Beispiel #1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  XSDDOMParser: Implementation of the XMLDocumentHandler interface
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void XSDDOMParser::startElement( const XMLElementDecl&       elemDecl
                               , const unsigned int          urlId
                               , const XMLCh* const          elemPrefix
                               , const RefVectorOf<XMLAttr>& attrList
                               , const unsigned int          attrCount
                               , const bool                  isEmpty
                               , const bool                  isRoot)

    // while it is true that non-whitespace character data
    // may only occur in appInfo or documentation
    // elements, it's certainly legal for comments and PI's to
    // occur as children of annotation; we need
    // to account for these here.
    if (fAnnotationDepth == -1)
        if (XMLString::equals(elemDecl.getBaseName(), SchemaSymbols::fgELT_ANNOTATION) &&
            XMLString::equals(getURIText(urlId), SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA))

            fAnnotationDepth = fDepth;
            startAnnotation(elemDecl, attrList, attrCount);
    else if (fDepth == fAnnotationDepth+1)
        fInnerAnnotationDepth = fDepth;
        startAnnotationElement(elemDecl, attrList, attrCount);
        startAnnotationElement(elemDecl, attrList, attrCount);
        // avoid falling through; don't call startElement in this case

    DOMElement *elem;
    if (urlId != fScanner->getEmptyNamespaceId())  //TagName has a prefix
        if (elemPrefix && *elemPrefix)
            XMLBufBid elemQName(&fBufMgr);
            elem = createElementNSNode(
                fScanner->getURIText(urlId), elemQName.getRawBuffer());
        else {
            elem = createElementNSNode(
                fScanner->getURIText(urlId), elemDecl.getBaseName());
    else {
        elem = createElementNSNode(0, elemDecl.getBaseName());

    DOMElementImpl *elemImpl = (DOMElementImpl *) elem;
    for (unsigned int index = 0; index < attrCount; ++index)
        const XMLAttr* oneAttrib = attrList.elementAt(index);
        unsigned int attrURIId = oneAttrib->getURIId();
        const XMLCh* namespaceURI = 0;

        //for xmlns=...
        if (XMLString::equals(oneAttrib->getName(), XMLUni::fgXMLNSString))
            attrURIId = fScanner->getXMLNSNamespaceId();

        //TagName has a prefix
        if (attrURIId != fScanner->getEmptyNamespaceId())
            namespaceURI = fScanner->getURIText(attrURIId); //get namespaceURI

        //  revisit.  Optimize to init the named node map to the
        //            right size up front.
        DOMAttrImpl *attr = (DOMAttrImpl *)
            fDocument->createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, oneAttrib->getQName());
        attr->setValue(oneAttrib -> getValue());
        DOMNode* remAttr = elemImpl->setAttributeNodeNS(attr);
        if (remAttr)

        // Attributes of type ID.  If this is one, add it to the hashtable of IDs
        //   that is constructed for use by GetElementByID().
        if (oneAttrib->getType()==XMLAttDef::ID)
            if (fDocument->fNodeIDMap == 0)
                fDocument->fNodeIDMap = new (fDocument) DOMNodeIDMap(500, fDocument);


    // set up the default attributes
    if (elemDecl.hasAttDefs())
        XMLAttDefList* defAttrs = &elemDecl.getAttDefList();
        XMLAttDef* attr = 0;
        DOMAttrImpl * insertAttr = 0;

        while (defAttrs->hasMoreElements())
            attr = &defAttrs->nextElement();

            const XMLAttDef::DefAttTypes defType = attr->getDefaultType();
            if ((defType == XMLAttDef::Default)
            ||  (defType == XMLAttDef::Fixed))
                // DOM Level 2 wants all namespace declaration attributes
                // to be bound to ""
                // So as long as the XML parser doesn't do it, it needs to
                // done here.
                const XMLCh* qualifiedName = attr->getFullName();
                XMLBufBid bbPrefixQName(&fBufMgr);
                XMLBuffer& prefixBuf = bbPrefixQName.getBuffer();
                int colonPos = -1;
                unsigned int uriId = fScanner->resolveQName(qualifiedName, prefixBuf, ElemStack::Mode_Attribute, colonPos);

                const XMLCh* namespaceURI = 0;
                if (XMLString::equals(qualifiedName, XMLUni::fgXMLNSString))
                    uriId = fScanner->getXMLNSNamespaceId();

                //TagName has a prefix
                if (uriId != fScanner->getEmptyNamespaceId())
                    namespaceURI = fScanner->getURIText(uriId);

                insertAttr = (DOMAttrImpl *) fDocument->createAttributeNS(
                    namespaceURI, qualifiedName);

                DOMAttr* remAttr = elemImpl->setDefaultAttributeNodeNS(insertAttr);
                if (remAttr)

                if (attr->getValue() != 0)

            insertAttr = 0;

    fCurrentParent = elem;
    fCurrentNode = elem;
    fWithinElement = true;

    // If an empty element, do end right now (no endElement() will be called)
    if (isEmpty)
        endElement(elemDecl, urlId, isRoot, elemPrefix);