Beispiel #1
// Adds the gradient of the penalty potential (-1 * force) for a particle-edge
// pair to the total.
// Read the positions of the particle and edge endpoints from the input
// variable x.
// Inputs:
//   x:    The positions of the particles in the scene.
//   vidx: The index of the particle.
//   eidx: The index of the edge, i.e. the indices of the particle making up the
//         endpoints of the edge are given by m_scene.getEdge(eidx).first and 
//         m_scene.getEdges(eidx).second.
// Outputs:
//   gradE: The total gradient of penalty force. *ADD* the particle-edge
//          gradient to this total gradient.
void PenaltyForce::addParticleEdgeGradEToTotal(const VectorXs &x, int vidx, int eidx, VectorXs &gradE)
    VectorXs x1 = x.segment<2>(2*vidx);
    VectorXs x2 = x.segment<2>(2*m_scene.getEdge(eidx).first);
    VectorXs x3 = x.segment<2>(2*m_scene.getEdge(eidx).second);
    double r1 = m_scene.getRadius(vidx);
    double r2 = m_scene.getEdgeRadii()[eidx];
    // your implementation here
	int eidx1 = m_scene.getEdge(eidx).first;
	int eidx2 = m_scene.getEdge(eidx).second;
	scalar alpha = (x1-x2).dot(x3-x2)/(x3-x2).squaredNorm();
	if(alpha<0) alpha = 0;
	if(alpha>1) alpha = 1;
	Vector2s n = alpha*x3+(1-alpha)*x2-x1;
	if(n.norm()>r1+r2+m_thickness) return;
	Vector2s nhat = n/n.norm();
	MatrixXs gradn(2, 6);
	Matrix2s I = I.Identity();
	gradn<<-I, (1-alpha)*I, alpha*I;
	VectorXs gradV = m_k*(n.norm()-r1-r2-m_thickness)*gradn.transpose()*nhat;
	gradE(2*vidx) += gradV(0);
	gradE(2*vidx+1) += gradV(1);
	gradE(2*eidx1) += gradV(2);
	gradE(2*eidx1+1) += gradV(3);
	gradE(2*eidx2) += gradV(4);
	gradE(2*eidx2+1) += gradV(5);
Beispiel #2
bool MathUtilities::isRightHandedOrthoNormal( const Vector2s& a, const Vector2s& b, const scalar& tol )
  // All basis vectors should be unit
  if( fabs( a.norm() - 1.0 ) > tol ) { return false; }
  if( fabs( b.norm() - 1.0 ) > tol ) { return false; }
  // All basis vectors should be mutually orthogonal
  if( fabs( b ) ) > tol ) { return false; }
  // Coordinate system should be right handed
  assert( fabs( cross( a, b ) - 1.0 ) <= 1.0e-6 || fabs( cross( a, b ) + 1.0 ) <= 1.0e-6 );
  if( cross( a, b ) <= 0.0 ) { return false; }
  return true;
Beispiel #3
void VortexForce::addGradEToTotal( const VectorXs& x, const VectorXs& v, const VectorXs& m, VectorXs& gradE )
  assert( x.size() == v.size() );
  assert( x.size() == m.size() );
  assert( x.size() == gradE.size() );
  assert( x.size()%2 == 0 );
  assert( m_particles.first >= 0 );  assert( m_particles.first < x.size()/2 );
  assert( m_particles.second >= 0 ); assert( m_particles.second < x.size()/2 );

  Vector2s rhat = x.segment<2>(2*m_particles.second)-x.segment<2>(2*m_particles.first); 
  scalar r = rhat.norm(); 
  assert( r != 0.0 ); 
  rhat /= r;
  rhat *= m_kbs;
  // Rotate rhat 90 degrees clockwise
  scalar temp = rhat.x();
  rhat.x() = -rhat.y();
  rhat.y() = temp;
  rhat -= v.segment<2>(2*m_particles.second)-v.segment<2>(2*m_particles.first);
  rhat /= r*r;
  rhat *= m_kvc;

  gradE.segment<2>(2*m_particles.first)  -= -rhat;
  gradE.segment<2>(2*m_particles.second) += -rhat;
scalar HertzianPenaltyForce::computePotential( const VectorXs& q, const SparseMatrixsc& M, const VectorXs& r ) const
  assert( q.size() % 2 == 0 ); assert( q.size() == M.rows() ); assert( q.size() == M.cols() ); assert( r.size() == q.size() / 2 );

  scalar U{ 0.0 };
  // For each ball
  for( unsigned ball0 = 0; ball0 < r.size(); ++ball0 )
    // For each subsequent ball
    for( unsigned ball1 = ball0 + 1; ball1 < r.size(); ++ball1 )
      // Compute the total radius
      const scalar total_radius{ r(ball0) + r(ball1) };
      // Compute a vector pointing from ball0 to ball1
      const Vector2s n{ q.segment<2>( 2 * ball1 ) - q.segment<2>( 2 * ball0 ) };
      // If the squared distance is greater or equal to the sum of the radii squared, no force
      if( n.squaredNorm() > total_radius * total_radius )
      // Compute the penetration depth
      const scalar delta{ n.norm() - total_radius };
      assert( delta < 0.0 );
      // U = 0.5 * k * pen_depth^(5/2)
      U += 0.5 * m_k * std::pow( -delta, scalar( 2.5 ) );

  return U;
Beispiel #5
// Adds the gradient of the penalty potential (-1 * force) for a particle-
// half-plane pair to the total.
// Read the positions of the particle from the input variable x.
// Inputs:
//   x:    The positions of the particles in the scene.
//   vidx: The index of the particle.
//   pidx: The index of the half-plane, i.e. the position and normal vectors
//         for the half-plane can be retrieved by calling
//         m_scene.getHalfplane(pidx).
// Outputs:
//   gradE: The total gradient of the penalty force. *ADD* the particle-
//          half-plane gradient to this total gradient.
void PenaltyForce::addParticleHalfplaneGradEToTotal(const VectorXs &x, int vidx, int pidx, VectorXs &gradE)
    VectorXs x1 = x.segment<2>(2*vidx);
    VectorXs nh = m_scene.getHalfplane(pidx).second;
	VectorXs px = m_scene.getHalfplane(pidx).first;
    // your implementation here
	Vector2s n = (px-x1).dot(nh)/nh.squaredNorm()*nh;
	Vector2s nhat = n/n.norm();
	scalar r1 = m_scene.getRadius(vidx);
	if(n.norm()>r1+m_thickness) return;
	Matrix2s gradn = -nh*nh.transpose()/nh.squaredNorm();
	Vector2s gradV = m_k*(n.norm()-r1-m_thickness)*gradn.transpose()*nhat;
	gradE(2*vidx) += gradV(0);
	gradE(2*vidx+1) += gradV(1);
void TeleportedCircleCircleConstraint::computeContactBasis( const VectorXs& q, const VectorXs& v, MatrixXXsc& basis ) const
  assert( fabs( m_n.norm() - 1.0 ) <= 1.0e-6 );
  const Vector2s t{ -m_n.y(), m_n.x() };
  assert( fabs( t.norm() - 1.0 ) <= 1.0e-6 ); assert( fabs( t ) ) <= 1.0e-6 );
  basis.resize( 2, 2 );
  basis.col( 0 ) = m_n;
  basis.col( 1 ) = t;
Beispiel #7
// Adds the gradient of the penalty potential (-1 * force) for a pair of 
// particles to the total.
// Read the positions of the particles from the input variable x. Radii can
// be obtained from the member variable m_scene, the penalty force stiffness 
// from member variable m_k, and penalty force thickness from member variable
// m_thickness.
// Inputs:
//   x:    The positions of the particles in the scene. 
//   idx1: The index of the first particle, i.e. the position of this particle
//         is ( x[2*idx1], x[2*idx1+1] ).
//   idx2: The index of the second particle.
// Outputs:
//   gradE: The total gradient of penalty force. *ADD* the particle-particle
//          gradient to this total gradient.
void PenaltyForce::addParticleParticleGradEToTotal(const VectorXs &x, int idx1, int idx2, VectorXs &gradE)
    VectorXs x1 = x.segment<2>(2*idx1);
    VectorXs x2 = x.segment<2>(2*idx2);
    double r1 = m_scene.getRadius(idx1);
    double r2 = m_scene.getRadius(idx2);
    // your implementation here
	Vector2s n = x2-x1;
	if(n.norm()>r1+r2+m_thickness) return;
	Vector2s nhat = n/n.norm();
	MatrixXs gradn(2, 4);
	Matrix2s I = I.Identity();
	gradn<<-I, I;
	VectorXs gradV = m_k*(n.norm()-r1-r2-m_thickness)*gradn.transpose()*nhat;
	gradE(2*idx1) += gradV(0);
	gradE(2*idx1+1) += gradV(1);
	gradE(2*idx2) += gradV(2);
	gradE(2*idx2+1) += gradV(3);
Beispiel #8
static VectorXs parallelTransport2D( const VectorXs& n0, const VectorXs& n1, const VectorXs& t0 )
  assert( fabs( n0.norm() - 1.0 ) <= 1.0e-6 ); assert( fabs( n1.norm() - 1.0 ) <= 1.0e-6 );

  // x is cos of angle, y is sin of angle
  const Vector2s r{ n1 ), MathUtilities::cross( n0, n1 ) };
  assert( fabs( r.norm() - 1.0 ) <= 1.0e-6 );

  // Rotate t0
  VectorXs t1{ 2 };
  t1( 0 ) = r.x() * t0.x() - r.y() * t0.y();
  t1( 1 ) = r.y() * t0.x() + r.x() * t0.y();
  assert( fabs( t0.norm() - t1.norm() ) <= 1.0e-6 );
  // TODO: Assert n0,t0 angle is same as n1,t1 angle

  return t1;
Beispiel #9
// TODO: Don't do the if here, have children do what they need to do
scalar Constraint::computeLambda( const VectorXs& q, const VectorXs& v ) const
  MatrixXXsc basis;
  computeBasis( q, v, basis );
  assert( basis.rows() == basis.cols() );
  assert( basis.cols() == 2 || basis.cols() == 3 );
  const VectorXs rel_vel = computeRelativeVelocity( q, v );
  assert( rel_vel.size() == basis.rows() );
  if( basis.cols() == 3 )
    const Vector2s tangent_vel( basis.col( 1 ) ), basis.col( 2 ) ) );
    return tangent_vel.norm();
  else if( basis.cols() == 2 )
    return fabs( basis.col( 1 ) ) );
  std::cerr << "Unhandled case in Constraint::computeLambda" << std::endl;
  std::exit( EXIT_FAILURE );