// . returns false if blocked and callback will be called, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Msg7::inject ( void *state ,
		    void (*callback)(void *state) 
		    //long spiderLinksDefault ,
		    //char *collOveride ) {
		    ) {

	GigablastRequest *gr = &m_gr;

	char *coll2 = gr->m_coll;
	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( coll2 );

	if ( ! cr ) {
		g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
		return true;

	m_state = state;
	m_callback = callback;

	// shortcut
	XmlDoc *xd = &m_xd;

	if ( ! gr->m_url ) {
		log("inject: no url provied to inject");
		g_errno = EBADURL;
		return true;

	//char *coll = cr->m_coll;

	// test
	//diffbotReply = "{\"request\":{\"pageUrl\":\"http://www.washingtonpost.com/2011/03/10/ABe7RaQ_moreresults.html\",\"api\":\"article\",\"version\":3},\"objects\":[{\"icon\":\"http://www.washingtonpost.com/favicon.ico\",\"text\":\"In Case You Missed It\nWeb Hostess Live: The latest from the Web (vForum, May 15, 2014; 3:05 PM)\nGot Plans: Advice from the Going Out Guide (vForum, May 15, 2014; 2:05 PM)\nWhat to Watch: TV chat with Hank Stuever (vForum, May 15, 2014; 1:10 PM)\nColor of Money Live (vForum, May 15, 2014; 1:05 PM)\nWeb Hostess Live: The latest from the Web (vForum, May 15, 2014; 12:25 PM)\nMichael Devine outdoor entertaining and design | Home Front (vForum, May 15, 2014; 12:20 PM)\nThe Answer Sheet: Education chat with Valerie Strauss (vForum, May 14, 2014; 2:00 PM)\nThe Reliable Source Live (vForum, May 14, 2014; 1:05 PM)\nAsk Tom: Rants, raves and questions on the DC dining scene (vForum, May 14, 2014; 12:15 PM)\nOn Parenting with Meghan Leahy (vForum, May 14, 2014; 12:10 PM)\nAsk Aaron: The week in politics (vForum, May 13, 2014; 3:05 PM)\nEugene Robinson Live (vForum, May 13, 2014; 2:05 PM)\nTuesdays with Moron: Chatological Humor Update (vForum, May 13, 2014; 12:00 PM)\nComPost Live with Alexandra Petri (vForum, May 13, 2014; 11:05 AM)\nAsk Boswell: Redskins, Nationals and Washington sports (vForum, May 12, 2014; 1:50 PM)\nAdvice from Slate's 'Dear Prudence' (vForum, May 12, 2014; 1:40 PM)\nDr. Gridlock (vForum, May 12, 2014; 1:35 PM)\nSwitchback: Talking Tech (vForum, May 9, 2014; 12:05 PM)\nThe Fix Live (vForum, May 9, 2014; 12:00 PM)\nWhat to Watch: TV chat with Hank Stuever (vForum, May 8, 2014; 1:10 PM)\nMore News\",\"title\":\"The Washington Post\",\"diffbotUri\":\"article|3|828850106\",\"pageUrl\":\"http://www.washingtonpost.com/2011/03/10/ABe7RaQ_moreresults.html\",\"humanLanguage\":\"en\",\"html\":\"<p>In Case You Missed It<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/web-hostess-140515-new.html\\\">Web Hostess Live: The latest from the Web<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 15, 2014; 3:05 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/got-plans-05-15-2014.html\\\">Got Plans: Advice from the Going Out Guide<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 15, 2014; 2:05 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/tv-chat-140515.html\\\">What to Watch: TV chat with Hank Stuever<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 15, 2014; 1:10 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/color-of-money-live-20140515.html\\\">Color of Money Live<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 15, 2014; 1:05 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/web-hostess-140515-new.html\\\">Web Hostess Live: The latest from the Web<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 15, 2014; 12:25 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/home-front-0515.html\\\">Michael Devine outdoor entertaining and design | Home Front<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 15, 2014; 12:20 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/the-answer-sheet-20140514.html\\\">The Answer Sheet: Education chat with Valerie Strauss<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 14, 2014; 2:00 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/the-reliable-source-140514-new.html\\\">The Reliable Source Live<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 14, 2014; 1:05 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/ask-tom-5-14-14.html\\\">Ask Tom: Rants, raves and questions on the DC dining scene <\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 14, 2014; 12:15 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/parenting-0514.html\\\">On Parenting with Meghan Leahy<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 14, 2014; 12:10 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/post-politics-ask-aaron-051313.html\\\">Ask Aaron: The week in politics<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 13, 2014; 3:05 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/opinion-focus-with-eugene-robinson-20140513.html\\\">Eugene Robinson Live<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 13, 2014; 2:05 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/gene-weingarten-140513.html\\\">Tuesdays with Moron: Chatological Humor Update<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 13, 2014; 12:00 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/compost-live-140513.html\\\">ComPost Live with Alexandra Petri<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 13, 2014; 11:05 AM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/ask-boswell-1400512.html\\\">Ask Boswell: Redskins, Nationals and Washington sports<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 12, 2014; 1:50 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/dear-prudence-140512.html\\\">Advice from Slate's 'Dear Prudence'<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 12, 2014; 1:40 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/gridlock-0512.html\\\">Dr. Gridlock <\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 12, 2014; 1:35 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/switchback-20140509.html\\\">Switchback: Talking Tech<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 9, 2014; 12:05 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/live-fix-140509.html\\\">The Fix Live<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 9, 2014; 12:00 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://live.washingtonpost.com/tv-chat-140508.html\\\">What to Watch: TV chat with Hank Stuever<\\/a>  <\\/p>\n<p>(vForum, May 8, 2014; 1:10 PM)<\\/p>\n<p>  <a href=\\\"http://www.washingtonpost.com/2011/03/10/ /2011/03/10/ABe7RaQ_moreresults.html ?startIndex=20&dwxLoid=\\\">More News <\\/a>  <\\/p>\",\"date\":\"Tue, 13 May 2014 00:00:00 GMT\",\"type\":\"article\"}]}";

	if ( g_repairMode ) { g_errno = EREPAIRING; return true; }

	// this will be NULL if the "content" was empty or not given
	char *content = gr->m_content;

	// . try the uploaded file if nothing in the text area
	// . this will be NULL if the "content" was empty or not given
	if ( ! content ) content = gr->m_contentFile;

	if ( m_firstTime ) {
		m_firstTime = false;
		m_start = content;

	// save current start since we update it next
	char *start = m_start;

	// if this is empty we are done
	//if ( ! start ) 
	//	return true;

	char *delim = gr->m_contentDelim;
	if ( delim && ! delim[0] ) delim = NULL;

	if ( m_fixMe ) {
		// we had made the first delim char a \0 to index the
		// previous document, now put it back to what it was
		*m_start = *delim;
		// i guess unset this
		m_fixMe = false;

	// if we had a delimeter...
	if ( delim ) {
		// we've saved m_start as "start" above, 
		// so find the next delimeter after it and set that to m_start
		// add +1 to avoid infinite loop
		m_start = strstr(start+1,delim);
		// for injecting "start" set this to \0
		if ( m_start ) {
			// null term it
			*m_start = '\0';
			// put back the original char on next round...?
			m_fixMe = true;

	// this is the url of the injected content
	m_injectUrlBuf.safeStrcpy ( gr->m_url );

	bool modifiedUrl = false;

	// if we had a delimeter we must make a fake url
	// if ( delim ) {
	//  	// if user had a <url> or <doc> or <docid> field use that
	//  	char *hint = strcasestr ( start , "<url>" );
	//  	if ( hint ) {
	// 		modifiedUrl = true;
	// 		...
	// 	}
	// }

	// if we had a delimeter thus denoting multiple items/documents to
	// be injected, we must create unique urls for each item.
	if ( delim && ! modifiedUrl ) {
		// use hash of the content
		long long ch64 = hash64n ( start , 0LL );
		// normalize it
		Url u; u.set ( gr->m_url );
		// reset it
		// by default append a -<ch64> to the provided url

	// count them

	m_inUse = true;

	if ( ! xd->injectDoc ( m_injectUrlBuf.getBufStart() ,
			       cr ,
			       start , // content ,
			       gr->m_hasMime, // content starts with http mime?

			       gr->m_contentTypeStr, // text/html text/xml
			       gr->m_spiderLinks ,
			       gr->m_newOnly, // index iff new

			       this ,
			       doneInjectingWrapper9 ) )
		// we blocked...
		return false;

	m_inUse = false;

	return true;
void handleRequest7 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) {

	InjectionRequest *ir = (InjectionRequest *)slot->m_readBuf;

	// now just supply the first guy's char ** and size ptr
	if ( ! deserializeMsg2 ( &ir->ptr_url, &ir->size_url ) ) {
		log("inject: error deserializing inject request from "
		    "host ip %s port %i",iptoa(slot->m_ip),(int)slot->m_port);
		g_errno = EBADREQUEST;

	// the url can be like xyz.com. so need to do another corruption
	// test for ia
	if ( ! ir->ptr_url ) { // || strncmp(ir->ptr_url,"http",4) != 0 ) {
		//log("inject: trying to inject NULL or non http url.");
		log("inject: trying to inject NULL url.");
		g_errno = EBADURL;

	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( ir->m_collnum );
	if ( ! cr ) {
		log("inject: cr rec is null %i", ir->m_collnum);
		g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;

	XmlDoc *xd;
	try { xd = new (XmlDoc); }
	catch ( ... ) { 
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("PageInject: import failed: new(%i): %s", 
	mnew ( xd, sizeof(XmlDoc) , "PageInject" );

	xd->m_injectionSlot = slot;
	xd->m_injectStartTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// add to linked list
	xd->m_nextInject = NULL;
	xd->m_prevInject = NULL;
	if ( s_injectTail ) {
		s_injectTail->m_nextInject = xd;
		xd->m_prevInject = s_injectTail;
		s_injectTail = xd;
	else {
		s_injectHead = xd;
		s_injectTail = xd;
	if(ir->ptr_content && ir->ptr_content[ir->size_content - 1]) {
		// XmlDoc expects this buffer to be null terminated.
		char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;

	if ( ! xd->injectDoc ( ir->ptr_url , // m_injectUrlBuf.getBufStart() ,
			       cr ,
			       ir->ptr_content , // start , // content ,
			       // if this doc is a 'container doc' then
			       // hasMime applies to the SUBDOCS only!!
			       ir->m_hasMime, // content starts with http mime?

			       // warcs/arcs include the mime so we don't
			       // look at this in that case in 
			       // XmlDoc::injectDoc() when it calls set4()
			       ir->ptr_contentTypeStr, // text/html text/xml
			       ir->m_spiderLinks ,
			       ir->m_newOnly, // index iff new

			       xd, // state ,
			       sendUdpReply7 ,

			       // extra shit
			       ir->m_lastSpidered ,
			       // the ip of the url being injected.
			       // use 0 if unknown and it won't be valid.
			       ir->m_injectDocIp ,
				   ir->size_content - 1 // there should be a null in that last byte
			       ) )
		// we blocked...

	// if injected without blocking, send back reply
	sendUdpReply7 ( xd );