Beispiel #1
// RotateToMap returns a rotation map which rotates fromVec to have the
//		same direction as toVec.
// fromVec and toVec should be unit vectors
RotationMapR3 RotateToMap(const VectorR3& fromVec, const VectorR3& toVec)
	VectorR3 crossVec = fromVec;
	crossVec *= toVec;
	double sintheta = crossVec.Norm();
	double costheta = fromVec ^ toVec;
	if (sintheta <= 1.0e-40)
		if (costheta > 0.0)
			return (RotationMapR3(
				1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
				0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
				0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
			GetOrtho(toVec, crossVec);  // Get arbitrary orthonormal vector
			return (VrRotate(costheta, sintheta, crossVec));
		crossVec /= sintheta;  // Normalize the vector
		return (VrRotate(costheta, sintheta, crossVec));
// PreCalcInfo takes the vertex values and computes information to
//		help with intersections with rays.
void ViewableTriangle::PreCalcInfo()
	VectorR3 EdgeAB = VertexB - VertexA;
	VectorR3 EdgeBC = VertexC - VertexB;
	VectorR3 EdgeCA = VertexA - VertexC;

	if ( (EdgeAB^EdgeBC) < (EdgeBC^EdgeCA) ) {
		Normal = EdgeAB*EdgeBC;
	else {
		Normal = EdgeBC*EdgeCA;
	double mag = Normal.Norm();
	if ( mag>0.0 ) {
		Normal /= mag;		// Unit vector to triangle's plane
	PlaneCoef = (Normal^VertexA);	// Same coef for all three vertices.

	double A = EdgeAB.NormSq();
	double B = (EdgeAB^EdgeCA);
	double C = EdgeCA.NormSq();
	double Dinv = 1.0/(A*C-B*B);
	A *= Dinv;
	B *= Dinv;
	C *= Dinv;
	Ubeta = EdgeAB;
	Ubeta *= C;
	Ubeta.AddScaled( EdgeCA, -B );
	Ugamma = EdgeCA;
	Ugamma *= -A;
	Ugamma.AddScaled( EdgeAB, B );
// Precalculations for intersection testing speed
void ViewableParallelogram::PreCalcInfo()
	VectorR3 EdgeAB = VertexB - VertexA;
	VectorR3 EdgeBC = VertexC - VertexB;
	LengthAB = EdgeAB.Norm();
	LengthBC = EdgeBC.Norm();

	VertexD = VertexA;
	VertexD += EdgeBC;			// The fourth vertex

	EdgeAB /= LengthAB;					// Normalize
	EdgeBC /= LengthBC;					// Normalize

	Normal = EdgeAB*EdgeBC;
	double mag = Normal.Norm();
	if ( mag>0.0 && LengthAB>0.0 && LengthBC>0.0 ) {
		Normal /= mag;				// Unit Vector to parallelogram
	else {
		Normal.SetZero();			// In this case, the parallelogram is malformed.
	PlaneCoef = VertexB^Normal;

	NormalAB = Normal*EdgeAB;		// Normal in from edge AB
	NormalBC = Normal*EdgeBC;		// Normal in from edge BC
	NormalAB.ReNormalize();			// Just in case

	CoefAB = VertexA^NormalAB;		// Coef. for edge AB.
	CoefBC = VertexB^NormalBC;
	CoefCD = VertexC^NormalAB;
	CoefDA = VertexA^NormalBC;
Beispiel #4
void	Arrow( const VectorR3& tail, const VectorR3& head )
	float t[3];
	float h[3];
	tail.Dump( t );
	head.Dump( h );
	Arrow( t, h );
Beispiel #5
// Returns a vector v orthonormal to unit vector u
void GetOrtho( const VectorR3& u,  VectorR3& v )
	if ( u.x > 0.5 || u.x<-0.5 || u.y > 0.5 || u.y<-0.5 ) {
		v.Set ( u.y, -u.x, 0.0 );
	else {
		v.Set ( 0.0, u.z, -u.y);
Beispiel #6
Quaternion2 Quaternion2::DecomposeRotation2(const VectorR3 vB) const {
    //we need to compute v in A's coordinates
    VectorR3 vA = this->rotate(vB);

    double temp = 0;

    //compute the rotation that aligns the vector v in the two coordinate frames (A and T)
    VectorR3 rotAxis = vA * vB;
    double rotAngle = -safeACOS(vA.Dot(vB));

    Quaternion2 TqA = getRotationQuaternion2(rotAngle, rotAxis*(-1));
    return TqA * (*this);
Beispiel #7
// Returns a righthanded orthonormal basis to complement vector u
void GetOrtho( const VectorR3& u,  VectorR3& v, VectorR3& w)
	if ( u.x > 0.5 || u.x<-0.5 || u.y > 0.5 || u.y<-0.5 ) {
		v.Set ( u.y, -u.x, 0.0 );
	else {
		v.Set ( 0.0, u.z, -u.y);
	w = u;
	w *= v;
	// w.NormalizeFast();
Beispiel #8
RotationMapR3 VrRotateAlign( const VectorR3& fromVec, const VectorR3& toVec)
	VectorR3 crossVec = fromVec;
	crossVec *= toVec;
	double sinetheta = crossVec.Norm();	// Not yet normalized!
	if ( sinetheta < 1.0e-40 ) {
		return ( RotationMapR3( 
					1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 
					0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 
					0.0, 0.0, 1.0) );
	crossVec /= sinetheta;				// Normalize the vector
	double scale = 1.0/sqrt(fromVec.NormSq()*toVec.NormSq());
	sinetheta *= scale;
	double cosinetheta = (fromVec^toVec)*scale;
	return ( VrRotate( cosinetheta, sinetheta, crossVec) );
Beispiel #9
void NffFileLoader::ProcessConeCylNFF( const VectorR3& baseCenter, double baseRadius, 
							const VectorR3& topCenter, double topRadius )
	bool isCone = (topRadius==0.0);
	if ( !isCone && topRadius!=baseRadius ) {
		if ( topRadius<0.5*baseRadius ) {
			isCone = true;				// Render as a true code
		else {
			topRadius = baseRadius;   // Render as a cylinder
	VectorR3 centerLine = topCenter;
	centerLine -= baseCenter;
	double height = centerLine.Norm();
	if ( height==0.0 ) {
		return;				// We do not support zero height cylinders (Nor does NFF!)
	centerLine /= height;	// Normalize
	if ( isCone ) {
		ViewableCone* vc = new ViewableCone();
		vc->SetSlope( baseRadius/height );
		vc->SetHeight( height );
	else {	
		// Create a cylinder
		ViewableCylinder* vc = new ViewableCylinder();
		centerLine = topCenter;
		centerLine += baseCenter;
		centerLine *= 0.5;
		vc->SetCenter( centerLine );
		vc->SetRadius( baseRadius );
		vc->SetHeight( height );
bool ViewableSphere::CalcPartials( const VisiblePoint& visPoint, 
								   VectorR3& retPartialU, VectorR3& retPartialV ) const
	retPartialV = visPoint.GetPosition();
	retPartialV -= Center;
	retPartialU = retPartialV;
	retPartialU *= AxisC;			// Magnitude = R sin(phi).
	retPartialU *= -PI2;			// Adjust for [0,1] domain instead of [-pi,pi]

	retPartialV *= retPartialU;		// Pointing in right direction, magnitude 2 pi R^2 sin(phi)
									// Sign and magnitude adjusted below.
	double badMagSq = retPartialV.NormSq();
	double h;

	switch ( uvProjectionType ) {

	case 0:	// Spherical projection
		h = sqrt(badMagSq);
		if ( h==0.0 ) {
			retPartialV = AxisB;
			return false;
		retPartialV *= (PI*Radius/h);  // Convert to domain [0,1] instead of [-pi/2,pi/2].
											  // Compensate for sign and R^2 magnitude.

	case 1:
		h = 2.0*(visPoint.GetV()-0.5);	// In range [-1,1]
		h = sqrt(badMagSq*(1.0 - h*h));			// Derivative of arcsin(h) = 1/sqrt(1-h^2)
		if ( h==0 ) {
			retPartialV = AxisB;
			return false;
		retPartialV *= PI*Radius/h;			// Adjust sign and magnitude
	return true;
// Returns an intersection if found with distance maxDistance
// viewDir must be a unit vector.
// intersectDistance and visPoint are returned values.
bool ViewableEllipsoid::FindIntersectionNT ( 
		const VectorR3& viewPos, const VectorR3& viewDir, double maxDistance,
		double *intersectDistance, VisiblePoint& returnedPoint ) const
	VectorR3 v = viewPos;
	v -= Center;
	double pdotuA = v^AxisA;
	double pdotuB = v^AxisB;
	double pdotuC = v^AxisC;
	double udotuA = viewDir^AxisA;
	double udotuB = viewDir^AxisB;
	double udotuC = viewDir^AxisC;

	double C = Square(pdotuA) + Square(pdotuB) + Square(pdotuC) - 1.0;
	double B = ( pdotuA*udotuA + pdotuB*udotuB + pdotuC*udotuC );
	if ( C>0.0 && B>=0.0 ) {
		return false;			// Pointing away from the ellipsoid

	B += B;		// Double B to get final factor of 2.
	double A = Square(udotuA) + Square(udotuB) + Square(udotuC);

	double alpha1, alpha2;
	int numRoots = QuadraticSolveRealSafe( A, B, C, &alpha1, &alpha2 );
	if ( numRoots==0 ) {
		return false;
	if ( alpha1>0.0 ) {
		if ( alpha1>=maxDistance ) {
			return false;				// Too far away
		// Found an intersection from outside.
		returnedPoint.SetMaterial( *OuterMaterial );
		*intersectDistance = alpha1;
	else if ( numRoots==2 && alpha2>0.0 && alpha2<maxDistance ) {
		// Found an intersection from inside.
		returnedPoint.SetMaterial( *InnerMaterial );
		*intersectDistance = alpha2;
	else {
		return false;	// Both intersections behind us (should never get here)

	// Calculate intersection position
	v *= (*intersectDistance);
	v += viewPos;
	returnedPoint.SetPosition( v );	// Intersection Position

	v -= Center;	// Now v is the relative position
	double vdotuA = v^AxisA;		
	double vdotuB = v^AxisB;
	double vdotuC = v^AxisC;
	v = vdotuA*AxisA + vdotuB*AxisB + vdotuC*AxisC;
	returnedPoint.SetNormal( v );

	// Calculate u-v coordinates
	ViewableSphere::CalcUV( vdotuB, vdotuC, vdotuA, uvProjectionType,
							&returnedPoint.GetUV() );
	returnedPoint.SetFaceNumber( 0 );
	return true;
bool IKTrajectoryHelper::computeIK(const double endEffectorTargetPosition[3],
                                   const double endEffectorTargetOrientation[4],
                                   const double endEffectorWorldPosition[3],
                                   const double endEffectorWorldOrientation[4],
               const double* q_current, int numQ,int endEffectorIndex,
               double* q_new, int ikMethod, const double* linear_jacobian, const double* angular_jacobian, int jacobian_size, const double dampIk[6])
	bool useAngularPart = (ikMethod==IK2_VEL_DLS_WITH_ORIENTATION || ikMethod==IK2_VEL_DLS_WITH_ORIENTATION_NULLSPACE) ? true : false;

    Jacobian ikJacobian(useAngularPart,numQ);


    bool UseJacobianTargets1 = false;
    if ( UseJacobianTargets1 ) {
    else {
    VectorR3 targets;
    ikJacobian.ComputeJacobian(&targets);						// Set up Jacobian and deltaS vectors
    // Set one end effector world position from Bullet
    VectorRn deltaS(3);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    // Set one end effector world orientation from Bullet
    VectorRn deltaR(3);
    if (useAngularPart)
        btQuaternion startQ(endEffectorWorldOrientation[0],endEffectorWorldOrientation[1],endEffectorWorldOrientation[2],endEffectorWorldOrientation[3]);
        btQuaternion endQ(endEffectorTargetOrientation[0],endEffectorTargetOrientation[1],endEffectorTargetOrientation[2],endEffectorTargetOrientation[3]);
        btQuaternion deltaQ = endQ*startQ.inverse();
        float angle = deltaQ.getAngle();
        btVector3 axis = deltaQ.getAxis();
        if (angle > PI) {
            angle -= 2.0*PI;
        else if (angle < -PI) {
            angle += 2.0*PI;
        float angleDot = angle;
        btVector3 angularVel = angleDot*axis.normalize();
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		if (useAngularPart)
			VectorRn deltaC(6);
			MatrixRmn completeJacobian(6,numQ);
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
				for (int j = 0; j < numQ; ++j)
		} else
			VectorRn deltaC(3);
			MatrixRmn completeJacobian(3,numQ);
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
				for (int j = 0; j < numQ; ++j)
    // Calculate the change in theta values
    switch (ikMethod) {
        case IK2_JACOB_TRANS:
            ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasTranspose();		// Jacobian transpose method
		case IK2_DLS:
        case IK2_VEL_DLS:
            //ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasDLS();			// Damped least squares method
        case IK2_DLS_SVD:
        case IK2_PURE_PSEUDO:
            ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasPseudoinverse();	// Pure pseudoinverse method
        case IK2_SDLS:
            ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasSDLS();			// Selectively damped least squares method
    // Use for velocity IK, update theta dot
    // Use for position IK, incrementally update theta
    // Apply the change in the theta values
    for (int i=0;i<numQ;i++)
        // Use for velocity IK
        q_new[i] = ikJacobian.dTheta[i] + q_current[i];
        // Use for position IK
        //q_new[i] = m_data->m_ikNodes[i]->GetTheta();
    return true;
Beispiel #14
bool ViewableTorus::FindIntersectionNT ( 
				const VectorR3& viewPos, const VectorR3& viewDir, 
				double maxDistance, double *intersectDistance, 
				VisiblePoint& returnedPoint ) const

	// Precheck for collisions by
	//	checking if passes to within a bounding box

	bool insideFlag = true;		// Whether viewPos is inside bounding box
	double minDistBack = DBL_MAX;	// min. distance to a backplane bounding the box
	double maxDistFront= -DBL_MAX;	// mix. distance to a frontplane bounding the box

	double pdotn;
	double alpha;
	pdotn = (viewPos^AxisC) - CenterCoefC;
	alpha = viewDir^AxisC;
	if ( !CollideTwoPlanes(pdotn, alpha, MinorRadius, 
							&insideFlag, &minDistBack, &maxDistFront) ) {
		return false;
	pdotn = (viewPos^AxisA) - CenterCoefA;
	alpha = viewDir^AxisA;
	if ( !CollideTwoPlanes(pdotn, alpha, OuterRadius, 
							&insideFlag, &minDistBack, &maxDistFront) ) {
		return false;
	pdotn = (viewPos^AxisB) - CenterCoefB;
	alpha = viewDir^AxisB;
	if ( !CollideTwoPlanes(pdotn, alpha, OuterRadius, 
							&insideFlag, &minDistBack, &maxDistFront) ) {
		return false;

	assert ( minDistBack>=maxDistFront );
	assert ( insideFlag || maxDistFront>=0.0 );
	assert ( maxDistFront < 1000.0 );
	if (maxDistFront>maxDistance) {
		return false;

	// Bounding box precheck is done. Now do the actual intersection test.

	// Set up the degree 4 polynomial for the torus intersection
	// Coefficients are:
	//	A = 1
	//	B = 4 u \cdot p
	//	C = 4(u\cdot p)^2 + 2(p\cdot p) - 2(M^2+m^2) + 4M^2(u_C \cdot u)
	//	D = 4[(p \cdot p)(u \cdot p) - (M^2+m^2)(u \cdot p) + 2M^2(u_C \dot p)^2]
	//	E = ((p \cdot p)^2 - 2(M^2+m^2)(p \cdot p) + 4M^2(u_C\cdot p)^2 +(M^2-m^2)^2

	double moveFwdDist = Max(0.0,maxDistFront);

	double coefs[5];
	double roots[4];
	double &A=coefs[0], &B=coefs[1], &C=coefs[2], &D=coefs[3], &E=coefs[4];

	A = 1;
	VectorR3 viewPosRel;
	viewPosRel = viewDir;
	viewPosRel *= moveFwdDist;	// Move forward distance moveFwdDist
	viewPosRel += viewPos;
	viewPosRel -= Center;		// Position relative to center
	double udotp = (viewDir^viewPosRel);
	B = 4.0*udotp;
	double MSq = Square(MajorRadius);
	double mSq = Square(MinorRadius);
	double RadiiSqSum = MSq + mSq;
	double ucdotp = (AxisC^viewPosRel);
	double ucdotu = (AxisC^viewDir);
	double pSq = (viewPosRel^viewPosRel);
	C = 4.0*udotp*udotp + 2.0*pSq - 2.0*RadiiSqSum + 4.0*MSq*ucdotu*ucdotu;
	D = 4.0 * ( (pSq-RadiiSqSum)*udotp + 2.0*MSq*ucdotp*ucdotu );
	E = (pSq - 2.0*RadiiSqSum)*pSq + 4.0*MSq*ucdotp*ucdotp + Square(MSq-mSq);

	int numRoots = PolySolveReal( 4, coefs, roots );
	for ( int i=0; i<numRoots; i++ ) {
		roots[i] += moveFwdDist;		// Restate as distance from viewPos
		if ( roots[i] >= maxDistance ) {
			return false;
		if ( roots[i]>0.0 ) {
			// Return this visible point
			*intersectDistance = roots[i];
			VectorR3 Point = viewDir;
			Point *= roots[i];
			Point += viewPos;
			returnedPoint.SetPosition(Point);  // Intersection position (not relative to center)

			if ( i & 0x01 ) {
				returnedPoint.SetBackFace();					// Orientation
				returnedPoint.SetMaterial( *InnerMaterial );	// Material
			else {
				returnedPoint.SetFrontFace();					// Orientation
				returnedPoint.SetMaterial( *OuterMaterial );	// Material

			// Outward normal
			Point -= Center;			// Now its the relative point
			double xCoord = Point^AxisA;	// forward axis
			double yCoord = Point^AxisB;	// rightward axis
			double zCoord = Point^AxisC;	// upward axis
			VectorR3 outN = AxisC;
			outN *= -zCoord;
			outN += Point;						// Project point down to plane of torus center
			double outNnorm = outN.Norm();
			outN *= MajorRadius/(-outNnorm);	// Negative point projected to center path of torus
			outN += Point;						// Displacement of point from center path of torus
			outN /= MinorRadius;				// Should be outward unit vector
			outN.ReNormalize();					// Fix roundoff error problems
			returnedPoint.SetNormal(outN);		// Outward normal

			// u - v coordinates
			double u = atan2( yCoord, xCoord );
			u = u*PI2inv+0.5;
			double bVal = outNnorm-MajorRadius;
			double v = atan2( zCoord, bVal );
			v = v*PI2inv+0.5;
			returnedPoint.SetUV(u , v);
			returnedPoint.SetFaceNumber( 0 );

			return true;
	return false;