void ListRegisteredAppsInMenu() { LoadAllRegisteredApp(); DBG_OUT("List Applications registered in Menu"); DBG_OUT("[List START]"); ZConfig* umt = new ZConfig("/ezxlocal/download/appwrite/am/UserMenuTree"); QString appUID = QString::null; QString items = umt->readEntry(appMenuUUID,"Items",""); QStringList itemsList = QStringList::split(";", items,false); delete umt; for (uint i = 0; i<itemsList.count();i++) { appUID = itemsList[i]; if (appRegList.contains( appUID ) ) { printf("\tAPP OBJECT{ Name: %s, Type: %d, Icon: %s}\n", appRegList[appUID]->Name.ascii(), appRegList[appUID]->eType, appRegList[appUID]->SimpleIcon.ascii() ); } } DBG_OUT("[List END]"); }
CitySelectDlg::CitySelectDlg(QString str1,QString str2,QString str3):ZPopup() { setTitle(str1); listBox = new ZListBox("%I%M",this); // insert menu items with images from SysRegistry ZConfig config ( getAppDir() + "cities.ini", false ); QStringList grouplist; config.getGroupsKeyList ( grouplist ); QString cityCode = ""; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = grouplist.begin(); it != grouplist.end(); ++it ) { cityCode = config.readEntry(*it, "Code", ""); City *city = new City(listBox); qDebug(*it); qDebug(cityCode); city->setName(*it); city->setCode(cityCode); listBox->insertItem(city); city->appendSubItem(1,ctr(city->getName())); } insertChild(listBox); setSoftkeyText(str2,str3); connect(this,SIGNAL(leftSoftkeyClicked()),this,SLOT(slotSelected())); connect(listBox,SIGNAL(returnPressed(ZSettingItem *)),this,SLOT(slotItemClicked(ZSettingItem *))); }
void ZDataModel::parse(const ZConfig &el){ if(el.hasAttribute("table")){ setTable(el.attribute("table")); for(int i = 0; i < columnCount(); i++){ _columns.insert(headerData(i,Qt::Horizontal).toString(), i); } foreach(const ZConfig &field, el.children("zee:field")){ if(_columns.contains(field.attribute("name"))){ // set header title if(field.hasAttribute("title")){ setHeaderData(_columns.value(field.attribute("name")), Qt::Horizontal, QVariant(field.attribute("title"))); } if(field.hasAttribute("belongsTo")){ QString relation = field.attribute("belongsTo"); QString rTable = relation.section(":",0,0); QString rKey = relation.section(":",1,1); QString rDisplay = relation.section(":",2,2); if(!(rTable.isEmpty() && rKey.isEmpty() && rDisplay.isEmpty())){ setRelation(_columns.value(field.attribute("name")), QSqlRelation(rTable,rKey,rDisplay)); } } } } }
void xInstaller::extAssign( AppEntry * app, QStringList slExt ) { toLog( "@ extAssign" ); QStringList::Iterator it; QStringList slTypes; slTypes.clear(); QFile file( MOD_MIME_TYPE ); if ( !file.open( IO_ReadWrite ) ) return; toLog( "Find exist type" ); QTextStream stream( &file ); QString line; while ( !stream.atEnd() ) { line = stream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' for ( int i=slExt.count()-1; i>=0; i-- ) { it = slExt.at(i); if ( line.find( *it, line.find(" ") ) > 0 ) { slTypes.append( line.left( line.find(" ") ) ); slExt.remove( it ); } } } toLog( "write ne types" ); QString types; for ( it = slExt.begin(); it != slExt.end(); ++it ) { types = "file/x-" + *it; slTypes.append( types ); stream << (types + " " + *it + "\n"); } file.close(); toLog( "write user mime" ); ZConfig userMime ( MOD_USER_MIME ); for ( it = slTypes.begin(); it != slTypes.end(); ++it ) { userMime.writeEntry ( *it, "AppList", app->appId+";"); userMime.writeEntry ( *it, "AppID", app->appId); } userMime.flush(); toLog( "Send update mime" ); QCopChannel::send("/AM/MimeRegistry", "update()"); }
//************************************************************************************************ //************************************** class ZFolderSelect2 *********************************** //************************************************************************************************ ZFolderSelect2::ZFolderSelect2(bool onlyDirs, QString path) :MyBaseDlg() { QString ProgDir = QString ( qApp->argv() [0] ); int i = ProgDir.findRev ( "/" ); ProgDir.remove ( i+1, ProgDir.length() - i ); ZConfig readlang("/ezxlocal/download/appwrite/setup/ezx_system.cfg", true); Idioma = ProgDir + "/languages/" + readlang.readEntry(QString("SYS_SYSTEM_SET"), QString("LanguageType"), "en-us"); if ( ! QFileInfo(Idioma).isFile() ) Idioma = ProgDir + "/languages/en-us"; ZConfig lang (Idioma,false); this->setMainWidgetTitle("zFileManager"); QWidget *myWidget = new ZWidget ( this, NULL, 0); QVBoxLayout *myVBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout ( myWidget, 0 ); myWidget->setFixedWidth(240); ZAppInfoArea* pAIA = new ZAppInfoArea(myWidget, NULL, 0); pAIA->setActArea(ZAppInfoArea::no_progress_meter); QPixmap pixmap; pixmap.load(ProgDir+"/img/folder.png"); pAIA->appendIcon(ZAppInfoArea::activity,pixmap,""); pAIA->appendText(ZAppInfoArea::activity, lang.readEntry(QString("LANGUAGE"), "SEARCH_IN", ""), "name"); setAppInfoArea(pAIA); myVBoxLayout->insertWidget (0, pAIA ); fb = new FileBrowser2("*", onlyDirs, QString ( "%I%M" ), myWidget, 0); fb->setDir(path); QObject::connect(fb, SIGNAL(isFilePicked(bool)), SLOT(filePicked(bool))); fb->ProgramDir = ProgDir; setContentWidget ( fb ); ZSoftKey *softKey = new ZSoftKey ( "CST_2A", this, this ); softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, lang.readEntry(QString("LANGUAGE"), "CANCEL", ""), ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 ); softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, lang.readEntry(QString("LANGUAGE"), "CHOISE", ""), ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 ); softKey->setClickedSlot ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, this, SLOT ( slot_cancel() ) ); softKey->setClickedSlot ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, this, SLOT ( accept() ) ); this->setCSTWidget( softKey ); }
void ZButton::parse(const ZConfig &el){ if(!el.text().isEmpty()) setText(el.text()); else if(!el.attribute("text","").isEmpty()) setText(el.attribute("text")); if(el.hasAttribute("value")) setValue(el.attribute("value")); //! @icon - system name or path of the icon to display if(el.hasAttribute("icon")) zSetIcon(el.attribute("icon")); }
void ZGui::eliminarTipoDELETE() { QString aux=""; ZConfig conf ( getProgramDir() + "av_db.cfg", true ); QStringList list = conf.readListEntry ( QString("DATABASE"), QString("DELETE"), QChar(';') ); ZSingleSelectDlg * dlg = new ZSingleSelectDlg("Remove", "Select type", this, "ZSingleSelectDlg", true, 0, 0); dlg->addItemsList(list); dlg->exec(); int elegido=dlg->getCheckedItemIndex(); aux=list[elegido]; list.remove(list[elegido]); conf.writeEntry(QString("DATABASE"), QString("DELETE"), list, ';'); dlg=NULL; if(infos==NULL) { infos = new ZNoticeDlg(ZNoticeDlg::Information, 3000, QString("OK"), QString("Type " + aux +" removed"), this, "z", true, 0); infos->show(); } infos=NULL;
void ZGui::agregarTipoASK() { QString aux=""; ZSingleCaptureDlg* dialogo = new ZSingleCaptureDlg ( "Add type", "Enter new file type", ZSingleCaptureDlg::normal, NULL, "dlg", true, 0, 0 ); if ( dialogo->exec() ) { aux = dialogo->getResultText(); }dialogo=NULL; if(aux!="") { ZConfig conf ( getProgramDir() + "av_db.cfg", true ); QStringList list = conf.readListEntry ( QString("DATABASE"), QString("ASK"), QChar(';') ); list += aux; conf.writeEntry(QString("DATABASE"), QString("ASK"), list, ';');} if(infos==NULL) { infos = new ZNoticeDlg(ZNoticeDlg::Information, 3000, QString("OK"), QString("Type " + aux +" added"), this, "z", true, 0); infos->show(); } infos=NULL;
void ZCountdown::parse(const ZConfig &el){ //! @target: the target time for the countdown _target = ZDateTime::strtotime(el.attribute("target")); if(_target.isValid()){ _targetMsec = (_target.toTime_t()*1000LL)+_target.time().msec(); qint64 now = ZDateTime::nowMsec_t(); if(!el.hasAttribute("interval")) _config.setAttribute("interval", ZCDWN_DEFAULT_INTV); if(_targetMsec > 0) _tracker = new ZTimer(_config.toElement(), this); z_log_debug("ZCountdown: Target epoch = "+STR(_targetMsec)); z_log_debug("ZCountdown: Current epoch = "+STR(now)); z_log_debug("ZCountdown: ---- DIFF ---- "+STR(_targetMsec-now)); }else{ z_log_error("ZCountdown: Invalid target date specified."); } }
ZGui::ZGui ( const QString &ejecuta, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : ZKbMainWidget ( ZHeader::FULL_TYPE, NULL, "ZMainWidget", 0 ) { QString eje = ejecuta; if ( eje == "cleannow" ) {infos=NULL; dlg=NULL; ZConfig conf ( getProgramDir() + "av_db.cfg", true ); QStringList list = conf.readListEntry ( QString("DATABASE"), QString("DELETE"), QChar(';') ); QStringList a=""; for(int i=0;i< list.count();i++) { a=limpiar(SD,list[i]); borrar(a); a=""; a=limpiar(phone,list[i]); borrar(a); a="";} qApp->quit(); } else {infos=NULL; dlg=NULL; eliminados=""; CreateWindow ( parent ); ( ( ZApplication* ) qApp )->showMainWidget ( this );} }
//************************************************************************************************ //************************************** class ZFileOpenDialog *********************************** //************************************************************************************************ ZFileOpenDialog::ZFileOpenDialog() :MyBaseDlg() { QString ProgDir = QString ( qApp->argv() [0] ); int i = ProgDir.findRev ( "/" ); ProgDir.remove ( i+1, ProgDir.length() - i ); ZConfig readlang("/ezxlocal/download/appwrite/setup/ezx_system.cfg", true); Idioma = ProgDir + "/languages/" + readlang.readEntry(QString("SYS_SYSTEM_SET"), QString("LanguageType"), "en-us"); if ( ! QFileInfo(Idioma).isFile() ) Idioma = ProgDir + "/languages/en-us"; ZConfig lang (Idioma,false); this->setMainWidgetTitle("zTextViewer"); QWidget *myWidget = new ZWidget ( this, NULL, 0); QVBoxLayout *myVBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout ( myWidget, 0 ); myWidget->setFixedWidth(240); ZAppInfoArea* pAIA = new ZAppInfoArea(myWidget, NULL, 0); pAIA->setActArea(ZAppInfoArea::no_progress_meter); pAIA->appendText(ZAppInfoArea::activity, lang.readEntry(QString("TEXTVIEWER"), "IDS_OPEN", "Open"), "name"); setAppInfoArea(pAIA); myVBoxLayout->addWidget ( pAIA, 1, 1 ); fb = new FileBrowser("*", QString ( "%I%M" ), myWidget, 0); fb->setDir("/"); QObject::connect(fb, SIGNAL(isFilePicked(bool)), SLOT(filePicked(bool))); // myVBoxLayout->addWidget ( fb, 1 ); setContentWidget ( fb ); ZSoftKey *softKey = new ZSoftKey ( NULL, this, this ); softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, lang.readEntry(QString("TEXTVIEWER"), "IDS_OPEN", "Open"), ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 ); softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, lang.readEntry(QString("TEXTVIEWER"), "IDS_CANCEL", "Cancel"), ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 ); softKey->setClickedSlot ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, this, SLOT ( reject() ) ); softKey->setClickedSlot ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, this, SLOT ( accept() ) ); setCSTWidget ( softKey ); }
void ZAddAppDlg::procReg(QString FileRegistry) { QString id; QString name; QString ico; static int i=0; ZConfig confReg ( FileRegistry, false ); QStringList grouplist; confReg.getGroupsKeyList ( grouplist ); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = grouplist.begin(); it != grouplist.end(); ++it ) { name = confReg.readEntry ( *it, "Name", "" ); id = confReg.readEntry ( *it, "AppID", "" ); ico = confReg.readEntry ( *it, ICON_NAME, "" ); #ifdef NEW_PLATFORM if (ico=="") { ico = confReg.readEntry ( *it, "Icon", "" ); } #endif if (ico=="") { ico = confReg.readEntry ( *it, "BigIcon", "" ); } if ( (id!="")&&(name!="")) { AppRegistry app; app.setId(id); app.setName(name); #ifndef NEW_PLATFORM if ( ico.find(".g") == -1 && !QFile::exists(ico) ) #else if ( ico.find(".g") == -1 && ico.find(".k") == -1 &&!QFile::exists(ico) ) #endif { ico = confReg.readEntry ( *it, "Directory", "" ) + "/" + ico; } app.setIcon(ico); mapApp[ i ] = app; addApp(name, ico, i); ++i; } } }
//************************************************************************************************ //*************************************** class ZSearch ****************************************** //************************************************************************************************ ZSearch::ZSearch(const QString &curPath, const QString &originName) :MyBaseDlg() { QString ProgDir = QString ( qApp->argv() [0] ); int i = ProgDir.findRev ( "/" ); ProgDir.remove ( i+1, ProgDir.length() - i ); ZConfig readlang("/ezxlocal/download/appwrite/setup/ezx_system.cfg", true); Idioma = ProgDir + "/languages/" + readlang.readEntry(QString("SYS_SYSTEM_SET"), QString("LanguageType"), "en-us"); if ( ! QFileInfo(Idioma).isFile() ) Idioma = ProgDir + "/languages/en-us"; ZConfig lang (Idioma,false); this->setMainWidgetTitle("zTextViewer"); QWidget *myWidget = new ZWidget ( this, NULL, 0); QVBoxLayout *myVBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout ( myWidget, 0 ); myWidget->setFixedWidth(240); ZAppInfoArea* pAIA = new ZAppInfoArea(myWidget, NULL, 0); pAIA->setActArea(ZAppInfoArea::no_progress_meter); pAIA->appendText(ZAppInfoArea::activity, lang.readEntry(QString("TEXTVIEWER"), "IDS_SAVE", ""), "name"); setAppInfoArea(pAIA); myVBoxLayout->addWidget ( pAIA, 1, 1 ); ZFormContainer* fc = new ZFormContainer(this); setContentWidget(fc); lineEdit = new ZLineEdit(this, NULL); lineEdit->setTitle(lang.readEntry(QString("TEXTVIEWER"), "IDS_ENTER_FILE_NAME", "")); lineEdit->setTitlePosition(ZLineEdit::TitleTop); lineEdit->setMaxLength(50); lineEdit->setText(originName); fc->addChild(lineEdit); buttonDir = new myButton(this, "ZPressButton"); buttonDir->setTitle(lang.readEntry(QString("TEXTVIEWER"), "IDS_LOCATION", "")); QString direc = curPath; if ( direc == "" ) direc = "/mmc/mmca1"; if ( direc[direc.length()-1] == QChar('/') ) { direc.remove( direc.length()-1, 1 ); } buttonDir->setText(direc); FStext=direc; buttonDir->setPixmap(QPixmap(ProgDir+"/img/folder.png")); fc->addChild(buttonDir); ZSoftKey *softKey = new ZSoftKey ( "CST_2A", this, this ); softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, lang.readEntry(QString("TEXTVIEWER"), "IDS_CANCEL", ""), ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 ); softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, lang.readEntry(QString("TEXTVIEWER"), "IDS_SAVE", ""), ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 ); softKey->setClickedSlot ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, this, SLOT ( slot_cancel() ) ); softKey->setClickedSlot ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, this, SLOT ( slot_search() ) ); this->setCSTWidget( softKey ); }
ZSettingsDlg::ZSettingsDlg() :MyBaseDlg() { setMainWidgetTitle(LNG_SETTINGS); myWidget = new ZWidget (); tabWidget = new ZNavTabWidget( myWidget ); setContentWidget ( tabWidget ); QPixmap pm; ZConfig cfg ( ProgDir+"/zMessanger.cfg"); //################################## 1 ############################################ net = new ZListBox( tabWidget ); pm.load( ProgDir+ "/image/tab_net.png"); tabWidget->addTab(net, QIconSet(pm), ""); //##################################################################################### optInetLink = new ZOptionItem(net, ZOptionItem::EDIT_INTERNET_PROFILE); optInetLink->setText( cfg.readEntry(QString("Inet"), QString("ProfileName"), "") ); optInetLink->setTitle(LNG_INETPROF); net->insertItem(optInetLink); optICQServer = new ZOptionItem(net, ZOptionItem::EDIT_TEXT); optICQServer->setText( cfg.readEntry(QString("Inet"), QString("Server"), "login.icq.com") ); optICQServer->setTitle(LNG_ICQSERV); net->insertItem(optICQServer); optICQPort = new ZOptionItem(net, ZOptionItem::EDIT_TEXT_NUM); optICQPort->setText( cfg.readEntry(QString("Inet"), QString("Port"), "5190") ); optICQPort->setTitle(LNG_PORT); net->insertItem(optICQPort); optICQKeepTime = new ZOptionItem(net, ZOptionItem::EDIT_TEXT_NUM); optICQKeepTime->setText( cfg.readEntry(QString("Inet"), QString("TimeKeepConnect"), "500") ); optICQKeepTime->setTitle(LNG_KEEPCONNECTTIME); net->insertItem(optICQKeepTime); optICQdelayReadSnec = new ZOptionItem(net, ZOptionItem::EDIT_TEXT_NUM); optICQdelayReadSnec->setText( cfg.readEntry(QString("Inet"), QString("delayReadSnec"), "2000") ); optICQdelayReadSnec->setTitle(LNG_DELAYNEWSOCKREAD); net->insertItem(optICQdelayReadSnec); #ifndef _NoUSBNetOption optUSBNet = new ZOptionItem(net, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_ONOFF); optUSBNet->setTitle( "Internet on USB" ); optUSBNet->setNum( cfg.readBoolEntry("Inet", "inetOnUSB", false) ); net->insertItem(optUSBNet); #endif //####################################### 2 ######################################### alert = new ZListBox( tabWidget ); pm.load( ProgDir + "/image/tab_alert.png"); tabWidget->addTab(alert, QIconSet(pm), ""); //##################################################################################### optVibrate = new ZOptionItem(alert, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_ONOFF); optVibrate->setTitle( LNG_VIBRATE ); optVibrate->setNum( cfg.readBoolEntry("Alert", "Vibrate", true) ); alert->insertItem(optVibrate); optTone = new ZOptionItem(alert, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_ONOFF); optTone->setTitle( LNG_RINGTONE ); optTone->setNum( cfg.readBoolEntry("Alert", "Ring", false) ); alert->insertItem(optTone); optToneVol = new ZOptionItem(alert, ZOptionItem::EDIT_NUM); optToneVol->setTitle( LNG_RINGTONEVOL ); optToneVol->setNum( cfg.readNumEntry("Alert", "Volume", 2) ); optToneVol->setMaxMin(10, 0); alert->insertItem(optToneVol); optTonePath = new ZOptionItem(alert, ZOptionItem::EDIT_ONE_OF_LIST); optTonePath->setTitle( LNG_RINGTONEPATH ); QDir dirTone ( ProgDir+"/alert/", QString("*.mp3 *.wav") ); dirTone.setFilter ( QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden ); toneList = new QStringList( dirTone.entryList() ); toneList->sort(); int sel=0, i=0; QString text = cfg.readEntry(QString("Alert"), QString("Path"), "msn.mp3"); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = toneList->begin(); it != toneList->end(); ++it ) if ( *it == text ) { sel=i; break; } else i++; optTonePath->setList( toneList ); optTonePath->setNum( sel ); alert->insertItem(optTonePath); //######################################### 3 ####################################### CL = new ZListBox( tabWidget ); pm.load( ProgDir+ "/image/tab_CL.png"); tabWidget->addTab(CL, QIconSet(pm), ""); //##################################################################################### optJampNewMes = new ZOptionItem(CL, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_YESNO); optJampNewMes->setTitle( LNG_AUTO_JAMP_NEW_MESSAGE ); optJampNewMes->setNum( cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("ContactList"), QString("jampNewMes"), true) ); CL->insertItem(optJampNewMes); optShowOffLine = new ZOptionItem(CL, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_YESNO); optShowOffLine->setTitle( LNG_SHOWOFFCONT ); optShowOffLine->setNum( !cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("ContactList"), QString("dontShowOffLine"), true) ); CL->insertItem(optShowOffLine); optShowGroup = new ZOptionItem(CL, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_YESNO); optShowGroup->setTitle( LNG_SHOWGROUP ); optShowGroup->setNum( !cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("ContactList"), QString("dontShowGroup"), false) ); CL->insertItem(optShowGroup); optRigthXStatus = new ZOptionItem(CL, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_YESNO); optRigthXStatus->setTitle( LNG_XSTATUSRIGTH ); optRigthXStatus->setNum( cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("ContactList"), QString("rigthAlignXStatus"), true) ); CL->insertItem(optRigthXStatus); QStringList * modes = new QStringList(); modes->append(LNG_NO_SORTCONTACT); modes->append(LNG_STATUS_SORTCONTACT); modes->append(LNG_STATUS_NICK_SORTCONTACT); optSortType = new ZOptionItem(CL, ZOptionItem::EDIT_ONE_OF_LIST); optSortType->setTitle(LNG_SORTCONTACT); optSortType->setList( modes ); optSortType->setNum( cfg.readNumEntry(QString("ContactList"), QString("sortType"), 2) ); CL->insertItem(optSortType); //####################################### 4 ########################################## Chat = new ZListBox( tabWidget ); pm.load( ProgDir+ "/image/tab_chat.png"); tabWidget->addTab(Chat, QIconSet(pm), ""); //##################################################################################### optSmilePack = new ZOptionItem(Chat, ZOptionItem::EDIT_ONE_OF_LIST); optSmilePack->setTitle( LNG_SMILE_PACK ); smileList = zSmile->getSmilePackList(); optSmilePack->setList( smileList ); sel=0; i=0; text = cfg.readEntry(QString("Chat"), QString("smilePack"), "kolobok"); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = smileList->begin(); it != smileList->end(); ++it ) if ( *it == text ) { sel=i; break; } else i++; optSmilePack->setNum( sel ); Chat->insertItem(optSmilePack); optChatFontSize = new ZOptionItem(Chat, ZOptionItem::EDIT_NUM); optChatFontSize->setMaxMin(35, 2); optChatFontSize->setNum( cfg.readNumEntry(QString("Chat"), QString("chatFontSize"), 11) ); optChatFontSize->setTitle( LNG_FONTSIZECHAT ); Chat->insertItem(optChatFontSize); optMesFontSize = new ZOptionItem(Chat, ZOptionItem::EDIT_NUM); optMesFontSize->setMaxMin(35, 2); optMesFontSize->setNum( cfg.readNumEntry(QString("Chat"), QString("writeMesFontSize"), 11) ); optMesFontSize->setTitle( LNG_FONTSIZEMES ); Chat->insertItem(optMesFontSize); optMaxNumLine = new ZOptionItem(Chat, ZOptionItem::EDIT_NUM); optMaxNumLine->setMaxMin(500, 3); optMaxNumLine->setNum( cfg.readNumEntry(QString("Chat"), QString("maxNumLines"), 40) ); optMaxNumLine->setTitle( LNG_MAXNUMLINESCHAT ); Chat->insertItem(optMaxNumLine); optNoShowStatusBarInChat = new ZOptionItem(Chat, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_ONOFF); optNoShowStatusBarInChat->setTitle( LNG_NO_SHOW_STATUS_BAR_IN_CHAT ); optNoShowStatusBarInChat->setNum( !cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("Chat"), QString("noShowStatusBarInChat"), false) ); Chat->insertItem(optNoShowStatusBarInChat); optSendByCenter = new ZOptionItem(Chat, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_YESNO); optSendByCenter->setTitle( LNG_SEND_BY_CENTER ); optSendByCenter->setNum( cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("Chat"), QString("sendByCenter"), false) ); Chat->insertItem(optSendByCenter); optSendTypeMes = new ZOptionItem(Chat, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_YESNO); optSendTypeMes->setTitle( LNG_SENDTYPEMES ); optSendTypeMes->setNum( !cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("Chat"), QString("notSendTypeMes"), false) ); Chat->insertItem(optSendTypeMes); //##################################### 5 ########################################### othe = new ZListBox( tabWidget ); pm.load( ProgDir+ "/image/tab_othe.png"); tabWidget->addTab(othe, QIconSet(pm), ""); //##################################################################################### codec = new QStringList(); codec->append( "KOI8-R" ); codec->append( "KOI8-U" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-2" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-3" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-4" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-5" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-6-I" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-7" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-8-I" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-9" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-10" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-11" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-13" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-14" ); codec->append( "ISO8859-15" ); codec->append( "PT154" ); codec->append( "CP874" ); codec->append( "CP1250" ); codec->append( "CP1251" ); codec->append( "CP1252" ); codec->append( "CP1253" ); codec->append( "CP1254" ); codec->append( "CP1255" ); codec->append( "CP1256" ); codec->append( "CP1257" ); codec->append( "CP1258" ); sel=0, i=0; text = cfg.readEntry(QString("Message"), QString("CodePage"), "CP1251"); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = codec->begin(); it != codec->end(); ++it ) if ( *it == text ) { sel=i; break; } else i++; optCodePage = new ZOptionItem(othe, ZOptionItem::EDIT_ONE_OF_LIST); optCodePage->setTitle( LNG_DEFCP ); optCodePage->setList( codec ); optCodePage->setNum( sel ); othe->insertItem(optCodePage); optXTrazRequest = new ZOptionItem(othe, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_YESNO); optXTrazRequest->setTitle( LNG_XSTATUSAUTOREQUEST ); optXTrazRequest->setNum( !cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("Message"), QString("noAutoXTrazRequest"), true) ); othe->insertItem(optXTrazRequest); optAutoMsgRequest = new ZOptionItem(othe, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_YESNO); optAutoMsgRequest->setTitle( LNG_STATUSAUTOREQUEST ); optAutoMsgRequest->setNum( !cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("Message"), QString("noAutoMsgRequest"), true) ); othe->insertItem(optAutoMsgRequest); optSaveStusWithExit = new ZOptionItem(othe, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_ONOFF); optSaveStusWithExit->setTitle( LNG_SAVE_STATUS_WITH_EXIT ); optSaveStusWithExit->setNum( cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("Status"), QString("saveStausCanDisconect"), true) ); othe->insertItem(optSaveStusWithExit); optEye = new ZOptionItem(othe, ZOptionItem::EDIT_BOOL_ONOFF); optEye->setTitle( LNG_EYE ); optEye->setNum(cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("Othe"), QString("enabledEye"), true)); othe->insertItem(optEye); //##################################################################################### net->setFocus(); // set focus to widget in first tab ZSoftKey *softKey = new ZSoftKey ( NULL, this, this ); softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, LNG_OK, ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 ); softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, LNG_CANCEL, ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 ); softKey->setClickedSlot ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, this, SLOT ( reject() ) ); softKey->setClickedSlot ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, this, SLOT ( saveSetting() ) ); setCSTWidget ( softKey ); }
bool xInstaller::run( QString sPakgPath ) { QCopChannel::send( "zPkgInstaller", "proc_show()" ); qApp->processEvents(); qApp->processEvents(); //unpack pack { createTmpDir(sTemp); system( QString(PATH_7Z).arg( sPakgPath ).arg( sTemp ).utf8() ); QString tarName = sPakgPath.right( sPakgPath.length() - sPakgPath.findRev('/') ); tarName = tarName.left( tarName.findRev('.') ); toLog( "Check tar: " + sTemp+tarName ); if ( QFile::exists( sTemp+tarName ) ) { system( QString(PATH_7Z).arg( sTemp+tarName ).arg( sTemp ).utf8() ); system( QString("rm %1").arg( sTemp+tarName ).utf8() ); } tarName = tarName +".tar"; toLog( "Check tar: " + sTemp+tarName ); if ( QFile::exists( sTemp+tarName ) ) { system( QString(PATH_7Z).arg( sTemp+tarName ).arg( sTemp ).utf8() ); system( QString("rm %1").arg( sTemp+tarName ).utf8() ); } } QCopChannel::send( "zPkgInstaller", "proc_hide()" ); //detect pak type PAK_TYPE type = PAK_UNKNOWN; QString sFolder; if ( QFile::exists( sTemp + "/description.ini" ) ) type = PAK_PEP; else { QDir dir ( sTemp, "*" ); dir.setFilter ( QDir::Dirs | QDir::Hidden ); QStringList entries = dir.entryList(); entries.sort(); QStringList::ConstIterator it = entries.begin(); while ( it != entries.end() ) { if ( *it != "." && *it != ".." ) { sFolder = *it; toLog( QString( "Maybe pak folder:" ) + sFolder ); if ( QFile::exists( sTemp + "/"+sFolder+"/"+sFolder+".cfg" ) ) type = PAK_MGX; } it++; } } if ( type == PAK_UNKNOWN || bCancel ) { toLog("Error: not detected pak type!"); uiDlg->corruptFileDlg(); cancelInstall(); return 0; } toLog("Create discription app"); AppEntry installedApp; installedApp.uid = AM_Global::createUuid(); installedApp.appId = QString(installedApp.uid).right(37).left(36); installedApp.isLockEnabled = false; installedApp.isShared = false; installedApp.isErasable = true; installedApp.parentFolderUid = "abc9ddaa-6643-429b-9844-8dc429829417"; installedApp.position = -1; installedApp.m_type = AM_AppLnk::NativeApp; #define toUTF8(a) QString::fromUtf8((a).utf8()) switch ( type ) { case PAK_PEP: { ZConfig cfg( sTemp + "/description.ini" ); if ( cfg.readBoolEntry ( "Actions", "InstallApp", false ) ) { installedApp.directory = fixDirectoryName( toUTF8(cfg.readEntry("InstallApp", "InstallPath", "")) ); installedApp.bigIcon = fixIconName( toUTF8(cfg.readEntry("InstallApp", "BigIcon", "")), sTemp+"/app"); installedApp.smallIcon = fixIconToSmall(fixIconName( toUTF8(cfg.readEntry("InstallApp", "Icon", "")), sTemp+"/app"), sTemp+"/app"); installedApp.aniIcon = fixIconName( toUTF8(cfg.readEntry("InstallApp", "AniIcon", "" )), sTemp+"/app"); installedApp.simpleIcon = toUTF8(installedApp.smallIcon); installedApp.name = toUTF8(cfg.readEntry("InstallApp", "Name", "")); installedApp.vendor = toUTF8(cfg.readEntry("InstallApp", "Author", "")); installedApp.nameResourceId = ""; installedApp.version = toUTF8(cfg.readEntry ("InstallApp", "Version", "")); installedApp.exec = toUTF8(cfg.readEntry("InstallApp", "Exec", "")); installedApp.device = (installedApp.directory.find("/mmc/")==-1)?AM_Global::Flash2:AM_Global::Card1; } else if ( cfg.readBoolEntry ( "Actions", "UpdatePak", false ) ) { installedApp.directory = fixDirectoryName( toUTF8(cfg.readEntry("UpdatePak", "InstallPath", "")) ); installedApp.name = toUTF8(cfg.readEntry("UpdatePak", "Name", "")); installedApp.vendor = toUTF8(cfg.readEntry("UpdatePak", "Author", "")); installedApp.version = cfg.readEntry ( "UpdatePak", "Version", "" ); installedApp.device = (installedApp.directory.find("/mmc/")==-1)?AM_Global::Flash2:AM_Global::Card1; type = PAK_PEP_UPDATE; } break; } case PAK_MGX: { QString cfg = sTemp + "/"+sFolder+"/"+sFolder+".cfg"; installedApp.directory = ""; installedApp.name = toUTF8(getMgxReadConfig(cfg, "Name", "")); installedApp.vendor = toUTF8(getMgxReadConfig(cfg, "Author", "")); installedApp.nameResourceId = ""; installedApp.version = toUTF8(getMgxReadConfig(cfg, "Version", "")); installedApp.exec = toUTF8(getMgxReadConfig(cfg, "Exec", "")); installedApp.bigIcon = fixIconName( toUTF8(getMgxReadConfig(cfg, "Icon", "")), sTemp + "/"+sFolder); installedApp.aniIcon = installedApp.bigIcon; installedApp.smallIcon = fixIconToSmall(installedApp.bigIcon, sTemp + "/"+sFolder); installedApp.simpleIcon = installedApp.smallIcon; break; } default: break; } installedApp.appSize = STUFF_Global::getSize(sTemp); toLog("Check installed"); bool bUpdateApp=false; QString sOldVersion=""; if ( type == PAK_MGX || type == PAK_PEP ) { ZConfig PhoneRegistry ( "/ezxlocal/download/appwrite/am/InstalledDB" ); QStringList grouplist; PhoneRegistry.getGroupsKeyList( grouplist ); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = grouplist.begin(); it != grouplist.end(); ++it ) { if ( PhoneRegistry.readEntry( *it, "Name", "" ) == installedApp.name ) { sOldVersion = PhoneRegistry.readEntry( *it, "Version", "" ); installedApp.uid = QUuid(PhoneRegistry.readEntry( *it, "AppID", "" )); installedApp.appId = *it; installedApp.directory = PhoneRegistry.readEntry( *it, "Directory", "" ); installedApp.device = AM_Global::Flash2; bUpdateApp=true; break; } } if ( !bUpdateApp && uiDlg->isCardMounted() ) { ZConfig CardRegistry ( "/mmc/mmca1/.system/java/CardRegistry" ); CardRegistry.getGroupsKeyList( grouplist ); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = grouplist.begin(); it != grouplist.end(); ++it ) { if ( CardRegistry.readEntry( *it, "Name", "" ) == installedApp.name ) { sOldVersion = CardRegistry.readEntry( *it, "Version", "" ); installedApp.uid = QUuid(CardRegistry.readEntry( *it, "AppID", "" )); installedApp.appId = *it; installedApp.directory = CardRegistry.readEntry( *it, "Directory", "" ); installedApp.device = AM_Global::Card1; bUpdateApp=true; break; } } } } else sOldVersion="-"; toLog("Show discription app"); if ( bUpdateApp || type == PAK_PEP_UPDATE ) bCancel = uiDlg->updateDlg(installedApp.name, sOldVersion, installedApp.version ); else bCancel = uiDlg->appDetailsCardDlg("", installedApp.name, installedApp.vendor, installedApp.version, QString::number(installedApp.appSize) ); if ( bCancel ) { cancelInstall(); return 0; } if ( type == PAK_MGX && !bUpdateApp ) { toLog("Get location app"); uiDlg->installLocationDlg( installedApp.name, 0, installedApp.device ); toLog("Device id: "+QString::number( installedApp.device ) ); toLog("Set directory for MGX"); installedApp.directory = getPathByDevice(installedApp.device)+"/"+sFolder; } toLog("Check free space"); if ( getFileSystemFreeSize(installedApp.device) < installedApp.appSize && !bUpdateApp ) { uiDlg->memFullDlg(installedApp.device, installedApp.appSize); cancelInstall(); return 0; } toLog("Show process dlg"); uiDlg->initProgressBar( "", installedApp.name, "Install" ); uiDlg->disableProgressCancel(); if ( installedApp.directory.isEmpty() || bCancel ) { uiDlg->invalidPkgDlg(); cancelInstall(); return 0; } uiDlg->setProgressBar( 5 ); qApp->processEvents(); toLog("Move folder"); switch ( type ) { case PAK_PEP: case PAK_PEP_UPDATE: { ZConfig cfg( sTemp + "/description.ini" ); //if no need add app to menu => this pakege = update pakege if ( !cfg.readBoolEntry( "Actions", "AddAppToMenu", true ) ) type = PAK_PEP_UPDATE; if ( cfg.readBoolEntry( "Actions", "PreInstall", false ) ) system( (sTemp+"/scripts/"+cfg.readEntry( "PreInstall", "Name", "" )).utf8() ); QDir dir; if ( dir.exists ( installedApp.directory ) ) { system( QString ( "cp -rf %1/app/* %2" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); system( QString ( "cp -rf %1/app/.[!.]* %2" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); } else { system( QString( "mkdir -p %1" ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); system( QString ( "mv -f %1/app/* %2" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); system( QString ( "mv -f %1/app/.[!.]* %2" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); } //system( QString ( "mv -f %1/app/* %2" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); //system( QString ( "mv -f %1/app/.[!.]* %2" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); //system( QString ( "cd %1; mkdir -p `find -type d | sed -e 's|\\./|%2/|'`; busybox_full find . -type f -exec mv -f '{}' '%3/{}' \\;" ).arg( sTemp+"/app" ).arg( installedApp.directory ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); //toLog( QString ( "cd %1; mkdir -p `find -type d | sed -e 's|\\./|%2/|'`; busybox_full find . -type f -exec mv -f '{}' '%3/{}' \\;" ).arg( sTemp+"/app" ).arg( installedApp.directory ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); if ( type != PAK_PEP_UPDATE ) { if ( !installedApp.bigIcon.isEmpty() ) system( QString ( "mv -f %1/%2 %3/%4" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( installedApp.bigIcon ).arg( installedApp.directory ).arg( installedApp.bigIcon ).utf8() ); if ( !installedApp.smallIcon.isEmpty() ) system( QString ( "mv -f %1/%2 %3/%4" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( installedApp.smallIcon ).arg( installedApp.directory ).arg( installedApp.smallIcon ).utf8() ); if ( !installedApp.aniIcon.isEmpty() ) system( QString ( "mv -f %1/%2 %3/%4" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( installedApp.aniIcon ).arg( installedApp.directory ).arg( installedApp.aniIcon ).utf8() ); } if ( cfg.readBoolEntry( "Actions", "AssignExt", false ) ) extAssign( &installedApp, QStringList::split(";", cfg.readEntry("AssignExt", "Ext", "")) ); break; } case PAK_MGX: { QDir dir; if ( dir.exists ( installedApp.directory ) ) { system( QString ( "cp -rf %1/%2/* %3/" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( sFolder ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); system( QString ( "cp -rf %1/%2/.[!.]* %3/" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( sFolder ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); } else { system( QString( "mkdir -p %1" ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); system( QString ( "mv -f %1/%2/* %3/" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( sFolder ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); system( QString ( "mv -f %1/%2/.[!.]* %3/" ).arg( sTemp ).arg( sFolder ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); } //system( QString ( "cd %1; mkdir -p `find -type d | sed -e 's|\\./|%2/|'`; busybox_full find . -type f -exec mv -f '{}' '%3/{}' \\;" ).arg( sFolder ).arg( installedApp.directory ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); //toLog( QString ( "cd %1; mkdir -p `find -type d | sed -e 's|\\./|%2/|'`; busybox_full find . -type f -exec mv -f '{}' '%3/{}' \\;" ).arg( sFolder ).arg( installedApp.directory ).arg( installedApp.directory ).utf8() ); break; } default: break; } uiDlg->setProgressBar( 50 ); qApp->processEvents(); toLog(QString("Set chmod: ")+installedApp.directory+"/"+installedApp.exec ); system ( QString( "chmod a+x %1/%2" ).arg( installedApp.directory ).arg( installedApp.exec ).utf8() ); //Fix bad chinese script if ( installedApp.exec.endsWith(".sh") || installedApp.exec.endsWith(".lin") ) { FILE * f = fopen( installedApp.directory+"/"+installedApp.exec, "rt" ); if ( f ) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); int iFileSize = ftell(f); char * text = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*iFileSize); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(text, sizeof(char), iFileSize, f); fclose(f); int startId=0; while ( startId<iFileSize && *(text+startId) != '#' ) { if ( *(text+startId) == 0x0A ) { startId=-1; break; } startId++; } if ( startId > 0 ) { f = fopen( installedApp.directory+"/"+installedApp.exec, "wt" ); fwrite(text+3, sizeof(char), iFileSize-3, f); // 3 ??? maybe need change 3 to startId ??? fclose(f); } free(text); } } uiDlg->setProgressBar( 55 ); qApp->processEvents(); if ( type != PAK_PEP_UPDATE ) { toLog("Write info about program to registry"); writeToRegistry( &installedApp ); } toLog("Run post install script"); switch ( type ) { case PAK_PEP: case PAK_PEP_UPDATE: { ZConfig cfg( sTemp + "/description.ini" ); if ( cfg.readBoolEntry( "Actions", "PostInstall", false ) ) system( sTemp+"/scripts/"+cfg.readEntry( "PostInstall", "Name", "" )+"&" ); break; } default: break; } uiDlg->setProgressBar( 90 ); qApp->processEvents(); clearTmpDir(sTemp, false); uiDlg->setProgressBar( 100 ); qApp->processEvents(); toLog("Close process dlg"); uiDlg->close(); toLog("Show dlg installed sucessful"); uiDlg->appInstalledNoLaunchDlg( installedApp.name ); return 1; }
void ZSound::parse(const ZConfig &el){ if(el.hasAttribute("src")){ _mediaObject->setCurrentSource(MediaSource(el.attribute("src"))); } }
void xInstaller::writeToRegistry( AppEntry * app ) { QString cfgFile; switch ( app->device ) { case AM_Global::Flash2: cfgFile = "/ezxlocal/download/appwrite/am/InstalledDB"; break; case AM_Global::Card1: cfgFile = "/mmc/mmca1/.system/java/CardRegistry"; break; default: break; } ZConfig registry( cfgFile ); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Name", app->name); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "ObjectType", 2); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "AniIcon", app->directory+"/"+app->aniIcon); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "AppID", app->uid); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "AppType", app->m_type); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Args", ""); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Attribute", 1); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Directory", app->directory); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "BigIcon", app->directory+"/"+app->bigIcon); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "SimpleIcon", app->directory+"/"+app->simpleIcon); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "SVGIcon", app->directory+"/"+app->simpleIcon); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Icon", app->directory+"/"+app->simpleIcon); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Daemon", 1); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "ExecId", app->exec); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "GroupID", "root"); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "UserID", "root"); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "LockEnabled", 0); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Erasable", app->isErasable); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Shared", app->isShared); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Vendor", app->vendor); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Version", app->version); registry.writeEntry(app->appId, "Size", app->appSize); QDate d = QDateTime::currentDateTime().date(); QString sDate; sDate.sprintf("%.4d/%.2d/%.2d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day()); registry.writeEntry ( app->appId, "InstalledDate", sDate ); if ( app->device == AM_Global::Card1 ) { QString imei = getIMEI(); registry.writeEntry ( app->appId, "IMEI", imei ); ZConfig regconf("/mmc/mmca1/.system/java/MemoryCardConfig"); regconf.writeEntry ( app->appId, "IMEI", imei ); regconf.writeEntry ( app->appId, "Folder", app->parentFolderUid); regconf.flush(); } registry.flush(); ZConfig userMenuTree ( "/ezxlocal/download/appwrite/am/UserMenuTree" ); QString list = userMenuTree.readEntry(app->parentFolderUid, "Items", ""); if ( !list.endsWith(";") ) list=list+";"; if ( list.find(app->appId+";")==-1 ) { //write change userMenuTree.writeEntry(app->parentFolderUid, "Items", list+app->appId+";"); userMenuTree.flush(); //update menu QByteArray data; QDataStream stream(data, IO_WriteOnly); stream << getpid() << app->appId << app->parentFolderUid << app->position << false; QCopChannel::send("AM/AppRegistry/Channel", "appApplicatonObject()", data); } }
void ZGui::ejecutar() { QStringList a=""; int lug=0; int mod=0; mod=modo->currentItem(); if(mod==1)//MODO AV { ZConfig conf ( getProgramDir() + "av_db.cfg", true ); QStringList list = conf.readListEntry ( QString("DATABASE"), QString("ASK"), QChar(';') ); lug=lugar->currentItem(); if(lug==0) { for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++) { a=limpiar(SD,list[i]); borrarcuidado(a); a=""; } } else if(lug==1) { for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++) { a=limpiar(phone,list[i]); borrarcuidado(a); a=""; } } else if(lug==2) { for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++) { a=limpiar(SD,list[i]); borrarcuidado(a); a=""; a=limpiar(phone,list[i]); borrarcuidado(a); a=""; } } } else if(mod==0) { ZConfig conf ( getProgramDir() + "av_db.cfg", true ); QStringList list = conf.readListEntry ( QString("DATABASE"), QString("DELETE"), QChar(';') ); //for(int j=0;j<list.count();j++) sal << list[j] << endl; lug=lugar->currentItem(); if(lug==0) { for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++) { a=limpiar(SD,list[i]); borrar(a); a=""; } } else if(lug==1) { for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++) { a=limpiar(phone,list[i]); borrar(a); a=""; } } else if(lug==2) { for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++) { a=limpiar(SD,list[i]); borrar(a); a=""; a=limpiar(phone,list[i]); borrar(a); a=""; } } }//Fin modo clean if(infos==NULL) { infos = new ZNoticeDlg(ZNoticeDlg::Information, 3000, QString("Your Z6 is clean now"), QString("!!"), this, "z", true, 0); infos->show(); } infos=NULL;