps())
        return true;


    newup = view.cross(right);

    result.setIdentity ();
    result.setTranslate(fromx, fromy, fromz);

    Matrix tmpm;

    tmpm.setValue(right, newup, view);


    return false;
Beispiel #2
inline Vec3f Mesh::triangleNormal(const Face *f){
	Vec3f v0, v1, v2; 
	v0 = getVertex(f->vertices[0])->v;
	v1 = getVertex(f->vertices[1])->v;
	v2 = getVertex(f->vertices[2])->v;
	Vec3f a = v1 - v0; 
	Vec3f b = v2 - v0; 
	Vec3f c = a.cross(b);
	Vec3f d = (c.isZero())? zeroVec3f : c.normalize(); 
	return d;
Beispiel #3
Vec3f radiationVector_qmc(const Vec3f& w, Qmc& random) {
  Vec3f u = (std::abs(w.x()) > 0.0001) ? Vec3f::UnitY().cross(w).normalized()
                                       : Vec3f::UnitX().cross(w).normalized();
  Vec3f v = w.cross(u);

  const Real r1  = 2.0 * M_PI * random.next();
  const Real r2  = random.next();
  const Real r2s = std::sqrt(r2);
  return (u * std::cos(r1) * r2s
        + v * std::sin(r1) * r2s
        + w * std::sqrt(1.0 - r2)).normalized();
Beispiel #4
        /** Rotate the object around its x axis **/
void VRTransform::rotateX(float a) {//rotate around x axis
    Vec3f dir = _at - _from;
    Vec3f d = dir.cross(_up);

    Quaternion q = Quaternion(d, a);
    _at = _from + dir;

    //cout << "\nRotating " << name << " " << a ;
Beispiel #5
void Renderer::orbit(Vec2f delta)
//    printf("delta = %f, %f\n", delta.x, delta.y);

    Vec3f u, v, w;
    w = _up;
    Vec3f up = _nonParallelVector(w);
    u = up.cross(w);
    v = w.cross(u);

    Matrix4f basis;
    basis.c[0][0] = u.x;
    basis.c[0][1] = u.y;
    basis.c[0][2] = u.z;
    basis.c[1][0] = v.x;
    basis.c[1][1] = v.y;
    basis.c[1][2] = v.z;
    basis.c[2][0] = w.x;
    basis.c[2][1] = w.y;
    basis.c[2][2] = w.z;

    Matrix4f basisInv = basis.inverted();

    Vec3f newEye = basisInv * _eye;
    float r = newEye.length();
    float phi = atan2f(newEye.y, newEye.x);
    float theta = asinf(newEye.z / r);

    // increment phi and theta by mouse motion
    //printf("delta phi = %f\n", M_PI_2 * delta.x);
    //printf("delta theta = %f\n", M_PI_2 * delta.y);

    phi = phi - M_PI_2 * delta.x;
    theta = theta - M_PI_2 * delta.y;
    float thetaLimit = (float) (89 * M_PI / 180);
    if (theta > thetaLimit)
        theta = thetaLimit;
    if (theta < -thetaLimit)
        theta = -thetaLimit;

    newEye.x = r * cosf(theta) * cosf(phi);
    newEye.y = r * cosf(theta) * sinf(phi);
    newEye.z = r * sinf(theta);
    newEye = basis * newEye;
    printf("old eye = %f, %f, %f\n", _eye.x, _eye.y, _eye.z);
    printf("new eye = %f, %f, %f\n", newEye.x, newEye.y, newEye.z);
    lookat(newEye, _target, _up);
Beispiel #6
Eigen::Matrix4f lookAt(const Vec3f& eye,
                       const Vec3f& target,
                       const Vec3f& up)
  Vec3f a  = eye - target;
  Vec3f z_ = a / a.norm();
  Vec3f b  = up.cross(z_);
  Vec3f x_ = b / b.norm();
  Vec3f y_ = z_.cross(x_);
  Eigen::Matrix4f R;
  R(0, 0) = x_.x();
  R(0, 1) = x_.y();
  R(0, 2) = x_.z();
  R(0, 3) = 0;
  R(1, 0) = y_.x();
  R(1, 1) = y_.y();
  R(1, 2) = y_.z();
  R(1, 3) = 0;
  R(2, 0) = z_.x();
  R(2, 1) = z_.y();
  R(2, 2) = z_.z();
  R(2, 3) = 0;
  R(3, 0) = 0;
  R(3, 1) = 0;
  R(3, 2) = 0;
  R(3, 3) = 1;
  Eigen::Matrix4f T;
  for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
      T(x, y) = 0;
  T(0, 0) = 1;
  T(0, 3) = -eye.x();
  T(1, 1) = 1;
  T(1, 3) = -eye.y();
  T(2, 2) = 1;
  T(2, 3) = -eye.z();
  T(3, 3) = 1;
  return R * T;
// ----------------------------------------------
// RayTriangle Intersection Function
// by RealTime Rendering:
// http://www.acm.org/jgt/papers/MollerTrumbore97/
// date: December 12th, 2000
// ----------------------------------------------
bool NormalQuantifier::rayTriangle ( const Vec3f & dir, 
                                     const Vec3f & vert0, 
                                     const Vec3f & vert1, 
                                     const Vec3f & vert2 ) const
  Vec3f edge1, edge2, tvec, pvec, qvec;
  float det,inv_det;
  float u,v;
  Vec3f orig(0,0,0);
  /* find vectors for two edges sharing vert0 */
  edge1 = vert1 - vert0;
  edge2 = vert2 - vert0;

  /* begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter */
  pvec = dir.cross(edge2);

  /* if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle */
  det = edge1.dot(pvec);
  /* the non-culling branch */
  if (det > -EPSILON && det < EPSILON)
    return false;

  inv_det = 1.0f / det;

  /* calculate distance from vert0 to ray origin */
  tvec = orig - vert0;

  /* calculate U parameter and test bounds */
  u = tvec.dot(pvec) *inv_det;
  if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0)
    return false;

  /* prepare to test V parameter */
  qvec = tvec.cross(edge1);

  /* calculate V parameter and test bounds */
  v = dir.dot(qvec) * inv_det;

  if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0)
    return false;

  /* calculate t, ray intersects triangle */
  //t = edge2.dot(qvec) * inv_det;

  return true;
Beispiel #8
bool FormTriangle::rayTest(const Vec3f &start, const Vec3f &dir, float &t, Vec3f &hitPos) {
	Vec3f e1 = _points[1] - _points[0];
	Vec3f e2 = _points[2] - _points[0];

	Vec3f h = dir.cross(e2);
	float a = e1.dot(h);

	if(abs(a) < 0.00001f)
		return false;

	float f = 1.0f / a;

	Vec3f s = start - _points[0];

	float u = f * s.dot(h);

	if(u < 0.0f || u > 1.0f)
		return false;

	Vec3f q = s.cross(e1);

	float v = f * dir.dot(q);

	if(v < 0.0f || u + v > 1.0f)
		return false;

	t = f * e2.dot(q);

	if(t > 0.00001f) {
		hitPos = start + dir * t;
		return true;

	return false;
Beispiel #9
void Streamer::draw()
	for( int i=0; i<mLen-1; i++ ){
		Vec3f p1 = mPositions[i];
		Vec3f p2 = mPositions[i+1];
		Vec3f dir = p2 - p1;
		Vec3f perp1 = dir.cross( Vec3f::yAxis() );
		gl::vertex( p1 - perp1 * 2.0f * mAgePer );
		gl::vertex( p1 + perp1 * 2.0f * mAgePer );
Beispiel #10
static void gramSchmidt(Vec3f &a, Vec3f &b, Vec3f &c)
    b -= a*a.dot(b);
    if (b.lengthSq() < 1e-5)
        b = randomOrtho(a);

    c -= a*a.dot(c);
    c -= b*b.dot(c);
    if (c.lengthSq() < 1e-5)
        c = a.cross(b);
Beispiel #11
void Intersect::computeCubicCoeff_VE(const Vec3f& a0, const Vec3f& b0, const Vec3f& p0,
                                     const Vec3f& va, const Vec3f& vb, const Vec3f& vp,
                                     const Vec3f& L,
                                     FCL_REAL* a, FCL_REAL* b, FCL_REAL* c)
  Vec3f vbva = va - vb;
  Vec3f vbvp = vp - vb;
  Vec3f b0a0 = a0 - b0;
  Vec3f b0p0 = p0 - b0;

  Vec3f L_cross_vbvp = L.cross(vbvp);
  Vec3f L_cross_b0p0 = L.cross(b0p0);

  *a = L_cross_vbvp.dot(vbva);
  *b = L_cross_vbvp.dot(b0a0) + L_cross_b0p0.dot(vbva);
  *c = L_cross_b0p0.dot(b0a0);
void Diver::debugDrawIndices(const CameraOrtho &camera){
    static const float fontScale = 0.005f;
    Vec3f v;
    Vec3f w;
    Vec3f u;
    camera.getBillboardVectors(&w, &u);
    v = w.cross(u);
    const static Vec2f zero;
    const gl::TextureFontRef& sharedTextureFont = SharedTextureFont::Get();
    float fontDescent = sharedTextureFont->getDescent();
    Matrix44f mat;
    Matrix44f rot = Matrix44f::createRotationOnb(u,w,v);
    rot*= Matrix44f::createRotation(Vec3f::zAxis(), M_PI_2);
    rot*= Matrix44f::createScale(Vec3f(fontScale,fontScale,fontScale));

    int i = -1;
    while(++i < mPoints.size()){
        mat *= Matrix44f::createTranslation(mPoints[i]);
        mat *= rot;
        string stringTexCoord = toString(mTexcoords[i]);
        Vec2f  stringSize = sharedTextureFont->measureString(stringTexCoord);
        gl::drawSolidRect(Rectf(0,fontDescent,stringSize.x, stringSize.y * -1+fontDescent));
        sharedTextureFont->drawString(stringTexCoord, zero);
Beispiel #13
bool MoleculeCisTrans::sameline (const Vec3f &beg, const Vec3f &end, const Vec3f &nei_beg)
   Vec3f norm_diff, norm_beg;

   norm_diff.diff(beg, end);
   if (!norm_diff.normalize())
      return true;
   norm_beg.diff(nei_beg, beg);
   if (!norm_beg.normalize())
      return true;

   Vec3f cross;
   cross.cross(norm_diff, norm_beg);
   float sin_angle = cross.lengthSqr();
   if (fabs(sin_angle) < 0.01)
      return true;

   return false;
Beispiel #14
void ColorCubePoints::LineSolver::solve(vector<Vec3f> &points)
    const int m = points.size();    // Number of functions to minimize
    const int n = 5;                // Number of independent variables

    vector<int> iwa(n);                // Integer work array
    vector<float> wa(m*n + 5*n + m);   // Working array
    vector<float> residuals(m);
    // Default tolerance: sqaure root of machine precision
    float tol = sqrt(sdpmpar(1));

    // If solution is out of range, start over
    float limit0 = 4.0f;
    if (result.x0 < -limit0 || result.x0 > limit0 ||
        result.y0 < -limit0 || result.y0 > limit0) {
    // Minimize the system of equations
    slmdif1(&minFunc, &points[0], m, n,
          &result.array[0], &residuals[0],
          tol, &iwa[0], &wa[0], (int)wa.size());

    // Local coordinate system has a stable XY plane perpendicular to the line, and Z along the line.
    // X and Y axes are defined relative to Z, to be the same length.
    Vec3f origin(result.x0, result.y0, 0.0f);
    Vec3f zAxis(result.xz, result.yz, 1.0f);
    float zScale = 1.0f / zAxis.length();

    Vec3f up(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
    Vec3f xAxis = zAxis.cross(up).normalized() * zScale;
    Vec3f yAxis = xAxis.cross(zAxis).normalized() * zScale;

    localToWorld.setColumn(0, Vec4f(xAxis, origin.x));
    localToWorld.setColumn(1, Vec4f(yAxis, origin.y));
    localToWorld.setColumn(2, Vec4f(zAxis, origin.z));
    localToWorld.setColumn(3, Vec4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

    worldToLocal = localToWorld.affineInverted();
Beispiel #15
void Intersect::computeCubicCoeff_EE(const Vec3f& a0, const Vec3f& b0, const Vec3f& c0, const Vec3f& d0,
                                     const Vec3f& va, const Vec3f& vb, const Vec3f& vc, const Vec3f& vd,
                                     FCL_REAL* a, FCL_REAL* b, FCL_REAL* c, FCL_REAL* d)
  Vec3f vavb = vb - va;
  Vec3f vcvd = vd - vc;
  Vec3f vavc = vc - va;
  Vec3f c0d0 = d0 - c0;
  Vec3f a0b0 = b0 - a0;
  Vec3f a0c0 = c0 - a0;
  Vec3f vavb_cross_vcvd = vavb.cross(vcvd);
  Vec3f vavb_cross_c0d0 = vavb.cross(c0d0);
  Vec3f a0b0_cross_vcvd = a0b0.cross(vcvd);
  Vec3f a0b0_cross_c0d0 = a0b0.cross(c0d0);

  *a = vavc.dot(vavb_cross_vcvd);
  *b = a0c0.dot(vavb_cross_vcvd) + vavc.dot(vavb_cross_c0d0 + a0b0_cross_vcvd);
  *c = vavc.dot(a0b0_cross_c0d0) + a0c0.dot(vavb_cross_c0d0 + a0b0_cross_vcvd);
  *d = a0c0.dot(a0b0_cross_c0d0);
void FastTrailsApp::update()
	// find out how many trails we should add
	const double	trails_per_second = 2000.0;
	double			elapsed = getElapsedSeconds() - mTime;
	uint32_t		num_trails = uint32_t(elapsed * trails_per_second);
	// add this number of trails 
	// (note: it's an ugly function that draws a swirling trail around a sphere, just for demo purposes)
	for(size_t i=0; i<num_trails; ++i ) {
		float		phi = mAngle * 0.01f;
		float		prev_phi = phi - 0.01f;
		float		theta = phi * 0.03f;
		float		prev_theta = prev_phi * 0.03f;

		Vec3f		pos = 45.0f * Vec3f( sinf( phi ) * cosf( theta ), sinf( phi ) * sinf( theta ), cosf( phi ) );
		Vec3f		prev_pos = 45.0f * Vec3f( sinf( prev_phi ) * cosf( prev_theta ), sinf( prev_phi ) * sinf( prev_theta ), cosf( prev_phi ) );

		Vec3f		direction = pos - prev_pos;
		Vec3f		right = Vec3f( sinf( 20.0f * phi ), 0.0f, cosf( 20.0f * phi ) );
		Vec3f		normal = direction.cross( right ).normalized();

		// add two vertices, one at each side of the center line
		mTrail.push_front( pos - 1.0f * normal );
		mTrail.push_front( pos + 1.0f * normal );

		mAngle += 1.0;

	// keep trail length within bounds
	while( mTrail.size() > TRAIL_LENGTH )

	// copy to trail to vbo (there's probably a faster way than this, need to check that out later)
	gl::VboMesh::VertexIter itr = mVboMesh.mapVertexBuffer();
	for( size_t i=0; i<mTrail.size(); ++i, ++itr )
		itr.setPosition( mTrail[i] );

	// advance time
	mTime += num_trails / trails_per_second;
Beispiel #17
/// @brief Compute the cubic coefficients for VF case
/// See Paper "Interactive Continuous Collision Detection between Deformable Models using Connectivity-Based Culling", Equation 1.
void Intersect::computeCubicCoeff_VF(const Vec3f& a0, const Vec3f& b0, const Vec3f& c0, const Vec3f& p0,
                                     const Vec3f& va, const Vec3f& vb, const Vec3f& vc, const Vec3f& vp,
                                     FCL_REAL* a, FCL_REAL* b, FCL_REAL* c, FCL_REAL* d)
  Vec3f vavb = vb - va;
  Vec3f vavc = vc - va;
  Vec3f vavp = vp - va;
  Vec3f a0b0 = b0 - a0;
  Vec3f a0c0 = c0 - a0;
  Vec3f a0p0 = p0 - a0;

  Vec3f vavb_cross_vavc = vavb.cross(vavc);
  Vec3f vavb_cross_a0c0 = vavb.cross(a0c0);
  Vec3f a0b0_cross_vavc = a0b0.cross(vavc);
  Vec3f a0b0_cross_a0c0 = a0b0.cross(a0c0);

  *a = vavp.dot(vavb_cross_vavc);
  *b = a0p0.dot(vavb_cross_vavc) + vavp.dot(vavb_cross_a0c0 + a0b0_cross_vavc);
  *c = vavp.dot(a0b0_cross_a0c0) + a0p0.dot(vavb_cross_a0c0 + a0b0_cross_vavc);
  *d = a0p0.dot(a0b0_cross_a0c0);
Beispiel #18
void MainCamera::lookToTarget() {
  Vec3f z = getForward() / getForward().length();

  Vec3f b = up_.cross(z);
  Vec3f x = b / b.length();

  Vec3f y = z.cross(x);

  Eigen::Matrix4f R;
  R << x.x,   x.y,  x.z, 0.0f,
       y.x,   y.y,  y.z, 0.0f,
       z.x,   z.y,  z.z, 0.0f,
       0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f;

  Eigen::Matrix4f T;
  T << 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -pos_.x,
       0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, -pos_.y,
       0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, -pos_.z,
       0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,    1.0f;

  Eigen::Matrix4f m = R * T;
Beispiel #19
FCL_REAL TriangleDistance::triDistance(const Vec3f S[3], const Vec3f T[3], Vec3f& P, Vec3f& Q)
  // Compute vectors along the 6 sides

  Vec3f Sv[3];
  Vec3f Tv[3];
  Vec3f VEC;

  Sv[0] = S[1] - S[0];
  Sv[1] = S[2] - S[1];
  Sv[2] = S[0] - S[2];

  Tv[0] = T[1] - T[0];
  Tv[1] = T[2] - T[1];
  Tv[2] = T[0] - T[2];

  // For each edge pair, the vector connecting the closest points
  // of the edges defines a slab (parallel planes at head and tail
  // enclose the slab). If we can show that the off-edge vertex of
  // each triangle is outside of the slab, then the closest points
  // of the edges are the closest points for the triangles.
  // Even if these tests fail, it may be helpful to know the closest
  // points found, and whether the triangles were shown disjoint

  Vec3f V, Z, minP, minQ;
  FCL_REAL mindd;
  int shown_disjoint = 0;

  mindd = (S[0] - T[0]).sqrLength() + 1; // Set first minimum safely high

  for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
      // Find closest points on edges i & j, plus the
      // vector (and distance squared) between these points
      segPoints(S[i], Sv[i], T[j], Tv[j], VEC, P, Q);

      V = Q - P;
      FCL_REAL dd = V.dot(V);

      // Verify this closest point pair only if the distance
      // squared is less than the minimum found thus far.

      if(dd <= mindd)
        minP = P;
        minQ = Q;
        mindd = dd;

        Z = S[(i+2)%3] - P;
        FCL_REAL a = Z.dot(VEC);
        Z = T[(j+2)%3] - Q;
        FCL_REAL b = Z.dot(VEC);

        if((a <= 0) && (b >= 0)) return sqrt(dd);

        FCL_REAL p = V.dot(VEC);

        if(a < 0) a = 0;
        if(b > 0) b = 0;
        if((p - a + b) > 0) shown_disjoint = 1;

  // No edge pairs contained the closest points.
  // either:
  // 1. one of the closest points is a vertex, and the
  //    other point is interior to a face.
  // 2. the triangles are overlapping.
  // 3. an edge of one triangle is parallel to the other's face. If
  //    cases 1 and 2 are not true, then the closest points from the 9
  //    edge pairs checks above can be taken as closest points for the
  //    triangles.
  // 4. possibly, the triangles were degenerate.  When the
  //    triangle points are nearly colinear or coincident, one
  //    of above tests might fail even though the edges tested
  //    contain the closest points.

  // First check for case 1

  Vec3f Sn;

  Sn = Sv[0].cross(Sv[1]); // Compute normal to S triangle
  Snl = Sn.dot(Sn);        // Compute square of length of normal

  // If cross product is long enough,

  if(Snl > 1e-15)
    // Get projection lengths of T points

    Vec3f Tp;

    V = S[0] - T[0];
    Tp[0] = V.dot(Sn);

    V = S[0] - T[1];
    Tp[1] = V.dot(Sn);

    V = S[0] - T[2];
    Tp[2] = V.dot(Sn);

    // If Sn is a separating direction,
    // find point with smallest projection

    int point = -1;
    if((Tp[0] > 0) && (Tp[1] > 0) && (Tp[2] > 0))
      if(Tp[0] < Tp[1]) point = 0; else point = 1;
      if(Tp[2] < Tp[point]) point = 2;
    else if((Tp[0] < 0) && (Tp[1] < 0) && (Tp[2] < 0))
      if(Tp[0] > Tp[1]) point = 0; else point = 1;
      if(Tp[2] > Tp[point]) point = 2;

    // If Sn is a separating direction,

    if(point >= 0)
      shown_disjoint = 1;

      // Test whether the point found, when projected onto the
      // other triangle, lies within the face.

      V = T[point] - S[0];
      Z = Sn.cross(Sv[0]);
      if(V.dot(Z) > 0)
        V = T[point] - S[1];
        Z = Sn.cross(Sv[1]);
        if(V.dot(Z) > 0)
          V = T[point] - S[2];
          Z = Sn.cross(Sv[2]);
          if(V.dot(Z) > 0)
            // T[point] passed the test - it's a closest point for
            // the T triangle; the other point is on the face of S
            P = T[point] + Sn * (Tp[point] / Snl);
            Q = T[point];
            return (P - Q).length();

  Vec3f Tn;

  Tn = Tv[0].cross(Tv[1]);
  Tnl = Tn.dot(Tn);

  if(Tnl > 1e-15)
    Vec3f Sp;

    V = T[0] - S[0];
    Sp[0] = V.dot(Tn);

    V = T[0] - S[1];
    Sp[1] = V.dot(Tn);

    V = T[0] - S[2];
    Sp[2] = V.dot(Tn);

    int point = -1;
    if((Sp[0] > 0) && (Sp[1] > 0) && (Sp[2] > 0))
      if(Sp[0] < Sp[1]) point = 0; else point = 1;
      if(Sp[2] < Sp[point]) point = 2;
    else if((Sp[0] < 0) && (Sp[1] < 0) && (Sp[2] < 0))
      if(Sp[0] > Sp[1]) point = 0; else point = 1;
      if(Sp[2] > Sp[point]) point = 2;

    if(point >= 0)
      shown_disjoint = 1;

      V = S[point] - T[0];
      Z = Tn.cross(Tv[0]);
      if(V.dot(Z) > 0)
        V = S[point] - T[1];
        Z = Tn.cross(Tv[1]);
        if(V.dot(Z) > 0)
          V = S[point] - T[2];
          Z = Tn.cross(Tv[2]);
          if(V.dot(Z) > 0)
            P = S[point];
            Q = S[point] + Tn * (Sp[point] / Tnl);
            return (P - Q).length();

  // Case 1 can't be shown.
  // If one of these tests showed the triangles disjoint,
  // we assume case 3 or 4, otherwise we conclude case 2,
  // that the triangles overlap.

    P = minP;
    Q = minQ;
    return sqrt(mindd);
  else return 0;
Beispiel #20
void TriangleDistance::segPoints(const Vec3f& P, const Vec3f& A, const Vec3f& Q, const Vec3f& B,
                                 Vec3f& VEC, Vec3f& X, Vec3f& Y)
  Vec3f T;
  FCL_REAL A_dot_A, B_dot_B, A_dot_B, A_dot_T, B_dot_T;
  Vec3f TMP;

  T = Q - P;
  A_dot_A = A.dot(A);
  B_dot_B = B.dot(B);
  A_dot_B = A.dot(B);
  A_dot_T = A.dot(T);
  B_dot_T = B.dot(T);

  // t parameterizes ray P,A
  // u parameterizes ray Q,B

  FCL_REAL t, u;

  // compute t for the closest point on ray P,A to
  // ray Q,B

  FCL_REAL denom = A_dot_A*B_dot_B - A_dot_B*A_dot_B;

  t = (A_dot_T*B_dot_B - B_dot_T*A_dot_B) / denom;

  // clamp result so t is on the segment P,A

  if((t < 0) || boost::math::isnan(t)) t = 0; else if(t > 1) t = 1;

  // find u for point on ray Q,B closest to point at t

  u = (t*A_dot_B - B_dot_T) / B_dot_B;

  // if u is on segment Q,B, t and u correspond to
  // closest points, otherwise, clamp u, recompute and
  // clamp t

  if((u <= 0) || boost::math::isnan(u))
    Y = Q;

    t = A_dot_T / A_dot_A;

    if((t <= 0) || boost::math::isnan(t))
      X = P;
      VEC = Q - P;
    else if(t >= 1)
      X = P + A;
      VEC = Q - X;
      X = P + A * t;
      TMP = T.cross(A);
      VEC = A.cross(TMP);
  else if (u >= 1)
    Y = Q + B;

    t = (A_dot_B + A_dot_T) / A_dot_A;

    if((t <= 0) || boost::math::isnan(t))
      X = P;
      VEC = Y - P;
    else if(t >= 1)
      X = P + A;
      VEC = Y - X;
      X = P + A * t;
      T = Y - P;
      TMP = T.cross(A);
      VEC= A.cross(TMP);
    Y = Q + B * u;

    if((t <= 0) || boost::math::isnan(t))
      X = P;
      TMP = T.cross(B);
      VEC = B.cross(TMP);
    else if(t >= 1)
      X = P + A;
      T = Q - X;
      TMP = T.cross(B);
      VEC = B.cross(TMP);
      X = P + A * t;
      VEC = A.cross(B);
      if(VEC.dot(T) < 0)
        VEC = VEC * (-1);
Beispiel #21
void qRansacSD::doAction()
    if (!m_app)

    const ccHObject::Container& selectedEntities = m_app->getSelectedEntities();
    size_t selNum = selectedEntities.size();
    if (selNum!=1)
        m_app->dispToConsole("Select only one cloud!",ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);

    ccHObject* ent = selectedEntities[0];
    if (!ent || !ent->isA(CC_POINT_CLOUD))
        m_app->dispToConsole("Select a real point cloud!",ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);

    ccPointCloud* pc = static_cast<ccPointCloud*>(ent);

    //input cloud
    size_t count = (size_t)pc->size();
    bool hasNorms = pc->hasNormals();
    PointCoordinateType bbMin[3],bbMax[3];

    //Convert CC point cloud to RANSAC_SD type
    PointCloud cloud;
            m_app->dispToConsole("Not enough memory!",ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);

        //default point & normal
        Point Pt;
        Pt.normal[0] = 0.0;
        Pt.normal[1] = 0.0;
        Pt.normal[2] = 0.0;
        for (unsigned i=0; i<(unsigned)count; ++i)
            const CCVector3* P = pc->getPoint(i);
            Pt.pos[0] = P->x;
            Pt.pos[1] = P->y;
            Pt.pos[2] = P->z;
            if (hasNorms)
                const PointCoordinateType* N = pc->getPointNormal(i);
                Pt.normal[0] = N[0];
                Pt.normal[1] = N[1];
                Pt.normal[2] = N[2];

        //manually set bounding box!
        Vec3f cbbMin,cbbMax;
        cbbMin[0] = bbMin[0];
        cbbMin[1] = bbMin[1];
        cbbMin[2] = bbMin[2];
        cbbMax[0] = bbMax[0];
        cbbMax[1] = bbMax[1];
        cbbMax[2] = bbMax[2];

    //cloud scale (useful for setting several parameters
    const float scale = cloud.getScale();

    //init dialog with default values
    ccRansacSDDlg rsdDlg(m_app->getMainWindow());
    rsdDlg.epsilonDoubleSpinBox->setValue(.01f * scale);		// set distance threshold to .01f of bounding box width
    // NOTE: Internally the distance threshold is taken as 3 * ransacOptions.m_epsilon!!!
    rsdDlg.bitmapEpsilonDoubleSpinBox->setValue(.02f * scale);	// set bitmap resolution to .02f of bounding box width
    // NOTE: This threshold is NOT multiplied internally!

    if (!rsdDlg.exec())

    //for parameters persistence
        s_supportPoints = rsdDlg.supportPointsSpinBox->value();
        s_normThresh = rsdDlg.normThreshDoubleSpinBox->value();
        s_proba = rsdDlg.probaDoubleSpinBox->value();

        //consistency check
            unsigned char primCount = 0;
            for (unsigned char k=0; k<5; ++k)
                primCount += (unsigned)s_primEnabled[k];
            if (primCount==0)
                m_app->dispToConsole("No primitive type selected!",ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);

        s_primEnabled[0] = rsdDlg.planeCheckBox->isChecked();
        s_primEnabled[1] = rsdDlg.sphereCheckBox->isChecked();
        s_primEnabled[2] = rsdDlg.cylinderCheckBox->isChecked();
        s_primEnabled[3] = rsdDlg.coneCheckBox->isChecked();
        s_primEnabled[4] = rsdDlg.torusCheckBox->isChecked();

    //import parameters from dialog
    RansacShapeDetector::Options ransacOptions;
        ransacOptions.m_epsilon = rsdDlg.epsilonDoubleSpinBox->value();
        ransacOptions.m_bitmapEpsilon = rsdDlg.bitmapEpsilonDoubleSpinBox->value();
        ransacOptions.m_normalThresh = rsdDlg.normThreshDoubleSpinBox->value();
        ransacOptions.m_minSupport = rsdDlg.supportPointsSpinBox->value();
        ransacOptions.m_probability = rsdDlg.probaDoubleSpinBox->value();

    //progress dialog
    ccProgressDialog progressCb(false,m_app->getMainWindow());

    if (!hasNorms)
        progressCb.setInfo("Computing normals (please wait)");

        cloud.calcNormals(.01f * scale);

        if (pc->reserveTheNormsTable())
            for (size_t i=0; i<count; ++i)
                CCVector3 N(cloud[i].normal);

            //currently selected entities appearance may have changed!
            m_app->dispToConsole("Not enough memory to compute normals!",ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);

    // set which primitives are to be detected by adding the respective constructors
    RansacShapeDetector detector(ransacOptions); // the detector object

    if (rsdDlg.planeCheckBox->isChecked())
        detector.Add(new PlanePrimitiveShapeConstructor());
    if (rsdDlg.sphereCheckBox->isChecked())
        detector.Add(new SpherePrimitiveShapeConstructor());
    if (rsdDlg.cylinderCheckBox->isChecked())
        detector.Add(new CylinderPrimitiveShapeConstructor());
    if (rsdDlg.coneCheckBox->isChecked())
        detector.Add(new ConePrimitiveShapeConstructor());
    if (rsdDlg.torusCheckBox->isChecked())
        detector.Add(new TorusPrimitiveShapeConstructor());

    size_t remaining = count;
    typedef std::pair< MiscLib::RefCountPtr< PrimitiveShape >, size_t > DetectedShape;
    MiscLib::Vector< DetectedShape > shapes; // stores the detected shapes

    // run detection
    // returns number of unassigned points
    // the array shapes is filled with pointers to the detected shapes
    // the second element per shapes gives the number of points assigned to that primitive (the support)
    // the points belonging to the first shape (shapes[0]) have been sorted to the end of pc,
    // i.e. into the range [ pc.size() - shapes[0].second, pc.size() )
    // the points of shape i are found in the range
    // [ pc.size() - \sum_{j=0..i} shapes[j].second, pc.size() - \sum_{j=0..i-1} shapes[j].second )

        progressCb.setInfo("Operation in progress");
        progressCb.setMethodTitle("Ransac Shape Detection");

        //run in a separate thread
        s_detector = &detector;
        s_shapes = &shapes;
        s_cloud = &cloud;
        QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(doDetection);

        unsigned progress = 0;
        while (!future.isFinished())
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
            //Qtconcurrent::run can't be canceled!
            /*if (progressCb.isCancelRequested())
            	s_remainingPoints = count;

        remaining = s_remainingPoints;

    //	remaining = detector.Detect(cloud, 0, cloud.size(), &shapes);

#ifdef _DEBUG
    FILE* fp = fopen("RANS_SD_trace.txt","wt");

    fprintf(fp,"bitmap epsilon=%f\n",ransacOptions.m_bitmapEpsilon);
    fprintf(fp,"normal thresh=%f\n",ransacOptions.m_normalThresh);
    fprintf(fp,"min support=%i\n",ransacOptions.m_minSupport);

    fprintf(fp,"input points=%i\n",count);

    if (shapes.size()>0)
        for (unsigned i=0; i<shapes.size(); ++i)
            PrimitiveShape* shape = shapes[i].first;
            unsigned shapePointsCount = shapes[i].second;

            std::string desc;
            fprintf(fp,"#%i - %s - %i points\n",i+1,desc.c_str(),shapePointsCount);

    if (remaining == count)
        m_app->dispToConsole("Segmentation failed...",ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);

    if (shapes.size() > 0)
        ccHObject* group = 0;
        for (MiscLib::Vector<DetectedShape>::const_iterator it = shapes.begin(); it != shapes.end(); ++it)
            const PrimitiveShape* shape = it->first;
            size_t shapePointsCount = it->second;

            //too many points?!
            if (shapePointsCount > count)
                m_app->dispToConsole("Inconsistent result!",ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);

            std::string desc;

            //new cloud for sub-part
            ccPointCloud* pcShape = new ccPointCloud(desc.c_str());

            //we fill cloud with sub-part points
            if (!pcShape->reserve((unsigned)shapePointsCount))
                m_app->dispToConsole("Not enough memory!",ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);
                delete pcShape;
            bool saveNormals = pcShape->reserveTheNormsTable();

            for (size_t j=0; j<shapePointsCount; ++j)
                if (saveNormals)

            //random color
            unsigned char col[3]= { (unsigned char)(255.0*(float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX),
                                    (unsigned char)(255.0*(float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX),

            //convert detected primitive into a CC primitive type
            ccGenericPrimitive* prim = 0;
            case 0: //plane
                const PlanePrimitiveShape* plane = static_cast<const PlanePrimitiveShape*>(shape);
                Vec3f G = plane->Internal().getPosition();
                Vec3f N = plane->Internal().getNormal();
                Vec3f X = plane->getXDim();
                Vec3f Y = plane->getYDim();

                //we look for real plane extents
                float minX,maxX,minY,maxY;
                for (size_t j=0; j<shapePointsCount; ++j)
                    std::pair<float,float> param;
                    if (j!=0)
                        if (minX<param.first)
                        else if (maxX>param.first)
                        if (minY<param.second)
                        else if (maxY>param.second)

                //we recenter plane (as it is not always the case!)
                float dX = maxX-minX;
                float dY = maxY-minY;
                G += X * (minX+dX*0.5);
                G += Y * (minY+dY*0.5);

                //we build matrix from these vecctors
                ccGLMatrix glMat(CCVector3(X.getValue()),

                //plane primitive
                prim = new ccPlane(dX,dY,&glMat);


            case 1: //sphere
                const SpherePrimitiveShape* sphere = static_cast<const SpherePrimitiveShape*>(shape);
                float radius = sphere->Internal().Radius();
                Vec3f CC = sphere->Internal().Center();

                pcShape->setName(QString("Sphere (r=%1)").arg(radius,0,'f'));

                //we build matrix from these vecctors
                ccGLMatrix glMat;
                //sphere primitive
                prim = new ccSphere(radius,&glMat);


            case 2: //cylinder
                const CylinderPrimitiveShape* cyl = static_cast<const CylinderPrimitiveShape*>(shape);
                Vec3f G = cyl->Internal().AxisPosition();
                Vec3f N = cyl->Internal().AxisDirection();
                Vec3f X = cyl->Internal().AngularDirection();
                Vec3f Y = N.cross(X);
                float r = cyl->Internal().Radius();
                float hMin = cyl->MinHeight();
                float hMax = cyl->MaxHeight();
                float h = hMax-hMin;
                G += N * (hMin+h*0.5);

                pcShape->setName(QString("Cylinder (r=%1/h=%2)").arg(r,0,'f').arg(h,0,'f'));

                //we build matrix from these vecctors
                ccGLMatrix glMat(CCVector3(X.getValue()),

                //cylinder primitive
                prim = new ccCylinder(r,h,&glMat);


            case 3: //cone
                const ConePrimitiveShape* cone = static_cast<const ConePrimitiveShape*>(shape);
                Vec3f CC = cone->Internal().Center();
                Vec3f CA = cone->Internal().AxisDirection();
                float alpha = cone->Internal().Angle();

                //compute max height
                CCVector3 maxP(CC.getValue());
                float maxHeight = 0;
                for (size_t j=0; j<shapePointsCount; ++j)
                    float h = cone->Internal().Height(cloud[count-1-j].pos);
                    if (h>maxHeight)
                        maxP = CCVector3(cloud[count-1-j].pos);

                pcShape->setName(QString("Cone (alpha=%1/h=%2)").arg(alpha,0,'f').arg(maxHeight,0,'f'));

                float radius = tan(alpha)*maxHeight;
                CCVector3 Z = CCVector3(CA.getValue());
                CCVector3 C = CCVector3(CC.getValue()); //cone apex

                //construct remaining of base
                CCVector3 X = maxP - (C + maxHeight * Z);
                CCVector3 Y = Z * X;

                //we build matrix from these vecctors
                ccGLMatrix glMat(X,Y,Z,C+(maxHeight*0.5)*Z);

                //cone primitive
                prim = new ccCone(0,radius,maxHeight,0,0,&glMat);


            case 4: //torus
                const TorusPrimitiveShape* torus = static_cast<const TorusPrimitiveShape*>(shape);
                if (torus->Internal().IsAppleShaped())
                    m_app->dispToConsole("[qRansacSD] Apple-shaped torus are not handled by CloudCompare!",ccMainAppInterface::WRN_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);
                    Vec3f CC = torus->Internal().Center();
                    Vec3f CA = torus->Internal().AxisDirection();
                    float minRadius = torus->Internal().MinorRadius();
                    float maxRadius = torus->Internal().MajorRadius();

                    pcShape->setName(QString("Torus (r=%1/R=%2)").arg(minRadius,0,'f').arg(maxRadius,0,'f'));

                    CCVector3 Z = CCVector3(CA.getValue());
                    CCVector3 C = CCVector3(CC.getValue());
                    //construct remaining of base
                    CCVector3 X = Z.orthogonal();
                    CCVector3 Y = Z * X;

                    //we build matrix from these vecctors
                    ccGLMatrix glMat(X,Y,Z,C);

                    //torus primitive
                    prim = new ccTorus(maxRadius-minRadius,maxRadius+minRadius,M_PI*2.0,false,0,&glMat);


            //is there a primitive to add to part cloud?
            if (prim)

            if (!group)
                group = new ccHObject(QString("Ransac Detected Shapes (%1)").arg(ent->getName()));

            count -= shapePointsCount;


        if (group)

            //we hide input cloud
            m_app->dispToConsole("[qRansacSD] Input cloud has been automtically hidden!",ccMainAppInterface::WRN_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);

            //we add new group to DB/display
Beispiel #22
void Tube::buildFrenet()
	int n = mPs.size();
	mFrames.resize( n );
	for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
		Vec3f p0, p1, p2;		
		if( i < (n - 2) ) {
			p0 = mPs[i];
			p1 = mPs[i + 1];
			p2 = mPs[i + 2];
		else if( i == (n - 2) ) {
			p0 = mPs[i - 1];
			p1 = mPs[i];
			p2 = mPs[i + 1];
		else if( i == (n - 1) ) {
			p0 = mPs[i - 3];
			p1 = mPs[i - 2];
			p2 = mPs[i - 1];

	    Vec3f t = (p1 - p0).normalized();
		Vec3f n = t.cross(p2 - p0).normalized();
		if( n.length() == 0.0f ) {
			int i = fabs( t[0] ) < fabs( t[1] ) ? 0 : 1;
			if( fabs( t[2] ) < fabs( t[i] ) ) 
				i = 2;
			Vec3f v( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); 
			v[i] = 1.0;
			n = t.cross( v ).normalized();
		Vec3f b = t.cross( n );	
		Matrix44f& m = mFrames[i];
		m.at( 0, 0 ) = b.x;
		m.at( 1, 0 ) = b.y;
		m.at( 2, 0 ) = b.z;
		m.at( 3, 0 ) = 0;
		m.at( 0, 1 ) = n.x;
		m.at( 1, 1 ) = n.y;
		m.at( 2, 1 ) = n.z;
		m.at( 3, 1 ) = 0;
		m.at( 0, 2 ) = t.x;
		m.at( 1, 2 ) = t.y;
		m.at( 2, 2 ) = t.z;
		m.at( 3, 2 ) = 0;
		m.at( 0, 3 ) = mPs[i].x;
		m.at( 1, 3 ) = mPs[i].y;
		m.at( 2, 3 ) = mPs[i].z;
		m.at( 3, 3 ) = 1;
Action::ResultE QuadParticleSystemDrawer::draw(DrawEnv *pEnv, ParticleSystemUnrecPtr System, const MFUInt32& Sort)
    bool isSorted(Sort.size() > 0);
    UInt32 NumParticles;
        NumParticles = Sort.size();
        NumParticles = System->getNumParticles();
    Pnt3f P1,P2,P3,P4;
    UInt32 Index;

    //Calculate the CameraToObject basis
    Matrix WorldToObject(pEnv->getObjectToWorld()); 

    Matrix CameraToObject(pEnv->getCameraToWorld()); 

        for(UInt32 i(0); i<NumParticles;++i)
                Index = Sort[i];
                Index = i;
            //Loop through all particles
            //Get The Normal of the Particle
            Vec3f Normal = getQuadNormal(pEnv, System, Index, CameraToObject);

            //Calculate the Binormal as the cross between Normal and Up
            Vec3f Binormal = getQuadUpDir(pEnv,  System, Index, CameraToObject).cross(Normal);

            //Get the Up Direction of the Particle
            Vec3f Up = Normal.cross(Binormal);

            //Determine Local Space of the Particle
            //This is where error occurs
            Pnt3f Position = System->getPosition(Index);

            //Determine the Width and Height of the quad
            Real32 Width = System->getSize(Index).x()*getQuadSizeScaling().x(),Height =System->getSize(Index).y()*getQuadSizeScaling().y();

            //Calculate Quads positions
            P1 = Position + (Width/2.0f)*Binormal + (Height/2.0f)*Up;
            P2 = Position + (Width/2.0f)*Binormal - (Height/2.0f)*Up;
            P3 = Position - (Width/2.0f)*Binormal - (Height/2.0f)*Up;
            P4 = Position - (Width/2.0f)*Binormal + (Height/2.0f)*Up;

            //Draw the Quad

            glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0);

            glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0);

            glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);

            glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0);

    //Generate a local space for the particle
    return Action::Continue;
Beispiel #24
bool CameraControls::handleEvent(const Window::Event& ev)
    if (!m_commonControls)
        fail("CameraControls attached to a window without CommonControls!");
    CommonControls& cc = *m_commonControls;
    FW_ASSERT(m_window == ev.window || ev.type == Window::EventType_AddListener);

    // Initialize movement.

    Mat3f orient = getOrientation();
    Vec3f rotate = 0.0f;
    Vec3f move   = 0.0f;

    // Handle events.

    switch (ev.type)
    case Window::EventType_AddListener:
        m_window = ev.window;
        m_dragLeft = false;
        m_dragMiddle = false;
        m_dragRight = false;

        return false;

    case Window::EventType_RemoveListener:
        m_window = NULL;
        return false;

    case Window::EventType_KeyDown:
        if (ev.key == FW_KEY_MOUSE_LEFT)    m_dragLeft = true;
        if (ev.key == FW_KEY_MOUSE_MIDDLE)  m_dragMiddle = true;
        if (ev.key == FW_KEY_MOUSE_RIGHT)   m_dragRight = true;
        if (ev.key == FW_KEY_WHEEL_UP)      m_speed *= 1.2f;
        if (ev.key == FW_KEY_WHEEL_DOWN)    m_speed /= 1.2f;

    case Window::EventType_KeyUp:
        if (ev.key == FW_KEY_MOUSE_LEFT)    m_dragLeft = false;
        if (ev.key == FW_KEY_MOUSE_MIDDLE)  m_dragMiddle = false;
        if (ev.key == FW_KEY_MOUSE_RIGHT)   m_dragRight = false;

    case Window::EventType_Mouse:
            Vec3f delta = Vec3f((F32)ev.mouseDelta.x, (F32)-ev.mouseDelta.y, 0.0f);
            if (m_dragLeft)     rotate += delta * s_mouseRotateSpeed;
            if (m_dragMiddle)   move += delta * m_speed * s_mouseStrafeSpeed;
            if (m_dragRight)    move += Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, (F32)ev.mouseDelta.y) * m_speed * s_mouseStrafeSpeed;

    case Window::EventType_Paint:
            F32     timeDelta   = m_timer.end();
            F32     boost       = cc.getKeyBoost();
            Vec3f   rotateTmp   = 0.0f;
            bool    alt         = m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_ALT);

            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_A) || (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_LEFT) && alt))     move.x -= 1.0f;
            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_D) || (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_RIGHT) && alt))    move.x += 1.0f;
            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_F) || m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN))         move.y -= 1.0f;
            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_R) || m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_PAGE_UP))           move.y += 1.0f;
            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_W) || (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_UP) && alt))       move.z -= 1.0f;
            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_S) || (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_DOWN) && alt))     move.z += 1.0f;

            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_LEFT) && !alt)                                       rotateTmp.x -= 1.0f;
            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_RIGHT) && !alt)                                      rotateTmp.x += 1.0f;
            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_DOWN) && !alt)                                       rotateTmp.y -= 1.0f;
            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_UP) && !alt)                                         rotateTmp.y += 1.0f;
            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_E) || m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_HOME))              rotateTmp.z -= 1.0f;
            if (m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_Q) || m_window->isKeyDown(FW_KEY_INSERT))            rotateTmp.z += 1.0f;

            move *= timeDelta * m_speed * boost;
            rotate += rotateTmp * timeDelta * s_keyRotateSpeed * boost;


    // Apply movement.

    if (m_enableMovement)
    if (!move.isZero())
        m_position += orient * move;

    if (rotate.x != 0.0f || rotate.y != 0.0f)
        Vec3f tmp = orient.col(2) * cos(rotate.x) - orient.col(0) * sin(rotate.x);
        m_forward = (orient.col(1) * sin(rotate.y) - tmp * cos(rotate.y)).normalized();
        if (!m_keepAligned)
            m_up = (orient.col(1) * cos(rotate.y) + tmp * sin(rotate.y)).normalized();
        else if (-m_forward.cross(m_up).dot(tmp.cross(m_up).normalized()) < s_inclinationLimit)
            m_forward = -tmp.normalized();

    if (rotate.z != 0.0f && !m_keepAligned)
        Vec3f up = orient.transposed() * m_up;
        m_up = orient * Vec3f(up.x * cos(rotate.z) - sin(rotate.z), up.x * sin(rotate.z) + up.y * cos(rotate.z), up.z);

    // Apply alignment.

    if (m_alignY)
        m_up = Vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
    m_alignY = false;

    if (m_alignZ)
        m_up = Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    m_alignZ = false;

    // Update stereo mode.

    if (hasFeature(Feature_StereoControls))
        GLContext::Config config = m_window->getGLConfig();
        config.isStereo = (m_enableStereo && GLContext::isStereoAvailable());

    // Repaint continuously.

    if (ev.type == Window::EventType_Paint)
    return false;
void ProtoSpline3::parallelTransport() {
    // double up first and last verts
    //verts.insert(verts.begin(), verts.at(0));
    //verts.push_back(verts.at(verts.size() - 1));
    //frenetFrames.push_back(FrenetFrame(verts.at(0), Vec3f(1,0,0), Vec3f(0,-1,0), Vec3f(0,0,-1))); // add first vert
    // std::cout << "in createFrenetFrame():  verts.size() = " << verts.size() << std::endl;
    std::vector<Vec3f> tans;
    float theta = 0.0;
    Vec3f cp0, cp1, cp2;
    Vec3f tan, biNorm, norm, nextBiNorm, nextNorm;
    for (int i = 0; i < verts.size(); i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
            //cp0 = verts[verts.size() - 1];
            cp0 = verts.at(i);
            cp1 = verts.at(i);
            cp2 = verts.at(i + 1);
        } else if (i == verts.size() - 1) {
            cp0 = verts.at(i - 1);
            cp1 = verts.at(i);
            cp2 = verts.at(i); // 0, circled back here? changed to i
        } else {
            cp0 = verts.at(i - 1);
            cp1 = verts.at(i);
            cp2 = verts.at(i + 1);
            //std::cout << "i = = " << i << std::endl;
            //            std::cout << "cp0 " << cp0 << std::endl;
            //            std::cout << "cp1 " << cp1 << std::endl;
            //            std::cout << "cp2 " << cp2 << std::endl;
            //            std::cout << "cross(cp1, cp2) " << cross(cp1, cp2) << std::endl;
            //std::cout << "cp2 " << cp2 << std::endl;
        // fill tangents
        tan = cp2 - cp0;
        // collect initial frame
        if (i == 1) {
            // fix biNorm for parralel vectors
            biNorm = cp1.cross(cp2);
            // uh-oh parallel vecs
            // ! HACK ! avoids problems with orthonormal tubes.
            if (biNorm.mag() == 0) {
                if (cp1.x !=0 && cp2.x !=0){
                    biNorm = Vec3f(0, 1, 0);
                if (cp1.y !=0 && cp2.y !=0){
                    biNorm = Vec3f(0, 0, -1);
                if (cp1.z !=0 && cp2.z !=0){
                    biNorm = Vec3f(1, 0, 0);
            //std::cout << "biNorm pre = " << biNorm << std::endl;
            //std::cout << "biNorm.mag() = " << biNorm.mag() << std::endl;
            //            biNorm.x = 1;
            //            biNorm.y = 0;
            //            biNorm.z = 0;
            //            std::cout << "cp1 " << cp1 << std::endl;
            //            std::cout << "cp2 " << cp2 << std::endl;
            //            std::cout << "biNorm post = " << biNorm << std::endl;
            norm = biNorm.cross(tan);
    // rotate frame
    //  std::cout << "tans.size() = " << tans.size() << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < tans.size() - 1; i++) {
        if (biNorm.mag() == 0) {
            nextNorm = norm;
            //frenetFrames.push_back(FrenetFrame(verts.at(i), Vec3f(1,1,1), Vec3f(1,1,1), Vec3f(1,1,1)));
            // std::cout << "norm = " << norm << std::endl;
        } else {
            theta = acos(tans.at(i).dot(tans.at(i + 1)));
            Vec3f axis = tans.at(i);
            //std::cout << "tans.at(i + 1) = " << tans.at(i + 1) << std::endl;
            //std::cout << i << std::endl;
            axis = axis.cross(tans.at(i + 1));
            //std::cout << "axis = " << axis << std::endl;
            ProtoMatrix3f m;
            nextNorm = m.getRotate(theta, axis, norm);
            //std::cout << "axis = " << axis << std::endl;
            nextBiNorm = tans.at(i + 1);
            nextBiNorm = nextBiNorm.cross(nextNorm);
            // std::cout << "nextNorm = " << nextNorm << std::endl;
            // std::cout << "norm = " << norm << std::endl;
        //        std::cout <<i<<std::endl;
        //        std::cout << "tans.at(i) = " << tans.at(i) << std::endl;
        //        std::cout << "biNorm = " << biNorm << std::endl;
        //        std::cout << "norm = " << norm << std::endl;
        frenetFrames.push_back(ProtoFrenetFrame(verts.at(i), tans.at(i), biNorm, norm));
        norm = nextNorm;
        biNorm = nextBiNorm;
        //std::cout << "verts = " << verts.at(i) << std::endl;
    // std::cout << "in createFrenetFrame():  frenetFrames.size() = " << frenetFrames.size() << std::endl;
Beispiel #26
  // generate a bolt of lightning and add to our mesh
  // modified from Michael Hoffman's
  // (http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-generate-shockingly-good-2d-lightning-effects--gamedev-2681)
  void makeBolt(Vec3f source, Vec3f dest, int maxBranches = 0,
            float branchProb = 0.01, float wid = 0.05, int n = 80) {

    Vec3f tangent = (dest - source);  // direction of lightning
    Vec3f normal =
        tangent.cross(Vec3f(0, 0, -1)).normalize();  // normal to lightning
    float length = tangent.mag();

    // choose n random positions (0,1) along lightning vector and sort them
    vector<float> positions;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) positions.push_back(rnd::uniform());
    sort(positions.begin(), positions.end());

    float sway = 1;  // max random walk step of displacement along normal
    float jaggedness = 1 / sway;

    Vec3f prevPoint = source;
    float prevDisplacement = 0;
    //float width = 0.06; 
    float width = (wid > 0) ? wid : length / 25.0 + 0.01;
    //color = Color(1, 0.7, 1, 1);
    int branches = 0;


    Vec3f point;

    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
      float pos = positions[i];

      // used to prevent sharp angles by ensuring very close positions also have
      // small perpendicular variation.
      float scale = (length * jaggedness) * (pos - positions[i - 1]);

      // defines an envelope. Points near the middle of the bolt can be further
      // from the central line.
      float envelope = pos > 0.95f ? mapRange(pos, 0.95f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) : 1;

      // displacement from prevDisplacement (random walk (brownian motion))
      float displacement = rnd::uniformS(sway) * scale + prevDisplacement;
      displacement *= envelope;

      // calculate point, source plus percentage along tangent, and displacement
      // along normal;
      point = source + pos * tangent + displacement * normal;

      // generate triangles (vertices and texture coordinates) from point and
      // prevPoint
      mesh.vertex(prevPoint + normal * width);
      mesh.vertex(prevPoint - normal * width);
      mesh.vertex(point + normal * width);
      mesh.vertex(point + normal * width);
      mesh.vertex(prevPoint - normal * width);
      mesh.vertex(point - normal * width);
      mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(i - 1) / n);
      mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(i - 1) / n);
      mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(i) / n);
      mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(i) / n);
      mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(i - 1) / n);
      mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(i) / n);
      if (branches < maxBranches && rnd::prob(branchProb)) {
        Vec3f dir(tangent);
        rotate(dir, Vec3f(0, 0, 1), rnd::uniformS(30) * M_DEG2RAD);
        float len = (dest - point).mag();
        makeBolt(point, point + dir * len * 0.4, maxBranches - 1, branchProb, width * 0.6,
             n * 0.5);
      // remember previous point and displacement for next iteration
      prevPoint = point;
      prevDisplacement = displacement;
    //generate last piece
    mesh.vertex(point + normal * width);
    mesh.vertex(point - normal * width);
    mesh.vertex(dest + normal * width);
    mesh.vertex(dest + normal * width);
    mesh.vertex(point - normal * width);
    mesh.vertex(dest - normal * width);
    mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(n - 1) / n);
    mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(n - 1) / n);
    mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(n) / n); //0
    mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(n) / n); //0
    mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(n - 1) / n);
    mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(n) / n); //1
	//Computes the normals, if they haven't been computed yet
	void computeNormals() {
		if (computedNormals) {

		//Compute the rough version of the normals
		Vec3f** normals2 = new Vec3f*[l];
		for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
			normals2[i] = new Vec3f[w];

		for (int z = 0; z < l; z++) {
			for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
				Vec3f sum(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

				Vec3f out;
				if (z > 0) {
					out = Vec3f(0.0f, hs[z - 1][x] - hs[z][x], -1.0f);
				Vec3f in;
				if (z < l - 1) {
					in = Vec3f(0.0f, hs[z + 1][x] - hs[z][x], 1.0f);
				Vec3f left;
				if (x > 0) {
					left = Vec3f(-1.0f, hs[z][x - 1] - hs[z][x], 0.0f);
				Vec3f right;
				if (x < w - 1) {
					right = Vec3f(1.0f, hs[z][x + 1] - hs[z][x], 0.0f);

				if (x > 0 && z > 0) {
					sum += out.cross(left).normalize();
				if (x > 0 && z < l - 1) {
					sum += left.cross(in).normalize();
				if (x < w - 1 && z < l - 1) {
					sum += in.cross(right).normalize();
				if (x < w - 1 && z > 0) {
					sum += right.cross(out).normalize();

				normals2[z][x] = sum;

		//Smooth out the normals
		const float FALLOUT_RATIO = 0.5f;//memperhalus
		for (int z = 0; z < l; z++) {
			for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
				Vec3f sum = normals2[z][x];

				if (x > 0) {
					sum += normals2[z][x - 1] * FALLOUT_RATIO;
				if (x < w - 1) {
					sum += normals2[z][x + 1] * FALLOUT_RATIO;
				if (z > 0) {
					sum += normals2[z - 1][x] * FALLOUT_RATIO;
				if (z < l - 1) {
					sum += normals2[z + 1][x] * FALLOUT_RATIO;

				if (sum.magnitude() == 0) {
					sum = Vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
				normals[z][x] = sum;

		for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
			delete[] normals2[i];
		delete[] normals2;

		computedNormals = true;
Beispiel #28
void labelCorners(_Polygon (&Polygons)[6], int (&orderOfPolygons)[6], Point2f (&Corners)[24])
    Vec2f DA = Vec2f(Polygons[orderOfPolygons[0]].Center.x - Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center.x,
                        Polygons[orderOfPolygons[0]].Center.y - Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center.y);
    DA = normalize(DA);

    Vec3f DA3;
    DA3.val[0] = DA.val[0];
    DA3.val[1] = DA.val[1];
    DA3.val[2] = 0;

    _Diagonal Diagonal;
    float angle, dist, dist2;
    int startingPoint[6], cornerLabel = 1, cornerIndex;
    for (int polygonIndex = 0; polygonIndex < 6; polygonIndex++)
        Diagonal.Diag = Vec2f(Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[0].x - Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[2].x,
                            Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[0].y - Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[2].y);
        Diagonal.indexOfCorner1 = 0;
        Diagonal.indexOfCorner2 = 2;
        angle = DA.dot(normalize(Diagonal.Diag));
        if (abs(angle) < 0.95)
            Diagonal.Diag = Vec2f(Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[1].x - Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[3].x,
                                    Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[1].y - Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[3].y);
            Diagonal.indexOfCorner1 = 1;
            Diagonal.indexOfCorner2 = 3;
        startingPoint[polygonIndex] = Diagonal.indexOfCorner1;
        // For square A
        if (polygonIndex == orderOfPolygons[0])
            // Select the corner which is farther from the center of D
            dist = calcDistanceBet2Points(Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[Diagonal.indexOfCorner1], Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center);
            dist2 = calcDistanceBet2Points(Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[Diagonal.indexOfCorner2], Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center);
            if (dist2 > dist)
                startingPoint[polygonIndex] = Diagonal.indexOfCorner2;
        // For square D
        else if (polygonIndex == orderOfPolygons[3])
            // Select the corner which is closer to the center of A
            dist = calcDistanceBet2Points(Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[Diagonal.indexOfCorner1], Polygons[orderOfPolygons[0]].Center);
            dist2 = calcDistanceBet2Points(Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[Diagonal.indexOfCorner2], Polygons[orderOfPolygons[0]].Center);
            if (dist2 < dist)
                startingPoint[polygonIndex] = Diagonal.indexOfCorner2;
        // For remaining squares
            // Consider vector DV as the vector joining D's center to the current polygon's center.
            // Select the corner which is on the same side of DV as that of A's center.
            Vec3f DV = Vec3f(Polygons[polygonIndex].Center.x - Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center.x,
                            Polygons[polygonIndex].Center.y - Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center.y,
            Vec3f cP1 = DV.cross(DA3);

            Vec3f DCorner = Vec3f(Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[Diagonal.indexOfCorner1].x - Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center.x,
                                    Polygons[polygonIndex].Corners[Diagonal.indexOfCorner1].y - Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center.y,
            Vec3f cP2 = DV.cross(DCorner);

            if (cP1.val[2]*cP2.val[2] < -1)
                startingPoint[polygonIndex] = Diagonal.indexOfCorner2;

    for (int polygonIndex = 0; polygonIndex < 6; polygonIndex++)
        cornerIndex = startingPoint[orderOfPolygons[polygonIndex]];
        for (int k=0; k<4; k++)
            Corners[cornerLabel-1] = Polygons[orderOfPolygons[polygonIndex]].Corners[cornerIndex];
            cornerIndex = (cornerIndex + 1) % 4;
Beispiel #29
void VRMesure::processBar(Vec3f p1, Vec3f p2) {
    //p1 -= l->getWorldPosition();
    //p2 -= l->getWorldPosition();
    Vec3f d = p2-p1;

    Vec3f t1, t2;
    if (d[1] < d[0]) t1 = d.cross(Vec3f(0,1,0));//take the biggest axis
    else t1 = d.cross(Vec3f(1,0,0));
    t2 = d.cross(t1);

    t1 *= 0.01;
    t2 *= 0.01;

    GeometryRecPtr geo = l->getMesh();
    GeoPnt3fPropertyRecPtr pos = dynamic_cast<GeoPnt3fProperty*>(geo->getPositions());
    GeoVec3fPropertyRecPtr norms = dynamic_cast<GeoVec3fProperty*>(geo->getNormals());

    pos->setValue(p1+t1, 5);
    pos->setValue(p1+t1, 12);
    pos->setValue(p1+t1, 20);

    pos->setValue(p1+t2, 4);
    pos->setValue(p1+t2, 9);
    pos->setValue(p1+t2, 21);

    pos->setValue(p1-t1, 6);
    pos->setValue(p1-t1, 11);
    pos->setValue(p1-t1, 19);

    pos->setValue(p1-t2, 7);
    pos->setValue(p1-t2, 14);
    pos->setValue(p1-t2, 18);

    pos->setValue(p2+t1, 0);
    pos->setValue(p2+t1, 13);
    pos->setValue(p2+t1, 22);

    pos->setValue(p2+t2, 1);
    pos->setValue(p2+t2, 8);
    pos->setValue(p2+t2, 23);

    pos->setValue(p2-t1, 3);
    pos->setValue(p2-t1, 10);
    pos->setValue(p2-t1, 17);

    pos->setValue(p2-t2, 2);
    pos->setValue(p2-t2, 15);
    pos->setValue(p2-t2, 16);

    norms->setValue(p1+t1, 5);
    norms->setValue(p1+t1, 12);
    norms->setValue(p1+t1, 20);

    norms->setValue(p1+t2, 4);
    norms->setValue(p1+t2, 9);
    norms->setValue(p1+t2, 21);

    norms->setValue(p1-t1, 6);
    norms->setValue(p1-t1, 11);
    norms->setValue(p1-t1, 19);

    norms->setValue(p1-t2, 7);
    norms->setValue(p1-t2, 14);
    norms->setValue(p1-t2, 18);

    norms->setValue(p2+t1, 0);
    norms->setValue(p2+t1, 13);
    norms->setValue(p2+t1, 22);

    norms->setValue(p2+t2, 1);
    norms->setValue(p2+t2, 8);
    norms->setValue(p2+t2, 23);

    norms->setValue(p2-t1, 3);
    norms->setValue(p2-t1, 10);
    norms->setValue(p2-t1, 17);

    norms->setValue(p2-t2, 2);
    norms->setValue(p2-t2, 15);
    norms->setValue(p2-t2, 16);
Beispiel #30
void labelPolygons(_Polygon (&Polygons)[6], int (&orderOfPolygons)[6])
    float distanceFromAToD = 0, dist;
    for (int k=0; k<6; k++)
        if (k != orderOfPolygons[0])
            dist = calcDistanceBet2Points(Polygons[orderOfPolygons[0]].Center, Polygons[k].Center);
            if (dist > distanceFromAToD)
                distanceFromAToD = dist;
                orderOfPolygons[3] = k;

    Vec3f DA = Vec3f(Polygons[orderOfPolygons[0]].Center.x - Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center.x,
                    Polygons[orderOfPolygons[0]].Center.y - Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center.y,

    float distFromD, distBCFromD[2][2] = {0}, distEFFromD[2][2] = {0};
	int indexBC = 0, indexEF = 0;
    for (int k=0; k<6; k++)
        if (k == orderOfPolygons[3] || k == orderOfPolygons[0])
        Vec3f DV = Vec3f(Polygons[k].Center.x - Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center.x,
                    Polygons[k].Center.y - Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center.y,

        distFromD = calcDistanceBet2Points(Polygons[orderOfPolygons[3]].Center, Polygons[k].Center);

        Vec3f cP = DA.cross(DV);
        if (cP.val[2] > 0)
			distEFFromD[indexEF][0] = distFromD;
			distEFFromD[indexEF][1] = k;
			distBCFromD[indexBC][0] = distFromD;
			distBCFromD[indexBC][1] = k;
		if (distBCFromD[0][0] > distBCFromD[1][0])
			orderOfPolygons[1] = distBCFromD[0][1]; // Polygon B
			orderOfPolygons[2] = distBCFromD[1][1]; // Polygon C
			orderOfPolygons[1] = distBCFromD[1][1]; // Polygon B
			orderOfPolygons[2] = distBCFromD[0][1]; // Polygon C
		if (distEFFromD[0][0] > distEFFromD[1][0])
			orderOfPolygons[5] = distEFFromD[0][1]; // Polygon F
			orderOfPolygons[4] = distEFFromD[1][1]; // Polygon E
			orderOfPolygons[5] = distEFFromD[1][1]; // Polygon F
			orderOfPolygons[4] = distEFFromD[0][1]; // Polygon E