Beispiel #1
bool ImageBuffer::copyToPlatformTexture(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, Platform3DObject texture, GLenum internalFormat, GLenum destType, GLint level, bool premultiplyAlpha, bool flipY)
    if (!Extensions3DUtil::canUseCopyTextureCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, internalFormat, destType, level))
        return false;

    if (!isSurfaceValid())
        return false;

    RefPtr<const SkImage> textureImage = m_surface->newImageSnapshot(PreferAcceleration);
    if (!textureImage)
        return false;

    if (!m_surface->isAccelerated())
        return false;

    ASSERT(textureImage->isTextureBacked()); // isAccelerated() check above should guarantee this
    // Get the texture ID, flushing pending operations if needed.
    Platform3DObject textureId = textureImage->getTextureHandle(true);
    if (!textureId)
        return false;

    OwnPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProvider> provider = adoptPtr(Platform::current()->createSharedOffscreenGraphicsContext3DProvider());
    if (!provider)
        return false;
    WebGraphicsContext3D* sharedContext = provider->context3d();
    if (!sharedContext)
        return false;

    OwnPtr<WebExternalTextureMailbox> mailbox = adoptPtr(new WebExternalTextureMailbox);

    // Contexts may be in a different share group. We must transfer the texture through a mailbox first
    sharedContext->produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(textureId, GL_TEXTURE_2D, mailbox->name);

    mailbox->validSyncToken = sharedContext->insertSyncPoint(mailbox->syncToken);
    if (mailbox->validSyncToken)

    Platform3DObject sourceTexture = context->createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mailbox->name);

    // The canvas is stored in a premultiplied format, so unpremultiply if necessary.
    // The canvas is stored in an inverted position, so the flip semantics are reversed.
    context->copyTextureCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, sourceTexture, texture, internalFormat, destType, flipY ? GL_FALSE : GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, premultiplyAlpha ? GL_FALSE : GL_TRUE);



    WGC3Dbyte syncToken[24];
    if (context->insertSyncPoint(syncToken))

    // Undo grContext texture binding changes introduced in this function

    return true;
Beispiel #2
bool ImageBuffer::copyToPlatformTexture(WebGraphicsContext3D* context, Platform3DObject texture, GLenum internalFormat, GLenum destType, GLint level, bool premultiplyAlpha, bool flipY)
    if (!m_surface->isAccelerated() || !getBackingTexture() || !isSurfaceValid())
        return false;

    if (!Extensions3DUtil::canUseCopyTextureCHROMIUM(internalFormat, destType, level))
        return false;

    OwnPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProvider> provider = adoptPtr(Platform::current()->createSharedOffscreenGraphicsContext3DProvider());
    if (!provider)
        return false;
    WebGraphicsContext3D* sharedContext = provider->context3d();
    if (!sharedContext)
        return false;

    OwnPtr<WebExternalTextureMailbox> mailbox = adoptPtr(new WebExternalTextureMailbox);

    // Contexts may be in a different share group. We must transfer the texture through a mailbox first
    sharedContext->produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(getBackingTexture(), GL_TEXTURE_2D, mailbox->name);

    mailbox->syncPoint = sharedContext->insertSyncPoint();

    Platform3DObject sourceTexture = context->createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mailbox->name);

    // The canvas is stored in a premultiplied format, so unpremultiply if necessary.
    context->pixelStorei(GC3D_UNPACK_UNPREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_CHROMIUM, !premultiplyAlpha);

    // The canvas is stored in an inverted position, so the flip semantics are reversed.
    context->pixelStorei(GC3D_UNPACK_FLIP_Y_CHROMIUM, !flipY);
    context->copyTextureCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, sourceTexture, texture, level, internalFormat, destType);

    context->pixelStorei(GC3D_UNPACK_FLIP_Y_CHROMIUM, false);
    context->pixelStorei(GC3D_UNPACK_UNPREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_CHROMIUM, false);



    // Undo grContext texture binding changes introduced in this function

    return true;
bool Canvas2DLayerBridge::prepareMailbox(WebExternalTextureMailbox* outMailbox, WebExternalBitmap* bitmap)
    if (m_destructionInProgress) {
        // It can be hit in the following sequence.
        // 1. Canvas draws something.
        // 2. The compositor begins the frame.
        // 3. Javascript makes a context be lost.
        // 4. Here.
        return false;
    if (bitmap) {
        // Using accelerated 2d canvas with software renderer, which
        // should only happen in tests that use fake graphics contexts
        // or in Android WebView in software mode. In this case, we do
        // not care about producing any results for this canvas.
        m_lastImageId = 0;
        return false;
    if (!checkSurfaceValid())
        return false;

    WebGraphicsContext3D* webContext = context();

    // Release to skia textures that were previouosly released by the
    // compositor. We do this before acquiring the next snapshot in
    // order to cap maximum gpu memory consumption.

    RefPtr<SkImage> image = adoptRef(m_canvas->newImageSnapshot());

    // Early exit if canvas was not drawn to since last prepareMailbox
    GLenum filter = m_filterLevel == SkPaint::kNone_FilterLevel ? GL_NEAREST : GL_LINEAR;
    if (image->uniqueID() == m_lastImageId && filter == m_lastFilter)
        return false;
    m_lastImageId = image->uniqueID();
    m_lastFilter = filter;

        MailboxInfo tmp;
        tmp.m_image = image;
        tmp.m_parentLayerBridge = this;
    MailboxInfo& mailboxInfo = m_mailboxes.first();

    mailboxInfo.m_mailbox.nearestNeighbor = filter == GL_NEAREST;

    GrContext* grContext = m_contextProvider->grContext();
    if (!grContext)
        return true; // for testing: skip gl stuff when using a mock graphics context.


    // Because of texture sharing with the compositor, we must invalidate
    // the state cached in skia so that the deferred copy on write
    // in SkSurface_Gpu does not make any false assumptions.

    webContext->bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mailboxInfo.m_image->getTexture()->getTextureHandle());
    webContext->texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, filter);
    webContext->texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filter);
    webContext->texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    webContext->texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

    // Re-use the texture's existing mailbox, if there is one.
    if (image->getTexture()->getCustomData()) {
        ASSERT(image->getTexture()->getCustomData()->size() == sizeof(;
        memcpy(&[0], image->getTexture()->getCustomData()->data(), sizeof(;
    } else {
        RefPtr<SkData> mialboxNameData = adoptRef(SkData::NewWithCopy(&[0], sizeof(;

    if (isHidden()) {
        // With hidden canvases, we release the SkImage immediately because
        // there is no need for animations to be double buffered.
    } else {
        mailboxInfo.m_mailbox.syncPoint = webContext->insertSyncPoint();
    webContext->bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
    // Because we are changing the texture binding without going through skia,
    // we must dirty the context.

    *outMailbox = mailboxInfo.m_mailbox;
    return true;