Beispiel #1
    DiagnosticPacket::DiagnosticPacket(const WirelessPacket& packet)
        //construct the data packet from the wireless packet passed in
        m_nodeAddress              = packet.nodeAddress();
        m_deliveryStopFlags        = packet.deliveryStopFlags();
        m_type                     = packet.type();
        m_nodeRSSI                 = WirelessTypes::UNKNOWN_RSSI;
        m_baseRSSI                 = packet.baseRSSI();
        m_frequency                = packet.frequency();
        m_payload                  = packet.payload();

        //parse the data sweeps in the packet
    BufferedLdcPacket::BufferedLdcPacket(const WirelessPacket& packet)
        //construct the data packet from the wireless packet passed in
        m_nodeAddress        = packet.nodeAddress();
        m_deliveryStopFlags = packet.deliveryStopFlags();
        m_type                = packet.type();
        m_nodeRSSI            = WirelessTypes::UNKNOWN_RSSI;
        m_baseRSSI            = packet.baseRSSI();
        m_frequency            = packet.frequency();
        m_payload            = packet.payload();
        m_payloadOffsetChannelData = PAYLOAD_OFFSET_CHANNEL_DATA;

        //parse the data sweeps in the packet
	HclSmartBearing_RawPacket::HclSmartBearing_RawPacket(const WirelessPacket& packet)
		//construct the data packet from the wireless packet passed in
		m_nodeAddress		= packet.nodeAddress();
		m_deliveryStopFlags = packet.deliveryStopFlags();
		m_type				= packet.type();
		m_nodeRSSI			= packet.nodeRSSI();
		m_baseRSSI			= packet.baseRSSI();
		m_frequency			= packet.frequency();
		m_payload			= packet.payload();
		m_payloadOffsetChannelData = 0;	//not used for these packets

		//parse the data sweeps in the packet
    WirelessParser::ParsePacketResult WirelessParser::parseAsPacket_ASPP_v2(DataBuffer& data, WirelessPacket& packet, WirelessTypes::Frequency freq)
        //Assume we are at the start of the packet, read the packet header
        //byte 1         - Start Of Packet
        //byte 2         - Delivery Stop Flag
        //byte 3         - App Data Type
        //byte 4 - 7     - Node Address (uint32)
        //byte 8 - 9     - Payload Length
        //byte 10 to N-4 - Payload
        //byte N-3       - Node RSSI
        //byte N-2       - Base RSSI
        //byte N-1       - Fletcher Checksum (MSB)
        //byte N         - Fletcher Checksum (LSB)

        //create a save point for the DataBuffer
        ReadBufferSavePoint savePoint(&data);

        std::size_t totalBytesAvailable = data.bytesRemaining();

        //we need at least 13 bytes for any ASPP v2 packet (if empty payload)
        if(totalBytesAvailable < 13)
            //Not Enough Data to tell if valid packet
            return parsePacketResult_notEnoughData;

        //read byte 1
        uint8 startOfPacket = data.read_uint8();                        //Start Of Packet

        //verify that the first byte is the Start Of Packet
        if(startOfPacket != WirelessPacket::ASPP_V2_START_OF_PACKET_BYTE)
            //Invalid Packet
            return parsePacketResult_invalidPacket;

        //read byte 2
        uint8 deliveryStopFlag = data.read_uint8();                     //Delivery Stop Flag

        //read byte 3
        uint8 appDataType = data.read_uint8();                          //App Data Type

        //read bytes 4 - 7 
        uint32 nodeAddress = data.read_uint32();                        //Node Address

        //read bytes 8 and 9
        uint16 payloadLength = data.read_uint16();                      //Payload Length

        //determine the full packet length 
        size_t packetLength = payloadLength + WirelessPacket::ASPP_V2_NUM_BYTES_BEFORE_PAYLOAD + WirelessPacket::ASPP_V2_NUM_BYTES_AFTER_PAYLOAD;

        //the DataBuffer must be large enough to hold the rest of the packet
        if(totalBytesAvailable < packetLength)
            //Not Enough Data to tell if valid packet
            return parsePacketResult_notEnoughData;

        //create the Bytes vector to hold the payload bytes
        Bytes payload;

        //loop through the payload
        for(uint16 payloadItr = 0; payloadItr < payloadLength; payloadItr++)
            //store the payload bytes
            payload.push_back(data.read_uint8());                        //Payload Bytes

        //read the node RSSI
        uint8 nodeRSSI = data.read_uint8();                             //Node RSSI

        //read the base station rssi
        uint8 baseRSSI = data.read_uint8();                             //Base RSSI

        //get the checksum sent in the packet
        uint16 checksum = data.read_uint16();                           //Checksum

        //build the checksum to calculate from all the bytes
        ChecksumBuilder calcChecksum;

        //verify that the returned checksum is the same as the one we calculated
        if(checksum != calcChecksum.fletcherChecksum())
            //Bad Checksum
            return parsePacketResult_badChecksum;

        DeliveryStopFlags flags = DeliveryStopFlags::fromByte(deliveryStopFlag);

        //add all the info about the packet to the WirelessPacket reference passed in
        packet.nodeRSSI(static_cast<int16>(nodeRSSI) - 205);
        packet.baseRSSI(static_cast<int16>(baseRSSI) - 205);

        //Correct the packet type if it is incorrect

        //make sure the packet is valid based on its specific type
            //not a valid packet, failed integrity check
            return parsePacketResult_invalidPacket;

        //check if the packet is a duplicate
            //even though it is a duplicate, we still have a complete packet so commit the bytes to skip over them

            //duplicate packet
            return parsePacketResult_duplicate;

        //we have a complete packet, commit the bytes that we just read (move the read pointer)

        return parsePacketResult_completePacket;