Beispiel #1
double JF12Field::getTurbulentStrength(const Vector3d& pos) const {
	if (pos.getR() > 20 * kpc)
		return 0;

	double r = sqrt(pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y); // in-plane radius
	double phi = pos.getPhi(); // azimuth

	// disk
	double bDisk = 0;
	if (r < 5 * kpc) {
		bDisk = bDiskTurb5;
	} else {
		// spiral region
		double r_negx = r * exp(-(phi - M_PI) / tan90MinusPitch);
		if (r_negx > rArms[7])
			r_negx = r * exp(-(phi + M_PI) / tan90MinusPitch);
		if (r_negx > rArms[7])
			r_negx = r * exp(-(phi + 3 * M_PI) / tan90MinusPitch);

		for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
			if (r_negx < rArms[i])
				bDisk = bDiskTurb[i];

		bDisk *= (5 * kpc) / r;
	bDisk *= exp(-0.5 * pow(pos.z / zDiskTurb, 2));

	// halo
	double bHalo = bHaloTurb * exp(-r / rHaloTurb)
			* exp(-0.5 * pow(pos.z / zHaloTurb, 2));

	// modulate turbulent field
	return sqrt(pow(bDisk, 2) + pow(bHalo, 2));
Beispiel #2
 * Cylindrical Coordinates
 * iPhi -> [0, 2*pi]
 * iTheta -> [0, 2]
 * Spherical Coordinates
 * phi -> [-pi, pi]
 * theta -> [0, pi]
size_t CylindricalProjectionMap::binFromDirection(const Vector3d& direction) const {
	// convert to cylindrical
	double phi = direction.getPhi() + M_PI;
	double theta = sin(M_PI_2 - direction.getTheta()) + 1;

	// to indices
	size_t iPhi = phi / sPhi;
	size_t iTheta = theta / sTheta;

	// interleave
	size_t bin =  iTheta * nPhi + iPhi;
	return bin;
Beispiel #3
Vector3d JF12Field::getRegularField(const Vector3d& pos) const {
	Vector3d b(0.);

	double r = sqrt(pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y); // in-plane radius
	double d = pos.getR(); // distance to galactic center
	if ((d < 1 * kpc) or (d > 20 * kpc))
		return b; // 0 field for d < 1 kpc or d > 20 kpc

	double phi = pos.getPhi(); // azimuth
	double sinPhi = sin(phi);
	double cosPhi = cos(phi);

	double lfDisk = logisticFunction(pos.z, hDisk, wDisk);

	// disk field
	if (r > 3 * kpc) {
		double bMag;
		if (r < 5 * kpc) {
			// molecular ring
			bMag = bRing * (5 * kpc / r) * (1 - lfDisk);
			b.x += -bMag * sinPhi;
			b.y += bMag * cosPhi;

		} else {
			// spiral region
			double r_negx = r * exp(-(phi - M_PI) / tan90MinusPitch);
			if (r_negx > rArms[7])
				r_negx = r * exp(-(phi + M_PI) / tan90MinusPitch);
			if (r_negx > rArms[7])
				r_negx = r * exp(-(phi + 3 * M_PI) / tan90MinusPitch);

			for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
				if (r_negx < rArms[i])
					bMag = bDisk[i];

			bMag *= (5 * kpc / r) * (1 - lfDisk);
			b.x += bMag * (sinPitch * cosPhi - cosPitch * sinPhi);
			b.y += bMag * (sinPitch * sinPhi + cosPitch * cosPhi);

	// toroidal halo field
	double bMagH = exp(-fabs(pos.z) / z0) * lfDisk;
	if (pos.z >= 0)
		bMagH *= bNorth * (1 - logisticFunction(r, rNorth, wHalo));
		bMagH *= bSouth * (1 - logisticFunction(r, rSouth, wHalo));
	b.x += -bMagH * sinPhi;
	b.y += bMagH * cosPhi;

	// poloidal halo field
	double bMagX;
	double sinThetaX, cosThetaX;
	double rp;
	double rc = rXc + fabs(pos.z) / tanThetaX0;
	if (r < rc) {
		// varying elevation region
		rp = r * rXc / rc;
		bMagX = bX * exp(-1 * rp / rX) * pow(rp / r, 2.);
		double thetaX = atan2(fabs(pos.z), (r - rp));
		if (pos.z == 0)
			thetaX = M_PI / 2.;
		sinThetaX = sin(thetaX);
		cosThetaX = cos(thetaX);
	} else {
		// constant elevation region
		rp = r - fabs(pos.z) / tanThetaX0;
		bMagX = bX * exp(-rp / rX) * (rp / r);
		sinThetaX = sinThetaX0;
		cosThetaX = cosThetaX0;
	double zsign = pos.z < 0 ? -1 : 1;
	b.x += zsign * bMagX * cosThetaX * cosPhi;
	b.y += zsign * bMagX * cosThetaX * sinPhi;
	b.z += bMagX * sinThetaX;

	return b;