bool FunctionListPanel::serialize(const generic_string & outputFilename)
	generic_string fname;
	if (outputFilename.empty()) // if outputFilename is not given, get the current file path by adding the file extension
		Buffer* currentBuf = (*_ppEditView)->getCurrentBuffer();
		const TCHAR *fullFilePath = currentBuf->getFullPathName();

		// Export function list from an existing file 
		bool exportFuncntionList = (NppParameters::getInstance())->doFunctionListExport();
		if (exportFuncntionList && ::PathFileExists(fullFilePath))
			fname = fullFilePath;
			fname += TEXT(".result");
			return false;
		fname = outputFilename;

	FILE * f = generic_fopen(fname.c_str(), TEXT("w+"));
	if (!f)
		return false;

	for (const auto & info : _foundFuncInfos)
		generic_string entryName;
		if (!info._data2.empty())
			entryName = info._data2;
			entryName += TEXT("=>");
		entryName += info._data;
		entryName += TEXT("\n");

		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		UINT cp = static_cast<UINT>((*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_GETCODEPAGE));
		const char *textA = wmc->wchar2char(entryName.c_str(), cp);
		string entryNameA = textA;

		fwrite(entryNameA.c_str(), sizeof(entryNameA.c_str()[0]), entryNameA.length(), f);
	return true;
int PluginsManager::loadPlugin(const generic_string& pluginFilePath, std::vector<generic_string> & dll2Remove)
	PluginInfo *pi = new PluginInfo;
	try {
		pi->_moduleName = PathFindFileName(pluginFilePath.c_str());

		pi->_hLib = ::LoadLibrary(pluginFilePath.c_str());
		if (!pi->_hLib)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Load Library is failed.\nMake \"Runtime Library\" setting of this project as \"Multi-threaded(/MT)\" may cure this problem."));

		pi->_pFuncIsUnicode = (PFUNCISUNICODE)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "isUnicode");
#ifdef UNICODE
		if (!pi->_pFuncIsUnicode || !pi->_pFuncIsUnicode())
			throw generic_string(TEXT("This ANSI plugin is not compatible with your Unicode Notepad++."));
		if (pi->_pFuncIsUnicode)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("This Unicode plugin is not compatible with your ANSI mode Notepad++."));

		pi->_pFuncSetInfo = (PFUNCSETINFO)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "setInfo");

		if (!pi->_pFuncSetInfo)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"setInfo\" function"));

		pi->_pFuncGetName = (PFUNCGETNAME)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "getName");
		if (!pi->_pFuncGetName)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"getName\" function"));

		pi->_pBeNotified = (PBENOTIFIED)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "beNotified");
		if (!pi->_pBeNotified)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"beNotified\" function"));

		pi->_pMessageProc = (PMESSAGEPROC)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "messageProc");
		if (!pi->_pMessageProc)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"messageProc\" function"));


		pi->_pFuncGetFuncsArray = (PFUNCGETFUNCSARRAY)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "getFuncsArray");
		if (!pi->_pFuncGetFuncsArray)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"getFuncsArray\" function"));

		pi->_funcItems = pi->_pFuncGetFuncsArray(&pi->_nbFuncItem);

		if ((!pi->_funcItems) || (pi->_nbFuncItem <= 0))
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"FuncItems\" array, or the nb of Function Item is not set correctly"));

		pi->_pluginMenu = ::CreateMenu();

		GetLexerCountFn GetLexerCount = (GetLexerCountFn)::GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "GetLexerCount");
		// it's a lexer plugin
		if (GetLexerCount)
			GetLexerNameFn GetLexerName = (GetLexerNameFn)::GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "GetLexerName");
			if (!GetLexerName)
				throw generic_string(TEXT("Loading GetLexerName function failed."));

			GetLexerStatusTextFn GetLexerStatusText = (GetLexerStatusTextFn)::GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "GetLexerStatusText");

			if (!GetLexerStatusText)
				throw generic_string(TEXT("Loading GetLexerStatusText function failed."));

			// Assign a buffer for the lexer name.
			lexName[0] = '\0';
			lexDesc[0] = '\0';

			int numLexers = GetLexerCount();

			NppParameters * nppParams = NppParameters::getInstance();

			ExternalLangContainer *containers[30];
#ifdef UNICODE
			WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
			for (int x = 0; x < numLexers; x++)
				GetLexerName(x, lexName, MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_NAME_LEN);
				GetLexerStatusText(x, lexDesc, MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_DESC_LEN);
#ifdef UNICODE
				const TCHAR *pLexerName = wmc->char2wchar(lexName, CP_ACP);
				const TCHAR *pLexerName = lexName;
				if (!nppParams->isExistingExternalLangName(pLexerName) && nppParams->ExternalLangHasRoom())
					containers[x] = new ExternalLangContainer(pLexerName, lexDesc);
					containers[x] = NULL;

			TCHAR xmlPath[MAX_PATH];
            lstrcpy(xmlPath, nppParams->getNppPath().c_str());
			PathAppend(xmlPath, TEXT("plugins\\Config"));
            PathAppend(xmlPath, pi->_moduleName.c_str());
			PathAddExtension(xmlPath, TEXT(".xml"));

			if (!PathFileExists(xmlPath))
				memset(xmlPath, 0, MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
				lstrcpy(xmlPath, nppParams->getAppDataNppDir() );
				PathAppend(xmlPath, TEXT("plugins\\Config"));
                PathAppend(xmlPath, pi->_moduleName.c_str());
				PathRemoveExtension( xmlPath );
				PathAddExtension( xmlPath, TEXT(".xml") );

				if (! PathFileExists( xmlPath ) )
					throw generic_string(generic_string(xmlPath) + TEXT(" is missing."));

			TiXmlDocument *_pXmlDoc = new TiXmlDocument(xmlPath);

			if (!_pXmlDoc->LoadFile())
				delete _pXmlDoc;
				_pXmlDoc = NULL;
				throw generic_string(generic_string(xmlPath) + TEXT(" failed to load."));

			for (int x = 0; x < numLexers; x++) // postpone adding in case the xml is missing/corrupt
				if (containers[x] != NULL)

#ifdef UNICODE
			const char *pDllName = wmc->wchar2char(pluginFilePath.c_str(), CP_ACP);
			const char *pDllName = pluginFilePath.c_str();
			::SendMessage(_nppData._scintillaMainHandle, SCI_LOADLEXERLIBRARY, 0, (LPARAM)pDllName);

        return (_pluginInfos.size() - 1);
	catch(generic_string s)
		s += TEXT("\n\n");
		s += USERMSG;
		if (::MessageBox(NULL, s.c_str(), pluginFilePath.c_str(), MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
		delete pi;
        return -1;
		generic_string msg = TEXT("Fail loaded");
		msg += TEXT("\n\n");
		msg += USERMSG;
		if (::MessageBox(NULL, msg.c_str(), pluginFilePath.c_str(), MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
		delete pi;
        return -1;
inline bool FileManager::loadFileData(Document doc, const TCHAR * filename, char* data, Utf8_16_Read * UnicodeConvertor,
	LangType & language, int & encoding, FormatType* pFormat)
	FILE *fp = generic_fopen(filename, TEXT("rb"));
	if (!fp)
		return false;

	//Get file size
	_fseeki64 (fp , 0 , SEEK_END);
	unsigned __int64 fileSize =_ftelli64(fp);
	// size/6 is the normal room Scintilla keeps for editing, but here we limit it to 1MiB when loading (maybe we want to load big files without editing them too much)
	unsigned __int64 bufferSizeRequested = fileSize + min(1<<20,fileSize/6);
	// As a 32bit application, we cannot allocate 2 buffer of more than INT_MAX size (it takes the whole address space)
	if(bufferSizeRequested > INT_MAX)
		::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("File is too big to be opened by Notepad++"), TEXT("File open problem"), MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL);
										TEXT("File is too big to be opened by Notepad++"),
										TEXT("File open problem"),
		return false;

	//Setup scratchtilla for new filedata
	_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETSTATUS, SC_STATUS_OK); // reset error status
	_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, doc);
	bool ro = _pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETREADONLY) != 0;
	if (ro)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETREADONLY, false);

	if (language < L_EXTERNAL)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETLEXER, ScintillaEditView::langNames[language].lexerID);
		int id = language - L_EXTERNAL;
		TCHAR * name = NppParameters::getInstance()->getELCFromIndex(id)._name;
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		const char *pName = wmc->wchar2char(name, CP_ACP);
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETLEXERLANGUAGE, 0, (LPARAM)pName);

	if (encoding != -1)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETCODEPAGE, SC_CP_UTF8);

	bool success = true;
	FormatType format = FormatType::unknown;
		// First allocate enough memory for the whole file (this will reduce memory copy during loading)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_ALLOCATE, WPARAM(bufferSizeRequested));
		if (_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETSTATUS) != SC_STATUS_OK)

		size_t lenFile = 0;
		size_t lenConvert = 0;	//just in case conversion results in 0, but file not empty
		bool isFirstTime = true;
		int incompleteMultibyteChar = 0;

			lenFile = fread(data+incompleteMultibyteChar, 1, blockSize-incompleteMultibyteChar, fp) + incompleteMultibyteChar;
			if (lenFile == 0) break;

            if (isFirstTime)
				// check if file contain any BOM
                if (Utf8_16_Read::determineEncoding((unsigned char *)data, lenFile) != uni8Bit)
                    // if file contains any BOM, then encoding will be erased,
                    // and the document will be interpreted as UTF
                    encoding = -1;
				else if (encoding == -1)
					if (NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI()._detectEncoding)
						encoding = detectCodepage(data, lenFile);

				if (language == L_TEXT)
					// check the language du fichier
					language = detectLanguageFromTextBegining((unsigned char *)data, lenFile);

                isFirstTime = false;

			if (encoding != -1)
				if (encoding == SC_CP_UTF8)
					// Pass through UTF-8 (this does not check validity of characters, thus inserting a multi-byte character in two halfs is working)
					_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_APPENDTEXT, lenFile, (LPARAM)data);
					WcharMbcsConvertor* wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
					int newDataLen = 0;
					const char *newData = wmc->encode(encoding, SC_CP_UTF8, data, lenFile, &newDataLen, &incompleteMultibyteChar);
					_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_APPENDTEXT, newDataLen, (LPARAM)newData);

				if (format == FormatType::unknown)
					format = getEOLFormatForm(data, lenFile, FormatType::unknown);
				lenConvert = UnicodeConvertor->convert(data, lenFile);
				_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_APPENDTEXT, lenConvert, (LPARAM)(UnicodeConvertor->getNewBuf()));

			if (_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETSTATUS) != SC_STATUS_OK)

			if (incompleteMultibyteChar != 0)
				// copy bytes to next buffer
				memcpy(data, data+blockSize-incompleteMultibyteChar, incompleteMultibyteChar);

		while (lenFile > 0);
	__except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) //TODO: should filter correctly for other exceptions; the old filter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) was only catching access violations
		::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("File is too big to be opened by Notepad++"), TEXT("File open problem"), MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL);
		success = false;


	// broadcast the format
	if (pFormat != nullptr)
		*pFormat = (format != FormatType::unknown) ? format : FormatType::osdefault;


	if (ro)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETREADONLY, true);

	_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);
	return success;
int PluginsManager::loadPlugin(const TCHAR *pluginFilePath, vector<generic_string> & dll2Remove)
	const TCHAR *pluginFileName = ::PathFindFileName(pluginFilePath);
	if (isInLoadedDlls(pluginFileName))
		return 0;

	NppParameters * nppParams = NppParameters::getInstance();

	PluginInfo *pi = new PluginInfo;
		pi->_moduleName = pluginFileName;

		if (GetBinaryArchitectureType(pluginFilePath) != ARCH_TYPE)
			throw generic_string(ARCH_ERR_MSG);

	    pi->_hLib = ::LoadLibrary(pluginFilePath);
        if (!pi->_hLib)
			generic_string lastErrorMsg = GetLastErrorAsString();
            if (lastErrorMsg.empty())
                throw generic_string(TEXT("Load Library has failed.\nChanging the project's \"Runtime Library\" setting to \"Multi-threaded(/MT)\" might solve this problem."));
                throw generic_string(lastErrorMsg.c_str());
		pi->_pFuncIsUnicode = (PFUNCISUNICODE)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "isUnicode");
		if (!pi->_pFuncIsUnicode || !pi->_pFuncIsUnicode())
			throw generic_string(TEXT("This ANSI plugin is not compatible with your Unicode Notepad++."));

		pi->_pFuncSetInfo = (PFUNCSETINFO)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "setInfo");

		if (!pi->_pFuncSetInfo)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"setInfo\" function"));

		pi->_pFuncGetName = (PFUNCGETNAME)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "getName");
		if (!pi->_pFuncGetName)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"getName\" function"));
		pi->_funcName = pi->_pFuncGetName();

		pi->_pBeNotified = (PBENOTIFIED)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "beNotified");
		if (!pi->_pBeNotified)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"beNotified\" function"));

		pi->_pMessageProc = (PMESSAGEPROC)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "messageProc");
		if (!pi->_pMessageProc)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"messageProc\" function"));


		pi->_pFuncGetFuncsArray = (PFUNCGETFUNCSARRAY)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "getFuncsArray");
		if (!pi->_pFuncGetFuncsArray)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"getFuncsArray\" function"));

		pi->_funcItems = pi->_pFuncGetFuncsArray(&pi->_nbFuncItem);

		if ((!pi->_funcItems) || (pi->_nbFuncItem <= 0))
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"FuncItems\" array, or the nb of Function Item is not set correctly"));

		pi->_pluginMenu = ::CreateMenu();

		GetLexerCountFn GetLexerCount = (GetLexerCountFn)::GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "GetLexerCount");
		// it's a lexer plugin
		if (GetLexerCount)
			GetLexerNameFn GetLexerName = (GetLexerNameFn)::GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "GetLexerName");
			if (!GetLexerName)
				throw generic_string(TEXT("Loading GetLexerName function failed."));

			GetLexerStatusTextFn GetLexerStatusText = (GetLexerStatusTextFn)::GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "GetLexerStatusText");

			if (!GetLexerStatusText)
				throw generic_string(TEXT("Loading GetLexerStatusText function failed."));

			// Assign a buffer for the lexer name.
			lexName[0] = '\0';
			lexDesc[0] = '\0';

			int numLexers = GetLexerCount();

			ExternalLangContainer *containers[30];

			WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
			for (int x = 0; x < numLexers; ++x)
				GetLexerName(x, lexName, MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_NAME_LEN);
				GetLexerStatusText(x, lexDesc, MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_DESC_LEN);
				const TCHAR *pLexerName = wmc->char2wchar(lexName, CP_ACP);
				if (!nppParams->isExistingExternalLangName(pLexerName) && nppParams->ExternalLangHasRoom())
					containers[x] = new ExternalLangContainer(pLexerName, lexDesc);
					containers[x] = NULL;

			TCHAR xmlPath[MAX_PATH];
            lstrcpy(xmlPath, nppParams->getNppPath().c_str());
			PathAppend(xmlPath, TEXT("plugins\\Config"));
            PathAppend(xmlPath, pi->_moduleName.c_str());
			PathAddExtension(xmlPath, TEXT(".xml"));

			if (!PathFileExists(xmlPath))
				lstrcpyn(xmlPath, TEXT("\0"), MAX_PATH );
				lstrcpy(xmlPath, nppParams->getAppDataNppDir() );
				PathAppend(xmlPath, TEXT("plugins\\Config"));
                PathAppend(xmlPath, pi->_moduleName.c_str());
				PathRemoveExtension( xmlPath );
				PathAddExtension( xmlPath, TEXT(".xml") );

				if (! PathFileExists( xmlPath ) )
					throw generic_string(generic_string(xmlPath) + TEXT(" is missing."));

			TiXmlDocument *pXmlDoc = new TiXmlDocument(xmlPath);

			if (!pXmlDoc->LoadFile())
				delete pXmlDoc;
				pXmlDoc = NULL;
				throw generic_string(generic_string(xmlPath) + TEXT(" failed to load."));

			for (int x = 0; x < numLexers; ++x) // postpone adding in case the xml is missing/corrupt
				if (containers[x] != NULL)

			const char *pDllName = wmc->wchar2char(pluginFilePath, CP_ACP);
			::SendMessage(_nppData._scintillaMainHandle, SCI_LOADLEXERLIBRARY, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pDllName));

		addInLoadedDlls(pluginFilePath, pluginFileName);
		return static_cast<int32_t>(_pluginInfos.size() - 1);
	catch (std::exception& e)
		::MessageBoxA(NULL, e.what(), "Exception", MB_OK);
		return -1;
	catch (generic_string s)
		s += TEXT("\n\n");
		s += pluginFileName;
		s += USERMSG;
		if (::MessageBox(NULL, s.c_str(), pluginFilePath, MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
		delete pi;
        return -1;
	catch (...)
		generic_string msg = TEXT("Failed to load");
		msg += TEXT("\n\n");
		msg += pluginFileName;
		msg += USERMSG;
		if (::MessageBox(NULL, msg.c_str(), pluginFilePath, MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
		delete pi;
        return -1;