Beispiel #1
void nuc3d::tvdrk3rd::rk2nd(const VectorField &RHS,
                            const VectorField &u_n, // u_n
                            VectorField &u_i,
                            double dt)
    int nx=u_n.begin()->getSizeX();
    int ny=u_n.begin()->getSizeY();
    int nz=u_n.begin()->getSizeZ();
    auto beg=u_i.begin();
    auto end=u_i.end();
    for (auto iter=beg; iter!=end; ++iter)
        for(int k=0;k<nz;++k)
            for(int j=0;j<ny;++j)
                for(int i=0;i<nx;++i)
                    double rhs=-RHS[iter-beg].getValue(i,j,k);
                    double u=u_n[iter-beg].getValue(i, j, k);
                    double u1=iter->getValue(i, j, k);
                    double u2 = coeff_tvdrk3_alpha0[1][0]*u
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char **argv )
   walberla::Environment env( argc, argv );

   const uint_t cells [] = { 6,5,3 };
   const uint_t blockCount [] = { 4, 3,2 };
   const uint_t nrOfTimeSteps = 20;

   // Create BlockForest
   auto blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGrid(blockCount[0],blockCount[1],blockCount[2],  //blocks
                                        cells[0],cells[1],cells[2], //cells
                                        1,                          //dx
                                        false,                      //one block per process
                                        true,true,true);            //periodicity

   LatticeModel latticeModel( lbm::collision_model::SRT(1.5 ) );

   // In addition to the normal GhostLayerField's  we allocated additionally a field containing the whole global simulation domain for each block
   // we can then check if the GhostLayer communication is correct, by comparing the small field to the corresponding part of the big field

   BlockDataID pdfField     = lbm::addPdfFieldToStorage( blocks, "PdfField", latticeModel );

   BlockDataID scalarField1 = field::addToStorage<ScalarField>( blocks, "ScalarFieldOneGl", real_t(0), field::zyxf,  1 );
   BlockDataID scalarField2 = field::addToStorage<ScalarField>( blocks, "ScalarFieldTwoGl", real_t(0), field::zyxf,  2 );
   BlockDataID vectorField  = field::addToStorage<VectorField>( blocks, "VectorField", Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0) );
   BlockDataID flagField    = field::addFlagFieldToStorage<FField>( blocks, "FlagField" );

   // Init src field with some values
   for( auto blockIt = blocks->begin(); blockIt != blocks->end(); ++blockIt ) // block loop
      // Init PDF field
      PdfField * src = blockIt->getData<PdfField>(pdfField);
      for( auto cellIt = src->begin(); cellIt != src->end(); ++cellIt ) // over all x,y,z,f
         Cell cell ( cellIt.x(), cellIt.y(), cellIt.z() );
         blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(cell, *blockIt);
         *cellIt = real_c( ( cell[0] + cell[1] + cell[2] + cellIt.f() ) % cell_idx_t(42) );

      // Init scalarField1
      ScalarField * sf = blockIt->getData<ScalarField> ( scalarField1 );
      for( auto cellIt = sf->beginWithGhostLayer(); cellIt != sf->end(); ++cellIt ) // over all x,y,z
         Cell cell ( cellIt.x(), cellIt.y(), cellIt.z() );
         blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(cell, *blockIt);
         *cellIt = real_c( ( cell[0] + cell[1] + cell[2] ) % cell_idx_t(42) );

      // Init scalarField2
      sf = blockIt->getData<ScalarField> ( scalarField2 );
      for( auto cellIt = sf->beginWithGhostLayer(); cellIt != sf->end(); ++cellIt ) // over all x,y,z
         Cell cell ( cellIt.x(), cellIt.y(), cellIt.z() );
         blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(cell, *blockIt);
         *cellIt = real_c( ( cell[0] + cell[1] + cell[2] ) % cell_idx_t(42) );

      // Init vector field
      VectorField * vf = blockIt->getData<VectorField> ( vectorField );
      for ( auto cellIt = vf->beginWithGhostLayer(); cellIt != vf->end(); ++cellIt )
         Cell cell ( cellIt.x(), cellIt.y(), cellIt.z() );
         blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(cell, *blockIt);
         *cellIt = Vector3<real_t>( real_c(cell[0]), real_c(cell[1]), real_c(cell[2]) );

      // Init Flag field
      FField * ff = blockIt->getData<FField> ( flagField );
      auto flag1 = ff->registerFlag( "AFlag 1" );
      auto flag2 = ff->registerFlag( "BFlag 2" );
      for ( auto cellIt = ff->beginWithGhostLayer(); cellIt != ff->end(); ++cellIt )
         Cell cell ( cellIt.x(), cellIt.y(), cellIt.z() );
         blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell( cell, *blockIt );
         if ( ( cell[0] + cell[1] + cell[2] ) % 2 )
            addFlag( cellIt, flag1);
            addFlag( cellIt, flag2);


   // Create TimeLoop
   SweepTimeloop timeloop (blocks, nrOfTimeSteps );

   GUI gui (timeloop, blocks, argc, argv);
   lbm::connectToGui<LatticeModel>( gui );;
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;