Beispiel #1
 * This method updates the cache and must be called with a lock
const UChar*
TZGNCore::getGenericLocationName(const UnicodeString& tzCanonicalID) {
    if (tzCanonicalID.length() > ZID_KEY_MAX) {
        return NULL;

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar tzIDKey[ZID_KEY_MAX + 1];
    int32_t tzIDKeyLen = tzCanonicalID.extract(tzIDKey, ZID_KEY_MAX + 1, status);
    U_ASSERT(status == U_ZERO_ERROR);   // already checked length above
    tzIDKey[tzIDKeyLen] = 0;

    const UChar *locname = (const UChar *)uhash_get(fLocationNamesMap, tzIDKey);

    if (locname != NULL) {
        // gEmpty indicate the name is not available
        if (locname == gEmpty) {
            return NULL;
        return locname;

    // Construct location name
    UnicodeString name;
    UnicodeString usCountryCode;
    UBool isPrimary = FALSE;

    ZoneMeta::getCanonicalCountry(tzCanonicalID, usCountryCode, &isPrimary);

    if (!usCountryCode.isEmpty()) {
        if (isPrimary) {
            // If this is the primary zone in the country, use the country name.
            char countryCode[ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY];
            U_ASSERT(usCountryCode.length() < ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY);
            int32_t ccLen = usCountryCode.extract(0, usCountryCode.length(), countryCode, sizeof(countryCode), US_INV);
            countryCode[ccLen] = 0;

            UnicodeString country;
            fLocaleDisplayNames->regionDisplayName(countryCode, country);
            fRegionFormat.format(country, name, status);
        } else {
            // If this is not the primary zone in the country,
            // use the exemplar city name.

            // getExemplarLocationName should retur non-empty string
            // if the time zone is associated with a region

            UnicodeString city;
            fTimeZoneNames->getExemplarLocationName(tzCanonicalID, city);
            fRegionFormat.format(city, name, status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            return NULL;

    locname = name.isEmpty() ? NULL : fStringPool.get(name, status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        // Cache the result
        const UChar* cacheID = ZoneMeta::findTimeZoneID(tzCanonicalID);
        U_ASSERT(cacheID != NULL);
        if (locname == NULL) {
            // gEmpty to indicate - no location name available
            uhash_put(fLocationNamesMap, (void *)cacheID, (void *)gEmpty, &status);
        } else {
            uhash_put(fLocationNamesMap, (void *)cacheID, (void *)locname, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                locname = NULL;
            } else {
                // put the name info into the trie
                GNameInfo *nameinfo = (ZNameInfo *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(GNameInfo));
                if (nameinfo != NULL) {
                    nameinfo->type = UTZGNM_LOCATION;
                    nameinfo->tzID = cacheID;
                    fGNamesTrie.put(locname, nameinfo, status);

    return locname;
Beispiel #2
 * This method updates the cache and must be called with a lock
const UChar*
TZGNCore::getPartialLocationName(const UnicodeString& tzCanonicalID,
                        const UnicodeString& mzID, UBool isLong, const UnicodeString& mzDisplayName) {

    PartialLocationKey key;
    key.tzID = ZoneMeta::findTimeZoneID(tzCanonicalID);
    key.mzID = ZoneMeta::findMetaZoneID(mzID);
    key.isLong = isLong;
    U_ASSERT(key.tzID != NULL && key.mzID != NULL);

    const UChar* uplname = (const UChar*)uhash_get(fPartialLocationNamesMap, (void *)&key);
    if (uplname != NULL) {
        return uplname;

    UnicodeString location;
    UnicodeString usCountryCode;
    ZoneMeta::getCanonicalCountry(tzCanonicalID, usCountryCode);
    if (!usCountryCode.isEmpty()) {
        char countryCode[ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY];
        U_ASSERT(usCountryCode.length() < ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY);
        int32_t ccLen = usCountryCode.extract(0, usCountryCode.length(), countryCode, sizeof(countryCode), US_INV);
        countryCode[ccLen] = 0;

        UnicodeString regionalGolden;
        fTimeZoneNames->getReferenceZoneID(mzID, countryCode, regionalGolden);
        if (tzCanonicalID == regionalGolden) {
            // Use country name
            fLocaleDisplayNames->regionDisplayName(countryCode, location);
        } else {
            // Otherwise, use exemplar city name
            fTimeZoneNames->getExemplarLocationName(tzCanonicalID, location);
    } else {
        fTimeZoneNames->getExemplarLocationName(tzCanonicalID, location);
        if (location.isEmpty()) {
            // This could happen when the time zone is not associated with a country,
            // and its ID is not hierarchical, for example, CST6CDT.
            // We use the canonical ID itself as the location for this case.

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UnicodeString name;
    fFallbackFormat.format(location, mzDisplayName, name, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return NULL;

    uplname = fStringPool.get(name, status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        // Add the name to cache
        PartialLocationKey* cacheKey = (PartialLocationKey *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(PartialLocationKey));
        if (cacheKey != NULL) {
            cacheKey->tzID = key.tzID;
            cacheKey->mzID = key.mzID;
            cacheKey->isLong = key.isLong;
            uhash_put(fPartialLocationNamesMap, (void *)cacheKey, (void *)uplname, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            } else {
                // put the name to the local trie as well
                GNameInfo *nameinfo = (ZNameInfo *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(GNameInfo));
                if (nameinfo != NULL) {
                    nameinfo->type = isLong ? UTZGNM_LONG : UTZGNM_SHORT;
                    nameinfo->tzID = key.tzID;
                    fGNamesTrie.put(uplname, nameinfo, status);
    return uplname;
//  We defer actually building the TextTrieMap node structure until the first time a
//     search is performed.  put() simply saves the parameters in case we do
//     eventually need to build it.
TextTrieMap::put(const UnicodeString &key, void *value, ZNStringPool &sp, UErrorCode &status) {
    const UChar *s = sp.get(key, status);
    put(s, value, status);