void JSONAPI::_headerStart (const char *method) { // If an old connection is active, close. if (wifly.isConnected()) { wifly.close(); } if (!wifly.open(this->host, 80)) { Serial.println(F("Failed to connect to host.")); } wifly.print(method); wifly.print(" "); // wifly.print("http://"); // wifly.print(this->host); }
void JSONAPI::_headerEnd () { wifly.println(" HTTP/1.1"); // paste your number here wifly.print("Host: "); wifly.println(this->host); wifly.println("User-Agent: lifegraph/0.0.1"); if (this->hasBody) { wifly.println("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); wifly.println("Transfer-Encoding: chunked"); } wifly.println(); }
int LifegraphAPI::connect (uint8_t uid[], int uidLength) { this->hasBody = false; this->_headerStart("GET"); this->_headerPath("tokens"); wifly.print("/"); char token[3]; for (int i = 0; i < uidLength; i++) { snprintf(token, 3, "%02x", uid[i]); wifly.print(token); } wifly.print("?namespace="); wifly.print(this->ns); wifly.print("&key="); wifly.print(this->key); wifly.print("&secret="); wifly.print(this->secret); this->_headerEnd(); return this->request( NULL ); }
void FacebookAPI::_headerPath (const char *path, const char *access_token) { wifly.print(this->base); wifly.print("/"); wifly.print(path); if (access_token != 0) { wifly.print(strstr(path, "?") == 0 ? "?" : "&"); wifly.print("access_token="); wifly.print(access_token); } wifly.print(strstr(path, "?") == 0 ? "?" : "&"); wifly.print("namespace="); wifly.print(Lifegraph.ns); wifly.print("&key="); wifly.print(Lifegraph.key); wifly.print("&secret="); wifly.print(Lifegraph.secret); }
void JSONAPI::_headerPath (const char *path) { wifly.print(this->base); wifly.print("/"); wifly.print(path); }