YARPFlowTracker::CenterOfMass (YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& in, int& x, int& y)
	double xx = 0, yy = 0;
	int count = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < in.GetHeight(); i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < in.GetWidth(); j++)
			if (in(j, i) != 0)
				xx += j;
				yy += i;
				count ++;

	if (count != 0)
		x = int(xx / count + .5);
		y = int(yy / count + .5);
		x = in.GetWidth()/2;
		y = in.GetHeight()/2;

	return 0;
/// out -> 256 x 256, in 152 x 256.
int YARPLogpolar::Logpolar2Cartesian (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& in, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& out)
	using namespace _logpolarParams;
	ACE_ASSERT (in.GetWidth() == _stheta && in.GetHeight() == _srho);
	ACE_ASSERT (out.GetWidth() == _xsize && out.GetHeight() == _ysize);

	Remap ((unsigned char *)out.GetRawBuffer(), (unsigned char *)in.GetRawBuffer(), &_img, _remapMap);
	return YARP_OK;
Beispiel #3
void YARPBlobFinder::Apply(const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelRGB>& is, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelRGB>& id)
	// no padding enforced.
	assert (id.GetPadding() == 0);
	assert (is.GetPadding() == 0);
	assert (id.GetHeight() == is.GetHeight() && id.GetWidth() == is.GetWidth());

	// extract the saliency image.
	m_saliency.Apply (is, m_hsv_enhanced);

	_apply (is, id);
Beispiel #4
bool FindCentroid (YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& img, int *x, int *y)
	char *ptri = img.GetRawBuffer ();
	const int w = img.GetWidth ();
	const int h = img.GetHeight ();

	unsigned char max = 0;

	unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)ptri;
	for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++, tmp++)
		if (*tmp > max)
			max = *tmp;

	int count = 0;
	*x = 0;
	*y = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
		unsigned char *row = (unsigned char *)ptri + i * w;
		for (int j = 0; j < w; j++, row++)
			if (*row == max)
				*x += j;
				*y += i;
				count ++;

	if (count != 0)
		*x /= count;
		*y /= count;
		*x = img.GetWidth() / 2;
		*y = img.GetHeight() / 2;

	if (max > 0)
		return true;
		return false;
Beispiel #5
void YARPImageTrackTool::Apply(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& src)
	YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR> nextImg, blah;
	int ox, oy;

	if (src.GetWidth() != IMG_W || src.GetHeight() != IMG_H)
		printf("Image tracking code is old, and specific to %dx%d images\n", IMG_W, IMG_H);

	if (first)
		first = 0;
		delta = 0;
		ox = tx;
		oy = ty;
		ImgInt3& ii1 = *((ImgInt3 *)prevImg3.GetRawBuffer());
		ImgInt3& ii2 = *((ImgInt3 *)src.GetRawBuffer());
		Apply(ii1, ii2, tx, ty);
		if (ox != tx || oy != ty || delta)
			delta = 0;
void YARPLpHistoSegmentation::Apply(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelHSV> &src)
	int i;
	int j;
	unsigned char *h;
	unsigned char *s;
	unsigned char *v;
	for(i = 0; i < src.GetHeight(); i++)
		h = (unsigned char *) src.GetArray()[i];
		s = h+1;
		v = h+2;

		double w = pSize(1, i);
		for(j = 0; j < src.GetWidth(); j++)
			if (_checkThresholds(*h,*s,*v))
				YARP3DHistogram::Apply(*h, *s, 0, w);
			h += 3;
			s += 3;
			v += 3;
Beispiel #7
YARPOrientation::YARPOrientation(const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono> &image)
    nAng = image.GetHeight() ;
    nEcc = image.GetWidth() ;
    rfMin = 0.31 ;
    initialise() ;
void YARPHistoSegmentation::Apply(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR> &src)
	int i;
	int j;
	unsigned char *r;
	unsigned char *g;
	unsigned char *b;

	for(i = 0; i < src.GetHeight(); i++)
		b = (unsigned char *) src.GetArray()[i];
		g = b+1;
 		r = b+2;

//		unsigned char rp, gp, bp;
		for(j = 0; j < src.GetWidth(); j++)
			// _normalize(*r, *g, *b, &rp, &gp, &bp);
			// YARP3DHistogram::Apply(rp, gp, bp);
			if (_checkThresholds(YarpPixelRGB(*r,*g,*b)))
				YARP3DHistogram::Apply(*r, *g, *b);
			b += 3;
			g += 3;
			r += 3;

void YARPImageUtils::PasteInto (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& src, int x, int y, int zoom, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& dst)
	char *bs = dst.GetRawBuffer ();

	IplImage *ipl = src.GetIplPointer ();
	const int dh = ipl->height;
	const int dw = ipl->width;
	char *dsY = ipl->imageData;

	int depth = dst.GetPixelSize ();
	ACE_ASSERT (depth == ipl->nChannels);	// same # of chan.

	const int h = dst.GetHeight();
	ACE_ASSERT (h >= dh);			// same height.
    const int w = dst.GetWidth();
	ACE_ASSERT (w >= dw);			// same width.

	const int rem_w = w - dw;

	// crude limit check.
	ACE_ASSERT (dw * zoom + x < w);
	ACE_ASSERT (dh * zoom + y < h);

	if (zoom == 1)
		bs += (y * w);
		for (int i = 0; i < dh; i++)
			memcpy (bs + x, dsY, dw);

			bs += w;
			dsY += dw;
		bs += (y * w);
		for (int i = 0; i < dh; i++)
			char * st_row = bs;
			bs += x;
			for (int j = 0; j < dw; j++)
				for (int k = 0; k < zoom; k++)
					*bs++ = *dsY;

			for (int k = 1; k < zoom; k++)
				memcpy (st_row + x + w * k, st_row + x, dw * zoom); 

			bs = st_row + w * zoom;
Beispiel #10
void YARPImageTrackTool::Apply(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& src, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& dest, int x, int y)
	YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono> prevImg, nextImg;

	if ((src.GetWidth()!=IMG_W||src.GetHeight()!=IMG_H) || 
		printf("Image tracking code is old, and specific to %dx%d images\n", IMG_W, IMG_H);

	tx = x; ty = y;
	ImgInt& ii1 = *((ImgInt *)prevImg.GetRawBuffer());
	ImgInt& ii2 = *((ImgInt *)nextImg.GetRawBuffer());
	Apply(ii1, ii2, tx, ty);
void YARPColorConverter::RGB2Normalized (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelRGB>& in, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelRGBFloat>& out, float threshold)
    assert (out.GetIplPointer() != NULL && in.GetIplPointer() != NULL);
    assert (out.GetHeight() == in.GetHeight());
    assert (out.GetWidth() == in.GetWidth());

    unsigned char *inTmp = (unsigned char *) in.GetAllocatedArray();
    unsigned char *outTmp = (unsigned char *) out.GetAllocatedArray();

    int r = 0;
    int c = 0;
    int padIn = in.GetPadding();
    int padOut = out.GetPadding();

    float lum;
    float *tmp;

    for(r = 0; r<in.GetHeight(); r++)
        for(c = 0; c < in.GetWidth(); c++)
            tmp = (float *) outTmp;
            lum = (float)( inTmp[0] + inTmp[1] + inTmp[2]);
            if (lum > threshold)
                tmp[0] = inTmp[0]/lum;
                tmp[1] = inTmp[1]/lum;
                tmp[2] = inTmp[2]/lum;
                tmp[0] = 0.0;
                tmp[1] = 0.0;
                tmp[2] = 0.0;

            inTmp += 3;
            outTmp += 3*sizeof(float);
        inTmp += padIn;
        outTmp += padOut;

// this function now is exactly like the RGB one; however, in the future we may want to use
// different weights for different colors.
void YARPColorConverter::RGB2Normalized (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& in, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& out, float threshold)
    assert (out.GetIplPointer() != NULL && in.GetIplPointer() != NULL);
    assert (out.GetHeight() == in.GetHeight());
    assert (out.GetWidth() == in.GetWidth());

    unsigned char *inTmp = (unsigned char *) in.GetAllocatedArray();
    unsigned char *outTmp = (unsigned char *) out.GetAllocatedArray();

    int r = 0;
    int c = 0;
    int padIn = in.GetPadding();
    int padOut = out.GetPadding();

    float lum;

    for(r = 0; r<in.GetHeight(); r++)
        for(c = 0; c < in.GetWidth(); c++)
            lum = (float) (inTmp[0] + inTmp[1] + inTmp[2]);
            if (lum > threshold)
                outTmp[0] = (unsigned char)((inTmp[0]/lum)*255 + 0.5);	// B
                outTmp[1] = (unsigned char)((inTmp[1]/lum)*255 + 0.5);	// G
                outTmp[2] = (unsigned char)((inTmp[2]/lum)*255 + 0.5);	// R
                outTmp[0] = 0;
                outTmp[1] = 0;
                outTmp[2] = 0;

            inTmp += 3;
            outTmp += 3;
        inTmp += padIn;
        outTmp += padOut;

Beispiel #13
int YARPOrientation::Resize(const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono> &image)
    cleanup() ;

    nEcc = image.GetWidth() ;
    nAng = image.GetHeight() ;

    initialise() ;

    return true ;
int YARPLogpolar::Logpolar2CartesianFovea (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& in, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& out)
	using namespace _logpolarParams;
	ACE_ASSERT (in.GetWidth() == _stheta && in.GetHeight() == _srho);
	ACE_ASSERT (out.GetWidth() == _xsizefovea && out.GetHeight() == _ysizefovea);

	_img.Size_X_Remap = _xsizefovea;
	_img.Size_Y_Remap = _ysizefovea;
	_img.Size_Img_Remap = _xsizefovea * _ysizefovea;
	_img.Zoom_Level = 512.0/1090.0;
	Remap ((unsigned char *)out.GetRawBuffer(), (unsigned char *)in.GetRawBuffer(), &_img, _remapMapFovea);

	_img.Size_X_Remap = _xsize;
	_img.Size_Y_Remap = _ysize;
	_img.Size_Img_Remap = _xsize * _ysize;
	_img.Zoom_Level = 256.0/1090.0;

	return YARP_OK;
void SetPlane (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& in, YARPGenericImage& out, int shift)
	ACE_ASSERT (in.GetIplPointer() != NULL && out.GetIplPointer() != NULL);
	ACE_ASSERT (in.GetWidth() == out.GetWidth());
	ACE_ASSERT (in.GetHeight() == out.GetHeight());

	const int width = in.GetWidth();
	const int height = in.GetHeight();

	unsigned char *src = NULL;
	unsigned char *dst = NULL;

	for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
		src = (unsigned char *)in.GetArray()[i];
		dst = (unsigned char *)out.GetArray()[i] + shift;
		for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
			*dst = *src++;
			dst += 3;
Beispiel #16
void TmpFilter (YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& old, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& img)
	char *src = img.GetRawBuffer();
	char *optr = old.GetRawBuffer();
	const int w = img.GetWidth ();
	const int h = img.GetHeight ();

	for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++)
		*optr = 0.5 * *src++ + 0.5 * *optr;

	memcpy (img.GetRawBuffer(), old.GetRawBuffer(), w * h);
Beispiel #17
// very very stupid hash generator.
NetInt32 YARPImageHash::GetHash(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& src)
  NetInt32 key = 0;
  int y = src.GetHeight()/2;
  int ent = 0;
  for (int x=src.GetWidth()-10; x>=10 && ent<5; x--)
      YarpPixelBGR& pix = src.SafePixel(x,y);
      if ((pix.r>=10 && pix.r<=200) || x<=15)
	  key *= 17;
	  key += pix.r;
	  key *= 17;
	  key += pix.g;
	  key *= 17;
	  key += pix.b;
  return key;
void YARPHistoSegmentation::backProjection(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelHSV> &in, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono> &out)
	// complete histogram backprojection
	int i;
	int j;
	YarpPixelHSV *src;
	YarpPixelMono *dst;
	for(j = 0; j < in.GetHeight(); j++)
		src = (YarpPixelHSV *) in.GetArray()[j];
		dst = (YarpPixelMono *) out.GetArray()[j];

		for(i = 0; i < in.GetWidth(); i++)
			if (_checkThresholds(src->h, src->s, src->v))
				*dst = (unsigned char)(YARP3DHistogram::backProjection(src->h, src->s, 0)*255 + 0.5);
				*dst = 0;
void YARPHistoSegmentation::backProjection(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR> &in, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono> &out)
	// complete histogram backprojection
	int i;
	int j;
	YarpPixelBGR *src;
	YarpPixelRGB tmp;
	YarpPixelMono *dst;
	for(j = 0; j < in.GetHeight(); j++)
		src = (YarpPixelBGR *) in.GetArray()[j];
		dst = (YarpPixelMono *) out.GetArray()[j];
		for(i = 0; i < in.GetWidth(); i++)
//			_normalize(*src, tmp);
			if (_checkThresholds(YarpPixelRGB(src->r, src->g, src->b)))
				*dst = (unsigned char)(YARP3DHistogram::backProjection(*src)*255 + 0.5);
				*dst = 0;
int YARPImageFile::Write(const char *dest, YARPGenericImage& src, int format)
 if (format!=YARPImageFile::FORMAT_NUMERIC)
      return ImageWrite(src,dest);
  YARPImageOf<YarpPixelFloat> flt;
  ofstream fout(dest);
  for (int i=0; i<flt.GetHeight(); i++)
      for (int j=0; j<flt.GetWidth(); j++)
	  char buf[255];
	  sprintf(buf,"%g ", flt(j,i));
	  fout << buf << " ";
      fout << endl;
  return 0;

  //return ImageWrite(src,dest);
  //return 0;
YARPFlowTracker::WriteMask (YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& mask, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& out, YarpPixelBGR *color)
	YarpPixelBGR c;
	if (color == NULL)
		c.r = 255;
		c.g = 0;
		c.b = 255;
		c = *color;

	for (int j = 0; j < mask.GetHeight(); j++)
		for (int i = 0; i < mask.GetWidth(); i++) 
			if (mask(i,j) != 0)
				//out(i,j) = c;
				//out(i,j).r = c.r;
				out(i,j).b = c.b;

	return 0;
Beispiel #22
void DrawBoxes (FiveBoxesInARow boxes, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& img, int weight, int scalefactor)
	char *ptri = img.GetRawBuffer ();
	const int w = img.GetWidth ();
	const int h = img.GetHeight ();

	// weird stuff...
	CBox2Send *array = &(boxes.box1);

	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		CBox2Send *tmp = array++;
		if (tmp->valid && Area (tmp) > 500)
			// draw box i-th
			int minr = (tmp->ymin < 0) ? 0 : tmp->ymin;
			int maxr = (tmp->ymax >= h) ? h-1 : tmp->ymax;
			int minc = (tmp->xmin < 0) ? 0 : tmp->xmin;
			int maxc = (tmp->xmax >= w) ? w-1 : tmp->xmax;

			for (int r = minr; r <= maxr; r++)
				char *row = ptri + r * w + tmp->xmin;
				for (int c = minc; c <= maxc; c++)
					int result = *row + weight * scalefactor;
					if (result >= 255)
						*row++ = 255;
						*row++ = result;
Beispiel #23
int YARPImageLabel::ApplySimilarity(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelInt>& src, 
				    YARPImageOf<YarpPixelInt>& dest)
  int IMG_H = src.GetWidth();  // swapped role of H and W
  int IMG_W = src.GetHeight();
  int nalloc_len = IMG_H*IMG_W*4;
  if (nalloc_len>alloc_len)
      alloc_len = nalloc_len;
      xstack = new int [alloc_len];
      ystack = new int [alloc_len];
  int i, j;
  int ii, jj;
  int id = 1;
  int top = 0;
  int maxCount = 0;
  int maxCountId = 0;
  int count;

  for (i=0; i<IMG_H; i++)
      for (j=0; j<IMG_W; j++)
	  dest(i,j) = 0;
  for (i=0; i<IMG_H; i++)
      for (j=0; j<IMG_W; j++)
	  if (dest(i,j) == 0)
	      int ref = src(i,j);
	      //if (id>255)
	      //  id = 2;
	      count = 0;
	      top = 1;
	      ystack[0] = i;
	      xstack[0] = j;
	      while (top>0)
		  ii = ystack[top];
		  jj = xstack[top];
		  if (dest(ii,jj) == 0 && src(ii,jj)==ref)
		      dest(ii,jj) = id;
		      if (ii>0)
			  if (dest(ii-1,jj) == 0 && src(ii-1,jj)==ref)
			      ystack[top] = ii-1;
			      xstack[top] = jj;
		      if (ii+1<IMG_H)
			  if (dest(ii+1,jj) == 0 && src(ii+1,jj)==ref)
			      ystack[top] = ii+1;
			      xstack[top] = jj;
		      if (jj>0)
			  if (dest(ii,jj-1) == 0 && src(ii,jj-1)==ref)
			      ystack[top] = ii;
			      xstack[top] = jj-1;
		      if (jj+1<IMG_W)
			  if (dest(ii,jj+1) == 0 && src(ii,jj+1)==ref)
			      ystack[top] = ii;
			      xstack[top] = jj+1;
	      if (count>maxCount)
		  maxCount = count;
		  maxCountId = id;
  bestId = maxCountId;
  return maxCountId;
int main_alt()

  while (1)
      JointPos joints;
      joints = state_joint;
      CogGaze gaze;
      double roll = gaze.roll_right;
      double theta = gaze.theta_right;
      double phi = gaze.phi_right;
      //printf("DIR %g %g %g\n", theta, phi, roll);
      global_theta = theta;
      global_phi = phi;
      global_roll = roll;
      double z_x = gaze.z_right[0];
      double z_y = gaze.z_right[1];
      YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR> img;
      int width = img.GetWidth();
      int height = img.GetHeight();
      float s = 50;
      for (int i=0; i<width; i++)
	  YarpPixelBGR pix0(0,255,0);
	  img(i,width/2) = pix0;
      for (int i=0; i<width; i++)
	  float s2 = (i-width/2.0);
	  float x = cos(roll)*s2;
	  float y = -sin(roll)*s2;
	  YarpPixelBGR pix(255,0,0);
	  img.SafePixel((int)(0.5+x+(width+1)/2.0),(int)(0.5+y+(width+1)/2.0)) = pix;	
      int step = 500;
      for (int i=0; i<step; i++)
	  float theta = i*M_PI*2.0/step;
	  YarpPixelBGR pix(255,0,0);
	  float x = cos(theta)*s;
	  float y = sin(theta)*s;
	  //printf("%g %g %g\n", theta, x, y);
	  img.SafePixel(x+width/2,y+width/2) = pix;	
      for (int i=0; i<MAX_TARGETS; i++)
	  if (target_manager.Exists(i))
	      TargetLocation& loc = target_manager.Get(i);
	      float target_theta = loc.theta;
	      float target_phi = loc.phi;
	      float z_y = loc.phi/(M_PI/2);
	      float z_x = loc.theta/(M_PI/2);
	      //printf("Drawing circle for %g %g\n", loc.theta, loc.phi);
	      float x = z_x*s;
	      float y = z_y*s;
	      // YarpPixelBGR pix0(0,128,255);
	      // AddCircle(img,pix0,(int)x+width/2,(int)y+height/2,4);
	      // We now try to map back 
	      // onto approximate retinotopic coordinates.
	      // current x, y, z available in gaze::x_right,y_right,z_right
	      double x_vis, y_vis;
	      int visible;
	      visible = gaze.Intersect(target_theta,target_phi,x_vis,y_vis,
	      float zt[3];
	      zt[0] = sin(target_theta);
	      zt[1] = -cos(target_phi)*cos(target_theta);
	      zt[2] = sin(target_phi)*cos(target_theta);
	      float delta_theta = zt[0]*gaze.x_right[0] +
		 zt[1]*gaze.x_right[1] + zt[2]*gaze.x_right[2];
	      float delta_phi = zt[0]*gaze.y_right[0] +
		 zt[1]*gaze.y_right[1] + zt[2]*gaze.y_right[2];
	      float sanity = zt[0]*gaze.z_right[0] +
		 zt[1]*gaze.z_right[1] + zt[2]*gaze.z_right[2];
	      //float delta_theta = zt[0];  //target_theta - global_theta;
	      //float delta_phi = zt[1];    //target_phi - global_phi;
	      float factor_theta = 67;  // just guessed these numbers
	      float factor_phi = 67;    // so far, not linear in reality
	      float nx = delta_theta;
	      float ny = delta_phi;
	      float r = global_roll;
	      float sinr = sin(r);
	      float cosr = cos(r);
	      float fx = factor_theta;
	      float fy = factor_phi;
	      //delta_theta = nx*cosr - ny*sinr;  // just guessed the signs here
	      //delta_phi   = nx*sinr + ny*cosr;  // so far
	      //delta_theta = nx*cosr - ny*sinr;  // just guessed the signs here
	      //delta_phi   = nx*sinr + ny*cosr;  // so far
	      delta_theta *= factor_theta;
	      delta_phi *= factor_phi;
	      delta_phi *= 4.0/3.0;
	      float len = sqrt(delta_theta*delta_theta+delta_phi*delta_phi);
	      delta_theta += img.GetWidth()/2;
	      delta_phi += img.GetHeight()/2;
	      int sanity = visible;
	      double delta_theta = x_vis;
	      double delta_phi = y_vis;
	      delta_theta -= 64;
	      delta_phi -= 64;
	      float len = sqrt(delta_theta*delta_theta+delta_phi*delta_phi);
	      delta_theta += 64;
	      delta_phi += 64;
	      if (sanity>0)
		  YarpPixelBGR pix1((len<50)?255:0,128,0);
		  //printf("Object occluded\n");
      z_y = phi/(M_PI/2);
      z_x = theta/(M_PI/2);
      if (0)
      for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
	  float x = z_x*s;
	  float y = z_y*s;
	  YarpPixelBGR pix(255,0,0);
	  YarpPixelBGR pix2(0,0,255);
	  img.SafePixel(i+x+width/2,y+width/2) = pix;	
	  img.SafePixel(-i+x+width/2,y+width/2) = pix;	
	  img.SafePixel(i+x+width/2,y+width/2-1) = pix2;	
	  img.SafePixel(-i+x+width/2,y+width/2+1) = pix2;	
	  img.SafePixel(x+width/2,i+y+width/2) = pix;	
	  img.SafePixel(x+width/2,-i+y+width/2) = pix;
	  img.SafePixel(x+width/2+1,i+y+width/2) = pix2;	
	  img.SafePixel(x+width/2-1,-i+y+width/2) = pix2;	

  return 0;
YARPFlowTracker::ComputeRotation (
	YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& mask, 
	int *vx, 
	int *vy, 
	int ox, 
	int oy, 
	CVisDVector& trsf, 
	int thr)
	const int border = 1;

	trsf = 0;
	trsf(1) = 1;

	YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono> tmp;
	tmp.Resize (mask.GetWidth(), mask.GetHeight());

	double avex = 0;
	double avey = 0;
	double average = 0;
	int count = 0;

	// compute average displacement.
	for (int i = border; i < oy-border; i++)
		for (int j = border; j < ox-border; j++)
			if (vx[i*ox+j] <= OOVERFLOW &&
				vy[i*ox+j] <= OOVERFLOW &&
				(fabs(vx[i*ox+j]) > 0 || fabs(vy[i*ox+j]) > 0) 
				avex += vx[i*ox+j];
				avey += vy[i*ox+j];
				average += sqrt(vx[i*ox+j]*vx[i*ox+j]+vy[i*ox+j]*vy[i*ox+j]);

	if (count > 0)
		avex /= count;
		avey /= count;
		average /= count;

	if (count >= thr)
		CVisDMatrix A (count * 2, 4);
		CVisDMatrix At (4, count * 2);
		CVisDMatrix sqA (4, 4);
		CVisDVector sqB (4);

		CVisDVector b (count * 2);

		CVisDVector solution(4);

		count = 1;
		for (int i = border; i < oy-border; i++)
			for (int j = border; j < ox-border; j++)
			if (vx[i*ox+j] <= OOVERFLOW &&
				vy[i*ox+j] <= OOVERFLOW &&
					(fabs(vx[i*ox+j]) > 0 || fabs(vy[i*ox+j]) > 0) 
					A(count,1) = j*BLOCKINC+BLOCKSIZE/2;
					A(count,2) = i*BLOCKINC+BLOCKSIZE/2;
					A(count,3) = 1;
					A(count,4) = 0;
					b(count) = j*BLOCKINC+BLOCKSIZE/2+vx[i*ox+j];
					A(count,1) = i*BLOCKINC+BLOCKSIZE/2;
					A(count,2) = -(j*BLOCKINC+BLOCKSIZE/2);
					A(count,3) = 0;
					A(count,4) = 1;
					b(count) = i*BLOCKINC+BLOCKSIZE/2+vy[i*ox+j];
		// solve by LU.
		At = A.Transposed ();
		sqA = At * A;
		sqB = At * b;
		VisDMatrixLU (sqA, sqB, solution);

		trsf = solution;

		// apply tranformation to mask.
		double& aa = solution(1);
		double& bb = solution(2);
		double& t1 = solution(3);
		double& t2 = solution(4);

	  for (int i = 0; i < mask.GetHeight(); i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < mask.GetWidth(); j++)
				if (mask (j, i) != 0)
					int dx = int(aa * j + bb * i + t1 +.5);
					int dy = int(-bb * j + aa * i + t2 + .5);

					tmp.SafePixel (dx, dy) = 255;

		mask = tmp;

		return 0;
		return -2;

	return -1;
Beispiel #26
float Process(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& ref, 
	      YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& target)
  static float bounce = 0;
  static int hash_ref[HASH_SIZE];
  static int hash_target[HASH_SIZE];
  static int hash_target_ylo[HASH_SIZE];
  static int hash_target_yhi[HASH_SIZE];
//  printf("Clearing hash tables\n");
  for (int r=0; r<HASH_SIZE; r++)
      hash_ref[r] = hash_target[r] = 0;
      hash_target_ylo[r] = hash_target_yhi[r] = 0;
//  printf("Comparing images\n");
  int h = ref.GetHeight();
  int w = ref.GetWidth();
  for (int y=0; y<h; y++)
      for (int x=0; x<w; x++)
	  YarpPixelBGR pix_ref = ref(x,y);
	  YarpPixelBGR pix_target = target(x,y);
	  int idx_ref = Hash(pix_ref);
	  int idx_target = Hash(pix_target);
	  if (y>=h/2)
  int votes = 0;
  float dir = 0;
  for (int r=0; r<HASH_SIZE; r++)
      int diff = hash_ref[r] - hash_target[r];
      if (fabs(diff)>3)
	  int hi = hash_target_yhi[r];
	  int lo = hash_target_ylo[r];
	  if (fabs(hi-lo)>3)
	      float power = fabs(hi-lo)*fabs(diff);
	      if (power>20) power = 20;
	      float direction = power;
	      if (diff>0)
		  if (hi<lo)
		      direction = -direction;
		  if (hi>lo)
		      direction = -direction;
	      dir += direction;
  printf("%8d votes, verdict is %8.4g ", votes, dir);
  bounce = 0.8*bounce + 0.2*((dir>0)?1:-1);
  if (bounce>0.5) printf("LOOK DOWN");
  if (bounce<-0.5) printf("LOOK UP");
  return dir;
  void Update(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& img,
	      YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& dest,
	      FiveBoxesInARow& out_boxes)
      if (first)
	  first = 0;
      int count = 0;
      int count2 = 0;
      int index = 0;
      int box_index = 0;
      for (int k=0; k<FiveBoxesInARow::GetMaxBoxes(); k++)
	  out_boxes(k).valid = false;
      for (int i=0; i<MAX_TRACKER; i++)
	  if (tracker[i].is_active)
	  if (tracker[i].is_tracking)
	      int ox = tracker[i];
	      int oy = tracker[i];
	      int x = ox;
	      int y = oy;
	      int theta = 15;
	      if (oy>theta && oy<=img.GetHeight()-theta &&
		  ox>theta && ox<=img.GetWidth()-theta)
		  if (tracker[i].is_lagged)
		      tracker[i].is_lagged = 0;
		  x = track_tool.GetX();
		  y = track_tool.GetY();
	      int dx = x-ox;
	      int dy = y-oy;
	      if (dx!=0 || dy!=0)
//		  printf("Delta %d %d (to %d %d)\n", dx, dy, x, y);
	      tracker[i].box.brx += dx;
	      tracker[i].box.bry += dy;
	      tracker[i].box.tlx += dx;
	      tracker[i].box.tly += dy;
	      tracker[i] += dx;
	      tracker[i] += dy;
	      if (index<FiveBoxesInARow::GetMaxBoxes())
		  CBox2Send& dest2 = out_boxes(box_index);
		  Box& src = tracker[i].box;
		  dest2.xmin = src.tlx;
		  dest2.ymin = src.tly;
		  dest2.xmax = src.brx;
		  dest2.ymax = src.bry;
		  dest2.valid = true;
		  for (int i = -3; i<= 3; i++)
		      for (int j=-3; j<=3; j++)
			  if ((i+j)%2)
			      dest.SafePixel(x+j,y+i) = YarpPixelBGR(255,255,255);
			      dest.SafePixel(x+j,y+i) = YarpPixelBGR(0,0,0);
      //if (count>0)
//	  printf("*** %d trackers tracking, %d active\n", count,
//		 count2);